Subscribed with
On the 9th day, the said Summons and Exe
ments and likewise the king's advocate did
then, and there, produce before the lords, our
sovereign lord's letters relaxation, given
under his highness's signet Edinburgh, relax did again meet, and the Advocate did again call
ing the persons summoncil from the horn, and from the summons executed against
See Spotiswood's History the Church
Scotland, 457, 458, 459, 460.
On the 9th day, the said Summons and Exe
ments and likewise the king's advocate did
then, and there, produce before the lords, our
sovereign lord's letters relaxation, given
under his highness's signet Edinburgh, relax did again meet, and the Advocate did again call
ing the persons summoncil from the horn, and from the summons executed against
See Spotiswood's History the Church
Scotland, 457, 458, 459, 460.
Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01
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1853] STATE TRIALS, 43 Eliz. 1600–for High Treason: [1354
Bacon. My lord, you may now perceive ver knew any intent and meaning, did
my jopr. ocure that lord of Essex went about to
South. Well, I beseech your lordship,
me satisfy your lordship and the rest thus much,
against my sovereign state; other action the
and to
over on the instant.
did, was assist my lord Es inferreth against me persuader and
that for my own part, did never know the laws. Now shew the causes that made me adventure so far as did the first occasion that made me adventure into these courses was the affinity betwixt my lor me,
but only
sex his private quarrel; and therefore, Mr. Attorney, you have urged the matter very far, and you wrong me therein, my blood upon your head. As for my lord Rutland, whereas
ssex and
being his blood, and marrying his kinswo
wrongeth me exceedingly for was never "the man that saw me once discontented, and therefore had small ground reason say.
And you, Mr. Attorney, whereas you charge
me for papist, protest most unfeignedly,
was never conversant with any that sort;
only knew one White, priest, that went and
town, yet
man; that for his sake *ed my life but what
have my forward altogether ignorant,
but thought am assured never. And
ness offended
through my ignorance the law have fended, yet humbly submit myself her ma
jesty, and from the
her gracious pardon,
hope that neither your lordship nor any the peers will hold any the former resolutions spoken these orators for any certainty, which depends otherwise than one upon
another. For any foolish speeches have passed, protest, shall saved, that they
my actions, lord Essex these
my beg heart
down the him
did never converse with
please her: and
my life.
Esser. My lord, and you that our peers,
ever mean intend any treason, rebellion,
. . . ;
beseech you give me hearing thus far; not that will speak for the safeguard my life, but
with this my desire, charge the souls all them that be our censurers or triers: because
out form and custom speaking, these
were never purposed purposed
majesty's person.
Esser. beseech your lordship under
torney, that our being London when we were past Pauls, word was brought me, that
me, nor understood
me, the hurt her come the bar, that may not thought
stand me, and assure yourself, that what now
speak, not with any desire protest)
spare one drop my blood; and because
some honourable persons are interested the tween the earl
cause, would (under favour) signify, because Grey, happening
the point hath been much urged Mr. At tent; for soon knew found my af
the chain was drawn Ludgate, and that my lord Cumberland was there: which when
sections stir exceedingly: yet have since that time laboured, and my prayers God earnestly desired, that might armed with patience
orators would make them more odious that
have done this upon revenge: for within these few days purposed have received the com munion, testimony that was far from
bearing malice any, not much
my private enemies. But the falling out be Southampton and the lord
endure afflictions. And here
heard, was right glad for there had been protest before the ever-living God, may-"
cause, would have been glad put myself have mercy me, that my conscience clear
into honourable person's hands his but from any disloyal thought harm her ma
was false report, for my lord was not then jesty; and my desire ever hath been free come thither. After which went sheriff from bloodshed, Mr. Dove can witness. But
Smith's house, and after my coming thither, my thoughts and purposes did not ever
sent the Sheriff and Mr. Alderman Watts my Lord Mayor, desiring him come
desire the good estate my sovereign and us; country, my own soul; beseech the Lord
he would not, send four his aldermen
see we demeaned ourselves loyally, with this place, for just vengeance my untruths intent put ourselves into their hands use the world. And God, which knoweth
then shew some mark upon me and my soul they would, put into any prison; the secrets all hearts, knoweth that never
yet regard our private enemies, and the
fear their treachery, desired them shut their gates and this was the end for which went into the city.
sought the crown England, nor ever wished higher degree than subject. greatly
peace, only Attor. My lord, you had other pur the presence
pose, why did you into Gracechurch Street,
and Fenchurch Street, crying out
you went, England bought and sold Spaniard
the way the
shed one drop their blood And this, my
Sunday, hindered my in
have brought my conscience seeking secure my access the queen, that might speedily
have unfolded my griefs unto her majesty against my private enemies; but not have
lord, speak, the end might put im Southamp. Mr. Attorney, protest (as putation being hypocrite, atheist;
hope have mercy heaven) never heard for was never papist, neither did ever favour my lord speak any such word, neither did any sectary (as my lord Canterbury know hear the proclamation you speak made eth and can testify); my religion, sound, by my lord Burleigh and herald arms; and live, mean die
neither did see them and deny (my soul Bacon. Well, my lord, may please your and conscience bearing me witness) that ne grace, you may see how weakly hath sha
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1355] STATE TRIALs, 43 Eliz. 1000–Earls of Essex and Southampion, [1356 -*
dowed purpose, and how slenderly hath called Thomas lord Howard, who stood answered the objections against him. But, my bare-headed.
lord, doubting that too much variety matter Steward. My lord Thomas Howard may minister occasion forgetfulness; will Whether Robert earl Essex guilty this
only trouble your lordship's remembrance with Treason whereupon hath been indicted, this only point, rightly comparing this rebellion you take upon your honour,
my lord Essex the duke Guise's, that Tho. Howard. Whereupon the lord came upon the Barricadoes Paris his Thomas Howard made answer, bending
doublet and hose, attended upon with men: body, and laying his left hand upon his right but his confidence the city was such (even side, said, “Guilty, my lord, High-Treason. ”
my lord's was), that when had delivered After which manner the peers found him himself far, and that the shallowness his guilty one after another, from the puisne the own conceit could not accomplish what ex highest, and delivered like sort upon their pected, the king his defence taking arms honours. Being called over a-new, they found against him, was glad yield himself, think Henry earl Southampton guilty High ing colour his pretexts, turned his prac Treason also.
tices, and alledged the occasion thereof Then the Serjeant Arms commanded the private quarrel. Lieutenant the Tower bring his Prisoners
Josser. My lord, must confess was my the bar again. Then the Clerk the fault stand out, and maintain my house Crown speaking first the earl Essex, said; with defence and resisting; but will not deny Robert earl Essex, you have been arraigned but that my lord Southampton and Cha. and indicted High-Treason you have Pavers did persuade me parley with my Lord pleaded not Guilty, and for your trial you have General; which hope your lordship will re put yourself upon God and your peers; the member did yield upon some indifferent terms peers here (who have heard the Evidence and and conditions; which were, That might your Answer your Defence) have found yon have honourable trial. That might Guilty now what can you say for yourself, deliver my griefs myself the queen. That why you should not have judgment death
might safety. That might have 2sser. only say this, That since have my minister with me. And, lastly, (Which committed that which hath brought me within chiefly beg her majesty,) That she would the compass the law, may counted the
law's Traitor offending the law, for which am willing die, and will willingly thereto
ever did any but beseech your lordship and the rest of the Lords here to have consi
humbly submit the same
cious pleasure. - me the right think me Christian,
Serj. Arms. Then Proclamation was and that have soul save, and that know made, Lieutenant the Tower, withdraw your time jest lying and counterfeiting,
pleased redeem some that were with me the house, and guiltless, knowledge, intent action, what was me purposed. All
which thought good
remember, and
her majesty's gra deration what have formerly spoken, and
They being removed, my soul abhorreth; for am not desperate nor the lords and peers went together into private void grace, now speak falsly. not place made purpose, behind the canopy and speak save my life, for that see were vain: chair estate; then the two Chief Judges owe God death, which shall be welcome,
and the Baron were sent them, how soon soever pleaseth her majesty. And
deliver their Opinions law, which they did satisfy the opinion the world, that my
upon two points; the one,” “That case conscience free from Atheism and Popery, where subject attempteth put himself into howsoever have been this action misled
Prisoners from the bar.
such strength, the king shall not able transgress the points the law, the course resist him, and force and compel the king and defence private matters, and whatsoever govern otherwise than according his own through the weakness my wit, and dulness royal authority and direction, manifest re
bellion. ' The other, “That every Rebelliont
the law intendeth consequent the com
passing the death and deprivation the king, thing otherwise; yet will live and die the
foreseeing that the rebel will never suffer faith and true religion which here have pro
that king live reign, who might punish take revenge his treason and rebellion. ’ After half hour they came out again, and each man took his place; which being done, the Serj. Arms begun the puisne lord, and
Poph. 122, Cr. Car. 583. Keel. 76. Mo. 621. And. 66. Co. Inst. Co. Inst. 12.
Then the Clerk of the Crown demanded of
Henry earl Southampton, What could say for himself, why Judgment death should not pronounced against him
War,” 76, 77. both, that seeing you are Witnesses am cou
memory, through violent courses (if there any violent that seek either life death); have omitted may have uttered any
Southampton. My lords, must say for my
part, have said before, That since the igno rance ofthe law hath made me incur the dan
ger the law, humbly submit myself her See Luders's “Considerations the law majesty's mercy; and therefore, my Lord High High Treason the article Levying Steward, and my Lord Admiral, beseech you
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TRIALS, High o 1357] STATE 43 Eliz. 1600. —for Treason. [1358
to extend shall with humility receive Steward. My lord Essex, the queen's
majesty hath bestowed many favours your
predecessors and yourself; would wish there tion his body; most wish have the fore that you likewise would submit yourself comfort and spiritual physic from the preacher her majesty's mercy, acknowledging your which hath been and acquainted with the fences, and reconciling yourself inwardly her inward griefs, and secret affections my soul. majesty, laying open matters that were And my last request shall only this; that intended prejudice her majesty, and the will please her highness that my lord Thomas
demned by the letter of the law, it would please
you to let the queen know that I crave her
mercy. I know I have offended her, yet if it
please her to be merciful unto me, I may live,
and by my service deserve my life. I have
been brought up under her majesty, I have
spent the best part of my patrimony in her
majesty's service with danger of my life, as
your lordships know; if there were any that
could challenge me, that I have ever heretofore
committed or intended Treason, or any other
thing prejudicial to her majesty or estate, God
let me never inherit his kingdom, neither
would I desire mercy : but since the law hath
cast me, I do submit myself to death, and yet
I will not despair of her majesty's mercy; for
that I know she is merciful, and if she please that hath been with me since my troubles
Esscr. My lord, you have made
able motion; but send me
my death, and you shall see how penitent and
humble will towards her majesty, both
acknowledging her exceeding favours my
ancestors, and myself: whereby doubt not same with my blood.
but the penitent, suffering my death, and sprinkling my blood, will quench the evil conceited thoughts her majesty against me. And most humbly desire her majesty, that my death may put period my offences committed, and more remembered
her highness. had ever perceived any
The lords promised they would move the queen for his requests.
Esser. humbly thank your lordships.
