, in
(Sir) William Smith's Dictionaries (1842-3).
(Sir) William Smith's Dictionaries (1842-3).
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v12
The Gospel of St John: &
verbatim translation from the Vatican MS, with the notable variations of
the Sinaitic and Beza MSS, and brief explanatory comments. 1887.
Memoir by Lewis, S. 8. , in Bursian's Biogr. Jahrb. , Leipzig, 1889,
; :
pp. 15–17.
## p. 490 (#514) ############################################
Arthur Palmer
Ovid, Heroides XIV, 1874. Propertius, 1880. Horace, Satires, 1882; 6th edn,
1896. Plautus, Amphitruo, 1888. Catullus in Macmillan's Parnassus
series, 1896.
Articles in Hermathena, and, on Aristophanes, in The Quarterly Review,
October 1884.
Memoir by Tyrrell, R. Y. , in Hermathena, x, 115-821.
Samuel Parr
Latin Preface to Gulielmi Bellendeni . . . de Statu libri tres; 2nd edn, 1787.
A Spital Sermon (51 pp. ), to which are added Notes (112 pp. ). 1804.
Johnstone's Memoirs, 8 vols. , 1828; Life by Field, 2 vols. , 1828; Barker,
E. H. , Parriana, 1828; De Quincey, ed. Masson, v 9-145; Blunt,
J. J. , The Quarterly Review, April 1829 (reprinted in Essays,
172-249); and Nicoll, H. J. , Great Scholars, 1880, pp. 139–187.
Mark Pattison
See bibliography in vol. xiv.
John Peile (1838-1910)
Introduction to Greek and Latin Etymology. 1869, 1872, 1875. Primer of
Philology. 1877.
Notes on the Tale of Nala. 1881.
Biographical Register, vol. I, 1910; and History, of Christ's College,
Cambridge. 1900.
Thomas Williamson Peile (1806-1882)
Aeschylus, Agamemnon and Choëphoroe. 1839.
Richard Porson
A. Works and Editions
Papers in Maty's Review: On Schütz's Aeschylus, and on Brunck's Aristo-
phanes, 1783; on Stephen Weston's Fragments of Hermesianax, and on
G. I. Huntingford's A pology for the Monostrophics, 1784.
Notes (on pp. xli-lix) and preface to Hutchinson's edition of Xenophon's
Anabasis. 1786.
Letters to The Gentleman's Magazine: (1) an ironical panegyric of Sir John
Hawkins's Life of Johnson, August, September, October 1787; (2) Letters
to Travis, 1788–9, published separately as Letters to Mr. Archdeacon
Travis in answer to his Defence of the Three Heavenly Witnesses in
1 John v, 7. 1790.
Articles in The Monthly Review: (1) defending the genuineness of the
Parian Chronicle, 1789; and (2) reviewing T. Edwards's edition of the
Plutarchic tract on education, 1793, and (3) R. Payne Knight's essay
on the Greek alphabet, 1794.
Notes and preface (1787) to new edition of Toup's Emendationes in Suidam.
Oxford, 1790.
Preface to the London edition of Heyne's Virgil, 4 vols. , 1793.
Aeschylus; corrections of the text in an edition printed at the Foulis Press,
Glasgow, in two vols. 8vo in 1794, and published in London in 1806; also
in the folio edition published by Foulis without Porson's knowledge in
1795. [Porson's name is not mentioned in either edition. ]
Contributions to the Morning Chronicle: Letter signed 8. England,
(parodying S. Ireland's publication of his son's Shakespeare forgeries by
## p. 491 (#515) ############################################
Classical Scholars
stating that a learned friend had lately found some of the lost tragedies
of Sophocles and enclosing as a specimen twelve iambic lines (a trans-
lation of Three children sliding on the ice)]. Included in Luard's
Correspondence of Richard Porson, pp. 60 ff. , 1796. Imitations of
Horace, 1797 (partly quoted in J. S. Watson's Life of Porson).
Euripides, Hecuba, 1797; Orestes, 1798; Phoenissae, 1799 : (all three pub-
lished anonymously in London; Medea, published under P. 's own name,
at the Cambridge Press, 1801; Hecuba, 2nd edn, with supplement to
preface, 1802.
