Magnyfycence, A goodly
and a mery devysed and made by mayster
Skelton poet laureate late deceasyd.
Skelton poet laureate late deceasyd.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v03
Low German: Dat narren schyp, Lübeck, 1497. Dat nye schip van
Narragonien, Rostock, 1519. French: Poetical translation by Pierre
Riviere, Paris, 1497; Prose translation by Jehan Droyn, Lyon, 1498, 1499,
1579; Prose translation, after Locher, author unknown, Paris (after
1520), Lyon, 1529-30. Dutch: Paris, 1500; Bruxelles, 1548; Antwerp,
1584; Leyden, 1610; Amsterdam, 1635.
English: The Shyp of Folys of the Worlde. Translated out of Laten,
Frenche, and Doche into Englysshe tonge by Alexander Barclay, Preste.
. . . MCCCCCVIII etc. Pynson. 1509. Edited by T. H. Jamieson. 2 vols.
Edinburgh, London, 1874.
The Ship of Fooles. . . . With diuers other workes. . . very profitable
and fruitfull for all men. . . . Cawood, 1570.
The Shyppe of Fooles, translated out of frenche, by Henry Watson.
Wynkyn de Worde, 1509. Another edition. The grete Shyppe of Fooles
of this worlde. Wynkyn de Worde, 1517. (Brie, E. Stud. XXXVII,
p. 19, has pointed out that the first edition may have appeared even a
little before Barclay's translation. )
Here begynneth the Egloges of Alexander Barclay, prest, wherof the fyrst
thre conteyneth the myseryes of courters and courtes of all prynces in
generall. . . . No date, printer's name or device. (Eclogue 1-111. )
The Fourthe Eglogge of Alexandre Barcley, entitled: "The Boke of Codrus
and Mynalcus . . . . Pynson. No date.
The fyfte Eglog of Alexandre Barclay of the Cytezen and vplondyshman.
Wynkyn de Worde. No date.
The Egloges (1-11). John Herforde. No date. Humfrey Powell. No date.
Certayne Egloges of Alexander Barclay, Priest. Appended to Cawood's
edition of the Ship of Fools. 1570. Spenser Society. 1885.
The Cytezen and Uplondyshman: an Eclogue [the fifth] by Alexander
Barclay. Wynkyn de Worde's edition, ed. Fairholt, F. W. Percy
Society (xxII). 1847.
Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre . . . compyled in latyn
by the renowmed romayne Salust. And translated into englysshe by
Syr Alexander Barclay preest. . . . Pynson. No date. (c. 1520. ) Another
edition. Pynson. No date. Another edition, corrected by Thomas Paynell.
Waley. 1557. (Published together in one volume with The Conspiracie
of Catiline, written by Constancius, Felicius Darantinus, and translated
by Thomas Payuell. )
## p. 480 (#502) ############################################
Here begynneth the introductory to wryte, and to pronounce Frenche oom-
pyled by Alexander Barcley compendiously . . . . Coplande. 1521.
Cf. Ellis, A. J. , On Early English Pronunciation, E. E. T. S. Es.
Ser. XIV, Part 111, pp. 803-813.
Here begynneth a ryght frutefull treatyse, intituled the myrrour of good
maners . . . . Pynson. (c. 1523. )
The Mirrour of Good Maners. Appended to Cawood's edition of the Ship of
Fools. 1570. Reprinted for the Spenser Society, 1885.
Here begynneth the lyfe of the blessed martyr saynte Thomas. Pynson. No
Here begynneth a lytell Cronycle (Haython's). Pynson. No date.
Fraustadt, F. Über das Verhältnis von Barclay's 'Ship of Fools' zur
lateinischen, französischen und deutschen Quelle. Breslau, 1894.
Herford, C. H. Studies in the literary relations of England and Germany in
the Sixteenth Century. Cambridge, 1886. Chap. VI, pp. 323-378.
