was first
The Nut
1483 Caxton's Golden Legend.
1483 Caxton's Golden Legend.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v02
1274 Dominicans at Cambridge.
(? ) 1149 Vacarius teaches civil law 1274 Foundation of Merton College,
at Oxford.
1154-1189 King Henry II.
1280-1284 Hugo de Balsham's scho-
f. 1160-1180 Chrétien de Troyes. lars in Cambridge and founda-
1162 St Thomas à Becket, abp of tion of Peterhouse.
Canterbury (murdered, 1170). 1298 Battle of Falkirk.
c. 1167 Canute Song.
c. 1300-1349? Richard Rolle of Ham-
1167 Oxford as a studium generale. pole.
f. 1170 Wace.
1300-1325 Auchinleck MS.
c. 1173 Garnier de Pont Sainte 1300 ? -1352? urence Minot.
1304-1374 Petrarch.
1173-4 Jordan Fantosme.
1305-1377 The Popes at Avignon.
f. 1180 Marie de France.
c. 1307 Peter of Langtoft's Chronicle.
1189-1199 King Richard Cour de 1307-1327 King Edward IL.
1313-1375 Boccaccio.
1193-1280 Albertus Magnus.
1314 Battle of Bannockburn.
c. 1196 Ambroise's Hist. de la guerre c. 1320-1395 John Barbour.
c. 1320-1384 John Wyclif.
1199-1216 King John.
1325 7-1408 John Gower.
ft. 1200 Layamon.
1326-1412 John Trevisa.
12147-1294 Roger Bacon.
1327-1377 King Edward III.
1216-1272 King Henry III.
1330 Nicole Bozon.
1217 Dominicans settle in Paris. 1330-1335 Guillaume de Deguile-
1221 Dominicans at Oxford.
ville's Pilgrimages.
1224 Franciscans at Oxford and c. 1337-1340? Froissart.
1338 Vows of the Heron.
c. 1226 Histoire de Guillaume le 1340 ? -1400 Geoffrey Chaucer,
c. 1340. Tale of Gamelyn.
f. 1230-1250 Bartholomaeus Angli- ? 1342-1442 Juliana of Norwich.
1349, 1361, 1369 The Black Death.
1230 ? -1298 Jacobus a Voragine. 1349? Death of William Ockham.
c. 1237 Romance of the Rose, Wil- c. 1350 The alliterative revival.
liam of Lorris, continued (c. 1278) c. 1350 Higden's Polychronicon.
by John Clopinel of Meun. 1351 Statute of Labourers.
1253 Death of Robert Grosseteste. 1355 Gray's Scalacronica.
c. 1263 Foundation of Balliol Col- 1360 Death of Richard Fitz Ralph,
abp of Armagh.
## p. 511 (#529) ############################################
Table of Principal Dates
1362 ff. Piers Plowman.
1413 St Andrews recognised as a
1362 Pleadings in law courts to be studium generale.
conducted in English.
1414 The Lollard Act.
1362–1364 Parliaments opened by 1415 The Crowned King.
English speeches.
1415 Battle of Agincourt.
1364 Death of Ranulf Higden.
1415 Council of Constance condemns
c. 1368-c. 1450 Thomas Occleve.
Wyclifite 'errors. '
c. 1370-c. 1450 John Lydgate.
1417 End of the Great Schism.
1370-80 Vernon MS.
1417 Execution of Sir John Old.
1371 Earliest (French) MS of the castle.
Mandeville travels.
1418 Peterhouse library catalogued.
1373-1393 William of Wykeham 1422-1471 King Henry VI.
founds Winchester.
c. 1420 Wyntoun’s Orygynale Cro-
1376 Barbour's Bruce.
c. 1376-1377 Death of Sir Hew of 1421-1466 John Paston, letter-
1377-1399 King Richard II.
1421-1428-1491 William Caxton.
1378-1417 The Great Schism. 1422 Yonge's translation of Secreta
1379-1386 William of Wykeham Secretorum.
founds New College, Oxford. c. 1423 The Kingis Quair.
1379–1471 Thomas à Kempis.
c. 1425-c. 1500 Robert Henryson.
