" In The
Cultural Experience: Ethnography in a Complex Society, edited by J.
Cultural Experience: Ethnography in a Complex Society, edited by J.
Childens - Folklore
Miller, S.
1973 "Ends, Means, and Calumphing: Some Leitmotifs of Play. " American An-
thropologist 75:87-98.
Milne, A. A.
1926 Winnie-the-Pooh. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1961.
Mintz, Thomas
1966 "The Psychology of a Nursery Rhyme: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. " Ameri-
can Imago 23:22-47.
Miracle, Andrew W. , Jr.
1980 "School Spirit as a Ritual By-Product: Views from Applied Anthropology. "
In Play and Culture, edited by H. B. Schwartzman, 98-103. West Point, N. Y. :
Miracle Playground Equipment Company
1975 Catalog. Grinnell, Iowa.
Mitchell, Carol A.
1969 "The White House. " Indiana Folklore 2:97-109.
Mitchell, Roger
1978 "'I'm A Man That Works': The Biography of Don Mitchell of Merrill,
Maine. " Northeast Folklore 19:9-129.
Miura, K.
1981 "Interaction of Young Children on a Ward for Physically Handicapped as
Demonstrated by the Present Game. " Journal of Clinical Psychology 37:577-
Montiero, G.
1964 "Parodies of Scripture, Prayer, and Hymn. " Journal of American Folklore
Moore, Danny W.
1974 "The Deductive Riddle: An Adaptation to Modern Society. " North Caro-
lina Folklore Journal 22:119-25.
Moore, Robin C.
1974 "Anarchy Zone: Encounters in a Schoolyard. " Landscape Architecture
1986 Childhood's Domain: Play and Place in Child Development. Dover, N. H. :
Croom Helm.
Moore, Sally F. , and Barbara G. Myerhoff
1977 "Introduction-Secular Ritual: Forms and Meanings. " In Secular Ritual, ed-
ited by S. F. Moore and B. G. Myerhoff, 3-24. Amsterdam: Van Gocum.
Morasco, Robert
1970 Child's Play. New York: Random House.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? Morley, Patricia
1977 "The Good Life, Prairie Style: The Art and Artistry of William Kurelek. "
Children's Literature 6:141-49.
Moss, Joy
1982 "Reading and Discussing Fairy Tales: Old and New. " Reading Teacher
Mother Earth News
1982 An Up'N'Down Merry-Go-Round. No. 75: 126-27.
Much, N. C. , and R. A. Shweder
1987 "Speaking of Rules: The Analysis of Culture in Breach. " In Moral Devel-
opment, edited by W. Damon, 19-39. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Mullen, Patrick
1979-81 "Black Consciousness in Afro-American Children's Rhymes: Some Ohio
Examples from the Early 1970s. " Ohio Folklife 6:1-20.
Mullen, Patrick, and Linna Funk Place
1978 Collecting Folklore and Folklife In Ohio. Washington, D. C. : Office of Edu-
cation, Ethnic Heritage Studies Branch.
Musick, Ruth Ann, and Vance Randolph
1950 "Children's Rhymes from Missouri. " Journal of American Folklore 63:425-
Myerhoff, Barbara
1978 Number Our Days. New York: Touchstone/Simon and Schuster.
Nadel, Ira Bruce
1982 "'The Mansion of Bliss' or the Place of Play in Victorian Life and Litera-
ture. " Children's Literature 10:18-36.
Narragansett Machine Company
1914 Catalog H-4 Playground Gymnastic Apparatus. Providence, R. I.
Nasaw, David
1985 Children of the City: At Work and Play. New York: Oxford University Press.
Nash, Jay B.
1934 "Playgrounds. " In Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 12:161-63. New
York: Macmillan.
Newell, William Wells
* 1883 Games and Songs of American Children. Expanded 1903. Revised ed. Re-
print. New York: Dover, 1963. [The starting point for modern work on
children's folklore. Excellent collection. Carl A. Withers's introduction to the
reprint is a significant contribution in its own right. ]
Nicholson, Edward W. B. (ed. )
* 1897 Golspie: Contributions to Its Folklore. Reprint. Norwood, Pa. : Norwood
Editions, 1975. [A collection by children with extensive annotations and com-
ments. ]
Nicholson, Simon
1971 "How Not to Cheat Children: The Theory of Loose Parts. " Landscape Ar-
chitecture, October, 30-34.
