"Cursed," he cried, "be
covetousness both; in you are villany and vice, that virtue destroy.
covetousness both; in you are villany and vice, that virtue destroy.
Gawaine and the Green Knight
' Truly God has highly favoured us in sending us such a noble
guest as Sir Gawayne" (ll. 884-927). At the end of the Christmas
festival Gawayne desires to take his departure from the castle, but his
host persuades him to stay, promising to direct him to the Green Chapel
(about two miles from the castle), that he may be there by the
appointed time (ll. 1029-1082).
A covenant is made between them, the terms of which were that the lord
of the castle should go out early to the chase, that Gawayne meanwhile
should lie in his loft at his ease, then rise at his usual hour, and
afterwards sit at table with his hostess, and that at the end of the
day they should make an exchange of whatever they might obtain in the
interim. "Whatever I win in the wood," says the lord, "shall be yours,
and what thou gettest shall be mine" (ll. 1083-1125).
Full early before daybreak the folk uprise, saddle their horses, and
truss their mails. The noble lord of the land, arrayed for riding, eats
hastily a sop, and having heard mass, proceeds with a hundred hunters
to hunt the wild deer (ll. 1126-1177).
All this time Gawayne lies in his gay bed. His nap is disturbed by a
little noise at the door, which is softly opened. He heaves up his head
out of the clothes, and, peeping through the curtains, beholds a most
lovely lady (the wife of his host). She came towards the bed, and the
knight laid himself down quickly, pretending to be asleep. The lady
stole to the bed, cast up the curtains, crept within, sat her softly on
the bed-side, and waited some time till the knight should awake. After
lurking awhile under the clothes considering what it all meant, Gawayne
unlocked his eyelids, and put on a look of surprise, at the same time
making the sign of the cross, as if afraid of some hidden danger (ll.
1178-1207). "Good morrow, sir," said that fair lady, "ye are a careless
sleeper to let one enter thus. I shall bind you in your bed, of that be
ye sure. " "Good morrow," quoth Gawayne, "I shall act according to your
will with great pleasure, but permit me to rise that I may the more
comfortably converse with you. " "Nay, beau sir," said that sweet one,
"ye shall not rise from your bed, for since I have caught my knight I
shall hold talk with him. I ween well that ye are Sir Gawayne that all
the world worships, whose honour and courtesy are so greatly praised.
Now ye are here, and we are alone (my lord and his men being afar off,
other men, too, are in bed, so are my maidens), and the door is safely
closed, I shall use my time well while it lasts. Ye are welcome to my
person to do with it as ye please, and I will be your servant" (ll.
Gawayne behaves most discreetly, for the remembrance of his forthcoming
adventure at the Green Chapel prevents him from thinking of love (ll.
1205-1289). At last the lady takes leave of the knight by catching him
in her arms and kissing him (ll. 1290-1307). The day passes away
merrily, and at dusk the Lord of the castle returns from the chase. He
presents the venison to Gawayne according to the previous covenant
between them. Our knight gives his host a kiss as the only piece of
good fortune that had fallen to him during the day. "It is good," says
the other, "and would be much better if ye would tell me where ye won
such bliss" (ll. 1308-1394). "That was not in our covenant," replies
Gawayne, "so try me no more. " After much laughing on both sides they
proceed to supper, and afterwards, while the choice wine is being
carried round, Gawayne and his host renew their agreement. Late at
night they take leave of each other and hasten to their beds. "By the
time that the cock had crowed and cackled thrice" the lord was up, and
after "meat and mass" were over the hunters make for the woods, where
they give chase to a wild boar who had grown old and mischievous (ll.
While the sportsmen are hunting this "wild swine" our lovely knight
lies in his bed. He is not forgotten by the lady, who pays him an early
visit, seeking to make further trial of his virtues. She sits softly by
his side and tells him that he has forgotten what she taught him the
day before (ll. 1468-1486). "I taught you of kissing," says she; "that
becomes every courteous knight. " Gawayne says that he must not take
that which is forbidden him. The lady replies that he is strong enough
to enforce his own wishes. Our knight answers that every gift not given
with a good will is worthless. His fair visitor then enquires how it is
that he who is so skilled in the true sport of love and so renowned a
knight, has never talked to her of love (ll. 1487-1524). "You ought,"
she says, "to show and teach a young thing like me some tokens of
true-love's crafts; I come hither and sit here alone to learn of you
some game; do teach me of your wit while my lord is from home. " Gawayne
replies that he cannot undertake the task of expounding true-love and
tales of arms to one who has far more wisdom than he possesses. Thus
did our knight avoid all appearance of evil, though sorely pressed to
do what was wrong (ll. 1525-1552). The lady, having bestowed two kisses
upon Sir Gawayne, takes her leave of him (ll. 1553-1557).
At the end of the day the lord of the castle returns home with the
shields and head of the wild boar. He shows them to his guest, who
declares that "such a brawn of a beast, nor such sides of a swine," he
never before has seen. Gawayne takes possession of the spoil according
to covenant, and in return he bestows two kisses upon his host, who
declares that his guest has indeed been rich with "such chaffer" (ll.
After much persuasion, Gawayne consents to stop at the castle another
day (ll. 1648-1685). Early on the morrow the lord and his men hasten to
the woods, and come upon the track of a fox, the hunting of which
affords them plenty of employment and sport (ll. 1686-1730). Meanwhile
our good knight sleeps soundly within his comely curtains. He is again
visited by the lady of the castle. So gaily was she attired, and so
"faultless of her features," that great joy warmed the heart of Sir
Gawayne. With soft and pleasant smiles "they smite into mirth," and are
soon engaged in conversation. Had not Mary thought of her knight, he
would have been in great peril (ll. 1731-1769). So sorely does the fair
one press him with her love, that he fears lest he should become a
traitor to his host. The lady enquires whether he has a mistress to
whom he has plighted his troth. The knight swears by St John that he
neither has nor desires one. This answer causes the dame to sigh for
sorrow, and telling him that she must depart, she asks for some gift,
if it were only a glove, by which she might "think on the knight and
lessen her grief" (ll. 1770-1800). Gawayne assures her that he has
nothing worthy of her acceptance; that he is on an "uncouth errand,"
and therefore has "no men with no mails containing precious things,"
for which he is truly sorry.
Quoth that lovesome (one)--
"Though I had nought of yours,
Yet should ye have of mine.
Thus saying, she offers him a rich ring of red gold "with a shining
stone standing aloft," that shone like the beams of the bright sun. The
knight refused the gift, as he had nothing to give in return. "Since ye
refuse my ring," says the lady, "because it seems too rich, and ye
would not be beholden to me, I shall give you my girdle that is less
valuable" (ll. 1801-1835). But Gawayne replies that he will not accept
gold or reward of any kind, though "ever in hot and in cold" he will be
her true servant.
