is to Dem.
Greek Anthology
Alas !
both the woods and the harbour are put in mourning by that boat.
Philippus →
Antiphilus →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Philippus →
Philippus →
To Poseidon
Lord of horses, who rule over the swift ships and the great precipitous rock of Euboea, grant a fair passage as far as the city of Ares {Rome} to your suppliants who loosed their moorings from Syria.
Archias →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Tynnichus once caught an octopus and threw it from the sea on to the land, fearing to be enchained by the creature's tentacles. But it fell on and twined itself round a sleeping hare that, poor thing, had just escaped from the hounds. The captive became captor, and Tynnichus threw the octopus back alive into the sea, taking the hare as its ransom. *
* cp. epigram 14.
A domestic hen, the winter snow-flakes falling thick on her, gathered her chickens safely bedded under her wings till the cold shower from the sky killed her ; for she remained exposed, fighting against the clouds of heaven. Procne and Medea, blush for yourselves in Hades, learning from a hen what mothers ought to be.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
On Homer
We listen still to the lament of Andromache ; still we see Troy laid in ruins from her foundations and the battle-toil of Ajax, and Hector bound to the chariot and dragged under the battlements of the town - all through the verse of Maeonides, the poet whom not one country honours as its own, but all the lands of two continents.
Your two Oedipuses and the relentless hate of Electra, and the Sun driven from heaven by the feast of Atreus, and your other writings that picture the many woes of princes in a manner worthy of the chorus of Dionysus, proved you, Sophocles, to be the chief of the company of tragic poets ; for you spoke with the very lips of the heroes.
Leonidas →
To Delos
Holy nurse of Leda's babes, whom Zeus anchored immovably in the Aegean main ! I swear, gracious lady, by your own gods, that I will not call you wretched or follow the verses of Antipater. * I deem you blessed in that you received Phoebus, and that Artemis, after Olympus, calls no land her fatherland but you.
* See 9. 408.
Few are the birth-places of the heroes that are still to be seen, and those yet left are not much higher than the soil. So, as I passed you by, did I recognise you, unhappy Mycenae, more waste than any goat-fold. The herds still point you out, and it was an old man who said to me, "Here stood once the city, rich in gold, that the Cyclopes built. "
[102] ANTONIUS { Ph 1 } G
On the Same
I, once the stronghold of sky-mounting Perseus, I, the nurse of the star * so cruel to the sons of Ilium, am left deserted now to be a fold for the goat-herds of the wilderness, and at length the spirit of Priam is avenged on me.
* Of the Atreidae.
[103] MUNDUS MUNATIUS { Ph 1 } G
I, Mycenae, the city once so rich in gold, I who received into my walls the house of the Atreidae, sons of Heaven, I who sacked Troy that a god built, I who was the secure royal seat of the Greek demi-gods, lie here, the pasture of sheep and oxen, with naught of my greatness left but the name. Well has Nemesis borne you in mind, Ilium, since now, when Mycenae is no longer to be seen, you exist, and are a city.
Argos, the talk of Homer, and you holy soil of Hellas, and you stronghold of Perseus once all golden, you are perished, and with you the light of those heroes who once levelled the god-built battlements of Troy. Now Troy is a city more powerful than ever and you are fallen and are pointed out as the stalls of lowing cattle.
[105] Anonymous { F 60 } G
I am a pine tree broken by the wind. Why make a ship of me who tasted on land the ship-wrecking gales ?
I am a ship that, after I had traversed so many leagues of sea, the fire burnt on the land that had stripped herself of her pine-trees to build me. I, whom the sea spared, perished on the shore. I found her who bore me more faithless than the sea. *
* For imitations of this see epigrams 34, 36 & 398.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[108] Anonymous { Ph 3 } G
Said Zeus to Love : " I will take away all your darts. " Said the winged boy : " Thunder at me if you dare and I will make a swan of you again. "
[109] JULIUS DIOCLES { Ph 3 } G
I know not whether to call you a shield, you, the faithful ally with whom I armed myself against many foes, or rather my little sea boat, since you supported me swimming from the doomed ship to the shore. In war I escaped the wrath of Ares, and on the sea that of Nereus, and in each case you were my defence.
I crave not for deep-soiled fields nor wealth of gold such as was Gyges'. * I love a self-sufficient life, Macrinus. The saying "nothing in excess" pleases me exceedingly.
* King of Lydia.
Archias →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[113] PARMENION { Ph 8 } G
The bugs fed on me with gusto till they were disgusted, but I myself laboured till I was disgusted, dislodging the bugs. *
* The play on words cannot be reproduced.
[114] PARMENION { Ph 9 } G
A child was peeping down from the very edge of a high tiled roof (Death has no fears for little children), when its mother from behind turned away its attention by showing it her breast. Thus one fount of milk twice bestowed life on her child.
When Pyrrhus on his father's high-piled tomb celebrated in his honour the mournful wedding of Polyxena, thus did Cissean Hecabe * bewail the murder of her children, tearing the hair from her tear-worn head : "Once you dragged dead Hector tied to your chariot wheels, and now you are dead you accept the blood of Polyxena. Achilles, why is your wrath so sore against the fruit of my womb ? Not even in death are you gentle to my children. "
* According to some writers, Hecabe was the daughter of Cisseus.
[122] EUENUS (? ) { Ph 5 } G
To a Swallow
Honey-nurtured child of Athens, is it a prattling cicada that your prattling self has caught and carries for a feast to your winged brood ? Do you, the chatterer, prey on the chatterer ; you, the winged, on the winged ; you, the guest of summer, on the guest of summer ? Will you not drop it at once ; it is neither meet nor just that singers should perish by mouths skilled in song.
A she-goat rushing to browse on a wild pear recovered her sight from the tree, and lo ! was no longer blind in one eye. For the sharp thorn pricked the one eye. See how a tree benefited more than the surgeon's skill. *
* We are told by Aelian that goats when suffering from dimness of sight caused by suffusion, themselves prick the eye with a thorn.
[130] Anonymous { F 64 } G
{ The Olive-tree speaks }
I am the plant of Pallas. Why do you clasp me, you branches of Bacchus ? Away with the clusters ! I am a maiden and drink no wine.
[131] Anonymous { F 59 } G
I was a sturdy pine on the mountain ridge, and the rainy south wind tore me up by the roots. Then out of me was built a ship to fight again with the winds. O men, you never flinch from anything.
{to the Emperor Hadrian}
The half of me is dead, and starvation is subduing the other half. Save, Sire, a musical semitone of me. *
{The Emperor's Reply thereto}
You wrong both Pluto and the Sun by looking still on the latter and failing to go to the former.
* i. e. half at least of my learned self.
[142] Anonymous { F 79 } G
We worship horned Pan, the walker on the crags, the leader of the Nymphs, who dwells in this house of rock, praying him to look with favour on all us who came to this constant fountain and quenched our thirst.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Anyte →
[145] Anonymous { F 41 } G
Diogenes the cynic, on his arrival in Hades, after his wise old age was finished, laughed when he saw Croesus. Spreading his cloak on the ground near the king, who once drew great store of gold from the river {Pactolus}, he said : " Now, too, I take up more room than you ; for all I had I have brought with me, but you, Croesus, have nothing. "
Come, O come, you initiated, to the temple of Demeter, fearing not the winter floods. So safe a bridge for you hath Xenocles, the son of Xeinis, thrown across this broad river. *
* The bridge was over the Cephisus on the road to Eleusis. Xenocles' services in building it are mentioned in an inscription.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antiphilus →
[157] Anonymous { F 85 } G
Who said Love was a god ? We see that no work of the gods is evil, but he smiles at the blood of men. Does he not bear in his hand a sword swift to slay ? Look at the incredible trophies of this deed of blood prompted by a god. The mother, with her child, lies slain, and on their bodies the man stoned by sentence of the law. This that we see is not the work of Hades or of Ares, but the work of Love. This is how the boy plays. *
* Jealousy would appear to have been the motive of the crime.
[158] Anonymous { F 56 } G
Three girls once drew lots for fun, who first should go to Hades. Thrice they threw the die, and the cast of all fell on one. She made mockery of the lot, which nevertheless was her true destiny. For, unhappy girl, she slipped and fell from the house-top afterwards, as none could have foreseen, and went to Hades even as the lot had lighted on her. A lot tells no falsehood when it is an evil one ; but as for better chance neither the prayers of mortals nor their hands can attain it.
[159] Anonymous { F 62 } G
One, seeing at the cross-roads the skull of a dead man, wept not at the presentation of the fate common to all men, but stooping, picked up in his right hand a stone and threw it at the skull. The stone, a dumb thing in appearance, yet breathed vengeance ; for, hitting the bone, it bounded off and blinded the thrower, robbing him of his sweet sight. Until his death he was punished, and wept for his foolish excellence of aim.
