to have the
leave it alone.
Childrens - Children's Rhymes and Verses
ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www.
? 52 Children's Rhymes and Verses
Our cellars we '11 pack,
The stock we '11 feed from the hay stack.
When the clover seed is in our barns
Perhaps we '11 have time to listen to some yarn:
The buckwheat we '11 thresh with a rlail ;
Our coats we '11 hang on some nail.
Our bins we '11 make a little wider,
And into barrels we '11 put our apple cider.
The forests laden with crimson and gold,
Autumn's richest colors to unfold.
The sunset mellow, with its blue and gray.
And many autumn scenes we wish would stay.
My Baby
God has plucked my floweret gay ;
He has gathered many on the way.
The dear blue eyes always smiled ;
He was my baby, yes, my child.
God has plucked my choicest flower,
And many others, by the hour.
Then, when with the angels he smiled.
He was my baby, yes, my child.
With tears, I, his mother.
In a distant home without friend or brother,
But now, thank God, I have smiled,
Because he was my baby, yes, my child.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses 53
Lambs of the Fold
Sitting in the shade of the old apple-tree,
In the old rocking-chair,
Gazing o'er the beautiful country
And drinking its sweet balmy air.
The rlock of sheep grazed away,
Just beside the field of new-mown hay ;
The mother sheep would seem to say:
My dear little lambs, away you must not straw
For fear of some enemy, a wolf at your heel,
Make you think he's a friend; to him appeal.
Like Satan, he will follow by the hour.
That you, at last, he may devour.
Little children, like lambs of the fold,
To your parents listen, and do as you are told,
For you may fall into some sin or snare ;
Let little children listen, and beware.
A Daily Prayer
Without a shadow of a doubt each day,
Oh God, teach me how to pray,
And may our asking be of such
That Thou wilt bless us, bless us much
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 54 Children's Rhymes and Verses
If our stay be long or short,
May we for a moment doubt Thee not,
And our love to Thee we give,
At last, take us with Thee to live.
When our work is here all o'er,
Take us to our friends on the other shore.
May God help us to live our best
That our lives may be a test.
May we our crosses bear with grace,
Everywhere and in every place.
And Thy presence in us abide
That from others we cannot hide.
A Nutting Party
A nutting party with Jim and Grace,
The team was gay and traveled at a good pace
We wished to get home while it was light,
For our pastor was to be installed that night.
In our party there were thirteen.
We counted the children in between.
Mr. Woodcock climbed the trees,
And the rest of us were busv as bees.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes ami Verses 55
Sister and I did not cross the fence,
For fear some farmer we might run against.
The chestnuts were not very plenty,
And our baskets were almost empty.
The nuts we did not steal.
But brought them home to peal.
( >ur lunch we did take.
Of good home-made bread, pies and cake.
A lire we built under a tree so lofty,
Where we boiled and drank our coffee.
From a tanner's wife we bought our cream,
Near the place we hitched our team.
Tlic table-cloth we spread
Over the leaves that were dead.
Elizabeth the meat cut up.
While Lulu scraped the butter from the cup.
Around the spread we sat.
Some on the ground, quite flat ;
Florence sat on my poor legs,
And in our hurry we forgot our eggs.
We had lots of little cucumbers pickled,
Over them the little folks were so tickled.
And who was with us there but Aunt Rene !
We all love her ; she could n't be mean.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 56 Children's Rliymes and Verses
Little Lida ate apples until she was full to the chin.
And drank out of her bright new tin.
Samuel sat on the front seat,
And was anxious to know when the horses would eat.
Little Robert lost his cap
Just before he took his nap.
And Edwin slept on his mother's knee
And was just as good as he could be.
Walter hitched the gray and the brown,
For he was in a hurry to get to town.
Then we were ready to return ;
We tramped out our fire, fearing the forest might
We spent a pleasant, enjoyable day,
And came home by another way.
We made a good calculation.
And were back in time for the installation.
The Beautiful Allegheny
Standing on the beautiful Allegheny hills.
Watching the glorious sunset and the old mills.
How silently and calmly the river's flow,
And its hills, bright with the autumn glow.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses $7
And I listen to the distant bell,
Calling people to church, of the Master to tell.
1 watch the river's gentle tide,
And think how on its bosom 1 used to ride.
And when in its violent rage
Would rival the lion in its cage;
When its banks would overflow,
O'er its swift currents we could not row.
Glen and I
I den wished me t< i g< i
With him to see the pasture field, you know.
Out along the lane between the wheat field and the
And by the old house where his grandma was born.
It has changed since that day ;
In it now are kept the reaper and implements to
make hay.