"Do ye refuse it," asks the lady, "because it seems simple and of
little value? Whoso knew the virtues that are knit therein would
estimate it more highly. For he who is girded with this green lace
cannot be wounded or slain by any man under heaven. " The knight thinks
awhile, and it strikes him that this would be a "jewel for the
jeopardy" that he had to undergo at the Green Chapel. So he not only
accepts the lace, but promises to keep the possession of it a secret
(ll. 1836-1865). By that time the lady had kissed him thrice, and she
then takes "her leave and leaves him there. "
Gawayne rises, dresses himself in noble array, and conceals the "love
lace" where he might find it again. He then hies to mass, shrives him
of his misdeeds, and obtains absolution. On his return to the hall he
solaces the ladies with comely carols and all kinds of joy (ll.
1866-1892). The dark night came, and then the lord of the castle,
having slain the fox, returns to his "dear home," where he finds a fire
brightly turning and his guest amusing the ladies (ll. 1893-1927).
Gawayne, in fulfilment of his agreement, kisses his host thrice. [1] "By
Christ," quoth the other knight, "ye have caught much bliss. I have
hunted all this day and nought have I got but the skin of this foul fox
(the devil have the goods! ), and that is full poor for to pay for such
precious things" (ll. 1928-1951).
After the usual evening's entertainment, Gawayne retires to rest. The
next morning, being New Year's day, is cold and stormy. Snow falls, and
the dales are full of drift. Our knight in his bed locks his eyelids,
but full little he sleeps. By each cock that crows he knows the hour,
and before day-break he calls for his chamberlain, who quickly brings
him his armour (ll. 1952-2014). While Gawayne clothed himself in his
rich weeds he forgot not the "lace, the lady's gift," but with it
doubly girded his loins. He wore it not for its rich ornaments, "but to
save himself when it behoved him to suffer," and as a safeguard against
sword or knife (ll. 2015-2046).
Having thanked his host and all the renowned assembly for the great
kindness he had experienced at their hands, "he steps into stirrups and
strides aloft" (ll. 2047-2068).
The drawbridge is let down, and the broad gates unbarred and borne open
upon both sides, and the knight, after commending the castle to Christ,
passes thereout and goes on his way accompanied by his guide, that
should teach him to turn to that place where he should receive the
much-dreaded blow. They climb over cliffs, where each hill had a hat
and a mist-cloak, until the next morn, when they find themselves on a
full high hill covered with snow. The servant bids his master remain
awhile, saying, "I have brought you hither at this time, and now ye are
not far from that noted place that ye have so often enquired after. The
place that ye press to is esteemed full perilous, and there dwells a
man in that waste the worst upon earth, for he is stiff and stern and
loves to strike, and greater is he than any man upon middle-earth, and
his body is bigger than the best four in Arthur's house. He keeps the
Green Chapel; there passes none by that place, however proud in arms,
that he does not 'ding him to death with dint of his hand. ' He is a man
immoderate and 'no mercy uses,' for be it churl or chaplain that by the
chapel rides, monk or mass-priest, or any man else, it is as pleasant
to him to kill them as to go alive himself. Wherefore I tell thee
truly, 'come ye there, ye be killed, though ye had twenty lives to
spend. He has dwelt there long of yore, and on field much sorrow has
wrought. Against his sore dints ye may not defend you' (ll. 2069-2117).
Therefore, good Sir Gawayne, let the man alone, and for God's sake go
by some other path, and then I shall hie me home again. I swear to you
[Footnote 1: He only in part keeps to his covenant, as he holds back
the love-lace. ]
God and all His saints that I will never say that ever ye attempted to
flee from any man. "
Gawayne thanks his guide for his well-meant kindness, but declares that
to the Green Chapel he will go, though the owner thereof be "a stern
knave," for God can devise means to save his servants.
"Mary! " quoth the other, "since it pleases thee to lose thy life I will
not hinder thee. Have thy helmet on thy head, thy spear in thy hand,
and ride down this path by yon rock-side, till thou be brought to the
bottom of the valley. Then look a little on the plain, on thy left
hand, and thou shalt see in that slade the chapel itself, and the burly
knight that guards it (ll. 2118-2148). Now, farewell Gawayne the noble!
for all the gold upon ground I would not go with thee nor bear thee
fellowship through this wood 'on foot farther. '" Thus having spoken, he
gallops away and leaves the knight alone.
Gawayne now pursues his journey, rides through the dale, and looks
about. He sees no signs of a resting-place, but only high and steep
banks, and the very shadows of the high woods seemed wild and
distorted. No chapel, however, could he discover. After a while he sees
a round hill by the side of a stream; thither he goes, alights, and
fastens his horse to the branch of a tree. He walks about the hill,
debating with himself what it might be. It had a hole in the one end
and on each side, and everywhere overgrown with grass, but whether it
was only an old cave or a crevice of an old crag he could not tell (ll.
"Now, indeed," quoth Gawayne, "a desert is here; this oratory is ugly
with herbs overgrown. It is a fitting place for the man in green to
'deal here his devotions after the devil's manner. ' Now I feel it is
the fiend (the devil) in my five wits that has covenanted with me that
he may destroy me. This is a chapel of misfortune--evil betide it! It
is the most cursed kirk that ever I came in. " With his helmet on his
head, and spear in his hand, he roams up to the rock, and then he hears
from that high hill beyond the brook a wondrous wild noise. Lo! it
clattered in the cliff as if one upon a grindstone were grinding a
scythe. It whirred like the water at a mill, and rushed and re-echoed,
terrible to hear. "Though my life I forgo," says Gawayne, "no noise
shall cause me to fear. "
Then he cried aloud, "Who dwells in this place, discourse with me to
hold? For now is good Gawayne going right here if any brave wight will
hie him hither, either now or never" (ll. 2189-2216).
"Abide," quoth one on the bank above, over his head, "and thou shalt
have all in haste that I promised thee once. "
Soon there comes out of a hole in the crag, with a fell weapon a Danish
axe quite new, the "man in the green," clothed as at first as his legs,
locks and beard. But now he is on foot and walks on the earth. When he
reaches the stream, he hops over and boldly strides about. He meets Sir
Gawayne, who tells him that he is quite ready to fulfil his part of the
compact. "Gawayne," quoth that 'green gome' (man), "may God preserve
thee! Truly thou art welcome to my place, 'and thou hast timed thy
travel' as a true man should. Thou knowest the covenants made between
us, at this time twelve-month, that on New Year's day I should return
thee thy blow. We are now in this valley by ourselves, and can do as we
please (ll. 2217-2246). Have, therefore, thy helmet off thy head, and
'have here thy pay. ' Let us have no more talk than when thou didst
strike off my head with a single blow. "
"Nay, by God! " quoth Gawayne, "I shall not begrudge thee thy will for
any harm that may happen, but will stand still while thou strikest. "
Then he stoops a little and shows his bare neck, unmoved by any fear.