Marcus_Argentarius →
[162] Anonymous { F 63 } G
On a Pen
1 was a reed, a useless plant, bearing neither figs, nor apples, nor grapes ; but a man initiated me into the mysteries of Helicon, fashioning thin lips for me and excavating in me a narrow channel. Ever since, when I sip black liquor, I become inspired, and utter every variety of words with this dumb mouth of mine.
[163] Anonymous { F 88 } G
Through the hail of spears from the flames of Troy the hero Aeneas bore off his father, a holy burden for a son, calling to the Argives : "Hands off! The old man is no great gain in war, but a great gain to his bearer. "
Leonidas →
Leonidas →
[184] Anonymous { F 36a } G
Pindar, holy mouth of the Muses, and you, Bacchylides, garrulous Siren, and you, Aeolian graces of Sappho ; pen of Anacreon, and you, Stesichorus, who in your works didst draw off Homer's stream ; honeyed page of Simonides, and you, Ibycus, who didst cull the sweet bloom of Persuasion and of the love of lads ; sword of Alcaeus, that often shed the blood of tyrants, defending his country's laws, and you nightingales of Alcman, singing ever of maidens ; look kindly on me, you authors and finishers of all lyric song.
[185] Anonymous { F 32 } G
These be the verses and sonorous iambics of Archilochus, the venom of wrath and terrible invective.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[187] Anonymous { F 42 } G
The bees themselves, culling the varied flowers of the Muses, bore off the honey to your lips ; the Graces themselves bestowed their gift on you, Menander, endowing your dramas with fluent felicity. You live for ever, and Athens from you derives glory that reaches to the clouds of heaven.
[189] Anonymous { F 33 } G
Go, you ladies of Lesbos, whirling as you foot it delicately, to the splendid sanctuary of bull-faced Hera, there to dance a lovely measure to the goddess ; and for you Sappho, holding her golden lyre, shall strike up the tune. You are blessed, indeed, in that dance's delight ; verily you shall think that you listen to the sweet singing of Calliope herself.
[190] Anonymous { F 38 } G
On Erinna's poem "The Spindle"
This is the Lesbian honeycomb of Erinna, and though it be small, it is all infused with honey by the Muses. Her three hundred lines are equal to Homer, though she was but a child of nineteen years. Either plying her spindle in fear of her mother, or at the loom, she stood occupied in the service of the Muses. As much as Sappho excels Erinna in lyrics, so much does Erinna excel Sappho in hexameters.
The bucolic poems were once scattered, but are now all in one fold, in one flock.
[213] Anonymous { F 44 } G
On Nicander
Colophon, too, is conspicuous among cities, for she nursed two sons of supreme wisdom, first Homer and afterwards Nicander, both dear to the heavenly Muses.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
{ cp. Nos. 250, 253 }
You will cite the holy marriage of Harmonia, but that of Oedipus was unlawful. You will tell me of Antigone's piety, but her brothers were most wicked. Ino was made immortal, but Athamas was ill-fated. The lyre built the walls by its music, but the strains of the flute were fatal to them. * So did Heaven compound the destiny of Thebes, mixing good and evil in equal portions.
* Thebes is said to have been destroyed by Alexander to the accompaniment of the flute-player Ismenias.
[217] MUCIUS SCAEVOLA { Ph 1 } G
O goats, why, deserting the thyme and spurge and all the green pasture that is yours, do you start leaping round and round, wantonly butting at each other, prancing round shepherd Pan, the denizen of the forest? Give over that boxing, or the crook you detest may find its way to you from the goat-herd's hand.
Ah ! would that the waves of the wintry sea had engulfed me, wretched ship that I am, my load of living men now changed for one of corpses. I am ashamed of being saved. What does it profit me to come to harbour with no men in me to tie my hawsers ? Call me the dismal hull of Cocytus. I brought death to men - death, and they are shipwrecked inside the harbour. *
* How the whole crew of the ship had perished we are not told.
As, in days of old, Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, sailed to Troy from the goat-pastures of Scyrus, so among the sons of Aeneas doth their leader Nero * return to the city of Remus, entering from the sea swift-flowing Tiber, a youth with the first down on his cheeks. The other's force was in his spear alone ; this youth is strong both in battle and in the schools.
* Probably the son of Germanicus.
See how the green plane-tree hides the mysteries of the lovers, canopying them with its holy foliage, and about its branches hang the clusters of the sweet vine, the season's delight. So, plane tree, may you ever flourish, and may your green foliage ever hide the comradeship of Aphrodite.
Marcus_Argentarius →
Antiphilus →
Bianor →
Crinagoras →
[225] HONESTUS { Ph 4 } G
Asopis fount and Pegasis are sister springs, the one a river-god's * gift, the other a horse's, both gushing forth at a blow of the foot. The horse cut the veins of Helicon, the river those of Acrocorinth. How equally happy the heel's aim in each case !
* Asopus. Pegasis is Castalia, cp. No. 230. For this origin of springs, cp. Theocr. Id. vii. 5.
[226] ZONAS OF SARDIS { Ph 6 } G
Go off, you tawny hive-bees, to feed on . . . or the crinkled leaves of the thyme, or the petals of the poppy, or the sun-dried berries of the vine, or violets, or the down that covers the apple. Take a pick at all, and mould your waxen vessels so that Pan, the saviour of the bees and keeper of the hives, may have a taste himself, and the beekeeper, smoking you out with his skilled hand, may leave a little portion for you also.
Bianor →
Apollonides →
Marcus_Argentarius →
[230] HONESTUS { Ph 5 } G
You were sore tired by the ascent of great Helicon, but drank your fill of the sweet waters of the spring of Pegasus. Even so the labour of study is up-hill, but if you attain the summit you shall quaff the pleasant gift of the Muses.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Philippus →
[233] ERYCIUS { Ph 9 } G
As you were cutting the dry roots of old trees, unhappy Mindon, a spider nesting there attacked you from beneath and bit your left foot. The venom, spreading, devoured with black putrefaction the fresh flesh of your heel, and hence your sturdy leg was cut off at the knee, and a staff cut from a tall wild olive-tree supports you now on one leg.
Crinagoras →
Crinagoras →
[236] BASSUS LOLLIUS { Ph 6 } G
The inviolable oath of the Fates decreed that final sacrifice of Priam slaughtered on the Phrygian altar. But your holy fleet, Aeneas, is already safe in an Italian harbour, the prelude of your heavenly home. It was for the best that the towers of Troy fell ; for hence in arms arose the city that is queen of the world.
[237] ERYCIUS { Ph 2 } G
A. "Herdsman, tell me by Pan whose is this colossal statue of beech-wood to which you are pouring a libation of milk. " B. "The Tirynthian's * who wrestled with the lion. Do you not see his bow, simpleton, and his club of wild olive ? All hail to you, calf-devouring Heracles, and guard this fold, that, instead of these few, my cattle may be ten thousand. "
* Heracles.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Crinagoras →
Philippus →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Apollonides →
Apollonides →
[245] ANTIPHANES { Ph 3 } G
By the unhappy marriage-bed of Petale at her bitter bridal stood Hades, not Hymen. For, as she fled alone through the darkness, dreading the first taste of the yoke of Cypris - a terror common to all maidens - the cruel watch-dogs killed her. We had hoped to see her a wife and suddenly we could hardly find her corpse.
Marcus_Argentarius →
Philippus →
If Dionysus had come revelling with the Maenads and Satyrs to holy Olympus, looking just as Pylades the great artist played him in dance, according to the true canons of the servants of the tragic Muse, Hera, the consort of Zeus, would have ceased to be jealous, and exclaimed : " Semele, you pretended that Bacchus was your son ; it was I who bore him. "
[249] MACCIUS { Ph 9 } G
I am Pan; and established here at the top of the hill I keep watch over this leafy, green, climbing vine. If you desire my ripe fruit, traveller, I grudge it not, if it is to gratify your belly ; but if you lay your hand on me for the sake of robbery only, you shalt straightway feel on your head the weight of this knobbed staff.
[250] HONESTUS { Ph 6 } G
{ cp. Nos. 216, 253 }
I, Thebes, rose at the sound of the lyre, and sank in ruins at that of the flute. Alas for the Muse that was adverse to harmony ! They now lie deaf, the remains of my towers, once charmed by the lyre, the stones that took their places of their own accord in the muse-built walls, a gift that cost you, Amphion, no labour ; for with your seven-stringed lyre you built your seven-gated city.
[251] EUENUS { Ph 1 } G
Page-eater, the Muses' bitterest foe, lurking destroyer, ever feeding on your thefts from learning, why, black bookworm, dos you lie concealed among the sacred utterances, producing the image of envy ? Away from the Muses, far away ! Convey not even by the sight of you the suspicion of how they must suffer from ill-will.
Bianor →
Philippus →
Philippus →
Philippus →
[256] ANTIPHANES { Ph 4 } G
I thought that half of me was still alive, and that half produced one single apple on the highest branch. But the brute that ravages fruit-trees, the hairy backed caterpillar, envied me even the one, and ate it up. Envy's eyes are set on great wealth, but the creature who lays waste a little substance I must call worse even than Envy's self.