Euripidis tragoediae priores quatuor, ed. Ricardus Porson, rec. suasque
notulas subiecit Jacobus Scholefield. Cambridge, 1826.
Collation of the Harleian MS of the Odyssey (Harl. MS 5674 in the British
Museum) appended to the Grenville Homer. Oxford, 1801.
Restorations of the last twenty-six lines of the Rosetta stone, Society of
Antiquaries, 13 Jan. 1803; restorations in Kidd's Tracts, 1815, p. 182;
transl. of the inscription in Clarke, E. D. , Greek Marbles, 1809, pp. 56–65.
B. Literary Remains
Adversaria, being notes and emendations on Athenaeus and various Greek
poets, edited by Monk, J. H. , and Blomfield, C. J. Cambridge, 1812.
Tracts and Miscellaneous Criticisms, collected by Kidd, T. Ib. 1815.
Aristophanica, edited by Dobree, P. P. Ib. 1820.
Notes on Pausanias, appended to Gaisford's Lectiones Platonicae. Oxford,
1820. Notes on Suidas, in appendix to Gaisford's edition. Oxford, 1834.
The Lexicon of Photius, printed from Porson's transcript of the Codex
Galeanus in the library of Trinity college, Cambridge, ed. by Dobree, P. P.
2 vols. Cambridge, 1822.
Porson's Correspondence (a collection of 68 letters), ed. for the Cambridge
Antiquarian Society, by Luard, H. R. Cambridge, 1867.
Papers in the Library of Trinity College, arranged by Luard, H. R. , in 1859
and bound in four volumes, containing: (1) the originals of many of the
letters printed in the Correspondence; (2) Transcript of Photius;
(3) Transcripts of the Medea and the Phoenissae; (4) notes on
ancient authors, including a collation of the Aldine Aeschylus.
Adversaria in most of the 274 books formerly belonging to Porson, and now
in the library of Trinity college.
C. Biography and Criticism
Memoirs in The Gentleman's Magazine, September and October 1808.
Clarke, Adam. Narrative of Porson's last illness and death. 1808.
Weston, Stephen. Short Account. 1808. Reissued with new preface, etc.
Kidd, Thomas. Imperfect Outline of Porson's life, prefixed to the Tracts,
etc. 1815.
Beloe, W. The Sexagenarian, vol. 1. 1817; 2nd edn, 1818.
A Vindication of the Literary Character of the late Professor Porson,
by Crito Cantabrigiensis (Turton, Thomas, afterwards bishop of Ely).
Cambridge, 1829.
English Scholarship; its Rise, Progress, and Decay (from Gataker to Dobree):
three discursive anonymous articles in The Church of England Quarterly
Review, iv, 9-125; v, 145-175, 398-426. 1838-9.
Barker, E. H. Parriana, vol. 11, 1829, and Porsoniana, 1852.
Maltby, E. Porsoniana in Dyce's Recollections of the Table-Talk of
Samuel Rogers. 1856.
Hawes, Siday. Short article in Knight's English Encyclopaedia. 1857.
## p. 492 (#516) ############################################
Luard, Henry Richards. Porson. In Cambridge Essays (pp. 125-171), 1857;
and in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1885, etc.
Watson, John Selby. Life of Porson. 1861.
Nicoll, H. J. Porson. In Great Scholars. 1880.
Jebb, (Sir) R. C. In D. of N. B. vol. XLVI, pp. 154–163. 1896.
Edward Poste (1823-1902)
The Logic of Science, 1850. Plato's Philebus, Oxford, 1860, transl. 1860.
Aristotle on Fallacies, transl. 1866. Gaius, with transl. and commentary,
1875. The skies and weather forecasts of Aratus, transl. 1880. Aristotle
on the Constitution of Athens, transl. 1891.
William Ramsay (1806-1865)
Elegiac Extracts from Tibullus and Ovid, 1840; 3rd edn, 1859. Cicero, pro
Cluentio, 2nd edn, 1859; new edn, Oxford, 1869. Plautus, Mostellaria.