Then the Serjeant Arms stood with the mace his shoulder, and after proclama tion was made, said thus: All peers that were summoned here this day, may now take
honour the time
this life, for my conscience: and then whensoever shall please her ma
my followers have harboured evil thought their gase; and other persons attending against her majesty, would have been the first here this service, may depart her majesty's
that should have punished the same, being peace, my Lord High Steward pleased - his executioner; and therefore beseech you, dissolve this Commission.
my good lord, mistake me not, nor think me
proud, that will not crave her majesty's mercy,
for protest (kneeling upon the very knee
my heart) crave her majesty's mercy with your two sons that are trouble for my sake:
humility yet had rather die than live protest upon my soul they knew not any misery. thing that was should have been done, but Then the Lord High Steward, after few came me the morning, and desired them exhortations unto the earls prepare them stay, and they knew not wherefore. And
selves for God, told them, Seeing the law had farewel, my lords.
found them guilty, followed course that The earl Southampton obtained reprieve, he must proceed Judgment. but the earl Essex was ordered for Execution.
The earl Essex replied very cheerfully, On the 25th February 1601 which was and said; Yea, my lord, with very good will the day appointed for his Execution, Thomas
pray you on.
Then the Lord High Steward gave Judgment
followeth You must the place from
whence you came, and there remain dur ing her majesty's pleasure; from thence
Mountford and William Barlow, doctors divinity, with Ashton the minister the church the Tower, were sent unto him early the
morning administer christian consolation
her majesty's pleasure, and God have mercy your souls.
Esser. My lord, am not whit
receive this Sentence, for protest death welcome me life; and shall die
cheerful death upon such testimony, ever did man. And think my poor quarters that have done her majesty true service di vers parts the world, should sacrificed and disposed her majesty's pleasure; where unto with all willingness heart have sub mitted myself. But one thing beg you, my lords, that have free access her majesty's person, humbly beseech her majesty grant me, that (during the short time shall live) may have the same preacher comfort me,
began; for that hath been long sick, most desirous the physician which hath been, and best acquainted with the constitu
actors thereof; and thereby doubt you shall find her majesty merciful.
Howard and the Lieutenant the Tower may
receiving the Sacra token what
partakers with me ment, and witness have protested
true . . ". religion, and peace
jesty call me, shall ready seal the
As the lords were rising, the earl Esse said, My lord De Ware, and my lord Mor ley, beseech your lordships pardon me for
his soul. presence these men gave hurdle through London streets, thanks Almighty God from the bottom his
your head and quarters disposed Camd. Eliz. 621,
the place Execution, where you heart, that his designs, which were danger hanged, bowelled, and quartered
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1859] STATE TRIALS, 42 Eliz. 1600–Proceedings against the Earl of Gowrie, [1360
ous to the state, succeeded not. He told them, the earl's sufferings, and satiate his hatred he had now looked thoroughly and seriously with his blood. But being admonished not
into his sin, and was heartly sorry he had so obstinately defended an unjust cause at the bar. He thanked the queen she had granted he should not be publicly executed, lest his mind, which was now settled and composed, might be disturbed by the acclamations of the people, protesting that he had now learned how vain a thing the blast of popular favour and applause was. He acknowledged how worthy he was to be spued out (these were his words) by the Common-wealth, for the wickedness of his en terprize, which he likened to a leprosy spread far and near, and that had infected many.
press upon the earl his death, which the part rather ignoble brutes, withdrew himself further off, and beheld his Execution out the armory. —The earl, soon was come upon the scaffold, uncovered his head, and lifting
his eyes heaven, acknowledged that many and
great had been the sins his youth, for which, with snost fervent prayer (he begged pardon
the eternal majesty God, through Christ mediator; especially for this last sin, which termed bloody, crying, and contagious sin, wherewith many had been seduced sin against God, their prince and country. He
The Queen in the mean time wavered in her besought the queen and her ministers forgive mind. One while relenting, she sent her com him, praying for her long life and prosperous mands by Edward Carey that should not estate, protesting withal that never intended
don, and had declared openly that life would be the queen's destruction, she soon after sent fresh cominand Darcy that should
executed: but then remembering his per lay violent hands her person. He gave verse obstinacy, that scorned ask her par God thanks that he had never been Atheist,
put death. Then
death; desiring the standers-by join with
Papist, but had placed his hope and con fidence the merits Christ. He prayed God strengthen his mind against the terrors
was brought forth+ between the scaffold erected within the Court
the Tower: Near which sat the earls Cumberland and Hertford, viscount Howard Bindon, the lord Howard Walden, the lord Darcy Chiche, and the lord Compton.
him short prayer, which with broken sighs, and fervent affection of inward devotion, he
presently uttered. Afterwards the executioner asking forgiveness forgave him; He recited the Apostles Creed, and then laying himself down, placed his neck upon the block; and having repeated the first verses the 51st
divines yard
There were present also some the aldermen
London, and Walter Raleigh, who we Psalm, said, ‘In humility and obedience
may believe himself, came with intent prostrate myself my deserved punishment: make answer any thing should objected Thou, God! have mercy thy prostrate ser against him the earl his death; but others vant; Into thy hands, Lord! commend thought came feed his eyes with sight my spirit. ”—His head was taken off the third
stroke, but the first took away all sense and Moor, 623. motion.
71. Proceedings Parliament against John Earl Gowrie, ALEXANDER RUTHv his Brother, HENRY RUTHv EN, Hugh MoncriEF, and PETER Eviot, for High Treason: 42 Eliz. Nov. 15, 1600, Edinburgh. [Extracted from the au
thentick Records, and the principal Vouchers (which public Custody the Parliament-House, Edinburgh) George Earl Cromerty, Keeper the Records, Temp. Cor.
Also from the Somers' Tracts, coll. vol. 218. ]
WILLIAM, earl Gowrie, having been tious clergy. Albeit, the king did, with great condemned Stirling, and executed the benignity, restore the earl Gowrie his fa year 1584, with two others, for seditious prac ther's honours and estate; yet, his two sons, tices, seizing the king's person Ruthven the earl, and Mr. Alexander, were nursed House, when minority, and banishing such malice against the king, some his from him others who were not their party, relations, (but especially the Clergy), that making him condescend what they proposed, neither the king's restoring him his estate and levying forces secure themselves and and honour, conferring also other marks of fa the king's person their custody; occasioned vour and trust him, (and placing his sister the hot clergy their party, both preach the first lady honour the queen, and and publish scandalous pamphlets against the making his brother Alexander one of his bed king and government this did beget strict chamber) could allay his revenge, till last, friendship between young Gowrie and the sac resolved bring long-designed purpose
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1361] STATE TRIALS, 42 Eliz. 1600. —and others, for High Treason. [1362
to effect. For, in August 1600, he devised and them, the instance whatsoever persons; contrived the bringing the king from Falkland that so, they might have safety and freedom
to his house in Perth; and there, with fel compear and which relaxations were promul low-conspirators, have murdered the king. gated, the mercat-crosses the shires where
On account this Treason and several each person had his abode; and also the
*: o o
of the said William, had any) and others, having pretence interest the mat ter, hear found; and declared, that the
said earl Gowrie, and Mr. Alexander his brother, had committed Treason, attempting
heraulds and messengers having, new, veri
fied the executions upon oath formerly, &c. neither William, nor none for him, nor the others cited, compearing; the King's Advocate did take instruments thereon: only Mr. Thomas
Edinburgh on the first November that of Leith. And these executions and relaxations
year 1600, albeit the printed Acts bear
Accordingly, indicted, king's.
be holden 1600, and,
Edinburgh the 1st
ordinary, was adjourned The Lords Commissioners Parliament did
Parliament was indicted meet mercat-cross Edinburgh, and shoar and peer
the 15th. Parliament was
were registrated the records the shires where the accused did reside which pro
duction the advocate did take instru Nov. inents.
the 4th. On which day, Thomas Hamilton, remit the said Andrew Henderson the Tol king's advocate, produced summons Trea booth for safe custody, and the Parliament ad
son duly executed against William Ruthven, journed until the Nov. : which
also, the summons, the tutors and curators mons of Treason and Executions; and the
day, brother and apparent heir John earl the Parliament having met, the said Thomas Gowrie, and Mr. Alexander Ruthven calling Hamilton, Advocate, produced the said sum
bereave his majesty his life, St. John Henrison, one the commissaries Edinburgh, stoun, the 5th day August last by-past: compeared for the foresaid Andrew Henderson, The Summons and Executions being read, and and produced the Writ following, undersub the heraulds and messengers sworn the vera scribed the king's advocate. “It our city the executions, both their private ‘will and we command you, that upon sight houses, mercat-crosses, and shoar and peer
Leith, &c. (which are the most public Intima tions and Citations that can given the law Scotland which Citations were given on the 28th August and 29th ditto, their respective places and mercat-crosses, and the Parliament was declared current daily.
and verifications, made on oath the face “our hand Holy-rood-house, the 9th
the court, against Alexander and Henry Ruth “Nov. 1600. Sic subscribitur, Jacobus R. ”
ven, sons Alex. Ruthven Frieland and Conform whereunto, the advocate did delete
against Hugh Moncrief, brother William his name. ’
Moncrief that ilk; Patrick Eviot, brother The Heraulds and Messengers did, that
Colin Eviot Balhousie; hear and see same time, again verify upon oath the execu
themselves decerned, guilty High-Treason, tions given and the relaxations and execu and Lese-Majesty against the king Perth, tions against William, and Alexander, and
the 5th day August last past. And likewise Henry Ruthven, Patrick Eviot, and Hugh Mon by warrant from the Parliament, one Andrew crief; and the Parliament found the Dittay re
Henderson, who was prisoner the Tolbooth levant: and then adjourned till the 15th Edinburgh, accusation for the said crime, November, and remitted the examination of was brought the baillie Edinburgh, and the witnesses the Lords Articles, which sisted before the Parliament; having re are Committee Parliament, according ceived formal summons the Tolbooth, the the constant practice and custom Parlia 28th August last past. ment. —Note, the Lords the Articles that
The summons being thrice called, the execu parliament, were two bishops and four abbots, tions verified, and none the persons cited men great worth and integrity; four compearing, excepting Andrew Henderson the earls, viz. Lennox, Errol, Marrischal, and prisoner; the King's Advocate did take instru Marr; four lords, viz. Seton, Livingstoun,
Newbottle, and Fivie; seven barons, and nine commissioners boroughs.
“berlain unquhile John earl Gowrie, his “name furth of the summons of Treason and
‘Forfaulture, raised and executed against him, for being art, part, redd, counsel, and coun “selling, the late Treason conspired the
‘said umquhile earl, his unquhile brother, and
‘complices, against our person and you cutions were read over again, another summons ‘will answer hereupon; keeping thir treason was produced, with their executions “presents for your warrant.