Apollonides →
I who once gushed with abundance of sweet water, have now lost my nymphs * even to the last drop. For the murderer washed his bloody hands in my water, and tainted it with the stain. Ever since the maidens have retired from the sunlight, exclaiming, " We nymphs mix with Bacchus alone, not with Ares. "
* My water.
Bianor →
I, Lais, who was once the love-dart that smote all, am Lais no longer, but a witness to all of the Nemesis of years. No, by Cypris ! - and what is Cypris to me now but an oath ? - Lais is no longer recognisable to Lais herself.
I, the vine who once was young and clothed in leafy shoots, I who bore bunches of swelling grapes, am now as old as you see. Look how Time overcomes us ! Even the vine's clusters know the wrinkles of old age.
Philippus →
Antiphilus →
Apollonides →
Apollonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Philippus →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Apollonides →
Bianor →
Bianor →
Philippus →
[275] MACEDONIUS { Ph 2 } G
Codrus killed the boar on land, and the swift deer he took in the blue waves of the sea. Were there beasts with wings too, Artemis would not have seen him empty-handed even in the air.
Crinagoras →
Antiphilus →
Bianor →
[279] BASSUS { Ph 7 } G
When, for the second time, * Hades received from the bark of Lethe three hundred dead, all slain in war, he said : " The company is Spartan ; see how all their wounds are in front again, and war dwells in their breasts alone. Now, people of unvanquished Ares, hunger no more for battle, but rest in my sleep. "
* The first time was the battle of Thyreae.
Apollonides →
Apollonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Crinagoras →
Crinagoras →
Philippus →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Apollonides →
[288] GEMINUS { Ph 2 } G
I, this stone, heavy to the Athenians, am dedicated to Ares as a sign of the valour of Philip. Here stand I to insult Marathon and the deeds of sea-girt Salamis, which bow before the Macedonian spear. Swear by the dead now, Demosthenes, but I shall be heavy to living and dead alike. *
* Supposed to be on a trophy erected by Philip II to celebrate his victories over the Athenians. No such trophy ever existed.
The reference is to Dem. De Cor. 208.
[289] BASSUS { Ph 8 } G
O rocks of Caphereus, fatal to ships, which destroyed the fleet of the Greeks on their home-coming from Troy, then when the lying beacon sent forth a flame darker than the night of hell, and every keel ran blindly on the sunken reefs, you were another Troy to Greece and more deadly than the ten years' war. Troy indeed they sacked, but Caphereus was invincible. Nauplius, then did Hellas weep tears which were a joy to you. *
* Nauplius, to revenge the death of his son Palamedes, lured the Greek navy by a false beacon on to the rocks of Caphereus in Euboea.
Philippus →
Crinagoras →
[292] HONESTUS { Ph 7 } G
Aristiŏn was burning the corpse of one son when she heard the other was shipwrecked. A double grief consumed a single heart. Alas ! Fate divided this mother in two, since she gave one child to fire and the other to cruel water.
Philippus →
Antiphilus →
Bianor →
Apollonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Philippus →
[300] ADDAEUS { Ph 7 } G
Valiant Peucestes encountered on horseback the bull as it issued from the dreadful vale of Doberus. Like a mountain it rushed at him, but with his Paeonian spear he pierced its tender temples, and having despoiled its head of the pair of horns, ever as he quaffs the wine from them boasts of his enemy's death.
[301] SECUNDUS { Ph 3 } G
Why do you drive me, the slow-footed braying ass, round and round with the threshing horses? Is it not enough that, driven in a circle and blindfolded, I am forced to turn the heavy millstone ? But I must compete with horses too! Is the next task in store for me to plough the twisted earth with my neck's strength ?
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[303] ADDAEUS { Ph 8 } G
To little Calathina, in labour with her puppies, Leto's daughter gave an easy delivery. Artemis hears not only the prayers of women, but knows how to save also the dogs, her companions in the chase.
[304] PARMENION { Ph 10 } G
On the Battle of Thermopylae
Three hundred valiant Spartan spears resisted the man who, transforming the paths of land and ocean, sailed over the dry land and marched on the sea, Shame on you, mountains and seas !
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Philippus →
Bianor →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Philippus →
[312] ZONAS OF SARDIS { Ph 7 } G
Refrain, sir, from cutting the oak, the mother of acorns ; refrain, and lay low the old stone-pine, or the sea-pine, or this paliurus with many stems, or the holly-oak, or the dry arbutus. Only keep your axe far from the oak, for our grannies tell us that oaks were the first mothers. *
* Referring to the legend that men were sprung from oaks or rocks, cp. Hom. Od. xix. 163.
epigrams 313-827 →
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Greek Anthology: Book 9
Translations of most of the epigrams are already available elsewhere, as indicated by the links. The translations of the remaining epigrams are taken from the edition by W. R. Paton (1916-18), but have been modified to remove some of the archaic language. Click on G to go to the Greek text of each epigram.
← epigrams 1-312
Anyte →
Anyte →
[315] NICIAS { H 5 } G
Sit here under the poplar trees, traveller, for you are weary, and come near and drink from my fountain. When you are far away bethink you of the spring - near which stands Simus' statue beside his dead son Gillus.
Leonidas →
[317] Anonymous { H 54 } G
Hermaphroditus. " Goatherd, I love seeing this foul-mouthed god struck on his bald pate by the pears. " Silenus. "Goatherd, I entered him three times, and the young billy-goats were looking at me and tupping the young nanny-goats. " Goal herd. "Is it true, Hermaphroditus, that he did so? " Hermaphroditus. "No, goatherd, I swear by Hermes. " Silenus. "I swear by Pan I did, and I was laughing all the time. "
Leonidas →
[319] PHILOXENUS { H 1 } G
Tlepolemus of Myra, the son of Polycrites, set me up here, Hermes, presiding deity of the course, a pillar to mark the starting point in the holy races of twenty stades. Toil, you runners, in the race, banishing soft ease from your knees.
Leonidas →
[321] ANTIMACHUS { F 1 } G
Why, Cypris, have you, to whom the toil of war is strange, got these accoutrements of Ares ? What falsifier fitted on you, to no purpose, this hateful armour ? You delight in the Loves and the joys of the bridal bed, and the girls dancing madly to the castanets. Lay down these bloody spears. They are for divine Athena, but come you to Hymenaeus with the flowing locks.
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Mnasalcas →
[325] Anonymous { H 55 } G
On a Shell with an image of Love carved inside it
Of old I dwelt in the depths on a sea-washed rock clothed in luxuriant seaweed, but now in my bosom sleeps the delightful child, tender Love, the servant of diademed Cypris.
Leonidas →
[327] HERMOCREON { H 2 } G
O Nymphs of the water, to whom Hermocreon set up these gifts when he had lighted on your delightful fountain, all hail ! And may you ever, full of pure drink, tread with your lovely feet the floor of this your watery home.
[328] DAMOSTRATUS { H 1 } G
O Naiad Nymphs, who shed from the mountain cliff this fair stream in inexhaustible volume, Damostratus, the son of Antilas, gave you these wooden images and the two hairy boar-skins.
Leonidas →
Nicarchus →
Meleager →
[332] NOSSIS { H 4 } G
Let us go to the temple to see the statue of Aphrodite, how cunningly wrought it is of gold. Polyarchis erected it, having gained much substance from the glory of her own body.
Mnasalcas →
[334] PERSES { H 8 } G
If at the right season you call upon me too, little among the lesser gods, you shall get your wish, but crave not for great things. For I, Tychon, * have in my power to grant only such things as the people's god may give to a labouring man.
* He was a god worshipped in company with or in place of Priapus.
Callimachus (26)
Leonidas →
Theocritus (III)
Archias →
Dioscorides →
[341] GLAUCUS { H 3 } G
A. "Nymphs answer me truly, if Daphnis on his road rested here his white goats. " B. "Yes, yes, piper Pan, and on the back of that poplar tree he cut a message for you : 'Pan, Pan, go to Malea * ; to the mountain of Psophis. I shall come there. ' " A. "Farewell, Nymphs, I go. "
* The Arcadian town of that name.
[342] PARMENION { Ph 11 } G
An epigram of many lines does not, I say, conform to the Muses' law. Seek not the long course in the short stadion. The long race has many rounds, but in the stadion sharp and short is the strain on the wind.
Archias →
{This and the following ones are Isopsephe. )
There was a time when 1 gave pleasure to myself alone by lines, and was not known at all to noble Romans. But now I am beloved by all, for late in life I recognised how far Calliope excels Urania. *
* By "lines" in l. 1 he means astronomical and geometrical figures. He has abandoned these for lines of verse, the Muse of Astronomy for the Muse of Poesy.
The fury of Athamas against his son Learchus * was not so great as the wrath that made Medea plot her children's death. For jealousy is a greater evil than madness. If a mother kills, in whom are children to place confidence ?
* Athamas killed his son in a fit of madness.