1869. Manual of Latin Prosody, 1840; 2nd edn, 1859; Elementary
ditto, 1860. Manual of Roman Antiquities, 1851; 6th edn, 1864. Articles
Agricultura, Astronomy, Cicero, Juvenalis, Lucilius, Lucretius, etc.
, in
(Sir) William Smith's Dictionaries (1842-3).
George Rawlinson
See bibliography to chap. XIV, ante
Toot? !
James Riddell (1823-1866)
Plato, Apology, with a Digest of Platonic Idioms. Oxford, 1867.
Homer, Odyssey, begun by R. , continued by Merry, W. W. (1876), and com-
pleted by Monro, D. B. (1901).
Henry John Roby
Elementary Latin Grammar, 1862; A Grammar of the Latin Language,
1871; Latin Grammar for Schools, 1880; Latin Grammar from Plautus
to Suetonius, 2 vols. , 1871-4, etc.
Report of the Schools Inquiry Commission, chapters 11 (On the present state
of Schools for Secondary Education) and iv (The law of Charities as
affecting Endowed Schools), 1868-9.
An Introduction to the Study of Justinian's Digest, 2 vols. , 1884; Italian
transl. , Florence, 1886. Roman Private Law in the times of Cicero and
the Antonines, 2 vols. , 1902. Essays on the Law in Cicero's Private
Orations, 1902. Roman Law, chapter , in vol. II of The Cambridge
Medieval History, 1913.
Martin Joseph Routh
See bibliography to chap. XII, ante
William Gunion Rutherford
Elementary Accidence of Attic Greek. 1878. First Greek Grammar
(Accidence and Syntax). 1891. The New Phrynichus, being a revised
text of the Ecloga of the Grammarian Phrynichus, with introduction and
commentary, 1881. Babrius, with introductory dissertations, critical
notes, commentary and lexicon. 1883. The Fourth Book of Thucydides,
a revision of the text, illustrating the principal causes of corruption
in the MSS of this author. 1889. The Mimiambi of Herondas. 1892.
Scholia Aristophanica. 3 vols. 1896-1905. St Paul's Epistle to the
Romans, translated. 1900.
## p. 493 (#517) ############################################
Classical Scholars
ܐ ܕ
܀ ܬ
John Young Sargent (1829-1915)
Easy passages for translation into Latin. Oxford, 1867; 8th edn, 1899.
Materials and models for Latin and Greek prose Composition, with
Dallin, T. F. , 1870; Greek separated from Latin, 1878.
Outlines of Norwegian Grammar, 1865; Dano-Norwegian Grammar and
Reader, 1892.
Sir John Robert Seeley (1834–1895)
Livy, bk 1, with introduction etc. Oxford, 1871.
See, also, bibliography to chapter on Historians, etc. in vol. xiv.
William Young Sellar
Roman Poets of the Republic. Oxford, 1863. Roman Poets of the Augustan
Age: Virgil, 1877, etc. Horace and the Elegiac Poets, with memoir
by Lang, Andrew. 1892.
George Augustus Simcox (1841-1905)
Thirteen Satires of Juvenal. 1867 and 1873. History of Latin Literature from
Ennius to Boethius. 2 vols. 1883. Prometheus unbound, a tragedy. 1867.
William Henry Simcox (1843-1889)
The History of Tacitus, ed. 2 vols. 1875-6.
With Simcox, G. A. Orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines On the Crown.
Richard Shilleto
Demosthenes, De Falsa Legatione, 1844; 4th edn, 1874.
Thucydides, I, 1872; II, 1880. Thucydides or Grote? Cambridge, 1851.
Answered in A few remarks . . . by J(ohn) G[rote), ib. 1851.
Collected Versions. Cambridge, 1901.
Evelyn Shirley Shuckburgh (1843-1906)
History of Rome to the Battle of Actium, 1894. History of Rome for
beginners, 1897. Short History of the Greeks, 1901. Greece from the
coming of the Hellenes to A. D. 14, 1905. The Bacchae of Euripides
in English verse, Cambridge, 1871. Polybius, translated into English,
2 vols. , 1889. Cicero's Letters, translated into English, 4 vols. , 1899–
1900. Life of Augustus, 1903. Herodotus, v (1890), vi (1889), vill
(1893), 1x (1893), with English notes. Lysiae Orationes xvi, 1882, etc.