When we returned we fed the chicks and hen.
So the evening we spent, I and Glen.
Grumbling Husband
Grumbling Bill, when he does arise.
The sun is far up in the skies.
"Is the morning paper at the door? "
We ask; is there anything more?
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 58 Children's Rhymes and Verses
How he will growl
If he finds a wrinkle in the towel.
His breakfast is coffee, toast and egg;
Is there anything more, we beg?
In the street car he will get a seat,
Unfold his paper, stick out his feet ;
Over them someone will stumble and fall ;
He is the kind of a man that takes seat and all.
The Merry Widow Hat
The woman with a merry widow hat,
Oh, what do you think of that!
And with a poodle and chain,
Will women ever have sense again?
To have such headgear.
For many to laugh at and jeer;
And to have the little dog at her heel.
Of her, ashamed I really feel.
Cottage Prayer-meeting
It will give us good cheer
To have the prayer-meeting here.
It will help us to look aright,
As time takes its flight.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses 59
The prayer-meeting Christmas week
May help us how to others speak.
We liken it to a journey of love
To our heavenly home above.
May the first prayer-meeting of the new year
Be the best we ever had here.
It will help us day by day
On our journey so far away.
The Board Fence
The old board fence
We '11 change when we get a chance.
The first warm day in spring
The whitewash brush someone will swing.
The old fence, we think, is just the thing,
But some of our neighbors their ax would swing.
We can go out and dry our hair,
And no one can see us back there.
The old board fence is five feet high,
The boys and girls can play and say I, I.
When we plant the peach and the grape,
We '11 have a screen and no one can gape.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 60 Children's Rhymes and Verses
The Welcome Rain
The welcome rain-drops on the roof
Deaden the sound of the horse's hoof.
And how sweetly and calmly we sleep.
If we trust God, His promises to keep.
The beautiful warm rain.
As it silently falls on the window-pane.
The air is so balm}' and sweet,
How happily the rain we greet !
To the budding trees it is giving drink;
It makes the grasses green and the blossoms pink.
The vine at the window makes a sweet shade.
And keeps out the sun. of which some are afraid.
It makes the wild flower in the meadow grow,
And of their beauties few ever know.
The wild flowers are spread with a bountiful hand
For all to enjoy in this beautiful land.
Friends to the Bermudas
To Bermuda my friends did go.
To stay six months or so.
When they came back they said :
"We would come home and ride in a sled. "
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses 61
To Bermuda they went to stay
Six months or until the first of May,
And when they get home they say:
'* We would rather come home and ride in a sleigh. "
From Bermuda, by way of New York,
The steamer's life-boats were made of cork.
To Florida they went to spend
The last three months, or to the end.
Christmas Presents
"Billy" sent me a pocket-book,
And how pretty it does look;
It is of English make.
That is the kind I love to take.
Mis love is better than silver and gold,
Mis letters pages of love unfold.
But more than this she will not say;
Elva knows Billy is just that way.
The Chafing Dish
Hortense will want to dine
With the chafing dish Jack gave her so fine
( )h, the girls will laugh and roar
Over the tea they will pour.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 62 Children's Bhymes and Verses
Of the fun they '11 have no one could tell,
And they'll talk of Jack, they like so well;
Of the candy he helped to make,
And of the Christmas interest he did take.
The apples were not ripe on the tree on the lawn.
What a time !
to have the children leave it alone.
They are very good and sweet,
And when golden yellow are good to eat.
Walter will gather them by the peck,
And all his friends will fill to the neck.
We will store some away,
Where they will ripen each day.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses 63
The Dream
The dream of my life, the dream of my life
Was to have just a little while
Without sorrow or strife.
Oh! it may seem cruel to say,
But it has been dark most of the way.
The dream of years, the dream of years
Was to have just a little while
Without sorrow and fears.
It may seem sad to say,
But many and hitter have been the tears.
The dream of the morrow, the dream of the morrow
Was to have a little while
Without tears or sorrow.
The dark cloud has passed out of my life,
In blessedness I 'm living without strife.
God help me to always live as I do,
Not one day, dear Father, without you.
And if by chance
This you may read,
May you enjoy blessings as I am indeed.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 64 Children's Rhymes and Verses
Girls and Boys
To the girls and boys --
There is a time for work and a time for toys.
Have a purpose in view,
It matters not how old or how new ;
And with all your power
Work and not worry every day and hour.
Never a battle was won in sleep.
Earnestly every promise keep,
And if God's help you ask
You can master the hardest task.
And say at last, like McKinley, our martyred one,
Thy will, not mine, be done.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? ? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
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? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
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? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? ? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust.
