is tyme
take at ?
Gawaine and the Green Knight
3e may be seker bi ? is braunch ? at I bere here,
[E] ? at I passe as in pes, & no ply3t seche;
For had I founded in fere, in fe3tyng wyse,
268 [F] I haue a hauberghe at home & a helme bo? e,
A schelde, & a scharp spere, schinande bry3t,
Ande o? er weppenes to welde, I wene wel als,
Bot for I wolde no were, my wede3 ar softer.
272 Bot if ? ou be so bold as alle burne3 tellen,
? ou wyl grant me godly ? e gomen ? at I ask,
bi ry3t. "
[G] Arthour con onsware,
276 & sayd, "sir cortays kny3t,
If ? ou craue batayl bare,
Here fayle3 ? ou not to fy3t. "
[Sidenote A: Arthur salutes the Green Knight. ]
[Sidenote B: bids him welcome, and invites him to stay awhile. ]
[Sidenote C: The knight says that he will not tarry. ]
[Sidenote D: He seeks the most valiant that he may prove him. ]
[Sidenote E: He comes in peace. ]
[Sidenote F: At home, however, he has both shield and spear. ]
[Sidenote G: Arthur assures him that he shall not fail to find an opponent
worthy of him. ]
[A] "Nay, frayst I no fy3t, in fayth I ? e telle,
280 [B] Hit arn aboute on ? is bench bot berdle3 chylder;
If I were hasped in armes on a he3e stede,
[C] Here is no mon me to mach, for my3te3 so[1] wayke.
For-? y I craue in ? is court a crystmas gomen,
284 [D] For hit is 3ol & nwe 3er, & here ar 3ep mony;
If any so hardy in ? is hous holde3 hym-seluen,
[E] Be so bolde in his blod, brayn in hys hede,
? at dar stifly strike a strok for an o? er,
288 I schal gif hym of my gyft ? ys giserne ryche,
[F] ? is ax, ? at is heue in-nogh, to hondele as hym lykes,
& I schal bide ? e fyrst bur, as bare as I sitte. [Fol. 95. ]
If any freke be so felle to fonde ? at I telle,
292 Lepe ly3tly me to, & lach ? is weppen,
I quit clayme hit for euer, kepe hit as his auen,
[G] & I schal stonde hym a strok, stif on ? is flet,
Elle3 ? ou wyl di3t me ? e dom to dele hym an o? er,
296 barlay;
& 3et gif hym respite,
[H] A twelmonyth & a day;--
Now hy3e, & let se tite
300 Dar any her-inne o3t say. "
[Sidenote A: "I seek no fight," says the knight. ]
[Sidenote B: "'Here are only beardless children. ']
[Sidenote C: Here is no man to match me. ]
[Sidenote D: Here are brave ones many,]
[Sidenote E: if any be bold enough to 'strike a stroke for another,']
[Sidenote F: this axe shall be his;]
[Sidenote G: but I shall give him a 'stroke' in return]
[Sidenote H: within a twelvemonth and a day. "]
[Footnote 1: MS. fo. ]
[A] If he hem stowned vpon fyrst, stiller were ? anne
Alle ? e hered-men in halle, ? e hy3 & ? e lo3e;
[B] ? e renk on his rounce hym ruched in his sadel,
304 & runisch-ly his rede y3en he reled aboute,
[C] Bende his bresed bro3e3, bly-cande grene,
[D] Wayued his berde for to wayte quo-so wolde ryse.
When non wolde kepe hym with carp he co3ed ful hy3e,
308 Ande rimed hym ful richley, & ry3t hym to speke:
[E] "What, is ? is Ar? ures hous," quod ? e ha? el ? enne,
"? at al ? e rous rennes of, ? ur3 ryalmes so mony?
Where is now your sourquydrye & your conquestes,
312 Your gry[n]del-layk, & your greme, & your grete wordes?
[F] Now is ? e reuel & ? e renoun of ? e rounde table
Ouer-walt wyth a worde of on wy3es speche;
For al dares for drede, with-oute dynt schewed! "
316 Wyth ? is he la3es so loude, ? at ? e lorde greued;
[G] ? e blod schot for scham in-to his schyre face
& lere;
[H] He wex as wroth as wynde,
320 So did alle ? at ? er were
? e kyng as kene bi kynde,
? en stod ? at stif mon nere.