Subscribed with
On the 9th day, the said Summons and Exe
ments and likewise the king's advocate did
then, and there, produce before the lords, our
sovereign lord's letters relaxation, given
under his highness's signet Edinburgh, relax did again meet, and the Advocate did again call
ing the persons summoncil from the horn, and from the summons executed against
See Spotiswood's History the Church
Scotland, 457, 458, 459, 460. WOJ,
the summons Treason against the fore mentioned persons (except Henderson), for enterprizing the slaughter the king, the 5th August last past. Being three called, and none compearing, the hail estates did find
“hereof, delete Andrew Henderson, cham
On the 15th November, the Parliament
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1553] STATE TRIALS, 42 Eliz. 1600–Proceedings against Earl Gowrie [130+
both the summons, reasons and causes therein mentioned, relevant; and therefore admitted the same the Advocate's probation. Where
loped Perth, before the rest the company, horning duly executed and endorsed, against towards his brother's lodging, purpose (as the
Aiexander and Henry Ruthven, Hugh Mon deponent believes), advertise the earl crief, and Patrick Eviot; bearing, that they Gowrie his majesty's coming there. And
upon the Advocate did produce the Letters
And his majesty was within mile Perth, after that Mir. Alexander had coune certain
space with highness, rod away and gal
were denounced rebels, and put the horn, his majesty was within. two pair for crimes of Treason therein mentioned. the town Perth, the earl
And the oaths and depositions the Wit accompanied with diverse persons,
butt-langs Gowrie,
foot, nesses, and adduced the Advocate, for met his highness the Inche, and saluted proving the Treason against the desenders hiu; and immediately thereafter, his majesty,
(taken before the Lords Articles), viz. the accompanied with this deponent, the earl Deposition umquhile Mr. Thomas Cranstoun, Mar, Inchechasirey, Tho. Erskin, laird
and George Craigingelt, when they were exe Urquhil, James Erskin, Wm. Stuart, Hugh cuted death, for the foresaid crime Trea Herries, John Ramsay, John Murray, John son and likewise, the Advocate repeated the Hamilton the Grange, and John Graham notoriety, with the circumstances the matter Bagowie, past together, the earl Gow
fact, prove the points produced the Depositions
which were read, follows:
The Drfositions the Wrrx Essrs, eramined presence the Lords Articles, for prov
ing the said two Summonses Treason.
for drink, which was long time a-coming: and was hour after his first coming, before
his majesty got his dinner. And the tire that his majesty got his desert, the earl Gow
by-past, this poncut, for the time being Falkland company with his Majesty,
sired them dine, which they did, the hal; and when they had near hand dined, the eart Gowrie came from his majesty's chamber
the Libel; and rie's hall; the said earl Gowrie, and the said the witnesses, Mr. Alex. Ruthven being baith present with them. And after their entry, his inajesty cry’d
Tur Duke Lenox, sworn and examined,
depones, That upon the 5th day August last Mar, and remanent persons foresaid, and de
saw Mr. Alexander Ruthven speaking with
his grace before the stables, betwixt six the hall, and called for wine; and said, that and seven the morning; and shortly there was directed from his majesty's chamber,
after, his majesty passing
the buck, and baving slain one
Falkland, highness spake
disyring him accompany
Perth, speak the earl Gowrie. And
incontinent thereafter, this deponent sent
servant for another horse, and for sword, and
lap on, and followed his grace: and this ment, that unajesty was gone quietly, some deponent overtook his grace, Mr. Alexander quiet errand. And then, the said earl Gow Ruthven was speaking with his majesty; and cry'd for the key garden, and pass'd shortly after the deponent's coming the king, coil pany with this deponent, the garder. his highness rode a-part, and spake with this
oeponent, saying, guess, man,
ries, shortly
and certain others: and after their
being the garden, Mr. Tho. Cranstoun came down the garden, crying, the king's majesty
Ye cannot what errand am riding for am going get
Perth: aud Mr. Alexadder Ruthven
the builting
the Park the deponent, majesty
company; which did. And immediately after the scoll had pass'd about, this depope. . t did raise from the table, have waited upon his majesty, conform his former direction; and then the earl Gowrie said the depo
has informed me, that has fund man,
that has pitchard full coined gold, great
sorts. And the mean time, his highness en
quired this deponent, what humour
thought Mr. Alexander be of Who answer whilk the earl of Gowrie made him no answer, ed, that knew nothing him, but but cry'd, ‘Ay, Horse, Horse. ’ And this dep hone-t discreet gentleman. And after that his ment and the earl of Gowrie came first out of highness had declared this deponent, the garden, through the ball the closs, and came hail circumstances of the man who lad the the oute gate and this deponcht spoird said gold, the place where was found, and the porter, the king was furth; who answerd, wiłere was kept; this deponent answered, titat was assured that majesty was
like not that, sir; for that not likely. And come furth the place. Then the earl Go they riding beside the bridge Erne, his ima said, am sure first always; stay, jesty called the deponer, that Mr. Alexander lord, drink, and shall gang up, and get
disy red bun keep that matter the pose se verity and certainty thereof. And the said etc.
cret, and take nobody with him; and when his highness, both that time, and thereafter
St. Johnstoun, within the earl Gowrie's hall, said this depower, Take taint where pass
Gowrie passed up, and incontinent care again the closs, and affirmed this de ponent, that the king's majesty was furth the back-gate, and away. Whereupon, this dept
with Mr. Alexander Ruthven, and follow iue. ment, the earl Gowrie, and Mar, and had
came olis deponent, and the earl
drink his Scoll (the word used then for drinking health) my lord duke, and the rest the
accompanied with Lindores and sir Hugh He
horseback, and riding the Incle:
and then the earl Gowrie cry’d, Hors, House. ’ And the said Mr. Thomas Cranstoun
answered him, Your horse town
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1365] STATE TRIALs, 42 Eliz. 1600—and others, for High Treason. [1866
company, past furth at the fore-gate of the ing arms within the closs: and also saw other lodging; and staid before the same gate, upon persons carrying ane joist from the town, the
the street : and as they were standing there, closs the earl Gowrie's lodging and de advising where to seek tire king, incontinent, clares, that there abode sundry persons within
and in the mean time, this deponent heard a the said close, and the high street, before the voice, and said to the earl of Mar, This is said earl's lodging, crying and making tumult, the king's voice, that cryes, be where he will; the space two hours mair, next after the and so they looked the lodging, and death the said earl Gowrie, and his brother,
saw his majesty looking furth the window, Sic subscribitur, LENox.
wanting his hat; his face being red, and hand The Earl Mar, sworn and examined, de gripping his cheek and mouth and the king pones, conform the lord duke Lenox's de cry’d, am murder'd Treason My lord
Mar, help, help. ' nent. the earl
position, things, substantial, except
his lordship saw not Mr. Alexander l'uthven Falkland, while about ten hours the day libel led, shortly before the slaying the buck: and also, overtook not his majesty that day, while
And incontinent, this depo Mar, and their company, ran the gallery chamber, where his majesty was, have relieved him: and they
up the stair
passed up, they found the door the chamber
fast; and seeing ladder standing beside, they his majesty was near the bridge Erue and,
rasht the door with the ladder, and the steps
of the ladder brake and syne, they send for hammers; and notwithstanding large forcing with haminers, they got not entry the said
that after their dinner, my lord Mar passed not the yeard, company with the earl Gowrie, but passed chamber where the king dined, and saw nothing the joist. Sic
chamber, while after the earl Gowrie and his subscribitur, MIA
brother were both slain. That Robert Brown Andrew Henderson, chamberlain Scoon,
ast about the back-door, and came sworn, depones, that the age thirty majesty, and assured his highness, that eight years; declares, that upon Monday
was my lord duke and the earl Mar, that 'night, the 4th day August last by-past, this was stricking the chain her door; and the deponent being, after supper, company with hammer was given through the hole the door the earl of Gówrie and Mr. Alexander Ruth
the chamber and they within brake the door and gave them entry and, their first entry, they saw the earl Gowrie lying dead
ven, within my lord's own chamber; the earl
the chamber, Mr. Alexander Ruthven being
slain, and taken down the stairs before their
entry. And their first entry within that
chamber where the king's majesty was, the de you must ride Falkland, company with
ponent saw sundry halberts and swords stricking my brother Mr. Alexander; and take Andrew under the door the chamber, and sides there Ruthven with you; and that ready
of, reason the same was nae closs door; and
knew none the strickers, except. Alexander
JRuthven one the defenders, who desired
speak with this deponent through the door, and Ruthven remain with my brother. And, speird him, For-God's sake tell me how my the morning, after four hours, they rode lord Gowrie was. To whom this deponent three together Falkland; and coming answered, He well and the said deponent F. lkland, they lighted John Barfour's house, bad Alexander gang his way; and that and seeing that colonel Edmund was there, was ane fool; and that would get little they lodged ane Law's house and the
thanks for that labour. And, the mean master sent this deponent about seven hours
time, they were continuing strick with
halberts under the door, meikle John Murray, servant Tullibardin, was stricken through
the legg; and how soon the said Alexander Ruthven had beard the said lord duke speak, and his hail complices past from the foresaid
the morning, see what the king's majesty
was doing. And was within the place, saw the king's majesty coming furth the mid closs, booted; and then returned back again the master, and said him. Haste you, the king's majesty coming forth; and inconti ment, the mastcr followed his majesty, and spake with his majesty foranent the equirie;
door, and muade inore trouble thereaster
thereat, and passed down the closs, and stood
there. And saw none of the remanent defend
ers present, the doing the violent turns clapped him, where they spake together the
that day, except report, but the said Alex
ander Ruthven but says, that saw Hugh Moncrief, Earn, and Alexander Daithvenies,
space ane quarter hour. And there after, the master directed this deponent ride Perth haste, he loved the lord Gowrie's and his honour, and advertise his brother, that
and Patrick Eviot, with the earl Gowrie,
the king's dinner that day; and that before and his majesty will there, with few number
thereafter, looking over the chamber window, saw George Craigingelt and Alexander Ruth ven; and did see others the earl Gowrie's
incontinent; and cause make his dinner ready. Then this deponent answered, Shall ride pree sently? The master answered, no, but stay
servants, whom this deponent knew not, stand a-while, and follow the king and me, while
Gowrie enquired
this deponent, what To whom this depo
had to-morrow nent answered, that
had do, ride
Ruthven, speak with the tements. Then the earl Gowrie answered, stay that journey,
ride four hours the morning and haste thou back with answer, my brother orders you, writ otherways: and let Andrew
and the king laid his hand his shoulder, and
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13671 STATE TRIALs, 42 Eliz. 1000—proceeding against Earl Gowrie (136s
speak with his majesty again. And, his ma his steel-bonnet, and cast his gantlet the jesty was riding through the sloap the Park antry, and thereafter followed the earl the
was shortly after ten hours the morning, where the key the gallery-chamber was? he entered the lord Gowrie's chamber, Who answered, That handled not the key where saw his lord speak with George Hay since the earl came Scotland. Then the
and Mr. Peter Hay: and how soon my lord master bid this deponent speak Mr. Willian Gowrie saw this deponent, came aside Rynd give him the said key: and the this deponent, and enquired secretly, what master passing the gallery, Mr. W. Rynd word had brought from his brother followed him, and gave him the said key: and and had brought letter This depo thereafter, immediately after his majesty's down ment answered, that had brought letter: sitting
dike, the master spake his majesty; and im
mediately thereafter, the master bad this de jesty, the duke, and the earl Mar, and came ponent pass St. Johnstoun, with pos all together the earl's house. And after sible diligence, according former direc his majesty had come the earl's house, the tions. And, this deponents coming Perth master Ruthven speird this depouent,
What answer then, said he, has me? This came
deponent answered, that the master his bro the earl
ther bad tell his lordship, that the king's ma And the earl Gowrie, the outer chamber, jesty would there incontinent; and bad where the king dined, spake this deponent
haste his dinner. Then the earl bad this depo secretly, and bad him pass the gallery
nent follow his lordship the cabinet, and brother. passed up, and the earl Rol speird him, how his majesty had tane with lows him; and they being three toge his brother He answered, that was well ther the gallery-chamber, (where had tane with and when did his courtesy, the the key from Mr. Wm. Rynd) the earl said
king laid his hand upon his shoulder. The earl speird, what number persons was with the king the hunting who answered, that
knew not well; but that there were sundry
his own with him, and some English-men. And
then the carl speird, what noblemen were with the chamber, and will lock him in, and him He answered, none but my lord duke. take the key the chamber with me; where And thereafter, this deponent passed his this deponent abode half hour thereby, own house the town, and took off his boots, locked his alane, having his secret, plate and returned the earl within an hour: and sleeves, sword and whinger with him, and
how soon the earl saw him his chamber, called upon this deponent, and bade him put
his secret, coat mail] and plate sleeves. The deponent enquired what ef fect The earl answered, have Highland
man take the Shoegate; and then the de ponent passed his own house, and put on his secret, and plate-sleeves, came back again
the earl an hour
draws forth this Andrew Headerson deponent's Gowrie's house; and about half whinger; and says the king, having the
where saw the said earl with his ma
one, the earl commanded this depo drawn whinger his hand, Sir, you must
my dinner; and this deponent my prisoner; remember my father's death. passed, and took the first service, reason And, held the whinger his majesty's
Charles Craigingelt was sick. And inconti breast, this deponent threw the samen furth ment the said earl passed his dinner, accom Mr. Alexander's hands. And the time that
panied with Mr. John Moncrief, laird Pet Mr. Alexander held the whinger his ma crief, Mr. James Drummond, Alexander Pee jesty's breast, the king was beginning speak. ples, baron Findowne. And shortly after The master said, Hold your tongue, sir, or, the first service was set down, my lord sitting Christ, shall die. Then his majesty an
the table with the foresaid company, Andrew swered, Mr. Alexander, Ye and were very
ment, Take
Ruthven came from the master, and rounded the earl, but heard not what said and
Upon the information Henderson, and other witnesses, Cranstoun and Craigingelt were pannelled before the Justiciary John
shortly after, this deponent passing down
take the second service, Mr. Alex. Ruthven
and Wm. Blair came the earl, my lord stoun; and upon clear testimonies, and sitting his dinner; and hown soon my lord their own confession the bar (which they
saw them, and his hail company rose from the table; and then this deponent hearing my lord
also adhered the scaffold) they were both executed only alledging, that they did not know the design murder the king; but
foot bid this deponent send for his steel-bonnet
and gantlet, believing that my lord was going that they intended force the king make
take the said Highland-man. And this great reparations for the late earl Gowrie's deponent perceiving my lord passing the death: and that this earl of Gowrie was be
Inche, and not the Shoegate, sent home made great man.