After flying, swallow, across the whole earth and the islands, you rear your brood on the picture of Medea. Do you believe that the Colchian woman who did not spare even her own children will keep her faith to your young?
We oxen are not only skilled in cutting straight furrows with the plough, but, look, we pull ships out of the sea too. For we have been taught the task of oarsmen. Now, sea, you too should yoke dolphins to plough on the land.
Hecatonymus, the stealer of grapes, ran to Hades whipped with a stolen vine-switch.
Caesar, * may the baths of Cutiliae on this your birthday gush for you in abundance of healing, so that all the world may see you a grandfather as it has seen you the father of three fair children.
* The Caesar is Vespasian, the three children Titus, Domitian, and Domitilla. Cutiliae, now Contigliano, is in the Sabine territory.
You send me thin sheets of papyrus, snowy white, and reed pens, gifts from the headland that the Nile waters. Do not, Dionysius, send another time imperfect gifts to a poet. What use are these without ink ?
{ cp. 9. 114 }
Lysippe's baby, creeping over the edge of a precipice, was on the point of suffering the fate of Astyanax. But she turned it from its path by holding out to it her breast, that thus was its saviour from death as well as from famine.
The Nile * keeps festival by the holy wave of Tiber, having vowed a sacrifice for Caesar's deliverance. A hundred axes made the willing necks of as many bulls bleed at the altars of Heavenly Zeus.
* i. e. the Egyptians. If the Emperor was Nero, the sacrifice was to celebrate his deliverance from his mother's plots by her death.
Pappus, you have both strictly composed a work adorned with learning, and have kept your life strict in strength of friendship. The Egyptian poet sends you this gift to-day when you celebrate your birthday morning.
I, whom war dreaded and slew not, am now afflicted by disease, and waste away by intestine warfare. Pierce my heart then, sword, for I will die like a valiant soldier, beating off disease even as I did war.
Poppaea Augusta, spouse of Zeus, * receive from the Egyptian Leonidas this map of the heavens on your birthday ; for you take pleasure in gifts worthy of your alliance and your learning.
* i. e. Nero.
We open another fountain of drink to quaff from it verses of a form hitherto strange to Leonidas. The letters of the couplets give equal numbers. But away with you, Momus, and set your sharp teeth in others.
Poseidippus (X)
[360] METRODORUS { F 1 } G
Pursue every path of life. In the market place are honours and prudent dealings, at home rest ; in the country the charm of nature, and at sea profit ; in a foreign country, if you have any possessions, there is fame, and if you are in want no one knows it but yourself. Are you married ? Your house will be the best of houses. Do you remain unmarried ? Your life is yet lighter. Children are darlings ; a childless life is free from care. Youth is strong, and old age again is pious. Therefore there is no choice between two things, either not to be born or to die ; for all in life is excellent.
On Beer
Who and whence are you, Dionysus ? For, by the true Bacchus, I know you not : I know only the son of Zeus. He smells of nectar, but you of billy-goat. Did the Celts for lack of grapes make you out of corn ? Then you should be called Demetrius, not Dionysus, being born of corn, rather than of the fire, and Bromus * rather than Bromius.
* Bromos is the Greek for oats ; Bromius is a common title of Dionysus, derived probably from bromos = noise. In purogenē, "wheat-born", there is a play on the similar word meaning " fire-born".
[369] CYRILLUS { F 1 } G
An epigram of two lines has every merit, and if you exceed three lines it is rhapsody, not epigram.
1 am a fawn slain by no dogs, or stake-nets, or huntsmen, but in the sea I suffered the fate that threatened me on land. For I rushed into the sea from the wood, and then the netted snare of the fishermen dragged me up on the beach. I was wrong in flying, and all in vain, from the shore, and deservedly was taken by the fisherman after I had deserted my hills. Never again, fishermen, shall your hands be unsuccessful, since you now knit webs that serve both for sea and land.
{cp. 9. 17 ff. }
A hound was pressing hotly on a swift-footed hare that had just freed itself from the toils of the net. The hare, rapidly turning away from the rough hill, leapt, to avoid the dog's jaws, into the deep water near the shore, where a sea-dog with one snap caught it at once in his teeth. The poor hare was evidently destined to be dog's meat.
The spider, that had woven her fine web with her slender feet, had caught a cicada in her crooked meshes. But when I saw the little songster lamenting in the fine toils I did not pass hastily by, but freeing him from the nooses, I comforted him and said : "Be saved, you who call with the musical voice. "
Why, shepherds, in wanton sport, do you pull from the dewy branches me, the cicada, the lover of the wilds, the roadside nightingale of the Muses, who at midday chatter shrilly on the hills and in the shady copses ? Look at the thrushes and blackbirds ! Look at all the starlings, pilferers of the country's wealth ! It is lawful to catch the despoilers of the crops. Slay them. Do you grudge me my leaves and fresh dew ?
From the neighbouring grove I, ever-flowing Pure Fount, gush forth for passing travellers. On all sides, well canopied by planes and softly blooming laurels, I offer a cool resting-place under the shade. Therefore pass me not by in summer. Dispel your thirst and rest you, too, from toil in peace beside me.
What man thus carelessly plucked from the vine-branch the unripe grapes of Bacchus that nurse the wine, and when his lips were drawn up by the taste threw them away, half-chewed refuse for travellers to tread on ? May Dionysus be his foe, because, like Lycurgus, he quenched good cheer in its growth. By that drink some man could have been moved to song, or found relief from plaintive grief.
Why, foolish carpenter, do you make of me, the pine-tree that am the victim of the winds, a ship to travel over the seas, and do not dread the omen ? Boreas persecuted me on land ; so how shall I escape the winds at sea ?
Hector of the race of Ares, if you hear wherever you are under ground, hail ! and pause for a little from your sighs for your country. Ilium is inhabited, and is a famous city containing men inferior to you, but still lovers of war, while the Myrmidons have perished. Stand by his side and tell Achilles that all Thessaly is subject to the sons of Aeneas. *
* Troy was restored by Julius Caesar and Augustus.
(388, 389)
Under the above a soldier {some say Trajan) wrote :
They are bold, for they look not on the face of my helmet. *
When the Emperor praised this and wrote "Reveal who you are," he replied :
I am a soldier of cuirassed Ares and also a servant of Heliconian Apollo, chosen among the first men-at-arms.
* Homer, Il. xvi. 70. Achilles is the speaker.
A mother who had laid on the pyre her third child after losing the others too, reviling insatiate Death, on giving birth to a fourth sorrow, would not wait to nourish uncertain hope, but threw the child alive in the fire. "I will not rear it," she said. "What profits it ? My breasts, you are toiling for Hades. With less trouble I shall gain mourning. "
[391] DIOTIMUS { H 8 } G
This son of Poseidon and the son of Zeus trained their youthful limbs for stubborn wrestling bouts. The contest is no brazen one for a caldron, but for which shall gain death or life. Antaeus has got the fall, and it was fit that Heracles, the son of Zeus, should win. Wrestling is Argive, not Libyan. *
* Antaeus was Libyan.
[402] HADRIAN (? ) { F 4 } G
On Pompeius Magnus
In what sore need of a tomb stood he who possessed abundant temples !
[403] MACCIUS { Ph 10 } G
To Dionysus
Enter the vat yourself, my lord, and tread leaping swiftly ; lead the labour of the night. Make naked your proud feet, and give strength to the dance your servant, girding yourself up above your active knees ; and guide, O blessed one, the sweet-voiced wine into the empty casks. So shall you receive cakes and a shaggy goat.
Antiphilus →
[405] DIODORUS { Ph 8 } G
May holy Adrasteia preserve you, and Nemesis, the maiden who treads in our track, she who has cheated many. I fear for your body's lovely form, O youth ; for your mental gifts and the strength of your divine courage, for your learning and your prudent counsel. Such we are told, Drusus, * are the children of the blessed immortals.
* Probably Drusus the son of Germanicus and brother of Nero.
On a figure of a Frog placed in a crater
I am a frog, now no longer croaking continually, placed under the shower of wine from the silver spout. I lie in the water, whose friend I am, but no enemy to Bacchus, and I am washed by the drops of both. Too late in life I went revelling to Dionysus. Alas for those who drink water: they are mad but with a temperate madness ! *
* Antigonus suggests that he, too, like the frog, had learnt wisdom and become a better poet since he had become a wine-drinker.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[409] ANTIPHANES { Ph 6 } G
If there be one who does not take delight in the strains of the flute and the sweet sound of harp-playing, or in nectar-like wine, oldest of the old, or in torches, revels, garlands, and scent, but who takes a frugal supper and stores up with greedy hands the fruits of stealthy-footed usury, to me he is dead, and I pass by the . . . corpse, who hoards for the throats of others.
[410] TULLIUS SABINUS { Ph 1 } G
A mouse once, greedy for every kind of food and not even shy of the mouse-trap, but one who won booty even from death, gnawed through Phoebus' melodious lyre-string.
