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Uniformity, 309, 314
Universal polemics, 373-75 Universities, 117, 120
Untimely Observations, ix Urfragen, 460
Urinating, 103-7, 104
van der Vring, Georg, 414, 416
van Eestern, C, 435
Vanity, 16
Verratene Revolution 1918/1919, Die, 429
Verschwbrer, 424-29 passim
Virgin Disciplines the Christ Child, The, 279 Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de, xiv
Wahrhaftigkeit, 461
Walpurgis Night on Henkel's Field, 505 Walser, Martin, 320-21
War: and moral consciousness, 301; and muti-
lation, 443-46, 444; and pre-Fascist litera- ture, 121; and psychic mechanisms, 120, 121; senselessness of, 415-16; and sur- vival, 128-29, 323, 419, 420, 434, 443; ultimate, 130
War volunteers, 121
Watt, James, 11
Weaponry, 128, 130, 349-55, 353, 435 Weber, Max, 425
Weill, Kurt, 306
Weimar Republic, xxii-xxiii, 10, 124,
384-86, 387-90, 414-15, 422, 424-25; and Anyone, 199; and catastrophile com- plex, 122; and cynicism, xxiii, 7-8, 10; and disillusionment, 8, 410, 416; double decisions of, 521-28; elements of, 425, 435; as historical mirror, 89; and Hitler's rise, 521; as miscarried enlightenment, 10; and Nietzsche's philosophy, 10; social character of, 500-501
Wilde, Oscar, xxxii, 307
Wilhelminianism, 411-12, 425 Wintermdrchen, 33
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 398
World War I, 121, 121, 122, 128, 202, 386,
392, 410, 419, 434, 461 World War II, 123, 128, 202 Wulffen, Erich, 485-86 Wunde Heine, Die, xxxvi
Yesbody, xix, 73
You Will Not Find Him, 166
Zauberberg, Der, 529 Zeitgeist, 139
Zen masters, 130, 157 Zichy, Michael von, 344 Zille, Heinrich, 156, 219 Zola, Emile, xiv
Zur geistigen Situation der Zeit (Man in the modern age), 417
Peter Sloterdijk holds a doctorate in German literature from the University of Hamburg with a concentration in the autobiographical literature of the Weimar Republic.
Uniformity, 309, 314
Universal polemics, 373-75 Universities, 117, 120
Untimely Observations, ix Urfragen, 460
Urinating, 103-7, 104
van der Vring, Georg, 414, 416
van Eestern, C, 435
Vanity, 16
Verratene Revolution 1918/1919, Die, 429
Verschwbrer, 424-29 passim
Virgin Disciplines the Christ Child, The, 279 Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de, xiv
Wahrhaftigkeit, 461
Walpurgis Night on Henkel's Field, 505 Walser, Martin, 320-21
War: and moral consciousness, 301; and muti-
lation, 443-46, 444; and pre-Fascist litera- ture, 121; and psychic mechanisms, 120, 121; senselessness of, 415-16; and sur- vival, 128-29, 323, 419, 420, 434, 443; ultimate, 130
War volunteers, 121
Watt, James, 11
Weaponry, 128, 130, 349-55, 353, 435 Weber, Max, 425
Weill, Kurt, 306
Weimar Republic, xxii-xxiii, 10, 124,
384-86, 387-90, 414-15, 422, 424-25; and Anyone, 199; and catastrophile com- plex, 122; and cynicism, xxiii, 7-8, 10; and disillusionment, 8, 410, 416; double decisions of, 521-28; elements of, 425, 435; as historical mirror, 89; and Hitler's rise, 521; as miscarried enlightenment, 10; and Nietzsche's philosophy, 10; social character of, 500-501
Wilde, Oscar, xxxii, 307
Wilhelminianism, 411-12, 425 Wintermdrchen, 33
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 398
World War I, 121, 121, 122, 128, 202, 386,
392, 410, 419, 434, 461 World War II, 123, 128, 202 Wulffen, Erich, 485-86 Wunde Heine, Die, xxxvi
Yesbody, xix, 73
You Will Not Find Him, 166
Zauberberg, Der, 529 Zeitgeist, 139
Zen masters, 130, 157 Zichy, Michael von, 344 Zille, Heinrich, 156, 219 Zola, Emile, xiv
Zur geistigen Situation der Zeit (Man in the modern age), 417
Peter Sloterdijk holds a doctorate in German literature from the University of Hamburg with a concentration in the autobiographical literature of the Weimar Republic.
Sloterdijk -Critique of Cynical Reason
In this, the universalism of enlightenment soars as high as any thinking that aims at the whole ever could.
It lives from the idea of a com- municative total mediation in which all privacies would be melted into a planetary conversation.
Without its communicative-pathetic core, subjective reason would have nothing to counterpose to its reduction to the format of private reason in the service of individual, group, and systemic egoisms.
Only with the anticipation of universal understanding can enlightenment refrain from the war of individual strategies and save itself in the universal.
Since having dissolved social communi- cation under the sign of myth, enlightenment must rely on the myth of communi- cation.
In communication, the struggling individual strategies would be so softened and relaxed that they could flow into rational agreements.
In this way, a structure arises similar to what was observed in the relation between the in- dividual and "objective reason.
" Only through the individuals becoming con- sciously passive and tranquil does the universal prevail against the particular, the objective against the subjective, experience against mere imagination.
Only they can expect something rational from communication who have already conceded, in classical passivity and deep yieldingness, to the universal, a precedence to the process of reaching agreement over the motives of its participants.
Otherwise, no matter how much mutual understanding was undertaken, it would only become
manifest that we cannot reach agreement with each other. If the inability to sub- jugate oneself is a characteristic structure of modern subjective autonomy, sub- jective reason must at least be allowed to demand that the subjects subjugate them- selves to the priority of communication over those communicating, and of experiences over "needs. " Otherwise, it would lose its credentials as reason.
The critique of cynical reason has shown how "subjects" who have become both hard and agile in existential and social strictures of struggle have given the universal the cold shoulder and have not hesitated to repudiate all high cultural ideals when it was a matter of self-preservation. "Pugnacious reason" is from the start an activist and untranquil reason that at no price lets itself be made fluid and never subjects itself to the precedence of what is common, universal, and encom- passing. Under these conditions, the efforts of practical philosophy are confined within depressingly narrow limits. Practical reason, which attempts to guide the undertakings of subjectivities, runs as if in vain up against the
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unpliable self- insistence of millions of fragmented centers of private reason. The latter want to subject every rationality to private conditions and act as if enlightenment has no right to intrude into certain reserved places where secret strategies are spun. Sub-
jective reason that has regressed to private reason always bears within itself a will to night (Ernst Weiss), a cunning not- wanting-to-know about connections, a making-itself-inaccessible to the demands of universality and a strategic harden- 544 D CONCLUSION
ing, made clever by life, against all sirens' melodies of communication and recon- ciliation. Indeed, "respectable" individual strategies may occasionally "negoti- ate," but where the inner strategists look over the shoulders of the dialogue part- ners, there the "communication" is also strategically perverted. Productive communication already eludes calculable feasibility and, where it succeeds, has the structure of letting-oneself-communicate. The cynicism analysis, by contrast, describes the interactions of subjectivism that cannot unwind, of highly armed centers of private reason, conglomerations of power bristling with weapons and science-supported systems of hyperproduction. None of them would even dream of bending to a communicative reason; rather, under the pretense of communica- tion, they want to subjugate the latter to its private conditions.
Under the pressure of suffering in the most recent crises, members of our civilization see themselves forced, quasi- neoclassically, to repeat the "know thy- self," and in this they discover their systematic inability to communicate in the way that would guarantee true de-escalation. The subjective that cannot "mirror" itself in any "whole" nevertheless encounters itself in countless analogous subjec- tivities that, similarly worldless and encapsulated, pursue only their "own" goals and that, where they interact with others, are only bound to each other, precari- ously and subject to revocation, in "antagonistic cooperation. " The renewed "know thyself produces an image of incurable self-preservation that is merci- lessly thrown back onto every "self by all others. Hence, if in modernity, worldly and self-experience converge in spite of all sundering, they do so under the condi- tion that the struggles of self-preservation of privatized subjective reason in- wardly as well as outwardly, psychologically as well as technologically, in the intimate domain as well as in political spheres, have generated the same isolation of subjects, the same iciness, the same polemical, strategic subjectivisms, and the same quick-footed denial of high-cultural ethical ideals. I have tried to develop a language in which one can speak about both spheres with the same expressions. In the analysis of cynicism, the language of self- experience is again directly syn-
chronized with the language of worldly experience--assuming we wanted to make the self side speak in an extremely honest way, the world side in a ruthlessly clear way.
So much is obvious: that the cynicism analysis aims at a critique of subjective reason without immediately wanting to return to the lost illusions of an objective reason. This would mean fighting against one false respectability with another. The critique of "cynical reason" therefore argues immanently and "dialectically. " In overview of the course of enlightenment it recapitulates the inner contradic- tions in enlightenment and repeats the ironic "labor on the superego," or better, the combative "labor on the ideal" that inevitably falls due under the predomi- nance of strategic subjectivities in class and military societies. In this we have dealt with the "cultural struggle" for the great ideals, whose validity or worthless- ness decides the existence or decay of personal and collective integrity: heroic
courage, the legitimacy of power, love, the medical arts, praise of the living, truth, authenticity, obedience to experience, just exchange. In this order, we have sketched phenomenologically the various worlds of values, with their inner rup- tures and struggles. One must have once taken these ideals seriously, without reservation, in order to be able to empathize with the drama of their satirical accu- sation by kynical resistance and with the tragicomedy of their self- denial by the serious cynicism of the will to power and profit. Those who have never respected such ideals and orient themselves, in their own twilight, toward their ambiguity, will never understand the necessity of the questions posed here: where these am- biguities come from and which experiences had to dull the once uncomplicated "shining" light of enlightenment to the overproblematic twilight of late moder- nity. Thus, the critique of subjective reason as well as that of strategic reason, of strategic as well as cynical "reasson," leads through a manifold convoluted odyssey of ambivalences whose threads, the closer we come to the present, entan- gle themselves all the more in threatening complexity.
