Plantarum quae in Insula Jamaica sponte
proveniunt, etc.
proveniunt, etc.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v14
Elements of Geology. 1838. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1841.
Travels in North America. 2 vols. 1845.
A Second Visit to the United States of North America. 1849.
The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man. 1863.
Marshall, Arthur Milnes. A Junior Course of Practical Zoology. 1892
Vertebrate Embryology. 1893.
Matthew, Patrick. On Naval Timber and Arboriculture. 1831.
Morison, Robert. Hortus Regius Blesensis auctus, cum notulis darationis,
eto. 1669.
Plantarum umbelliferarum distributio nova per tabulas cognationis et
affinitatis, eto. Oxford, 1672.
Vines, S. H. and Druce, G. C. An Account of the Morisonian Her-
barium in the possession of the University of Oxford, together
with biographical sketches of Morison. 1914.
Moseley, Henry Nottidge. Notes by a Naturalist on the Challenger. 1879.
Report on certain Hydroid, Alcyonarian, and Madreporarian Corals
procured during the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, in . . . 1873–1876.
Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. Outline of the Geology of the neighbourhood
of Cheltenham. Cheltenham, 1834. New ed. 1845.
Siluria. The history of the oldest known rocks containing organie
remains, with a brief sketch of the distribution of Gold over the Earth.
Buckman, S. S. Bibliographical Notes on Murchison's Geology of
Cheltenham. Cheltenham, 1906.
Murray, Sir John. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of
H. M. S. Challenger during . . . 1873-76. 50 vols. 1880-95.
Nicholson, George (1847-1908). The illustrated Dictionary of Gardening.
4 vols. 1885-89.
The 1900 (-Century) Supplement, etc. 2 vols. 1900-01.
Owen, Sir Richard. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology
of the Invertebrate Animals, etc. 2 vols. 1843–46.
A History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds. 1846.
A History of British Fossil Reptiles. 4 vols. 1849-84.
## p. 563 (#593) ############################################
The Literature of Science
Owen, Sir Richard. Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient World. 1854.
Memoir of the Gorilla. 1865.
Memoir of the Dodo. 1866.
On the Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3 vols. 1866-68.
Payne, Joseph Frank (1840–1910). On the Herbarius and Hortus Sanitatis.
(Trans. Bibliographical Soc. Vol. vi. ) 1901.
Playfair, John. Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth.
Edinburgh, 1802.
The Works of John Playfair. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1822.
Prichard, James Cowles (1786-1848). Researches into the Physical History
of Man. 1813.
Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 3rd edn. 5 vols.
Pritchard, Andrew. The Natural History of Animalcules: containing
descriptions of all the known species of Infusoria. 1834.
A History of Infusoria, living and fossil. 1842.
Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford. The History of Java. 2 vols. 1817.
Egerton, H. E. Sir Stamford Raffles. 1900.
Raffles, Lady S. Memoir of the life and public services of Sir T. S.
Raffles. 1830.
Ray, John. Catalogus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium, etc.
Catalogus Plantarum Angliae et insularum adjacentium, etc. 1670.
Derham, William. Memorials of John Ray. (Roy. soc. ) 1846.
See, also, under Willughby, Francis.
Rolleston, George. Forms of Animal Life, being outlines of zoological
classification based upon anatomical investigation, etc. Oxford, 1870.
- A manual of Comparative Anatomy. . . . 2nd edn, revised . . . by Jackson,
W. H. Oxford, 1888.
Romanes, George John (1848-1894). Animal Intelligence. 1879.
Ross, Sir James Clark. A Voyage of discovery and research in the southern
and antarctic regions during . . . 1839-43. 2 vols. 1847.
Sabine, Joseph. Zoological appendix (to Sir John Franklin's Narrative of
A Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea), 1823.
Salvin, Osbert. A Catalogue of the collection of Birds formed by . . . Strick-
land, H. E. Cambridge, 1882.
Catalogue of the Picariae in the collection of the British Museum.
Upupae and Trochili. 1892. .
Scrope, George Julius Poulett. Memoir on the Geology of Central France:
including the volcanic formations of Auvergne, the Velay, and the
Vivarais. 1827.
On the Mode of Formation of Volcanic Cones and Craters. (From The
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Soc. Nov. 1859. ) 1859.
Sedgwick, Adam. A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palaeozoic
Rocks, by . . . Sedgwick, A. With a systematic description of the British
Palaeozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of
Cambridge. By McCoy, F. Cambridge, 1854.
Clark, John Willis. The Life and Letters of. . . Adam Sedgwick.