1381 Peasants' revolt: Wat Tyler, 1431 François Villon born.
John Ball.
1440-1441 Henry VI founds King's
1382 The earthquake council.
College, Cambridge, and Eton.
C. 1382 Gower's Vox Clamantis. 1442–1479 Sir John Paston, letter-
C. 1383 Chaucer's Troilus and Cri. writer.
1450-1620 Period of Middle Scots.
c. 1384-1387 Fordun's Scotichronicon. At. 1450-1482 Richard de Holand.
C. 1386 Chaucer's Legend of Good 1450 MS of some Robin Hood
C. 1387 Canterbury Tales begun.
1450 Jack Cade's rebellion.
1387 Trevisa's translation of Poly- 1450 Glasgow recognised as a str-
dium generale.
1388 Execution of Thomas Usk. c. 1450 Printing at Mainz.
1388 Otterburn (Percy and Dou- 1453 Constantinople captured by the
1390 Confessio Amantis first com- 1455-1471 Wars of the Roses.
c. 1455 Pecock's Repressor.
1391–1447 Humphrey duke of Glou- 1456 Sir Gilbert Hay's translations.
c. 1460 Blind Harry's Wallace.
1391 Chaucer's Astrolabe.
c. 1460-c. 1520 William Dunbar.
1393-1464 John Capgrave.
1461-1483 King Edward IV.
1396 Death of Walter Hylton. c. 1470 Fortescue's De Laudibus Le-
1398 Trevisa's translation of Bar- gum Angliae.
1474-5-c. 1530 Stephen Hawes.
1399-1413 King Henry IV.
c. 1475-1522 Gavin Douglas.
1401 The statute De Heretico Com. c. 1475 Recuyell of the Histories of
Troy, the first book printed in
1401 Execution of Sawtrey.
the English language.
1401-1402 Jacke Upland.
1476 Caxton press at Westminster.
1403 Stationers' guild incorporated. 1477 Dictes and Sayings of the
1405 Archbishop Sorope's revolt.
Philosophers, the first dated
1406 The English capture Prince book issued in England.
James (James I of Scotland). c 1477 Caxton's edition of the Can.
1413-1422 King Henry V.
terbury Tales.
## p. 512 (#530) ############################################
Principal Dates
Table of of
1480 The first London press (John 1500 King's College, Aberdeen,
1483 King Edward V.
1503 Arnold's Chronicle (in which
1483-1485 King Richard III.
was first published The Nut
1483 Caxton's Golden Legend.
Brown Maid).
1484 Caxton's Book of the Knight 1505–1506 Hawes's Passet yme of
of the Tower.
1485 Battle of Bosworth.
1509-1547 King Henry VIII.
1485-1509 King Henry VII.
1510 Dean Colet founds St Paul's
1485 Sir Thomas Malory's Morte school.
d'Arthur published (finished 1511 The
1511 The Pilgrimage of Sir
Richard Guilforde (Guildford's
1486–1487 John Mirk's Liber Festi- dates are 1455 ? -1506).
valis published.
1513 Battle of Flodden.
1490 Caxton's Eneydos.
c. 1515 Asloan MS.
1492 Columbus sets sail from 1516 Fabyan's Chronicles printed.
Spain and discovers the West 1519 Field of the Cloth of Gold.
1523-1525 Berners's translation of
1494 The Venetian press of Aldus Froissart's Chronicle printed.
begins work.
1532 First collected edition of Chau-
c. 1495 Wynkyn de Worde's edition cer (Thynne's).
of Trevisa's Bartholomaeus. 1568 Bannatyne MS.
1497 Cabot reaches America.
c. 1650 MS of Percy folio.
1498 Execution of Savonarola. 1765 Percy's Reliques printed.
1498 Erasmus comes to Oxford. 1775 Tyrwhitt's edition of Chancer.
## p. 512 (#531) ############################################
p. 159 1. 36 For 1386 read 1388.
p. 161 1, 36 For Francis read William.
p. 303 l. 29 For Gray read Grey.
p. 368 1. 41 For John read James.
p. 412 1. 27 For Jarrow read Yarrow.
p. 415 1. 25 For Delmey read Deloney.