"Sapere aude! Have the courage to use your own understanding! is thus the motto of enlightenment. " In this way, Immanuel Kant had formulated the slogan of the still self-certain, modern, subjective doctrine of reason in his famous essay of 1784, What Is Enlightenment? With skeptical optimism, this reason thought itself capable, through subjective efforts, of coping with the tendencies of the world that did not "yet" obey the standards of reason. One's own ability to know, summoned by Kant, is based on the vital quality of a courage that is alien to the modern despair about the "state of affairs. " Although Kant forbade us to think of "objective goals" in nature, his philosophizing orients itself, to be sure,
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not to- ward an overarching world reason but toward the confidence in our ability to bring reason into the state of the world. Secretly, classical enlightenment too as- sumes that the "nature of things," as if it were already prepared to bend to our aims, has already come the greatest part of the way toward the efforts of subjec- tive reason. By connecting the use of the understanding directly to courageous self-confidence, Kant betrays that although reason is supposed to be restricted critically and discreetly to achievements of subjectivity, he relies in his extracriti- cal relation to the world on a great, mute "accommodation" of nature to reason. It is courage that allows enlightenment thinking to imagine a rational guidance of the state of the world. This courage hints at that forbearance in which the ac- tivity of enlightenment, too, must know itself to be structurally embedded. Wher- ever enlightenment shows promise of success, it has the structure of a coura- geous, spontaneous letting-oneself-think-and-do that relies on the possibility that our knowing and activity do not blindly and subjectively race past all tendencies of reality, but creatively and adeptly join up with strivings and forces of the world in order in the end "to make something more out of it," in the sense of rational goals.
In view of past and threatening world catastrophes, today's historically frus-
trated life feeling may no longer really believe in this. Often it shows itself to be extremely uncourageous in "making use of its own understanding. " Since they have to a large extent lost their courage to reason, the heirs of enlightenment to- day, nervous, doubting, and forcibly without illusions, are on the way to a global cynicism. Only in the form of derision and renunciation do references to the ideals of a humane culture still seem bearable. Cynicism, as enlightened false consciousness, has become a hard-boiled, shadowy cleverness that has split cour- age off from itself, holds anything positive to be fraud, and is intent only on some- how getting through life. He who laughs last, laughs as if in pleural shock. Cyni- cal consciousness adds up the "bad experiences" of all times and lets only the prospectless uniformity of hard facts prevail. Modern cynicism is the knot in which all "snakelike writhings of an immoral doctrine of cleverness" (Kant, On Eternal Peace) entangle themselves. In the neocynical attitude, world-historical learning processes of bitterness come to fruition. They have stamped the traces of the coldness of exchange, of world wars, and the self-denial of ideals in our consciousnesses, which have become sick with experience. Hey, we're alive; hey, we're selling ourselves; hey, we're arming; those who die young save social security contributions. In this way cynicism guarantees the expanded reproduc- tion of the past on the newest level of what is currently the worst. It is for this reason that prophecies of an imminent and manmade end of the world are so much in vogue: "Have the courage to use your own bomb. " As if in a fever, cynically unfettered realism even speaks the truth to us with warnings. With macabre fits of fear, the panicking subjectivisms rustle through the media and speak of the apocalypse: "Look out, look out, the times are peculiar / And peculiar children they have: us. " Have we not become as Descartes conceived us? The Res cogitans in self-guiding missiles? The isolated thing-for-yourself in the middle of similar
beings? We are the metal ego, the block ego, the plutonium ego, the neutron ego, we are the fallout-shelter citizens, the artillery subjects, the missle pensioners, the cannon shareholders, the security lemures, the armored pensioners, the apocalyptic riders of the compulsion of things, and the phantom pacifists who pro- mote the better cause with nuclear free-style ethics. Only the greatest impudence still has words for reality. Only anarchic waywardness still finds an expression for contemporary normality. As in the days of Diogenes, the bearers of the sys- tem have lost their self- confidence to the apparently crazy ones. They now can only choose between the false self-experience in collective suicide and the suicide of false subjectivity in real self-experience.
Sapere aude! remains the motto of an enlightenment that, even in the twilight of the most recent dangers, resists intimidation by catastrophe. Only out of its courage can a future still unfold that would be more than the expanded reproduc- tion of the worst of the past. Such courage nourishes itself from the now faint cur- rents of recollection of a spontaneous ability of life to be-in-order, an order not constructed by anybody. Where the old doctrines tried to speak of "objective rea-
son," they also wanted, with therapeutic intent, to remind us that in a world that has become thoroughly "alienated" since the beginning of the era of high culture, things can perhaps again flow and order themselves if we disarm as subjects and step back from respectably camouflaged, destructive activism into letting things be.
Can one really still say such a thing? Is the alliance of our rationality with "real- ism" and cynicism secretly already so consolidated that it no longer wants to know anything about any reason other than activistic reason? With this question, our critical investigation comes to an end. What is left to say? Experiences would now come into play that one can only refer to mysteriously without being able to call on the aid of proofs. That about which one cannot argue should be told at a more opportune time. It is a matter of experiences for which I can find no other word than the exuberant experience of a well-spent life. In our best moments, when, overcome with success, even the most energetic activity gives way to
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passivity and the rhythmics of the living carry us spontaneously, courage can suddenly make itself felt as a euphoric clarity or a seriousness that is wonderfully tranquil within itself. It awakens the present within us. In the present, awareness climbs all at once to the heights of being. Cool and bright, every moment enters its space; you are no different from its brightness, its coolness, its jubilation. Bad ex- periences give way to new opportunities. No history makes you old. The unkind- nesses of yesterday compel you to nothing. In the light of such a presence of spirit, the spell of reenactments is broken. Every conscious second eradicates what is hopelessly past and becomes the first second of an Other History.
1. It is an intelligence that is "literary" in the broadest and best sense of the word. Insofar as cynicism-analysis is also a philosophy of literature, it measures the distance between literary-poetic achievements and philosophical-discursive achievements of intelligence.
Abenteuerliche Herz, Das (The adventurous heart), 463
Abtotungsverfahren, 126
Ad hominem arguments, 18
Adelson, Leslie A. , xxiv
Adorno, Theodor, xxxiv, xxxvii, 58; and aes-
thetic theory, xxxi, 109; and Critical The- ory, xxxiv; and denial of masculine, xxxv; and dialectics, 372-73; and embodiment,
106-7; essay on Heine, xxxvi; and melan- choly science, xv, xviii, xxxvii; and metaphysics, xvii; and Sensitive theory, xxxiv
Aired Curtain, The, 44
Alexander the Great, xv, 160-62, 161, 165 Algodicy, 460, 461, 464
All Quiet on the Western Front, 419 Allegoria della Fortuna, 240
Althusser, Louis, 91, 315
Amoralism, 126
Anaximander, 351
Animal Magnetism, 262
Antienlightenment, 10, 17, 178 Anti-Semitism, 115, 411, 426
Anyone, xxii, 195-210 passim
Arendt, Hannah, 206
Aristotle, 101, 103, 167, 255
Armament, 131-32
Arse, 147-49
Artificial limb philosophy, 449, 451, 458-59 Artillery. See Weaponry
Asceticism, 167, 203
Astronomy, 464
Atomic bomb. See Nuclear holocaust Aujbruch der Nation, 410, 415-16, 420-21 Aujkldrung, xi, xiii, xvii. See also Enlight-