Philippus →
Antiphilus →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Philippus →
Philippus →
To Poseidon
Lord of horses, who rule over the swift ships and the great precipitous rock of Euboea, grant a fair passage as far as the city of Ares {Rome} to your suppliants who loosed their moorings from Syria.
Archias →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Tynnichus once caught an octopus and threw it from the sea on to the land, fearing to be enchained by the creature's tentacles. But it fell on and twined itself round a sleeping hare that, poor thing, had just escaped from the hounds. The captive became captor, and Tynnichus threw the octopus back alive into the sea, taking the hare as its ransom. *
* cp. epigram 14.
A domestic hen, the winter snow-flakes falling thick on her, gathered her chickens safely bedded under her wings till the cold shower from the sky killed her ; for she remained exposed, fighting against the clouds of heaven. Procne and Medea, blush for yourselves in Hades, learning from a hen what mothers ought to be.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
On Homer
We listen still to the lament of Andromache ; still we see Troy laid in ruins from her foundations and the battle-toil of Ajax, and Hector bound to the chariot and dragged under the battlements of the town - all through the verse of Maeonides, the poet whom not one country honours as its own, but all the lands of two continents.
Your two Oedipuses and the relentless hate of Electra, and the Sun driven from heaven by the feast of Atreus, and your other writings that picture the many woes of princes in a manner worthy of the chorus of Dionysus, proved you, Sophocles, to be the chief of the company of tragic poets ; for you spoke with the very lips of the heroes.
Leonidas →
To Delos
Holy nurse of Leda's babes, whom Zeus anchored immovably in the Aegean main ! I swear, gracious lady, by your own gods, that I will not call you wretched or follow the verses of Antipater. * I deem you blessed in that you received Phoebus, and that Artemis, after Olympus, calls no land her fatherland but you.
* See 9. 408.
Few are the birth-places of the heroes that are still to be seen, and those yet left are not much higher than the soil. So, as I passed you by, did I recognise you, unhappy Mycenae, more waste than any goat-fold. The herds still point you out, and it was an old man who said to me, "Here stood once the city, rich in gold, that the Cyclopes built. "
[102] ANTONIUS { Ph 1 } G
On the Same
I, once the stronghold of sky-mounting Perseus, I, the nurse of the star * so cruel to the sons of Ilium, am left deserted now to be a fold for the goat-herds of the wilderness, and at length the spirit of Priam is avenged on me.
* Of the Atreidae.
[103] MUNDUS MUNATIUS { Ph 1 } G
I, Mycenae, the city once so rich in gold, I who received into my walls the house of the Atreidae, sons of Heaven, I who sacked Troy that a god built, I who was the secure royal seat of the Greek demi-gods, lie here, the pasture of sheep and oxen, with naught of my greatness left but the name. Well has Nemesis borne you in mind, Ilium, since now, when Mycenae is no longer to be seen, you exist, and are a city.
Argos, the talk of Homer, and you holy soil of Hellas, and you stronghold of Perseus once all golden, you are perished, and with you the light of those heroes who once levelled the god-built battlements of Troy. Now Troy is a city more powerful than ever and you are fallen and are pointed out as the stalls of lowing cattle.
[105] Anonymous { F 60 } G
I am a pine tree broken by the wind. Why make a ship of me who tasted on land the ship-wrecking gales ?
I am a ship that, after I had traversed so many leagues of sea, the fire burnt on the land that had stripped herself of her pine-trees to build me. I, whom the sea spared, perished on the shore. I found her who bore me more faithless than the sea. *
* For imitations of this see epigrams 34, 36 & 398.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[108] Anonymous { Ph 3 } G
Said Zeus to Love : " I will take away all your darts. " Said the winged boy : " Thunder at me if you dare and I will make a swan of you again. "
[109] JULIUS DIOCLES { Ph 3 } G
I know not whether to call you a shield, you, the faithful ally with whom I armed myself against many foes, or rather my little sea boat, since you supported me swimming from the doomed ship to the shore. In war I escaped the wrath of Ares, and on the sea that of Nereus, and in each case you were my defence.
I crave not for deep-soiled fields nor wealth of gold such as was Gyges'. * I love a self-sufficient life, Macrinus. The saying "nothing in excess" pleases me exceedingly.
* King of Lydia.
Archias →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[113] PARMENION { Ph 8 } G
The bugs fed on me with gusto till they were disgusted, but I myself laboured till I was disgusted, dislodging the bugs. *
* The play on words cannot be reproduced.
[114] PARMENION { Ph 9 } G
A child was peeping down from the very edge of a high tiled roof (Death has no fears for little children), when its mother from behind turned away its attention by showing it her breast. Thus one fount of milk twice bestowed life on her child.
When Pyrrhus on his father's high-piled tomb celebrated in his honour the mournful wedding of Polyxena, thus did Cissean Hecabe * bewail the murder of her children, tearing the hair from her tear-worn head : "Once you dragged dead Hector tied to your chariot wheels, and now you are dead you accept the blood of Polyxena. Achilles, why is your wrath so sore against the fruit of my womb ? Not even in death are you gentle to my children. "
* According to some writers, Hecabe was the daughter of Cisseus.
[122] EUENUS (? ) { Ph 5 } G
To a Swallow
Honey-nurtured child of Athens, is it a prattling cicada that your prattling self has caught and carries for a feast to your winged brood ? Do you, the chatterer, prey on the chatterer ; you, the winged, on the winged ; you, the guest of summer, on the guest of summer ? Will you not drop it at once ; it is neither meet nor just that singers should perish by mouths skilled in song.
A she-goat rushing to browse on a wild pear recovered her sight from the tree, and lo ! was no longer blind in one eye. For the sharp thorn pricked the one eye. See how a tree benefited more than the surgeon's skill. *
* We are told by Aelian that goats when suffering from dimness of sight caused by suffusion, themselves prick the eye with a thorn.
[130] Anonymous { F 64 } G
{ The Olive-tree speaks }
I am the plant of Pallas. Why do you clasp me, you branches of Bacchus ? Away with the clusters ! I am a maiden and drink no wine.
[131] Anonymous { F 59 } G
I was a sturdy pine on the mountain ridge, and the rainy south wind tore me up by the roots. Then out of me was built a ship to fight again with the winds. O men, you never flinch from anything.
{to the Emperor Hadrian}
The half of me is dead, and starvation is subduing the other half. Save, Sire, a musical semitone of me. *
{The Emperor's Reply thereto}
You wrong both Pluto and the Sun by looking still on the latter and failing to go to the former.
* i. e. half at least of my learned self.
[142] Anonymous { F 79 } G
We worship horned Pan, the walker on the crags, the leader of the Nymphs, who dwells in this house of rock, praying him to look with favour on all us who came to this constant fountain and quenched our thirst.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Anyte →
[145] Anonymous { F 41 } G
Diogenes the cynic, on his arrival in Hades, after his wise old age was finished, laughed when he saw Croesus. Spreading his cloak on the ground near the king, who once drew great store of gold from the river {Pactolus}, he said : " Now, too, I take up more room than you ; for all I had I have brought with me, but you, Croesus, have nothing. "
Come, O come, you initiated, to the temple of Demeter, fearing not the winter floods. So safe a bridge for you hath Xenocles, the son of Xeinis, thrown across this broad river. *
* The bridge was over the Cephisus on the road to Eleusis. Xenocles' services in building it are mentioned in an inscription.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Antiphilus →
[157] Anonymous { F 85 } G
Who said Love was a god ? We see that no work of the gods is evil, but he smiles at the blood of men. Does he not bear in his hand a sword swift to slay ? Look at the incredible trophies of this deed of blood prompted by a god. The mother, with her child, lies slain, and on their bodies the man stoned by sentence of the law. This that we see is not the work of Hades or of Ares, but the work of Love. This is how the boy plays. *
* Jealousy would appear to have been the motive of the crime.
[158] Anonymous { F 56 } G
Three girls once drew lots for fun, who first should go to Hades. Thrice they threw the die, and the cast of all fell on one. She made mockery of the lot, which nevertheless was her true destiny. For, unhappy girl, she slipped and fell from the house-top afterwards, as none could have foreseen, and went to Hades even as the lot had lighted on her. A lot tells no falsehood when it is an evil one ; but as for better chance neither the prayers of mortals nor their hands can attain it.
[159] Anonymous { F 62 } G
One, seeing at the cross-roads the skull of a dead man, wept not at the presentation of the fate common to all men, but stooping, picked up in his right hand a stone and threw it at the skull. The stone, a dumb thing in appearance, yet breathed vengeance ; for, hitting the bone, it bounded off and blinded the thrower, robbing him of his sweet sight. Until his death he was punished, and wept for his foolish excellence of aim.
Marcus_Argentarius →
[162] Anonymous { F 63 } G
On a Pen
1 was a reed, a useless plant, bearing neither figs, nor apples, nor grapes ; but a man initiated me into the mysteries of Helicon, fashioning thin lips for me and excavating in me a narrow channel. Ever since, when I sip black liquor, I become inspired, and utter every variety of words with this dumb mouth of mine.