2 vols. Cambridge, 1890.
Sloane, Sir Hans.
Catalogus Plantarum quae in Insula Jamaica sponte
proveniunt, etc. 1696.
A Voyage to the Islands of Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers,
and Jamaica, with the natural history . . . of the last of those islands, etc.
2 vols. 1707-25.
Smith, Joseph T. A Review of the Life of Sir Hans Sloane. 1913.
## p. 564 (#594) ############################################
Smith, Sir James Edward. Flora Britannica. 3 vols. 1800-4. [The B. M.
copy (440. f. 12-14) has ms notes. ]
An Introduction to physiological and systematical Botany. 1807.
A review of the modern state of Botany, with a particular reference to
the natural systems of Linnaeus and Jussieu. [Edinburgh, 1817? ]
Considerations respecting Cambridge, more particularly relating to its
Botanical professorship. 1818.
Also translations of many of the works of Linnaeus.
Smith, lady Pleasance. Memoir and correspondence of the late
Sir J. E. Smith. 1832.
Smith, William. Observations on the utility, form and management of
water meadows, and the draining and irrigating of peat bogs, etc.
Norwich, 1806.
Stratigraphical system of organised fossils. 1817.
Geological section from London to Snowden, showing the varieties of
the strata and the correct altitude of the hills. 6 pts. 1817-19.
Sorby, Henry Clifton. On the microscopical Structure of Crystals, indicating
the origin of Minerals and Rocks. (Quarterly Journal of the Geological
Soc. Vol. xiv. ) 1858.
Note on the Coral Rock of Funafuti. (Royal soc. ) 1904.
Stanley, Owen. Discoveries in Australia. 1846.
Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. S. Rattlesnake, commanded by
Capt. 0. S. 2 vols. 1852.
Thompson, John Vaughan. A Catalogue of Plants growing in the vicinity
of Berwick upon Tweed. 1807.
Memoir on the Pentacrinus Europaeus, a recent species discovered in
the Cove of Cork. Cork, 1827.
Zoological Researches, and illustrations; or, natural history of non-
descript or imperfectly known animals, etc. Vol. I. Pt 1. Cork,
Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville. The Depths of the Sea. An account of the
general results of the dredging cruises of H. M. SS. Porcupine and
Lightning. 1873.
The Voyage of the Challenger. The Atlantic: a preliminary account of
the general results of the exploring voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during
. . . 1873 and. . . part of . . . 1876. 2 vols. 1877.
Tradescant, John. Musaeum Tradescantianum; or, a collection of rarities
preserved at South Lambeth neer London. [A Descriptive Catalogue. ]
Wallace, Alfred Russel. The geographical distribution of animals. 2 vols
London, 1876.
Natural selection and tropical nature. New ed. London, 1895.
Studies, scientific and social. . . . 2 vols. 1900.
Ward, Harry Marshall (1854–1906). Grasses. Cambridge, 1901.
Trees: a Handbook of Forest Botany. 5 vols. Cambridge, 1904,
Weldon, Walter Frank Raphael (1860–1906). Crustacea. Cambridge
Natural History. Vol. iv. 1909.
Wells, William Charles. Two Essays. . . . A Letter to . . . Lord Kenyon; and
an Account of a Female of the White Race of Mankind, part of whose
skin resembles that of a Negro; with some observations on the causes of
the differences in colour and form between the White and Negro Races of
Man. . . . With a memoir of his life, etc. 1818. [The observations contain
certain passages cited by Darwin as anticipating his own theory of natural
selection. ]
## p. 565 (#595) ############################################
VIII c] The Literature of Science 565
Whewell, William. History of the Inductive Sciences. 2nd edn. 3 vols. 1847.
3rd edn. 3 vols. 1857.
Todhunter, I. William Whewell. . . . An account of his Writings,
with selections from his literary and scientific Correspondence.
Cambridge, 1876.
Williamson, William Crawford. The Natural History of Paving Stones.
The Dawn of Animal Life. 1875.
Coal and Coal plants. 1876.
The Ice Age. 1877.
The Succession of Life on the Earth. 1879.
Willughby, Francis. F. Willughbeii. . . Ornithologiae libri tres. . . Totum opus
recognovit, digessit, supplevit J. Raius. 1676. The Ornithology of F. W. . . .
Translated into English and enlarged with many additions. . . . To
which are added, Three . . . discourses, (i) Of the Art of Fowling . .
(ii) of the ordering of Singing birds. (iii) Of Falconry. By Ray, J.