his dinner, Mr. Thomas Cranstoun this deponent,” and bade him gang
Gowrie which this deponent did.
this deponent, Tarry still with my brother, and any thing bids you. Then this deponent
wanting his steel bonnet. And all this time, this deponent feared some evil be done: that, upon this, kneeled and prayed God; and about the end the half hour, Mr. Alex
ander opens the door the room, and entered first within the same, having the king's majesty the arm, and puts his hat upon his head,
came the master, and speird, What will you with me, Sir Then the master spoke my lord, Let Andrew Henryson into the round
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1369] STATE TRIALS, 42 Eliz. 1600–and others, for High Treason. [1370
great together; and as touching your father's they both being grasped together, come forth death, man, I was but a minor. My council the cabinet the chainber: and, the tnight have done any thing they pleased. And mean time, this deponent threw about the key; farther, man, albeit ye bereave me of my life, then standing the door
ye will not be king of Scotland; for I have turnpike, which entred both sons and daughters, and there are men in opened the door thereof,
the head the the chamber, and eschew [escape;
this town and friends that will not leave it un
revenged. Then Mr. Alexander answered,
swearing with a great oath, that it was neither
his life nor blood that he craved. And the his hand, and passed the king's majesty, and king said, what traiks, [what then] albeit ye laid about him, and drew his whinger: and take off your hat; and then Mr. Alexander saw him minting with the whinger, this de took off his hat. And the king said, What is ponent passed furth the said door, and
crave, man, and crave not my life
who answered, Sir, but promise. The
king answered, What promise? The said Mr.
Alexander answered, For, my lord my brother Gowrie standing before the gate accompanica will tell you. The king said, Fetch hither your sundry persons, whom remembers brother. And syne the said Mr. Alexander none; but remembers well, that the earl had said the king, Sir, you will not cry, nor this deponent's knapschaw, head-piece, on open the window while come again and his head, and two swords drawn his hands: the king promised do. Then Mr. Alex and incontinently thereafter, this deponent ander passed forth and locked, and passed not passed his own lodging, where remained from the door, believes. the mean while the king passed furth the town and time, the king entered discourse with this then the deponent passed the bridge, and deponent, How came you here, man? And walked and down the space hour, this deponent answered, As God lives, am and returned not again the earl's lodging. shot here like dog. The king answered, And the time his entry his house that Will my lord Gowrie me any evil, man night, this deponent's wife inquired this de This deponent answered, vow God shall ponent, What trouble was within the place die first. And then the king bad this deponent To whom answered, Well me one open the window and opened the window thing, that had not been there, the king that looked the Spy-tower: and the king had been twice sticked this night: but wo answered, Fy, the wrong window, man And me for the thing that fallen out. And this thereafter, this deponent passing the other deponent being demanded Mr. John Mon
open the same; crief, after his returning from Falkland, where before goti. the window, Mr. Alexander have you been with your boots answered,
window nearest his majesty,
opened the door, and came
his majesty, By God there
both the hands, having ane garter his hands. Then the king answered, am free prince,
man; will not bound: his majesty cast loose his left hand from Mr. Alexander; and that same time, this deponent draws away the garter from Mr. Alexander, and majesty loups free from the said Mr. Alexander, and
the said Mr. Alexander follows his majesty, and with left hand about his majesty's craig, puts his right neeve [fist] his majesty's mouth his majesty wrestling quite
and then he
remedy; the king, and got him
Inchechaffrey, sworn and ex amined, depones, That, upon the 5th August last by-past, this deponent being Falkland, him, this deponent put his hand out his ma about seven hours the morning, met Mr.
jesty's mouth. And thereafter, this deponent Alex. Ruthven, accompanied with Andrew did put his left hand over his majesty's left Ruthven and, that time, only saluted the
shoulder, and pull'd the broad the window, whereunto the said Mr. Alexander had thrust his majesty's head and shoulders; and with the force the drawing the window, presses his majesty's body about, his right side
the window; which time his majesty cries furth, Treason Treason So the mas
said Mr. Alex. Ruthven, without any conference farther that time. And that time, saw the said Mr. Alexander enter into conference
with his majesty, upon the green, betwixt the stables and the park: which conference endur ing for the space quarter hour, and the said Mr. Alexander accompanied his ma jesty while they came the meadow and,
ter said this deponent, there help with
thee Wo worth thee, thou villain we die.
So twining his hand the guard his own
sword; and, incontinent, the king's majesty reason his own could not soon prepared. put his hand on the master's hands, and staid To whom Mr. Alexander answered, He might him from drawing his sword and this ways not tarry, reason his majesty had command
himself, and And how soon say came
let his majesty's servants in. opened the door, John Ram the said door, with haulk on
passed down the turnpike. And, this depo ment passed through the close, and came
the fore-gate, this deponent saw the earl
again, and said He had been two three miles beyond Erne,
and durst not tell him the verity, reason
the earl Gowrie had him tell
the errand, sent him, any body. And farther, this deponent declares, That when
saw the earl Gowrie standing with the drawn
swords before the gate, this deponent spoke not the earl, neither yet the earl him
that time, but subscribitur,
passed his own house. Sic ANdrew HENDERson.
The Abbot
his returning from his majesty, this deponent desired Mr. Alexander disjune with him,
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TRIALS, oEliz, 1600. —Proceedings against
1371] STATE 42 Earl Gowrie [1572
him await upon him. And, this de Gowrie upon the high-street; and immediately ponent passed Falkland, leaving Mr. Alex Tho. Erskin gripped the earl Gowrie ander behind him, met his horse with his man, Fy, Traitor this thy deed, thou shalt die. coming from Falkland him and then this Then the earl Gowrie answered, ken
deponent, after had disjuned Falkland, nothing
took his journey they to Inche
chaffrey, and the deponent being but mile Frskin and James Erskin from the earl of
be-north Stramcolo, incompanied with
my lord Duke, Londores, the laird Urquhill,
John Hamilton the Grange, Finlay Tailzies;
and Mr. Alex. Ruthven came this Depo ment, riding the ligh-way Perth. Then in
continent this deponent horsed, and accom thereafter the said earl, accompanied with panied his majesty Perth, where saw the thirty persons, thereby, passed within the earl Gov, meet his majesty the Inche, said place, wherein majesty was for the and posse" company with his majesty, and time; and shortly after, the deponent, ap his noblemen, and servants, the earl peared him, saw multitude people car Gowrie's lodging, where they dined together. rying joist towards the place. Sic subscribiour,
And after dinner, this deponent being the chamber the north-end the hall, word passed through the hall, that his majesty was
assed away, and ridden towards Falkland; and then this deponent, company with the lord Mar, and remanent present for the time, passed the close, and from that the high-street; and the earl Gowrie being pre sent with them, desired them stay, while returned and advertised them of the verity thereof. And incontinent the earl Gowrie
LIN Boa Es.
thered with Hugh Herries, who demanded am sure, yon his majesty's voice, where the deponent what the matter meant;
will himself. And inmediately thereafter, this deponent saw his majesty looking forth window the round, wanting his hat, and
his face red, crying, Fy, help, my lord Mar!
Treason Treason am murder'd And,
the same instant, his judgment, was pulled
per force the same window. And, in
continent thereafter this deponent passed
haste with the earl Mar and my lord Hugh Herries, and others that were with him,
Duke, the chamber within the gallery; where saw, heard, and did things conform
the- earl's -Deposition. Sic subscribitur, INch Ech Arr REY.
Fy, this the Traitor, strike him and incon tinent was stricken them, and fell and was fallen, turned his face, and cried,
Alas! had not the wyte it; this deponent being standing above him the turnpike. There after, this deponent passed the head the turnpike, and entered within the chamber
The Abbot Lindores, sworn and ex
amined, depones, conform the lord Duke
Lenox, things: addendo, That after din the head the gallery, where the king and sir ner, when word was his majesty's departure John Ramsay were there alone present; and, towards Falkland, and that they had alto the first meeting, this deponent said his gether came down the porter, and had in mnjesty, thought your majesty would have quired him, gif the king's majesty was gone concredited more me, nor have com furth the porter answered, He was not passed manded me await your majesty the door,
furth and the earl
Gowrie affirmed, That gif thought not meet have taken men
you. Whereupon majesty
with his answered
so passed
was furth
the and the
said the earl
my lord, because
back-gate. And, after that majesty had cried furth the window the round, Trea son Treason' &c. this deponent saw James Erskin incontinently lay hands the earl
for com
manded him expressly
which promised me
back, thought, fetch you but did nothing, but stelked the door. Shortly there
Gowrie, That cannot
this deponent, Alas! the Traitor deceived
have the key the
me did the
bring you me,
the matter. Then instantly the
the said sir Tho.
Gowrie who incontinently ran the space
half ane pair butt-lands from them, towards Glenurchie's house, and drew furth his two swords, and cried, will either my own house, die the gate. And incontinently
Gowrie's men
Sir Thomas Erskin
sworn, depones conform
rey, and lord Lindores, addendo, That im mediately after this deponent heard his majes
cry furth the window the round, Fy, help am betrayed, they are murdering me
ran with diligence towards the place, have helpen his majesty; and before his entry, seeing the earl Gowrie, this deponent and
and, the mean time, the deponent heard John Ramsay crying out the turnpike-head, Fy, Thomas, come the turnpike, even
the head and, this deponent had passed
five steps the turnpike, sees and meets with Mr. Alex. Ruthven blooded two parts his body, viz. his face and his neck;
and incontinent this deponent cries sir
the age 36 years,
the lord Inchechan
passed the stair, and returned back, and
certified the Deponent and colleagues
his majesty's departure. Then the lord Duke,
this deponent and remanent, cried for their Immediately the earl's servants severed him
horses follow the king. Then, they were standing upon the high-street, they heard ane cry, and voice; and the Duke first declared,
from this deponent and his brother.
