A collection of several
concerning his late
highness Oliver Cromwell in the time of his sickness.
highness Oliver Cromwell in the time of his sickness.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v07
18. 27 August 1647. His Majesties declaration to all his loving
subjects concerning his gracious inclination for Peace. Briefly ex-
pressing the Royal Disposition of His Majesty toward the Honourable
City of London and for the good of his kingdom in general. By his
Majesties command. Printed for one of his Majesties servants. (Illus-
tration of Royal Arms. Thomason's note 'False. See The onld Pro-
testants Letanie, 7 Sept. 1647, and A letter sent from Col. Whaley.
Being commanded by the King to declare his Majesties great dislike of
a late pamphlet scandalous to his Majesty, 7 Sept. 1647. )
9 Sept. 1647. A Fresh Whip for all scandalous Lyers. Or a true
description of the two eminent pamphliteers or squib-tellers of this
6 Oct. 1647. A Recommendation to Mercurius Morbicus. Together
with a fair character upon his worth. (By Martin Parker. )
19. Dec. 1647. The Bloudy Almanack, for this present Jubilee. By
Mr. John Booker.
20. 29 Dec. 1647. Wonderfull Predictions declared in a message, as
from the Lord, to Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Councell of his army. By
John Saltmarsh.
21. 15 Jan. 1648. A Motion propounded to the Committee of Parlia-
ment for redresse of the Publique grievances of the Kingdome. By
Neh. Lawkerry.
22. 3 Feb. 1648. Severall Speeches delivered at a conference concerning
the power of Parliament to proceed against their King for misgovernment.
23. 1 March 1648. Vindiciae contra Tyrannos. (By Junius Brutus,
i. e. Hubert Languet, in 1579. A Translation. )
24. 13 March 1648. An Elogie or Eulogie on the obits of Ferdinando
Lord Fairfax. (Verse; with a woodcut. )
25. 19 April 1648. The Protestants Grammar for helpe to Beleevers to
understand the Scripture. Written by Henry Walker, S. S. Theol. S.
(Illustration of Sacred Heart. ) (Dedication to the Speakers of the Lords
and Commons. )
26. 11 Jan. 1649. A List of the names of the judges of the High Court
of Justice for tryall of the King.
27. 20 Jan. 1649. Collections of Notes taken at the King's Tryall. By
H. Walker who was present at the Tryall.
28. 22 Jan. 1649. Collections of Notes taken at the King's Tryall.
## p. 500 (#516) ############################################
Walker, Henry. 29. 23 Jan. 1649. Collections of Notes taken at the
King's Tryal). Also a paper of instructions intercepted coming from
Scotland to the Scots Commissioners concerning the King.
30. 26 Jan. 1649. The prophecy of the White King explained.
31. 27 Jan. 1649. Collections of Notes taken at the King's Tryall.
With the Sentence.
32. 30 Jan. 1649. The King's last farewell to the World. (Verses. )
33. 15 July 1649. A Sermon preached in the King's Chappell at
Whitehall. On Sunday last July 15, 1649. By Henry Walker, cleric,
author of the ‘Perfect Occurrences,' Matt. 7. 15.
- 34. 11 April 1650. A perfect table of 145 victories obtained by the
Lord Lt. of Ireland from Aug. 1, 1649 to March the last 1650. (Steel
plate of Cromwell. Wrongly dated 1 Aug. 1649 in the Thomason
catalogue. )
35. 27 June 1650. A Sermon preached in the Chappell at Somerset
House 27 June. It being the day on which the Lord Generall Cromwell
entred into his power of being Captain Generall, etc.
- 36. 26 July 1650. A History, or brief chronicle of the chief matters of
the Irish Warres. (Portrait of Cromwell. ) (Wrongly dated 1 Aug. 1649
in the Thomason catalogue. )
37. 1 Jan. 1651. The true manner of the crowning of Charles II
King of Scotland. Together with a description of his life and a clear view
of his Court and Counsel. (Engraved portrait. )
- 38. 1 March 1651. OEIOZ. Divine Beames of Glorious Light. Shining
from the sacred Scriptures which expel the Fogges of Error. . . . Written
by one who desires more that God may be glorified then to affix his name
to gain the vaine applause of Man.