enment Auschwitz, 64
Automobiles, 419-20 Avenarius, Ferdinand, 491-93
Baader, Johannes, 391, 395 Bader von Lucca, Die, xxxviii Balzac, Honore de, 115 Bankruptcy, The, 431 Baudouin, 31 Baudrillard, xxii, xxv
Bauhaus, 203
Baum, Vicki, 515
Beauty Swings Her Whip over Wisdom, 255 Becher, Johannes R. , 477
Been, Doctor, 481
Being, 304
Benjamin, Walter, xxxii, 114, 126, 465-67
Benn, Gottfried, xxv, xxx, 116, 482 Bergler, Edmund 404-8
Beyond Good and Evil, 23, 208 Biberkopf, Franz, 504-6, 505
Bible, 23-25
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Billy Budd, 306
Binding, Rudolf G. , 461
Bismarck, Otto von, 81
Black empiricism. See Empiricism, black Blind Power, 231
Bloch, Ernst, 125, 384-85
Blue Angel, The, 387
Bohemians, 109, 117, 118
Bomb. See Nuclear holocaust
Bourgeois art, 108-9, 311-12, 391, 397 Bourgeoisie, 106, 115, 118, 309, 438
Breasts, 147
Brecht, Bertolt, ix, xvi, xix, xxiii, xxxvi, 306,
422, 434, 441-42, 443, 483, 499, 515,
"Bright hour. " See Split consciousness Broch, Hermann, 132, 419
Bronnen, Arnolt, 515
Brothers Karamazov, The, 182, 183, 187-88 Buback murder, 123
Buergel, Bruno H. , 464-65
Burckhardt, Jakob, 115
Camus, Albert, 149
Capital, 314-15, 320
Carnival, 117
Castiglione, Giovanni, 162 Catastrophile complex, 120, 122, 123 Celestial Science, 464
Chaotology, 399
Cheekiness: and Bohemians, 117; and car-
nival, 117; and cynicism, 111, 115, 116; defined, 102-3; Diogenes and, 103; future of, 124; Goethe's, 107; history of, 115; andkynicism, 101, 103, 110, 118; and Luther, 116; religious, 110; significance of, 102, 126-27; and universities, 117
Chekov, Anton, xxxii
Child-like Question, 302
Christian Love--As Practiced in Spain, 284 Christianity, xxvii, 106, 126, 168, 169-70 Cicero, 303
City of Traffic, 435
Class structure. See Hegemonic power; Super-
structure, critique of Clothes Stand, 200
Concentration camp, world as, xiv Concernedness, xxxiii Conservatism, x, xii
Cooper, David, 19
Counterpublic sphere, xviii Criminality, 305, 306
Cripples. See Mutilation
Crisis, chronic, 124
Critical Theory, xiv, xvii, xxxiii-xxxv,
xxxvii, 209, 388
Critique, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvi, 3, 8, 14, 16,
18, 385. See also Ideology critique Critique of Pure Reason, ix, xxx, xxxi,
xxxviii, 455 Cubism, 499
Cynic, xii, 3-4; historical examples of, xvii, 4, 155-56; and knowledge, 142; vs. kynic. xxi; and kynic body, xviii; modern, 4-5; Nietzsche as, xxix; psychoanalysis of, 404-8; theologians as, 25. See also Kynic
Cynical laughter. See Laughter
Cynical reason, xiii, xxxii, xxxvii, 8, 18, 82 Cynical structure, 8
Cynicism: -analysis, 535, 547; defined, xi,
xxii, xxxii, 5, 405; and economics, 315-17, 320; as enlightened false con- sciousness, xii, 5-6; growth of in 1970s, xii; investigation of, xxxvii; vs. kynicism, xvii, xx, xxxix, 124, 127, 193, 194, 218; master, 111, 111-12, 115, 116, 142; mod- ern, 3-4, 20, 111, 118, 187, 193, 385, 462; and Nietzsche, xxix, 386; and psy- choanalysis, 152, 405-8; and realism, xxxii; role of, xi; status, 6; strategies to resist, xi. See also Kynicism
Dadaism, 391-92, 402, 443 Dadasophy, 395, 396
Dali, Salvador, 342 Dangerous Vaginas, 341 Daumier, Honore, 284
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de Cari, G. , 32
De Chirico, 198
de Sade, Marquis, 260
Death, 149, 346-49
Deception, 483-98
Defecating, 103, 104, 149, 149, 151 Deleuze, Gilles, xiii, xix
Denn sie wissen, was sie tun, 76 Derrida, Jacques, xvi
552 ? INDEX
Descartes, Rene, xi, 330 Dessauer, Friedrich, 453-57 Detective stories, 305-6 Devil. See Satan
Dialectic of Enlightenment, xi, xiv, xv, xvi, xviii, xix, xxi
Dialectics, 367-79
Dietz, Ferdinand, 45
Diogenes, ix, 101-6 passim, 144, 150,
156-69, 157, 161, 162, 209-10; descen- dants of, 193, 194-95; as kynic, 3, 115, 171; kynical gaze of, 145; protest gestures of, xviii, 151; and resistance, xv, xviii
Diogenes Looking for Human Beings, 162
Disarmament, 129-30, 132
Discontent, x, xxxii, 3, 88
Discussion, 12
Dissatisfied enlightenment. See Enlightenment Dix, Otto, 517
Doctors. See Medical cynicism
Don Quixote, 222, 223
Dore, Gustave, 223
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 182, 185, 187, 188,
Dropouts, xi, xxii
Du und das Weltall (You and the universe),
Economics, 315-22
Egoism, critique of, 59-74
Ehringer, G. , 163
Eichendorff, J. V. , 534
Einbahnstrasse (One-way street), 466-67 Einstein, Albert, 141
Elias, Norbert, xviii
Ellenberger, Henry F. , 47
Embodiment, 106-7, 118-20, 168 Emigration, 119
Empiricism, 179, 310, 311
Empiricism, black, 329-356
Enlightened false consciousness, xvii, xxii;
cynicism as, xii, 5-6, 217; vs. false con- sciousness, 6; and political history, 6. See also Enlightenment; False consciousness
Enlightenment: age of, xxx; in antiquity, 164; and cheekiness, 99, 127; and cynicism, xxxvii, 3, 10, 97-99; defined, 177- 78; de- velopment of, 83-88; dialogue of, 13; and Diogenes, 102; and disillusionment, xxvii, 6, 153; dissatisfied, 11, 17; embodied,
120; and German history, xi, xxxv-xxxvi, 10, 81; irony of, 542; and Kant, xxx, 455; limits of, 6, 10; as melancholy science, xxxvii; miscarried, 10; modern day, 6, 124, 309, 310; patriarchal, 80; and peace, 13; and physiognomy, 140; as polemical knowledge, 229-31; prevention of, 76-82;
and science, 86; and self-doubt, 11; and self-inhibition, 126; and Weimar Republic, 10, 125; and Zen, 130. See also Auf- kldrung
Epistemic interests, 331
Epistemology, 357
Erheiterungsarbeit, xviii
Erkenntnis. See Knowing
Ernst, Max, 279
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Escapism, 119-20
Espionage, 331-36
Ethics, 303-4, 439
Eulenspiegel, Till, 115, 116, 142, 149, 178, 254
Existentialism, 101, 168, 196, 420 Eyes, 145-46
Fabian, 76
Faith Healers or the K. V. Machine, The, 272 False consciousness: 3-9, 15, 22; and decep-
tion 29; vs. enlightened false conscious- ness, 6; forms of, 15; and Marx 20; as sick consciousness, 19. See also Enlight- ened false consciousness
False living, xxxiv-xxxv False logic, 21
False Mirror, The, 146 Falsitas, 45
Farting, 101, 103, 150-51
Fascism: and artistic release, 306; and Auf-
kldrung, xi; and automobiles, 420; and cynicism, 8, 242-43, 389; and Dadaism, 395, 400; German, 115, 206, 388, 420, 467; ideology of, 8, 451-52; and JCinger, 462; and Nietzsche, xvii; and technology, 453; and Weimar descendant, 7, 122 Faust, 76, 175-81 passim, 177, 388 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 18
Flake, Otto, xxvi
Flaubert, Gustave, 325
Flesh and Iron, 437
Fools, 102
Ford, Henry, 439
INDEX ? 553
Foucault, Michel, x-xi, xiv, xviii, xxiv Fourth Reich, 455, 457
Fragebogen, Der, 440
Franciscans, 165
Frank, Bruno, 387
Frechheit, xvi
Frederick II, 79
Freud, Sigmund, xxxvi, 3, 18, 19, 47, 50,
167,207, 321,404,406 Freudian psychoanalysis, 152 Freyer, Hans, 449-50
Fright, 126
Frohliche Wissenschafi, Die, 329 Fromm, Erich, 120, 126, 164, 304
Gabel, Joseph, 19
Gall, Doctor, 269, 270
Gay Science, xxi-xxii, xxxviii, 176, 179 Geachteten, Die, 439
Gehlen, Arnold, 7, 39
Genitals, 152-53
German Communist Party, 412
Germany, a Winter's Tale, 217 Gesamtausgabe, 436-39
Gesicht unserer Zeit, Das, 313
God. See Religion, critique of
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 107-8, 175,
Goya, Francisco de, 166
Grand Inquisitor, 182-95, 206-7
Granit and Herz, 452-53
Great Metaphysician, The, 198
Greek civilization. See Hellenistic civilization Greutzer, Matthias, 16
Grien, Hans Baldung, 254, 255
Grosstheorien, x
Grosz, George, 204, 272, 402, 403, 410, 414,
Grow, Gretel, 503
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Grilnderzeit, xxii
Guattari, Felix, xiv
Gulbransson, Olaf, 302, 337, 527 Gumbel, Emil Julius, 424-29
Habermas, Jiirgen, xiii, xiv, 113
Haffher, Sebastian, 429
Happiness, xxxv, xxxvii, 126, 512-14 Haussmann, Raoul, 391, 393, 395-96, 397,
Heartfield, John, 131
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, ix, 189, 370
Hegel's Holiday, 378
Hegemonic power, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 32, 77, 125, 240; and cheekiness, 103, 110; and Christianity, 334-38; cultural, 106; and cynicism, 111, 112-13, 229-50; in East/West competition, 246; and fascism,
242-43; freedom of, 110-11; and Marx- ism, 246-47; and monarchies, 229-30; and political kynicism, 230-33; in Russian his- tory, 243-44; and socialist movements, 241-42. See also Oppositional power
Heidegger, Martin, xxii, xxxvi, 124, 195-210 passim, 398, 417
Heine, Heinrich, xxvi, xxxvi, xxxviii, 16, 18, 57, 116, 217
Heine, Thomas Theodor, 112 Hellenistic civilization, 164 Heraclitus, 357, 360, 376 Hermeneutics, 19
Herzfelde, Wieland, 402
High theory, 102
Hippies, 106
Hitler, Adolf, xxii, 411-13, 421-22, 489-93.