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1853] STATE TRIALS, 43 Eliz. 1600–for High Treason: [1354
Bacon. My lord, you may now perceive ver knew any intent and meaning, did
my jopr. ocure that lord of Essex went about to
South. Well, I beseech your lordship,
me satisfy your lordship and the rest thus much,
against my sovereign state; other action the
and to
over on the instant.
did, was assist my lord Es inferreth against me persuader and
that for my own part, did never know the laws. Now shew the causes that made me adventure so far as did the first occasion that made me adventure into these courses was the affinity betwixt my lor me,
but only
sex his private quarrel; and therefore, Mr. Attorney, you have urged the matter very far, and you wrong me therein, my blood upon your head. As for my lord Rutland, whereas
ssex and
being his blood, and marrying his kinswo
wrongeth me exceedingly for was never "the man that saw me once discontented, and therefore had small ground reason say.
And you, Mr. Attorney, whereas you charge
me for papist, protest most unfeignedly,
was never conversant with any that sort;
only knew one White, priest, that went and
town, yet
man; that for his sake *ed my life but what
have my forward altogether ignorant,
but thought am assured never. And
ness offended
through my ignorance the law have fended, yet humbly submit myself her ma
jesty, and from the
her gracious pardon,
hope that neither your lordship nor any the peers will hold any the former resolutions spoken these orators for any certainty, which depends otherwise than one upon
another. For any foolish speeches have passed, protest, shall saved, that they
my actions, lord Essex these
my beg heart
down the him
did never converse with
please her: and
my life.
Esser. My lord, and you that our peers,
ever mean intend any treason, rebellion,
. . . ;
beseech you give me hearing thus far; not that will speak for the safeguard my life, but
with this my desire, charge the souls all them that be our censurers or triers: because
out form and custom speaking, these
were never purposed purposed
majesty's person.
Esser. beseech your lordship under
torney, that our being London when we were past Pauls, word was brought me, that
me, nor understood
me, the hurt her come the bar, that may not thought
stand me, and assure yourself, that what now
speak, not with any desire protest)
spare one drop my blood; and because
some honourable persons are interested the tween the earl
cause, would (under favour) signify, because Grey, happening
the point hath been much urged Mr. At tent; for soon knew found my af
the chain was drawn Ludgate, and that my lord Cumberland was there: which when
sections stir exceedingly: yet have since that time laboured, and my prayers God earnestly desired, that might armed with patience
orators would make them more odious that
have done this upon revenge: for within these few days purposed have received the com munion, testimony that was far from
bearing malice any, not much
my private enemies. But the falling out be Southampton and the lord
endure afflictions. And here
heard, was right glad for there had been protest before the ever-living God, may-"
cause, would have been glad put myself have mercy me, that my conscience clear
into honourable person's hands his but from any disloyal thought harm her ma
was false report, for my lord was not then jesty; and my desire ever hath been free come thither. After which went sheriff from bloodshed, Mr. Dove can witness. But
Smith's house, and after my coming thither, my thoughts and purposes did not ever
sent the Sheriff and Mr. Alderman Watts my Lord Mayor, desiring him come
desire the good estate my sovereign and us; country, my own soul; beseech the Lord
he would not, send four his aldermen
see we demeaned ourselves loyally, with this place, for just vengeance my untruths intent put ourselves into their hands use the world. And God, which knoweth
then shew some mark upon me and my soul they would, put into any prison; the secrets all hearts, knoweth that never
yet regard our private enemies, and the
fear their treachery, desired them shut their gates and this was the end for which went into the city.
sought the crown England, nor ever wished higher degree than subject. greatly
peace, only Attor. My lord, you had other pur the presence
pose, why did you into Gracechurch Street,
and Fenchurch Street, crying out
you went, England bought and sold Spaniard
the way the
shed one drop their blood And this, my
Sunday, hindered my in
have brought my conscience seeking secure my access the queen, that might speedily
have unfolded my griefs unto her majesty against my private enemies; but not have
lord, speak, the end might put im Southamp. Mr. Attorney, protest (as putation being hypocrite, atheist;
hope have mercy heaven) never heard for was never papist, neither did ever favour my lord speak any such word, neither did any sectary (as my lord Canterbury know hear the proclamation you speak made eth and can testify); my religion, sound, by my lord Burleigh and herald arms; and live, mean die
neither did see them and deny (my soul Bacon. Well, my lord, may please your and conscience bearing me witness) that ne grace, you may see how weakly hath sha
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1355] STATE TRIALs, 43 Eliz. 1000–Earls of Essex and Southampion, [1356 -*
dowed purpose, and how slenderly hath called Thomas lord Howard, who stood answered the objections against him. But, my bare-headed.
lord, doubting that too much variety matter Steward. My lord Thomas Howard may minister occasion forgetfulness; will Whether Robert earl Essex guilty this
only trouble your lordship's remembrance with Treason whereupon hath been indicted, this only point, rightly comparing this rebellion you take upon your honour,
my lord Essex the duke Guise's, that Tho. Howard. Whereupon the lord came upon the Barricadoes Paris his Thomas Howard made answer, bending
doublet and hose, attended upon with men: body, and laying his left hand upon his right but his confidence the city was such (even side, said, “Guilty, my lord, High-Treason. ”
my lord's was), that when had delivered After which manner the peers found him himself far, and that the shallowness his guilty one after another, from the puisne the own conceit could not accomplish what ex highest, and delivered like sort upon their pected, the king his defence taking arms honours. Being called over a-new, they found against him, was glad yield himself, think Henry earl Southampton guilty High ing colour his pretexts, turned his prac Treason also.
tices, and alledged the occasion thereof Then the Serjeant Arms commanded the private quarrel. Lieutenant the Tower bring his Prisoners
Josser. My lord, must confess was my the bar again. Then the Clerk the fault stand out, and maintain my house Crown speaking first the earl Essex, said; with defence and resisting; but will not deny Robert earl Essex, you have been arraigned but that my lord Southampton and Cha. and indicted High-Treason you have Pavers did persuade me parley with my Lord pleaded not Guilty, and for your trial you have General; which hope your lordship will re put yourself upon God and your peers; the member did yield upon some indifferent terms peers here (who have heard the Evidence and and conditions; which were, That might your Answer your Defence) have found yon have honourable trial. That might Guilty now what can you say for yourself, deliver my griefs myself the queen. That why you should not have judgment death
might safety. That might have 2sser. only say this, That since have my minister with me. And, lastly, (Which committed that which hath brought me within chiefly beg her majesty,) That she would the compass the law, may counted the
law's Traitor offending the law, for which am willing die, and will willingly thereto
ever did any but beseech your lordship and the rest of the Lords here to have consi
humbly submit the same
cious pleasure. - me the right think me Christian,
Serj. Arms. Then Proclamation was and that have soul save, and that know made, Lieutenant the Tower, withdraw your time jest lying and counterfeiting,
pleased redeem some that were with me the house, and guiltless, knowledge, intent action, what was me purposed. All
which thought good
remember, and
her majesty's gra deration what have formerly spoken, and
They being removed, my soul abhorreth; for am not desperate nor the lords and peers went together into private void grace, now speak falsly. not place made purpose, behind the canopy and speak save my life, for that see were vain: chair estate; then the two Chief Judges owe God death, which shall be welcome,
and the Baron were sent them, how soon soever pleaseth her majesty. And
deliver their Opinions law, which they did satisfy the opinion the world, that my
upon two points; the one,” “That case conscience free from Atheism and Popery, where subject attempteth put himself into howsoever have been this action misled
Prisoners from the bar.
such strength, the king shall not able transgress the points the law, the course resist him, and force and compel the king and defence private matters, and whatsoever govern otherwise than according his own through the weakness my wit, and dulness royal authority and direction, manifest re
bellion. ' The other, “That every Rebelliont
the law intendeth consequent the com
passing the death and deprivation the king, thing otherwise; yet will live and die the
foreseeing that the rebel will never suffer faith and true religion which here have pro
that king live reign, who might punish take revenge his treason and rebellion. ’ After half hour they came out again, and each man took his place; which being done, the Serj. Arms begun the puisne lord, and
Poph. 122, Cr. Car. 583. Keel. 76. Mo. 621. And. 66. Co. Inst. Co. Inst. 12.
Then the Clerk of the Crown demanded of
Henry earl Southampton, What could say for himself, why Judgment death should not pronounced against him
War,” 76, 77. both, that seeing you are Witnesses am cou
memory, through violent courses (if there any violent that seek either life death); have omitted may have uttered any
Southampton. My lords, must say for my
part, have said before, That since the igno rance ofthe law hath made me incur the dan
ger the law, humbly submit myself her See Luders's “Considerations the law majesty's mercy; and therefore, my Lord High High Treason the article Levying Steward, and my Lord Admiral, beseech you
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TRIALS, High o 1357] STATE 43 Eliz. 1600. —for Treason. [1358
to extend shall with humility receive Steward. My lord Essex, the queen's
majesty hath bestowed many favours your
predecessors and yourself; would wish there tion his body; most wish have the fore that you likewise would submit yourself comfort and spiritual physic from the preacher her majesty's mercy, acknowledging your which hath been and acquainted with the fences, and reconciling yourself inwardly her inward griefs, and secret affections my soul. majesty, laying open matters that were And my last request shall only this; that intended prejudice her majesty, and the will please her highness that my lord Thomas
demned by the letter of the law, it would please
you to let the queen know that I crave her
mercy. I know I have offended her, yet if it
please her to be merciful unto me, I may live,
and by my service deserve my life. I have
been brought up under her majesty, I have
spent the best part of my patrimony in her
majesty's service with danger of my life, as
your lordships know; if there were any that
could challenge me, that I have ever heretofore
committed or intended Treason, or any other
thing prejudicial to her majesty or estate, God
let me never inherit his kingdom, neither
would I desire mercy : but since the law hath
cast me, I do submit myself to death, and yet
I will not despair of her majesty's mercy; for
that I know she is merciful, and if she please that hath been with me since my troubles
Esscr. My lord, you have made
able motion; but send me
my death, and you shall see how penitent and
humble will towards her majesty, both
acknowledging her exceeding favours my
ancestors, and myself: whereby doubt not same with my blood.
but the penitent, suffering my death, and sprinkling my blood, will quench the evil conceited thoughts her majesty against me. And most humbly desire her majesty, that my death may put period my offences committed, and more remembered
her highness. had ever perceived any
The lords promised they would move the queen for his requests.
Esser. humbly thank your lordships.
Then the Serjeant Arms stood with the mace his shoulder, and after proclama tion was made, said thus: All peers that were summoned here this day, may now take
honour the time
this life, for my conscience: and then whensoever shall please her ma
my followers have harboured evil thought their gase; and other persons attending against her majesty, would have been the first here this service, may depart her majesty's
that should have punished the same, being peace, my Lord High Steward pleased - his executioner; and therefore beseech you, dissolve this Commission.
my good lord, mistake me not, nor think me
proud, that will not crave her majesty's mercy,
for protest (kneeling upon the very knee
my heart) crave her majesty's mercy with your two sons that are trouble for my sake:
humility yet had rather die than live protest upon my soul they knew not any misery. thing that was should have been done, but Then the Lord High Steward, after few came me the morning, and desired them exhortations unto the earls prepare them stay, and they knew not wherefore. And
selves for God, told them, Seeing the law had farewel, my lords.
found them guilty, followed course that The earl Southampton obtained reprieve, he must proceed Judgment. but the earl Essex was ordered for Execution.