[163] Anonymous { F 88 } G
Through the hail of spears from the flames of Troy the hero Aeneas bore off his father, a holy burden for a son, calling to the Argives : "Hands off! The old man is no great gain in war, but a great gain to his bearer. "
Leonidas →
Leonidas →
[184] Anonymous { F 36a } G
Pindar, holy mouth of the Muses, and you, Bacchylides, garrulous Siren, and you, Aeolian graces of Sappho ; pen of Anacreon, and you, Stesichorus, who in your works didst draw off Homer's stream ; honeyed page of Simonides, and you, Ibycus, who didst cull the sweet bloom of Persuasion and of the love of lads ; sword of Alcaeus, that often shed the blood of tyrants, defending his country's laws, and you nightingales of Alcman, singing ever of maidens ; look kindly on me, you authors and finishers of all lyric song.
[185] Anonymous { F 32 } G
These be the verses and sonorous iambics of Archilochus, the venom of wrath and terrible invective.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[187] Anonymous { F 42 } G
The bees themselves, culling the varied flowers of the Muses, bore off the honey to your lips ; the Graces themselves bestowed their gift on you, Menander, endowing your dramas with fluent felicity. You live for ever, and Athens from you derives glory that reaches to the clouds of heaven.
[189] Anonymous { F 33 } G
Go, you ladies of Lesbos, whirling as you foot it delicately, to the splendid sanctuary of bull-faced Hera, there to dance a lovely measure to the goddess ; and for you Sappho, holding her golden lyre, shall strike up the tune. You are blessed, indeed, in that dance's delight ; verily you shall think that you listen to the sweet singing of Calliope herself.
[190] Anonymous { F 38 } G
On Erinna's poem "The Spindle"
This is the Lesbian honeycomb of Erinna, and though it be small, it is all infused with honey by the Muses. Her three hundred lines are equal to Homer, though she was but a child of nineteen years. Either plying her spindle in fear of her mother, or at the loom, she stood occupied in the service of the Muses. As much as Sappho excels Erinna in lyrics, so much does Erinna excel Sappho in hexameters.
The bucolic poems were once scattered, but are now all in one fold, in one flock.
[213] Anonymous { F 44 } G
On Nicander
Colophon, too, is conspicuous among cities, for she nursed two sons of supreme wisdom, first Homer and afterwards Nicander, both dear to the heavenly Muses.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
{ cp. Nos. 250, 253 }
You will cite the holy marriage of Harmonia, but that of Oedipus was unlawful. You will tell me of Antigone's piety, but her brothers were most wicked. Ino was made immortal, but Athamas was ill-fated. The lyre built the walls by its music, but the strains of the flute were fatal to them. * So did Heaven compound the destiny of Thebes, mixing good and evil in equal portions.
* Thebes is said to have been destroyed by Alexander to the accompaniment of the flute-player Ismenias.
[217] MUCIUS SCAEVOLA { Ph 1 } G
O goats, why, deserting the thyme and spurge and all the green pasture that is yours, do you start leaping round and round, wantonly butting at each other, prancing round shepherd Pan, the denizen of the forest? Give over that boxing, or the crook you detest may find its way to you from the goat-herd's hand.
Ah ! would that the waves of the wintry sea had engulfed me, wretched ship that I am, my load of living men now changed for one of corpses. I am ashamed of being saved. What does it profit me to come to harbour with no men in me to tie my hawsers ? Call me the dismal hull of Cocytus. I brought death to men - death, and they are shipwrecked inside the harbour. *
* How the whole crew of the ship had perished we are not told.
As, in days of old, Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, sailed to Troy from the goat-pastures of Scyrus, so among the sons of Aeneas doth their leader Nero * return to the city of Remus, entering from the sea swift-flowing Tiber, a youth with the first down on his cheeks. The other's force was in his spear alone ; this youth is strong both in battle and in the schools.
* Probably the son of Germanicus.
See how the green plane-tree hides the mysteries of the lovers, canopying them with its holy foliage, and about its branches hang the clusters of the sweet vine, the season's delight. So, plane tree, may you ever flourish, and may your green foliage ever hide the comradeship of Aphrodite.
Marcus_Argentarius →
Antiphilus →
Bianor →
Crinagoras →
[225] HONESTUS { Ph 4 } G
Asopis fount and Pegasis are sister springs, the one a river-god's * gift, the other a horse's, both gushing forth at a blow of the foot. The horse cut the veins of Helicon, the river those of Acrocorinth. How equally happy the heel's aim in each case !
* Asopus. Pegasis is Castalia, cp. No. 230. For this origin of springs, cp. Theocr. Id. vii. 5.
[226] ZONAS OF SARDIS { Ph 6 } G
Go off, you tawny hive-bees, to feed on . . . or the crinkled leaves of the thyme, or the petals of the poppy, or the sun-dried berries of the vine, or violets, or the down that covers the apple. Take a pick at all, and mould your waxen vessels so that Pan, the saviour of the bees and keeper of the hives, may have a taste himself, and the beekeeper, smoking you out with his skilled hand, may leave a little portion for you also.
Bianor →
Apollonides →
Marcus_Argentarius →
[230] HONESTUS { Ph 5 } G
You were sore tired by the ascent of great Helicon, but drank your fill of the sweet waters of the spring of Pegasus. Even so the labour of study is up-hill, but if you attain the summit you shall quaff the pleasant gift of the Muses.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Philippus →
[233] ERYCIUS { Ph 9 } G
As you were cutting the dry roots of old trees, unhappy Mindon, a spider nesting there attacked you from beneath and bit your left foot. The venom, spreading, devoured with black putrefaction the fresh flesh of your heel, and hence your sturdy leg was cut off at the knee, and a staff cut from a tall wild olive-tree supports you now on one leg.
Crinagoras →
Crinagoras →
[236] BASSUS LOLLIUS { Ph 6 } G
The inviolable oath of the Fates decreed that final sacrifice of Priam slaughtered on the Phrygian altar. But your holy fleet, Aeneas, is already safe in an Italian harbour, the prelude of your heavenly home. It was for the best that the towers of Troy fell ; for hence in arms arose the city that is queen of the world.
[237] ERYCIUS { Ph 2 } G
A. "Herdsman, tell me by Pan whose is this colossal statue of beech-wood to which you are pouring a libation of milk. " B. "The Tirynthian's * who wrestled with the lion. Do you not see his bow, simpleton, and his club of wild olive ? All hail to you, calf-devouring Heracles, and guard this fold, that, instead of these few, my cattle may be ten thousand. "
* Heracles.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Crinagoras →
Philippus →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Apollonides →
Apollonides →
[245] ANTIPHANES { Ph 3 } G
By the unhappy marriage-bed of Petale at her bitter bridal stood Hades, not Hymen. For, as she fled alone through the darkness, dreading the first taste of the yoke of Cypris - a terror common to all maidens - the cruel watch-dogs killed her. We had hoped to see her a wife and suddenly we could hardly find her corpse.
Marcus_Argentarius →
Philippus →
If Dionysus had come revelling with the Maenads and Satyrs to holy Olympus, looking just as Pylades the great artist played him in dance, according to the true canons of the servants of the tragic Muse, Hera, the consort of Zeus, would have ceased to be jealous, and exclaimed : " Semele, you pretended that Bacchus was your son ; it was I who bore him. "
[249] MACCIUS { Ph 9 } G
I am Pan; and established here at the top of the hill I keep watch over this leafy, green, climbing vine. If you desire my ripe fruit, traveller, I grudge it not, if it is to gratify your belly ; but if you lay your hand on me for the sake of robbery only, you shalt straightway feel on your head the weight of this knobbed staff.
[250] HONESTUS { Ph 6 } G
{ cp. Nos. 216, 253 }
I, Thebes, rose at the sound of the lyre, and sank in ruins at that of the flute. Alas for the Muse that was adverse to harmony ! They now lie deaf, the remains of my towers, once charmed by the lyre, the stones that took their places of their own accord in the muse-built walls, a gift that cost you, Amphion, no labour ; for with your seven-stringed lyre you built your seven-gated city.
[251] EUENUS { Ph 1 } G
Page-eater, the Muses' bitterest foe, lurking destroyer, ever feeding on your thefts from learning, why, black bookworm, dos you lie concealed among the sacred utterances, producing the image of envy ? Away from the Muses, far away ! Convey not even by the sight of you the suspicion of how they must suffer from ill-will.
Bianor →
Philippus →
Philippus →
Philippus →
[256] ANTIPHANES { Ph 4 } G
I thought that half of me was still alive, and that half produced one single apple on the highest branch. But the brute that ravages fruit-trees, the hairy backed caterpillar, envied me even the one, and ate it up. Envy's eyes are set on great wealth, but the creature who lays waste a little substance I must call worse even than Envy's self.