See also Nazis
Hochkeppel, Willy, 106
Hoelz, Max, 506
Hoerle, Heinrich, 23, 456
Hoppla, wir Leben! 499, 508-9, 509, 512 Horkheimer, xiv
Hubbuch, Karl, 518
Huelsenbeck, Richard, 391, 392 Hugenberg, Alfred, 453
Human folly, 37
Id, 361, 366-67
Idealism, 104, 396
Ideology critique, x-xiii, xviii, 15-17, 17, 18,
19-21, 22, 30, 329, 385
Illuminating artillery, 353 Industrial Farmers, 84 Industrialism, 436-39, 442, 458 Industry Party, 96
Information industry, 308-10. See also Jour- nalism
Irony, 441
Jameson, Frederic, xv-xvi Jaspers, Karl, 417
Jesus, 162
554 ? INDEX
Jewish War, 150 Jokes, 305
Josephus, Flavius, 150 Journalism 307-8, 311 Joyful Science, 450 Jung, Franz, 3
Junger, Ernst, 150, 384, 461-64, 462
Kant, Immanuel, ix-xi, xxiv, xxx-xxxi, 455 Kastner, Erich, xxxii, 122, 422-23, 443, 477,
510, 519
Keleman, Stanley, 139
Kierkegaard, Soren, xxxvi
Kluge, Alexander, xviii
Knowing, xxx, xxxv
Knowledge, xxvi-xxix, xxxv, 11, 71, 192,
309-10; cynicism of, 287-98 Koch, Robert, 11
Kracauer, xxiii
Kunert, Giinther, 126
Kiinzberg, Privatdozent von, 446-47, 448 Kynic: and cheekiness, 103; vs. cynic, xxi; as dialectical materialist, 105; and dog philos-
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ophy, 104, 180; and Greek philosophy, 170; and pissing, shitting, etc. , 103, 151. See also Cynic
Kynicism: 101, 361-62, 365; and art, 109, 386; and bodily functions, 103, 106; as cultural revolution, 106; as current belief, xxix; vs. cynicism, xvii, xx, 124, 127, 193, 194; defined, 217-18; and Diogenes, ix, xv, 3, 103, 104, 167; and empiricism, 179; and Heidegger, 195, 203, 204, 205, 206; and hippies, 106; and idealism, 104, 111, 442; late Roman, 170, 171-72; and Lucian, 170; and Nietzsche, ix, xxviii; and physiognomy, 140; and possessions, 165; role of, xi; and satire, 16. See also Cyni- cism; Neokynicism
La Rochefoucauld, 26
Labor, 437-38
Language, speechless, 139 Laughter, 143-44, 529, 529-33 Laing, R. D. , 19
Lecture with Doctor Gall, 269
Left, the, xxvii, 209, 397, 450, 461, 465 Legitimation crisis, 113
Leonbuono, Lorenzo, 240
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 149
Lessing, Theodor, xxxvi, 24, 25
Lovers' Death in Jager Street, 518
Low theory, 102
Lucian, 169-74, 175 Liiddecke, Theodor, 450-52 Ludwig, Emil, 471-74 Luther, Martin, 24, 116-17 Lying. See Deception
M. A. S. H. , 302
Macedonian Empire. See Alexander the Great;
Hellenistic civilization
Machiavelli, Niccolo di Bernardo, 238-39 Magritte, Rene, 146, 378
Man Ray, 200
Mann, Heinrich, 474-75
Mann, Klaus, 403, 486
Mann, Thomas, xxiii, 467, 487-88, 529-33 Marcuse, Herbert, xiv
Marie Antoinette, 112
Marxism, xxxvi, 18, 20, 90-97, 246, 314-15,
317-20, 373-75; vs. anarchism 68; and critique of superstructure, 36-40; and knowledge, 90, 293; and morality, 46-47; as realistic philosophy, 191; and revolu- tion, 324. See also Superstructure, critique of
Masken und Metamorphosen des Nihilismus
(Masks and metamorphoses of nihilism),
Masks, 23
Masturbation, 101, 103, 106
Materialism: and bourgeoisie, 106, 438; di-
alectical, 101, 105; existential, 104; and idealism of power, 105; pantomimic, 103; and reality, 102
Media cynicism, 307-8, 313, 509-12 Medical cynicism, 266-75, 343-46 Meditation, 132
Meggendorfer Blatter, 358
Mein Kampf, 411-13, 421-22, 461 Melancholy, 517
Melville, Herman, 306
Mephistopheles, 174-82 passim, 177, 186 Mescalero, 123
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 47 Mesmermania, 48
Metallurgy. See Weaponry Metaphysics, xvi, 34-36, 34, 346 Michel, Karl Markus, 303
INDEX ? 555
Military cynicism, 219-29. See also Weaponry
Military ethics, 129, 323, 324, 384, 435
Mode of Vanity, 16
Monde concentrationnaire, Le. See Concentra-
tion camp
Money. See Economics
Monument to the Unknown Prostheses, 456 Morality, 126, 301, 303, 416, 436 Morality, critique of, 40-47
Mouth, 142-43, 145
Muhsam, Erich, 461
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Musil, Robert, xxx
Mutilation, 443-46, 444, 446, 447, 448 My Life and Work, 439
Napoleon, 224, 329, 469-74 Narcissism, 127
Narrenschiff (The ship of fools), 757 Nasrudin, Mullah, 160
Natural science: vs. weaponry, 349-55 Naturalism, critique of, 53-59
Nazis, 115, 117, 206, 388, 404, 451-52, 460 Negative futurism, 12
Negt, Oskar, xviii
Neokynicism, xxix, 106, 107, 109, 115, 196,
Neue Jugend, 406
Neutron bomb. See Nuclear holocaust NewWave, 118, 400
Nietzsche, Friedrich, ix-x, xvi, xxvii-xxix,
xxviii, xxxvi; and Apollo, 102; and cyni- cism, xxviii-xxix; and fascism, xxvii; and God, 386; and knowledge, 179, 293; and Marxism, 47; and middle classes, xxvii; and morality, 44-46; and politics, 192; and the Same, xxviii, 396; self- characterization of, xxix; and truth, 329; and Weimar Republic, 10; and will to power, xxvii
Nihilism, 192, 194, 196, 403, 415, 440-41 Nobodiness, xviii-xix, xxi, 73-74
Noske, Gustav, 429, 430, 431, 432 Nothingness, 346
Novalis, 169
Nuclear holocaust, xxi, xxii, 126-27, 130-31,
131, 325
Obedience, 141 Objectivity, 5, 6
Odysseus, xviii, xix, xxi, 74
Oedipus Rex, 180
On Perpetual Peace, xxx
On the Critique of the Times, 436
On the Proof of the Spirit and of the Power,
Ontology, 195, 207
Oppositional power, 103, 112, 337
Pain. See Algodicy
Paris Diary, 150-51
Pascal, Blaise, 59
Pasolini, Pier Paolo, xxxvi
Pasternak, Boris, 186
Pasteur, Louis, 11
Pastiche, xv, xvi
Peregrinus, 171-74 passim
Phallogocentrism, xvi
Philology, 23-25
Philosophic der Technik (Philosophy of tech-
nology), 453-57
Philosophy: analytical, 311; demise of, xxvi;
and Diogenes, 102, 158; as interaction of physics and logic, xxxi; and Kantian think- ing, xxxi; resurgence of, xxxviii; and science, 140; and social history, 103; task of, 14; and theoretical fascism, 8; and Turel, 458-59; and Western thought, xxxviii, 130
Philosophy of Money, The (Philosophic des Geldes), 315-16
Physiognomy: of Kant, xxx; of philosophers, xxxi; philosophical. 139, 384
Pineau, L. G. , 435 Pissing. See Urinating Platner, Johannes, 161 Plato, 101-4 passim, 168 Playboy, 264
Polemics, 329-56, 357
Police. See Hegemonic power
Political cynicism, 410, 414, 419, 424, 431,
Political Juggling Act, 81 Politics, 106, 120, 159 Politics of the personal, xxi Po/yphem, 73
Power: critique of, 14; of everything, xxiv, 6; and jokes, 103; knowledge as, xxvi; and sensitive theory, xxxiv; of the
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556 ? INDEX
110; will to, xxvii. See also Hegemonic power; Oppositional power
Prejudice, 14
Press, the. See Media cynicism
Privacy, critique of. See Egoism, critique of Prostitution, 317, 320
Protokynicism, 170
Psychoanalytische Bewegung, 404 Psychopolitical perceptions, 500
Puzzle of Desire, The, 342
Quaero homines, 163
Raddatz, Fritz J. , 126 Raphael, 144
Rathenau, Walter, 436-40 Rationalism, 310-11, 324 Rauschning, Hermann, 440 Realism, 4 Regler, Gustav, 502-4
Reich, Wilhelm, 19
Reichsverband, Der (The Reich Association),
444, 445
Reification, xii-xiii, 15, 20, 27
Religion, critique of, 26-34
Religious cynicism, 275-87 passim
Remarque, Erich Maria, 414, 419
Republican Automatons, 204
Revelation, critique of, 23-26. See also Bible Reverdy, Pierre, 301
Richet, Charles Robert, 494-95 Riesenprogramm, 219
Right, the, xxvii, 414, 415, 426-28, 450, 461,
Rocky Horror Picture Show, 128 Roth, Joseph, 515-17
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, xxxvi, 163 Rowlandson, Thomas, 224
Rubiner, Ludwig, 496-97 Ruhmkorf, Peter, 534
Russian Secret Police, 337
SS Death Head Units, 286 Sachs, Hugo, 115
Salomon, Ernst von, 439-40 Sarcasm, 7
Sartre, Jean-Paul, xiv, 149
Satan, 144, 176-81 passim, 206, 362-65 Satire, 16, 18, 102, 118, 304
Scepter, The, 152
Schalck, E. , 81
Schauwecker, Franz, 410, 414, 415-16,
Scheler, Max, 467-68
Schlafwandler, 132
Schleyer, Hans-Martin, 123
Schlicher, Rudolf, 231
Scholem, Gershom, 458, 459
Scholz, Georg, 84
School of Athens, Diogenes on the Steps, 144 Schopenhauer, Arthur, ix, xxxviii
Schuder, Kurt, 452-53
Secret agents, 113-14
Seel, Otto, 169-70
Sein undZeit, 124, 195, 197, 199, 201, 202,
203, 207, 208, 417
Seiwert, Franz Wilhelm, 12 Selbsterfahrung, xvii, xviii, xxi
Self-denial, 217
Self-destruction, 8
Self-preservation. See Survival
Sensitive theory, xxxiii-iv
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Sensuousness, xxx-xxxi
Serner, Walter, 391, 398-400
Sexual cynicism, 250-66, 262, 515-20 Sexual revolution, the, 153
Sexuality, 106, 153, 168, 305, 340-43 Shame, 168
Shitting. See Defecating
Shrove Tuesday, 117
Siemens, William, 11
Simmel, Georg, 315-16, 317
Simplicitas conquers Fraus (Simplicity con-
quers fraud), 43
Smile. See Mouth
Social democracy, xxvii, xxix, 425, 429-32 Socrates, 103, 104, 109, 171
Soldat Suhren, 416
Sophists, 104
Spengler, Oswald, 384, 460, 469, 471, 473,
Split consciousness, 477-82
Stalinism, 114
State cynicism. See Hegemonic power Stoicism, 165, 170
Stolz und Trauer (Pride and sadness), 461 Stranglers, the, 127
Strauss, F. J. , 112
Stupidity. See Deception
Subjectivity, xiii, xviii-xix, 534-47
INDEX ? 557
Suicide, 118-19, 398
Superstructure, critique of 36-40 Surrealism, 458
Survival, xx, 8, 25, 113, 128-29, 169, 180,
217, 321, 322, 324-25, 346, 443
Technokratie, Autarkie, Genetokratie, 458 Technology, 448-50, 453-54, 454, 457, 457, 458. See also Industrialism
Ten Commandments, 301, 302, 307 Tendenzwende, ix
Terror, 102
Terrorism, 123
Theology, 23-26
Theweleit, Klaus, xxiii
Thiess, Frank, 313
Third Reich. See Hitler, Adolf; Nazis
Third World, 308
Thirty Years'War, 115
Thomas, Karl, 507-8, 511
Threepenny Opera, 152, 306, 387
Tibaldi, Pellegrino, 73
Toller, Ernst, 506-7, 511
Torless, Musil, ix, xxx-xxxi
Totalitarianism, xvii
Transparency. See Unconsciousness, critique
Treaty of Versailles, 410-11, 425
Truth, xxvii, xxiv, 13, 20, 102, 104, 311,
330, 440
Tucholsky, Kurt, 401-2
Turel, Adrien, 458-59
Two Kings of Terror, The, 224
Unconsciousness, critique of, 47-53 Unhomeliness, 203-4
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Uniformity, 309, 314
Universal polemics, 373-75 Universities, 117, 120
Untimely Observations, ix Urfragen, 460
Urinating, 103-7, 104
van der Vring, Georg, 414, 416
van Eestern, C, 435
Vanity, 16
Verratene Revolution 1918/1919, Die, 429
Verschwbrer, 424-29 passim
Virgin Disciplines the Christ Child, The, 279 Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de, xiv
Wahrhaftigkeit, 461
Walpurgis Night on Henkel's Field, 505 Walser, Martin, 320-21
War: and moral consciousness, 301; and muti-
lation, 443-46, 444; and pre-Fascist litera- ture, 121; and psychic mechanisms, 120, 121; senselessness of, 415-16; and sur- vival, 128-29, 323, 419, 420, 434, 443; ultimate, 130
War volunteers, 121
Watt, James, 11
Weaponry, 128, 130, 349-55, 353, 435 Weber, Max, 425
Weill, Kurt, 306
Weimar Republic, xxii-xxiii, 10, 124,
384-86, 387-90, 414-15, 422, 424-25; and Anyone, 199; and catastrophile com- plex, 122; and cynicism, xxiii, 7-8, 10; and disillusionment, 8, 410, 416; double decisions of, 521-28; elements of, 425, 435; as historical mirror, 89; and Hitler's rise, 521; as miscarried enlightenment, 10; and Nietzsche's philosophy, 10; social character of, 500-501
Wilde, Oscar, xxxii, 307
Wilhelminianism, 411-12, 425 Wintermdrchen, 33
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 398
World War I, 121, 121, 122, 128, 202, 386,
392, 410, 419, 434, 461 World War II, 123, 128, 202 Wulffen, Erich, 485-86 Wunde Heine, Die, xxxvi
Yesbody, xix, 73
You Will Not Find Him, 166
Zauberberg, Der, 529 Zeitgeist, 139
Zen masters, 130, 157 Zichy, Michael von, 344 Zille, Heinrich, 156, 219 Zola, Emile, xiv
Zur geistigen Situation der Zeit (Man in the modern age), 417
Peter Sloterdijk holds a doctorate in German literature from the University of Hamburg with a concentration in the autobiographical literature of the Weimar Republic. He has published several other books in German, including Eu- totaoismus, eight essays on the postmodern condition (1987), Der Denker aufder Bilhne, on Nietzsche (1986), and a novel on the beginnings of psychoanalysis in 1785: Der Zauberbaum (1985).