The earl Essex replied very cheerfully, On the 25th February 1601 which was and said; Yea, my lord, with very good will the day appointed for his Execution, Thomas
pray you on.
Then the Lord High Steward gave Judgment
followeth You must the place from
whence you came, and there remain dur ing her majesty's pleasure; from thence
Mountford and William Barlow, doctors divinity, with Ashton the minister the church the Tower, were sent unto him early the
morning administer christian consolation
her majesty's pleasure, and God have mercy your souls.
Esser. My lord, am not whit
receive this Sentence, for protest death welcome me life; and shall die
cheerful death upon such testimony, ever did man. And think my poor quarters that have done her majesty true service di vers parts the world, should sacrificed and disposed her majesty's pleasure; where unto with all willingness heart have sub mitted myself. But one thing beg you, my lords, that have free access her majesty's person, humbly beseech her majesty grant me, that (during the short time shall live) may have the same preacher comfort me,
began; for that hath been long sick, most desirous the physician which hath been, and best acquainted with the constitu
actors thereof; and thereby doubt you shall find her majesty merciful.
Howard and the Lieutenant the Tower may
receiving the Sacra token what
partakers with me ment, and witness have protested
true . . ". religion, and peace
jesty call me, shall ready seal the
As the lords were rising, the earl Esse said, My lord De Ware, and my lord Mor ley, beseech your lordships pardon me for
his soul. presence these men gave hurdle through London streets, thanks Almighty God from the bottom his
your head and quarters disposed Camd. Eliz. 621,
the place Execution, where you heart, that his designs, which were danger hanged, bowelled, and quartered
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1859] STATE TRIALS, 42 Eliz. 1600–Proceedings against the Earl of Gowrie, [1360
ous to the state, succeeded not. He told them, the earl's sufferings, and satiate his hatred he had now looked thoroughly and seriously with his blood. But being admonished not
into his sin, and was heartly sorry he had so obstinately defended an unjust cause at the bar. He thanked the queen she had granted he should not be publicly executed, lest his mind, which was now settled and composed, might be disturbed by the acclamations of the people, protesting that he had now learned how vain a thing the blast of popular favour and applause was. He acknowledged how worthy he was to be spued out (these were his words) by the Common-wealth, for the wickedness of his en terprize, which he likened to a leprosy spread far and near, and that had infected many.
press upon the earl his death, which the part rather ignoble brutes, withdrew himself further off, and beheld his Execution out the armory. —The earl, soon was come upon the scaffold, uncovered his head, and lifting
his eyes heaven, acknowledged that many and
great had been the sins his youth, for which, with snost fervent prayer (he begged pardon
the eternal majesty God, through Christ mediator; especially for this last sin, which termed bloody, crying, and contagious sin, wherewith many had been seduced sin against God, their prince and country. He
The Queen in the mean time wavered in her besought the queen and her ministers forgive mind. One while relenting, she sent her com him, praying for her long life and prosperous mands by Edward Carey that should not estate, protesting withal that never intended
don, and had declared openly that life would be the queen's destruction, she soon after sent fresh cominand Darcy that should
executed: but then remembering his per lay violent hands her person. He gave verse obstinacy, that scorned ask her par God thanks that he had never been Atheist,
put death. Then
death; desiring the standers-by join with
Papist, but had placed his hope and con fidence the merits Christ. He prayed God strengthen his mind against the terrors
was brought forth+ between the scaffold erected within the Court
the Tower: Near which sat the earls Cumberland and Hertford, viscount Howard Bindon, the lord Howard Walden, the lord Darcy Chiche, and the lord Compton.
him short prayer, which with broken sighs, and fervent affection of inward devotion, he
presently uttered. Afterwards the executioner asking forgiveness forgave him; He recited the Apostles Creed, and then laying himself down, placed his neck upon the block; and having repeated the first verses the 51st
divines yard
There were present also some the aldermen
London, and Walter Raleigh, who we Psalm, said, ‘In humility and obedience
may believe himself, came with intent prostrate myself my deserved punishment: make answer any thing should objected Thou, God! have mercy thy prostrate ser against him the earl his death; but others vant; Into thy hands, Lord! commend thought came feed his eyes with sight my spirit. ”—His head was taken off the third
stroke, but the first took away all sense and Moor, 623. motion.
71. Proceedings Parliament against John Earl Gowrie, ALEXANDER RUTHv his Brother, HENRY RUTHv EN, Hugh MoncriEF, and PETER Eviot, for High Treason: 42 Eliz. Nov. 15, 1600, Edinburgh. [Extracted from the au
thentick Records, and the principal Vouchers (which public Custody the Parliament-House, Edinburgh) George Earl Cromerty, Keeper the Records, Temp. Cor.
Also from the Somers' Tracts, coll. vol. 218. ]
WILLIAM, earl Gowrie, having been tious clergy. Albeit, the king did, with great condemned Stirling, and executed the benignity, restore the earl Gowrie his fa year 1584, with two others, for seditious prac ther's honours and estate; yet, his two sons, tices, seizing the king's person Ruthven the earl, and Mr. Alexander, were nursed House, when minority, and banishing such malice against the king, some his from him others who were not their party, relations, (but especially the Clergy), that making him condescend what they proposed, neither the king's restoring him his estate and levying forces secure themselves and and honour, conferring also other marks of fa the king's person their custody; occasioned vour and trust him, (and placing his sister the hot clergy their party, both preach the first lady honour the queen, and and publish scandalous pamphlets against the making his brother Alexander one of his bed king and government this did beget strict chamber) could allay his revenge, till last, friendship between young Gowrie and the sac resolved bring long-designed purpose
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1361] STATE TRIALS, 42 Eliz. 1600. —and others, for High Treason. [1362
to effect. For, in August 1600, he devised and them, the instance whatsoever persons; contrived the bringing the king from Falkland that so, they might have safety and freedom
to his house in Perth; and there, with fel compear and which relaxations were promul low-conspirators, have murdered the king. gated, the mercat-crosses the shires where
On account this Treason and several each person had his abode; and also the
*: o o
of the said William, had any) and others, having pretence interest the mat ter, hear found; and declared, that the
said earl Gowrie, and Mr. Alexander his brother, had committed Treason, attempting
heraulds and messengers having, new, veri
fied the executions upon oath formerly, &c. neither William, nor none for him, nor the others cited, compearing; the King's Advocate did take instruments thereon: only Mr. Thomas
Edinburgh on the first November that of Leith. And these executions and relaxations
year 1600, albeit the printed Acts bear
Accordingly, indicted, king's.
be holden 1600, and,
Edinburgh the 1st
ordinary, was adjourned The Lords Commissioners Parliament did
Parliament was indicted meet mercat-cross Edinburgh, and shoar and peer
the 15th. Parliament was
were registrated the records the shires where the accused did reside which pro
duction the advocate did take instru Nov. inents.
the 4th. On which day, Thomas Hamilton, remit the said Andrew Henderson the Tol king's advocate, produced summons Trea booth for safe custody, and the Parliament ad
son duly executed against William Ruthven, journed until the Nov. : which
also, the summons, the tutors and curators mons of Treason and Executions; and the
day, brother and apparent heir John earl the Parliament having met, the said Thomas Gowrie, and Mr. Alexander Ruthven calling Hamilton, Advocate, produced the said sum
bereave his majesty his life, St. John Henrison, one the commissaries Edinburgh, stoun, the 5th day August last by-past: compeared for the foresaid Andrew Henderson, The Summons and Executions being read, and and produced the Writ following, undersub the heraulds and messengers sworn the vera scribed the king's advocate. “It our city the executions, both their private ‘will and we command you, that upon sight houses, mercat-crosses, and shoar and peer
Leith, &c. (which are the most public Intima tions and Citations that can given the law Scotland which Citations were given on the 28th August and 29th ditto, their respective places and mercat-crosses, and the Parliament was declared current daily.
and verifications, made on oath the face “our hand Holy-rood-house, the 9th
the court, against Alexander and Henry Ruth “Nov. 1600. Sic subscribitur, Jacobus R. ”
ven, sons Alex. Ruthven Frieland and Conform whereunto, the advocate did delete
against Hugh Moncrief, brother William his name. ’
Moncrief that ilk; Patrick Eviot, brother The Heraulds and Messengers did, that
Colin Eviot Balhousie; hear and see same time, again verify upon oath the execu
themselves decerned, guilty High-Treason, tions given and the relaxations and execu and Lese-Majesty against the king Perth, tions against William, and Alexander, and
the 5th day August last past. And likewise Henry Ruthven, Patrick Eviot, and Hugh Mon by warrant from the Parliament, one Andrew crief; and the Parliament found the Dittay re
Henderson, who was prisoner the Tolbooth levant: and then adjourned till the 15th Edinburgh, accusation for the said crime, November, and remitted the examination of was brought the baillie Edinburgh, and the witnesses the Lords Articles, which sisted before the Parliament; having re are Committee Parliament, according ceived formal summons the Tolbooth, the the constant practice and custom Parlia 28th August last past. ment. —Note, the Lords the Articles that
The summons being thrice called, the execu parliament, were two bishops and four abbots, tions verified, and none the persons cited men great worth and integrity; four compearing, excepting Andrew Henderson the earls, viz. Lennox, Errol, Marrischal, and prisoner; the King's Advocate did take instru Marr; four lords, viz. Seton, Livingstoun,
Newbottle, and Fivie; seven barons, and nine commissioners boroughs.
“berlain unquhile John earl Gowrie, his “name furth of the summons of Treason and
‘Forfaulture, raised and executed against him, for being art, part, redd, counsel, and coun “selling, the late Treason conspired the
‘said umquhile earl, his unquhile brother, and
‘complices, against our person and you cutions were read over again, another summons ‘will answer hereupon; keeping thir treason was produced, with their executions “presents for your warrant.