Apollonides →
I who once gushed with abundance of sweet water, have now lost my nymphs * even to the last drop. For the murderer washed his bloody hands in my water, and tainted it with the stain. Ever since the maidens have retired from the sunlight, exclaiming, " We nymphs mix with Bacchus alone, not with Ares. "
* My water.
Bianor →
I, Lais, who was once the love-dart that smote all, am Lais no longer, but a witness to all of the Nemesis of years. No, by Cypris ! - and what is Cypris to me now but an oath ? - Lais is no longer recognisable to Lais herself.
I, the vine who once was young and clothed in leafy shoots, I who bore bunches of swelling grapes, am now as old as you see. Look how Time overcomes us ! Even the vine's clusters know the wrinkles of old age.
Philippus →
Antiphilus →
Apollonides →
Apollonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Philippus →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Apollonides →
Bianor →
Bianor →
Philippus →
[275] MACEDONIUS { Ph 2 } G
Codrus killed the boar on land, and the swift deer he took in the blue waves of the sea. Were there beasts with wings too, Artemis would not have seen him empty-handed even in the air.
Crinagoras →
Antiphilus →
Bianor →
[279] BASSUS { Ph 7 } G
When, for the second time, * Hades received from the bark of Lethe three hundred dead, all slain in war, he said : " The company is Spartan ; see how all their wounds are in front again, and war dwells in their breasts alone. Now, people of unvanquished Ares, hunger no more for battle, but rest in my sleep. "
* The first time was the battle of Thyreae.
Apollonides →
Apollonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Crinagoras →
Crinagoras →
Philippus →
Marcus_Argentarius →
Apollonides →
[288] GEMINUS { Ph 2 } G
I, this stone, heavy to the Athenians, am dedicated to Ares as a sign of the valour of Philip. Here stand I to insult Marathon and the deeds of sea-girt Salamis, which bow before the Macedonian spear. Swear by the dead now, Demosthenes, but I shall be heavy to living and dead alike. *
* Supposed to be on a trophy erected by Philip II to celebrate his victories over the Athenians. No such trophy ever existed.
The reference is to Dem. De Cor. 208.
[289] BASSUS { Ph 8 } G
O rocks of Caphereus, fatal to ships, which destroyed the fleet of the Greeks on their home-coming from Troy, then when the lying beacon sent forth a flame darker than the night of hell, and every keel ran blindly on the sunken reefs, you were another Troy to Greece and more deadly than the ten years' war. Troy indeed they sacked, but Caphereus was invincible. Nauplius, then did Hellas weep tears which were a joy to you. *
* Nauplius, to revenge the death of his son Palamedes, lured the Greek navy by a false beacon on to the rocks of Caphereus in Euboea.
Philippus →
Crinagoras →
[292] HONESTUS { Ph 7 } G
Aristiŏn was burning the corpse of one son when she heard the other was shipwrecked. A double grief consumed a single heart. Alas ! Fate divided this mother in two, since she gave one child to fire and the other to cruel water.
Philippus →
Antiphilus →
Bianor →
Apollonides →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Philippus →
[300] ADDAEUS { Ph 7 } G
Valiant Peucestes encountered on horseback the bull as it issued from the dreadful vale of Doberus. Like a mountain it rushed at him, but with his Paeonian spear he pierced its tender temples, and having despoiled its head of the pair of horns, ever as he quaffs the wine from them boasts of his enemy's death.
[301] SECUNDUS { Ph 3 } G
Why do you drive me, the slow-footed braying ass, round and round with the threshing horses? Is it not enough that, driven in a circle and blindfolded, I am forced to turn the heavy millstone ? But I must compete with horses too! Is the next task in store for me to plough the twisted earth with my neck's strength ?
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[303] ADDAEUS { Ph 8 } G
To little Calathina, in labour with her puppies, Leto's daughter gave an easy delivery. Artemis hears not only the prayers of women, but knows how to save also the dogs, her companions in the chase.
[304] PARMENION { Ph 10 } G
On the Battle of Thermopylae
Three hundred valiant Spartan spears resisted the man who, transforming the paths of land and ocean, sailed over the dry land and marched on the sea, Shame on you, mountains and seas !
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Philippus →
Bianor →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antiphilus →
Philippus →
[312] ZONAS OF SARDIS { Ph 7 } G
Refrain, sir, from cutting the oak, the mother of acorns ; refrain, and lay low the old stone-pine, or the sea-pine, or this paliurus with many stems, or the holly-oak, or the dry arbutus. Only keep your axe far from the oak, for our grannies tell us that oaks were the first mothers. *
* Referring to the legend that men were sprung from oaks or rocks, cp. Hom. Od. xix. 163.
epigrams 313-827 →
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Greek Anthology: Book 9
Translations of most of the epigrams are already available elsewhere, as indicated by the links. The translations of the remaining epigrams are taken from the edition by W. R. Paton (1916-18), but have been modified to remove some of the archaic language. Click on G to go to the Greek text of each epigram.
← epigrams 1-312
Anyte →
Anyte →
[315] NICIAS { H 5 } G
Sit here under the poplar trees, traveller, for you are weary, and come near and drink from my fountain. When you are far away bethink you of the spring - near which stands Simus' statue beside his dead son Gillus.
Leonidas →
[317] Anonymous { H 54 } G
Hermaphroditus. " Goatherd, I love seeing this foul-mouthed god struck on his bald pate by the pears. " Silenus. "Goatherd, I entered him three times, and the young billy-goats were looking at me and tupping the young nanny-goats. " Goal herd. "Is it true, Hermaphroditus, that he did so? " Hermaphroditus. "No, goatherd, I swear by Hermes. " Silenus. "I swear by Pan I did, and I was laughing all the time. "
Leonidas →
[319] PHILOXENUS { H 1 } G
Tlepolemus of Myra, the son of Polycrites, set me up here, Hermes, presiding deity of the course, a pillar to mark the starting point in the holy races of twenty stades. Toil, you runners, in the race, banishing soft ease from your knees.
Leonidas →
[321] ANTIMACHUS { F 1 } G
Why, Cypris, have you, to whom the toil of war is strange, got these accoutrements of Ares ? What falsifier fitted on you, to no purpose, this hateful armour ? You delight in the Loves and the joys of the bridal bed, and the girls dancing madly to the castanets. Lay down these bloody spears. They are for divine Athena, but come you to Hymenaeus with the flowing locks.
Leonidas →
Antipater_of_Sidon →
Mnasalcas →
[325] Anonymous { H 55 } G
On a Shell with an image of Love carved inside it
Of old I dwelt in the depths on a sea-washed rock clothed in luxuriant seaweed, but now in my bosom sleeps the delightful child, tender Love, the servant of diademed Cypris.
Leonidas →
[327] HERMOCREON { H 2 } G
O Nymphs of the water, to whom Hermocreon set up these gifts when he had lighted on your delightful fountain, all hail ! And may you ever, full of pure drink, tread with your lovely feet the floor of this your watery home.
[328] DAMOSTRATUS { H 1 } G
O Naiad Nymphs, who shed from the mountain cliff this fair stream in inexhaustible volume, Damostratus, the son of Antilas, gave you these wooden images and the two hairy boar-skins.
Leonidas →
Nicarchus →
Meleager →
[332] NOSSIS { H 4 } G
Let us go to the temple to see the statue of Aphrodite, how cunningly wrought it is of gold. Polyarchis erected it, having gained much substance from the glory of her own body.
Mnasalcas →
[334] PERSES { H 8 } G
If at the right season you call upon me too, little among the lesser gods, you shall get your wish, but crave not for great things. For I, Tychon, * have in my power to grant only such things as the people's god may give to a labouring man.
* He was a god worshipped in company with or in place of Priapus.
Callimachus (26)
Leonidas →
Theocritus (III)
Archias →
Dioscorides →
[341] GLAUCUS { H 3 } G
A. "Nymphs answer me truly, if Daphnis on his road rested here his white goats. " B. "Yes, yes, piper Pan, and on the back of that poplar tree he cut a message for you : 'Pan, Pan, go to Malea * ; to the mountain of Psophis. I shall come there. ' " A. "Farewell, Nymphs, I go. "
* The Arcadian town of that name.
[342] PARMENION { Ph 11 } G
An epigram of many lines does not, I say, conform to the Muses' law. Seek not the long course in the short stadion. The long race has many rounds, but in the stadion sharp and short is the strain on the wind.
Archias →
{This and the following ones are Isopsephe. )
There was a time when 1 gave pleasure to myself alone by lines, and was not known at all to noble Romans. But now I am beloved by all, for late in life I recognised how far Calliope excels Urania. *
* By "lines" in l. 1 he means astronomical and geometrical figures. He has abandoned these for lines of verse, the Muse of Astronomy for the Muse of Poesy.
The fury of Athamas against his son Learchus * was not so great as the wrath that made Medea plot her children's death. For jealousy is a greater evil than madness. If a mother kills, in whom are children to place confidence ?
* Athamas killed his son in a fit of madness.