Michael Eldred works in Konstanz, West Germany, as a translator and freelance philosopher. He has been a mathematical statistician and has taught philosophy, mathematics, and English at the college level. Eldred received his B. S. and M. S. in pure mathematics and, in 1984, his Ph. D. in philosophy from the University of Sydney. Thesis Eleven, Capital and Class and Numberger Blatter are a few of the journals to which he contributes. He is author of Critique of Competitive Freedom and the Bourgeois-Democratic State (1984) and co-author, with Mike Roth, of Guide to Marx's CAPITAL (1978).
Andreas Huyssen, now a professor of German at Columbia University, was professor of German and comparative literature at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, from 1971 until 1986. Huyssen has been an editor of New German Critique since 1974. He is author of After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism (1986), and co- editor of The Technological Imagination (1980) and Postmoderne (1986).
manifest that we cannot reach agreement with each other. If the inability to sub- jugate oneself is a characteristic structure of modern subjective autonomy, sub- jective reason must at least be allowed to demand that the subjects subjugate them- selves to the priority of communication over those communicating, and of experiences over "needs. " Otherwise, it would lose its credentials as reason.
The critique of cynical reason has shown how "subjects" who have become both hard and agile in existential and social strictures of struggle have given the universal the cold shoulder and have not hesitated to repudiate all high cultural ideals when it was a matter of self-preservation. "Pugnacious reason" is from the start an activist and untranquil reason that at no price lets itself be made fluid and never subjects itself to the precedence of what is common, universal, and encom- passing. Under these conditions, the efforts of practical philosophy are confined within depressingly narrow limits. Practical reason, which attempts to guide the undertakings of subjectivities, runs as if in vain up against the
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unpliable self- insistence of millions of fragmented centers of private reason. The latter want to subject every rationality to private conditions and act as if enlightenment has no right to intrude into certain reserved places where secret strategies are spun. Sub-
jective reason that has regressed to private reason always bears within itself a will to night (Ernst Weiss), a cunning not- wanting-to-know about connections, a making-itself-inaccessible to the demands of universality and a strategic harden- 544 D CONCLUSION
ing, made clever by life, against all sirens' melodies of communication and recon- ciliation. Indeed, "respectable" individual strategies may occasionally "negoti- ate," but where the inner strategists look over the shoulders of the dialogue part- ners, there the "communication" is also strategically perverted. Productive communication already eludes calculable feasibility and, where it succeeds, has the structure of letting-oneself-communicate. The cynicism analysis, by contrast, describes the interactions of subjectivism that cannot unwind, of highly armed centers of private reason, conglomerations of power bristling with weapons and science-supported systems of hyperproduction. None of them would even dream of bending to a communicative reason; rather, under the pretense of communica- tion, they want to subjugate the latter to its private conditions.
Under the pressure of suffering in the most recent crises, members of our civilization see themselves forced, quasi- neoclassically, to repeat the "know thy- self," and in this they discover their systematic inability to communicate in the way that would guarantee true de-escalation. The subjective that cannot "mirror" itself in any "whole" nevertheless encounters itself in countless analogous subjec- tivities that, similarly worldless and encapsulated, pursue only their "own" goals and that, where they interact with others, are only bound to each other, precari- ously and subject to revocation, in "antagonistic cooperation. " The renewed "know thyself produces an image of incurable self-preservation that is merci- lessly thrown back onto every "self by all others. Hence, if in modernity, worldly and self-experience converge in spite of all sundering, they do so under the condi- tion that the struggles of self-preservation of privatized subjective reason in- wardly as well as outwardly, psychologically as well as technologically, in the intimate domain as well as in political spheres, have generated the same isolation of subjects, the same iciness, the same polemical, strategic subjectivisms, and the same quick-footed denial of high-cultural ethical ideals. I have tried to develop a language in which one can speak about both spheres with the same expressions. In the analysis of cynicism, the language of self- experience is again directly syn-
chronized with the language of worldly experience--assuming we wanted to make the self side speak in an extremely honest way, the world side in a ruthlessly clear way.
So much is obvious: that the cynicism analysis aims at a critique of subjective reason without immediately wanting to return to the lost illusions of an objective reason. This would mean fighting against one false respectability with another. The critique of "cynical reason" therefore argues immanently and "dialectically. " In overview of the course of enlightenment it recapitulates the inner contradic- tions in enlightenment and repeats the ironic "labor on the superego," or better, the combative "labor on the ideal" that inevitably falls due under the predomi- nance of strategic subjectivities in class and military societies. In this we have dealt with the "cultural struggle" for the great ideals, whose validity or worthless- ness decides the existence or decay of personal and collective integrity: heroic
courage, the legitimacy of power, love, the medical arts, praise of the living, truth, authenticity, obedience to experience, just exchange. In this order, we have sketched phenomenologically the various worlds of values, with their inner rup- tures and struggles. One must have once taken these ideals seriously, without reservation, in order to be able to empathize with the drama of their satirical accu- sation by kynical resistance and with the tragicomedy of their self- denial by the serious cynicism of the will to power and profit. Those who have never respected such ideals and orient themselves, in their own twilight, toward their ambiguity, will never understand the necessity of the questions posed here: where these am- biguities come from and which experiences had to dull the once uncomplicated "shining" light of enlightenment to the overproblematic twilight of late moder- nity. Thus, the critique of subjective reason as well as that of strategic reason, of strategic as well as cynical "reasson," leads through a manifold convoluted odyssey of ambivalences whose threads, the closer we come to the present, entan- gle themselves all the more in threatening complexity.
"Sapere aude! Have the courage to use your own understanding! is thus the motto of enlightenment. " In this way, Immanuel Kant had formulated the slogan of the still self-certain, modern, subjective doctrine of reason in his famous essay of 1784, What Is Enlightenment? With skeptical optimism, this reason thought itself capable, through subjective efforts, of coping with the tendencies of the world that did not "yet" obey the standards of reason. One's own ability to know, summoned by Kant, is based on the vital quality of a courage that is alien to the modern despair about the "state of affairs. " Although Kant forbade us to think of "objective goals" in nature, his philosophizing orients itself, to be sure,
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not to- ward an overarching world reason but toward the confidence in our ability to bring reason into the state of the world. Secretly, classical enlightenment too as- sumes that the "nature of things," as if it were already prepared to bend to our aims, has already come the greatest part of the way toward the efforts of subjec- tive reason. By connecting the use of the understanding directly to courageous self-confidence, Kant betrays that although reason is supposed to be restricted critically and discreetly to achievements of subjectivity, he relies in his extracriti- cal relation to the world on a great, mute "accommodation" of nature to reason. It is courage that allows enlightenment thinking to imagine a rational guidance of the state of the world. This courage hints at that forbearance in which the ac- tivity of enlightenment, too, must know itself to be structurally embedded. Wher- ever enlightenment shows promise of success, it has the structure of a coura- geous, spontaneous letting-oneself-think-and-do that relies on the possibility that our knowing and activity do not blindly and subjectively race past all tendencies of reality, but creatively and adeptly join up with strivings and forces of the world in order in the end "to make something more out of it," in the sense of rational goals.
In view of past and threatening world catastrophes, today's historically frus-
trated life feeling may no longer really believe in this. Often it shows itself to be extremely uncourageous in "making use of its own understanding. " Since they have to a large extent lost their courage to reason, the heirs of enlightenment to- day, nervous, doubting, and forcibly without illusions, are on the way to a global cynicism. Only in the form of derision and renunciation do references to the ideals of a humane culture still seem bearable. Cynicism, as enlightened false consciousness, has become a hard-boiled, shadowy cleverness that has split cour- age off from itself, holds anything positive to be fraud, and is intent only on some- how getting through life. He who laughs last, laughs as if in pleural shock. Cyni- cal consciousness adds up the "bad experiences" of all times and lets only the prospectless uniformity of hard facts prevail. Modern cynicism is the knot in which all "snakelike writhings of an immoral doctrine of cleverness" (Kant, On Eternal Peace) entangle themselves. In the neocynical attitude, world-historical learning processes of bitterness come to fruition. They have stamped the traces of the coldness of exchange, of world wars, and the self-denial of ideals in our consciousnesses, which have become sick with experience. Hey, we're alive; hey, we're selling ourselves; hey, we're arming; those who die young save social security contributions. In this way cynicism guarantees the expanded reproduc- tion of the past on the newest level of what is currently the worst. It is for this reason that prophecies of an imminent and manmade end of the world are so much in vogue: "Have the courage to use your own bomb. " As if in a fever, cynically unfettered realism even speaks the truth to us with warnings. With macabre fits of fear, the panicking subjectivisms rustle through the media and speak of the apocalypse: "Look out, look out, the times are peculiar / And peculiar children they have: us. " Have we not become as Descartes conceived us? The Res cogitans in self-guiding missiles? The isolated thing-for-yourself in the middle of similar
beings? We are the metal ego, the block ego, the plutonium ego, the neutron ego, we are the fallout-shelter citizens, the artillery subjects, the missle pensioners, the cannon shareholders, the security lemures, the armored pensioners, the apocalyptic riders of the compulsion of things, and the phantom pacifists who pro- mote the better cause with nuclear free-style ethics. Only the greatest impudence still has words for reality. Only anarchic waywardness still finds an expression for contemporary normality. As in the days of Diogenes, the bearers of the sys- tem have lost their self- confidence to the apparently crazy ones. They now can only choose between the false self-experience in collective suicide and the suicide of false subjectivity in real self-experience.