39. 6 Oct. 1651. A Perfect List of all the Victories obtained by the
Lord General Cromwell to the present time. (Portrait. )
- 40. 6 Nov. 1651. A Mad Designe, or A description of the King of
Scots marching in his disguise after the Rout at Worcester. (En-
graving. )
-41. 26 Jan. 1652. A perfect list of all the victories obtained by the
Lord General Cromwell from the time that his Excellency was made
Commander-in-chief to the Present time. (Portrait. )
42. October 1652. A List of the Princes, Dukes, Earls, Lords, Knights,
Generals, Major Generals etc. , and Colonells of the Scots Kings party
slaine and taken Prisoners. (Allegorical engraving of the Woeful
Mirrour of Monarchy. ')
43. 6 Jan. 1653. Spirituall Experiences of sundry Beleevers.
44. 24 Oct. 1653. A catechisme to be learned for the training up of
youth in the Grounds of Christian Religion.
45. 22 Nov. 1653. The Discipline of Gathered Churches. With the
Covenant taken by each member. And a confession of faith professed by
the Church of Christ at Martin's Vintry. Together with Spirituall
Hymnes: by way of Paraphase upon the whole book of Canticles by them
sung at their breaking of bread. And an abbreviate of their whole
practise. (Contains nothing but 'Canticles';-8 in number. )
- 46. 23 March 1654. A List of some of the grand blasphemors and
blasphemies which was given in to the committee for religion.
- 47. 20 June 1654. TPATHMATA, Sweetmeats; or, Resolves in all
Cases who are Beleevers. . . . By H. Walker, Pastor of the Church of Christ
in Martin's Vintry London. (Verses prefixed 'In laudem operis authoris'
by 'Lawrence Castle; the most unworthy minister of the Gospel. ' Dedi-
cation to Cromwell and to his council by Walker. )
## p. 501 (#517) ############################################
Chapter XV
Walker, Henry. 14 May 1655. A Declaration from the Children of Ligbt,
who are by the world scornfully called Quakers, against false reports,
scandals, and lyes in books and pamphlets put forth by Hen. Walker, etc.
48. 30 May 1655. A Treatise concerning the broken Succession of the
Crown of England.
6 June 1655. Slanders and Lyes being cast upon the children of Light
given forth to print by Henry Walker, etc.
49. 9 June 1659.
A collection of several passages concerning his late
highness Oliver Cromwell in the time of his sickness. Wherein is related
many of his expressions upon his deathbed, together with his prayer
within two or three days before his death. Written by one that was
groom of his bed-chamber. (Attributed to Charles Hervey, by Thomas
Carlyle-on no evidence. )
50. 6 Aug. 1660. Serious observations lately made touching his Majesty
King Charles the Second. . . .
Wood, Anthony à. Athenae Oxonienses (ed. Bliss, P. ), II, 71-73.
(Life of Father Robert Persons. )
10 Oct. 1660. Trials of 29 Regicides. (Axtel's trial and Hulett's trial. )
Wharton, Sir George. 2 Feb. 1648. The late storie of Mr. William Lilly.
(By John Hall. )
1. 15 June 1648. The Anatomy of Westminster Juncto; or, a summary
of their designes against the King, City and Kingdome. Written by
Mercurius Elencticus.
2. 12 Aug. 1648. A List of the names of the members of the House of
Commons; observing which are officers of the army contrary to the self
denying ordinance. Together with such summes of money, offices, and
lands as they have given to themselves, for service done or to be done,
against the King and Kingdome. The first Centarie. M. El.
3. 28 Sept. 1648. The Second Centurie of such of the Aldermen,
Common Councell and Militia men of the City of London as receive pay
and profit by the continuance of the Excise, Impositions, Warre and
Discord betweene the King and Parliament. M. El.
4. Oct. 1648. The Second Centurie. A List of such Aldermen and
Common Councilmen as have great profits by the continuance of the
warre, excise, taxes-Military officers their several payes. M. El. (An
Answer,' published by W. Lilly in his Astrological Predictions for 1648,
1649, etc. )
5. 10 July 1649. A brief judgment astrologicall concerning the present
designe of Lieut. Gen. Cromwell against the rebels in Ireland; who
marched hence 10 July. By John Booker. (Disclaimed by Booker in an
advertisement in A Modest Narrative. ' August 4-11, 1649. )
6. 31 Oct. 1649. In memory of that lively patterne of true Pietie and
unstained loyalty, Mrs Susannah Harris, the wife of Capt. John Harris
who dyed the last day of Oct. , W. G.
