288, 305; revolt, 299
Mahdi, Fātimite Caliph, 151
Mahomet I, Emir of Spain, 416 sq.
288, 305; revolt, 299
Mahdi, Fātimite Caliph, 151
Mahomet I, Emir of Spain, 416 sq.
Cambridge Medieval History - v3 - Germany and the Western Empire
351 sq.
); death of, 318,
Ivo, Bishop of Chartres, 113, 131 sqq.
Ivois, meeting of Robert the Pious and the
Emperor Henry II at, 106, 251; meeting
of Henry I and Henry III at, 280; (1056)
Ivrea, 66; besieged, 135; bishop of, see War-
mund; March of, 65, 157, 167; under
Ardoin, 220, 244; marquesses of, see
Adalbert, Anscar, Ardoin, Berengar, Con.
565 sq.
Iltut, St, school of, 509
Imhar. See Ívarr
Inden, monastery of, 4
India, trade with, 433
Indulgence, Day of, 281 sqq. , 284, 307
Ine, King of Wessex, founder of Abingdon,
374; laws of, 358, 404
Ingelheim, Louis I at, 16, 22; council at
(948), 79, 194; Henry I of Bavaria im.
prisoned at, 191; Otto I at, 196; Henry II
of Bavaria imprisoned at, 205; Synod at,
211; Ernest of Swabia banned at, 258;
Henry III married at, 275, 284; Henry III
receives Aribert of Milan at, 277
Ingo, Bishop of Vercelli, 175 note
Ingwar. See Ívarr
Iñigo Arista, 410
Inn, river, Hungarians defeated on, 69
Instantius, heretic, 512
Investiture, 459; of Church fiefs, 463 sq.
Iona (Hy), Vikings in, 311, 330, 346; 504
Ipswich, burh at, 356, 381
Ireland, Vikings in, 346 sq. , 310 sqq. ,317 sq. ,
324, 330, 346 sq. ; Harold and Leofwin in,
394; Aelfgar in, 396; Scandinavian in.
fluence in, 343; Gallic influence in,
498 sqq. , 501; learning and literature in,
501 sqq. , 524 sqq. , 538; literary connexion
with Spain, 524; art in, 556; kings of, see
Aedh, Brian
Irenæus, St, 533
Irmingard, wife of Otto of Hammerstein,
Jacobus de Voragine, 496
Jad, governor of Elvira, 418
Jaen, 411, 418 sqq. , 433; mines at, 432
Jahna, capture of, by Henry I, 184
James, St, apocryphal Gospel of, 532
James the Less, Gospel of, 506
Jaromir of Bohemia, 222 sq. ; made Duke of
Bohemia, 225; aids Henry II against
Boleslav, 227 sq. ; driven from Bohemia,
239; restored, 262
Jarrow, destroyed by Vikings, 311, 341, 347
Jarzé, house of, in Anjou, 118
251 sq.
Isaac of Tabanos, 406
Ishāk of Mosul, 415
Isidore, St, 343, 438, 489, 497, 499 sq. , 516;
## p. 676 (#722) ############################################
Jativa, 432
Jellinge, stone, 332, 380
Jerome, Bishop of Vicenza, 245
Jerome, St, 343, 493; 500; 507 sq. ; 512 note;
523; his catalogue of church writers, 489,
Jerusalem, 126; 536
Jérusalem, Assises de, 460 sq.
Jews, in Spain, 429, 435
Jidār, 412
Job, Gregory on, 488
Job, Testament of, 505
Jocelyn, son of the lord of Sainte-Maure,
Jocelyn of Rennes, in Anjou, 118
Joceran, brother of Robert I of Burgundy,
Johannes, magister militum, 489
Johannes Scottus (Eriugena), 502, 504, 524
sqq. , 527, 533
Johannis, poem, 488 sq.
John the Evangelist, St, Acts of, 532
John VIII, Pope, 46; and Charles the Bald,
50 sqq. ; and Louis II, 55 sq. , 137; and
Charles the Fat, 58; assassinated, 60; 67;
Papal theory of, 453 sq.
John IX, Pope, 67; aids Louis of Provence,
John X, Pope, 455; Archbishop of Ravenna,
151 sq. ; Hugh of Provence and, 153; death
of, 154
John XI, Pope, 151, 154, 455
John XII (John Octavian), Pope, 101; and
Otto I, 161 sqq. , 201 sq. ; deposed, 163,
454 sq. ; restored, 164
John XIII, Pope, 166 sqq. , 203
John XIV (Peter, Bishop of Pavia), Pope,
101, 170 sq.
John XV, Pope, 101, 455; and Crescentius
II, 171; death of, 172
John XVI (Philagathus), Pope, fate of, 172;
173, 212
John XVIII, Pope, 237
John XIX (Romanus), Pope, 252, 264, 267,
John, King of England, 461, 466
John Tzimisces, Eastern Emperor, 167, 169,
John II, Prince of Salerno, 176
John, Duke of Naples, 176, 528
John, Duke of Spoleto. See Crescentius,
John, Archbishop of Ravenna, 450
John, Bishop, and a Greek book of the As.
cension, 532
John, Bishop of Arezzo, 51
John, Bishop of Cervia, 42
John, Bishop of Toscanella, 51
John, Abbot of Athelney, 358
John, Abbot of Metz, 534
John, Abbot of Nonantula. See John XVI,
John, Cardinal deacon, 101, 161, 164
John Crescentius, son of Crescentius II. See
Crescentius III
John Gratian. See Gregory VI, Pope
John Octavian. See John XII, Pope
John Philagathus. See John XVI, Pope
John of Arras and Cambrai Castle, 298
John, lord of Lignières, 119
John of Biclarum, chronicler, 492
John Cameniates, cited, 149 note
John the Deacon, 528, 531
John of Gorze, Life of, 534
John of Salisbury, cited, 487
John of Wallingford, cited, 331
Jómsborg, fortress of, 326 sq. , 380, 382
Jonac, 17
Jonas, Bishop of Orleans, 14, 533
Joscelin, Bishop of Paris, Abbot of Saint-
Germain-des-Prés, 56 sq. , 59; death of,
61, 321
Josephus, Antiquities of, 486; 505 note; 507
Joshua, illuminated roll of, 549 sq.
Jouy, Louis II retreats from, 37
Judith, wife of Henry I of Bavaria, 191, 204,
205 and note
Judith of Cornouailles, mother of Hoel, 128
Judith, Empress, 13 sqq. , 16, 18 sqq. , 22, 24,
Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald, 39,
41, 92, 349
Judith of Schweinfurt, 299 sq.
Julian, Archbishop of Toledo, 493 sq. , 524
Julian, St, of Le Mans, 496
Juliana, Anglo-Saxon poem, 537
Julianus Pomerius, 493
Julianus Titianus, chronicler, 496
Jülich, meeting of Robert and Henry the
Fowler at, 181
Julin, trading centre, 326
Jumièges, ravaged by Danes, 32; Edward
the Confessor at, 390; service book of,
530; Abbey of, 561 sq. ; abbots of, see
Conrad, Robert
Junca, Bishop of. See Verecundus
Jurane Burgundy, duchy of, 38, 63, 134;
dukes of, see Conrad, Hubert, Rodolph.
See also Burgundy, kingdom of Jurane
Justin II, Eastern Emperor, 488 sq.
Justinian I, Eastern Emperor, Byzantine
architecture under, 539 sq. , 534 sqq. , 547
sq. , 557
Jüterbogk, Henry II retreats from, 228
Juvenal, 521, 524
Juvencus, poet, 516; MS. of, 509
ķaisites (Ma'addites), 409, 411, 416
Kalbites. See Yemenites
Kamba, Conrad II elected at, 254 note; cf.
ķasr ibn Wardān, ruins at, 547
Kells, Book of, 566
Kempen, Conrad II elected king at, 273; cf.
Kempsford, Mercian defeat at, 344
Kennet, river, Vikings on, 352
Kenneth Mac Alpin, founds the Scottish
kingdom, 335, 350
Kenstec, Bishop of Dinnurin, 347
## p. 677 (#723) ############################################
Lance, Holy, 180 note; 189, 200, 218; of
Burgundy, 258; of Hungary, 288
Landfrieden, 282, 307
Landolf, usurps principality of Salerno, 169
Landolf I, Prince of Capua-Benevento,
151 sq.
Kent, 401, 405 sq. ; under-kingdom of, re-
volts against Coenwulf, 343; subject to
Wessex, 345 sq. ; Vikings in, 349 sq. ; 359;
382 sq. , 385; kings of, see Baldred, Cuth-
red, Ealhmund
Kesteven, submits to Edward the Elder, 364
Ketill Flatnose, chieftain of the Western
Islands, 325
Ketill the White. See Caitill Find
Khālid, 412
Kiburg, Count of. See Werner
Kiersy. See Quierzy
Kiev, Varangians settle in, 327; alliance
with Poles, 222; princes of, see Olég,
Vladímir, Yarosláv
Kilian, Irish missionary, 512
Kingston, 378
ķinnasrin, 411
Kirchen, Charles the Fat at, 62
Kiso, takes Brandenburg, 211 sq.
Kloppen, Otto I at, 140
Knut, King of Denmark, 122
Knut, King of England, Denmark and Nor-
way, 305; 383; succeeds Svein, 384;
renews Danish invasions, 384 sq. ; King
of England and Denmark, 325, 332, 386 sq. ;
alliance with Conrad II, 263, 296 sq. , 304;
visits Rome, 264, 388; policy in Church
and State, 387 sq. , 407 sq. ; war with Nor-
way, 388; laws of, 402, 407; death of,
Kunigunda, Empress of Henry II, 218, 241,
248, 252, 254, 279
Kunigunda, Queen of Henry III. See Gunn.
Kunigunda, Welfic heiress, 265
Kuno, Duke of Bavaria, 287; made Duke,
293; deposed, 296; intrigues in Hungary,
297 sq. , 304; death of, 299
Ķuraib ibn Khaldūn, 418 sq.
Ķuraishites, 412
Landolf III, Prince of Capua-Benevento,
Landolf IV, Prince of Capua-Benevento, 169
Landolf V, Prince of Capua, succeeds Ademar,
Landry, Count of Nevers, 104, 106, 141
Landulf II, Archbishop of Milan, 175
Langeais, Fulk Nerra at, 108, 118; lord of,
see Hamelin
Langenzenn, diet at, 198
Langres, and Burgundy, 93 sq. , 96; bishopric
of, 97; cathedral of, 557; bishops of, see
Bruno, Hardouin
Languedoc, 130; Hungarians in, 153; see
also Gothia, Toulouse
Lantbert. See Lambert
Laon, Empress Judith at, 14; 75, 77; be.
sieged by Hugh the Great, 78, 193;
restored to Louis IV, 79, 194; taken by
Otto II, 80; 89 sq. ; captured by Charles
of Lorraine, 99; recaptured, 100, 102; 190;
Hungarians near, 198; MSS. at, 504, 521,
526, 538; Greek taught at, 527; bishop
of, see Asselin
Lassois, subject to Burgundy, 93
Lateran, Synod at, 264
Lausanne, diocese of, 38, 63, 134
Lausitz, March of, created, 202 note; con-
quered by Boleslav, 222 sq. , 225; recovered,
227; again lost, 228, 239; surrendered by
Mesco, 261; see also East Mark, Lusatians
Lavenham, 406
Law, Bavarian, 284
Law, Canon, xviii, 132, 163, 232, 251 sq. ,
290; see also False Decretals
Lombard, superseded by Roman Law
in Rome, 267; amended by Conrad II, 266
Law, Mozarabic, 430, 441
Law, of Wessex, reformed by Alfred, 358;
by Edward the Elder, 362; by Aethelstan,
Law, Roman, to supersede Lombard Law
in Rome, 267; sovereign's powers, 461;
ownership, 462
Law, Saxon, 217, 255; Lehnrecht of, 459
Lawhitton, 344
Lazarus, Byzantine painter, 546
Lea, river, 319, 359
Leabhar Breac, 505
Lechfeld, the Hungarians defeated on, 160,
199 sq. , 215; Diet of Augsburg at (952),
Le Frainet (Fraxinetum), Saracens at, 140,
152, 155, 162; extirpated, 168 ; 431
Leicester, 319, 353; burh of, 355; see of,
380; submits to Aethelfleda, 323, 363 sq. ;
besieged by Edmund, 368
Leicestershire, Svein in, 383; Scandinavian
influence in, 336 sq.
La Chartre, taken by Fulk Rechin, 120
Lactantius, theologian and poet, 516, 526,
La Fère, Odo at, 73
La Ferté-en-Brai, 112
La Gueule, Danish victory at, 64
Laidulf, Prince of Capua, 171; 176
La Marche, independence of, 97; subject to
Aquitaine, 129
Lambay Island, Vikings at (795), 311
Lambert of Spoleto, Emperor, King of Italy,
65, 454; succeeds Guy, 66, 148 sq.
Lambert, Duke of Spoleto, 48, 55 sq.
Lambert, Marquess of Tuscany, 154
Lambert, Count of Nantes (Breton March), 2
Lambert, Count of the Breton March
(Nantes), 15 sq. , 19 sq. , 31, 47 sq. , 316
Lambert (Lantbert), Count of Louvain, 207,
Lambert, Count of Louvain, 295
Lambert d'Ardre, chronicler, cited, 460
Lampert, Archbishop of Milan, 153
Lancashire, Scandinavian influence in, 336
## p. 678 (#724) ############################################
Leidrad, Archbishop of Lyons, 518
Leinster, king of. See Maelmordha
Leitha, district ceded to Hungary, 261; re-
covered, 281, 303
Leitzkau, Henry II musters at, 227
Le Mans, 33, 36; bishops of, see Aldric,
Gervase; viscount of, see Raoul; church
at, 563; stained glass at, 566
Lenzen, Wends defeated at, 184
Leo III, Pope, 4, 343, 519
Leo IV, Pope, 29; walls Leonine city, 49;
Leo VIII, Pope, 101; election of, 163;
driven out, 164; reinstated, ib. ; death of,
Leo IX, Pope (Bruno, Bishop of Toul), 280,
284; becomes Pope, 294; in Italy, 296;
see of Bremen, 297; defeated at Civitate,
Leo VI, the Wise, Eastern Emperor, 546
Leo, Bishop of Vercelli, enemy of Ardoin,
220 ; invites Henry II to Italy, 221,
224; pro-German, and exiled, 240; at
Ravenna, 242; again expelled from Ver-
celli by Ardoin, 244; goes to Germany,
245; correspondence, 245; recovers Ver-
celli, 246; synod of Pavia, 251
Leo of Naples, 528
Leo, nomenclator, executed, 5
Leocricia, 417
Leofric, Earl of Mercia, 389, 391, 393 sqq. ,
Leofwine, son of Godwin, outlawed, 394;
given earldom, 397
Leofwine, Earl of Mercia, 387, 389
Leominster, 396
Leominster, Abbess of, 392
Leon, Kingdom of, raided by Alfonso I, 410;
raided by Toledo, 417; southward ex-
pansion of, 419 sqq. ; war with Castile,
422; invaded by Almanzor, 425; con-
quered by Castile and Navarre, 428; 423,
425, 438 sq. , 441; kings of, see Alfonso,
Bermudo, Ferdinand, Ordoño, Ramiro,
Leon, city of, 440
Leonorius, missioner to Brittany, 509
Leopold, Margrave of Austria, 301 sqq.