Sapere aude! remains the motto of an enlightenment that, even in the twilight of the most recent dangers, resists intimidation by catastrophe. Only out of its courage can a future still unfold that would be more than the expanded reproduc- tion of the worst of the past. Such courage nourishes itself from the now faint cur- rents of recollection of a spontaneous ability of life to be-in-order, an order not constructed by anybody. Where the old doctrines tried to speak of "objective rea-
son," they also wanted, with therapeutic intent, to remind us that in a world that has become thoroughly "alienated" since the beginning of the era of high culture, things can perhaps again flow and order themselves if we disarm as subjects and step back from respectably camouflaged, destructive activism into letting things be.
Can one really still say such a thing? Is the alliance of our rationality with "real- ism" and cynicism secretly already so consolidated that it no longer wants to know anything about any reason other than activistic reason? With this question, our critical investigation comes to an end. What is left to say? Experiences would now come into play that one can only refer to mysteriously without being able to call on the aid of proofs. That about which one cannot argue should be told at a more opportune time. It is a matter of experiences for which I can find no other word than the exuberant experience of a well-spent life. In our best moments, when, overcome with success, even the most energetic activity gives way to
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passivity and the rhythmics of the living carry us spontaneously, courage can suddenly make itself felt as a euphoric clarity or a seriousness that is wonderfully tranquil within itself. It awakens the present within us. In the present, awareness climbs all at once to the heights of being. Cool and bright, every moment enters its space; you are no different from its brightness, its coolness, its jubilation. Bad ex- periences give way to new opportunities. No history makes you old. The unkind- nesses of yesterday compel you to nothing. In the light of such a presence of spirit, the spell of reenactments is broken. Every conscious second eradicates what is hopelessly past and becomes the first second of an Other History.
1. It is an intelligence that is "literary" in the broadest and best sense of the word. Insofar as cynicism-analysis is also a philosophy of literature, it measures the distance between literary-poetic achievements and philosophical-discursive achievements of intelligence.
Abenteuerliche Herz, Das (The adventurous heart), 463
Abtotungsverfahren, 126
Ad hominem arguments, 18
Adelson, Leslie A. , xxiv
Adorno, Theodor, xxxiv, xxxvii, 58; and aes-
thetic theory, xxxi, 109; and Critical The- ory, xxxiv; and denial of masculine, xxxv; and dialectics, 372-73; and embodiment,
106-7; essay on Heine, xxxvi; and melan- choly science, xv, xviii, xxxvii; and metaphysics, xvii; and Sensitive theory, xxxiv
Aired Curtain, The, 44
Alexander the Great, xv, 160-62, 161, 165 Algodicy, 460, 461, 464
All Quiet on the Western Front, 419 Allegoria della Fortuna, 240
Althusser, Louis, 91, 315
Amoralism, 126
Anaximander, 351
Animal Magnetism, 262
Antienlightenment, 10, 17, 178 Anti-Semitism, 115, 411, 426
Anyone, xxii, 195-210 passim
Arendt, Hannah, 206
Aristotle, 101, 103, 167, 255
Armament, 131-32
Arse, 147-49
Artificial limb philosophy, 449, 451, 458-59 Artillery. See Weaponry
Asceticism, 167, 203
Astronomy, 464
Atomic bomb. See Nuclear holocaust Aujbruch der Nation, 410, 415-16, 420-21 Aujkldrung, xi, xiii, xvii. See also Enlight-
enment Auschwitz, 64
Automobiles, 419-20 Avenarius, Ferdinand, 491-93
Baader, Johannes, 391, 395 Bader von Lucca, Die, xxxviii Balzac, Honore de, 115 Bankruptcy, The, 431 Baudouin, 31 Baudrillard, xxii, xxv
Bauhaus, 203
Baum, Vicki, 515
Beauty Swings Her Whip over Wisdom, 255 Becher, Johannes R. , 477
Been, Doctor, 481
Being, 304
Benjamin, Walter, xxxii, 114, 126, 465-67
Benn, Gottfried, xxv, xxx, 116, 482 Bergler, Edmund 404-8
Beyond Good and Evil, 23, 208 Biberkopf, Franz, 504-6, 505
Bible, 23-25
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Billy Budd, 306
Binding, Rudolf G. , 461
Bismarck, Otto von, 81
Black empiricism. See Empiricism, black Blind Power, 231
Bloch, Ernst, 125, 384-85
Blue Angel, The, 387
Bohemians, 109, 117, 118
Bomb. See Nuclear holocaust
Bourgeois art, 108-9, 311-12, 391, 397 Bourgeoisie, 106, 115, 118, 309, 438
Breasts, 147
Brecht, Bertolt, ix, xvi, xix, xxiii, xxxvi, 306,
422, 434, 441-42, 443, 483, 499, 515,
"Bright hour. " See Split consciousness Broch, Hermann, 132, 419
Bronnen, Arnolt, 515
Brothers Karamazov, The, 182, 183, 187-88 Buback murder, 123
Buergel, Bruno H. , 464-65
Burckhardt, Jakob, 115
Camus, Albert, 149
Capital, 314-15, 320
Carnival, 117
Castiglione, Giovanni, 162 Catastrophile complex, 120, 122, 123 Celestial Science, 464
Chaotology, 399
Cheekiness: and Bohemians, 117; and car-
nival, 117; and cynicism, 111, 115, 116; defined, 102-3; Diogenes and, 103; future of, 124; Goethe's, 107; history of, 115; andkynicism, 101, 103, 110, 118; and Luther, 116; religious, 110; significance of, 102, 126-27; and universities, 117
Chekov, Anton, xxxii
Child-like Question, 302
Christian Love--As Practiced in Spain, 284 Christianity, xxvii, 106, 126, 168, 169-70 Cicero, 303
City of Traffic, 435
Class structure. See Hegemonic power; Super-
structure, critique of Clothes Stand, 200
Concentration camp, world as, xiv Concernedness, xxxiii Conservatism, x, xii
Cooper, David, 19
Counterpublic sphere, xviii Criminality, 305, 306
Cripples. See Mutilation
Crisis, chronic, 124
Critical Theory, xiv, xvii, xxxiii-xxxv,
xxxvii, 209, 388
Critique, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvi, 3, 8, 14, 16,
18, 385. See also Ideology critique Critique of Pure Reason, ix, xxx, xxxi,
xxxviii, 455 Cubism, 499
Cynic, xii, 3-4; historical examples of, xvii, 4, 155-56; and knowledge, 142; vs. kynic. xxi; and kynic body, xviii; modern, 4-5; Nietzsche as, xxix; psychoanalysis of, 404-8; theologians as, 25. See also Kynic
Cynical laughter. See Laughter
Cynical reason, xiii, xxxii, xxxvii, 8, 18, 82 Cynical structure, 8
Cynicism: -analysis, 535, 547; defined, xi,
xxii, xxxii, 5, 405; and economics, 315-17, 320; as enlightened false con- sciousness, xii, 5-6; growth of in 1970s, xii; investigation of, xxxvii; vs. kynicism, xvii, xx, xxxix, 124, 127, 193, 194, 218; master, 111, 111-12, 115, 116, 142; mod- ern, 3-4, 20, 111, 118, 187, 193, 385, 462; and Nietzsche, xxix, 386; and psy- choanalysis, 152, 405-8; and realism, xxxii; role of, xi; status, 6; strategies to resist, xi. See also Kynicism
Dadaism, 391-92, 402, 443 Dadasophy, 395, 396
Dali, Salvador, 342 Dangerous Vaginas, 341 Daumier, Honore, 284
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de Cari, G. , 32
De Chirico, 198
de Sade, Marquis, 260
Death, 149, 346-49
Deception, 483-98
Defecating, 103, 104, 149, 149, 151 Deleuze, Gilles, xiii, xix
Denn sie wissen, was sie tun, 76 Derrida, Jacques, xvi
552 ? INDEX
Descartes, Rene, xi, 330 Dessauer, Friedrich, 453-57 Detective stories, 305-6 Devil. See Satan
Dialectic of Enlightenment, xi, xiv, xv, xvi, xviii, xix, xxi
Dialectics, 367-79
Dietz, Ferdinand, 45
Diogenes, ix, 101-6 passim, 144, 150,
156-69, 157, 161, 162, 209-10; descen- dants of, 193, 194-95; as kynic, 3, 115, 171; kynical gaze of, 145; protest gestures of, xviii, 151; and resistance, xv, xviii
Diogenes Looking for Human Beings, 162
Disarmament, 129-30, 132
Discontent, x, xxxii, 3, 88
Discussion, 12
Dissatisfied enlightenment. See Enlightenment Dix, Otto, 517
Doctors. See Medical cynicism
Don Quixote, 222, 223
Dore, Gustave, 223
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 182, 185, 187, 188,
Dropouts, xi, xxii
Du und das Weltall (You and the universe),
Economics, 315-22
Egoism, critique of, 59-74
Ehringer, G. , 163
Eichendorff, J. V. , 534
Einbahnstrasse (One-way street), 466-67 Einstein, Albert, 141
Elias, Norbert, xviii
Ellenberger, Henry F. , 47
Embodiment, 106-7, 118-20, 168 Emigration, 119
Empiricism, 179, 310, 311
Empiricism, black, 329-356
Enlightened false consciousness, xvii, xxii;
cynicism as, xii, 5-6, 217; vs. false con- sciousness, 6; and political history, 6. See also Enlightenment; False consciousness