## p. 512 (#532) ############################################
## p. 513 (#533) ############################################
Alboin, in Confessio Amantis, 151
Alceone, in Confessio Amantis, 151
Aloestis, in The Legend of Good Women,
176; in The Court of Love, 220
Alcock, John, bp of Ely (1430-1500), 323,
355, 358
Alcluyd, 74
Aldingar, Sir, 412
Alexander III (of Scotland), 100, 101,
de Villa Dei, 359, 366 ; Doctrinale
Puerorum, 363
Sir William (1567 ? -1640), 95
the Great (Secreta Secretorum), 301;
legends of, 112
Alexander, The Buik of, 104
to Aristotle, The Letter of, 80
Alexandri, Historia, 151
Alexandria, 13, 131
Alfred, king, 341; Boethius, 186
of Beverley (f. 1143), 76
Alithia (Philosophy), in Wyclif's Tria-
logus, 65
Allan-a-Maut, 279
Allison Gross, 414
Alma redemptoris mater, in Chaucer's
The Prioress's Tale, 359
Alne, Robert, Fellow of Peterhouse, 366
Alps, the, 119
Amalekites, 10
Ambroise, Histoire de la Guerre Sainte,
Ambrose, St, 265
in The Example of Virtue, 227
America, first English book on, 330
Amours, F. J. , 113, 115, 121, 126
Amphitryon, in Confessio Amantis, 148
Ancren Riwle, the, 300
André of Toulouse, Bernard Andreas or,
Les Douze Triomphes de Henry VII,
223, 471
Andrea, Joannes, 364
Andreae, Antonius, Commentary on Ari-
stotle's Metaphysics, 318
Andrew of Wyntoun (1350 ? -1420 ? ), 100,
103, 104, 117, 121, 122, 129; see also
Orygynale Cronykil, 91, 115, 239, 280
Andrew Lammie, 412
Androwe, Lawrence (r. 1510–1537),
printer, 330
Andromeda, 79
Anelida. See under Chaucer
Aachen, 74
Abacuk, in The Palice of Honour, 261
Abbey of the Holy Ghost, 308
Abbotsford, 284
Abbreochy, diocese of Moray, 115
Aberdeen, town and county, 88, 99, 100,
102, 103, 127, 128, 259, 369, 371;
King's College, 869
Abraham, 424
(or Faith), in Piers the Plowman,
Abry, Louis, 81
Absence, Song of, 283
Acoursius, 350, 363
Acheron, 265
Achilles, in Confesssio Amantis, 148
Achitophel, in The Palice of Honour, 260,
Acis and Galatea, in Confessio Amantis,
147, 151
Activa-Vita, in Piers the Plowman, 26, 27
Adam, 103
of Usk (f. 1400), 496
Adam, in The Golden Legend, 335
Bell, Clim of the Clough, and
William of Cloudesley, 408, 416, 501
Adamnan, Št (6252-704), 131
Addison, J. , 163, 192, 415
Adela of Louvain, 419
Admetus, in The Court of Love, 220
Adraien van Berghen, printer, of Antwerp,
Adria, in the tale of Colkelbie's sow, 126
Adrian, in Confessio Amantis, 151
Aeneid, 175, 316
Aesop's Fables, 245, 263, 314, 334
Agamemnon, in Confessio Amantis, 148
Age, in The Parlement of the Thre Ages,
37; in The Passetyme of Pleasure, 226;
in Piers the Plowman, 25
Agincourt, battle of, 423; poems on, 499,
Ahab, 297
Aimonius of Fleury, 366
Ainderby, near Northallerton, 45
Aix-les-Bains, 74
Alban, Scottish settlers in, 89
Albany, nation of, in the Scottish uni.
versities, 371
Albert of Aix, 80
Albertus Magnus (1193–1280), 350; Philo-
sophia, 363
E. L. II.
## p. 514 (#534) ############################################
Angels, The treatise of the Song of,
Anger, in Confessio Amantis, 147
Anglo-Norman works, 419 ff. , 503, 507 ff.