[Sidenote A: Fear kept all silent. ]
[Sidenote B: The knight rolled his red eyes about,]
[Sidenote C: and bent his bristly green brows. ]
[Sidenote D: Waving his beard awhile, he exclaimed:]
[Sidenote E: "What! is this Arthur's court? ]
[Sidenote F: Forsooth the renown of the Round Table is overturned 'with a
word of one man's speech. '"]
[Sidenote G: Arthur blushes for shame. ]
[Sidenote H: He waxes as wroth as the wind. ]
[A] Ande sayde, "ha? el, by heuen ? yn askyng is nys,
324 & as ? ou foly hat3 frayst, fynde ? e be-houes;
I know no gome ? at is gast of ? y grete wordes.
Gif me now ? y geserne, vpon gode3 halue,
& I schal bay? en ? y bone, ? at ? ou boden habbes. "
328 Ly3tly lepe3 he hym to, & la3t at his honde; [Fol. 95b. ]
? en feersly ? at o? er freke vpon fote ly3tis.
[B] Now hat3 Arthure his axe, & ? e halme grype3,
& sturnely sture3 hit aboute, ? at stryke wyth hit ? o3t.
332 ? e stif mon hym bifore stod vpon hy3t,
Herre ? en ani in ? e hous by ? e hede & more;
[C] Wyth sturne schere[1] ? er he stod, he stroked his berde,
& wyth a countenaunce dry3e he dro3 doun his cote,
336 No more mate ne dismayd for hys mayn dinte3,
? en any burne vpon bench hade bro3t hym to drynk
of wyne,
[D] Gawan, ? at sate bi ? e quene,
340 To ? e kyng he can enclyne,
"I be-seche now with sa3e3 sene,
? is melly mot be myne. "
[Sidenote A: He assures the knight that no one is afraid of his great
words. ]
[Sidenote B: Arthur seizes his axe. ]
[Sidenote C: The knight, stroking his beard, awaits the blow, and with a
"dry countenance" draws down his coat. ]
[Sidenote D: Sir Gawayne beseeches the king to let him undertake the blow. ]
[Footnote 1: chere (? ). ]
"Wolde 3e, wor? ilych lorde," quod Gawan to ? e kyng,
344 [A] "Bid me bo3e fro ? is benche, & stonde by yow ? ere,
? at I wyth-oute vylanye my3t voyde ? is table,
& ? at my legge lady lyked not ille,
I wolde com to your counseyl, bifore your cort ryche.
348 [B] For me ? ink hit not semly, as hit is so? knawen,
? er such an askyng is heuened so hy3e in your sale,
? a33e 3our-self be talenttyf to take hit to your-seluen,
[C] Whil mony so bolde yow aboute vpon bench sytten,
352 ? at vnder heuen, I hope, non ha3er er of wylle,
Ne better bodyes on bent, ? er baret is rered;
[D] I am ? e wakkest, I wot, and of wyt feblest,
& lest lur of my lyf, quo laytes ? e so? e,
356 Bot for as much as 3e ar myn em, I am only to prayse,
No bounte bot your blod I in my bode knowe;
& sy? en ? is note is so nys, ? at no3t hit yow falles,
& I haue frayned hit at yow fyrst, folde3 hit to me,
360 & if I carp not comlyly, let alle ? is cort rych,
bout blame. "
[E] Ryche to-geder con roun,
& sy? en ? ay redden alle same,
364 To ryd ? e kyng wyth croun,
& gif Gawan ? e game.
[Sidenote A: He asks permission to leave the table; he says,]
[Sidenote B: it is not meet that Arthur should be active in the matter,]
[Sidenote C: while so many bold ones sit upon bench. ]
[Sidenote D: Although the weakest, he is quite ready to meet the Green
Knight. ]
[Sidenote E: The nobles entreat Arthur to "give Gawayne the game. "]
? en comaunded ? e kyng ? e kny3t for to ryse; [Fol. 96. ]
& he ful radly vp ros, & ruchched hym fayre,
368 [A] Kneled doun bifore ? e kyng, & cache3 ? at weppen;
& he luflyly hit hym laft, & lyfte vp his honde,
& gef hym godde3 blessyng, & gladly hym biddes
[B] ? at his hert & his honde schulde hardi be bo? e.