Terence, Hautontimorumenos, 1877 and 1911. Horace, Epistles, book 1,
1888. Ovid, Heroides, 1879; Tristia I, 111, 1895. Cicero, De Am. and De
Sen. , 1885-6. Caesar, de bello Gallico, 1-VII, 1899. Cornelius Nepos,
3 vols. , 1895-7. Suetonius, Life of Augustus, 1896. Sidney's Apology for
Poetry, 1891. Lives of Dr Farmer and Dr Chadderton, 1884. History
of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1904.
Sir William Smith (1813-1893)
School History of Greece. 1854, etc. Latin and English Dictionary, based
upon the Works of Forcellini and Freund. 1855, etc. Editor of Diction-
aries of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 1842, etc. ; edd. Wayte and Marin-
din, 2 vols. , 1890; smaller edn, 1845, etc. ; of Biography and Mythology,
3 vols. , 1844-9, and Geography, 2 vols. , 1857; and of Dictionaries of the
Bible, 3 vols. , 1863 (Concise Dict. , with Wright, W. Aldis, 1865); and of
Christian Antiquities, 2 vols. , 1875-80; and of Christian Biography,
4 vols. , 1877-87; New Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and
Geography, 1850, etc. , 1866; Smaller Classical Dict. , 1852, etc. Also, text-
books of Latin and Greek grammar, and of history, including The Student's
Gibbon, 1857, etc. With Grove, (Sir) George: Classical and Biblical Atlas,
## p. 494 (#518) ############################################
William Hepworth Thompson
Butler, W. Archer. Lectures on the History of Greek Philosophy, ed. 1855.
Plato's Phaedrus, 1868, and Gorgias, 1871.
On the genuineness of the Sophist of Plato and on some of its philosophical
bearings, Trans. of Cambr. Philos. Soc. x (1858), 146 ff. , rptd in Journ. of
Philol. vol. vii (1879), 290 ff.
Platonica-Isocratea in Journ. of Class. and Sacred Philol. vol. iv; Aristo-
phanica and Platonica in Journ. of Philol. vol. iv; On the Philebus, and
Euripides, ib. vol. Xı; Aristophanes, Nubes, and Babriana, ib. vol. XII.
John Horne Tooke
"Errea TTEPÓevta or the Diversions of Purley. 2 vols. 1786, 1798, 1815.
Jonathan Toup (1713-1785)
Emendationes in Suidam et Hesychium, 4 vols. , 1760–6 (1799); Epistola
Critica (de Suida), 1767; Curae Novissimae in Suidam, 1775. Dionysii
Longini quae supersunt, Graece et Latine. Oxford, 1778.
Thomas Twining (1735-1804)
Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry, transl. with notes and dissertations, 1789;
1812 and 1849; Cambridge, 1825; Dublin, 1831.
Robert Yelverton Tyrrell
Hesperidum Susurri (with Brady, T. J. B. and Cullinan, M. C. ), 1867.
Dublin translations into Greek and Latin verse, ed. 1882. Echoes of
Kottabos (with Sullivan, Sir E. ), 1906.
Euripides, Bacchae, 1871 and 1892; Troades, 1881; 2nd edn, 1885. Aristo-
phanes, Acharnians in English verse, 1883. Sophocles, in Parnassus
Library, 1897. Essays on Greek literature, 1909.
Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, 2nd edn, 1896. Terence, Oxford, 1902. Lectures on
Latin poetry, 1893. Anthology of Latin poetry, 1901.
Correspondence of Cicero, vols. I, II, Dublin, 1879-86; vols. III-VII (with
Purser, L. C. ), 1890-1900; Cicero in his Letters, 2nd edn, 1896.
Trinity College, Dublin: speeches of public orators, 1808-1908 (Palmer, A. ,
Tyrrell, R. Y. , Purser, L. C. ). Ed. 1909.