Nielsen, Erik Kaas
1976 "Born Driller [Children are Teasing]. " Folk og Kultur:22-55.
Northall, G. F.
1892 English Folk-Rhymes. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner.
Norton, Edward
1937 Play Streets. New York: A. S. Barnes.
Olmert, Michael
1983 "Points of Origin. " Smithsonian 14, no. 9 (Dec. ) 40, 42.
Opie, lona, and Peter Opie [The preeminent collectors of British children's folklore.
Essential reference for any future work. ]
1947 I Saw Esau: Traditional Rhymes of Youth. London: Williams and Norgate.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? 1952 The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. Oxford: Clarendon.
* 1959 The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford: Clarendon. [Probably
the single most important modern work. ]
* 1969 Children's Games In Street and Playground: Chasing, Catching, Seeking,
Hunting, Racing, Duelling, Exerting, Daring, Guessing, Acting, Pretending.
Oxford: Clarendon. [Collection from the 1960s of twenty-five hundred games.
Historical notes. Many variants. The subtitle indicates the range of this im-
portant work. ]
1973 The Oxford Book of Children's Verse. Oxford: Clarendon.
1985 The Singing Game. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ord, Priscilla A. (ed. )
1981 "Special Section: Folklore. " Reprint. The First Steps: Best of the Early ChLA
Quarterly 93-109. Purdue University: ChLA Publications, 1984.
Oring, E. (ed. )
1986 Folk Groups and Folklore Genres. Logan: Utah State University Press.
Ostergren, Ewa
1983 "66 Sitt att Rya en Giraff. " ("Sixty-six Ways of Drawing a Giraffe. "
Torbaggen (Newsletter of the Swedish Folklore Society. ) 1:6-7.
Oxrieder, Julia W.
1976 "Taunting the Teacher: Rhymes and Songs Collected In the Historic Tri-
angle. " Kentucky Folklore Record 22:95-99. [Collection of a very common
and seldom-studied genre. ]
1977 "The Slumber Party: Transition into Adolescence. " Tennessee Folklore So-
ciety Bulletin 43:128-34.
Page, Linda Garland, and Hilton Smith (eds. )
1993 The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Toys and Games. Reprint. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1985.
Paley, Vivian Gussin
1984 Boys and Girls: Superheros in the Doll Corner. Chicago: University of Chi-
cago Press.
1990 The Boy Who Would Be a Helicopter. Cambridge: Harvard University
Parker, Drucilla Pegeeo
1975 "A Dictionary of Adolescent Folk Speech in Oakland [California]. " M. A.
thesis, University of California, Berkeley.
Parr, Joy (ed. )
1982 Childhood and Family in Canadian History. Toronto: McClelland and
Parrott, S.
1976 "Games Children Play: Ethnography of a Second-Grade Recess.
" In The
Cultural Experience: Ethnography in a Complex Society, edited by J. P. Spradley
and D. W. McCurdy, 207-20. Chicago: Science Research Associates. [A very
nice undergraduate term paper. ]
Pearce, Ann Philippa
1959 Tom's Midnight Garden. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.
Pearson, Karl
1897 Chances of Death. London: Edward Arnold.
Peck, Thomas
1970 "Dirty Jokes at The Academy and Angela Morrison. " Keystone Folklore
Quarterly 15:93-105.
Pellegrini, Anthony D.
1987 "Children on the Playground: A Review of 'What's out There. '" Children's
Environments Quarterly 4 (July):1-7.
Pepicello, W. J. , and Thomas A. Green
1984 The Language of Riddles: New Perspectives. Columbus: Ohio State Uni-
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? versity Press.
Peretti, Peter O. , Richard Carter, and Betty McClinton
1977 "Graffiti and Adolescent Personality. " Adolescence 12:31-42.
Petersen, Dennis R.
1972 "Summer Activities of Rural Adolescent Boys in the Contemporary Soci-
ety of Otsego County, New York. " M. A. thesis, Cooperstown Graduate
Program of the State University of New York.
Petsch, Robert
1899 Neue Beitrage ziir Kenntnis des Volkratsels (Palaestra 4). Berlin: Mayer and
Philip, Andrew
1966 "The Street Songs of Glasgow. " Tradition (London)1:11-17.