372 "Kepe ? e cosyn," quod ? e kyng, "? at ? ou on kyrf sette,
& if ? ou rede3 hym ry3t, redly I trowe,
? at ? ou schal byden ? e bur ? at he schal bede after.
Gawan got3 to ? e gome, with giserne in honde,
376 & he baldly hym byde3, he bayst neuer ? e helder
[C] ? en carppe3 to sir Gawan ? e kny3t in ? e grene,
"Refourme we oure for-wardes, er we fyrre passe.
Fyrst I e? e ? e, ha? el, how ? at ? ou hattes,
380 ? at ? ou me telle truly, as I tryst may? "
[D] "In god fayth," quod ? e goode kny3t, "Gawan I hatte,
? at bede ? e ? is buffet, quat-so bi-falle3 after,
& at ?
is tyme twelmonyth take at ? e ano? er,
384 Wyth what weppen so[1] ? ou wylt, & wyth no wy3 elle3,
on lyue. "
? at o? er on-sware3 agayn,
"Sir Gawan, so mot I ? ryue,
388 [E] As I am ferly fayn.
? is dint ? at ? ou schal dryue. "
[Sidenote A: The king gives his nephew his weapon,]
[Sidenote B: and tells him to keep heart and hand steady. ]
[Sidenote C: The Green Knight enquires the name of his opponent. ]
[Sidenote D: Sir Gawayne tells him his name, and declares that he is
willing to give and receive a blow. ]
[Sidenote E: The other thereof is glad. ]
[Footnote 1: MS. fo. ]
[A] "Bigog," quod ? e grene kny3t, "sir Gawan, melykes,
? at I schal fange at ? y fust ? at I haf frayst here;
392 & ? ou hat3 redily rehersed, bi resoun ful trwe,
Clanly al ? e couenaunt ? at I ? e kynge asked,
Saf ? at ? ou schal siker me, segge, bi ? i traw? e,
? at ? ou schal seche me ? i-self, where-so ? ou hopes
396 I may be funde vpon folde, & foch ? e such wages
[B] As ? ou deles me to day, bifore ? is dou? e ryche. "
[C] "Where schulde I wale ? e," quod Gauan, "where is ? y place?
I wot neuer where ? ou wonyes, bi hym ? at me wro3t,
400 Ne I know not ? e, kny3t, ? y cort, ne ? i name.
[D] Bot teche me truly ? er-to, & telle me howe ? ou hattes,
& I schal ware alle my wyt to wynne me ? eder,
& ? at I swere ? e for so? e, & by my seker trawe? . " [Fol. 96b. ]
404 "? at is in-nogh in nwe 3er, hit nedes no more,"
Quod ? e gome in ? e grene to Gawan ? e hende,
[E] "3if I ? e telle trwly, quen I ? e tape haue,
& ? ou me smo? ely hat3 smyten, smartly I ? e teche
408 Of my hous, & my home, & myn owen nome,
? en may ? ou frayst my fare, & forwarde3 holde,
[F] & if I spende no speche, ? enne spede3 ? ou ? e better,
For ? ou may leng in ? y londe, & layt no fyrre,
412 bot slokes;
[G] Ta now ? y grymme tole to ? e,
& let se how ? ou cnoke3. "
"Gladly sir, for so? e,"
416 Quod Gawan; his ax he strokes.
[Sidenote A: "It pleases me well, Sir Gawayne," says the Green Knight,
"that I shall receive a blow from thy fist; but thou must swear that thou
wilt seek me,]
[Sidenote B: to receive the blow in return. "]
[Sidenote C: "Where shall I seek thee? " says Sir Gawayne;]
[Sidenote D: "tell me thy name and abode and I will find thee. "]
[Sidenote E: "When thou hast smitten me," says the knight, "then tell I
thee of my home and name;]
[Sidenote F: if I speak not at all, so much the better for thee. ]
[Sidenote G: Take now thy grim tool, and let us see how thou knockest. "]
[A] The grene kny3t vpon grounde gray? ely hym dresses,
A littel lut with ? e hede, ? e lere he discouere3,
[B] His longe louelych lokke3 he layd ouer his croun.