The Green Knight takes up his "grim tool," and with all his force
raises it aloft, as if he meant utterly to destroy him. As the axe came
gliding down Gawayne "shrank a little with the shoulders from the sharp
iron. " The other withheld his weapon, and then reproved the prince with
many proud words. "Thou art not Gawayne that is so good esteemed, that
never feared for no host by hill nor by vale, for now thou fleest for
fear before thou feelest harm (ll. 2247-2272). Such cowardice of that
knight did I never hear. I never flinched nor fled when thou didst aim
at me in King Arthur's house. My head flew to my feet and yet I never
fled, wherefore I deserve to be called the better man. "
Quoth Gawayne, "I shunted once, but will do so no more, though my head
fall on the stones. But hasten and bring me to the point; deal me my
destiny, and do it out of hand, for I shall stand thee a stroke and
start no more until thine axe has hit me--have here my troth. " "Have at
thee, then," said the other, and heaves the axe aloft, and looks as
savagely as if he were mad. He aims at the other mightily, but
withholds his hand ere it might hurt. Gawayne readily abides the blow
without flinching with any member, and stood still as a stone or a tree
fixed in rocky ground with a hundred roots.
Then merrily the other did speak, "Since now thou hast thy heart whole
it behoves me to strike, so take care of thy neck. " Gawayne answers
with great wroth, "Thrash on, thou fierce man, thou threatenest too
long; I believe thy own heart fails thee. "
"Forsooth," quoth the other, "since thou speakest so boldly, I will no
longer delay" (ll. 2273-2304). Then, contracting "both lips and brow,"
he made ready to strike, and let fall his axe on the bare neck of Sir
Gawayne. "Though he hammered" fiercely, he only "severed the hide,"
causing the blood to flow. When Gawayne saw his blood on the snow, he
quickly seized his helmet and placed it on his head. Then he drew out
his bright sword, and thus angrily spoke: "Cease, man, of thy blow, bid
me no more. I have received a stroke in this place without opposition,
but if thou givest me any more readily shall I requite thee, of that be
thou sure. Our covenant stipulates one stroke, and therefore now
cease. "
The Green Knight, resting on his axe, looks on Sir Gawayne, as bold and
fearless he there stood, and then with a loud voice thus addresses the
knight: "Bold knight, be not so wroth, no man here has wronged thee
(ll. 2305-2339); I promised thee a stroke, and thou hast it, so hold
thee well pleased. I could have dealt much worse with thee, and caused
thee much sorrow. Two blows I aimed at thee, for twice thou kissedst my
fair wife; but I struck thee not, because thou restoredst them to me
according to agreement. At the third time thou failedst, and therefore
I have given thee that tap. That woven girdle, given thee by my own
wife, belongs to me. I know well thy kisses, thy conduct also, and the
wooing of my wife, for I wrought it myself. I sent her to try thee, and
truly methinks thou art the most faultless man that ever on foot went.
Still, sir, thou wert wanting in good faith; but as it proceeded from
no immorality, thou being only desirous of saving thy life, the less I
blame thee. "
Gawayne stood confounded, the blood rushed into his face, and he shrank
within himself for very shame.
"Cursed," he cried, "be cowardice and
covetousness both; in you are villany and vice, that virtue destroy. "
Then he takes off the girdle and throws it to the knight in green,
cursing his cowardice and covetousness. The Green Knight, laughing,
thus spoke: "Thou hast confessed so clean, and acknowledged thy faults,
that I hold thee as pure as thou hadst never forfeited since thou wast
first born. I give thee, sir, the gold-hemmed girdle as a token of thy
adventure at the Green Chapel. Come now to my castle, and we shall
enjoy together the festivities of the New Year" (ll. 2340-2406).
"Nay, forsooth," quoth the knight, "but for your kindness may God
requite you. Commend me to that courteous one your comely wife, who
with her crafts has beguiled me. But it is no uncommon thing for a man
to come to sorrow through women's wiles; for so was Adam beguiled with
one, and Solomon with many. Samson was destroyed by Delilah, and David
suffered much through Bathsheba. 'It were indeed great bliss for a
man to love them well and believe them not. ' Since the greatest
upon earth were so beguiled, methinks I should be excused. But God
reward you for your girdle, which I will ever wear in remembrance of my
fault, and when pride shall exalt me, a look to this love-lace shall
lessen it (ll. 2407-2438). But since ye are the lord of yonder land,
from whom I have received so much honour, tell me truly your right
name, and I shall ask no more questions. "
Quoth the other, "I am called Bernlak de Hautdesert, through might of
Morgain la Fay, who dwells in my house. Much has she learnt of Merlin,
who knows all your knights at home. She brought me to your hall for to
essay the prowess of the Round Table. She wrought this wonder to
bereave you of your wits, hoping to have grieved Guenever and
affrighted her to death by means of the man that spoke with his head in
his hand before the high table. She is even thine aunt, Arthur's half
sister; wherefore come to thine aunt, for all my household love thee. "
Gawayne refuses to accompany the Green Knight, and so, with many
embraces and kind wishes, they separate--the one to his castle, the
other to Arthur's court.
After passing through many wild ways, our knight recovers from the
wound in his neck, and at last comes safe and sound to the court of
King Arthur. Great then was the joy of all; the king and queen kiss
their brave knight, and make many enquiries about his journey. He tells
them of his adventures, hiding nothing--"the chance of the chapel, the
cheer of the knight, the love of the lady, and lastly of the lace. "
Groaning for grief and shame he shows them the cut in his neck, which
he had received for his unfaithfulness (ll. 2439-2504). The king and
his courtiers comfort the knight--they laugh loudly at his adventures,
and unanimously agree that those lords and ladies that belonged to the
Round Table, and each knight of the brotherhood should ever after wear
a bright green belt for Gawayne's sake. And he upon whom it was
conferred honoured it evermore after.
Thus in Arthur's time this adventure befell, whereof the "Brutus Books"
bear witness (ll. 2505-2530).
I need not say that the Brutus Books we possess do not contain the
legend here set forth, though it is not much more improbable than some of
the statements contained in them. If the reader desires to know the
relation in which this and the like stories stand to the original Arthur
legends, he will find it discussed in Sir F. Madden's Preface to his
edition of "Syr Gawayne," which also contains a sketch of the very
different views taken of Sir Gawayne by the different Romance writers.
Into this and other literary questions I do not enter here, as I
have nothing to add to Sir F. Madden's statements; but in the text of the
Poem I have differed from him in some few readings, which will be found
noticed in the Notes and Glossary.
As the manuscript is fast fading, I am glad that the existence of the Early
English Text Society has enabled us to secure a wider diffusion of its
contents before the original shall be no longer legible.
We want nothing but an increased supply of members to enable us to give to
a large circle of readers many an equally interesting record of Early
English minds.
* * * * *
NOTE: The Old English "yogh" characters have been translated both
upper and lower-case yoghs to digit 3's. There are Unicode
allocations for these (in HTML Ȝ and ȝ) but at present
no font which implements these. Substiting the digit 3 seemed a
workable compromise which anybody can read. The linked html
"Old English 'yogh' file" uses Ȝ and ȝ representations,
and is included for users with specialist fonts.