Enlightenment: age of, xxx; in antiquity, 164; and cheekiness, 99, 127; and cynicism, xxxvii, 3, 10, 97-99; defined, 177- 78; de- velopment of, 83-88; dialogue of, 13; and Diogenes, 102; and disillusionment, xxvii, 6, 153; dissatisfied, 11, 17; embodied,
120; and German history, xi, xxxv-xxxvi, 10, 81; irony of, 542; and Kant, xxx, 455; limits of, 6, 10; as melancholy science, xxxvii; miscarried, 10; modern day, 6, 124, 309, 310; patriarchal, 80; and peace, 13; and physiognomy, 140; as polemical knowledge, 229-31; prevention of, 76-82;
and science, 86; and self-doubt, 11; and self-inhibition, 126; and Weimar Republic, 10, 125; and Zen, 130. See also Auf- kldrung
Epistemic interests, 331
Epistemology, 357
Erheiterungsarbeit, xviii
Erkenntnis. See Knowing
Ernst, Max, 279
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Escapism, 119-20
Espionage, 331-36
Ethics, 303-4, 439
Eulenspiegel, Till, 115, 116, 142, 149, 178, 254
Existentialism, 101, 168, 196, 420 Eyes, 145-46
Fabian, 76
Faith Healers or the K. V. Machine, The, 272 False consciousness: 3-9, 15, 22; and decep-
tion 29; vs. enlightened false conscious- ness, 6; forms of, 15; and Marx 20; as sick consciousness, 19. See also Enlight- ened false consciousness
False living, xxxiv-xxxv False logic, 21
False Mirror, The, 146 Falsitas, 45
Farting, 101, 103, 150-51
Fascism: and artistic release, 306; and Auf-
kldrung, xi; and automobiles, 420; and cynicism, 8, 242-43, 389; and Dadaism, 395, 400; German, 115, 206, 388, 420, 467; ideology of, 8, 451-52; and JCinger, 462; and Nietzsche, xvii; and technology, 453; and Weimar descendant, 7, 122 Faust, 76, 175-81 passim, 177, 388 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 18
Flake, Otto, xxvi
Flaubert, Gustave, 325
Flesh and Iron, 437
Fools, 102
Ford, Henry, 439
INDEX ? 553
Foucault, Michel, x-xi, xiv, xviii, xxiv Fourth Reich, 455, 457
Fragebogen, Der, 440
Franciscans, 165
Frank, Bruno, 387
Frechheit, xvi
Frederick II, 79
Freud, Sigmund, xxxvi, 3, 18, 19, 47, 50,
167,207, 321,404,406 Freudian psychoanalysis, 152 Freyer, Hans, 449-50
Fright, 126
Frohliche Wissenschafi, Die, 329 Fromm, Erich, 120, 126, 164, 304
Gabel, Joseph, 19
Gall, Doctor, 269, 270
Gay Science, xxi-xxii, xxxviii, 176, 179 Geachteten, Die, 439
Gehlen, Arnold, 7, 39
Genitals, 152-53
German Communist Party, 412
Germany, a Winter's Tale, 217 Gesamtausgabe, 436-39
Gesicht unserer Zeit, Das, 313
God. See Religion, critique of
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 107-8, 175,
Goya, Francisco de, 166
Grand Inquisitor, 182-95, 206-7
Granit and Herz, 452-53
Great Metaphysician, The, 198
Greek civilization. See Hellenistic civilization Greutzer, Matthias, 16
Grien, Hans Baldung, 254, 255
Grosstheorien, x
Grosz, George, 204, 272, 402, 403, 410, 414,
Grow, Gretel, 503
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Grilnderzeit, xxii
Guattari, Felix, xiv
Gulbransson, Olaf, 302, 337, 527 Gumbel, Emil Julius, 424-29
Habermas, Jiirgen, xiii, xiv, 113
Haffher, Sebastian, 429
Happiness, xxxv, xxxvii, 126, 512-14 Haussmann, Raoul, 391, 393, 395-96, 397,
Heartfield, John, 131
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, ix, 189, 370
Hegel's Holiday, 378
Hegemonic power, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 32, 77, 125, 240; and cheekiness, 103, 110; and Christianity, 334-38; cultural, 106; and cynicism, 111, 112-13, 229-50; in East/West competition, 246; and fascism,
242-43; freedom of, 110-11; and Marx- ism, 246-47; and monarchies, 229-30; and political kynicism, 230-33; in Russian his- tory, 243-44; and socialist movements, 241-42. See also Oppositional power
Heidegger, Martin, xxii, xxxvi, 124, 195-210 passim, 398, 417
Heine, Heinrich, xxvi, xxxvi, xxxviii, 16, 18, 57, 116, 217
Heine, Thomas Theodor, 112 Hellenistic civilization, 164 Heraclitus, 357, 360, 376 Hermeneutics, 19
Herzfelde, Wieland, 402
High theory, 102
Hippies, 106
Hitler, Adolf, xxii, 411-13, 421-22, 489-93.
See also Nazis
Hochkeppel, Willy, 106
Hoelz, Max, 506
Hoerle, Heinrich, 23, 456
Hoppla, wir Leben! 499, 508-9, 509, 512 Horkheimer, xiv
Hubbuch, Karl, 518
Huelsenbeck, Richard, 391, 392 Hugenberg, Alfred, 453
Human folly, 37
Id, 361, 366-67
Idealism, 104, 396
Ideology critique, x-xiii, xviii, 15-17, 17, 18,
19-21, 22, 30, 329, 385
Illuminating artillery, 353 Industrial Farmers, 84 Industrialism, 436-39, 442, 458 Industry Party, 96
Information industry, 308-10. See also Jour- nalism
Irony, 441
Jameson, Frederic, xv-xvi Jaspers, Karl, 417
Jesus, 162
554 ? INDEX
Jewish War, 150 Jokes, 305
Josephus, Flavius, 150 Journalism 307-8, 311 Joyful Science, 450 Jung, Franz, 3
Junger, Ernst, 150, 384, 461-64, 462
Kant, Immanuel, ix-xi, xxiv, xxx-xxxi, 455 Kastner, Erich, xxxii, 122, 422-23, 443, 477,
510, 519
Keleman, Stanley, 139
Kierkegaard, Soren, xxxvi
Kluge, Alexander, xviii
Knowing, xxx, xxxv
Knowledge, xxvi-xxix, xxxv, 11, 71, 192,
309-10; cynicism of, 287-98 Koch, Robert, 11
Kracauer, xxiii
Kunert, Giinther, 126
Kiinzberg, Privatdozent von, 446-47, 448 Kynic: and cheekiness, 103; vs. cynic, xxi; as dialectical materialist, 105; and dog philos-
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ophy, 104, 180; and Greek philosophy, 170; and pissing, shitting, etc. , 103, 151. See also Cynic
Kynicism: 101, 361-62, 365; and art, 109, 386; and bodily functions, 103, 106; as cultural revolution, 106; as current belief, xxix; vs. cynicism, xvii, xx, 124, 127, 193, 194; defined, 217-18; and Diogenes, ix, xv, 3, 103, 104, 167; and empiricism, 179; and Heidegger, 195, 203, 204, 205, 206; and hippies, 106; and idealism, 104, 111, 442; late Roman, 170, 171-72; and Lucian, 170; and Nietzsche, ix, xxviii; and physiognomy, 140; and possessions, 165; role of, xi; and satire, 16. See also Cyni- cism; Neokynicism
La Rochefoucauld, 26
Labor, 437-38
Language, speechless, 139 Laughter, 143-44, 529, 529-33 Laing, R. D. , 19
Lecture with Doctor Gall, 269
Left, the, xxvii, 209, 397, 450, 461, 465 Legitimation crisis, 113
Leonbuono, Lorenzo, 240
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 149
Lessing, Theodor, xxxvi, 24, 25
Lovers' Death in Jager Street, 518
Low theory, 102
Lucian, 169-74, 175 Liiddecke, Theodor, 450-52 Ludwig, Emil, 471-74 Luther, Martin, 24, 116-17 Lying. See Deception
M. A. S. H. , 302
Macedonian Empire. See Alexander the Great;
Hellenistic civilization
Machiavelli, Niccolo di Bernardo, 238-39 Magritte, Rene, 146, 378
Man Ray, 200
Mann, Heinrich, 474-75
Mann, Klaus, 403, 486
Mann, Thomas, xxiii, 467, 487-88, 529-33 Marcuse, Herbert, xiv
Marie Antoinette, 112
Marxism, xxxvi, 18, 20, 90-97, 246, 314-15,
317-20, 373-75; vs. anarchism 68; and critique of superstructure, 36-40; and knowledge, 90, 293; and morality, 46-47; as realistic philosophy, 191; and revolu- tion, 324. See also Superstructure, critique of
Masken und Metamorphosen des Nihilismus
(Masks and metamorphoses of nihilism),
Masks, 23
Masturbation, 101, 103, 106
Materialism: and bourgeoisie, 106, 438; di-
alectical, 101, 105; existential, 104; and idealism of power, 105; pantomimic, 103; and reality, 102
Media cynicism, 307-8, 313, 509-12 Medical cynicism, 266-75, 343-46 Meditation, 132
Meggendorfer Blatter, 358
Mein Kampf, 411-13, 421-22, 461 Melancholy, 517
Melville, Herman, 306
Mephistopheles, 174-82 passim, 177, 186 Mescalero, 123
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 47 Mesmermania, 48
Metallurgy. See Weaponry Metaphysics, xvi, 34-36, 34, 346 Michel, Karl Markus, 303
INDEX ? 555
Military cynicism, 219-29. See also Weaponry
Military ethics, 129, 323, 324, 384, 435
Mode of Vanity, 16
Monde concentrationnaire, Le. See Concentra-
tion camp
Money. See Economics
Monument to the Unknown Prostheses, 456 Morality, 126, 301, 303, 416, 436 Morality, critique of, 40-47
Mouth, 142-43, 145
Muhsam, Erich, 461
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Musil, Robert, xxx
Mutilation, 443-46, 444, 446, 447, 448 My Life and Work, 439
Napoleon, 224, 329, 469-74 Narcissism, 127
Narrenschiff (The ship of fools), 757 Nasrudin, Mullah, 160
Natural science: vs. weaponry, 349-55 Naturalism, critique of, 53-59
Nazis, 115, 117, 206, 388, 404, 451-52, 460 Negative futurism, 12
Negt, Oskar, xviii
Neokynicism, xxix, 106, 107, 109, 115, 196,
Neue Jugend, 406
Neutron bomb. See Nuclear holocaust NewWave, 118, 400
Nietzsche, Friedrich, ix-x, xvi, xxvii-xxix,
xxviii, xxxvi; and Apollo, 102; and cyni- cism, xxviii-xxix; and fascism, xxvii; and God, 386; and knowledge, 179, 293; and Marxism, 47; and middle classes, xxvii; and morality, 44-46; and politics, 192; and the Same, xxviii, 396; self- characterization of, xxix; and truth, 329; and Weimar Republic, 10; and will to power, xxvii