Reissert, 0. Die Eklogen des Alexander Barclay. In Neuphilologische
Beiträge. Hannover, 1886. pp. 14-31.
Sommer, H. O. Erster Versuch über die Englische Hirtendichtung. Mar-
burg, 1888. pp. 33-41.
Ward, A. W. In Dictionary of National Biography, vol. III.
[As to Brant's Narrenschiff and later treatments of its subject, see ed.
Zarneke, F. , Leipzig, 1854. ]
Here after foloweth the boke of Phyllyp Sparowe compyled by mayster
Skelton Poete Laureate. Rychard Kele. No date. Other editions by
Robert Toy, Antony Kitson, Abraham Weale, Jhon Walley, John
Here begynneth a lytell treatyse named the bowge of courte. Wynkyn de
Worde. No date. Another edition by Wynkyn de Worde. No date.
Here folowythe dyvers Balettys and dyties solacyous devysyd by Master
Skelton Laureat. (Pynson. ) No date. Contents: My darlyng dere, my
daysy floare; The auncient acquaintance, madam, betwen us twayne;
Knolege, acquayntance, resort, favour with grace; Go pytyous hart, rasyd
with dedly wo; etc.
Skelton Laureate agaynste a comely Coystrowne . . . . (Pynson. ) No date.
A ballade of the scottysshe kynge. (Richard Fawkes. 1513. )
A Ballade of the Scottysshe Kynge. Reproduced in facsimile with a
historical and bibliographical introduction by John Ashton. 1882.
Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colyn Cloute compyled by mayster
Skelton poete Laureate. Rycharde Kele. No date. Other editions by
John Wyghte, Anthony Kytson, Abraham Veale, Jhon Wallye, all
Here after foloweth a lytell boke, whiche hath to name, Why come ye nat to
courte, compyled by mayster Skelton poete Laureate. Richard Kele.
No date. Other undated editions by John Wyght, Anthony Kytson,
Abraham Veale, John Wallye, R. Toy.
A ryght delectable tratyse upon a goodly Garlande or Chapelet of Laurell by
mayster Skelton Poete laureat studyously dyvysed at Sheryf hotton
Castell. . . . . Rycharde Faukes. 1523.
A replycacion agaynst certayne yong scolers, abjured of late . . . . Pynson.
No date.
Magnyfycence, A goodly interlude and a mery devysed and made by mayster
Skelton poet laureate late deceasyd. (Rastell. ) No date (1533 ? ).
## p. 481 (#503) ############################################
Chapter IV
Magnyfycence. A Moral Play by John Skelton. Ed. by Ramsay, R. L.
E. E. T. S. Ex. Ser. XCVIII. 1908.
Here after foloweth certaine bokes cõpyled by mayster Skelto, Poet Laureat,
whose names here after shall appere. Speake Parot. The death of the
noble Prynce Kynge Edwarde the fourth. A treatyse of the Scottes.
Ware the Hawke. The Tunnynge of Elynoure Rammyng. John
Kynge and Thomas Marche. No date. Another edition by Jhon Daye,
no date; and a third by Richard Lant, for Henry Tab, no date.
Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton, Poete Laureate.
Nowe collected and newly published. Anno 1568. Imprinted at London
in Fletestreate, neare unto saint Dunstones churche by Thomas Marshe.
The Poetical Works of John Skelton: with notes, and some account of the
author and his writings. Ed. Dyce, A. 2 vols. 1843. [Standard
edition. ]
Masteres anne I am your man published in E. Stud. XXXVII, p. 29, by
Fr. Brie.
Recule against Gaguyne, beginning: How darest thow swere or be so bolde
also . . . , printed in E. Stud. xXXVII, p. 32, by Fr. Brie.
Colyn Cloute. MS Harl. 2252, fol. 147. –Fragment in MS Lansdown 762,
fol. 75.
Edwarde the forth, Of the death of the noble prince, Kynge.
Gagayne, Recule ageinst. MS Trinity College, Cambridge, 0. 2. 53, fol. 165 b.