* * * * *
[A] Si? en ? e sege & ? e assaut wat3 sesed at Troye, [Fol. 91a. ]
? e bor3 brittened & brent to bronde3 & aske3,
? e tulk ? at ? e trammes of tresoun ? er wro3t,
4 Wat3 tried for his tricherie, ? e trewest on erthe;
Hit wat3 Ennias ? e athel, & his highe kynde,
? at si? en depreced prouinces, & patrounes bicome
Welne3e of al ? e wele in ? e west iles,
8 [B] Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swy? e,
With gret bobbaunce ? at bur3e he biges vpon fyrst,
& neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat;
Ticius to Tuskan [turnes,] & teldes bigynnes;
12 Langaberde in Lumbardie lyftes vp homes;
[C] & fer ouer ? e French flod Felix Brutus
On mony bonkkes ful brode Bretayn he sette3,
wyth wynne;
16 [D] Where werre, & wrake, & wonder,
Bi sy? e3 hat3 wont ? er-inne,
[E] & oft bo? e blysse & blunder
Ful skete hat3 skyfted synne.
[Sidenote A: After the siege of Troy]
[Sidenote B: Romulus built Rome,]
[Sidenote C: and Felix Brutus founded Britain,]
[Sidenote D: a land of war and wonder,]
[Sidenote E: and oft of bliss and blunder. ]
20 Ande quen ? is Bretayn wat3 bigged bi ? is burn rych,
[A] Bolde bredden ? er-inne, baret ? at lofden,
In mony turned tyme tene ? at wro3ten;
Mo ferlyes on ? is folde han fallen here oft
24 [B] ? en in any o? er ? at I wot, syn ? at ilk tyme.
[C] Bot of alle ? at here bult of Bretaygne kynges
Ay wat3 Arthur ? e hendest; as I haf herde telle;
For-? i an aunter in erde I attle to schawe, [Fol. 91b. ]
28 ? at a selly in si3t summe men hit holden,
& an outtrage awenture of Arthure3 wondere3;
[D] If 3e wyl lysten ? is laye bot on littel quile,
I schal telle hit, as-tit, as I in toun herde,
32 with tonge;
As hit is stad & stoken,
In stori stif & stronge,
With lel letteres loken,
36 In londe so hat3 ben longe.
[Sidenote A: Bold men increased in the Land,]
[Sidenote B: and many marvels happened. ]
[Sidenote C: Of all Britain's kings Arthur was the noblest. ]
[Sidenote D: Listen a while and ye shall hear the story of an "outrageous
adventure. "]
[A] ? is kyng lay at Camylot vpon kryst-masse,
With mony luflych lorde, lede3 of ? e best,
[B] Rekenly of ? e rounde table alle ? o rich bre? er,
40 With rych reuel ory3t, & rechles mer? es;
? er tournayed tulkes bi-tyme3 ful mony,
Iusted ful Iolile ? ise gentyle kni3tes,
Sy? en kayred to ? e court, caroles to make.
44 [C] For ? er ? e fest wat3 ilyche ful fiften dayes,
With alle ? e mete & ? e mir? e ? at men cou? e a-vyse;
Such glaumande gle glorious to here,
Dere dyn vp-on day, daunsyng on ny3tes,
48 [D] Al wat3 hap vpon he3e in halle3 & chambre3,
With lorde3 & ladies, as leuest him ? o3t;
With all ? e wele of ? e worlde ? ay woned ? er samen,
[E] ? e most kyd kny3te3 vnder kryste seluen,
52 & ? e louelokkest ladies ? at euer lif haden,
& he ? e comlokest kyng ? at ? e court haldes;
For al wat3 ? is fayre folk in her first age,
on sille;
56 [F] ? e hapnest vnder heuen,
Kyng hy3est mon of wylle,
Hit were[1] now gret nye to neuen
So hardy a here on hille.
[Sidenote A: Arthur held at Camelot his Christmas feast,]
[Sidenote B: with all the knights of the Round Table,]
[Sidenote C: full fifteen days. ]
[Sidenote D: All was joy in hall and chamber,]
[Sidenote E: among brave knights and lovely ladies,]
[Sidenote F: the happiest under heaven. ]
[Footnote 1: MS. werere. ]
60 [A] Wyle nw 3er wat3 so 3ep ? at hit wat3 nwe cummen,
? at day doubble on ? e dece wat3 ? e douth serued,
Fro ? e kyng wat3 cummen with kny3tes in to ? e halle,
? e chauntre of ? e chapel cheued to an ende;
64 Loude crye wat3 ? er kest of clerke3 & o? er,
Nowel nayted o-newe, neuened ful ofte; [Fol. 92]
& sy? en riche forth runnen to reche honde-selle,
[B] 3e3ed 3eres 3iftes on hi3, 3elde hem bi hond,
68 Debated busyly aboute ? o giftes;
Ladies la3ed ful loude, ? o3 ? ay lost haden,
& he ? at wan wat3 not wrothe, ? at may 3e wel trawe.
[C] Alle ? is mir? e ? ay maden to ? e mete tyme;
72 When ? ay had waschen, wor? yly ? ay wenten to sete,
? e best burne ay abof, as hit best semed;
[D] Whene Guenore ful gay, gray? ed in ? e myddes.
Dressed on ? e dere des, dubbed al aboute,
76 Smal sendal bisides, a selure hir ouer
Of tryed Tolouse, of Tars tapites in-noghe,
? at were enbrawded & beten wyth ? e best gemmes,
? at my3t be preued of prys wyth penyes to bye,
80 in daye;
[E] ? e comlokest to discrye,
? er glent with y3en gray,
A semloker ? at euer he sy3e,
84 Soth mo3t no mon say.
[Sidenote A: They celebrate the New Year with great joy. ]
[Sidenote B: Gifts are demanded and bestowed. ]
[Sidenote C: Lords and ladies take their seats at the table. ]
[Sidenote D: Queen Guenever appears gaily dressed. ]
[Sidenote E: A lady fairer of form might no one say he had ever before
seen. ]
[A] Bot Arthure wolde not ete til al were serued,
He wat3 so Ioly of his Ioyfnes, & sum-quat child gered,
His lif liked hym ly3t, he louied ? e lasse
88 [B] Au? er to lenge lye, or to longe sitte,
So bi-sied him his 3onge blod & his brayn wylde;
& also ano? er maner meued him eke,
? at he ? ur3 nobelay had nomen, ho wolde neuer ete
92 Vpon such a dere day, er hym deuised were
[C] Of sum auenturus ? yng an vncou? e tale,
Of sum mayn meruayle, ? at he my3t trawe,
Of[1] alderes, of armes, of o? er auenturus,
96 O? er sum segg hym bi-so3t of sum siker kny3t,
To Ioyne wyth hym in iustyng in Ioparde to lay,
Lede lif for lyf, leue vchon o? er,
As fortune wolde fulsun hom ? e fayrer to haue.
100 ? is wat3 [? e] kynges countenaunce where he in court were,
At vch farand fest among his fre meny,
in halle; [Fol. 92b. ]
[D] ? er-fore of face so fere.
104 He sti3tle3 stif in stalle,
Ful 3ep in ? at nw 3ere,
Much mirthe he mas with alle.