Angus, Archibald, fifth earl of (1449? -
1514), 'Bell-the-Cat,' 259
nation of, in the Scottish uni.
versities, 371
Anima, in Piers the Plowman (also called
Will, Reason, Love, Conscience), 27
Lady (Life), in Piers the Plow-
man, 19, 21, 22, 28
Animalibus, De, 363
Anne of Bohemia, 62, 170
Anselm, St, 365
Ante Crucem Virgo Stabat, 383
Anthony à Wood (1632–1695), 224
Antichrist, Dunbar's, 256
in Piers the Plow man, 28
Antwerp, 319, 320, 329, 330
Apocalypse, 60
Apocrypha, the, 120, 230, 430
Apollo Delphicus, 78
Apollonius of Tyre, in Confessio Amantis,
149, 152
Appolyn of Thyre, King, 324, 325
Aquilegiensis, Laurence, Practica sive
Usus Dictaminis ('Complete Letter
Writer'), 363
Aquinas, St Thomas, 350, 363; Summa,
Arabians, 362, 365
Archie o' Cawfield, 415
Aroite. See under Chaucer
Aretino, Leonardo, 325
Aristotle, 21, 129, 186, 201, 207, 231, 301,
350, 354, 360 ff. , 370, 371 ; Metaphysics,
in The Palice of Honour, 260
Aristotle, The Letter of Alexander to, 80
Arithmetic, in The Passetyme of Pleasure,
Arkinholm, 113
Armenia, 13, 79
Armys, The Buke of the Law of, or Buke
of Bataillis, 284
Arngosk, The Lady of, 411
Arnold, Matthew, 107, 180
Richard (d. 1521), Chronicle, 320,
Arrivall, The History of the (1471), 302
Arrogance, in Mirour de l'Omme, 140
Art de bien vivre et de bien mourir, L', 329.
See also 324, 328
Artegall, in The Faerie Queene, 234
Arthur, king, 112, 115, 116, 118 ff. , 181,
184, 228, 230, 234, 307, 337 ff. , 428.
See also under Golagros and Gawane,
Morte Arthure, Awntyrs of Arthure,
Arthur, begynyng at Cassabelaun, The
Dethe of, 308
and King Cornwall, King, 414
of Little Britain, 322, 339
Arthure, Gret Gest of, 116
Arundel, Thomas, abp (1853–1414), 69,
62, 67, 68, 154, 848
Arundel, William, earl of, Caxton's patron,
Arviragus, in The Franklin's Tale, 184
Aryan origin of ballads, 417
Ascham, Roger (1515-1568), The Schole-
master, 213
Ashby, George (d. 1475), 209; Active
Policy of a Prince, 210
Ashmole, Elias, Theatrum Chemicum (1617
-1692), 211, 212
Asloan MS, 478
Assembly of Ladies, The. See under
Assyria, 296
Aston, John (A. 1382), 61
Astronomy, in The Passetyme of Pleasure,
Athanasius, 79, 86
Atkynson, William (d. 1509), translator of
Imitatio Christi, 321
Auberon, in Huon of Bordeaux, 339
Audelay, John, 496
Audley, James de (1316 ? -1869), 336
Augustine, St, 20, 52, 53, 182, 199, 230,
308, 324, 355, 365; Meditations of.
Augustinians, 349, 367
Auld Maitland, 408
Aurelius, in The Franklin's Tale, 184
Aust, prebend of, 49
Austen, Jane, 192
Austin Friars, 287
Austria-Hungary, 310
Avalon, Isle of, 120
Avantanoe, in Mirour de l'Omme, 140
Avarice, in Confessio Amantis, 147, 149;
in The Passetyme of Pleasure, 226; in
Piers the Plowman, 23, 28
Ave Maria, 359
Averroes, 363
Avignon, 53, 57
Awntyrs of Arthure at the Terne Wathe-
lyne, 112, 116, 121 ff.
Aymon, The Four Sons of, 316, 332
Aytoun, or Ayton, Sir Robert (1570–1638),
Azo, 364
Azonis, Brocardica, 364
Summa, 364
Babees Book, 499
Babilon, Saudan of, in Fortescue's
Monarchia, 298
Babylon, 13, 71
paynim porter of, in Huon of Bor.
deaux, 339
Babylon, 403, 410 ff.