Le Puiset, taken by Queen Constance, 107;
lord of, see Hugh
Le Puy, Biblical MS. at, 519; paintings at,
567; architecture at, 557, 565
Lescar, church at, 567
Leswin Croc, 406
Lewes, 357; priory at, 564
Leyden, Ms. at, cited, 502
Libentius. See Lievizo
Liber Pontificalis, 534
Liber Rotarum, 492
Libertius, missionary to Russia, 201
Libri Carolini, against images, 533
Lichfield, 387; canons of, 379
Licosa, naval battle of (846), 49
Liège, 33, 525; burnt by Danes, 59; besieged,
293; library of, 521; font at, 559 sq. ;
bishopric of, 45; bishops of, 44, 294,
see Franco, Nithard, Wazo
Lievizo (Libentius), Archbishop of Ham-
burg-Bremen, 239
Lignières, lord of. See John
L'Ile-Bouchard, lord of. See Bartholomew
Lille, siege of, by Henry III, 298
Limburg, Abbey of, 271
Limerick, and the Northmen, 317, 324, 331,
Limoges, 17, 34; battle at, 76; and Aqui.
taine, 129
Limousin, the, Northmen defeated in, 88; 97
Lincoln, 319, 334, 355 ; see of, 380; cathe.
dral, 562, 564, 566
Lincolnshire, 400, 406; Scandinavian in-
fluence in, 336 sq.
Lindisfarne, raided by Vikings, 311, 341,
347; abandoned by Eardulf, 354; Gospels
of, 514, 554, 566; bishop of, see Eardulf
Lindsey, Vikings in, 312, 349 sqq. , 353,
381; pagan revival in, 351; submits to
Edward the Elder, 364
Lion d'Angers, lord of, 119
Lios Monocus, Breton poet, 529
Lisbon, Vikings at, 316, 416
Lisieux, granted to Rollo, 73, 86, 94, 322;
bishopric of, seized by Ranulf Flambard,
Lithuanians, attack Poland, 300
Liudevit, Slovene Prince, 7
Liudolf, Archbishop of Trèves, 238
Liudolf, Duke of Saxony, 235
Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, 204, 205 note;
invades Italy, 159 sq. ; marriage of, 191;
rebellion, 196 sqq. , 258; reconciliation,
199; death, 160, 201
Liudolfings, House of, 215, 230
Liudprand, chronicler, cited, 139, 149, 156
sq. , 189; at the court of Otto I, 160;
Bishop of Cremona, 163; sent to Con-
stantinople, 167; his Antapodosis, 423
note, 528, 534 sq.
Liutbert, Archbishop of Mayence, 45, 60
Liutgard, wife of Conrad of Lorraine, 191,
205 note, 215, 249, 253
Liuthar, Margrave of North Mark, 216 sg.
Liutpert, Bishop of Cambrai, struggle with
John of Arras, 298
Liutpold, Margrave in Bavaria, 69
Liutpold of Babenberg, 205; Margrave of
Austria, 206, 208
Liutward, Bishop of Vercelli, 60, 62
Livius Andronicus, 491
Livy, 521 sq.
Llanelwy. See St Asaph
Llantwit Major, school at, 509
Lleyn, promontory of, 342
Llobregat, river, 90, 428
Lobbes, annalist of, 25
Loches, attacked by Hugh of Amboise, 119;
chapel at, 561; church at, 563
Lodi, see of, 175
Loire, river, 35, 40, 128; Northmen on, 60,
86 sq. , 312, 320 sqq. ; 76 note
## p. 679 (#725) ############################################
62 sqq. ,
Lombards, the, 7, 47 sqq. , 150, 152, 176, 448; claims the Empire, 18; restores
178; 422; kings of, see Aistulf; see also Louis I, 19; 21; proclaimed Emperor, 10,
22; relations with his brothers, 22 sqq. ,
Lombardy, 27, 53; and Conrad II, 106 sq. ; 32 sqq. , 534; with Gilbert, 34; relations
and Rodolph II, 136 sq. ; invaded by Hun- with the Church, 29 sq. , 444; relations
garians, 148, 153; raided by Saracens, with Vikings, 315; death of, 34
152; Otto I and, 165, 196; Henry II Lothar III, of Supplinburg, Emperor, 146
intervenes in, 218; see also Italy
Lothar II, King of Lorraine, inheritance of,
Lomello, Count of. See Otto
34 sq. ; 36 sqq. ; divorce of, 38 sqq. , 449
London, sacked by Danes, 312; stormed by sqq. ; death of, 44; 525
Vikings, 349; ransomed, 353; in Guth. Lothar II, son of King Hugh, 140; joint-
rum's kingdom, 356; captured by Alfred, king of Italy, 154, 157 ; death of, 158,
358; 363; repels the Danes, 324, 381; 194
accepts Svein, 383 sq. ; makes Edmund Lotharingia. See Lorraine
king, 385; besieged by Knut, 385 ; 387; Lothian, invaded by Scots, 350; 388; in-
394; St Paul's Cathedral, 564; canons of, fluence of, 396
379; Church dues in diocese of, 379; 361; Louis I (the Pious, or the Debonnaire),
bishops of, see Dunstan, William
Emperor, accession of, 1 sqq. ; the Church,
Longobardia, theme of, 150, 152, 166, 168 4 sq. , 444; the Vikings, 313, 315, 327; the
Loppergarth, runic inscription at, 336
succession, 9 sqq. ; second marriage of,
Lorca, 418
12 sq. ; revolts of his sons, 14 sqq. ; hu-
Lorica, ascribed to Gildas, 508
miliation, 18, 444, 448 sq. ; restoration,
Lorraine (Lotharingia), 27; given to Lothar 19; death, 22; in Walafrid's poem,
II, 34; 36, 38, 41, 43; contest for, 44 sq. ; lives of, 534
partition of, 45; invasion of, 51 sq. ; Car- Louis II, Emperor, King of Italy, 34, 38;
loman and, 55; cession of, 57; North- obtains Provence, 41; the Pope and, 42
men in, 58 sq. , 64; claimed by Rodolph sqq. , 50, 450; 44 sq. ; death of, 46, 50;
of Burgundy, 63, 135; Zwentibold, King reign in Italy, 47–50; 53, 134, 137,
of, 67 sq. ; under Charles the Simple, 149
68 sq. , 74 sq. , 78, 87; invasion by Louis Louis III (the Blind), Emperor, son of Boso,
d'Outremer, 78, 189 sq. ; conquest by
Italy, 68, 138, 149; king of
Henry the Fowler, 78, 180 sq. ; Hun- Provence, 138; captured at Verona, ib. ,
garians in, 87, 182 note; under Otto I, 149; 152; death of, 139, 156
189 sqq. , 192 sq. ; given to Bruno, 199 sqq. ; Louis II (the German), King of Germany, 3,
invasions of, by Lothair, 80, 207 sqq. ; 29, 34; and the succession, 10, 13; rebels,
disaffection against Henry II, 223, 228; 14 sqq. ; pardoned, 15, 18, 19; deprived of
Robert the Pious and, 106 sq. ; relations territory, 21 sq. ; relations with Lothar I,
with Burgundy, 135, 144 sq. ; Church re- 23 sqq. , 32 sq. , 444; relations with Lothar
form in, 236, 250, 253; opposed to Conrad II, 35, 40, 42 sqq. ; and Charles the Bald,
II, 254, 256 sq. ; ravaged by Odo of Blois, 36 sqq. , 42, 50 sq. , 446 sq. , 534; and the
123, 144 sq. , 259, 267; divided into two, Pope, 43, 451 sq. ; and Lorraine, 44 sqq. ;
200 sqq. , 203; reunited, 270; made into
and Italy, 46 sq. , 49 sq. ; death of, 46, 51;
two Duchies, 284; Henry III in, 277; ro- 63; 314
mance party in, 285; revolt of Duke God- Louis the Younger, son of Louis the German,
frey, 286 sqq. ; settlement of, 289 sq. ; 33 sq. ; King of Saxony, 51 sq. ; invades
kings, dukes, etc. of, see Arnulf, Bruno, France, 56 sq. ; death of, 58; 59
Charles, Conrad, Gebhard, Gilbert, Lothar, Louis the Child, King of Germany, 68;
Louis, Otto, Reginar, Zwentibold
death of, 69; 74, 136
Lorraine, Lower, given to Charles, 207; Louis, King of Bavaria. See Louis the Ger-
Henry II in, 218; Henry III in, 275;
dukes of, see Charles, Frederick, Godfrey, Louis II (the Stammerer), King of France,
Gozelo, Otto
Duke of Maine, 35, 40, 53; King, 55; death
Lorraine, Upper, dukes of, see Adalbert, of, 56, 321; marriages, 57; 77 note
Dietrich, Frederick, Gerard, Godfrey, Go- Louis III, King of France, 56; crowned, 57;
struggle with the Northmen, 59, 321;
Lorsch, 16; annals of, 518, 534; library of, death of, 58; 77 note
Louis IV d'Outremer, King of France,
Lörzweiler, Conrad II elected near, 254 crowned, 77; policy of, 78; Otto I and,
note 1
189 sq. , 192 sqq. ; death of, 79, 201
Lothair, King of France, 77 note, 80; in- Louis V, King of France, made King of
vades Lorraine, 207 sq. ; 210; death of, Aquitaine, 91; death of, 81, 211
81, 211
Louis VI, King of France, 114
Lothar I, Emperor, and Bavaria, 3; King Louis, St, IX, King of France, 465
of Italy, 5, 13, 20; the succession, 10, 13; Louis, King of Aquitaine. See Louis I,
marriage of, 12; rebels, 14 sqq. , 17, 444, Emperor
## p. 680 (#726) ############################################
Madrid, 421
Maelmordha, King of Leinster, 324
Maestricht, 275, 298
Magdeburg, city, Berengar submits to Otto I
at, 159, 195; 188; Otto I buried at, 203;
Boleslav submits to Otto II at, 206; three
Henries condemned at, 206; 211
Magdeburg, metropolitan see of, founded,
202; 232; archbishops of, 209, 217; see
Adalbert, Gero, Gisiler, Hunfrid, Tagino,
Thiedric, Waltherd; provost of, see Walt-
Maghrawa Berbers, 421
Magna Carta, 461, 463, 469, 479
Magnus. See Maccus
Magnus the Good, King of Norway, 294; 389;
defeats the Obotrites, 305; destroys the
Jómsvikings, 327
Magnus Hákonson, King of Denmark, 334
Magyars. See Hungarians, Hungary
Mahdi, Aḥmad ibn Mu'āwiya claims to be
the, 420
Louis, Abbot of Saint-Denis, 35
Louis, Count of Montbéliard, 287
Louis, son of Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine,
77 note, 102, 104
Louvain, Northmen encamp at, 59 sq.
Louviers, treaty of (856), 35
Lübeck, see of, 305 sq.
Lucan, 491, 516, 521
Lucania, in the theme of Longobardia, 150
Lucas, Bishop of Tuy, 426
Lucca, 47; Otto, Duke of Swabia, dies at, 209
Lucera, Otto II at, 169
Lucretius, 491, 520 sqq.
Lucy, Hugh de, knights of, 462 note
Ludeca, King of Mercia, 346
Ludlow Castle, 561
Ludmilla, St, 184
Lügenfeld, the, 18
Lugo, wasted by Alfonso I, 410
Luna. See Luni
Lund, trading centre, 332
Lüneburg, 305; battle near, 321
Luni, Otbertines in, 240; Vikings at, 320,
Lupus, Duke of Champagne, eulogy of
Venantius Fortunatus on, 309
Lupus of Ferrières, 527
Lupus of Gascony, banished, 8
Lusatians, the, submit to Henry I, 185;
subdued by Otto I, 202; rebel against
Otto II, 208; ally with Bohemians, 211;
take and lose Brandenburg, 211 sq. ; see
also Lausitz
Luton, 359; Danish raid upon, 363
Luxemburg, family of, 292; 307; in Lorraine,
238, 248, 294
Luxorius, African poet, 488
Lyfing, Abbot of Tavistock, made Bishop of
Crediton, 388; Edward the Confessor and,
Lyonnais the. See Lyons, county of
Lyons, county of, 27, 93; duchy of, 34, 41,
44; given to Charles the Bald, 45 sq. ;
claimed by Boso, 57, 137; Hugh of Arles,
138; restored to France, 76, 147; arch-
bishopric of, 279; synod of Rheims,
295; culture of, 502; MS. from, 520; art
and architecture, 553 ; see of, 379; arch-
bishops of, 295; see Agobard, Aurelian,
Burchard, Halinard, Leidrad, Odulric
Lyutitzi, revolt of the, 144; ally with
Henry II, 226 sq. , 228, 239; ally with
Conrad II, 260, 305; revolt of, 262 sq.
288, 305; revolt, 299
Mahdi, Fātimite Caliph, 151
Mahomet I, Emir of Spain, 416 sq. ; 435
Mahomet II, al-Mahdi, Caliph of Cordova,
Mahomet ibn Abi-'Āmir. See Almanzor
Mahomet ibn Ghālib, 418
Mahomet ibn Hashim at-Tujībi, governor of
Saragossa, 421
Mahomet, son of Abd-ar-Raḥmān III,
Maillé, rebellion of lord of, 119
Maine, given to Pepin, 18; seized by Lam-
bert, 31; duchy of, 35; independence of,
96; subject to Anjou, 109 sq. ; dukes and
counts of, see Herbert, Hugh, Lambert,
Louis II, Robert
Maiolus, St, Abbot of Cluny, 168
Málaga. See Regio
Mälar, Lake, Anglo-Saxon coins from, 333
Malcolm, King of Scots, receives Cumber-
land, 368
Malcolm II, King of Scots, 388, 395
Malcolm III (Canmore), King of Scots, 395
Maldon, 364; battle of, 324, 381
Mālik ibn Anas, 414, 431
Mālikites, Muslim sect, 414, 431 sqq.
Malmesbury, 357; abbey of, 374; library
at, 511
Man, Isle of, Vikings in, 311, 324 sqq. , 329,
379, 381; Scandinavian influence in,
Manasse, Archbishop of Arles, 153; deserts
Hugh, 157; Archbishop of Milan, 158 sqq.
Manasse, Archbishop of Rheims, 113
Manchester, fortified, 365
Manegold, Count, 258
Manichaeans, and religious romances, 496 sq.
Manfred II, Marquess of Turin, 240, 246,
Manfred, Count of Milan, 66
Manilius, poet, 536
Manlius, M. , De Astrologia, 536
Mann, jarl, 364
333 sqq.