[Sidenote A: Arthur would not eat,]
[Sidenote B: nor would he long sit]
[Sidenote C: until he had witnessed a "wondrous adventure" of some kind. ]
[Sidenote D: He of face so bold makes much mirth with all. ]
[Footnote 1: Of of, in MS. ]
[A] Thus ? er stondes in stale ? e stif kyng his-seluen,
108 Talkkande bifore ? e hy3e table of trifles ful hende
[B] There gode Gawan wat3 gray?
guest as Sir Gawayne" (ll. 884-927). At the end of the Christmas
festival Gawayne desires to take his departure from the castle, but his
host persuades him to stay, promising to direct him to the Green Chapel
(about two miles from the castle), that he may be there by the
appointed time (ll. 1029-1082).
A covenant is made between them, the terms of which were that the lord
of the castle should go out early to the chase, that Gawayne meanwhile
should lie in his loft at his ease, then rise at his usual hour, and
afterwards sit at table with his hostess, and that at the end of the
day they should make an exchange of whatever they might obtain in the
interim. "Whatever I win in the wood," says the lord, "shall be yours,
and what thou gettest shall be mine" (ll. 1083-1125).
Full early before daybreak the folk uprise, saddle their horses, and
truss their mails. The noble lord of the land, arrayed for riding, eats
hastily a sop, and having heard mass, proceeds with a hundred hunters
to hunt the wild deer (ll. 1126-1177).
All this time Gawayne lies in his gay bed. His nap is disturbed by a
little noise at the door, which is softly opened. He heaves up his head
out of the clothes, and, peeping through the curtains, beholds a most
lovely lady (the wife of his host). She came towards the bed, and the
knight laid himself down quickly, pretending to be asleep. The lady
stole to the bed, cast up the curtains, crept within, sat her softly on
the bed-side, and waited some time till the knight should awake. After
lurking awhile under the clothes considering what it all meant, Gawayne
unlocked his eyelids, and put on a look of surprise, at the same time
making the sign of the cross, as if afraid of some hidden danger (ll.
1178-1207). "Good morrow, sir," said that fair lady, "ye are a careless
sleeper to let one enter thus. I shall bind you in your bed, of that be
ye sure. " "Good morrow," quoth Gawayne, "I shall act according to your
will with great pleasure, but permit me to rise that I may the more
comfortably converse with you. " "Nay, beau sir," said that sweet one,
"ye shall not rise from your bed, for since I have caught my knight I
shall hold talk with him. I ween well that ye are Sir Gawayne that all
the world worships, whose honour and courtesy are so greatly praised.
Now ye are here, and we are alone (my lord and his men being afar off,
other men, too, are in bed, so are my maidens), and the door is safely
closed, I shall use my time well while it lasts. Ye are welcome to my
person to do with it as ye please, and I will be your servant" (ll.
Gawayne behaves most discreetly, for the remembrance of his forthcoming
adventure at the Green Chapel prevents him from thinking of love (ll.
1205-1289). At last the lady takes leave of the knight by catching him
in her arms and kissing him (ll. 1290-1307). The day passes away
merrily, and at dusk the Lord of the castle returns from the chase. He
presents the venison to Gawayne according to the previous covenant
between them. Our knight gives his host a kiss as the only piece of
good fortune that had fallen to him during the day. "It is good," says
the other, "and would be much better if ye would tell me where ye won
such bliss" (ll. 1308-1394). "That was not in our covenant," replies
Gawayne, "so try me no more. " After much laughing on both sides they
proceed to supper, and afterwards, while the choice wine is being
carried round, Gawayne and his host renew their agreement. Late at
night they take leave of each other and hasten to their beds. "By the
time that the cock had crowed and cackled thrice" the lord was up, and
after "meat and mass" were over the hunters make for the woods, where
they give chase to a wild boar who had grown old and mischievous (ll.
While the sportsmen are hunting this "wild swine" our lovely knight
lies in his bed. He is not forgotten by the lady, who pays him an early
visit, seeking to make further trial of his virtues. She sits softly by
his side and tells him that he has forgotten what she taught him the
day before (ll. 1468-1486). "I taught you of kissing," says she; "that
becomes every courteous knight. " Gawayne says that he must not take
that which is forbidden him. The lady replies that he is strong enough
to enforce his own wishes. Our knight answers that every gift not given
with a good will is worthless. His fair visitor then enquires how it is
that he who is so skilled in the true sport of love and so renowned a
knight, has never talked to her of love (ll. 1487-1524). "You ought,"
she says, "to show and teach a young thing like me some tokens of
true-love's crafts; I come hither and sit here alone to learn of you
some game; do teach me of your wit while my lord is from home. " Gawayne
replies that he cannot undertake the task of expounding true-love and
tales of arms to one who has far more wisdom than he possesses. Thus
did our knight avoid all appearance of evil, though sorely pressed to
do what was wrong (ll. 1525-1552). The lady, having bestowed two kisses
upon Sir Gawayne, takes her leave of him (ll. 1553-1557).
At the end of the day the lord of the castle returns home with the
shields and head of the wild boar. He shows them to his guest, who
declares that "such a brawn of a beast, nor such sides of a swine," he
never before has seen. Gawayne takes possession of the spoil according
to covenant, and in return he bestows two kisses upon his host, who
declares that his guest has indeed been rich with "such chaffer" (ll.
After much persuasion, Gawayne consents to stop at the castle another
day (ll. 1648-1685). Early on the morrow the lord and his men hasten to
the woods, and come upon the track of a fox, the hunting of which
affords them plenty of employment and sport (ll. 1686-1730). Meanwhile
our good knight sleeps soundly within his comely curtains. He is again
visited by the lady of the castle. So gaily was she attired, and so
"faultless of her features," that great joy warmed the heart of Sir
Gawayne. With soft and pleasant smiles "they smite into mirth," and are
soon engaged in conversation. Had not Mary thought of her knight, he
would have been in great peril (ll. 1731-1769). So sorely does the fair
one press him with her love, that he fears lest he should become a
traitor to his host. The lady enquires whether he has a mistress to
whom he has plighted his troth. The knight swears by St John that he
neither has nor desires one. This answer causes the dame to sigh for
sorrow, and telling him that she must depart, she asks for some gift,
if it were only a glove, by which she might "think on the knight and
lessen her grief" (ll. 1770-1800). Gawayne assures her that he has
nothing worthy of her acceptance; that he is on an "uncouth errand,"
and therefore has "no men with no mails containing precious things,"
for which he is truly sorry.
Quoth that lovesome (one)--
"Though I had nought of yours,
Yet should ye have of mine.
Thus saying, she offers him a rich ring of red gold "with a shining
stone standing aloft," that shone like the beams of the bright sun. The
knight refused the gift, as he had nothing to give in return. "Since ye
refuse my ring," says the lady, "because it seems too rich, and ye
would not be beholden to me, I shall give you my girdle that is less
valuable" (ll. 1801-1835). But Gawayne replies that he will not accept
gold or reward of any kind, though "ever in hot and in cold" he will be
her true servant.
"Do ye refuse it," asks the lady, "because it seems simple and of
little value? Whoso knew the virtues that are knit therein would
estimate it more highly. For he who is girded with this green lace
cannot be wounded or slain by any man under heaven. " The knight thinks
awhile, and it strikes him that this would be a "jewel for the
jeopardy" that he had to undergo at the Green Chapel. So he not only
accepts the lace, but promises to keep the possession of it a secret
(ll. 1836-1865). By that time the lady had kissed him thrice, and she
then takes "her leave and leaves him there. "
Gawayne rises, dresses himself in noble array, and conceals the "love
lace" where he might find it again. He then hies to mass, shrives him
of his misdeeds, and obtains absolution. On his return to the hall he
solaces the ladies with comely carols and all kinds of joy (ll.