Subscribed with
On the 9th day, the said Summons and Exe
ments and likewise the king's advocate did
then, and there, produce before the lords, our
sovereign lord's letters relaxation, given
under his highness's signet Edinburgh, relax did again meet, and the Advocate did again call
ing the persons summoncil from the horn, and from the summons executed against
See Spotiswood's History the Church
Scotland, 457, 458, 459, 460. WOJ,
the summons Treason against the fore mentioned persons (except Henderson), for enterprizing the slaughter the king, the 5th August last past. Being three called, and none compearing, the hail estates did find
“hereof, delete Andrew Henderson, cham
On the 15th November, the Parliament
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1553] STATE TRIALS, 42 Eliz. 1600–Proceedings against Earl Gowrie [130+
both the summons, reasons and causes therein mentioned, relevant; and therefore admitted the same the Advocate's probation. Where
loped Perth, before the rest the company, horning duly executed and endorsed, against towards his brother's lodging, purpose (as the
Aiexander and Henry Ruthven, Hugh Mon deponent believes), advertise the earl crief, and Patrick Eviot; bearing, that they Gowrie his majesty's coming there. And
upon the Advocate did produce the Letters
And his majesty was within mile Perth, after that Mir. Alexander had coune certain
space with highness, rod away and gal
were denounced rebels, and put the horn, his majesty was within. two pair for crimes of Treason therein mentioned. the town Perth, the earl
And the oaths and depositions the Wit accompanied with diverse persons,
butt-langs Gowrie,
foot, nesses, and adduced the Advocate, for met his highness the Inche, and saluted proving the Treason against the desenders hiu; and immediately thereafter, his majesty,
(taken before the Lords Articles), viz. the accompanied with this deponent, the earl Deposition umquhile Mr. Thomas Cranstoun, Mar, Inchechasirey, Tho. Erskin, laird
and George Craigingelt, when they were exe Urquhil, James Erskin, Wm. Stuart, Hugh cuted death, for the foresaid crime Trea Herries, John Ramsay, John Murray, John son and likewise, the Advocate repeated the Hamilton the Grange, and John Graham notoriety, with the circumstances the matter Bagowie, past together, the earl Gow
fact, prove the points produced the Depositions
which were read, follows:
The Drfositions the Wrrx Essrs, eramined presence the Lords Articles, for prov
ing the said two Summonses Treason.
for drink, which was long time a-coming: and was hour after his first coming, before
his majesty got his dinner. And the tire that his majesty got his desert, the earl Gow
by-past, this poncut, for the time being Falkland company with his Majesty,
sired them dine, which they did, the hal; and when they had near hand dined, the eart Gowrie came from his majesty's chamber
the Libel; and rie's hall; the said earl Gowrie, and the said the witnesses, Mr. Alex. Ruthven being baith present with them. And after their entry, his inajesty cry’d
Tur Duke Lenox, sworn and examined,
depones, That upon the 5th day August last Mar, and remanent persons foresaid, and de
saw Mr. Alexander Ruthven speaking with
his grace before the stables, betwixt six the hall, and called for wine; and said, that and seven the morning; and shortly there was directed from his majesty's chamber,
after, his majesty passing
the buck, and baving slain one
Falkland, highness spake
disyring him accompany
Perth, speak the earl Gowrie. And
incontinent thereafter, this deponent sent
servant for another horse, and for sword, and
lap on, and followed his grace: and this ment, that unajesty was gone quietly, some deponent overtook his grace, Mr. Alexander quiet errand. And then, the said earl Gow Ruthven was speaking with his majesty; and cry'd for the key garden, and pass'd shortly after the deponent's coming the king, coil pany with this deponent, the garder. his highness rode a-part, and spake with this
oeponent, saying, guess, man,
ries, shortly
and certain others: and after their
being the garden, Mr. Tho. Cranstoun came down the garden, crying, the king's majesty
Ye cannot what errand am riding for am going get
Perth: aud Mr. Alexadder Ruthven
the builting
the Park the deponent, majesty
company; which did. And immediately after the scoll had pass'd about, this depope. . t did raise from the table, have waited upon his majesty, conform his former direction; and then the earl Gowrie said the depo
has informed me, that has fund man,
that has pitchard full coined gold, great
sorts. And the mean time, his highness en
quired this deponent, what humour
thought Mr. Alexander be of Who answer whilk the earl of Gowrie made him no answer, ed, that knew nothing him, but but cry'd, ‘Ay, Horse, Horse. ’ And this dep hone-t discreet gentleman. And after that his ment and the earl of Gowrie came first out of highness had declared this deponent, the garden, through the ball the closs, and came hail circumstances of the man who lad the the oute gate and this deponcht spoird said gold, the place where was found, and the porter, the king was furth; who answerd, wiłere was kept; this deponent answered, titat was assured that majesty was
like not that, sir; for that not likely. And come furth the place. Then the earl Go they riding beside the bridge Erne, his ima said, am sure first always; stay, jesty called the deponer, that Mr. Alexander lord, drink, and shall gang up, and get
disy red bun keep that matter the pose se verity and certainty thereof. And the said etc.
cret, and take nobody with him; and when his highness, both that time, and thereafter
St. Johnstoun, within the earl Gowrie's hall, said this depower, Take taint where pass
Gowrie passed up, and incontinent care again the closs, and affirmed this de ponent, that the king's majesty was furth the back-gate, and away. Whereupon, this dept
with Mr. Alexander Ruthven, and follow iue. ment, the earl Gowrie, and Mar, and had
came olis deponent, and the earl
drink his Scoll (the word used then for drinking health) my lord duke, and the rest the
accompanied with Lindores and sir Hugh He
horseback, and riding the Incle:
and then the earl Gowrie cry’d, Hors, House. ’ And the said Mr. Thomas Cranstoun
answered him, Your horse town
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1365] STATE TRIALs, 42 Eliz. 1600—and others, for High Treason. [1866
company, past furth at the fore-gate of the ing arms within the closs: and also saw other lodging; and staid before the same gate, upon persons carrying ane joist from the town, the
the street : and as they were standing there, closs the earl Gowrie's lodging and de advising where to seek tire king, incontinent, clares, that there abode sundry persons within
and in the mean time, this deponent heard a the said close, and the high street, before the voice, and said to the earl of Mar, This is said earl's lodging, crying and making tumult, the king's voice, that cryes, be where he will; the space two hours mair, next after the and so they looked the lodging, and death the said earl Gowrie, and his brother,
saw his majesty looking furth the window, Sic subscribitur, LENox.
wanting his hat; his face being red, and hand The Earl Mar, sworn and examined, de gripping his cheek and mouth and the king pones, conform the lord duke Lenox's de cry’d, am murder'd Treason My lord
Mar, help, help. ' nent. the earl
position, things, substantial, except
his lordship saw not Mr. Alexander l'uthven Falkland, while about ten hours the day libel led, shortly before the slaying the buck: and also, overtook not his majesty that day, while
And incontinent, this depo Mar, and their company, ran the gallery chamber, where his majesty was, have relieved him: and they
up the stair
passed up, they found the door the chamber
fast; and seeing ladder standing beside, they his majesty was near the bridge Erue and,
rasht the door with the ladder, and the steps
of the ladder brake and syne, they send for hammers; and notwithstanding large forcing with haminers, they got not entry the said
that after their dinner, my lord Mar passed not the yeard, company with the earl Gowrie, but passed chamber where the king dined, and saw nothing the joist. Sic
chamber, while after the earl Gowrie and his subscribitur, MIA
brother were both slain. That Robert Brown Andrew Henderson, chamberlain Scoon,
ast about the back-door, and came sworn, depones, that the age thirty majesty, and assured his highness, that eight years; declares, that upon Monday
was my lord duke and the earl Mar, that 'night, the 4th day August last by-past, this was stricking the chain her door; and the deponent being, after supper, company with hammer was given through the hole the door the earl of Gówrie and Mr. Alexander Ruth
the chamber and they within brake the door and gave them entry and, their first entry, they saw the earl Gowrie lying dead
ven, within my lord's own chamber; the earl
the chamber, Mr. Alexander Ruthven being
slain, and taken down the stairs before their
entry. And their first entry within that
chamber where the king's majesty was, the de you must ride Falkland, company with
ponent saw sundry halberts and swords stricking my brother Mr. Alexander; and take Andrew under the door the chamber, and sides there Ruthven with you; and that ready
of, reason the same was nae closs door; and
knew none the strickers, except. Alexander
JRuthven one the defenders, who desired
speak with this deponent through the door, and Ruthven remain with my brother. And, speird him, For-God's sake tell me how my the morning, after four hours, they rode lord Gowrie was. To whom this deponent three together Falkland; and coming answered, He well and the said deponent F. lkland, they lighted John Barfour's house, bad Alexander gang his way; and that and seeing that colonel Edmund was there, was ane fool; and that would get little they lodged ane Law's house and the
thanks for that labour. And, the mean master sent this deponent about seven hours
time, they were continuing strick with
halberts under the door, meikle John Murray, servant Tullibardin, was stricken through
the legg; and how soon the said Alexander Ruthven had beard the said lord duke speak, and his hail complices past from the foresaid
the morning, see what the king's majesty
was doing. And was within the place, saw the king's majesty coming furth the mid closs, booted; and then returned back again the master, and said him. Haste you, the king's majesty coming forth; and inconti ment, the mastcr followed his majesty, and spake with his majesty foranent the equirie;
door, and muade inore trouble thereaster
thereat, and passed down the closs, and stood
there. And saw none of the remanent defend
ers present, the doing the violent turns clapped him, where they spake together the
that day, except report, but the said Alex
ander Ruthven but says, that saw Hugh Moncrief, Earn, and Alexander Daithvenies,
space ane quarter hour. And there after, the master directed this deponent ride Perth haste, he loved the lord Gowrie's and his honour, and advertise his brother, that
and Patrick Eviot, with the earl Gowrie,
the king's dinner that day; and that before and his majesty will there, with few number
thereafter, looking over the chamber window, saw George Craigingelt and Alexander Ruth ven; and did see others the earl Gowrie's
incontinent; and cause make his dinner ready. Then this deponent answered, Shall ride pree sently? The master answered, no, but stay
servants, whom this deponent knew not, stand a-while, and follow the king and me, while
Gowrie enquired
this deponent, what To whom this depo
had to-morrow nent answered, that
had do, ride
Ruthven, speak with the tements. Then the earl Gowrie answered, stay that journey,
ride four hours the morning and haste thou back with answer, my brother orders you, writ otherways: and let Andrew
and the king laid his hand his shoulder, and
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13671 STATE TRIALs, 42 Eliz. 1000—proceeding against Earl Gowrie (136s
speak with his majesty again. And, his ma his steel-bonnet, and cast his gantlet the jesty was riding through the sloap the Park antry, and thereafter followed the earl the
was shortly after ten hours the morning, where the key the gallery-chamber was? he entered the lord Gowrie's chamber, Who answered, That handled not the key where saw his lord speak with George Hay since the earl came Scotland. Then the
and Mr. Peter Hay: and how soon my lord master bid this deponent speak Mr. Willian Gowrie saw this deponent, came aside Rynd give him the said key: and the this deponent, and enquired secretly, what master passing the gallery, Mr. W. Rynd word had brought from his brother followed him, and gave him the said key: and and had brought letter This depo thereafter, immediately after his majesty's down ment answered, that had brought letter: sitting
dike, the master spake his majesty; and im
mediately thereafter, the master bad this de jesty, the duke, and the earl Mar, and came ponent pass St. Johnstoun, with pos all together the earl's house. And after sible diligence, according former direc his majesty had come the earl's house, the tions. And, this deponents coming Perth master Ruthven speird this depouent,
What answer then, said he, has me? This came
deponent answered, that the master his bro the earl
ther bad tell his lordship, that the king's ma And the earl Gowrie, the outer chamber, jesty would there incontinent; and bad where the king dined, spake this deponent
haste his dinner. Then the earl bad this depo secretly, and bad him pass the gallery
nent follow his lordship the cabinet, and brother. passed up, and the earl Rol speird him, how his majesty had tane with lows him; and they being three toge his brother He answered, that was well ther the gallery-chamber, (where had tane with and when did his courtesy, the the key from Mr. Wm. Rynd) the earl said
king laid his hand upon his shoulder. The earl speird, what number persons was with the king the hunting who answered, that
knew not well; but that there were sundry
his own with him, and some English-men. And
then the carl speird, what noblemen were with the chamber, and will lock him in, and him He answered, none but my lord duke. take the key the chamber with me; where And thereafter, this deponent passed his this deponent abode half hour thereby, own house the town, and took off his boots, locked his alane, having his secret, plate and returned the earl within an hour: and sleeves, sword and whinger with him, and
how soon the earl saw him his chamber, called upon this deponent, and bade him put
his secret, coat mail] and plate sleeves. The deponent enquired what ef fect The earl answered, have Highland
man take the Shoegate; and then the de ponent passed his own house, and put on his secret, and plate-sleeves, came back again
the earl an hour
draws forth this Andrew Headerson deponent's Gowrie's house; and about half whinger; and says the king, having the
where saw the said earl with his ma
one, the earl commanded this depo drawn whinger his hand, Sir, you must
my dinner; and this deponent my prisoner; remember my father's death. passed, and took the first service, reason And, held the whinger his majesty's
Charles Craigingelt was sick. And inconti breast, this deponent threw the samen furth ment the said earl passed his dinner, accom Mr. Alexander's hands. And the time that
panied with Mr. John Moncrief, laird Pet Mr. Alexander held the whinger his ma crief, Mr. James Drummond, Alexander Pee jesty's breast, the king was beginning speak. ples, baron Findowne. And shortly after The master said, Hold your tongue, sir, or, the first service was set down, my lord sitting Christ, shall die. Then his majesty an
the table with the foresaid company, Andrew swered, Mr. Alexander, Ye and were very
ment, Take
Ruthven came from the master, and rounded the earl, but heard not what said and
Upon the information Henderson, and other witnesses, Cranstoun and Craigingelt were pannelled before the Justiciary John
shortly after, this deponent passing down
take the second service, Mr. Alex. Ruthven
and Wm. Blair came the earl, my lord stoun; and upon clear testimonies, and sitting his dinner; and hown soon my lord their own confession the bar (which they
saw them, and his hail company rose from the table; and then this deponent hearing my lord
also adhered the scaffold) they were both executed only alledging, that they did not know the design murder the king; but
foot bid this deponent send for his steel-bonnet
and gantlet, believing that my lord was going that they intended force the king make
take the said Highland-man. And this great reparations for the late earl Gowrie's deponent perceiving my lord passing the death: and that this earl of Gowrie was be
Inche, and not the Shoegate, sent home made great man.