F. Willughbeii . . . de historia piscium libri quatuor . .
Elements of Geology. 1838. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1841.
Travels in North America. 2 vols. 1845.
A Second Visit to the United States of North America. 1849.
The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man. 1863.
Marshall, Arthur Milnes. A Junior Course of Practical Zoology. 1892
Vertebrate Embryology. 1893.
Matthew, Patrick. On Naval Timber and Arboriculture. 1831.
Morison, Robert. Hortus Regius Blesensis auctus, cum notulis darationis,
eto. 1669.
Plantarum umbelliferarum distributio nova per tabulas cognationis et
affinitatis, eto. Oxford, 1672.
Vines, S. H. and Druce, G. C. An Account of the Morisonian Her-
barium in the possession of the University of Oxford, together
with biographical sketches of Morison. 1914.
Moseley, Henry Nottidge. Notes by a Naturalist on the Challenger. 1879.
Report on certain Hydroid, Alcyonarian, and Madreporarian Corals
procured during the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, in . . . 1873–1876.
Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. Outline of the Geology of the neighbourhood
of Cheltenham. Cheltenham, 1834. New ed. 1845.
Siluria. The history of the oldest known rocks containing organie
remains, with a brief sketch of the distribution of Gold over the Earth.
Buckman, S. S. Bibliographical Notes on Murchison's Geology of
Cheltenham. Cheltenham, 1906.
Murray, Sir John. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of
H. M. S. Challenger during . . . 1873-76. 50 vols. 1880-95.
Nicholson, George (1847-1908). The illustrated Dictionary of Gardening.
4 vols. 1885-89.
The 1900 (-Century) Supplement, etc. 2 vols. 1900-01.
Owen, Sir Richard. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology
of the Invertebrate Animals, etc. 2 vols. 1843–46.
A History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds. 1846.
A History of British Fossil Reptiles. 4 vols. 1849-84.
## p. 563 (#593) ############################################
The Literature of Science
Owen, Sir Richard. Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient World. 1854.
Memoir of the Gorilla. 1865.
Memoir of the Dodo. 1866.
On the Anatomy of Vertebrates. 3 vols. 1866-68.
Payne, Joseph Frank (1840–1910). On the Herbarius and Hortus Sanitatis.
(Trans. Bibliographical Soc. Vol. vi. ) 1901.
Playfair, John. Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth.
Edinburgh, 1802.
The Works of John Playfair. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1822.
Prichard, James Cowles (1786-1848). Researches into the Physical History
of Man. 1813.
Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 3rd edn. 5 vols.
Pritchard, Andrew. The Natural History of Animalcules: containing
descriptions of all the known species of Infusoria. 1834.
A History of Infusoria, living and fossil. 1842.
Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford. The History of Java. 2 vols. 1817.
Egerton, H. E. Sir Stamford Raffles. 1900.
Raffles, Lady S. Memoir of the life and public services of Sir T. S.
Raffles. 1830.
Ray, John. Catalogus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium, etc.
Catalogus Plantarum Angliae et insularum adjacentium, etc. 1670.
Derham, William. Memorials of John Ray. (Roy. soc. ) 1846.
See, also, under Willughby, Francis.
Rolleston, George. Forms of Animal Life, being outlines of zoological
classification based upon anatomical investigation, etc. Oxford, 1870.
- A manual of Comparative Anatomy. . . . 2nd edn, revised . . . by Jackson,
W. H. Oxford, 1888.
Romanes, George John (1848-1894). Animal Intelligence. 1879.
Ross, Sir James Clark. A Voyage of discovery and research in the southern
and antarctic regions during . . . 1839-43. 2 vols. 1847.
Sabine, Joseph. Zoological appendix (to Sir John Franklin's Narrative of
A Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea), 1823.
Salvin, Osbert. A Catalogue of the collection of Birds formed by . . . Strick-
land, H. E. Cambridge, 1882.
Catalogue of the Picariae in the collection of the British Museum.
Upupae and Trochili. 1892. .
Scrope, George Julius Poulett. Memoir on the Geology of Central France:
including the volcanic formations of Auvergne, the Velay, and the
Vivarais. 1827.
On the Mode of Formation of Volcanic Cones and Craters. (From The
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Soc. Nov. 1859. ) 1859.
Sedgwick, Adam. A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palaeozoic
Rocks, by . . . Sedgwick, A. With a systematic description of the British
Palaeozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of
Cambridge. By McCoy, F. Cambridge, 1854.
Clark, John Willis. The Life and Letters of. . . Adam Sedgwick.