Ma'addites. See ķaisites
Macbeth, Earl of Moray, 395
Maccus (Magnus), King of the Western Isles,
Macer, 523
Mâcon, 26, 97; independence of, 124; under
Otto-William, 141; counts of, 57 sq. ; see
Otto-William, Warin
Macrobius, Saturnalia of, 485; on the verb
in Greek and Latin, 504, 525
## p. 681 (#727) ############################################
Manor, the, 472 sqq. ; French and German
analogies, 483
Manso III, Duke of Amalfi, chosen Prince
of Salerno, 169; driven out, 176
Manşūr, Abbasid Caliph, 413
Manşūr, Fātimite Caliph, 166, 422
Mantaille, Boso becomes King of Provence
at, 57, 137
Mantes, claimed by William the Conqueror,
Mantua, Hugh of Provence and John X at,
153; county of, 221; Henry III at, 298
Map, Walter, cited, 536
Marburg, church of, 562
Marcellinus and Peter, ss. , relics of, 518,
March, river, Hungarian frontier, 281, 303
March, the North, see North Mark; the East,
see East Mark, Lausitz, March of; the
Thuringian, see Meissen, March of
Margoil. See Margut
Margut (Margoil), 80, 208
Maria, nun, 417
Marianus Argyrus, in South Italy, 166
Marianus Scotus, 534
Marinus, Bishop of Bomarzo, 192, 194
Marj Rāhit, battle of, 412
Marmora, Sea of, and the Rus, 327
Marmoutier, abbey of, 71; abbot of, see
Hugh the Great
Marne, river, meeting on (950), 194
Marozia, Senatrix, wife of Alberic, of Spo.
leto, 151, 455; wife of Guido of Tuscany,
153; wife of Hugh of Italy, 154; 241
Marquard of Anweiler, 462
Marseilles, 282
Martial, 521
Martianus Capella, 343, 485, 487 sq. , 504,
509, 513, 525 sq.
Martin, St, of Tours, 489 sq. , 495 sq.
• Martin, Land of St,” 513
Martin of Dumio, Archbishop of Bracara,
Martin of Laon, 526
Marton, battle at, 352
Maslama, 410
Mateflon, castle of, enfeoffed, 118
Matfrid, Count of Orleans, 8; exiled, 15,
Maulevrier, fief of Anjou, 118
Mauretania, 421
Maurice, St, lance of. See Lance, Holy
Maurienne, Count of. See Humbert
Maursmünster, monastery, 3
Maximilian, King of the Romans, 466
Maximus, Ambigua of, 525
Mayence, 16, 25 sqq. , 51, 275 sq. ; Harold
of Denmark baptised at, 7, 313; con-
vention at, 143; Otto I at, 196 sq. ;
Henry II at, 217 sq. , 248; synods at, 237,
252, 295; Conrad II crowned at, 254;
Agnes crowned at, 284; see of, 206, 235,
255 sqq. ; library of, 521; archbishops of,
see Aribo, Bardo, Erkambald, Frederick,
Heriger, Hildebert, Liutbert, Raban Maur,
Sunderold, William, Willigis
Mayenne, taken by William of Normandy,
110; lord of, see Geoffrey
Meath, raided by Turgeis, 317
Meaux, 446; district of, 16, 40, 76 sq. , 83;
captured by Northmen, 85; Odo II and, 123
Mecca, 433
Meczlav of Masovia, 302
Medellin, 418
Medeshamstede, monastery of, 351; re-
founded, 375. See Peterborough
Media in Vita, sequence, 530
Medinaceli, 426
Medina Sidonia, 418
Medinese, 409
Mediterranean Sea, command of, 423, 431
Meersen, conferences at (847), 31, 52; (851),
32, 37; Treaty of (870), 45, 51, 57
Megingaud, Archbishop of Trèves, 238, 248
Megingaud (Meingaud), Bishop of Eichstedt,
Meissen, fortification of, 184; recovered by
Eckhard, 211; captured by Boleslav, 222;
lost, ib. ; further attempt on, 223
Meissen, March of, created, 202 note; at-
tacked by Boleslav of Poland, 217, 222;
given to Gunzelin, 222; Boleslav's de-
signs upon, 226, 238; Upper Lausitz
attached to, 261; margraves of, see Eck-
hard, Gunzelin
Melk, MS. at, 527
Melo, Duke of Apulia, 250
Melrose, Kenneth Mac Alpin at, 350
Melun, Vikings at, 40; besieged (991), 102;
recovered, 105; death of Philip I at,
Memleben, death of Henry I at, 186; death
of Otto I at, 203
Mempisc district, the, 92
Menas, St, of Alexandria, ivories of, 542
Mentesa, 418
Mercia, Kingdom of, extent at Offa's death,
340; extension westward, 343; conflict
with Wessex, 344 ; decline of, 345 sq. ;
conquered by Vikings, 348, 351, 353;
colonised by Vikings, 354 sq. ; submits to
Wessex, 356, 360; kings of, see Beorht-
wulf, Beornwulf, Burhred, Ceolwulf,
Coenwulf, Ecgfrith, Ludeca, Offa, Wiglaf
237 sq.
489 sq.
19 sq.
Matfrid, Count, 68
Matilda, Abbess, 174
Matilda, wife of Henry the Fowler, 185 sq. ;
Matilda, ancestress of Agnes of Poitou,
283 note 2
Matilda, Countess of Tuscany, 299
Matilda, sister of Otto III, 215
Matilda, wife of Conrad Duke of Carinthia,
Matilda, daughter of Henry III, marries
Rudolf of Swabia, 289
Matthew, St, apocryphal Gospel of, 532
Maubergeon, Viscountess of Châtellerault,
Mauges, district of, added to Anjou, 96
## p. 682 (#728) ############################################
Conrad II crowned at, 264; siege of, 266
sqq. , 277; counts of, see Hugh, Manfred;
MSS. at, 521; Church of St Lorenzo at,
548; art and architecture in, 553; see of,
contested, 158; lands of, seized, 245; pre-
cedence of, 264; archbishops of, 224, 240,
244 ;
see Adalman, Anselm, Arderic,
Aribert, Arnulf, Guido, Lampert, Landulf,
Manasse, Walpert
Miletus, excavations at, 547
Milo, Count of Verona, 157
Milton (Dorset), Abbey of, 373
Milton (near Sheppey), 359
Minden, bishopric of, 232; Saxons acknow.
ledge Conrad II at, 255
Ministeriales, German, 230, 270, 462
Minster, nunnery of, 343
Miriquidui. See Erzgebirge
Miro, King of the Suevi, 489
Miron, Catalan Count, 424
Missi, 5, 6, 9, 29, 162, 165, 168, 240, 244,
246, 266, 299
Mistislav, Prince of the Obotrites, 249
Mochua, St, Life of, 506
Modena, 221; counts of, see Adalbert-Atto,
Boniface, Tedald; dukes of, 240; see oi,
165; bishops of, 221, 240
Moduin, Bishop of Autun, 18
Moimir, Moravian prince, 64
Molesme, Abbey of, its importance, 124
Món (Anglesey), 342; Norse names in, 326
Monasterboice, 556
Monasticism, Muslim, 431; Christian, in
Spain, 441; in Europe, 457. See Cluniac
“Monk of St Gall. " See Notker Labeo
“Monk of Toul,” 531
Mons, Count of. See Herman
Mont-Barbet, William of Normandy at, 110
Montbazon, Fulk Nerra at, 108
Montbéliard, Count of. See Louis
Montboyau, fortress of, 108
Montbrai, lord of, 120
Montdidier, county of, 111
Monte Cassino, Lothar II and the Pope at,
44; Abbey of, 49, 150, 268; library of, 521
Monte Gargano, Otto III at, 176
Monteleon, 420
Montfaucon, Northmen defeated at (888), 72,
Montferrat, marquesses of, 240. See William
Montfort, Simon de, 461
Montièrender, monastery of, 104; abbot of,
see Adso
Montjean, house of, in Anjou, 118
Montlhéry, dismantled (1105), 114
Montmartre, 61; Otto II at, 80, 208
Montmell, fuero of, 441
Montrésor, attacked by Hugh of Amboise,
119; lord of, see Aubrey
Montreuil, county of, 104
Montreuil-Bellay, castle of, 118
Montreuil-sur-Mer, added to Flanders, 92
Montrevault, castle of, built by Fulk Nerra,
Mercia, Dukedom of, 356, 359 sq. , 384; 387;
397; and Aethelwald's rising, 361; wars
with Welsh, 362 sqq. ; wars with Danes,
362 sqq. ; lady of, see Aethelfeda; Ed.
ward the Elder, lord of, 323, 364; recovered
by Edmund, 368; revolt against Eadwig,
372, 374; faction favours Aethelred, 378;
ceded to Knut, 386 sq. ; society in, 337,
401, 404; dukes and earls of, see Aelfgar,
Aelfhere, Aethelfleda, Aethelred, Eadric
Streona, Edwin, Leofric, Leofwine
Mercia, archbishops in, suppressed, 343; see
Merfyn the Freckled, King of North Wales,
Mérida, 414, 416, 418, 421; independence
of, 417
Merlin, 513
Merovingian script, 517
Merseburg, fortification of, 182 sq. ; siege
of (939), 189; see of, founded, 202;
revived, 235 ; assembly at, 217, 222;
Henry II musters at, 225; Boleslav makes
peace at, 239; Henry II at, 250; Mesco II
submits at, 261 sq. ; Diet of (1033), 262;
Diet of (1053), 296; 256; 297; bishops of,
see Gisiler, Thietmar, Wigbert
Mersey, 354; Edward the Elder's power
reaches, 365
Mértola, 418
Mesco I, Duke of the Poles, submits to
Otto I, 202; aids Bavarian revolt, 205;
submits to Otto II, 206; war with Bohemia,
211; 322
Mesco II, Duke of Poland, 144, 258 sq. ,
302; suceeds Boleslav the Mighty, 260;
wars with Conrad II, 260 sq. ; driven out
by Otto Bezprim, 261; succeeds Otto, 261;
submits to Conrad II, 261 sq. ; death of,
262, 300
Mesopotamia, 436; architecture in, 539, 541,
Messina, seized by Saracens, 48; by Byzan-
tines, 169
Metz, council at, 41 sq. ; Treaty of, 43, 45;
44; 52; 190; assemblies at, 447; 61; synod
of, 449; see of, 45; bishops of, 209; 250,
294 sq. ; see Adalbero, Dietrich, Drogo,
Walo; abbot of, see John
Meuse, river, 46 sq. , 59, 68, 134; Conrad
of Lorraine defeated on, 197; mouth of,
seized by Count of Holland, 248 sq.
Mézières, 27
Michael II, Eastern Emperor, 524, 546
Michael III, the Drunkard, Eastern Emperor,
Michelstadt, Abbey of, 518
Mico of St Riquier, 519, 522 sq.
Middle Angles, King of. See Peada
Middle Kingdom, 286; see Lorraine. See
also Burgundy
Middlesex, hundreds of, 367
Milan, and Arnulf and Lambert, 66;
Lothar II sent to, 157; Otbertines in, 240;
missi sent to, 244; favours Henry II, 246;
118; lords of, see Roger, Stephen
## p. 683 (#729) ############################################
Montrichard, Fulk Nerra at, 108; Hugh of
Amboise at, 119
Montriond, synod of, 282
Mont-St-Michel, siege of (1091), 121
Montsoreau, house of, 118
Morat, seized by Odo II, 143; besieged by
Conrad II (1033), 144 sq. ,
Moravia, struggles in, 31, 64, 68; conquered
by Bratislav, 260, 299; bishopric for, 208;
princes of, see Moimir, Svatopluk
Moray, Earl of. See Macbeth
Möre, Earl of. See Rögnvaldr
Morgannwg. See Glamorgan
Morienval, abbey of, 76
Morkere, 384
Morkere, Earl of Northumbria, 398
Morocco, 424, 426
Morosini, the, of Venice, 170
Mortemer, Odo defeated at, 109
Mortimer, revolt of, 466
Mortmain, 464
Morvan (Murmannus), Breton leader, 8 sq.
Mosaic, at Ravenna, 542, 548, 550; at Salo-
nica, 542; in St Sophia, 544 sqq. ; in North
Africa, 547 sq. ; in Milan and Naples, 548;
in St Mark's, 549 sq. , 558; in Sta Maria
Maggiore, 549, 558; in France, 567; at
Aix, 567; Byzantine, sources of, 548 sqq.
Mosara, 412
Moselle, river, 21, 46; Harold penetrates to
(842), 315
Mosuin Mac Armin, Abbot of Bangor, 503 sq.
Mouliherne, siege of (1048), 109
Moulins-la-Marche, lord of, 120
Mouzon, 27
Mozarabs, 429 sq. , 432 sq. , 435, 438
Muirchertach, Irish leader, and the Vikings,
Muirchu, Life of St Patrick, 505
Mu'izz, Fāțimite Caliph, 422, 424
Mujābid of Denia, conquers Sardinia, 250
Muladies (Muwallad), class in Spain, 414,
Mundhir, Emir of Spain, 418
Münster, meeting at, 278
Murcia, 409; Vikings at, 320; discontent in,
413, 416; irrigation of, 432
Mūsā, conqueror of Spain, 409, 431
Mūsā II, “Third King of Spain,” 417
Mushafi, ḥājib in Spain, 424
Muslims in Spain), ch. xvı; boundary (in
756), 410; (in 912), 420; law and institu-
tions, 431 sqq.
Mutonia, 421
Muttenz, Rodolph III makes Conrad II his
heir at, 256, 258
Muwallad. See Muladies
Muzaffar, son of Almanzor, 427 sq.