420 Let ? e naked nec to ? e note schewe.
Gauan gripped to his ax, & gederes hit on hy3t,
? e kay fot on ? e folde he be-fore sette,
[C] Let hit doun ly3tly ly3t on ? e naked,
424 ? at ? e scharp of ? e schalk schyndered ? e bones,
[D] & schrank ? ur3 ? e schyire grece, & scade hit in twynne,
? at ? e bit of ? e broun stel bot on ? e grounde.
[E] ? e fayre hede fro ? e halce hit [felle] to ? e er? e,
428 [F] ? at fele hit foyned wyth her fete, ? ere hit forth roled;
? e blod brayd fro ? e body, ? at blykked on ? e grene;
[G] & naw? er faltered ne fel ? e freke neuer ? e helder,
Bot sty? ly he start forth vpon styf schonkes,
432 [H] & ru[n]yschly he ra3t out, ? ere as renkke3 stoden,
La3t to his lufly hed, & lyft hit vp sone;
& sy? en bo3e3 to his blonk, ? e brydel he cachche3,
[I] Steppe3 in to stel bawe & stryde3 alofte,
436 [J] & his hede by ? e here in his honde halde3;
& as sadly ? e segge hym in his sadel sette,
As non vnhap had hym ayled, ? a3 hedle3 he[1] we[re],
in stedde;
440 [K] He brayde his bluk[2] aboute,
? at vgly bodi ? at bledde, [Fol. 97. ]
Moni on of hym had doute,
Bi ? at his resoun3 were redde.
[Sidenote A: The Green Knight]
[Sidenote B: puts his long lovely locks aside and lays bare his neck. ]
[Sidenote C: Sir Gawayne lets fall his axe]
[Sidenote D: and severs the head from the body. ]
[Sidenote E: The head falls to the earth. ]
[Sidenote F: Many kick it aside with their feet. ]
[Sidenote G: The knight never falters;]
[Sidenote H: he rushes forth, seizes his head,]
[Sidenote I: steps into the saddle,]
[Sidenote J: holding the while the head in his hand by the hair,]
[Sidenote K: and turns his horse about. ]
[Footnote 1: MS. ho. ]
[Footnote 2: blunk (? ). ]
444 For ? e hede in his honde he halde3 vp euen,
[A] To-ward ? e derrest on ? e dece he dresse3 ? e face,
& hit lyfte vp ? e y3e-lydde3, & loked ful brode,
[B] & meled ? us much with his muthe, as 3e may now here.
448 "Loke, Gawan, ? ou be gray? e to go as ? ou hette3,
& layte as lelly til ? ou me, lude, fynde,
[C] As ? ou hat3 hette in ? is halle, herande ? ise kny3tes;
[D] To ? e grene chapel ? ou chose, I charge ? e to fotte,
452 Such a dunt as ? ou hat3 dalt disserued ? ou habbe3,
[E] To be 3ederly 3olden on nw 3eres morn;
? e kny3t of ? e grene chapel men knowen me mony;
[F] For-? i me forto fynde if ? ou frayste3, fayle3 ? ou neuer,
456 [G] ? er-fore com, o? er recreaunt be calde ? e be-houeus. "
With a runisch rout ? e rayne3 he torne3,
[H] Halled out at ? e hal-dor, his hed in his hande,
? at ? e fyr of ? e flynt fla3e fro fole houes.
460 To quat kyth he be-com, knwe non ? ere,
Neuermore ? en ? ay wyste fram que? en. he wat3 wonnen;
what ? enne?
? e kyng & Gawen ? are,
464 [I] At ? at grene ? ay la3e & grenne,
3et breued wat3 hit ful bare,
A meruayl among ? o menne.
[Sidenote A: The head lifts up its eyelids,]
[Sidenote B: and addresses Sir Gawayne; "Look thou, be ready to go as thou
hast promised,]
[Sidenote C: and seek till thou findest me. ]
[Sidenote D: Get thee to the Green Chapel,]
[Sidenote E: there to receive a blow on New Year's morn. ]
[Sidenote F: Fail thou never;]
[Sidenote G: come, or recreant be called. "]
[Sidenote H: The Green Knight then rushes out of the hall, his head in his
hand. ]
[Sidenote I: At that green one Arthur and Gawayne "laugh and grin. "]
[A] ? a3 Ar? er ? e hende kyng at hert hade wonder,
468 He let no semblaunt be sene, bot sayde ful hy3e
To ?