Bachelor, the False, in Confessio Amantis,
Bacon, Roger (c. 1214-94), 50, 350, 366 ;
De Gramatica, 363; De multiplica.
tione specierum cum perspectiva ejusdem,
Baggily Hall, Cheshire, 40
Bale, John (1495–1563), 36, 39, 40, 152, 225
Ball, John (d. 1381), 63
Ballads, 395 ff.
## p. 515 (#535) ############################################
, !
Ballengeich, the Gudeman of (=James V
of Scotland), 244, 270
Balliol, or Baliol, John de (1249–1315),
Balormy, John, in Lives of the Saints,
Banff, 100
Bannatyne, George (1545–1608? ), 282.
See also 478
Bannockburn, battle of, 101, 102, 109
Banquo, 104
Baradoun, Henry (A. 1483), 502
Barbour, John (c. 1320–1395), Bruce, etc. ,
88, 91, 100 ff. , 114, 117, 127, 129, 130,
239, 280; date of his death, 449; works
attributed to B. : The Brut, 103; Lives
or Legends of the Saints, 103, 127, 128,
239; Stewartis Oryginalle, The, 103 ;
Troy, Siege of, 104
Barclay, Alexander (1475 ? -1552), 210;
trans. of Ship of Fools, 321 ; trans, of
Gringore's Chasteau de labour, 329
Bardus, in Confessio Amantis, 151
Baret, John, 198
Barking, 157
Barlaam and Josaphat, 150
Barleycorn, John (alias Allan-a-Maut'),
Barnwell Priory, 343, 347, 352, 500
Baron o' Brackley, The, 412
Bartholomaeus Anglicus (A. 1230–1250),
De Proprietatibus Rerum, 71, 72, 74,
76, 80, 86, 311, 323
Bartholus, 863
Barton, Sir Andrew, 408, 414
Baruch, 61
Baston, Robert (f. 1300), 496
Basyn, The Tale of the, 501
Bateman, William, bp of Norwich (1298?
-1355), 354
Bear, the, in Mum, Sothsegger, 36
Beaton, James (d. 1539), and Beaton,
David (1494-1546), archbishops of St
Andrews, 369
Beauchamp, Richard de, earl of Warwick
(1382–1439), 76, 335
Beaufort, Henry, 352, 355
Joan, 244
Beauty, in The Goldyn Targe, 253
Becket, St Thomas à, 84, 87, 342; in
Caxton's Golden Legend, 334
Bede, in The Example of Virtue, 227
Bedford, 336
duke of, John of Lancaster
(1389-1435), 336
Bedfordshire, 206
Bedivere, Sir, in Morte Arthure, 119
Beghard communities, 47
Bekynton, or Beckington, T. (1390 7–
1465), 303
Belgium, 310
Bellenden, John (A. 1533-1587), Livy and
Scottish History, 285
Beltayne, At, 244
Benedict XII, 349
XIII, 368
Benedictines, 2, 245, 349, 350, 354, 362
Benoît de Sainte More, 150; Roman de
Troie, 172
Benoit, St Brendan, 419
Benoit, historiographer, 507
Beowulf, 1, 398
Berdok, King, 276
Bergers, Calendrier des, 328
Berghen. See Adraien van
Berkeley, George, first earl of (1628-
1698), 77
Thomas, Lord, 74, 76, 77
Gloucestershire, 74, 77
Bernabo Visconti, of Milan, 158
Bernard, St, 230, 365; Tractat, 383 ;
Sayings of, 425
Berners, Lord, John Bourchier (1467-
1533), 332, 337 ff. ; Castle of Love,
The, 322; Froissart's Chronicle, 322,
340; The Golden Book of Marcus
Aurelius, 340; History of Arthur of
Little Britain, The, 322, 339; Huon of
Bordeaux, 322, 339, 340
Juliana (d. 1388? ), The Book of St
Albans, 318, 323, 420
Bernysdale, 309
Berwick, siege of, 101
Beryn, The Tale of, or The Second Mer.