1866-1892). The dark night came, and then the lord of the castle,
having slain the fox, returns to his "dear home," where he finds a fire
brightly turning and his guest amusing the ladies (ll. 1893-1927).
Gawayne, in fulfilment of his agreement, kisses his host thrice. [1] "By
Christ," quoth the other knight, "ye have caught much bliss. I have
hunted all this day and nought have I got but the skin of this foul fox
(the devil have the goods! ), and that is full poor for to pay for such
precious things" (ll. 1928-1951).
After the usual evening's entertainment, Gawayne retires to rest. The
next morning, being New Year's day, is cold and stormy. Snow falls, and
the dales are full of drift. Our knight in his bed locks his eyelids,
but full little he sleeps. By each cock that crows he knows the hour,
and before day-break he calls for his chamberlain, who quickly brings
him his armour (ll. 1952-2014). While Gawayne clothed himself in his
rich weeds he forgot not the "lace, the lady's gift," but with it
doubly girded his loins. He wore it not for its rich ornaments, "but to
save himself when it behoved him to suffer," and as a safeguard against
sword or knife (ll. 2015-2046).
Having thanked his host and all the renowned assembly for the great
kindness he had experienced at their hands, "he steps into stirrups and
strides aloft" (ll. 2047-2068).
The drawbridge is let down, and the broad gates unbarred and borne open
upon both sides, and the knight, after commending the castle to Christ,
passes thereout and goes on his way accompanied by his guide, that
should teach him to turn to that place where he should receive the
much-dreaded blow. They climb over cliffs, where each hill had a hat
and a mist-cloak, until the next morn, when they find themselves on a
full high hill covered with snow. The servant bids his master remain
awhile, saying, "I have brought you hither at this time, and now ye are
not far from that noted place that ye have so often enquired after. The
place that ye press to is esteemed full perilous, and there dwells a
man in that waste the worst upon earth, for he is stiff and stern and
loves to strike, and greater is he than any man upon middle-earth, and
his body is bigger than the best four in Arthur's house. He keeps the
Green Chapel; there passes none by that place, however proud in arms,
that he does not 'ding him to death with dint of his hand. ' He is a man
immoderate and 'no mercy uses,' for be it churl or chaplain that by the
chapel rides, monk or mass-priest, or any man else, it is as pleasant
to him to kill them as to go alive himself. Wherefore I tell thee
truly, 'come ye there, ye be killed, though ye had twenty lives to
spend. He has dwelt there long of yore, and on field much sorrow has
wrought. Against his sore dints ye may not defend you' (ll. 2069-2117).
Therefore, good Sir Gawayne, let the man alone, and for God's sake go
by some other path, and then I shall hie me home again. I swear to you
[Footnote 1: He only in part keeps to his covenant, as he holds back
the love-lace. ]
God and all His saints that I will never say that ever ye attempted to
flee from any man. "
Gawayne thanks his guide for his well-meant kindness, but declares that
to the Green Chapel he will go, though the owner thereof be "a stern
knave," for God can devise means to save his servants.
"Mary! " quoth the other, "since it pleases thee to lose thy life I will
not hinder thee. Have thy helmet on thy head, thy spear in thy hand,
and ride down this path by yon rock-side, till thou be brought to the
bottom of the valley. Then look a little on the plain, on thy left
hand, and thou shalt see in that slade the chapel itself, and the burly
knight that guards it (ll. 2118-2148). Now, farewell Gawayne the noble!
for all the gold upon ground I would not go with thee nor bear thee
fellowship through this wood 'on foot farther. '" Thus having spoken, he
gallops away and leaves the knight alone.
Gawayne now pursues his journey, rides through the dale, and looks
about. He sees no signs of a resting-place, but only high and steep
banks, and the very shadows of the high woods seemed wild and
distorted. No chapel, however, could he discover. After a while he sees
a round hill by the side of a stream; thither he goes, alights, and
fastens his horse to the branch of a tree. He walks about the hill,
debating with himself what it might be. It had a hole in the one end
and on each side, and everywhere overgrown with grass, but whether it
was only an old cave or a crevice of an old crag he could not tell (ll.
"Now, indeed," quoth Gawayne, "a desert is here; this oratory is ugly
with herbs overgrown. It is a fitting place for the man in green to
'deal here his devotions after the devil's manner. ' Now I feel it is
the fiend (the devil) in my five wits that has covenanted with me that
he may destroy me. This is a chapel of misfortune--evil betide it! It
is the most cursed kirk that ever I came in. " With his helmet on his
head, and spear in his hand, he roams up to the rock, and then he hears
from that high hill beyond the brook a wondrous wild noise. Lo! it
clattered in the cliff as if one upon a grindstone were grinding a
scythe. It whirred like the water at a mill, and rushed and re-echoed,
terrible to hear. "Though my life I forgo," says Gawayne, "no noise
shall cause me to fear. "
Then he cried aloud, "Who dwells in this place, discourse with me to
hold? For now is good Gawayne going right here if any brave wight will
hie him hither, either now or never" (ll. 2189-2216).
"Abide," quoth one on the bank above, over his head, "and thou shalt
have all in haste that I promised thee once. "
Soon there comes out of a hole in the crag, with a fell weapon a Danish
axe quite new, the "man in the green," clothed as at first as his legs,
locks and beard. But now he is on foot and walks on the earth. When he
reaches the stream, he hops over and boldly strides about. He meets Sir
Gawayne, who tells him that he is quite ready to fulfil his part of the
compact. "Gawayne," quoth that 'green gome' (man), "may God preserve
thee! Truly thou art welcome to my place, 'and thou hast timed thy
travel' as a true man should. Thou knowest the covenants made between
us, at this time twelve-month, that on New Year's day I should return
thee thy blow. We are now in this valley by ourselves, and can do as we
please (ll. 2217-2246). Have, therefore, thy helmet off thy head, and
'have here thy pay. ' Let us have no more talk than when thou didst
strike off my head with a single blow. "
"Nay, by God! " quoth Gawayne, "I shall not begrudge thee thy will for
any harm that may happen, but will stand still while thou strikest. "
Then he stoops a little and shows his bare neck, unmoved by any fear.
The Green Knight takes up his "grim tool," and with all his force
raises it aloft, as if he meant utterly to destroy him. As the axe came
gliding down Gawayne "shrank a little with the shoulders from the sharp
iron. " The other withheld his weapon, and then reproved the prince with
many proud words. "Thou art not Gawayne that is so good esteemed, that
never feared for no host by hill nor by vale, for now thou fleest for
fear before thou feelest harm (ll. 2247-2272). Such cowardice of that
knight did I never hear. I never flinched nor fled when thou didst aim
at me in King Arthur's house. My head flew to my feet and yet I never
fled, wherefore I deserve to be called the better man. "
Quoth Gawayne, "I shunted once, but will do so no more, though my head
fall on the stones. But hasten and bring me to the point; deal me my
destiny, and do it out of hand, for I shall stand thee a stroke and
start no more until thine axe has hit me--have here my troth. " "Have at
thee, then," said the other, and heaves the axe aloft, and looks as
savagely as if he were mad. He aims at the other mightily, but
withholds his hand ere it might hurt. Gawayne readily abides the blow
without flinching with any member, and stood still as a stone or a tree
fixed in rocky ground with a hundred roots.