? 52 Children's Rhymes and Verses
Our cellars we '11 pack,
The stock we '11 feed from the hay stack.
When the clover seed is in our barns
Perhaps we '11 have time to listen to some yarn:
The buckwheat we '11 thresh with a rlail ;
Our coats we '11 hang on some nail.
Our bins we '11 make a little wider,
And into barrels we '11 put our apple cider.
The forests laden with crimson and gold,
Autumn's richest colors to unfold.
The sunset mellow, with its blue and gray.
And many autumn scenes we wish would stay.
My Baby
God has plucked my floweret gay ;
He has gathered many on the way.
The dear blue eyes always smiled ;
He was my baby, yes, my child.
God has plucked my choicest flower,
And many others, by the hour.
Then, when with the angels he smiled.
He was my baby, yes, my child.
With tears, I, his mother.
In a distant home without friend or brother,
But now, thank God, I have smiled,
Because he was my baby, yes, my child.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses 53
Lambs of the Fold
Sitting in the shade of the old apple-tree,
In the old rocking-chair,
Gazing o'er the beautiful country
And drinking its sweet balmy air.
The rlock of sheep grazed away,
Just beside the field of new-mown hay ;
The mother sheep would seem to say:
My dear little lambs, away you must not straw
For fear of some enemy, a wolf at your heel,
Make you think he's a friend; to him appeal.
Like Satan, he will follow by the hour.
That you, at last, he may devour.
Little children, like lambs of the fold,
To your parents listen, and do as you are told,
For you may fall into some sin or snare ;
Let little children listen, and beware.
A Daily Prayer
Without a shadow of a doubt each day,
Oh God, teach me how to pray,
And may our asking be of such
That Thou wilt bless us, bless us much
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 54 Children's Rhymes and Verses
If our stay be long or short,
May we for a moment doubt Thee not,
And our love to Thee we give,
At last, take us with Thee to live.
When our work is here all o'er,
Take us to our friends on the other shore.
May God help us to live our best
That our lives may be a test.
May we our crosses bear with grace,
Everywhere and in every place.
And Thy presence in us abide
That from others we cannot hide.
A Nutting Party
A nutting party with Jim and Grace,
The team was gay and traveled at a good pace
We wished to get home while it was light,
For our pastor was to be installed that night.
In our party there were thirteen.
We counted the children in between.
Mr. Woodcock climbed the trees,
And the rest of us were busv as bees.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes ami Verses 55
Sister and I did not cross the fence,
For fear some farmer we might run against.
The chestnuts were not very plenty,
And our baskets were almost empty.
The nuts we did not steal.
But brought them home to peal.
( >ur lunch we did take.
Of good home-made bread, pies and cake.
A lire we built under a tree so lofty,
Where we boiled and drank our coffee.
From a tanner's wife we bought our cream,
Near the place we hitched our team.
Tlic table-cloth we spread
Over the leaves that were dead.
Elizabeth the meat cut up.
While Lulu scraped the butter from the cup.
Around the spread we sat.
Some on the ground, quite flat ;
Florence sat on my poor legs,
And in our hurry we forgot our eggs.
We had lots of little cucumbers pickled,
Over them the little folks were so tickled.
And who was with us there but Aunt Rene !
We all love her ; she could n't be mean.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 56 Children's Rliymes and Verses
Little Lida ate apples until she was full to the chin.
And drank out of her bright new tin.
Samuel sat on the front seat,
And was anxious to know when the horses would eat.
Little Robert lost his cap
Just before he took his nap.
And Edwin slept on his mother's knee
And was just as good as he could be.
Walter hitched the gray and the brown,
For he was in a hurry to get to town.
Then we were ready to return ;
We tramped out our fire, fearing the forest might
We spent a pleasant, enjoyable day,
And came home by another way.
We made a good calculation.
And were back in time for the installation.
The Beautiful Allegheny
Standing on the beautiful Allegheny hills.
Watching the glorious sunset and the old mills.
How silently and calmly the river's flow,
And its hills, bright with the autumn glow.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses $7
And I listen to the distant bell,
Calling people to church, of the Master to tell.
1 watch the river's gentle tide,
And think how on its bosom 1 used to ride.
And when in its violent rage
Would rival the lion in its cage;
When its banks would overflow,
O'er its swift currents we could not row.
Glen and I
I den wished me t< i g< i
With him to see the pasture field, you know.
Out along the lane between the wheat field and the
And by the old house where his grandma was born.
It has changed since that day ;
In it now are kept the reaper and implements to
make hay.
When we returned we fed the chicks and hen.
So the evening we spent, I and Glen.