Robert Yelverton Tyrrell, by Purser, L. C. Proc.
verbatim translation from the Vatican MS, with the notable variations of
the Sinaitic and Beza MSS, and brief explanatory comments. 1887.
Memoir by Lewis, S. 8. , in Bursian's Biogr. Jahrb. , Leipzig, 1889,
; :
pp. 15–17.
## p. 490 (#514) ############################################
Arthur Palmer
Ovid, Heroides XIV, 1874. Propertius, 1880. Horace, Satires, 1882; 6th edn,
1896. Plautus, Amphitruo, 1888. Catullus in Macmillan's Parnassus
series, 1896.
Articles in Hermathena, and, on Aristophanes, in The Quarterly Review,
October 1884.
Memoir by Tyrrell, R. Y. , in Hermathena, x, 115-821.
Samuel Parr
Latin Preface to Gulielmi Bellendeni . . . de Statu libri tres; 2nd edn, 1787.
A Spital Sermon (51 pp. ), to which are added Notes (112 pp. ). 1804.
Johnstone's Memoirs, 8 vols. , 1828; Life by Field, 2 vols. , 1828; Barker,
E. H. , Parriana, 1828; De Quincey, ed. Masson, v 9-145; Blunt,
J. J. , The Quarterly Review, April 1829 (reprinted in Essays,
172-249); and Nicoll, H. J. , Great Scholars, 1880, pp. 139–187.
Mark Pattison
See bibliography in vol. xiv.
John Peile (1838-1910)
Introduction to Greek and Latin Etymology. 1869, 1872, 1875. Primer of
Philology. 1877.
Notes on the Tale of Nala. 1881.
Biographical Register, vol. I, 1910; and History, of Christ's College,
Cambridge. 1900.
Thomas Williamson Peile (1806-1882)
Aeschylus, Agamemnon and Choëphoroe. 1839.
Richard Porson
A. Works and Editions
Papers in Maty's Review: On Schütz's Aeschylus, and on Brunck's Aristo-
phanes, 1783; on Stephen Weston's Fragments of Hermesianax, and on
G. I. Huntingford's A pology for the Monostrophics, 1784.
Notes (on pp. xli-lix) and preface to Hutchinson's edition of Xenophon's
Anabasis. 1786.
Letters to The Gentleman's Magazine: (1) an ironical panegyric of Sir John
Hawkins's Life of Johnson, August, September, October 1787; (2) Letters
to Travis, 1788–9, published separately as Letters to Mr. Archdeacon
Travis in answer to his Defence of the Three Heavenly Witnesses in
1 John v, 7. 1790.
Articles in The Monthly Review: (1) defending the genuineness of the
Parian Chronicle, 1789; and (2) reviewing T. Edwards's edition of the
Plutarchic tract on education, 1793, and (3) R. Payne Knight's essay
on the Greek alphabet, 1794.
Notes and preface (1787) to new edition of Toup's Emendationes in Suidam.
Oxford, 1790.
Preface to the London edition of Heyne's Virgil, 4 vols. , 1793.
Aeschylus; corrections of the text in an edition printed at the Foulis Press,
Glasgow, in two vols. 8vo in 1794, and published in London in 1806; also
in the folio edition published by Foulis without Porson's knowledge in
1795. [Porson's name is not mentioned in either edition. ]
Contributions to the Morning Chronicle: Letter signed 8. England,
(parodying S. Ireland's publication of his son's Shakespeare forgeries by
## p. 491 (#515) ############################################
Classical Scholars
stating that a learned friend had lately found some of the lost tragedies
of Sophocles and enclosing as a specimen twelve iambic lines (a trans-
lation of Three children sliding on the ice)]. Included in Luard's
Correspondence of Richard Porson, pp. 60 ff. , 1796. Imitations of
Horace, 1797 (partly quoted in J. S. Watson's Life of Porson).
Euripides, Hecuba, 1797; Orestes, 1798; Phoenissae, 1799 : (all three pub-
lished anonymously in London; Medea, published under P. 's own name,
at the Cambridge Press, 1801; Hecuba, 2nd edn, with supplement to
preface, 1802.