Mynyw. See St David's
Naples, besieged by Saracens, 49; independ-
ence of, 150; 151; besieged by Caliph
Manşūr, 166, 169; Otto III and, 176;
captured by Paldolf IV, 268; MS. at, 514;
baptistery at, 548; dukes of, see Andrew,
John, Sergius
Narbonne, Bishop of. See Bartholomew
Nardulus, Nardus. See Einhard
Narni, Bishop of. See John XIII, Pope
Nasr, 416
Naumberg, bishopric of Zeitz removed to,
Navarre, 410, 421 sqq. , 425, 438, 441; con-
quers Leon, 428; military tenure in, 464;
kings of, see Garcia, Sancho
Nayland, 394 note
Naze, the, 395
Neidingen, death of Charles the Fat at, 62
Nekur, attacked by Vikings, 320
Nemesianus, 522
Nennius, author of Historia Brittonum, 342
Nestor, Russian chronicler, cited, 327
Nether Wroughton (Ellandun), battle at, 345
Neustria, given to Louis III, 57; March of,
71, 73; 83; and the Northmen, 86 sq. ;
formation of the March, 91 sq. , 94; decay
of the March, 95 sq. ; 104; marquesses of,
see Hugh, Odo, Robert
Neustrians, 23, 27, 74
Nevers, given to Pepin, 10; count of, see
Newburgh, William of, cited, 513
Niall Glundubh, Irish leader, and the Vi.
kings, 324
Nice, Bishop of, 282
Nicephorus, Chronography of, 528
Nicephorus Phocas, Eastern Emperor, in
Italy, 150; as Emperor, 167
Nicholas I, Pope, 40 sqq. , 449 sqq. ; 525 ;
claims of, 452 sq. ; 455
Nicholas Picingli. See Picingli
Nile, river, architecture in valley of, 540
Nilus, St, of Calabria, 173
Nimeguen, 13; assemblies at, 15, 21, 248;
burnt by Vikings, 59; diet at, 250; synod
at, 251; Henry III married at, 274; meets
dukes of Lorraine at, 284 sq. ; Charle-
magne's palace at, 293, 561
Nisibis, academy at, 486
Nithard, Bishop of Liège, 278
Nithard, Abbot of St Riquier, historian,
24 note, 444, 534
Nivelles, convent of, 60; abbess of, see Gisela
Nivernais, the, Northmen defeated in, 93
Noirmoutier, Viking settlement at, 316
Nomenoë, Breton King, 9, 30 sq. ; death of,
Nonantula, John, Abbot of. See John XVI,
Nordalbingians, the, campaign of Charles
the Great against, 312; submit to Den-
mark, 313
Nordgau of Bavaria, made a margravate, 206;
war in (1003), 223; margraves of, see
Berthold, Henry, Otto
Najda, slave general, 422
Nájera, 421, 440
Nantes, plundered, 30, 33; added to Brittany,
33; 128; Vikings at, 87; counts of, see
Hoel, Lambert
## p. 684 (#730) ############################################
Norfolk, 392, 400; hundreds of, 367; Scan-
dinavian influence in, 337
Normandy, foundation of, 73 sq. , 92, 94 sq. ,
97, 322; Hugh the Great suzerain of, 83;
Henry I and, 108 sqq. ; Philip I and,
111 sq. ; revolts in, 120-1; Danes from
England in, 365; Scandinavian influence
in, 330, 333, 338; government of, 127 sq. ;
dukes of, see Richard, Robert, Rollo,
Normans, the, 86 sqq. ; beginnings of their
power in South Italy, 268; 296; at battle
of Civitate, 298; see also Normandy
Northampton, burh, 356; submits to Aethel-
fleda, 323, 363 sq. ; attacked by Anlaf, 368;
burnt by Danes, 382
Northamptonshire, 398; hundreds of, 367;
Scandinavian influence in, 336 sq. ; earl
of, see Waltheof
North Mark, 202 note; 238; margraves of,
see Dietrich, Liuthar, William
Northmen. See Vikings
Northumberland, earls of, see Eadulf, Siward
Northumbria, kingdom of, 340 sq. ; disorders
under Eardwulf, 341; conquered by Vi.
kings, 318 sq. , 322 sqq. , 333, 348 sq. ,
350 sqq. ; raided by Olaf, 381; art and
learning in, 553 sqq. ; continental art
and, 556, 559; Scandinavian influence in,
336 sq. , see Bernicia, Deira, Northum-
berland, Yorkshire; kings of, see Aelle,
Aethelred, Aldfrid, Eanred, Eardwulf,
Ecgberht, Halfdanr; earls of, see Morkere,
Siward, Tostig
Norway, assists Denmark against Otto II,
205; Vikings of, 311; 327; see Vikings;
subject to Denmark, 380; Christianity in,
313 sq. ; civilisation of, 328 sqq. ; see Scan-
dinavia; kings of, see Hákon, Harold,
Knut, Magnus, Olaf, Svein
Norwich, burh, 356, 382; cathedral, 563, 567
Notker Balbulus, Sequences and Gesta Karoli
of, 530 sq. ; life of St Gall by, 534; as a
musician, 535
Notker Labeo, 530
Nottingham, Vikings at, 319; 323; 351, 353;
burh of, 355, 364
Nottinghamshire, 406; Scandinavian in.
fluence in, 336 sq.
Nouy, battle of (1044), 108
Novalesa, Abbeyof, destroyed, 152; chronicler
quoted, 213 sq.
Novara, besieged by Ardoin, 244; see of, 165,
245; bishop of, see Peter
Novgorod, settlement in, by Rurik, 327
Noyon, Hugh Capet crowned at, 84; North-
men at, 85, 88; bishopric of, 97; cathedral,
Nuremburg, first mention of, 304
Oakley, battle of, 349
Obo, King of Hungary, 278, 303; raids
Bavaria, 279 sq. , 303 ; 307; defeat and
death of, 285
Obodritzi. See Obotrites
Obotrites (Abotrites, Obodritzi), 6 sq. , 31,
313; and Christianity, 186, 249, 304; burn
Hamburg, 208, 249; allies of Conrad II,
260; princes of, see Ceadrag, Godescalc,
Mistislav, Slavomir
Ocsonoba (Algarve), 409, 418; mines at, 432
Oda, Archbishop of Canterbury, 368, 372;
church reformer, 373
Odda, alderman, 355
Odda, granted Svein's earldom, 394, 397
Odense, bishopric founded at, 208
Oder, river, and Otto l's supremacy, 192;
and Boleslav's state, 222; a trade route,
Odilo, Abbot of Cluny, 242, 255; and the
“Truce of God," 282
Odo (Eudes), King of France, Marquess of
Neustria, 75 note; Count of Paris, 61, 321;
made king, 63, 71 sq. ; 81; 84 sqq. ; death
of, 73
Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, 470
Odo, Bishop of Beauvais, 45
Odo, St, Abbot of Cluny, 155, 527
Odo (Henry), Duke of Burgundy. See Henry
Odo Borel, Duke of Burgundy, 123 sq.
Odo, Duke of Gascony, 129
Odo (Eudes) I, Count of Chartres, Blois, etc. ,
95, 102, 143 note
Odo (Eudes) II, Count of Blois and Cham-
pagne, 105 sq. ; relations of, with Robert
the Pious, 117; policy of, 123; claims
Burgundy, 143 sq. ; 256 sqq. ; 262; 273;
overcome by Conrad II, 259; death of, 107,
145, 267
Odo, Count of Orleans, 14
Odo, Count of Troyes, 35 sqq.
Odo, son of Robert the Pious, 108 sq.
Odo-Harpin, Viscount of Bourges, 111
Odoacer, 39
Odulric (Ulric), Archdeacon of Langres, made
Archbishop of Lyons, 279; murdered, 279
Offa, King of Mercia, 340, 343; laws of, 358;
coins of, 554
Offa's Dyke, 341
Ogbourne, 403 note
Ohthere, voyages of, 535
Olaf the Peacock, in Iceland, 332
Olaf the Stout, King of Norway, 384, 388 sq.
Olaf Tryggvason, King of Norway, Viking
leader, in East Anglia, 324; 332; 381;
Olaf the White (Amhlaeibh), Norse King of
Dublin, 317 sq. , 351 sq. ; in Scotland, 325
Olaf (Olafr, Anlaf) Guðfriðson, King of
Dublin and York, 323, 368
Olaf (Olafr) Sigtryggson (Anlaf Sihtricsson),
“Cuaran," driven from York, 323, 366,
368; revolts, 370; death of, 330
Öland, Anglo-Saxon coins in, 333
Oldenburg, see of, 305 sq. ; bishop of, see
Olég (Helgi), Kiev conquered by, 327
Olga, Russian Queen, 201
Olmütz, bishopric founded at, 208
Olney (Glouc. ), 385
## p. 685 (#731) ############################################
Omar ibn Hafşün, 417 sqq. ; death of, 420
Ongendus (Angantýr), King of Denmark, 314
Optatianus Porphyrius, Publilius, “figured”
poems of, 512, 520
Oran, 421
Orange, Prince of. See William
Orba, siege of, 246
Orbe, interviews at, 34, 42
Ordoño I, King of Leon, 417
Ordoño II, King of Leon, 421
Ordoño III, King of Leon, 422
Ordoño IV, the Bad, King of Leon, 423 sq.
Orford, 377
Origen, 493
Orkneys, the, Vikings in, 318, 325 sq. ,
Scandinavian influence in, 334 sq. ; earls
of, see Einar, Sigurðr
Orleans, 14, 16 sq. , 19; Charles the Bald at,
32; Vikings' raids on, 33, 87; 36; import-
ance of, 96, 104, 111; interdicted, 132;
MSS. at, 519, 521; bishops of, see Arnulf,
Jonas, Theodulf; counts of, see Matfrid,
Ormside Cup, the, 555
Ornois, the, 27; partition of, 45
Orosius, History of the World of, 358; 508;
527; 535, 537
Orseolo, Doge of Venice. See Pietro Orseolo
Orta, Bishop of. See Arsenius
Ortivineas (? Orvignes), 43
Orvieto, cathedral of, 563
Orwell, river, 385
Osbeorht, 350 sq.
Osbern Pentecost, 395
Osburh, wife of Aethelwulf, 352
Oscar, Danish king, 32
Oscellum, 35 sq. , 40
Oscytel, 353
Osferth, 360
Osgar, 374
Osketel Presbyter, 406
Osma, 420 sq.
Osnabrück, Bishop of. See Benno
Osulf, 519
Oswald, Bishop of Worcester, 374 sq. ; at
Fleury, 373; management of his estates,
375, 377 sq. , 404; Archbishop of York, 378
Oswaldeslau, 377
Oswulf, high reeve of Bamborough made jarl
of Yorkshire, 370
Ota. See Auðr
Otbert, Marquess and Count, 157, 161
Otbert II, Marquess, 240, 244
Otbertines, House of, 240, 242, 244 sqq. ,
founds archbishopric of Magdeburg, 232;
missi of, revived, 244; Burgundy, 247;
Cordova, 423 note; deposes John XII,
455; death of, 167, 204; descendants of,
143 note, 204, 205 note, 209, 215; epic
upon, 532; compared with Henry II, 230sq.
Otto II, Emperor, King of Germany, 101,
143 note, 195, 205 note; King of Italy,
161; marriage of, 167, 203; coronations of,
201, 203 sq. ; Bavarian revolts, 204 sqq. ;
subdues the Danes, 205; War of the Three
Henries, 207; attacked in Lorraine, 80,
207; invades France, 80, 208; in Italy,
168 sq. , 208; defeat by Saracens, 169 sq. ;
relations with Venice, 170; progress of
Christianity under, 208 sq. ; heathen re-
action, 209, 212; see of Magdeburg, 232;
death of, 80, 170, 209
Otto III, Emperor, King of Germany, 143
note, 205 note; born, 208; education, 173,
212 sq. ; minority of, 80 sq. , 171; Bavarian
revolt against, 204; struggle for regency
of, 209 sqq. ; recovers crown from Henry
the Wrangler, 210; begins to rule, 212;
advisers of, 213; relations with France,
102 sq. ; wars in the east, 211; and north,
212; enters Italy, 172, 176 sq. , 212; re-
organises the chancery, 174, 213; decree
on serfdom, 221; opens Charles the Great's
tomb, 213 sq. ; neglects Germany for Italy,
173–4, 214; death of, 141, 177, 214 sq. ;
succession to, 215 sq.
Otto IV, Emperor, of Brunswick, 147
Otto Bezprim, Duke of Poland, 260 sq.
Otto, Duke of Burgundy, 75 note, 83, 94
Otto, Duke of Carinthia, 204, 205 note, 206,
239, 252; deposed and reinstated, 209,
212; declines the crown of Germany,
215 sq. ; sent to Italy, 221
Otto, son of Ricwin, Duke of Lorraine, 191
Otto, Duke of Lower Lorraine, 77 note, 104,
239, 248
Otto, Duke of Saxony, 70 note
Otto, Duke of Swabia and Bavaria, 195, 204,
205 note ; 206; in Italy, 208 sq.
Otto of Schweinfurt, Margrave of Nordgau,
299; made Duke of Swabia, 294
Otto, Count Palatine in Lower Lorraine,
made Duke of Swabia, 287, 289, 307
Otto, Count of Hammerstein, 250 sqq.
Otto, Count of Lomello, 213
Otto, Count of Savoy, Marquess of Turin,
Otto, son of Count of Vermandois, 207
Otto-William, Count of Mâcon, “Count of
Burgundy,"106, 141 sq. , 247 sq. ; death of,
Oundle, 376
Ouse, river, 319, 359, 384
Ovid, 343; 519; scholiast on the Ibis of,
Oviedo, 423
Owel, Lough, Turgeis drowned in, 317
Oxford, placed under defence of Wessex, 363;
Danes in, 383; 386 sq. , 389, 398
264 sqq.
Otford, 385
Otto I, the Great, Emperor, King of Germany,
78, 101; seizes Burgundy, 140, 156; 143
note; 157; in Italy, 158 sq. , 194, 201 sq. ;
defeats the Hungarians, 160; King of
Italy (961), 161; becomes Emperor, 162,
201; drives out Berengar, 163; rule of, 164;
reign of, 164 sqq. , 186 sqq. ; marriage of,
183, 195, 366; the organisation of the
Empire, 213; builds castle at Ghent, 228;
## p. 686 (#732) ############################################
Oxfordshire, under Mercian Law, 357; hun.
dreds of, 367; Danes in, 382 sq.
Pacificus, archdeacon, and Verona library,
Paderborn, assembly at (815), 6; Kunigunda
crowned at, 218; bishopric of, 232
Pailhas, county of, 90
Palace, Counts of the. See Hugh of Beau-
vais, Sarlio; see also Count Palatine
Palatine. See Count Palatine
Paldolf I (Pandulf) Ironhead, Prince of
Capua-Benevento, 161; receives Spoleto,
166; death of, 169
Paldolf II, Prince of Benevento, 169
Paldolf IV, Prince of Capua, recovers Capua
and takes Naples, 268; driven out and
restored, 292
Paldolf V of Teano, Prince of Capua, 268
Paldolf, Prince of Salerno, 169
Palermo, seized by Saracens, 48
Palestine, 489; 'Abd-ar-Raḥmān I in, 410;
art in, 549 sq.
Palladius, St, missioner to Ireland, 501
Pallig, Viking leader, 381 sq.
Palmyra, catacomb at, 541 sq.
Pampeluna, 8, 410, 421
Pando, Gastald, 49
Pange Lingua, hymn, 495
Pannonia, 7
Papacy, and the False Decretals, 448, 453
and note; and temporal rulers, Chap. XVII,
and archbishops, 452 sq. ; appeals to, ib. ;
kings of Germany, 454; counts of Tus-
culum, 454; degradation of, in 9th century,
454 sq. ; degradation of, in 10th century,
101 sq. , 151, 154, 161, 163, 171, 455; pro-
vincial churches, 455, see Liber Pontifi-
cialis ; Popes, see Agapetus, Alexander,
Benedict, Boniface, Clement, Eugenius,
Formosus, Gelasius, Gregory, Hadrian,
John, Leo, Nicholas, Paschal, Paul, Ser-
gius, Stephen, Sylvester, Urban, Valen-
tine, Zacharias
Papal States, 5, 29, 154, 162, 453
Parenzo, basilica at, 548
Paris, 2, 25; 85; 104; plundered by Vikings,
35, 40; siege of (845), 330; siege of (885),
60 sqq. , 321 sq.