his dinner, Mr. Thomas Cranstoun this deponent,” and bade him gang
Gowrie which this deponent did.
this deponent, Tarry still with my brother, and any thing bids you. Then this deponent
wanting his steel bonnet. And all this time, this deponent feared some evil be done: that, upon this, kneeled and prayed God; and about the end the half hour, Mr. Alex
ander opens the door the room, and entered first within the same, having the king's majesty the arm, and puts his hat upon his head,
came the master, and speird, What will you with me, Sir Then the master spoke my lord, Let Andrew Henryson into the round
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1369] STATE TRIALS, 42 Eliz. 1600–and others, for High Treason. [1370
great together; and as touching your father's they both being grasped together, come forth death, man, I was but a minor. My council the cabinet the chainber: and, the tnight have done any thing they pleased. And mean time, this deponent threw about the key; farther, man, albeit ye bereave me of my life, then standing the door
ye will not be king of Scotland; for I have turnpike, which entred both sons and daughters, and there are men in opened the door thereof,
the head the the chamber, and eschew [escape;
this town and friends that will not leave it un
revenged. Then Mr. Alexander answered,
swearing with a great oath, that it was neither
his life nor blood that he craved. And the his hand, and passed the king's majesty, and king said, what traiks, [what then] albeit ye laid about him, and drew his whinger: and take off your hat; and then Mr. Alexander saw him minting with the whinger, this de took off his hat. And the king said, What is ponent passed furth the said door, and
crave, man, and crave not my life
who answered, Sir, but promise. The
king answered, What promise? The said Mr.
Alexander answered, For, my lord my brother Gowrie standing before the gate accompanica will tell you. The king said, Fetch hither your sundry persons, whom remembers brother. And syne the said Mr. Alexander none; but remembers well, that the earl had said the king, Sir, you will not cry, nor this deponent's knapschaw, head-piece, on open the window while come again and his head, and two swords drawn his hands: the king promised do. Then Mr. Alex and incontinently thereafter, this deponent ander passed forth and locked, and passed not passed his own lodging, where remained from the door, believes. the mean while the king passed furth the town and time, the king entered discourse with this then the deponent passed the bridge, and deponent, How came you here, man? And walked and down the space hour, this deponent answered, As God lives, am and returned not again the earl's lodging. shot here like dog. The king answered, And the time his entry his house that Will my lord Gowrie me any evil, man night, this deponent's wife inquired this de This deponent answered, vow God shall ponent, What trouble was within the place die first. And then the king bad this deponent To whom answered, Well me one open the window and opened the window thing, that had not been there, the king that looked the Spy-tower: and the king had been twice sticked this night: but wo answered, Fy, the wrong window, man And me for the thing that fallen out. And this thereafter, this deponent passing the other deponent being demanded Mr. John Mon
open the same; crief, after his returning from Falkland, where before goti. the window, Mr. Alexander have you been with your boots answered,
window nearest his majesty,
opened the door, and came
his majesty, By God there
both the hands, having ane garter his hands. Then the king answered, am free prince,
man; will not bound: his majesty cast loose his left hand from Mr. Alexander; and that same time, this deponent draws away the garter from Mr. Alexander, and majesty loups free from the said Mr. Alexander, and
the said Mr. Alexander follows his majesty, and with left hand about his majesty's craig, puts his right neeve [fist] his majesty's mouth his majesty wrestling quite
and then he
remedy; the king, and got him
Inchechaffrey, sworn and ex amined, depones, That, upon the 5th August last by-past, this deponent being Falkland, him, this deponent put his hand out his ma about seven hours the morning, met Mr.
jesty's mouth. And thereafter, this deponent Alex. Ruthven, accompanied with Andrew did put his left hand over his majesty's left Ruthven and, that time, only saluted the
shoulder, and pull'd the broad the window, whereunto the said Mr. Alexander had thrust his majesty's head and shoulders; and with the force the drawing the window, presses his majesty's body about, his right side
the window; which time his majesty cries furth, Treason Treason So the mas
said Mr. Alex. Ruthven, without any conference farther that time. And that time, saw the said Mr. Alexander enter into conference
with his majesty, upon the green, betwixt the stables and the park: which conference endur ing for the space quarter hour, and the said Mr. Alexander accompanied his ma jesty while they came the meadow and,
ter said this deponent, there help with
thee Wo worth thee, thou villain we die.
So twining his hand the guard his own
sword; and, incontinent, the king's majesty reason his own could not soon prepared. put his hand on the master's hands, and staid To whom Mr. Alexander answered, He might him from drawing his sword and this ways not tarry, reason his majesty had command
himself, and And how soon say came
let his majesty's servants in. opened the door, John Ram the said door, with haulk on
passed down the turnpike. And, this depo ment passed through the close, and came
the fore-gate, this deponent saw the earl
again, and said He had been two three miles beyond Erne,
and durst not tell him the verity, reason
the earl Gowrie had him tell
the errand, sent him, any body. And farther, this deponent declares, That when
saw the earl Gowrie standing with the drawn
swords before the gate, this deponent spoke not the earl, neither yet the earl him
that time, but subscribitur,
passed his own house. Sic ANdrew HENDERson.
The Abbot
his returning from his majesty, this deponent desired Mr. Alexander disjune with him,
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TRIALS, oEliz, 1600. —Proceedings against
1371] STATE 42 Earl Gowrie [1572
him await upon him. And, this de Gowrie upon the high-street; and immediately ponent passed Falkland, leaving Mr. Alex Tho. Erskin gripped the earl Gowrie ander behind him, met his horse with his man, Fy, Traitor this thy deed, thou shalt die. coming from Falkland him and then this Then the earl Gowrie answered, ken
deponent, after had disjuned Falkland, nothing
took his journey they to Inche
chaffrey, and the deponent being but mile Frskin and James Erskin from the earl of
be-north Stramcolo, incompanied with
my lord Duke, Londores, the laird Urquhill,
John Hamilton the Grange, Finlay Tailzies;
and Mr. Alex. Ruthven came this Depo ment, riding the ligh-way Perth. Then in
continent this deponent horsed, and accom thereafter the said earl, accompanied with panied his majesty Perth, where saw the thirty persons, thereby, passed within the earl Gov, meet his majesty the Inche, said place, wherein majesty was for the and posse" company with his majesty, and time; and shortly after, the deponent, ap his noblemen, and servants, the earl peared him, saw multitude people car Gowrie's lodging, where they dined together. rying joist towards the place. Sic subscribiour,
And after dinner, this deponent being the chamber the north-end the hall, word passed through the hall, that his majesty was
assed away, and ridden towards Falkland; and then this deponent, company with the lord Mar, and remanent present for the time, passed the close, and from that the high-street; and the earl Gowrie being pre sent with them, desired them stay, while returned and advertised them of the verity thereof. And incontinent the earl Gowrie
LIN Boa Es.
thered with Hugh Herries, who demanded am sure, yon his majesty's voice, where the deponent what the matter meant;
will himself. And inmediately thereafter, this deponent saw his majesty looking forth window the round, wanting his hat, and
his face red, crying, Fy, help, my lord Mar!
Treason Treason am murder'd And,
the same instant, his judgment, was pulled
per force the same window. And, in
continent thereafter this deponent passed
haste with the earl Mar and my lord Hugh Herries, and others that were with him,
Duke, the chamber within the gallery; where saw, heard, and did things conform
the- earl's -Deposition. Sic subscribitur, INch Ech Arr REY.
Fy, this the Traitor, strike him and incon tinent was stricken them, and fell and was fallen, turned his face, and cried,
Alas! had not the wyte it; this deponent being standing above him the turnpike. There after, this deponent passed the head the turnpike, and entered within the chamber
The Abbot Lindores, sworn and ex
amined, depones, conform the lord Duke
Lenox, things: addendo, That after din the head the gallery, where the king and sir ner, when word was his majesty's departure John Ramsay were there alone present; and, towards Falkland, and that they had alto the first meeting, this deponent said his gether came down the porter, and had in mnjesty, thought your majesty would have quired him, gif the king's majesty was gone concredited more me, nor have com furth the porter answered, He was not passed manded me await your majesty the door,
furth and the earl
Gowrie affirmed, That gif thought not meet have taken men
you. Whereupon majesty
with his answered
so passed
was furth
the and the
said the earl
my lord, because
back-gate. And, after that majesty had cried furth the window the round, Trea son Treason' &c. this deponent saw James Erskin incontinently lay hands the earl
for com
manded him expressly
which promised me
back, thought, fetch you but did nothing, but stelked the door. Shortly there
Gowrie, That cannot
this deponent, Alas! the Traitor deceived
have the key the
me did the
bring you me,
the matter. Then instantly the
the said sir Tho.
Gowrie who incontinently ran the space
half ane pair butt-lands from them, towards Glenurchie's house, and drew furth his two swords, and cried, will either my own house, die the gate. And incontinently
Gowrie's men
Sir Thomas Erskin
sworn, depones conform
rey, and lord Lindores, addendo, That im mediately after this deponent heard his majes
cry furth the window the round, Fy, help am betrayed, they are murdering me
ran with diligence towards the place, have helpen his majesty; and before his entry, seeing the earl Gowrie, this deponent and
and, the mean time, the deponent heard John Ramsay crying out the turnpike-head, Fy, Thomas, come the turnpike, even
the head and, this deponent had passed
five steps the turnpike, sees and meets with Mr. Alex. Ruthven blooded two parts his body, viz. his face and his neck;
and incontinent this deponent cries sir
the age 36 years,
the lord Inchechan
passed the stair, and returned back, and
certified the Deponent and colleagues
his majesty's departure. Then the lord Duke,
this deponent and remanent, cried for their Immediately the earl's servants severed him
horses follow the king. Then, they were standing upon the high-street, they heard ane cry, and voice; and the Duke first declared,
from this deponent and his brother.