Williams, Oliver. l. 26 May 1657. A Prohibition to all persons who have
set up any offices called by the names of Addresses, Publique Advice, or
Intelligence in London. By Oliver Williams. Printed for the author.
(See Marchamont Nedham. )
Davies, John (of Hereford). Papers Complaint, compild in Ruthfull Rimes.
Against the Paper spoylers of these times. (Printed in the Scourge of
Folly in 1611. ) Second edition published in 1625 under the title A
Scourge for Paper Persecutors, by J. H. With a continued just
## p. 502 (#518) ############################################
inquisition against Paper-persecutors, by A. H. (Abraham Holland).
Both reprinted in the Chertsey Worthies Library (ed. Grosart, A. B. ),
1878, in the works of John Davies, II, pp. 75-82.
Jonson, Ben. Works. (The Staple of Newes, Masques, &c. )
April 1642. A Presse full of Pamphlets.
25 August 1643. A Letter from Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Rusticus;
or, Londons confession, but not repentance. Printed at Oxford.
1 August 1644. Sacra Nemesis, the Levites Scourge; or, Mercurius Britan-
Civicus disciplined. By Daniel Featley, D. D.
January 1645. Cleiveland, John. The Character of a London Diurnall.
11 Feb. 1645. The Great Assizes holden in Parnassus by Apollo and his
Assessors, at which Sessions are arraigned, Mercurius Britanicus,
Mercurius Aulicus, etc. , etc. By George Wither.
29 April 1647. Cleiveland, J. The Character of a Moderate Intelligencer.
20 June 1648. A muzzle for Cerberus and his three whelps Mercurius
Elenticus, Bellicus, and Melancholicus, barking against Patriots and
Martialists. With critical reflections on the revolt of Inchiquin in
Ireland. By Mercurio-Mastix Hibernicus.
7 Feb. 1651. The Hue and Cry after those rambling protonotaries of the
times, Mercurius Elenticus, Britanicus, Melancholicus and Aulicus.
(In verse. )
3 Sept. 1652. The Weepers; or, the bed of Snakes broken, etc. , and Six
cupping glasses, clapt to the cloven feet of the six dæmons, who govern
the times by turns from Munday to Saturday annually. (By Samuel
Sheppard. )
28 Nov. 1653. Cleiveland, J. A Character of a Diurnall Maker.
Registers of the Stationers Company. 1554-1640. Transcript by Arber, E.
(Note. A further transcript from 1640 onwards is now in preparation
by Plomer, H. R. , and will shortly be published. )
Previous to the publication of the catalogue of the Thomason tracts, in
1908, information on the pamphlet literature of the period described was,
necessarily, most defective and erroneous. Authorities deemed worthless are
Andrews, Alexander. The History of British Journalism, from the foundation
of the newspaper press in England, to the repeal of the Stamp Act in
1855; with sketches of press celebrities. 1859.
Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Collations and Notes, no. 5. Catalogue of English
Newspapers, 1641-1666. Privately printed. 1901.
Catalogue of the Pamphlets, Books, Newspapers, and Manuscripts relating
to the Civil War, the Commonwealth, and Restoration. Collected by
George Thomason. 1640-61.
Printed by order of the trustees of the British Museum, 2 vols. , 1908.
(Vol. 11, pp. 371-440 contains a valuable index to the Newspapers' (sic)
arranged for each month, in a way which enables the reader to find
individual numbers without difficulty. )
Chalmers, George. The life of Thomas Ruddiman. 1794. [Contains the
first catalogue of newspapers. Defective and erroneous. ]
Couper, W. J. The Edinburgh Periodical Press. Edinburgh, 1908.
Jackson, Mason. The Pictorial Press, its Origin and Progress. 1885.
## p. 503 (#519) ############################################
Chapter XV
Macaulay, T. B. The History of England from the accession of James II,
vol. v, chap. III, pp. 386 ff. 1849–61. (On newsletters and newspapers
of the restoration. )
Masson, David. The life of John Milton. 6 vols. 1859-60. [Imperfectly
informed as regards royalists and the restoration. ]
Nichols, J. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. 1812-15. Vols.
IV, VIII, and ix contain a list of early newspapers which supplements
Plomer, H. R. A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who were at
work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667. Bibliographical
Society. 1907.
Timperley, C. H. Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote.