Piaget, Jean [Piaget's work in child psychology has greatly affected nearly everyone
in the field. The following are representative works of particular interest to
folklorists. ]
1932 The Moral Judgment of the Child. Reprint. New York: Free Press,
1951 Play, Dreams, and Imitation in Childhood. New York: W. W. Norton.
1959 The Language and Thought of the Child. New York: Humanities.
1964 The Construction of Reality in the Child. New York: Basic Books.
1965 The Child's Conception of the World. Totowa, N. J. : Littlefield Adams.
1973 The Child and Reality: Problems of Genetic Psychology. New York:
Piaget, Jean, and Barbel Inhelder
1969 The Psychology of the Child. New York: Basic Books.
Pickard, P. M.
1961 I Could a Tale Unfold: Violence, Horror, and Sensationalism in Stories for
Children. New York: Humanities.
Pilant, Elizabeth
1953 "Family Folklore. " Elementary English 30:148-49.
Pitcher, Evelyn G. , and Ernst Prelinger
1963 Children Tell Stories: An Analysis of Fantasy. New York: International Uni-
versities Press.
Platt, Anthony M.
1969 The Child Savers: The Invention of Delinquency. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Platzner, R. L.
1979 "Child's Play: Games and Fantasy in Carroll, Stevenson, and Grahame. "
In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference of the Children's Literature
Association, 78-86.
Play And Recreation
1917 Bulletin of the Indiana Extension Division, 2. Bloomington: Indiana Uni-
Playground, The
1907-1907-1915, New York; published 1916-23, Cooperstown, N. Y. ; published
1923-24, Greenwich, Conn. ; 1924-29, New York; published as Playground
and Recreation 1918-30, New York; published as Recreation 1931-65, New
York; published as Parks and Recreation 1966, Arlington, Va.
Playground and Recreation Association of America
1938 Play Areas: Their Design and Equipment. New York: A. S. Barnes.
Playground Equipment Company
1933 Junglegym the Climbing Structure. n. p.
1957 March advertisement for "Merrie-Go": 180.
Polgar, S. K.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? 1976 "The Social Context of Games, or When Is Play Not Play. " Sociology of
Education 49:265-71.
Pollock, Linda A.
1983 Forgotten Children: Parent-Child Relationships from 1500 to 1900. Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press.
Polsky, Howard W.
1962 Cottage Six: The Social System of Delinquent Boys in Residential Treatment.
New York: Wiley.
Polsky, Howard W. , and Daniel S. Claster
1968 The Dynamics of Residential Treatment: A Social System Analysis. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Popular Mechanics
1913 "Revolving Seesaw for Playgrounds. " 20:116.
1953 "Seesaw Doubles as Merry-Go-Round. " 99:173.
Porter, Kenneth W.
1958 "Circular Jingles and Repetitious Rhymes. " Western Folklore 17:107-11.
1965 "Racism in Children's Rhymes and Sayings, Central Kansas, 1910-1918. "
Western Folklore 24:19-96.
Posen, I. Sheldon
1974a "Pranks and Practical Jokes at Children's Summer Camps. " Southern Folk-
lore Quarterly 38:299-309.
1974b "Song and Singing Traditions at Children's Summer Camps. " M. A. thesis,
Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Postman, Neil
1982 The Disappearance of Childhood. New York: Delacorte.
Potter, Charles Francis
1949 "Riddles. " In The Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Leg-
end, edited by M. Leach, 938-44. New York: Funk and Wagnalls.
Preece, A.
1987 "The Range of Narrative Forms Conversationally Produced by Young Chil-
dren. " Journal of Child Language 14:353-73.
Prentice, Norman M. , and Robert E. Fathman
1975 "Joking Riddles: A Developmental Index of Children's Humor. " Develop-
mental Psychology 11:210-16.
Preston, Michael J.
1982 "The English Literal Rebus and the Graphic Riddle Tradition. " Western
Folklore 41:104-38.
Prince, Peter
1972 Play Things. London: Arrow.
Pritchard, Violet
1967 English Medieval Graffiti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Propp, Vladimir
1958 Morphology of the Folktale. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Quinney, Valerie
1982 "Childhood in a Southern Mill Village. " International Journal of Oral His-
tory 3:167-92.
Rabelais, Francois
1534 Gargantua and Pantagruel. London: Penguin, 1955.
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.