Ivo, Bishop of Chartres, 113, 131 sqq.
Ivois, meeting of Robert the Pious and the
Emperor Henry II at, 106, 251; meeting
of Henry I and Henry III at, 280; (1056)
Ivrea, 66; besieged, 135; bishop of, see War-
mund; March of, 65, 157, 167; under
Ardoin, 220, 244; marquesses of, see
Adalbert, Anscar, Ardoin, Berengar, Con.
565 sq.
Iltut, St, school of, 509
Imhar. See Ívarr
Inden, monastery of, 4
India, trade with, 433
Indulgence, Day of, 281 sqq. , 284, 307
Ine, King of Wessex, founder of Abingdon,
374; laws of, 358, 404
Ingelheim, Louis I at, 16, 22; council at
(948), 79, 194; Henry I of Bavaria im.
prisoned at, 191; Otto I at, 196; Henry II
of Bavaria imprisoned at, 205; Synod at,
211; Ernest of Swabia banned at, 258;
Henry III married at, 275, 284; Henry III
receives Aribert of Milan at, 277
Ingo, Bishop of Vercelli, 175 note
Ingwar. See Ívarr
Iñigo Arista, 410
Inn, river, Hungarians defeated on, 69
Instantius, heretic, 512
Investiture, 459; of Church fiefs, 463 sq.
Iona (Hy), Vikings in, 311, 330, 346; 504
Ipswich, burh at, 356, 381
Ireland, Vikings in, 346 sq. , 310 sqq. ,317 sq. ,
324, 330, 346 sq. ; Harold and Leofwin in,
394; Aelfgar in, 396; Scandinavian in.
fluence in, 343; Gallic influence in,
498 sqq. , 501; learning and literature in,
501 sqq. , 524 sqq. , 538; literary connexion
with Spain, 524; art in, 556; kings of, see
Aedh, Brian
Irenæus, St, 533
Irmingard, wife of Otto of Hammerstein,
Jacobus de Voragine, 496
Jad, governor of Elvira, 418
Jaen, 411, 418 sqq. , 433; mines at, 432
Jahna, capture of, by Henry I, 184
James, St, apocryphal Gospel of, 532
James the Less, Gospel of, 506
Jaromir of Bohemia, 222 sq. ; made Duke of
Bohemia, 225; aids Henry II against
Boleslav, 227 sq. ; driven from Bohemia,
239; restored, 262
Jarrow, destroyed by Vikings, 311, 341, 347
Jarzé, house of, in Anjou, 118
251 sq.
Isaac of Tabanos, 406
Ishāk of Mosul, 415
Isidore, St, 343, 438, 489, 497, 499 sq. , 516;
## p. 676 (#722) ############################################
Jativa, 432
Jellinge, stone, 332, 380
Jerome, Bishop of Vicenza, 245
Jerome, St, 343, 493; 500; 507 sq. ; 512 note;
523; his catalogue of church writers, 489,
Jerusalem, 126; 536
Jérusalem, Assises de, 460 sq.
Jews, in Spain, 429, 435
Jidār, 412
Job, Gregory on, 488
Job, Testament of, 505
Jocelyn, son of the lord of Sainte-Maure,
Jocelyn of Rennes, in Anjou, 118
Joceran, brother of Robert I of Burgundy,
Johannes, magister militum, 489
Johannes Scottus (Eriugena), 502, 504, 524
sqq. , 527, 533
Johannis, poem, 488 sq.
John the Evangelist, St, Acts of, 532
John VIII, Pope, 46; and Charles the Bald,
50 sqq. ; and Louis II, 55 sq. , 137; and
Charles the Fat, 58; assassinated, 60; 67;
Papal theory of, 453 sq.
John IX, Pope, 67; aids Louis of Provence,
John X, Pope, 455; Archbishop of Ravenna,
151 sq. ; Hugh of Provence and, 153; death
of, 154
John XI, Pope, 151, 154, 455
John XII (John Octavian), Pope, 101; and
Otto I, 161 sqq. , 201 sq. ; deposed, 163,
454 sq. ; restored, 164
John XIII, Pope, 166 sqq. , 203
John XIV (Peter, Bishop of Pavia), Pope,
101, 170 sq.
John XV, Pope, 101, 455; and Crescentius
II, 171; death of, 172
John XVI (Philagathus), Pope, fate of, 172;
173, 212
John XVIII, Pope, 237
John XIX (Romanus), Pope, 252, 264, 267,
John, King of England, 461, 466
John Tzimisces, Eastern Emperor, 167, 169,
John II, Prince of Salerno, 176
John, Duke of Naples, 176, 528
John, Duke of Spoleto. See Crescentius,
John, Archbishop of Ravenna, 450
John, Bishop, and a Greek book of the As.
cension, 532
John, Bishop of Arezzo, 51
John, Bishop of Cervia, 42
John, Bishop of Toscanella, 51
John, Abbot of Athelney, 358
John, Abbot of Metz, 534
John, Abbot of Nonantula. See John XVI,
John, Cardinal deacon, 101, 161, 164
John Crescentius, son of Crescentius II. See
Crescentius III
John Gratian. See Gregory VI, Pope
John Octavian. See John XII, Pope
John Philagathus. See John XVI, Pope
John of Arras and Cambrai Castle, 298
John, lord of Lignières, 119
John of Biclarum, chronicler, 492
John Cameniates, cited, 149 note
John the Deacon, 528, 531
John of Gorze, Life of, 534
John of Salisbury, cited, 487
John of Wallingford, cited, 331
Jómsborg, fortress of, 326 sq. , 380, 382
Jonac, 17
Jonas, Bishop of Orleans, 14, 533
Joscelin, Bishop of Paris, Abbot of Saint-
Germain-des-Prés, 56 sq. , 59; death of,
61, 321
Josephus, Antiquities of, 486; 505 note; 507
Joshua, illuminated roll of, 549 sq.
Jouy, Louis II retreats from, 37
Judith, wife of Henry I of Bavaria, 191, 204,
205 and note
Judith of Cornouailles, mother of Hoel, 128
Judith, Empress, 13 sqq. , 16, 18 sqq. , 22, 24,
Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald, 39,
41, 92, 349
Judith of Schweinfurt, 299 sq.
Julian, Archbishop of Toledo, 493 sq. , 524
Julian, St, of Le Mans, 496
Juliana, Anglo-Saxon poem, 537
Julianus Pomerius, 493
Julianus Titianus, chronicler, 496
Jülich, meeting of Robert and Henry the
Fowler at, 181
Julin, trading centre, 326
Jumièges, ravaged by Danes, 32; Edward
the Confessor at, 390; service book of,
530; Abbey of, 561 sq. ; abbots of, see
Conrad, Robert
Junca, Bishop of. See Verecundus
Jurane Burgundy, duchy of, 38, 63, 134;
dukes of, see Conrad, Hubert, Rodolph.
See also Burgundy, kingdom of Jurane
Justin II, Eastern Emperor, 488 sq.
Justinian I, Eastern Emperor, Byzantine
architecture under, 539 sq. , 534 sqq. , 547
sq. , 557
Jüterbogk, Henry II retreats from, 228
Juvenal, 521, 524
Juvencus, poet, 516; MS. of, 509
ķaisites (Ma'addites), 409, 411, 416
Kalbites. See Yemenites
Kamba, Conrad II elected at, 254 note; cf.
ķasr ibn Wardān, ruins at, 547
Kells, Book of, 566
Kempen, Conrad II elected king at, 273; cf.
Kempsford, Mercian defeat at, 344
Kennet, river, Vikings on, 352
Kenneth Mac Alpin, founds the Scottish
kingdom, 335, 350
Kenstec, Bishop of Dinnurin, 347
## p. 677 (#723) ############################################
Lance, Holy, 180 note; 189, 200, 218; of
Burgundy, 258; of Hungary, 288
Landfrieden, 282, 307
Landolf, usurps principality of Salerno, 169
Landolf I, Prince of Capua-Benevento,
151 sq.
Kent, 401, 405 sq. ; under-kingdom of, re-
volts against Coenwulf, 343; subject to
Wessex, 345 sq. ; Vikings in, 349 sq. ; 359;
382 sq. , 385; kings of, see Baldred, Cuth-
red, Ealhmund
Kesteven, submits to Edward the Elder, 364
Ketill Flatnose, chieftain of the Western
Islands, 325
Ketill the White. See Caitill Find
Khālid, 412
Kiburg, Count of. See Werner
Kiersy. See Quierzy
Kiev, Varangians settle in, 327; alliance
with Poles, 222; princes of, see Olég,
Vladímir, Yarosláv
Kilian, Irish missionary, 512
Kingston, 378
ķinnasrin, 411
Kirchen, Charles the Fat at, 62
Kiso, takes Brandenburg, 211 sq.
Kloppen, Otto I at, 140
Knut, King of Denmark, 122
Knut, King of England, Denmark and Nor-
way, 305; 383; succeeds Svein, 384;
renews Danish invasions, 384 sq. ; King
of England and Denmark, 325, 332, 386 sq. ;
alliance with Conrad II, 263, 296 sq. , 304;
visits Rome, 264, 388; policy in Church
and State, 387 sq. , 407 sq. ; war with Nor-
way, 388; laws of, 402, 407; death of,
Kunigunda, Empress of Henry II, 218, 241,
248, 252, 254, 279
Kunigunda, Queen of Henry III. See Gunn.
Kunigunda, Welfic heiress, 265
Kuno, Duke of Bavaria, 287; made Duke,
293; deposed, 296; intrigues in Hungary,
297 sq. , 304; death of, 299
Ķuraib ibn Khaldūn, 418 sq.
Ķuraishites, 412
Landolf III, Prince of Capua-Benevento,
Landolf IV, Prince of Capua-Benevento, 169
Landolf V, Prince of Capua, succeeds Ademar,
Landry, Count of Nevers, 104, 106, 141
Landulf II, Archbishop of Milan, 175
Langeais, Fulk Nerra at, 108, 118; lord of,
see Hamelin
Langenzenn, diet at, 198
Langres, and Burgundy, 93 sq. , 96; bishopric
of, 97; cathedral of, 557; bishops of, see
Bruno, Hardouin
Languedoc, 130; Hungarians in, 153; see
also Gothia, Toulouse
Lantbert. See Lambert
Laon, Empress Judith at, 14; 75, 77; be.
sieged by Hugh the Great, 78, 193;
restored to Louis IV, 79, 194; taken by
Otto II, 80; 89 sq. ; captured by Charles
of Lorraine, 99; recaptured, 100, 102; 190;
Hungarians near, 198; MSS. at, 504, 521,
526, 538; Greek taught at, 527; bishop
of, see Asselin
Lassois, subject to Burgundy, 93
Lateran, Synod at, 264
Lausanne, diocese of, 38, 63, 134
Lausitz, March of, created, 202 note; con-
quered by Boleslav, 222 sq. , 225; recovered,
227; again lost, 228, 239; surrendered by
Mesco, 261; see also East Mark, Lusatians
Lavenham, 406
Law, Bavarian, 284
Law, Canon, xviii, 132, 163, 232, 251 sq. ,
290; see also False Decretals
Lombard, superseded by Roman Law
in Rome, 267; amended by Conrad II, 266
Law, Mozarabic, 430, 441
Law, of Wessex, reformed by Alfred, 358;
by Edward the Elder, 362; by Aethelstan,
Law, Roman, to supersede Lombard Law
in Rome, 267; sovereign's powers, 461;
ownership, 462
Law, Saxon, 217, 255; Lehnrecht of, 459
Lawhitton, 344
Lazarus, Byzantine painter, 546
Lea, river, 319, 359
Leabhar Breac, 505
Lechfeld, the Hungarians defeated on, 160,
199 sq. , 215; Diet of Augsburg at (952),
Le Frainet (Fraxinetum), Saracens at, 140,
152, 155, 162; extirpated, 168 ; 431
Leicester, 319, 353; burh of, 355; see of,
380; submits to Aethelfleda, 323, 363 sq. ;
besieged by Edmund, 368
Leicestershire, Svein in, 383; Scandinavian
influence in, 336 sq.
La Chartre, taken by Fulk Rechin, 120
Lactantius, theologian and poet, 516, 526,
La Fère, Odo at, 73
La Ferté-en-Brai, 112
La Gueule, Danish victory at, 64
Laidulf, Prince of Capua, 171; 176
La Marche, independence of, 97; subject to
Aquitaine, 129
Lambay Island, Vikings at (795), 311
Lambert of Spoleto, Emperor, King of Italy,
65, 454; succeeds Guy, 66, 148 sq.
Lambert, Duke of Spoleto, 48, 55 sq.
Lambert, Marquess of Tuscany, 154
Lambert, Count of Nantes (Breton March), 2
Lambert, Count of the Breton March
(Nantes), 15 sq. , 19 sq. , 31, 47 sq. , 316
Lambert (Lantbert), Count of Louvain, 207,
Lambert, Count of Louvain, 295
Lambert d'Ardre, chronicler, cited, 460
Lampert, Archbishop of Milan, 153
Lancashire, Scandinavian influence in, 336
## p. 678 (#724) ############################################
Leidrad, Archbishop of Lyons, 518
Leinster, king of. See Maelmordha
Leitha, district ceded to Hungary, 261; re-
covered, 281, 303
Leitzkau, Henry II musters at, 227
Le Mans, 33, 36; bishops of, see Aldric,
Gervase; viscount of, see Raoul; church
at, 563; stained glass at, 566
Lenzen, Wends defeated at, 184
Leo III, Pope, 4, 343, 519
Leo IV, Pope, 29; walls Leonine city, 49;
Leo VIII, Pope, 101; election of, 163;
driven out, 164; reinstated, ib. ; death of,
Leo IX, Pope (Bruno, Bishop of Toul), 280,
284; becomes Pope, 294; in Italy, 296;
see of Bremen, 297; defeated at Civitate,
Leo VI, the Wise, Eastern Emperor, 546
Leo, Bishop of Vercelli, enemy of Ardoin,
220 ; invites Henry II to Italy, 221,
224; pro-German, and exiled, 240; at
Ravenna, 242; again expelled from Ver-
celli by Ardoin, 244; goes to Germany,
245; correspondence, 245; recovers Ver-
celli, 246; synod of Pavia, 251
Leo of Naples, 528
Leo, nomenclator, executed, 5
Leocricia, 417
Leofric, Earl of Mercia, 389, 391, 393 sqq. ,
Leofwine, son of Godwin, outlawed, 394;
given earldom, 397
Leofwine, Earl of Mercia, 387, 389
Leominster, 396
Leominster, Abbess of, 392
Leon, Kingdom of, raided by Alfonso I, 410;
raided by Toledo, 417; southward ex-
pansion of, 419 sqq. ; war with Castile,
422; invaded by Almanzor, 425; con-
quered by Castile and Navarre, 428; 423,
425, 438 sq. , 441; kings of, see Alfonso,
Bermudo, Ferdinand, Ordoño, Ramiro,
Leon, city of, 440
Leonorius, missioner to Brittany, 509
Leopold, Margrave of Austria, 301 sqq.