Nihilism, 192, 194, 196, 403, 415, 440-41 Nobodiness, xviii-xix, xxi, 73-74
Noske, Gustav, 429, 430, 431, 432 Nothingness, 346
Novalis, 169
Nuclear holocaust, xxi, xxii, 126-27, 130-31,
131, 325
Obedience, 141 Objectivity, 5, 6
Odysseus, xviii, xix, xxi, 74
Oedipus Rex, 180
On Perpetual Peace, xxx
On the Critique of the Times, 436
On the Proof of the Spirit and of the Power,
Ontology, 195, 207
Oppositional power, 103, 112, 337
Pain. See Algodicy
Paris Diary, 150-51
Pascal, Blaise, 59
Pasolini, Pier Paolo, xxxvi
Pasternak, Boris, 186
Pasteur, Louis, 11
Pastiche, xv, xvi
Peregrinus, 171-74 passim
Phallogocentrism, xvi
Philology, 23-25
Philosophic der Technik (Philosophy of tech-
nology), 453-57
Philosophy: analytical, 311; demise of, xxvi;
and Diogenes, 102, 158; as interaction of physics and logic, xxxi; and Kantian think- ing, xxxi; resurgence of, xxxviii; and science, 140; and social history, 103; task of, 14; and theoretical fascism, 8; and Turel, 458-59; and Western thought, xxxviii, 130
Philosophy of Money, The (Philosophic des Geldes), 315-16
Physiognomy: of Kant, xxx; of philosophers, xxxi; philosophical. 139, 384
Pineau, L. G. , 435 Pissing. See Urinating Platner, Johannes, 161 Plato, 101-4 passim, 168 Playboy, 264
Polemics, 329-56, 357
Police. See Hegemonic power
Political cynicism, 410, 414, 419, 424, 431,
Political Juggling Act, 81 Politics, 106, 120, 159 Politics of the personal, xxi Po/yphem, 73
Power: critique of, 14; of everything, xxiv, 6; and jokes, 103; knowledge as, xxvi; and sensitive theory, xxxiv; of the
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556 ? INDEX
110; will to, xxvii. See also Hegemonic power; Oppositional power
Prejudice, 14
Press, the. See Media cynicism
Privacy, critique of. See Egoism, critique of Prostitution, 317, 320
Protokynicism, 170
Psychoanalytische Bewegung, 404 Psychopolitical perceptions, 500
Puzzle of Desire, The, 342
Quaero homines, 163
Raddatz, Fritz J. , 126 Raphael, 144
Rathenau, Walter, 436-40 Rationalism, 310-11, 324 Rauschning, Hermann, 440 Realism, 4 Regler, Gustav, 502-4
Reich, Wilhelm, 19
Reichsverband, Der (The Reich Association),
444, 445
Reification, xii-xiii, 15, 20, 27
Religion, critique of, 26-34
Religious cynicism, 275-87 passim
Remarque, Erich Maria, 414, 419
Republican Automatons, 204
Revelation, critique of, 23-26. See also Bible Reverdy, Pierre, 301
Richet, Charles Robert, 494-95 Riesenprogramm, 219
Right, the, xxvii, 414, 415, 426-28, 450, 461,
Rocky Horror Picture Show, 128 Roth, Joseph, 515-17
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, xxxvi, 163 Rowlandson, Thomas, 224
Rubiner, Ludwig, 496-97 Ruhmkorf, Peter, 534
Russian Secret Police, 337
SS Death Head Units, 286 Sachs, Hugo, 115
Salomon, Ernst von, 439-40 Sarcasm, 7
Sartre, Jean-Paul, xiv, 149
Satan, 144, 176-81 passim, 206, 362-65 Satire, 16, 18, 102, 118, 304
Scepter, The, 152
Schalck, E. , 81
Schauwecker, Franz, 410, 414, 415-16,
Scheler, Max, 467-68
Schlafwandler, 132
Schleyer, Hans-Martin, 123
Schlicher, Rudolf, 231
Scholem, Gershom, 458, 459
Scholz, Georg, 84
School of Athens, Diogenes on the Steps, 144 Schopenhauer, Arthur, ix, xxxviii
Schuder, Kurt, 452-53
Secret agents, 113-14
Seel, Otto, 169-70
Sein undZeit, 124, 195, 197, 199, 201, 202,
203, 207, 208, 417
Seiwert, Franz Wilhelm, 12 Selbsterfahrung, xvii, xviii, xxi
Self-denial, 217
Self-destruction, 8
Self-preservation. See Survival
Sensitive theory, xxxiii-iv
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Sensuousness, xxx-xxxi
Serner, Walter, 391, 398-400
Sexual cynicism, 250-66, 262, 515-20 Sexual revolution, the, 153
Sexuality, 106, 153, 168, 305, 340-43 Shame, 168
Shitting. See Defecating
Shrove Tuesday, 117
Siemens, William, 11
Simmel, Georg, 315-16, 317
Simplicitas conquers Fraus (Simplicity con-
quers fraud), 43
Smile. See Mouth
Social democracy, xxvii, xxix, 425, 429-32 Socrates, 103, 104, 109, 171
Soldat Suhren, 416
Sophists, 104
Spengler, Oswald, 384, 460, 469, 471, 473,
Split consciousness, 477-82
Stalinism, 114
State cynicism. See Hegemonic power Stoicism, 165, 170
Stolz und Trauer (Pride and sadness), 461 Stranglers, the, 127
Strauss, F. J. , 112
Stupidity. See Deception
Subjectivity, xiii, xviii-xix, 534-47
INDEX ? 557
Suicide, 118-19, 398
Superstructure, critique of 36-40 Surrealism, 458
Survival, xx, 8, 25, 113, 128-29, 169, 180,
217, 321, 322, 324-25, 346, 443
Technokratie, Autarkie, Genetokratie, 458 Technology, 448-50, 453-54, 454, 457, 457, 458. See also Industrialism
Ten Commandments, 301, 302, 307 Tendenzwende, ix
Terror, 102
Terrorism, 123
Theology, 23-26
Theweleit, Klaus, xxiii
Thiess, Frank, 313
Third Reich. See Hitler, Adolf; Nazis
Third World, 308
Thirty Years'War, 115
Thomas, Karl, 507-8, 511
Threepenny Opera, 152, 306, 387
Tibaldi, Pellegrino, 73
Toller, Ernst, 506-7, 511
Torless, Musil, ix, xxx-xxxi
Totalitarianism, xvii
Transparency. See Unconsciousness, critique
Treaty of Versailles, 410-11, 425
Truth, xxvii, xxiv, 13, 20, 102, 104, 311,
330, 440
Tucholsky, Kurt, 401-2
Turel, Adrien, 458-59
Two Kings of Terror, The, 224
Unconsciousness, critique of, 47-53 Unhomeliness, 203-4
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Uniformity, 309, 314
Universal polemics, 373-75 Universities, 117, 120
Untimely Observations, ix Urfragen, 460
Urinating, 103-7, 104
van der Vring, Georg, 414, 416
van Eestern, C, 435
Vanity, 16
Verratene Revolution 1918/1919, Die, 429
Verschwbrer, 424-29 passim
Virgin Disciplines the Christ Child, The, 279 Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de, xiv
Wahrhaftigkeit, 461
Walpurgis Night on Henkel's Field, 505 Walser, Martin, 320-21
War: and moral consciousness, 301; and muti-
lation, 443-46, 444; and pre-Fascist litera- ture, 121; and psychic mechanisms, 120, 121; senselessness of, 415-16; and sur- vival, 128-29, 323, 419, 420, 434, 443; ultimate, 130
War volunteers, 121
Watt, James, 11
Weaponry, 128, 130, 349-55, 353, 435 Weber, Max, 425
Weill, Kurt, 306
Weimar Republic, xxii-xxiii, 10, 124,
384-86, 387-90, 414-15, 422, 424-25; and Anyone, 199; and catastrophile com- plex, 122; and cynicism, xxiii, 7-8, 10; and disillusionment, 8, 410, 416; double decisions of, 521-28; elements of, 425, 435; as historical mirror, 89; and Hitler's rise, 521; as miscarried enlightenment, 10; and Nietzsche's philosophy, 10; social character of, 500-501
Wilde, Oscar, xxxii, 307
Wilhelminianism, 411-12, 425 Wintermdrchen, 33
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 398
World War I, 121, 121, 122, 128, 202, 386,
392, 410, 419, 434, 461 World War II, 123, 128, 202 Wulffen, Erich, 485-86 Wunde Heine, Die, xxxvi
Yesbody, xix, 73
You Will Not Find Him, 166
Zauberberg, Der, 529 Zeitgeist, 139
Zen masters, 130, 157 Zichy, Michael von, 344 Zille, Heinrich, 156, 219 Zola, Emile, xiv
Zur geistigen Situation der Zeit (Man in the modern age), 417
Peter Sloterdijk holds a doctorate in German literature from the University of Hamburg with a concentration in the autobiographical literature of the Weimar Republic. He has published several other books in German, including Eu- totaoismus, eight essays on the postmodern condition (1987), Der Denker aufder Bilhne, on Nietzsche (1986), and a novel on the beginnings of psychoanalysis in 1785: Der Zauberbaum (1985).
Michael Eldred works in Konstanz, West Germany, as a translator and freelance philosopher. He has been a mathematical statistician and has taught philosophy, mathematics, and English at the college level. Eldred received his B. S. and M. S. in pure mathematics and, in 1984, his Ph. D. in philosophy from the University of Sydney. Thesis Eleven, Capital and Class and Numberger Blatter are a few of the journals to which he contributes. He is author of Critique of Competitive Freedom and the Bourgeois-Democratic State (1984) and co-author, with Mike Roth, of Guide to Marx's CAPITAL (1978).
Andreas Huyssen, now a professor of German at Columbia University, was professor of German and comparative literature at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, from 1971 until 1986. Huyssen has been an editor of New German Critique since 1974. He is author of After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism (1986), and co- editor of The Technological Imagination (1980) and Postmoderne (1986).