1922 The Andaman Islanders. Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press, 1948.
Radner, Joan N. , and Susan S. Lanser
1993 "Strategies of Coding in Women's Cultures. " In Feminist Messages, edited
by Joan N. Radner, 1-30. Urbana: University of Illinois.
Raglan, Lord
1936 The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth, and Drama. London: Watts and
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? Company.
Rainwater, Clarence
1922 The Play Movement in the United States: A Study of Community Recre-
ation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Ramsey, Eloise
1952 Folklore for Children and Young People: A Critical and Descriptive Bibli-
ography for Use in the Elementary and Intermediate School. Reprint. New
York: Kraus Reprint Co. , 1970. [While basically for, rather than by children,
there are many useful items, well annotated, in this book. ]
Randolph, Vance
1953 "Counting-Out Rhymes in Arkansas. " Southern Folklore Quarterly 17:244-
48. [A short collection with brief comments by informants. ]
Randolph, Vance, and Nancy Clemens
1936 "Ozark Mountain Party-Games. " Journal of American Folklore 49:199-206.
Randolph, Vance, and Mary K. McCord
1948 "Autograph Albums in the Ozarks. " Journal of American Folklore 61:182-93.
Randolph, Vance, and Isabel Spradley
1934 "Ozark Mountain Riddles.
Miller, S.
1973 "Ends, Means, and Calumphing: Some Leitmotifs of Play. " American An-
thropologist 75:87-98.
Milne, A. A.
1926 Winnie-the-Pooh. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1961.
Mintz, Thomas
1966 "The Psychology of a Nursery Rhyme: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. " Ameri-
can Imago 23:22-47.
Miracle, Andrew W. , Jr.
1980 "School Spirit as a Ritual By-Product: Views from Applied Anthropology. "
In Play and Culture, edited by H. B. Schwartzman, 98-103. West Point, N. Y. :
Miracle Playground Equipment Company
1975 Catalog. Grinnell, Iowa.
Mitchell, Carol A.
1969 "The White House. " Indiana Folklore 2:97-109.
Mitchell, Roger
1978 "'I'm A Man That Works': The Biography of Don Mitchell of Merrill,
Maine. " Northeast Folklore 19:9-129.
Miura, K.
1981 "Interaction of Young Children on a Ward for Physically Handicapped as
Demonstrated by the Present Game. " Journal of Clinical Psychology 37:577-
Montiero, G.
1964 "Parodies of Scripture, Prayer, and Hymn. " Journal of American Folklore
Moore, Danny W.
1974 "The Deductive Riddle: An Adaptation to Modern Society. " North Caro-
lina Folklore Journal 22:119-25.
Moore, Robin C.
1974 "Anarchy Zone: Encounters in a Schoolyard. " Landscape Architecture
1986 Childhood's Domain: Play and Place in Child Development. Dover, N. H. :
Croom Helm.
Moore, Sally F. , and Barbara G. Myerhoff
1977 "Introduction-Secular Ritual: Forms and Meanings. " In Secular Ritual, ed-
ited by S. F. Moore and B. G. Myerhoff, 3-24. Amsterdam: Van Gocum.
Morasco, Robert
1970 Child's Play. New York: Random House.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? Morley, Patricia
1977 "The Good Life, Prairie Style: The Art and Artistry of William Kurelek. "
Children's Literature 6:141-49.
Moss, Joy
1982 "Reading and Discussing Fairy Tales: Old and New. " Reading Teacher
Mother Earth News
1982 An Up'N'Down Merry-Go-Round. No. 75: 126-27.
Much, N. C. , and R. A. Shweder
1987 "Speaking of Rules: The Analysis of Culture in Breach. " In Moral Devel-
opment, edited by W. Damon, 19-39. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Mullen, Patrick
1979-81 "Black Consciousness in Afro-American Children's Rhymes: Some Ohio
Examples from the Early 1970s. " Ohio Folklife 6:1-20.
Mullen, Patrick, and Linna Funk Place
1978 Collecting Folklore and Folklife In Ohio. Washington, D. C. : Office of Edu-
cation, Ethnic Heritage Studies Branch.
Musick, Ruth Ann, and Vance Randolph
1950 "Children's Rhymes from Missouri. " Journal of American Folklore 63:425-
Myerhoff, Barbara
1978 Number Our Days. New York: Touchstone/Simon and Schuster.
Nadel, Ira Bruce
1982 "'The Mansion of Bliss' or the Place of Play in Victorian Life and Litera-
ture. " Children's Literature 10:18-36.