Grumbling Husband
Grumbling Bill, when he does arise.
The sun is far up in the skies.
"Is the morning paper at the door? "
We ask; is there anything more?
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 58 Children's Rhymes and Verses
How he will growl
If he finds a wrinkle in the towel.
His breakfast is coffee, toast and egg;
Is there anything more, we beg?
In the street car he will get a seat,
Unfold his paper, stick out his feet ;
Over them someone will stumble and fall ;
He is the kind of a man that takes seat and all.
The Merry Widow Hat
The woman with a merry widow hat,
Oh, what do you think of that!
And with a poodle and chain,
Will women ever have sense again?
To have such headgear.
For many to laugh at and jeer;
And to have the little dog at her heel.
Of her, ashamed I really feel.
Cottage Prayer-meeting
It will give us good cheer
To have the prayer-meeting here.
It will help us to look aright,
As time takes its flight.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses 59
The prayer-meeting Christmas week
May help us how to others speak.
We liken it to a journey of love
To our heavenly home above.
May the first prayer-meeting of the new year
Be the best we ever had here.
It will help us day by day
On our journey so far away.
The Board Fence
The old board fence
We '11 change when we get a chance.
The first warm day in spring
The whitewash brush someone will swing.
The old fence, we think, is just the thing,
But some of our neighbors their ax would swing.
We can go out and dry our hair,
And no one can see us back there.
The old board fence is five feet high,
The boys and girls can play and say I, I.
When we plant the peach and the grape,
We '11 have a screen and no one can gape.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 60 Children's Rhymes and Verses
The Welcome Rain
The welcome rain-drops on the roof
Deaden the sound of the horse's hoof.
And how sweetly and calmly we sleep.
If we trust God, His promises to keep.
The beautiful warm rain.
As it silently falls on the window-pane.
The air is so balm}' and sweet,
How happily the rain we greet !
To the budding trees it is giving drink;
It makes the grasses green and the blossoms pink.
The vine at the window makes a sweet shade.
And keeps out the sun. of which some are afraid.
It makes the wild flower in the meadow grow,
And of their beauties few ever know.
The wild flowers are spread with a bountiful hand
For all to enjoy in this beautiful land.
Friends to the Bermudas
To Bermuda my friends did go.
To stay six months or so.
When they came back they said :
"We would come home and ride in a sled. "
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses 61
To Bermuda they went to stay
Six months or until the first of May,
And when they get home they say:
'* We would rather come home and ride in a sleigh. "
From Bermuda, by way of New York,
The steamer's life-boats were made of cork.
To Florida they went to spend
The last three months, or to the end.
Christmas Presents
"Billy" sent me a pocket-book,
And how pretty it does look;
It is of English make.
That is the kind I love to take.
Mis love is better than silver and gold,
Mis letters pages of love unfold.
But more than this she will not say;
Elva knows Billy is just that way.
The Chafing Dish
Hortense will want to dine
With the chafing dish Jack gave her so fine
( )h, the girls will laugh and roar
Over the tea they will pour.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 62 Children's Bhymes and Verses
Of the fun they '11 have no one could tell,
And they'll talk of Jack, they like so well;
Of the candy he helped to make,
And of the Christmas interest he did take.
The apples were not ripe on the tree on the lawn.
What a time !
to have the children leave it alone.
They are very good and sweet,
And when golden yellow are good to eat.
Walter will gather them by the peck,
And all his friends will fill to the neck.
We will store some away,
Where they will ripen each day.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Children's Rhymes and Verses 63
The Dream
The dream of my life, the dream of my life
Was to have just a little while
Without sorrow or strife.
Oh! it may seem cruel to say,
But it has been dark most of the way.
The dream of years, the dream of years
Was to have just a little while
Without sorrow and fears.
It may seem sad to say,
But many and hitter have been the tears.
The dream of the morrow, the dream of the morrow
Was to have a little while
Without tears or sorrow.
The dark cloud has passed out of my life,
In blessedness I 'm living without strife.
God help me to always live as I do,
Not one day, dear Father, without you.
And if by chance
This you may read,
May you enjoy blessings as I am indeed.
? ? Generated for Christian Pecaut (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-24 15:02 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/loc. ark:/13960/t2h70wb90 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? 64 Children's Rhymes and Verses
Girls and Boys
To the girls and boys --
There is a time for work and a time for toys.
Have a purpose in view,
It matters not how old or how new ;
And with all your power
Work and not worry every day and hour.
Never a battle was won in sleep.
Earnestly every promise keep,
And if God's help you ask
You can master the hardest task.
And say at last, like McKinley, our martyred one,
Thy will, not mine, be done.
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