1842. (The second edition of his Dictionary of Printers and Printing. )
[This is still useful. ]
Williams, J.
18. 27 August 1647. His Majesties declaration to all his loving
subjects concerning his gracious inclination for Peace. Briefly ex-
pressing the Royal Disposition of His Majesty toward the Honourable
City of London and for the good of his kingdom in general. By his
Majesties command. Printed for one of his Majesties servants. (Illus-
tration of Royal Arms. Thomason's note 'False. See The onld Pro-
testants Letanie, 7 Sept. 1647, and A letter sent from Col. Whaley.
Being commanded by the King to declare his Majesties great dislike of
a late pamphlet scandalous to his Majesty, 7 Sept. 1647. )
9 Sept. 1647. A Fresh Whip for all scandalous Lyers. Or a true
description of the two eminent pamphliteers or squib-tellers of this
6 Oct. 1647. A Recommendation to Mercurius Morbicus. Together
with a fair character upon his worth. (By Martin Parker. )
19. Dec. 1647. The Bloudy Almanack, for this present Jubilee. By
Mr. John Booker.
20. 29 Dec. 1647. Wonderfull Predictions declared in a message, as
from the Lord, to Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Councell of his army. By
John Saltmarsh.
21. 15 Jan. 1648. A Motion propounded to the Committee of Parlia-
ment for redresse of the Publique grievances of the Kingdome. By
Neh. Lawkerry.
22. 3 Feb. 1648. Severall Speeches delivered at a conference concerning
the power of Parliament to proceed against their King for misgovernment.
23. 1 March 1648. Vindiciae contra Tyrannos. (By Junius Brutus,
i. e. Hubert Languet, in 1579. A Translation. )
24. 13 March 1648. An Elogie or Eulogie on the obits of Ferdinando
Lord Fairfax. (Verse; with a woodcut. )
25. 19 April 1648. The Protestants Grammar for helpe to Beleevers to
understand the Scripture. Written by Henry Walker, S. S. Theol. S.
(Illustration of Sacred Heart. ) (Dedication to the Speakers of the Lords
and Commons. )
26. 11 Jan. 1649. A List of the names of the judges of the High Court
of Justice for tryall of the King.
27. 20 Jan. 1649. Collections of Notes taken at the King's Tryall. By
H. Walker who was present at the Tryall.
28. 22 Jan. 1649. Collections of Notes taken at the King's Tryall.
## p. 500 (#516) ############################################
Walker, Henry. 29. 23 Jan. 1649. Collections of Notes taken at the
King's Tryal). Also a paper of instructions intercepted coming from
Scotland to the Scots Commissioners concerning the King.
30. 26 Jan. 1649. The prophecy of the White King explained.
31. 27 Jan. 1649. Collections of Notes taken at the King's Tryall.
With the Sentence.
32. 30 Jan. 1649. The King's last farewell to the World. (Verses. )
33. 15 July 1649. A Sermon preached in the King's Chappell at
Whitehall. On Sunday last July 15, 1649. By Henry Walker, cleric,
author of the ‘Perfect Occurrences,' Matt. 7. 15.
- 34. 11 April 1650. A perfect table of 145 victories obtained by the
Lord Lt. of Ireland from Aug. 1, 1649 to March the last 1650. (Steel
plate of Cromwell. Wrongly dated 1 Aug. 1649 in the Thomason
catalogue. )
35. 27 June 1650. A Sermon preached in the Chappell at Somerset
House 27 June. It being the day on which the Lord Generall Cromwell
entred into his power of being Captain Generall, etc.
- 36. 26 July 1650. A History, or brief chronicle of the chief matters of
the Irish Warres. (Portrait of Cromwell. ) (Wrongly dated 1 Aug. 1649
in the Thomason catalogue. )
37. 1 Jan. 1651. The true manner of the crowning of Charles II
King of Scotland. Together with a description of his life and a clear view
of his Court and Counsel. (Engraved portrait. )
- 38. 1 March 1651. OEIOZ. Divine Beames of Glorious Light. Shining
from the sacred Scriptures which expel the Fogges of Error. . . . Written
by one who desires more that God may be glorified then to affix his name
to gain the vaine applause of Man.