Le Puiset, taken by Queen Constance, 107;
lord of, see Hugh
Le Puy, Biblical MS. at, 519; paintings at,
567; architecture at, 557, 565
Lescar, church at, 567
Leswin Croc, 406
Lewes, 357; priory at, 564
Leyden, Ms. at, cited, 502
Libentius. See Lievizo
Liber Pontificalis, 534
Liber Rotarum, 492
Libertius, missionary to Russia, 201
Libri Carolini, against images, 533
Lichfield, 387; canons of, 379
Licosa, naval battle of (846), 49
Liège, 33, 525; burnt by Danes, 59; besieged,
293; library of, 521; font at, 559 sq. ;
bishopric of, 45; bishops of, 44, 294,
see Franco, Nithard, Wazo
Lievizo (Libentius), Archbishop of Ham-
burg-Bremen, 239
Lignières, lord of. See John
L'Ile-Bouchard, lord of. See Bartholomew
Lille, siege of, by Henry III, 298
Limburg, Abbey of, 271
Limerick, and the Northmen, 317, 324, 331,
Limoges, 17, 34; battle at, 76; and Aqui.
taine, 129
Limousin, the, Northmen defeated in, 88; 97
Lincoln, 319, 334, 355 ; see of, 380; cathe.
dral, 562, 564, 566
Lincolnshire, 400, 406; Scandinavian in-
fluence in, 336 sq.
Lindisfarne, raided by Vikings, 311, 341,
347; abandoned by Eardulf, 354; Gospels
of, 514, 554, 566; bishop of, see Eardulf
Lindsey, Vikings in, 312, 349 sqq. , 353,
381; pagan revival in, 351; submits to
Edward the Elder, 364
Lion d'Angers, lord of, 119
Lios Monocus, Breton poet, 529
Lisbon, Vikings at, 316, 416
Lisieux, granted to Rollo, 73, 86, 94, 322;
bishopric of, seized by Ranulf Flambard,
Lithuanians, attack Poland, 300
Liudevit, Slovene Prince, 7
Liudolf, Archbishop of Trèves, 238
Liudolf, Duke of Saxony, 235
Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, 204, 205 note;
invades Italy, 159 sq. ; marriage of, 191;
rebellion, 196 sqq. , 258; reconciliation,
199; death, 160, 201
Liudolfings, House of, 215, 230
Liudprand, chronicler, cited, 139, 149, 156
sq. , 189; at the court of Otto I, 160;
Bishop of Cremona, 163; sent to Con-
stantinople, 167; his Antapodosis, 423
note, 528, 534 sq.
Liutbert, Archbishop of Mayence, 45, 60
Liutgard, wife of Conrad of Lorraine, 191,
205 note, 215, 249, 253
Liuthar, Margrave of North Mark, 216 sg.
Liutpert, Bishop of Cambrai, struggle with
John of Arras, 298
Liutpold, Margrave in Bavaria, 69
Liutpold of Babenberg, 205; Margrave of
Austria, 206, 208
Liutward, Bishop of Vercelli, 60, 62
Livius Andronicus, 491
Livy, 521 sq.
Llanelwy. See St Asaph
Llantwit Major, school at, 509
Lleyn, promontory of, 342
Llobregat, river, 90, 428
Lobbes, annalist of, 25
Loches, attacked by Hugh of Amboise, 119;
chapel at, 561; church at, 563
Lodi, see of, 175
Loire, river, 35, 40, 128; Northmen on, 60,
86 sq. , 312, 320 sqq. ; 76 note
## p. 679 (#725) ############################################
62 sqq. ,
Lombards, the, 7, 47 sqq. , 150, 152, 176, 448; claims the Empire, 18; restores
178; 422; kings of, see Aistulf; see also Louis I, 19; 21; proclaimed Emperor, 10,
22; relations with his brothers, 22 sqq. ,
Lombardy, 27, 53; and Conrad II, 106 sq. ; 32 sqq. , 534; with Gilbert, 34; relations
and Rodolph II, 136 sq. ; invaded by Hun- with the Church, 29 sq. , 444; relations
garians, 148, 153; raided by Saracens, with Vikings, 315; death of, 34
152; Otto I and, 165, 196; Henry II Lothar III, of Supplinburg, Emperor, 146
intervenes in, 218; see also Italy
Lothar II, King of Lorraine, inheritance of,
Lomello, Count of. See Otto
34 sq. ; 36 sqq. ; divorce of, 38 sqq. , 449
London, sacked by Danes, 312; stormed by sqq. ; death of, 44; 525
Vikings, 349; ransomed, 353; in Guth. Lothar II, son of King Hugh, 140; joint-
rum's kingdom, 356; captured by Alfred, king of Italy, 154, 157 ; death of, 158,
358; 363; repels the Danes, 324, 381; 194
accepts Svein, 383 sq. ; makes Edmund Lotharingia. See Lorraine
king, 385; besieged by Knut, 385 ; 387; Lothian, invaded by Scots, 350; 388; in-
394; St Paul's Cathedral, 564; canons of, fluence of, 396
379; Church dues in diocese of, 379; 361; Louis I (the Pious, or the Debonnaire),
bishops of, see Dunstan, William
Emperor, accession of, 1 sqq. ; the Church,
Longobardia, theme of, 150, 152, 166, 168 4 sq. , 444; the Vikings, 313, 315, 327; the
Loppergarth, runic inscription at, 336
succession, 9 sqq. ; second marriage of,
Lorca, 418
12 sq. ; revolts of his sons, 14 sqq. ; hu-
Lorica, ascribed to Gildas, 508
miliation, 18, 444, 448 sq. ; restoration,
Lorraine (Lotharingia), 27; given to Lothar 19; death, 22; in Walafrid's poem,
II, 34; 36, 38, 41, 43; contest for, 44 sq. ; lives of, 534
partition of, 45; invasion of, 51 sq. ; Car- Louis II, Emperor, King of Italy, 34, 38;
loman and, 55; cession of, 57; North- obtains Provence, 41; the Pope and, 42
men in, 58 sq. , 64; claimed by Rodolph sqq. , 50, 450; 44 sq. ; death of, 46, 50;
of Burgundy, 63, 135; Zwentibold, King reign in Italy, 47–50; 53, 134, 137,
of, 67 sq. ; under Charles the Simple, 149
68 sq. , 74 sq. , 78, 87; invasion by Louis Louis III (the Blind), Emperor, son of Boso,
d'Outremer, 78, 189 sq. ; conquest by
Italy, 68, 138, 149; king of
Henry the Fowler, 78, 180 sq. ; Hun- Provence, 138; captured at Verona, ib. ,
garians in, 87, 182 note; under Otto I, 149; 152; death of, 139, 156
189 sqq. , 192 sq. ; given to Bruno, 199 sqq. ; Louis II (the German), King of Germany, 3,
invasions of, by Lothair, 80, 207 sqq. ; 29, 34; and the succession, 10, 13; rebels,
disaffection against Henry II, 223, 228; 14 sqq. ; pardoned, 15, 18, 19; deprived of
Robert the Pious and, 106 sq. ; relations territory, 21 sq. ; relations with Lothar I,
with Burgundy, 135, 144 sq. ; Church re- 23 sqq. , 32 sq. , 444; relations with Lothar
form in, 236, 250, 253; opposed to Conrad II, 35, 40, 42 sqq. ; and Charles the Bald,
II, 254, 256 sq. ; ravaged by Odo of Blois, 36 sqq. , 42, 50 sq. , 446 sq. , 534; and the
123, 144 sq. , 259, 267; divided into two, Pope, 43, 451 sq. ; and Lorraine, 44 sqq. ;
200 sqq. , 203; reunited, 270; made into
and Italy, 46 sq. , 49 sq. ; death of, 46, 51;
two Duchies, 284; Henry III in, 277; ro- 63; 314
mance party in, 285; revolt of Duke God- Louis the Younger, son of Louis the German,
frey, 286 sqq. ; settlement of, 289 sq. ; 33 sq. ; King of Saxony, 51 sq. ; invades
kings, dukes, etc. of, see Arnulf, Bruno, France, 56 sq. ; death of, 58; 59
Charles, Conrad, Gebhard, Gilbert, Lothar, Louis the Child, King of Germany, 68;
Louis, Otto, Reginar, Zwentibold
death of, 69; 74, 136
Lorraine, Lower, given to Charles, 207; Louis, King of Bavaria. See Louis the Ger-
Henry II in, 218; Henry III in, 275;
dukes of, see Charles, Frederick, Godfrey, Louis II (the Stammerer), King of France,
Gozelo, Otto
Duke of Maine, 35, 40, 53; King, 55; death
Lorraine, Upper, dukes of, see Adalbert, of, 56, 321; marriages, 57; 77 note
Dietrich, Frederick, Gerard, Godfrey, Go- Louis III, King of France, 56; crowned, 57;
struggle with the Northmen, 59, 321;
Lorsch, 16; annals of, 518, 534; library of, death of, 58; 77 note
Louis IV d'Outremer, King of France,
Lörzweiler, Conrad II elected near, 254 crowned, 77; policy of, 78; Otto I and,
note 1
189 sq. , 192 sqq. ; death of, 79, 201
Lothair, King of France, 77 note, 80; in- Louis V, King of France, made King of
vades Lorraine, 207 sq. ; 210; death of, Aquitaine, 91; death of, 81, 211
81, 211
Louis VI, King of France, 114
Lothar I, Emperor, and Bavaria, 3; King Louis, St, IX, King of France, 465
of Italy, 5, 13, 20; the succession, 10, 13; Louis, King of Aquitaine. See Louis I,
marriage of, 12; rebels, 14 sqq. , 17, 444, Emperor
## p. 680 (#726) ############################################
Madrid, 421
Maelmordha, King of Leinster, 324
Maestricht, 275, 298
Magdeburg, city, Berengar submits to Otto I
at, 159, 195; 188; Otto I buried at, 203;
Boleslav submits to Otto II at, 206; three
Henries condemned at, 206; 211
Magdeburg, metropolitan see of, founded,
202; 232; archbishops of, 209, 217; see
Adalbert, Gero, Gisiler, Hunfrid, Tagino,
Thiedric, Waltherd; provost of, see Walt-
Maghrawa Berbers, 421
Magna Carta, 461, 463, 469, 479
Magnus. See Maccus
Magnus the Good, King of Norway, 294; 389;
defeats the Obotrites, 305; destroys the
Jómsvikings, 327
Magnus Hákonson, King of Denmark, 334
Magyars. See Hungarians, Hungary
Mahdi, Aḥmad ibn Mu'āwiya claims to be
the, 420
Louis, Abbot of Saint-Denis, 35
Louis, Count of Montbéliard, 287
Louis, son of Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine,
77 note, 102, 104
Louvain, Northmen encamp at, 59 sq.
Louviers, treaty of (856), 35
Lübeck, see of, 305 sq.
Lucan, 491, 516, 521
Lucania, in the theme of Longobardia, 150
Lucas, Bishop of Tuy, 426
Lucca, 47; Otto, Duke of Swabia, dies at, 209
Lucera, Otto II at, 169
Lucretius, 491, 520 sqq.
Lucy, Hugh de, knights of, 462 note
Ludeca, King of Mercia, 346
Ludlow Castle, 561
Ludmilla, St, 184
Lügenfeld, the, 18
Lugo, wasted by Alfonso I, 410
Luna. See Luni
Lund, trading centre, 332
Lüneburg, 305; battle near, 321
Luni, Otbertines in, 240; Vikings at, 320,
Lupus, Duke of Champagne, eulogy of
Venantius Fortunatus on, 309
Lupus of Ferrières, 527
Lupus of Gascony, banished, 8
Lusatians, the, submit to Henry I, 185;
subdued by Otto I, 202; rebel against
Otto II, 208; ally with Bohemians, 211;
take and lose Brandenburg, 211 sq. ; see
also Lausitz
Luton, 359; Danish raid upon, 363
Luxemburg, family of, 292; 307; in Lorraine,
238, 248, 294
Luxorius, African poet, 488
Lyfing, Abbot of Tavistock, made Bishop of
Crediton, 388; Edward the Confessor and,
Lyonnais the. See Lyons, county of
Lyons, county of, 27, 93; duchy of, 34, 41,
44; given to Charles the Bald, 45 sq. ;
claimed by Boso, 57, 137; Hugh of Arles,
138; restored to France, 76, 147; arch-
bishopric of, 279; synod of Rheims,
295; culture of, 502; MS. from, 520; art
and architecture, 553 ; see of, 379; arch-
bishops of, 295; see Agobard, Aurelian,
Burchard, Halinard, Leidrad, Odulric
Lyutitzi, revolt of the, 144; ally with
Henry II, 226 sq. , 228, 239; ally with
Conrad II, 260, 305; revolt of, 262 sq.
288, 305; revolt, 299
Mahdi, Fātimite Caliph, 151
Mahomet I, Emir of Spain, 416 sq. ; 435
Mahomet II, al-Mahdi, Caliph of Cordova,
Mahomet ibn Abi-'Āmir. See Almanzor
Mahomet ibn Ghālib, 418
Mahomet ibn Hashim at-Tujībi, governor of
Saragossa, 421
Mahomet, son of Abd-ar-Raḥmān III,
Maillé, rebellion of lord of, 119
Maine, given to Pepin, 18; seized by Lam-
bert, 31; duchy of, 35; independence of,
96; subject to Anjou, 109 sq. ; dukes and
counts of, see Herbert, Hugh, Lambert,
Louis II, Robert
Maiolus, St, Abbot of Cluny, 168
Málaga. See Regio
Mälar, Lake, Anglo-Saxon coins from, 333
Malcolm, King of Scots, receives Cumber-
land, 368
Malcolm II, King of Scots, 388, 395
Malcolm III (Canmore), King of Scots, 395
Maldon, 364; battle of, 324, 381
Mālik ibn Anas, 414, 431
Mālikites, Muslim sect, 414, 431 sqq.
Malmesbury, 357; abbey of, 374; library
at, 511
Man, Isle of, Vikings in, 311, 324 sqq. , 329,
379, 381; Scandinavian influence in,
Manasse, Archbishop of Arles, 153; deserts
Hugh, 157; Archbishop of Milan, 158 sqq.
Manasse, Archbishop of Rheims, 113
Manchester, fortified, 365
Manegold, Count, 258
Manichaeans, and religious romances, 496 sq.
Manfred II, Marquess of Turin, 240, 246,
Manfred, Count of Milan, 66
Manilius, poet, 536
Manlius, M. , De Astrologia, 536
Mann, jarl, 364
333 sqq.