Narragansett Machine Company
1914 Catalog H-4 Playground Gymnastic Apparatus. Providence, R. I.
Nasaw, David
1985 Children of the City: At Work and Play. New York: Oxford University Press.
Nash, Jay B.
1934 "Playgrounds. " In Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 12:161-63. New
York: Macmillan.
Newell, William Wells
* 1883 Games and Songs of American Children. Expanded 1903. Revised ed. Re-
print. New York: Dover, 1963. [The starting point for modern work on
children's folklore. Excellent collection. Carl A. Withers's introduction to the
reprint is a significant contribution in its own right. ]
Nicholson, Edward W. B. (ed. )
* 1897 Golspie: Contributions to Its Folklore. Reprint. Norwood, Pa. : Norwood
Editions, 1975. [A collection by children with extensive annotations and com-
ments. ]
Nicholson, Simon
1971 "How Not to Cheat Children: The Theory of Loose Parts. " Landscape Ar-
chitecture, October, 30-34.
Nielsen, Erik Kaas
1976 "Born Driller [Children are Teasing]. " Folk og Kultur:22-55.
Northall, G. F.
1892 English Folk-Rhymes. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner.
Norton, Edward
1937 Play Streets. New York: A. S. Barnes.
Olmert, Michael
1983 "Points of Origin. " Smithsonian 14, no. 9 (Dec. ) 40, 42.
Opie, lona, and Peter Opie [The preeminent collectors of British children's folklore.
Essential reference for any future work. ]
1947 I Saw Esau: Traditional Rhymes of Youth. London: Williams and Norgate.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? 1952 The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. Oxford: Clarendon.
* 1959 The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford: Clarendon. [Probably
the single most important modern work. ]
* 1969 Children's Games In Street and Playground: Chasing, Catching, Seeking,
Hunting, Racing, Duelling, Exerting, Daring, Guessing, Acting, Pretending.
Oxford: Clarendon. [Collection from the 1960s of twenty-five hundred games.
Historical notes. Many variants. The subtitle indicates the range of this im-
portant work. ]
1973 The Oxford Book of Children's Verse. Oxford: Clarendon.
1985 The Singing Game. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ord, Priscilla A. (ed. )
1981 "Special Section: Folklore. " Reprint. The First Steps: Best of the Early ChLA
Quarterly 93-109. Purdue University: ChLA Publications, 1984.
Oring, E. (ed. )
1986 Folk Groups and Folklore Genres. Logan: Utah State University Press.
Ostergren, Ewa
1983 "66 Sitt att Rya en Giraff. " ("Sixty-six Ways of Drawing a Giraffe. "
Torbaggen (Newsletter of the Swedish Folklore Society. ) 1:6-7.
Oxrieder, Julia W.
1976 "Taunting the Teacher: Rhymes and Songs Collected In the Historic Tri-
angle. " Kentucky Folklore Record 22:95-99. [Collection of a very common
and seldom-studied genre. ]
1977 "The Slumber Party: Transition into Adolescence. " Tennessee Folklore So-
ciety Bulletin 43:128-34.
Page, Linda Garland, and Hilton Smith (eds. )
1993 The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Toys and Games. Reprint. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1985.
Paley, Vivian Gussin
1984 Boys and Girls: Superheros in the Doll Corner. Chicago: University of Chi-
cago Press.
1990 The Boy Who Would Be a Helicopter. Cambridge: Harvard University
Parker, Drucilla Pegeeo
1975 "A Dictionary of Adolescent Folk Speech in Oakland [California]. " M. A.
thesis, University of California, Berkeley.
Parr, Joy (ed. )
1982 Childhood and Family in Canadian History. Toronto: McClelland and
Parrott, S.
1976 "Games Children Play: Ethnography of a Second-Grade Recess.
" In The
Cultural Experience: Ethnography in a Complex Society, edited by J. P. Spradley
and D. W. McCurdy, 207-20. Chicago: Science Research Associates. [A very
nice undergraduate term paper. ]
Pearce, Ann Philippa
1959 Tom's Midnight Garden. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.
Pearson, Karl
1897 Chances of Death. London: Edward Arnold.
Peck, Thomas
1970 "Dirty Jokes at The Academy and Angela Morrison. " Keystone Folklore
Quarterly 15:93-105.