Euripidis tragoediae priores quatuor, ed. Ricardus Porson, rec. suasque
notulas subiecit Jacobus Scholefield. Cambridge, 1826.
Collation of the Harleian MS of the Odyssey (Harl. MS 5674 in the British
Museum) appended to the Grenville Homer. Oxford, 1801.
Restorations of the last twenty-six lines of the Rosetta stone, Society of
Antiquaries, 13 Jan. 1803; restorations in Kidd's Tracts, 1815, p. 182;
transl. of the inscription in Clarke, E. D. , Greek Marbles, 1809, pp. 56–65.
B. Literary Remains
Adversaria, being notes and emendations on Athenaeus and various Greek
poets, edited by Monk, J. H. , and Blomfield, C. J. Cambridge, 1812.
Tracts and Miscellaneous Criticisms, collected by Kidd, T. Ib. 1815.
Aristophanica, edited by Dobree, P. P. Ib. 1820.
Notes on Pausanias, appended to Gaisford's Lectiones Platonicae. Oxford,
1820. Notes on Suidas, in appendix to Gaisford's edition. Oxford, 1834.
The Lexicon of Photius, printed from Porson's transcript of the Codex
Galeanus in the library of Trinity college, Cambridge, ed. by Dobree, P. P.
2 vols. Cambridge, 1822.
Porson's Correspondence (a collection of 68 letters), ed. for the Cambridge
Antiquarian Society, by Luard, H. R. Cambridge, 1867.
Papers in the Library of Trinity College, arranged by Luard, H. R. , in 1859
and bound in four volumes, containing: (1) the originals of many of the
letters printed in the Correspondence; (2) Transcript of Photius;
(3) Transcripts of the Medea and the Phoenissae; (4) notes on
ancient authors, including a collation of the Aldine Aeschylus.
Adversaria in most of the 274 books formerly belonging to Porson, and now
in the library of Trinity college.
C. Biography and Criticism
Memoirs in The Gentleman's Magazine, September and October 1808.
Clarke, Adam. Narrative of Porson's last illness and death. 1808.
Weston, Stephen. Short Account. 1808. Reissued with new preface, etc.
Kidd, Thomas. Imperfect Outline of Porson's life, prefixed to the Tracts,
etc. 1815.
Beloe, W. The Sexagenarian, vol. 1. 1817; 2nd edn, 1818.
A Vindication of the Literary Character of the late Professor Porson,
by Crito Cantabrigiensis (Turton, Thomas, afterwards bishop of Ely).
Cambridge, 1829.
English Scholarship; its Rise, Progress, and Decay (from Gataker to Dobree):
three discursive anonymous articles in The Church of England Quarterly
Review, iv, 9-125; v, 145-175, 398-426. 1838-9.
Barker, E. H. Parriana, vol. 11, 1829, and Porsoniana, 1852.
Maltby, E. Porsoniana in Dyce's Recollections of the Table-Talk of
Samuel Rogers. 1856.
Hawes, Siday. Short article in Knight's English Encyclopaedia. 1857.
## p. 492 (#516) ############################################
Luard, Henry Richards. Porson. In Cambridge Essays (pp. 125-171), 1857;
and in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1885, etc.
Watson, John Selby. Life of Porson. 1861.
Nicoll, H. J. Porson. In Great Scholars. 1880.
Jebb, (Sir) R. C. In D. of N. B. vol. XLVI, pp. 154–163. 1896.
Edward Poste (1823-1902)
The Logic of Science, 1850. Plato's Philebus, Oxford, 1860, transl. 1860.
Aristotle on Fallacies, transl. 1866. Gaius, with transl. and commentary,
1875. The skies and weather forecasts of Aratus, transl. 1880. Aristotle
on the Constitution of Athens, transl. 1891.
William Ramsay (1806-1865)
Elegiac Extracts from Tibullus and Ovid, 1840; 3rd edn, 1859. Cicero, pro
Cluentio, 2nd edn, 1859; new edn, Oxford, 1869. Plautus, Mostellaria.