Garlande of Laurell. MS Cotton. Vitellius E. x, fol. 200.
Garnesche, Poems against. MS Harl. 367, fol. 101.
Manerly Margery Mylk and Ale. Fairfax M$. -Add MSS (Brit. Mus. ),
5465, fol. 109.
Masteres anne. Trinity College, Cambridge, R. 3. 47 (on fly-leaf).
Northumberlande, Vpon the doulourds dethe and muche lamentable chaunce
of the most honorable Erle of. MS Reg. 18, D ii, fol. 165.
Rose both White and Rede, The, . . . Records of the Treasury of the Receipt
of the Exchequer. B. 2. 8 (pp. 67-69).
Speke, Parrot. MS Harl. 2252, fol. 133.
Unpublished: Translation of Diodorus Siculus, MS 357, Corpus Christi
College, Cambridge. (Edition for the E. E. T. 8. in preparation. )
Brie, Friedrich. Skelton Studien. (E. Stud. XXXVII, pp. 1-86. )
Koelbing, Arthur. Zur Charakteristik John Skelton's. Stuttgart, 1904.
Lee, S. Dictionary of National Biography, vol. LII, pp. 327-332.
Rey, Albert. Skelton's satirical poems in their relation to Lydgate's Order of
Fools, Cock Lorell's Bote and Barclay's Ship of Fools. Berne, 1899.
Saintsbury, G. A History of English Prosody. 1906. Vol. 1, pp. 240 ff
Thümmel, Arno. Studien über John Skelton. Leipzig-Reudnitz, 1905.
Arber, Edward. English Reprints. William Roy and Jerome Barlow.
Rede me and be not Wrothe. 1528. 1895.
A Proper Dyalogue betwene a Gentillman and a Husbandman, etc.
1530. 1895.
Black, W. H. The Enterlude of John Bon and Mast Person. Peroy Society.
E. L. III.
## p. 482 (#504) ############################################
Hazlitt, W. Carew. Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England.
Collected and edited, with Introductions and Notes. 1866. (Vols. III
and iv. )
Herford, C. H. Studies in the Literary Relations of England and Germany
in the Sixteenth Century. Cambridge, 1886.
For further works on German influences, see below and also the biblio-
graphies to the cognate sections in the drama volumes of the present work.
Cock Lorell's Bote. Wynkyn de Worde, c. 1510. Fragment in Garrick Coll.
B. M. Rptd in Maidment's Publications, XLVI, 1840; Percy Society by
E. F. Rimbault, xxx, 1843; Boxburghe Club, XIII, 1817. [Cock Lorell
quoted in S. Rowlands's list of professional rogues but not in Harman's.
Among the numerous allusions to this character, Ben Jonson's is the most
important, i. e. Cooke Laurell (rptd Roxburghe Coll. , vol. II, p. 445 and
Peroy Folio MS, 1867), in which Cock invites the Devil to dinner, the
menu, fit for such a guest, involving satire on social types. ]
Vide Herford, C. H. , Literary Relations of England and Germany in
the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge, 1886; Pt 11, chap. 6.
Geiler, J. (von Kaisersberg). Navicula, sive speculum fatuorum, cum figuris.
Argent. , 1511. Le grand nauffraige des folz, qui sont en la nef dinsipi-
ence navigeans en la mer de ce monde, livre de grand effect, profit,
utilité, valeur, honneur et moralle vertu, à l'instruction de toutes gens.
Paris: Denys Janot, s. d. Pimlyco, or, Runne Red-cap. Busbie, J. and
Loftis, G. 1609. Rptd in Antient Drolleries (No. 2), Oxford, 1891; The
hospitall of incurable fooles, erected in English, Bellifant, E. , 1600
(Trans, from T. Garzoni).
The Galley late come into Englande from Terra Nova, laden with Phisitiens
Apothecaries and Chirurgiens. Quoted by J.