39. 6 Oct. 1651. A Perfect List of all the Victories obtained by the
Lord General Cromwell to the present time. (Portrait. )
- 40. 6 Nov. 1651. A Mad Designe, or A description of the King of
Scots marching in his disguise after the Rout at Worcester. (En-
graving. )
-41. 26 Jan. 1652. A perfect list of all the victories obtained by the
Lord General Cromwell from the time that his Excellency was made
Commander-in-chief to the Present time. (Portrait. )
42. October 1652. A List of the Princes, Dukes, Earls, Lords, Knights,
Generals, Major Generals etc. , and Colonells of the Scots Kings party
slaine and taken Prisoners. (Allegorical engraving of the Woeful
Mirrour of Monarchy. ')
43. 6 Jan. 1653. Spirituall Experiences of sundry Beleevers.
44. 24 Oct. 1653. A catechisme to be learned for the training up of
youth in the Grounds of Christian Religion.
45. 22 Nov. 1653. The Discipline of Gathered Churches. With the
Covenant taken by each member. And a confession of faith professed by
the Church of Christ at Martin's Vintry. Together with Spirituall
Hymnes: by way of Paraphase upon the whole book of Canticles by them
sung at their breaking of bread. And an abbreviate of their whole
practise. (Contains nothing but 'Canticles';-8 in number. )
- 46. 23 March 1654. A List of some of the grand blasphemors and
blasphemies which was given in to the committee for religion.
- 47. 20 June 1654. TPATHMATA, Sweetmeats; or, Resolves in all
Cases who are Beleevers. . . . By H. Walker, Pastor of the Church of Christ
in Martin's Vintry London. (Verses prefixed 'In laudem operis authoris'
by 'Lawrence Castle; the most unworthy minister of the Gospel. ' Dedi-
cation to Cromwell and to his council by Walker. )
## p. 501 (#517) ############################################
Chapter XV
Walker, Henry. 14 May 1655. A Declaration from the Children of Ligbt,
who are by the world scornfully called Quakers, against false reports,
scandals, and lyes in books and pamphlets put forth by Hen. Walker, etc.
48. 30 May 1655. A Treatise concerning the broken Succession of the
Crown of England.
6 June 1655. Slanders and Lyes being cast upon the children of Light
given forth to print by Henry Walker, etc.
49. 9 June 1659.
A collection of several passages concerning his late
highness Oliver Cromwell in the time of his sickness. Wherein is related
many of his expressions upon his deathbed, together with his prayer
within two or three days before his death. Written by one that was
groom of his bed-chamber. (Attributed to Charles Hervey, by Thomas
Carlyle-on no evidence. )
50. 6 Aug. 1660. Serious observations lately made touching his Majesty
King Charles the Second. . . .
Wood, Anthony à. Athenae Oxonienses (ed. Bliss, P. ), II, 71-73.
(Life of Father Robert Persons. )
10 Oct. 1660. Trials of 29 Regicides. (Axtel's trial and Hulett's trial. )
Wharton, Sir George. 2 Feb. 1648. The late storie of Mr. William Lilly.
(By John Hall. )
1. 15 June 1648. The Anatomy of Westminster Juncto; or, a summary
of their designes against the King, City and Kingdome. Written by
Mercurius Elencticus.
2. 12 Aug. 1648. A List of the names of the members of the House of
Commons; observing which are officers of the army contrary to the self
denying ordinance. Together with such summes of money, offices, and
lands as they have given to themselves, for service done or to be done,
against the King and Kingdome. The first Centarie. M. El.
3. 28 Sept. 1648. The Second Centurie of such of the Aldermen,
Common Councell and Militia men of the City of London as receive pay
and profit by the continuance of the Excise, Impositions, Warre and
Discord betweene the King and Parliament. M. El.
4. Oct. 1648. The Second Centurie. A List of such Aldermen and
Common Councilmen as have great profits by the continuance of the
warre, excise, taxes-Military officers their several payes. M. El. (An
Answer,' published by W. Lilly in his Astrological Predictions for 1648,
1649, etc. )
5. 10 July 1649. A brief judgment astrologicall concerning the present
designe of Lieut. Gen. Cromwell against the rebels in Ireland; who
marched hence 10 July. By John Booker. (Disclaimed by Booker in an
advertisement in A Modest Narrative. ' August 4-11, 1649. )
6. 31 Oct. 1649. In memory of that lively patterne of true Pietie and
unstained loyalty, Mrs Susannah Harris, the wife of Capt. John Harris
who dyed the last day of Oct. , W. G.