2 vols. Cambridge, 1890.
Sloane, Sir Hans.
Catalogus Plantarum quae in Insula Jamaica sponte
proveniunt, etc. 1696.
A Voyage to the Islands of Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers,
and Jamaica, with the natural history . . . of the last of those islands, etc.
2 vols. 1707-25.
Smith, Joseph T. A Review of the Life of Sir Hans Sloane. 1913.
## p. 564 (#594) ############################################
Smith, Sir James Edward. Flora Britannica. 3 vols. 1800-4. [The B. M.
copy (440. f. 12-14) has ms notes. ]
An Introduction to physiological and systematical Botany. 1807.
A review of the modern state of Botany, with a particular reference to
the natural systems of Linnaeus and Jussieu. [Edinburgh, 1817? ]
Considerations respecting Cambridge, more particularly relating to its
Botanical professorship. 1818.
Also translations of many of the works of Linnaeus.
Smith, lady Pleasance. Memoir and correspondence of the late
Sir J. E. Smith. 1832.
Smith, William. Observations on the utility, form and management of
water meadows, and the draining and irrigating of peat bogs, etc.
Norwich, 1806.
Stratigraphical system of organised fossils. 1817.
Geological section from London to Snowden, showing the varieties of
the strata and the correct altitude of the hills. 6 pts. 1817-19.
Sorby, Henry Clifton. On the microscopical Structure of Crystals, indicating
the origin of Minerals and Rocks. (Quarterly Journal of the Geological
Soc. Vol. xiv. ) 1858.
Note on the Coral Rock of Funafuti. (Royal soc. ) 1904.
Stanley, Owen. Discoveries in Australia. 1846.
Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. S. Rattlesnake, commanded by
Capt. 0. S. 2 vols. 1852.
Thompson, John Vaughan. A Catalogue of Plants growing in the vicinity
of Berwick upon Tweed. 1807.
Memoir on the Pentacrinus Europaeus, a recent species discovered in
the Cove of Cork. Cork, 1827.
Zoological Researches, and illustrations; or, natural history of non-
descript or imperfectly known animals, etc. Vol. I. Pt 1. Cork,
Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville. The Depths of the Sea. An account of the
general results of the dredging cruises of H. M. SS. Porcupine and
Lightning. 1873.
The Voyage of the Challenger. The Atlantic: a preliminary account of
the general results of the exploring voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during
. . . 1873 and. . . part of . . . 1876. 2 vols. 1877.
Tradescant, John. Musaeum Tradescantianum; or, a collection of rarities
preserved at South Lambeth neer London. [A Descriptive Catalogue. ]
Wallace, Alfred Russel. The geographical distribution of animals. 2 vols
London, 1876.
Natural selection and tropical nature. New ed. London, 1895.
Studies, scientific and social. . . . 2 vols. 1900.
Ward, Harry Marshall (1854–1906). Grasses. Cambridge, 1901.
Trees: a Handbook of Forest Botany. 5 vols. Cambridge, 1904,
Weldon, Walter Frank Raphael (1860–1906). Crustacea. Cambridge
Natural History. Vol. iv. 1909.
Wells, William Charles. Two Essays. . . . A Letter to . . . Lord Kenyon; and
an Account of a Female of the White Race of Mankind, part of whose
skin resembles that of a Negro; with some observations on the causes of
the differences in colour and form between the White and Negro Races of
Man. . . . With a memoir of his life, etc. 1818. [The observations contain
certain passages cited by Darwin as anticipating his own theory of natural
selection. ]
## p. 565 (#595) ############################################
VIII c] The Literature of Science 565
Whewell, William. History of the Inductive Sciences. 2nd edn. 3 vols. 1847.
3rd edn. 3 vols. 1857.
Todhunter, I. William Whewell. . . . An account of his Writings,
with selections from his literary and scientific Correspondence.
Cambridge, 1876.
Williamson, William Crawford. The Natural History of Paving Stones.
The Dawn of Animal Life. 1875.
Coal and Coal plants. 1876.
The Ice Age. 1877.
The Succession of Life on the Earth. 1879.
Willughby, Francis. F. Willughbeii. . . Ornithologiae libri tres. . . Totum opus
recognovit, digessit, supplevit J. Raius. 1676. The Ornithology of F. W. . . .
Translated into English and enlarged with many additions. . . . To
which are added, Three . . . discourses, (i) Of the Art of Fowling . .
(ii) of the ordering of Singing birds. (iii) Of Falconry. By Ray, J.
F. Willughbeii . . . de historia piscium libri quatuor . .