Then merrily the other did speak, "Since now thou hast thy heart whole
it behoves me to strike, so take care of thy neck. " Gawayne answers
with great wroth, "Thrash on, thou fierce man, thou threatenest too
long; I believe thy own heart fails thee. "
"Forsooth," quoth the other, "since thou speakest so boldly, I will no
longer delay" (ll. 2273-2304). Then, contracting "both lips and brow,"
he made ready to strike, and let fall his axe on the bare neck of Sir
Gawayne. "Though he hammered" fiercely, he only "severed the hide,"
causing the blood to flow. When Gawayne saw his blood on the snow, he
quickly seized his helmet and placed it on his head. Then he drew out
his bright sword, and thus angrily spoke: "Cease, man, of thy blow, bid
me no more. I have received a stroke in this place without opposition,
but if thou givest me any more readily shall I requite thee, of that be
thou sure. Our covenant stipulates one stroke, and therefore now
cease. "
The Green Knight, resting on his axe, looks on Sir Gawayne, as bold and
fearless he there stood, and then with a loud voice thus addresses the
knight: "Bold knight, be not so wroth, no man here has wronged thee
(ll. 2305-2339); I promised thee a stroke, and thou hast it, so hold
thee well pleased. I could have dealt much worse with thee, and caused
thee much sorrow. Two blows I aimed at thee, for twice thou kissedst my
fair wife; but I struck thee not, because thou restoredst them to me
according to agreement. At the third time thou failedst, and therefore
I have given thee that tap. That woven girdle, given thee by my own
wife, belongs to me. I know well thy kisses, thy conduct also, and the
wooing of my wife, for I wrought it myself. I sent her to try thee, and
truly methinks thou art the most faultless man that ever on foot went.
Still, sir, thou wert wanting in good faith; but as it proceeded from
no immorality, thou being only desirous of saving thy life, the less I
blame thee. "
Gawayne stood confounded, the blood rushed into his face, and he shrank
within himself for very shame.
"Cursed," he cried, "be cowardice and
covetousness both; in you are villany and vice, that virtue destroy. "
Then he takes off the girdle and throws it to the knight in green,
cursing his cowardice and covetousness. The Green Knight, laughing,
thus spoke: "Thou hast confessed so clean, and acknowledged thy faults,
that I hold thee as pure as thou hadst never forfeited since thou wast
first born. I give thee, sir, the gold-hemmed girdle as a token of thy
adventure at the Green Chapel. Come now to my castle, and we shall
enjoy together the festivities of the New Year" (ll. 2340-2406).
"Nay, forsooth," quoth the knight, "but for your kindness may God
requite you. Commend me to that courteous one your comely wife, who
with her crafts has beguiled me. But it is no uncommon thing for a man
to come to sorrow through women's wiles; for so was Adam beguiled with
one, and Solomon with many. Samson was destroyed by Delilah, and David
suffered much through Bathsheba. 'It were indeed great bliss for a
man to love them well and believe them not. ' Since the greatest
upon earth were so beguiled, methinks I should be excused. But God
reward you for your girdle, which I will ever wear in remembrance of my
fault, and when pride shall exalt me, a look to this love-lace shall
lessen it (ll. 2407-2438). But since ye are the lord of yonder land,
from whom I have received so much honour, tell me truly your right
name, and I shall ask no more questions. "
Quoth the other, "I am called Bernlak de Hautdesert, through might of
Morgain la Fay, who dwells in my house. Much has she learnt of Merlin,
who knows all your knights at home. She brought me to your hall for to
essay the prowess of the Round Table. She wrought this wonder to
bereave you of your wits, hoping to have grieved Guenever and
affrighted her to death by means of the man that spoke with his head in
his hand before the high table. She is even thine aunt, Arthur's half
sister; wherefore come to thine aunt, for all my household love thee. "
Gawayne refuses to accompany the Green Knight, and so, with many
embraces and kind wishes, they separate--the one to his castle, the
other to Arthur's court.
After passing through many wild ways, our knight recovers from the
wound in his neck, and at last comes safe and sound to the court of
King Arthur. Great then was the joy of all; the king and queen kiss
their brave knight, and make many enquiries about his journey. He tells
them of his adventures, hiding nothing--"the chance of the chapel, the
cheer of the knight, the love of the lady, and lastly of the lace. "
Groaning for grief and shame he shows them the cut in his neck, which
he had received for his unfaithfulness (ll. 2439-2504). The king and
his courtiers comfort the knight--they laugh loudly at his adventures,
and unanimously agree that those lords and ladies that belonged to the
Round Table, and each knight of the brotherhood should ever after wear
a bright green belt for Gawayne's sake. And he upon whom it was
conferred honoured it evermore after.
Thus in Arthur's time this adventure befell, whereof the "Brutus Books"
bear witness (ll. 2505-2530).
I need not say that the Brutus Books we possess do not contain the
legend here set forth, though it is not much more improbable than some of
the statements contained in them. If the reader desires to know the
relation in which this and the like stories stand to the original Arthur
legends, he will find it discussed in Sir F. Madden's Preface to his
edition of "Syr Gawayne," which also contains a sketch of the very
different views taken of Sir Gawayne by the different Romance writers.
Into this and other literary questions I do not enter here, as I
have nothing to add to Sir F. Madden's statements; but in the text of the
Poem I have differed from him in some few readings, which will be found
noticed in the Notes and Glossary.
As the manuscript is fast fading, I am glad that the existence of the Early
English Text Society has enabled us to secure a wider diffusion of its
contents before the original shall be no longer legible.
We want nothing but an increased supply of members to enable us to give to
a large circle of readers many an equally interesting record of Early
English minds.
* * * * *
NOTE: The Old English "yogh" characters have been translated both
upper and lower-case yoghs to digit 3's. There are Unicode
allocations for these (in HTML Ȝ and ȝ) but at present
no font which implements these. Substiting the digit 3 seemed a
workable compromise which anybody can read. The linked html
"Old English 'yogh' file" uses Ȝ and ȝ representations,
and is included for users with specialist fonts.
* * * * *
[A] Si? en ? e sege & ? e assaut wat3 sesed at Troye, [Fol. 91a. ]
? e bor3 brittened & brent to bronde3 & aske3,
? e tulk ? at ? e trammes of tresoun ? er wro3t,
4 Wat3 tried for his tricherie, ? e trewest on erthe;
Hit wat3 Ennias ? e athel, & his highe kynde,
? at si? en depreced prouinces, & patrounes bicome
Welne3e of al ? e wele in ? e west iles,
8 [B] Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swy? e,
With gret bobbaunce ? at bur3e he biges vpon fyrst,
& neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat;
Ticius to Tuskan [turnes,] & teldes bigynnes;
12 Langaberde in Lumbardie lyftes vp homes;
[C] & fer ouer ? e French flod Felix Brutus
On mony bonkkes ful brode Bretayn he sette3,
wyth wynne;
16 [D] Where werre, & wrake, & wonder,
Bi sy? e3 hat3 wont ? er-inne,
[E] & oft bo? e blysse & blunder
Ful skete hat3 skyfted synne.