Williams, Oliver. l. 26 May 1657. A Prohibition to all persons who have
set up any offices called by the names of Addresses, Publique Advice, or
Intelligence in London. By Oliver Williams. Printed for the author.
(See Marchamont Nedham. )
Davies, John (of Hereford). Papers Complaint, compild in Ruthfull Rimes.
Against the Paper spoylers of these times. (Printed in the Scourge of
Folly in 1611. ) Second edition published in 1625 under the title A
Scourge for Paper Persecutors, by J. H. With a continued just
## p. 502 (#518) ############################################
inquisition against Paper-persecutors, by A. H. (Abraham Holland).
Both reprinted in the Chertsey Worthies Library (ed. Grosart, A. B. ),
1878, in the works of John Davies, II, pp. 75-82.
Jonson, Ben. Works. (The Staple of Newes, Masques, &c. )
April 1642. A Presse full of Pamphlets.
25 August 1643. A Letter from Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Rusticus;
or, Londons confession, but not repentance. Printed at Oxford.
1 August 1644. Sacra Nemesis, the Levites Scourge; or, Mercurius Britan-
Civicus disciplined. By Daniel Featley, D. D.
January 1645. Cleiveland, John. The Character of a London Diurnall.
11 Feb. 1645. The Great Assizes holden in Parnassus by Apollo and his
Assessors, at which Sessions are arraigned, Mercurius Britanicus,
Mercurius Aulicus, etc. , etc. By George Wither.
29 April 1647. Cleiveland, J. The Character of a Moderate Intelligencer.
20 June 1648. A muzzle for Cerberus and his three whelps Mercurius
Elenticus, Bellicus, and Melancholicus, barking against Patriots and
Martialists. With critical reflections on the revolt of Inchiquin in
Ireland. By Mercurio-Mastix Hibernicus.
7 Feb. 1651. The Hue and Cry after those rambling protonotaries of the
times, Mercurius Elenticus, Britanicus, Melancholicus and Aulicus.
(In verse. )
3 Sept. 1652. The Weepers; or, the bed of Snakes broken, etc. , and Six
cupping glasses, clapt to the cloven feet of the six dæmons, who govern
the times by turns from Munday to Saturday annually. (By Samuel
Sheppard. )
28 Nov. 1653. Cleiveland, J. A Character of a Diurnall Maker.
Registers of the Stationers Company. 1554-1640. Transcript by Arber, E.
(Note. A further transcript from 1640 onwards is now in preparation
by Plomer, H. R. , and will shortly be published. )
Previous to the publication of the catalogue of the Thomason tracts, in
1908, information on the pamphlet literature of the period described was,
necessarily, most defective and erroneous. Authorities deemed worthless are
Andrews, Alexander. The History of British Journalism, from the foundation
of the newspaper press in England, to the repeal of the Stamp Act in
1855; with sketches of press celebrities. 1859.
Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Collations and Notes, no. 5. Catalogue of English
Newspapers, 1641-1666. Privately printed. 1901.
Catalogue of the Pamphlets, Books, Newspapers, and Manuscripts relating
to the Civil War, the Commonwealth, and Restoration. Collected by
George Thomason. 1640-61.
Printed by order of the trustees of the British Museum, 2 vols. , 1908.
(Vol. 11, pp. 371-440 contains a valuable index to the Newspapers' (sic)
arranged for each month, in a way which enables the reader to find
individual numbers without difficulty. )
Chalmers, George. The life of Thomas Ruddiman. 1794. [Contains the
first catalogue of newspapers. Defective and erroneous. ]
Couper, W. J. The Edinburgh Periodical Press. Edinburgh, 1908.
Jackson, Mason. The Pictorial Press, its Origin and Progress. 1885.
## p. 503 (#519) ############################################
Chapter XV
Macaulay, T. B. The History of England from the accession of James II,
vol. v, chap. III, pp. 386 ff. 1849–61. (On newsletters and newspapers
of the restoration. )
Masson, David. The life of John Milton. 6 vols. 1859-60. [Imperfectly
informed as regards royalists and the restoration. ]
Nichols, J. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century. 1812-15. Vols.
IV, VIII, and ix contain a list of early newspapers which supplements
Plomer, H. R. A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who were at
work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667. Bibliographical
Society. 1907.
Timperley, C. H. Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote.
1842. (The second edition of his Dictionary of Printers and Printing. )
[This is still useful. ]
Williams, J.