Ma'addites. See ķaisites
Macbeth, Earl of Moray, 395
Maccus (Magnus), King of the Western Isles,
Macer, 523
Mâcon, 26, 97; independence of, 124; under
Otto-William, 141; counts of, 57 sq. ; see
Otto-William, Warin
Macrobius, Saturnalia of, 485; on the verb
in Greek and Latin, 504, 525
## p. 681 (#727) ############################################
Manor, the, 472 sqq. ; French and German
analogies, 483
Manso III, Duke of Amalfi, chosen Prince
of Salerno, 169; driven out, 176
Manşūr, Abbasid Caliph, 413
Manşūr, Fātimite Caliph, 166, 422
Mantaille, Boso becomes King of Provence
at, 57, 137
Mantes, claimed by William the Conqueror,
Mantua, Hugh of Provence and John X at,
153; county of, 221; Henry III at, 298
Map, Walter, cited, 536
Marburg, church of, 562
Marcellinus and Peter, ss. , relics of, 518,
March, river, Hungarian frontier, 281, 303
March, the North, see North Mark; the East,
see East Mark, Lausitz, March of; the
Thuringian, see Meissen, March of
Margoil. See Margut
Margut (Margoil), 80, 208
Maria, nun, 417
Marianus Argyrus, in South Italy, 166
Marianus Scotus, 534
Marinus, Bishop of Bomarzo, 192, 194
Marj Rāhit, battle of, 412
Marmora, Sea of, and the Rus, 327
Marmoutier, abbey of, 71; abbot of, see
Hugh the Great
Marne, river, meeting on (950), 194
Marozia, Senatrix, wife of Alberic, of Spo.
leto, 151, 455; wife of Guido of Tuscany,
153; wife of Hugh of Italy, 154; 241
Marquard of Anweiler, 462
Marseilles, 282
Martial, 521
Martianus Capella, 343, 485, 487 sq. , 504,
509, 513, 525 sq.
Martin, St, of Tours, 489 sq. , 495 sq.
• Martin, Land of St,” 513
Martin of Dumio, Archbishop of Bracara,
Martin of Laon, 526
Marton, battle at, 352
Maslama, 410
Mateflon, castle of, enfeoffed, 118
Matfrid, Count of Orleans, 8; exiled, 15,
Maulevrier, fief of Anjou, 118
Mauretania, 421
Maurice, St, lance of. See Lance, Holy
Maurienne, Count of. See Humbert
Maursmünster, monastery, 3
Maximilian, King of the Romans, 466
Maximus, Ambigua of, 525
Mayence, 16, 25 sqq. , 51, 275 sq. ; Harold
of Denmark baptised at, 7, 313; con-
vention at, 143; Otto I at, 196 sq. ;
Henry II at, 217 sq. , 248; synods at, 237,
252, 295; Conrad II crowned at, 254;
Agnes crowned at, 284; see of, 206, 235,
255 sqq. ; library of, 521; archbishops of,
see Aribo, Bardo, Erkambald, Frederick,
Heriger, Hildebert, Liutbert, Raban Maur,
Sunderold, William, Willigis
Mayenne, taken by William of Normandy,
110; lord of, see Geoffrey
Meath, raided by Turgeis, 317
Meaux, 446; district of, 16, 40, 76 sq. , 83;
captured by Northmen, 85; Odo II and, 123
Mecca, 433
Meczlav of Masovia, 302
Medellin, 418
Medeshamstede, monastery of, 351; re-
founded, 375. See Peterborough
Media in Vita, sequence, 530
Medinaceli, 426
Medina Sidonia, 418
Medinese, 409
Mediterranean Sea, command of, 423, 431
Meersen, conferences at (847), 31, 52; (851),
32, 37; Treaty of (870), 45, 51, 57
Megingaud, Archbishop of Trèves, 238, 248
Megingaud (Meingaud), Bishop of Eichstedt,
Meissen, fortification of, 184; recovered by
Eckhard, 211; captured by Boleslav, 222;
lost, ib. ; further attempt on, 223
Meissen, March of, created, 202 note; at-
tacked by Boleslav of Poland, 217, 222;
given to Gunzelin, 222; Boleslav's de-
signs upon, 226, 238; Upper Lausitz
attached to, 261; margraves of, see Eck-
hard, Gunzelin
Melk, MS. at, 527
Melo, Duke of Apulia, 250
Melrose, Kenneth Mac Alpin at, 350
Melun, Vikings at, 40; besieged (991), 102;
recovered, 105; death of Philip I at,
Memleben, death of Henry I at, 186; death
of Otto I at, 203
Mempisc district, the, 92
Menas, St, of Alexandria, ivories of, 542
Mentesa, 418
Mercia, Kingdom of, extent at Offa's death,
340; extension westward, 343; conflict
with Wessex, 344 ; decline of, 345 sq. ;
conquered by Vikings, 348, 351, 353;
colonised by Vikings, 354 sq. ; submits to
Wessex, 356, 360; kings of, see Beorht-
wulf, Beornwulf, Burhred, Ceolwulf,
Coenwulf, Ecgfrith, Ludeca, Offa, Wiglaf
237 sq.
489 sq.
19 sq.
Matfrid, Count, 68
Matilda, Abbess, 174
Matilda, wife of Henry the Fowler, 185 sq. ;
Matilda, ancestress of Agnes of Poitou,
283 note 2
Matilda, Countess of Tuscany, 299
Matilda, sister of Otto III, 215
Matilda, wife of Conrad Duke of Carinthia,
Matilda, daughter of Henry III, marries
Rudolf of Swabia, 289
Matthew, St, apocryphal Gospel of, 532
Maubergeon, Viscountess of Châtellerault,
Mauges, district of, added to Anjou, 96
## p. 682 (#728) ############################################
Conrad II crowned at, 264; siege of, 266
sqq. , 277; counts of, see Hugh, Manfred;
MSS. at, 521; Church of St Lorenzo at,
548; art and architecture in, 553; see of,
contested, 158; lands of, seized, 245; pre-
cedence of, 264; archbishops of, 224, 240,
244 ;
see Adalman, Anselm, Arderic,
Aribert, Arnulf, Guido, Lampert, Landulf,
Manasse, Walpert
Miletus, excavations at, 547
Milo, Count of Verona, 157
Milton (Dorset), Abbey of, 373
Milton (near Sheppey), 359
Minden, bishopric of, 232; Saxons acknow.
ledge Conrad II at, 255
Ministeriales, German, 230, 270, 462
Minster, nunnery of, 343
Miriquidui. See Erzgebirge
Miro, King of the Suevi, 489
Miron, Catalan Count, 424
Missi, 5, 6, 9, 29, 162, 165, 168, 240, 244,
246, 266, 299
Mistislav, Prince of the Obotrites, 249
Mochua, St, Life of, 506
Modena, 221; counts of, see Adalbert-Atto,
Boniface, Tedald; dukes of, 240; see oi,
165; bishops of, 221, 240
Moduin, Bishop of Autun, 18
Moimir, Moravian prince, 64
Molesme, Abbey of, its importance, 124
Món (Anglesey), 342; Norse names in, 326
Monasterboice, 556
Monasticism, Muslim, 431; Christian, in
Spain, 441; in Europe, 457. See Cluniac
“Monk of St Gall. " See Notker Labeo
“Monk of Toul,” 531
Mons, Count of. See Herman
Mont-Barbet, William of Normandy at, 110
Montbazon, Fulk Nerra at, 108
Montbéliard, Count of. See Louis
Montboyau, fortress of, 108
Montbrai, lord of, 120
Montdidier, county of, 111
Monte Cassino, Lothar II and the Pope at,
44; Abbey of, 49, 150, 268; library of, 521
Monte Gargano, Otto III at, 176
Monteleon, 420
Montfaucon, Northmen defeated at (888), 72,
Montferrat, marquesses of, 240. See William
Montfort, Simon de, 461
Montièrender, monastery of, 104; abbot of,
see Adso
Montjean, house of, in Anjou, 118
Montlhéry, dismantled (1105), 114
Montmartre, 61; Otto II at, 80, 208
Montmell, fuero of, 441
Montrésor, attacked by Hugh of Amboise,
119; lord of, see Aubrey
Montreuil, county of, 104
Montreuil-Bellay, castle of, 118
Montreuil-sur-Mer, added to Flanders, 92
Montrevault, castle of, built by Fulk Nerra,
Mercia, Dukedom of, 356, 359 sq. , 384; 387;
397; and Aethelwald's rising, 361; wars
with Welsh, 362 sqq. ; wars with Danes,
362 sqq. ; lady of, see Aethelfeda; Ed.
ward the Elder, lord of, 323, 364; recovered
by Edmund, 368; revolt against Eadwig,
372, 374; faction favours Aethelred, 378;
ceded to Knut, 386 sq. ; society in, 337,
401, 404; dukes and earls of, see Aelfgar,
Aelfhere, Aethelfleda, Aethelred, Eadric
Streona, Edwin, Leofric, Leofwine
Mercia, archbishops in, suppressed, 343; see
Merfyn the Freckled, King of North Wales,
Mérida, 414, 416, 418, 421; independence
of, 417
Merlin, 513
Merovingian script, 517
Merseburg, fortification of, 182 sq. ; siege
of (939), 189; see of, founded, 202;
revived, 235 ; assembly at, 217, 222;
Henry II musters at, 225; Boleslav makes
peace at, 239; Henry II at, 250; Mesco II
submits at, 261 sq. ; Diet of (1033), 262;
Diet of (1053), 296; 256; 297; bishops of,
see Gisiler, Thietmar, Wigbert
Mersey, 354; Edward the Elder's power
reaches, 365
Mértola, 418
Mesco I, Duke of the Poles, submits to
Otto I, 202; aids Bavarian revolt, 205;
submits to Otto II, 206; war with Bohemia,
211; 322
Mesco II, Duke of Poland, 144, 258 sq. ,
302; suceeds Boleslav the Mighty, 260;
wars with Conrad II, 260 sq. ; driven out
by Otto Bezprim, 261; succeeds Otto, 261;
submits to Conrad II, 261 sq. ; death of,
262, 300
Mesopotamia, 436; architecture in, 539, 541,
Messina, seized by Saracens, 48; by Byzan-
tines, 169
Metz, council at, 41 sq. ; Treaty of, 43, 45;
44; 52; 190; assemblies at, 447; 61; synod
of, 449; see of, 45; bishops of, 209; 250,
294 sq. ; see Adalbero, Dietrich, Drogo,
Walo; abbot of, see John
Meuse, river, 46 sq. , 59, 68, 134; Conrad
of Lorraine defeated on, 197; mouth of,
seized by Count of Holland, 248 sq.
Mézières, 27
Michael II, Eastern Emperor, 524, 546
Michael III, the Drunkard, Eastern Emperor,
Michelstadt, Abbey of, 518
Mico of St Riquier, 519, 522 sq.
Middle Angles, King of. See Peada
Middle Kingdom, 286; see Lorraine. See
also Burgundy
Middlesex, hundreds of, 367
Milan, and Arnulf and Lambert, 66;
Lothar II sent to, 157; Otbertines in, 240;
missi sent to, 244; favours Henry II, 246;
118; lords of, see Roger, Stephen
## p. 683 (#729) ############################################
Montrichard, Fulk Nerra at, 108; Hugh of
Amboise at, 119
Montriond, synod of, 282
Mont-St-Michel, siege of (1091), 121
Montsoreau, house of, 118
Morat, seized by Odo II, 143; besieged by
Conrad II (1033), 144 sq. ,
Moravia, struggles in, 31, 64, 68; conquered
by Bratislav, 260, 299; bishopric for, 208;
princes of, see Moimir, Svatopluk
Moray, Earl of. See Macbeth
Möre, Earl of. See Rögnvaldr
Morgannwg. See Glamorgan
Morienval, abbey of, 76
Morkere, 384
Morkere, Earl of Northumbria, 398
Morocco, 424, 426
Morosini, the, of Venice, 170
Mortemer, Odo defeated at, 109
Mortimer, revolt of, 466
Mortmain, 464
Morvan (Murmannus), Breton leader, 8 sq.
Mosaic, at Ravenna, 542, 548, 550; at Salo-
nica, 542; in St Sophia, 544 sqq. ; in North
Africa, 547 sq. ; in Milan and Naples, 548;
in St Mark's, 549 sq. , 558; in Sta Maria
Maggiore, 549, 558; in France, 567; at
Aix, 567; Byzantine, sources of, 548 sqq.
Mosara, 412
Moselle, river, 21, 46; Harold penetrates to
(842), 315
Mosuin Mac Armin, Abbot of Bangor, 503 sq.
Mouliherne, siege of (1048), 109
Moulins-la-Marche, lord of, 120
Mouzon, 27
Mozarabs, 429 sq. , 432 sq. , 435, 438
Muirchertach, Irish leader, and the Vikings,
Muirchu, Life of St Patrick, 505
Mu'izz, Fāțimite Caliph, 422, 424
Mujābid of Denia, conquers Sardinia, 250
Muladies (Muwallad), class in Spain, 414,
Mundhir, Emir of Spain, 418
Münster, meeting at, 278
Murcia, 409; Vikings at, 320; discontent in,
413, 416; irrigation of, 432
Mūsā, conqueror of Spain, 409, 431
Mūsā II, “Third King of Spain,” 417
Mushafi, ḥājib in Spain, 424
Muslims in Spain), ch. xvı; boundary (in
756), 410; (in 912), 420; law and institu-
tions, 431 sqq.
Mutonia, 421
Muttenz, Rodolph III makes Conrad II his
heir at, 256, 258
Muwallad. See Muladies
Muzaffar, son of Almanzor, 427 sq.