1869. Manual of Latin Prosody, 1840; 2nd edn, 1859; Elementary
ditto, 1860. Manual of Roman Antiquities, 1851; 6th edn, 1864. Articles
Agricultura, Astronomy, Cicero, Juvenalis, Lucilius, Lucretius, etc.
, in
(Sir) William Smith's Dictionaries (1842-3).
George Rawlinson
See bibliography to chap. XIV, ante
Toot? !
James Riddell (1823-1866)
Plato, Apology, with a Digest of Platonic Idioms. Oxford, 1867.
Homer, Odyssey, begun by R. , continued by Merry, W. W. (1876), and com-
pleted by Monro, D. B. (1901).
Henry John Roby
Elementary Latin Grammar, 1862; A Grammar of the Latin Language,
1871; Latin Grammar for Schools, 1880; Latin Grammar from Plautus
to Suetonius, 2 vols. , 1871-4, etc.
Report of the Schools Inquiry Commission, chapters 11 (On the present state
of Schools for Secondary Education) and iv (The law of Charities as
affecting Endowed Schools), 1868-9.
An Introduction to the Study of Justinian's Digest, 2 vols. , 1884; Italian
transl. , Florence, 1886. Roman Private Law in the times of Cicero and
the Antonines, 2 vols. , 1902. Essays on the Law in Cicero's Private
Orations, 1902. Roman Law, chapter , in vol. II of The Cambridge
Medieval History, 1913.
Martin Joseph Routh
See bibliography to chap. XII, ante
William Gunion Rutherford
Elementary Accidence of Attic Greek. 1878. First Greek Grammar
(Accidence and Syntax). 1891. The New Phrynichus, being a revised
text of the Ecloga of the Grammarian Phrynichus, with introduction and
commentary, 1881. Babrius, with introductory dissertations, critical
notes, commentary and lexicon. 1883. The Fourth Book of Thucydides,
a revision of the text, illustrating the principal causes of corruption
in the MSS of this author. 1889. The Mimiambi of Herondas. 1892.
Scholia Aristophanica. 3 vols. 1896-1905. St Paul's Epistle to the
Romans, translated. 1900.
## p. 493 (#517) ############################################
Classical Scholars
ܐ ܕ
܀ ܬ
John Young Sargent (1829-1915)
Easy passages for translation into Latin. Oxford, 1867; 8th edn, 1899.
Materials and models for Latin and Greek prose Composition, with
Dallin, T. F. , 1870; Greek separated from Latin, 1878.
Outlines of Norwegian Grammar, 1865; Dano-Norwegian Grammar and
Reader, 1892.
Sir John Robert Seeley (1834–1895)
Livy, bk 1, with introduction etc. Oxford, 1871.
See, also, bibliography to chapter on Historians, etc. in vol. xiv.
William Young Sellar
Roman Poets of the Republic. Oxford, 1863. Roman Poets of the Augustan
Age: Virgil, 1877, etc. Horace and the Elegiac Poets, with memoir
by Lang, Andrew. 1892.
George Augustus Simcox (1841-1905)
Thirteen Satires of Juvenal. 1867 and 1873. History of Latin Literature from
Ennius to Boethius. 2 vols. 1883. Prometheus unbound, a tragedy. 1867.
William Henry Simcox (1843-1889)
The History of Tacitus, ed. 2 vols. 1875-6.
With Simcox, G. A. Orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines On the Crown.
Richard Shilleto
Demosthenes, De Falsa Legatione, 1844; 4th edn, 1874.
Thucydides, I, 1872; II, 1880. Thucydides or Grote? Cambridge, 1851.
Answered in A few remarks . . . by J(ohn) G[rote), ib. 1851.
Collected Versions. Cambridge, 1901.
Evelyn Shirley Shuckburgh (1843-1906)
History of Rome to the Battle of Actium, 1894. History of Rome for
beginners, 1897. Short History of the Greeks, 1901. Greece from the
coming of the Hellenes to A. D. 14, 1905. The Bacchae of Euripides
in English verse, Cambridge, 1871. Polybius, translated into English,
2 vols. , 1889. Cicero's Letters, translated into English, 4 vols. , 1899–
1900. Life of Augustus, 1903. Herodotus, v (1890), vi (1889), vill
(1893), 1x (1893), with English notes. Lysiae Orationes xvi, 1882, etc.