[Sidenote A: After the siege of Troy]
[Sidenote B: Romulus built Rome,]
[Sidenote C: and Felix Brutus founded Britain,]
[Sidenote D: a land of war and wonder,]
[Sidenote E: and oft of bliss and blunder. ]
20 Ande quen ? is Bretayn wat3 bigged bi ? is burn rych,
[A] Bolde bredden ? er-inne, baret ? at lofden,
In mony turned tyme tene ? at wro3ten;
Mo ferlyes on ? is folde han fallen here oft
24 [B] ? en in any o? er ? at I wot, syn ? at ilk tyme.
[C] Bot of alle ? at here bult of Bretaygne kynges
Ay wat3 Arthur ? e hendest; as I haf herde telle;
For-? i an aunter in erde I attle to schawe, [Fol. 91b. ]
28 ? at a selly in si3t summe men hit holden,
& an outtrage awenture of Arthure3 wondere3;
[D] If 3e wyl lysten ? is laye bot on littel quile,
I schal telle hit, as-tit, as I in toun herde,
32 with tonge;
As hit is stad & stoken,
In stori stif & stronge,
With lel letteres loken,
36 In londe so hat3 ben longe.
[Sidenote A: Bold men increased in the Land,]
[Sidenote B: and many marvels happened. ]
[Sidenote C: Of all Britain's kings Arthur was the noblest. ]
[Sidenote D: Listen a while and ye shall hear the story of an "outrageous
adventure. "]
[A] ? is kyng lay at Camylot vpon kryst-masse,
With mony luflych lorde, lede3 of ? e best,
[B] Rekenly of ? e rounde table alle ? o rich bre? er,
40 With rych reuel ory3t, & rechles mer? es;
? er tournayed tulkes bi-tyme3 ful mony,
Iusted ful Iolile ? ise gentyle kni3tes,
Sy? en kayred to ? e court, caroles to make.
44 [C] For ? er ? e fest wat3 ilyche ful fiften dayes,
With alle ? e mete & ? e mir? e ? at men cou? e a-vyse;
Such glaumande gle glorious to here,
Dere dyn vp-on day, daunsyng on ny3tes,
48 [D] Al wat3 hap vpon he3e in halle3 & chambre3,
With lorde3 & ladies, as leuest him ? o3t;
With all ? e wele of ? e worlde ? ay woned ? er samen,
[E] ? e most kyd kny3te3 vnder kryste seluen,
52 & ? e louelokkest ladies ? at euer lif haden,
& he ? e comlokest kyng ? at ? e court haldes;
For al wat3 ? is fayre folk in her first age,
on sille;
56 [F] ? e hapnest vnder heuen,
Kyng hy3est mon of wylle,
Hit were[1] now gret nye to neuen
So hardy a here on hille.
[Sidenote A: Arthur held at Camelot his Christmas feast,]
[Sidenote B: with all the knights of the Round Table,]
[Sidenote C: full fifteen days. ]
[Sidenote D: All was joy in hall and chamber,]
[Sidenote E: among brave knights and lovely ladies,]
[Sidenote F: the happiest under heaven. ]
[Footnote 1: MS. werere. ]
60 [A] Wyle nw 3er wat3 so 3ep ? at hit wat3 nwe cummen,
? at day doubble on ? e dece wat3 ? e douth serued,
Fro ? e kyng wat3 cummen with kny3tes in to ? e halle,
? e chauntre of ? e chapel cheued to an ende;
64 Loude crye wat3 ? er kest of clerke3 & o? er,
Nowel nayted o-newe, neuened ful ofte; [Fol. 92]
& sy? en riche forth runnen to reche honde-selle,
[B] 3e3ed 3eres 3iftes on hi3, 3elde hem bi hond,
68 Debated busyly aboute ? o giftes;
Ladies la3ed ful loude, ? o3 ? ay lost haden,
& he ? at wan wat3 not wrothe, ? at may 3e wel trawe.
[C] Alle ? is mir? e ? ay maden to ? e mete tyme;
72 When ? ay had waschen, wor? yly ? ay wenten to sete,
? e best burne ay abof, as hit best semed;
[D] Whene Guenore ful gay, gray? ed in ? e myddes.
Dressed on ? e dere des, dubbed al aboute,
76 Smal sendal bisides, a selure hir ouer
Of tryed Tolouse, of Tars tapites in-noghe,
? at were enbrawded & beten wyth ? e best gemmes,
? at my3t be preued of prys wyth penyes to bye,
80 in daye;
[E] ? e comlokest to discrye,
? er glent with y3en gray,
A semloker ? at euer he sy3e,
84 Soth mo3t no mon say.
[Sidenote A: They celebrate the New Year with great joy. ]
[Sidenote B: Gifts are demanded and bestowed. ]
[Sidenote C: Lords and ladies take their seats at the table. ]
[Sidenote D: Queen Guenever appears gaily dressed. ]
[Sidenote E: A lady fairer of form might no one say he had ever before
seen. ]
[A] Bot Arthure wolde not ete til al were serued,
He wat3 so Ioly of his Ioyfnes, & sum-quat child gered,
His lif liked hym ly3t, he louied ? e lasse
88 [B] Au? er to lenge lye, or to longe sitte,
So bi-sied him his 3onge blod & his brayn wylde;
& also ano? er maner meued him eke,
? at he ? ur3 nobelay had nomen, ho wolde neuer ete
92 Vpon such a dere day, er hym deuised were
[C] Of sum auenturus ? yng an vncou? e tale,
Of sum mayn meruayle, ? at he my3t trawe,
Of[1] alderes, of armes, of o? er auenturus,
96 O? er sum segg hym bi-so3t of sum siker kny3t,
To Ioyne wyth hym in iustyng in Ioparde to lay,
Lede lif for lyf, leue vchon o? er,
As fortune wolde fulsun hom ? e fayrer to haue.
100 ? is wat3 [? e] kynges countenaunce where he in court were,
At vch farand fest among his fre meny,
in halle; [Fol. 92b. ]
[D] ? er-fore of face so fere.
104 He sti3tle3 stif in stalle,
Ful 3ep in ? at nw 3ere,
Much mirthe he mas with alle.
[Sidenote A: Arthur would not eat,]
[Sidenote B: nor would he long sit]
[Sidenote C: until he had witnessed a "wondrous adventure" of some kind. ]
[Sidenote D: He of face so bold makes much mirth with all. ]
[Footnote 1: Of of, in MS. ]
[A] Thus ? er stondes in stale ? e stif kyng his-seluen,
108 Talkkande bifore ? e hy3e table of trifles ful hende
[B] There gode Gawan wat3 gray?