Pellegrini, Anthony D.
1987 "Children on the Playground: A Review of 'What's out There. '" Children's
Environments Quarterly 4 (July):1-7.
Pepicello, W. J. , and Thomas A. Green
1984 The Language of Riddles: New Perspectives. Columbus: Ohio State Uni-
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? versity Press.
Peretti, Peter O. , Richard Carter, and Betty McClinton
1977 "Graffiti and Adolescent Personality. " Adolescence 12:31-42.
Petersen, Dennis R.
1972 "Summer Activities of Rural Adolescent Boys in the Contemporary Soci-
ety of Otsego County, New York. " M. A. thesis, Cooperstown Graduate
Program of the State University of New York.
Petsch, Robert
1899 Neue Beitrage ziir Kenntnis des Volkratsels (Palaestra 4). Berlin: Mayer and
Philip, Andrew
1966 "The Street Songs of Glasgow. " Tradition (London)1:11-17.
Piaget, Jean [Piaget's work in child psychology has greatly affected nearly everyone
in the field. The following are representative works of particular interest to
folklorists. ]
1932 The Moral Judgment of the Child. Reprint. New York: Free Press,
1951 Play, Dreams, and Imitation in Childhood. New York: W. W. Norton.
1959 The Language and Thought of the Child. New York: Humanities.
1964 The Construction of Reality in the Child. New York: Basic Books.
1965 The Child's Conception of the World. Totowa, N. J. : Littlefield Adams.
1973 The Child and Reality: Problems of Genetic Psychology. New York:
Piaget, Jean, and Barbel Inhelder
1969 The Psychology of the Child. New York: Basic Books.
Pickard, P. M.
1961 I Could a Tale Unfold: Violence, Horror, and Sensationalism in Stories for
Children. New York: Humanities.
Pilant, Elizabeth
1953 "Family Folklore. " Elementary English 30:148-49.
Pitcher, Evelyn G. , and Ernst Prelinger
1963 Children Tell Stories: An Analysis of Fantasy. New York: International Uni-
versities Press.
Platt, Anthony M.
1969 The Child Savers: The Invention of Delinquency. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Platzner, R. L.
1979 "Child's Play: Games and Fantasy in Carroll, Stevenson, and Grahame. "
In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference of the Children's Literature
Association, 78-86.
Play And Recreation
1917 Bulletin of the Indiana Extension Division, 2. Bloomington: Indiana Uni-
Playground, The
1907-1907-1915, New York; published 1916-23, Cooperstown, N. Y. ; published
1923-24, Greenwich, Conn. ; 1924-29, New York; published as Playground
and Recreation 1918-30, New York; published as Recreation 1931-65, New
York; published as Parks and Recreation 1966, Arlington, Va.
Playground and Recreation Association of America
1938 Play Areas: Their Design and Equipment. New York: A. S. Barnes.
Playground Equipment Company
1933 Junglegym the Climbing Structure. n. p.
1957 March advertisement for "Merrie-Go": 180.
Polgar, S. K.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:04 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/usu. 39060010034923 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-3. 0
? ? 1976 "The Social Context of Games, or When Is Play Not Play. " Sociology of
Education 49:265-71.
Pollock, Linda A.
1983 Forgotten Children: Parent-Child Relationships from 1500 to 1900. Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press.
Polsky, Howard W.
1962 Cottage Six: The Social System of Delinquent Boys in Residential Treatment.
New York: Wiley.
Polsky, Howard W. , and Daniel S. Claster
1968 The Dynamics of Residential Treatment: A Social System Analysis. Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Popular Mechanics
1913 "Revolving Seesaw for Playgrounds. " 20:116.
1953 "Seesaw Doubles as Merry-Go-Round. " 99:173.
Porter, Kenneth W.
1958 "Circular Jingles and Repetitious Rhymes. " Western Folklore 17:107-11.
1965 "Racism in Children's Rhymes and Sayings, Central Kansas, 1910-1918. "
Western Folklore 24:19-96.
Posen, I. Sheldon
1974a "Pranks and Practical Jokes at Children's Summer Camps. " Southern Folk-
lore Quarterly 38:299-309.
1974b "Song and Singing Traditions at Children's Summer Camps. " M. A. thesis,
Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Postman, Neil
1982 The Disappearance of Childhood. New York: Delacorte.
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