Mynyw. See St David's
Naples, besieged by Saracens, 49; independ-
ence of, 150; 151; besieged by Caliph
Manşūr, 166, 169; Otto III and, 176;
captured by Paldolf IV, 268; MS. at, 514;
baptistery at, 548; dukes of, see Andrew,
John, Sergius
Narbonne, Bishop of. See Bartholomew
Nardulus, Nardus. See Einhard
Narni, Bishop of. See John XIII, Pope
Nasr, 416
Naumberg, bishopric of Zeitz removed to,
Navarre, 410, 421 sqq. , 425, 438, 441; con-
quers Leon, 428; military tenure in, 464;
kings of, see Garcia, Sancho
Nayland, 394 note
Naze, the, 395
Neidingen, death of Charles the Fat at, 62
Nekur, attacked by Vikings, 320
Nemesianus, 522
Nennius, author of Historia Brittonum, 342
Nestor, Russian chronicler, cited, 327
Nether Wroughton (Ellandun), battle at, 345
Neustria, given to Louis III, 57; March of,
71, 73; 83; and the Northmen, 86 sq. ;
formation of the March, 91 sq. , 94; decay
of the March, 95 sq. ; 104; marquesses of,
see Hugh, Odo, Robert
Neustrians, 23, 27, 74
Nevers, given to Pepin, 10; count of, see
Newburgh, William of, cited, 513
Niall Glundubh, Irish leader, and the Vi.
kings, 324
Nice, Bishop of, 282
Nicephorus, Chronography of, 528
Nicephorus Phocas, Eastern Emperor, in
Italy, 150; as Emperor, 167
Nicholas I, Pope, 40 sqq. , 449 sqq. ; 525 ;
claims of, 452 sq. ; 455
Nicholas Picingli. See Picingli
Nile, river, architecture in valley of, 540
Nilus, St, of Calabria, 173
Nimeguen, 13; assemblies at, 15, 21, 248;
burnt by Vikings, 59; diet at, 250; synod
at, 251; Henry III married at, 274; meets
dukes of Lorraine at, 284 sq. ; Charle-
magne's palace at, 293, 561
Nisibis, academy at, 486
Nithard, Bishop of Liège, 278
Nithard, Abbot of St Riquier, historian,
24 note, 444, 534
Nivelles, convent of, 60; abbess of, see Gisela
Nivernais, the, Northmen defeated in, 93
Noirmoutier, Viking settlement at, 316
Nomenoë, Breton King, 9, 30 sq. ; death of,
Nonantula, John, Abbot of. See John XVI,
Nordalbingians, the, campaign of Charles
the Great against, 312; submit to Den-
mark, 313
Nordgau of Bavaria, made a margravate, 206;
war in (1003), 223; margraves of, see
Berthold, Henry, Otto
Najda, slave general, 422
Nájera, 421, 440
Nantes, plundered, 30, 33; added to Brittany,
33; 128; Vikings at, 87; counts of, see
Hoel, Lambert
## p. 684 (#730) ############################################
Norfolk, 392, 400; hundreds of, 367; Scan-
dinavian influence in, 337
Normandy, foundation of, 73 sq. , 92, 94 sq. ,
97, 322; Hugh the Great suzerain of, 83;
Henry I and, 108 sqq. ; Philip I and,
111 sq. ; revolts in, 120-1; Danes from
England in, 365; Scandinavian influence
in, 330, 333, 338; government of, 127 sq. ;
dukes of, see Richard, Robert, Rollo,
Normans, the, 86 sqq. ; beginnings of their
power in South Italy, 268; 296; at battle
of Civitate, 298; see also Normandy
Northampton, burh, 356; submits to Aethel-
fleda, 323, 363 sq. ; attacked by Anlaf, 368;
burnt by Danes, 382
Northamptonshire, 398; hundreds of, 367;
Scandinavian influence in, 336 sq. ; earl
of, see Waltheof
North Mark, 202 note; 238; margraves of,
see Dietrich, Liuthar, William
Northmen. See Vikings
Northumberland, earls of, see Eadulf, Siward
Northumbria, kingdom of, 340 sq. ; disorders
under Eardwulf, 341; conquered by Vi.
kings, 318 sq. , 322 sqq. , 333, 348 sq. ,
350 sqq. ; raided by Olaf, 381; art and
learning in, 553 sqq. ; continental art
and, 556, 559; Scandinavian influence in,
336 sq. , see Bernicia, Deira, Northum-
berland, Yorkshire; kings of, see Aelle,
Aethelred, Aldfrid, Eanred, Eardwulf,
Ecgberht, Halfdanr; earls of, see Morkere,
Siward, Tostig
Norway, assists Denmark against Otto II,
205; Vikings of, 311; 327; see Vikings;
subject to Denmark, 380; Christianity in,
313 sq. ; civilisation of, 328 sqq. ; see Scan-
dinavia; kings of, see Hákon, Harold,
Knut, Magnus, Olaf, Svein
Norwich, burh, 356, 382; cathedral, 563, 567
Notker Balbulus, Sequences and Gesta Karoli
of, 530 sq. ; life of St Gall by, 534; as a
musician, 535
Notker Labeo, 530
Nottingham, Vikings at, 319; 323; 351, 353;
burh of, 355, 364
Nottinghamshire, 406; Scandinavian in.
fluence in, 336 sq.
Nouy, battle of (1044), 108
Novalesa, Abbeyof, destroyed, 152; chronicler
quoted, 213 sq.
Novara, besieged by Ardoin, 244; see of, 165,
245; bishop of, see Peter
Novgorod, settlement in, by Rurik, 327
Noyon, Hugh Capet crowned at, 84; North-
men at, 85, 88; bishopric of, 97; cathedral,
Nuremburg, first mention of, 304
Oakley, battle of, 349
Obo, King of Hungary, 278, 303; raids
Bavaria, 279 sq. , 303 ; 307; defeat and
death of, 285
Obodritzi. See Obotrites
Obotrites (Abotrites, Obodritzi), 6 sq. , 31,
313; and Christianity, 186, 249, 304; burn
Hamburg, 208, 249; allies of Conrad II,
260; princes of, see Ceadrag, Godescalc,
Mistislav, Slavomir
Ocsonoba (Algarve), 409, 418; mines at, 432
Oda, Archbishop of Canterbury, 368, 372;
church reformer, 373
Odda, alderman, 355
Odda, granted Svein's earldom, 394, 397
Odense, bishopric founded at, 208
Oder, river, and Otto l's supremacy, 192;
and Boleslav's state, 222; a trade route,
Odilo, Abbot of Cluny, 242, 255; and the
“Truce of God," 282
Odo (Eudes), King of France, Marquess of
Neustria, 75 note; Count of Paris, 61, 321;
made king, 63, 71 sq. ; 81; 84 sqq. ; death
of, 73
Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, 470
Odo, Bishop of Beauvais, 45
Odo, St, Abbot of Cluny, 155, 527
Odo (Henry), Duke of Burgundy. See Henry
Odo Borel, Duke of Burgundy, 123 sq.
Odo, Duke of Gascony, 129
Odo (Eudes) I, Count of Chartres, Blois, etc. ,
95, 102, 143 note
Odo (Eudes) II, Count of Blois and Cham-
pagne, 105 sq. ; relations of, with Robert
the Pious, 117; policy of, 123; claims
Burgundy, 143 sq. ; 256 sqq. ; 262; 273;
overcome by Conrad II, 259; death of, 107,
145, 267
Odo, Count of Orleans, 14
Odo, Count of Troyes, 35 sqq.
Odo, son of Robert the Pious, 108 sq.
Odo-Harpin, Viscount of Bourges, 111
Odoacer, 39
Odulric (Ulric), Archdeacon of Langres, made
Archbishop of Lyons, 279; murdered, 279
Offa, King of Mercia, 340, 343; laws of, 358;
coins of, 554
Offa's Dyke, 341
Ogbourne, 403 note
Ohthere, voyages of, 535
Olaf the Peacock, in Iceland, 332
Olaf the Stout, King of Norway, 384, 388 sq.
Olaf Tryggvason, King of Norway, Viking
leader, in East Anglia, 324; 332; 381;
Olaf the White (Amhlaeibh), Norse King of
Dublin, 317 sq. , 351 sq. ; in Scotland, 325
Olaf (Olafr, Anlaf) Guðfriðson, King of
Dublin and York, 323, 368
Olaf (Olafr) Sigtryggson (Anlaf Sihtricsson),
“Cuaran," driven from York, 323, 366,
368; revolts, 370; death of, 330
Öland, Anglo-Saxon coins in, 333
Oldenburg, see of, 305 sq. ; bishop of, see
Olég (Helgi), Kiev conquered by, 327
Olga, Russian Queen, 201
Olmütz, bishopric founded at, 208
Olney (Glouc. ), 385
## p. 685 (#731) ############################################
Omar ibn Hafşün, 417 sqq. ; death of, 420
Ongendus (Angantýr), King of Denmark, 314
Optatianus Porphyrius, Publilius, “figured”
poems of, 512, 520
Oran, 421
Orange, Prince of. See William
Orba, siege of, 246
Orbe, interviews at, 34, 42
Ordoño I, King of Leon, 417
Ordoño II, King of Leon, 421
Ordoño III, King of Leon, 422
Ordoño IV, the Bad, King of Leon, 423 sq.
Orford, 377
Origen, 493
Orkneys, the, Vikings in, 318, 325 sq. ,
Scandinavian influence in, 334 sq. ; earls
of, see Einar, Sigurðr
Orleans, 14, 16 sq. , 19; Charles the Bald at,
32; Vikings' raids on, 33, 87; 36; import-
ance of, 96, 104, 111; interdicted, 132;
MSS. at, 519, 521; bishops of, see Arnulf,
Jonas, Theodulf; counts of, see Matfrid,
Ormside Cup, the, 555
Ornois, the, 27; partition of, 45
Orosius, History of the World of, 358; 508;
527; 535, 537
Orseolo, Doge of Venice. See Pietro Orseolo
Orta, Bishop of. See Arsenius
Ortivineas (? Orvignes), 43
Orvieto, cathedral of, 563
Orwell, river, 385
Osbeorht, 350 sq.
Osbern Pentecost, 395
Osburh, wife of Aethelwulf, 352
Oscar, Danish king, 32
Oscellum, 35 sq. , 40
Oscytel, 353
Osferth, 360
Osgar, 374
Osketel Presbyter, 406
Osma, 420 sq.
Osnabrück, Bishop of. See Benno
Osulf, 519
Oswald, Bishop of Worcester, 374 sq. ; at
Fleury, 373; management of his estates,
375, 377 sq. , 404; Archbishop of York, 378
Oswaldeslau, 377
Oswulf, high reeve of Bamborough made jarl
of Yorkshire, 370
Ota. See Auðr
Otbert, Marquess and Count, 157, 161
Otbert II, Marquess, 240, 244
Otbertines, House of, 240, 242, 244 sqq. ,
founds archbishopric of Magdeburg, 232;
missi of, revived, 244; Burgundy, 247;
Cordova, 423 note; deposes John XII,
455; death of, 167, 204; descendants of,
143 note, 204, 205 note, 209, 215; epic
upon, 532; compared with Henry II, 230sq.
Otto II, Emperor, King of Germany, 101,
143 note, 195, 205 note; King of Italy,
161; marriage of, 167, 203; coronations of,
201, 203 sq. ; Bavarian revolts, 204 sqq. ;
subdues the Danes, 205; War of the Three
Henries, 207; attacked in Lorraine, 80,
207; invades France, 80, 208; in Italy,
168 sq. , 208; defeat by Saracens, 169 sq. ;
relations with Venice, 170; progress of
Christianity under, 208 sq. ; heathen re-
action, 209, 212; see of Magdeburg, 232;
death of, 80, 170, 209
Otto III, Emperor, King of Germany, 143
note, 205 note; born, 208; education, 173,
212 sq. ; minority of, 80 sq. , 171; Bavarian
revolt against, 204; struggle for regency
of, 209 sqq. ; recovers crown from Henry
the Wrangler, 210; begins to rule, 212;
advisers of, 213; relations with France,
102 sq. ; wars in the east, 211; and north,
212; enters Italy, 172, 176 sq. , 212; re-
organises the chancery, 174, 213; decree
on serfdom, 221; opens Charles the Great's
tomb, 213 sq. ; neglects Germany for Italy,
173–4, 214; death of, 141, 177, 214 sq. ;
succession to, 215 sq.
Otto IV, Emperor, of Brunswick, 147
Otto Bezprim, Duke of Poland, 260 sq.
Otto, Duke of Burgundy, 75 note, 83, 94
Otto, Duke of Carinthia, 204, 205 note, 206,
239, 252; deposed and reinstated, 209,
212; declines the crown of Germany,
215 sq. ; sent to Italy, 221
Otto, son of Ricwin, Duke of Lorraine, 191
Otto, Duke of Lower Lorraine, 77 note, 104,
239, 248
Otto, Duke of Saxony, 70 note
Otto, Duke of Swabia and Bavaria, 195, 204,
205 note ; 206; in Italy, 208 sq.
Otto of Schweinfurt, Margrave of Nordgau,
299; made Duke of Swabia, 294
Otto, Count Palatine in Lower Lorraine,
made Duke of Swabia, 287, 289, 307
Otto, Count of Hammerstein, 250 sqq.
Otto, Count of Lomello, 213
Otto, Count of Savoy, Marquess of Turin,
Otto, son of Count of Vermandois, 207
Otto-William, Count of Mâcon, “Count of
Burgundy,"106, 141 sq. , 247 sq. ; death of,
Oundle, 376
Ouse, river, 319, 359, 384
Ovid, 343; 519; scholiast on the Ibis of,
Oviedo, 423
Owel, Lough, Turgeis drowned in, 317
Oxford, placed under defence of Wessex, 363;
Danes in, 383; 386 sq. , 389, 398
264 sqq.
Otford, 385
Otto I, the Great, Emperor, King of Germany,
78, 101; seizes Burgundy, 140, 156; 143
note; 157; in Italy, 158 sq. , 194, 201 sq. ;
defeats the Hungarians, 160; King of
Italy (961), 161; becomes Emperor, 162,
201; drives out Berengar, 163; rule of, 164;
reign of, 164 sqq. , 186 sqq. ; marriage of,
183, 195, 366; the organisation of the
Empire, 213; builds castle at Ghent, 228;
## p. 686 (#732) ############################################
Oxfordshire, under Mercian Law, 357; hun.
dreds of, 367; Danes in, 382 sq.
Pacificus, archdeacon, and Verona library,
Paderborn, assembly at (815), 6; Kunigunda
crowned at, 218; bishopric of, 232
Pailhas, county of, 90
Palace, Counts of the. See Hugh of Beau-
vais, Sarlio; see also Count Palatine
Palatine. See Count Palatine
Paldolf I (Pandulf) Ironhead, Prince of
Capua-Benevento, 161; receives Spoleto,
166; death of, 169
Paldolf II, Prince of Benevento, 169
Paldolf IV, Prince of Capua, recovers Capua
and takes Naples, 268; driven out and
restored, 292
Paldolf V of Teano, Prince of Capua, 268
Paldolf, Prince of Salerno, 169
Palermo, seized by Saracens, 48
Palestine, 489; 'Abd-ar-Raḥmān I in, 410;
art in, 549 sq.
Palladius, St, missioner to Ireland, 501
Pallig, Viking leader, 381 sq.
Palmyra, catacomb at, 541 sq.
Pampeluna, 8, 410, 421
Pando, Gastald, 49
Pange Lingua, hymn, 495
Pannonia, 7
Papacy, and the False Decretals, 448, 453
and note; and temporal rulers, Chap. XVII,
and archbishops, 452 sq. ; appeals to, ib. ;
kings of Germany, 454; counts of Tus-
culum, 454; degradation of, in 9th century,
454 sq. ; degradation of, in 10th century,
101 sq. , 151, 154, 161, 163, 171, 455; pro-
vincial churches, 455, see Liber Pontifi-
cialis ; Popes, see Agapetus, Alexander,
Benedict, Boniface, Clement, Eugenius,
Formosus, Gelasius, Gregory, Hadrian,
John, Leo, Nicholas, Paschal, Paul, Ser-
gius, Stephen, Sylvester, Urban, Valen-
tine, Zacharias
Papal States, 5, 29, 154, 162, 453
Parenzo, basilica at, 548
Paris, 2, 25; 85; 104; plundered by Vikings,
35, 40; siege of (845), 330; siege of (885),
60 sqq. , 321 sq.