Terence, Hautontimorumenos, 1877 and 1911. Horace, Epistles, book 1,
1888. Ovid, Heroides, 1879; Tristia I, 111, 1895. Cicero, De Am. and De
Sen. , 1885-6. Caesar, de bello Gallico, 1-VII, 1899. Cornelius Nepos,
3 vols. , 1895-7. Suetonius, Life of Augustus, 1896. Sidney's Apology for
Poetry, 1891. Lives of Dr Farmer and Dr Chadderton, 1884. History
of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1904.
Sir William Smith (1813-1893)
School History of Greece. 1854, etc. Latin and English Dictionary, based
upon the Works of Forcellini and Freund. 1855, etc. Editor of Diction-
aries of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 1842, etc. ; edd. Wayte and Marin-
din, 2 vols. , 1890; smaller edn, 1845, etc. ; of Biography and Mythology,
3 vols. , 1844-9, and Geography, 2 vols. , 1857; and of Dictionaries of the
Bible, 3 vols. , 1863 (Concise Dict. , with Wright, W. Aldis, 1865); and of
Christian Antiquities, 2 vols. , 1875-80; and of Christian Biography,
4 vols. , 1877-87; New Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and
Geography, 1850, etc. , 1866; Smaller Classical Dict. , 1852, etc. Also, text-
books of Latin and Greek grammar, and of history, including The Student's
Gibbon, 1857, etc. With Grove, (Sir) George: Classical and Biblical Atlas,
## p. 494 (#518) ############################################
William Hepworth Thompson
Butler, W. Archer. Lectures on the History of Greek Philosophy, ed. 1855.
Plato's Phaedrus, 1868, and Gorgias, 1871.
On the genuineness of the Sophist of Plato and on some of its philosophical
bearings, Trans. of Cambr. Philos. Soc. x (1858), 146 ff. , rptd in Journ. of
Philol. vol. vii (1879), 290 ff.
Platonica-Isocratea in Journ. of Class. and Sacred Philol. vol. iv; Aristo-
phanica and Platonica in Journ. of Philol. vol. iv; On the Philebus, and
Euripides, ib. vol. Xı; Aristophanes, Nubes, and Babriana, ib. vol. XII.
John Horne Tooke
"Errea TTEPÓevta or the Diversions of Purley. 2 vols. 1786, 1798, 1815.
Jonathan Toup (1713-1785)
Emendationes in Suidam et Hesychium, 4 vols. , 1760–6 (1799); Epistola
Critica (de Suida), 1767; Curae Novissimae in Suidam, 1775. Dionysii
Longini quae supersunt, Graece et Latine. Oxford, 1778.
Thomas Twining (1735-1804)
Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry, transl. with notes and dissertations, 1789;
1812 and 1849; Cambridge, 1825; Dublin, 1831.
Robert Yelverton Tyrrell
Hesperidum Susurri (with Brady, T. J. B. and Cullinan, M. C. ), 1867.
Dublin translations into Greek and Latin verse, ed. 1882. Echoes of
Kottabos (with Sullivan, Sir E. ), 1906.
Euripides, Bacchae, 1871 and 1892; Troades, 1881; 2nd edn, 1885. Aristo-
phanes, Acharnians in English verse, 1883. Sophocles, in Parnassus
Library, 1897. Essays on Greek literature, 1909.
Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, 2nd edn, 1896. Terence, Oxford, 1902. Lectures on
Latin poetry, 1893. Anthology of Latin poetry, 1901.
Correspondence of Cicero, vols. I, II, Dublin, 1879-86; vols. III-VII (with
Purser, L. C. ), 1890-1900; Cicero in his Letters, 2nd edn, 1896.
Trinity College, Dublin: speeches of public orators, 1808-1908 (Palmer, A. ,
Tyrrell, R. Y. , Purser, L. C. ). Ed. 1909.
Robert Yelverton Tyrrell, by Purser, L. C. Proc.