After flying, swallow, across the whole earth and the islands, you rear your brood on the picture of Medea. Do you believe that the Colchian woman who did not spare even her own children will keep her faith to your young?
We oxen are not only skilled in cutting straight furrows with the plough, but, look, we pull ships out of the sea too. For we have been taught the task of oarsmen. Now, sea, you too should yoke dolphins to plough on the land.
Hecatonymus, the stealer of grapes, ran to Hades whipped with a stolen vine-switch.
Caesar, * may the baths of Cutiliae on this your birthday gush for you in abundance of healing, so that all the world may see you a grandfather as it has seen you the father of three fair children.
* The Caesar is Vespasian, the three children Titus, Domitian, and Domitilla. Cutiliae, now Contigliano, is in the Sabine territory.
You send me thin sheets of papyrus, snowy white, and reed pens, gifts from the headland that the Nile waters. Do not, Dionysius, send another time imperfect gifts to a poet. What use are these without ink ?
{ cp. 9. 114 }
Lysippe's baby, creeping over the edge of a precipice, was on the point of suffering the fate of Astyanax. But she turned it from its path by holding out to it her breast, that thus was its saviour from death as well as from famine.
The Nile * keeps festival by the holy wave of Tiber, having vowed a sacrifice for Caesar's deliverance. A hundred axes made the willing necks of as many bulls bleed at the altars of Heavenly Zeus.
* i. e. the Egyptians. If the Emperor was Nero, the sacrifice was to celebrate his deliverance from his mother's plots by her death.
Pappus, you have both strictly composed a work adorned with learning, and have kept your life strict in strength of friendship. The Egyptian poet sends you this gift to-day when you celebrate your birthday morning.
I, whom war dreaded and slew not, am now afflicted by disease, and waste away by intestine warfare. Pierce my heart then, sword, for I will die like a valiant soldier, beating off disease even as I did war.
Poppaea Augusta, spouse of Zeus, * receive from the Egyptian Leonidas this map of the heavens on your birthday ; for you take pleasure in gifts worthy of your alliance and your learning.
* i. e. Nero.
We open another fountain of drink to quaff from it verses of a form hitherto strange to Leonidas. The letters of the couplets give equal numbers. But away with you, Momus, and set your sharp teeth in others.
Poseidippus (X)
[360] METRODORUS { F 1 } G
Pursue every path of life. In the market place are honours and prudent dealings, at home rest ; in the country the charm of nature, and at sea profit ; in a foreign country, if you have any possessions, there is fame, and if you are in want no one knows it but yourself. Are you married ? Your house will be the best of houses. Do you remain unmarried ? Your life is yet lighter. Children are darlings ; a childless life is free from care. Youth is strong, and old age again is pious. Therefore there is no choice between two things, either not to be born or to die ; for all in life is excellent.
On Beer
Who and whence are you, Dionysus ? For, by the true Bacchus, I know you not : I know only the son of Zeus. He smells of nectar, but you of billy-goat. Did the Celts for lack of grapes make you out of corn ? Then you should be called Demetrius, not Dionysus, being born of corn, rather than of the fire, and Bromus * rather than Bromius.
* Bromos is the Greek for oats ; Bromius is a common title of Dionysus, derived probably from bromos = noise. In purogenē, "wheat-born", there is a play on the similar word meaning " fire-born".
[369] CYRILLUS { F 1 } G
An epigram of two lines has every merit, and if you exceed three lines it is rhapsody, not epigram.
1 am a fawn slain by no dogs, or stake-nets, or huntsmen, but in the sea I suffered the fate that threatened me on land. For I rushed into the sea from the wood, and then the netted snare of the fishermen dragged me up on the beach. I was wrong in flying, and all in vain, from the shore, and deservedly was taken by the fisherman after I had deserted my hills. Never again, fishermen, shall your hands be unsuccessful, since you now knit webs that serve both for sea and land.
{cp. 9. 17 ff. }
A hound was pressing hotly on a swift-footed hare that had just freed itself from the toils of the net. The hare, rapidly turning away from the rough hill, leapt, to avoid the dog's jaws, into the deep water near the shore, where a sea-dog with one snap caught it at once in his teeth. The poor hare was evidently destined to be dog's meat.
The spider, that had woven her fine web with her slender feet, had caught a cicada in her crooked meshes. But when I saw the little songster lamenting in the fine toils I did not pass hastily by, but freeing him from the nooses, I comforted him and said : "Be saved, you who call with the musical voice. "
Why, shepherds, in wanton sport, do you pull from the dewy branches me, the cicada, the lover of the wilds, the roadside nightingale of the Muses, who at midday chatter shrilly on the hills and in the shady copses ? Look at the thrushes and blackbirds ! Look at all the starlings, pilferers of the country's wealth ! It is lawful to catch the despoilers of the crops. Slay them. Do you grudge me my leaves and fresh dew ?
From the neighbouring grove I, ever-flowing Pure Fount, gush forth for passing travellers. On all sides, well canopied by planes and softly blooming laurels, I offer a cool resting-place under the shade. Therefore pass me not by in summer. Dispel your thirst and rest you, too, from toil in peace beside me.
What man thus carelessly plucked from the vine-branch the unripe grapes of Bacchus that nurse the wine, and when his lips were drawn up by the taste threw them away, half-chewed refuse for travellers to tread on ? May Dionysus be his foe, because, like Lycurgus, he quenched good cheer in its growth. By that drink some man could have been moved to song, or found relief from plaintive grief.
Why, foolish carpenter, do you make of me, the pine-tree that am the victim of the winds, a ship to travel over the seas, and do not dread the omen ? Boreas persecuted me on land ; so how shall I escape the winds at sea ?
Hector of the race of Ares, if you hear wherever you are under ground, hail ! and pause for a little from your sighs for your country. Ilium is inhabited, and is a famous city containing men inferior to you, but still lovers of war, while the Myrmidons have perished. Stand by his side and tell Achilles that all Thessaly is subject to the sons of Aeneas. *
* Troy was restored by Julius Caesar and Augustus.
(388, 389)
Under the above a soldier {some say Trajan) wrote :
They are bold, for they look not on the face of my helmet. *
When the Emperor praised this and wrote "Reveal who you are," he replied :
I am a soldier of cuirassed Ares and also a servant of Heliconian Apollo, chosen among the first men-at-arms.
* Homer, Il. xvi. 70. Achilles is the speaker.
A mother who had laid on the pyre her third child after losing the others too, reviling insatiate Death, on giving birth to a fourth sorrow, would not wait to nourish uncertain hope, but threw the child alive in the fire. "I will not rear it," she said. "What profits it ? My breasts, you are toiling for Hades. With less trouble I shall gain mourning. "
[391] DIOTIMUS { H 8 } G
This son of Poseidon and the son of Zeus trained their youthful limbs for stubborn wrestling bouts. The contest is no brazen one for a caldron, but for which shall gain death or life. Antaeus has got the fall, and it was fit that Heracles, the son of Zeus, should win. Wrestling is Argive, not Libyan. *
* Antaeus was Libyan.
[402] HADRIAN (? ) { F 4 } G
On Pompeius Magnus
In what sore need of a tomb stood he who possessed abundant temples !
[403] MACCIUS { Ph 10 } G
To Dionysus
Enter the vat yourself, my lord, and tread leaping swiftly ; lead the labour of the night. Make naked your proud feet, and give strength to the dance your servant, girding yourself up above your active knees ; and guide, O blessed one, the sweet-voiced wine into the empty casks. So shall you receive cakes and a shaggy goat.
Antiphilus →
[405] DIODORUS { Ph 8 } G
May holy Adrasteia preserve you, and Nemesis, the maiden who treads in our track, she who has cheated many. I fear for your body's lovely form, O youth ; for your mental gifts and the strength of your divine courage, for your learning and your prudent counsel. Such we are told, Drusus, * are the children of the blessed immortals.
* Probably Drusus the son of Germanicus and brother of Nero.
On a figure of a Frog placed in a crater
I am a frog, now no longer croaking continually, placed under the shower of wine from the silver spout. I lie in the water, whose friend I am, but no enemy to Bacchus, and I am washed by the drops of both. Too late in life I went revelling to Dionysus. Alas for those who drink water: they are mad but with a temperate madness ! *
* Antigonus suggests that he, too, like the frog, had learnt wisdom and become a better poet since he had become a wine-drinker.
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
Antipater_of_Thessalonica →
[409] ANTIPHANES { Ph 6 } G
If there be one who does not take delight in the strains of the flute and the sweet sound of harp-playing, or in nectar-like wine, oldest of the old, or in torches, revels, garlands, and scent, but who takes a frugal supper and stores up with greedy hands the fruits of stealthy-footed usury, to me he is dead, and I pass by the . . . corpse, who hoards for the throats of others.
[410] TULLIUS SABINUS { Ph 1 } G
A mouse once, greedy for every kind of food and not even shy of the mouse-trap, but one who won booty even from death, gnawed through Phoebus' melodious lyre-string.