chant's Tale, 162, 164, 215, 216, 469
Bethlehem, 13
Betokis bour, in Gyre Carling, 275, 277
Beverley. See Alfred of
Beves of Hamtoun, Sir, 320, 323
Bewick and Graham, 411
Bible, the, 150, 151, 230, 289, 291, 314,
366, 367. See also under Testament
the Bassandyne, 94, 285; the
Genevan version, 94; Wyclifite ver-
sions, 49, 300, 430, 431(see also
throughout the chapter on Wyclif and
Rolle); Trevisa and the Bible, 77
Bibles, prices of, 308
Billingsgate, in Trevisa, 78
Birnam wood, in Wyntoun's Cronykil,
Bishop's wood, in Pecock, 291
Black Death, the, 41, 42, 45, 70, 71,
Friars, 349. See also under
Prince, 22
Blair, John (f. 1300), 110
Blanchardyn. See Caxton
Blanche of Lancaster, 170
Blaneford, Henry (f. 1300), 496
Blasour, in Gyre Carling, 275
Blerblowan, in Colkelbie's sow, 127
Blou northerne wynd, 393
• Blyth, John,' in Bannatyne MS, 279
Boccaccio, 134, 145, 168, 174, 176, 182,
184, 199, 204, 262, 264, 321, 325;
Decameron, 177; Il Filostrato, 172 ;
Teseide, 180
Boece, Hector (1465 ? -1536), 114, 251,
370, 371 ; History, 104
Boethius, 241, 247, 355, 360, 363; Arith-
metica, 362
Bohemia, 69, 292, 298
## p. 516 (#536) ############################################
Bohemian scholars in England in Broom of Cowden knowes, The, 413
Wyclif's day, 67
Broomfield Hill, The, 414
Boice, Sir, in Morte Arthure, 119
Brother, The Cruel, 412
Bokenam, Osbern (1393–1447? ), Lives Brothers, The Twa, 412
or Legends of Saints, 198, 214
Brown Robin, 411
Bokyngham, John (d. 1398), Super Sen-
Robyn's Confession, 413
tentias, 366
Browning, E. B. , 233
Bologna, 350, 364
Bruce, Ed. (d. 1318), 101. See also in
Bolomyer, Henry, canon of Lausanne, Barbour's Bruce, 105, 106
Robt (1274–1329), 100, 101, 102,
Bonet, Honoré, 284
103, 109, 114, 130, 280
Boniface VIII, 148, 364
Bruges, 54, 311, 312, 338
IX, 348
Brunanburh, battle of, 400
Bonnie Annie, 413
Brunetto Latini, Trésor, 80, 149, 150
James Campbell, 413
Brunton, Thomas (bishop of Rochester,
Bonny Baby Livingstone, 411
f. 1373–1389), 55, 58
Earl of Murray, The, 413
Brute, The, J. Maundeville's trans. , 301
Booksellers, 331
Brutus, 322
Border, the, 128, 251
Bryan, Sir Francis (d. 1550), 340
Borderers, the, 415
Buchan, Peter (1790–1854), 409
Boroughbridge, 81
the harrying of, by Robert Bruce,
Bosworth Field, battle of, 41
Bothwell, Patrick Hepburn, first earl of Buchanan, George (1506-1582), 96; Cha-
(d. 1508), 251
maeleon, 285
Bothwell Bridge, 415
Bugge, s. , 417
Boughton-under-Blee, 184
Bukton (Chaucer's), 161, 187
Boun, Mrs, of Falkland, 409
Bungay, Friar, 350
Bourchier family, the, 208
Bunyan, John, 201; The Pilgrim's Pro-
John. See Berners
gre88, 200, 229
Thomas, abp (1404 ? -1486), 289 Buranic verse, 385
Bower or Bowmaker, Walter (d. 1449), Burbon, in The Faerie Queene, 234
128, 129
Burgh, Benet or Benedict (d. 1483), 199,
Boy and the Mantle, The, 414
208; Cato, 209, 312, 427; Secrets of
Bozon, Nicole, 420
Philosophers, 208; A Christmas Game,
Brabourne, 134
209; poem to Lydgate, 209; Aristotle's
Bradley, Henry, 35, 36, 39
ABC, 209
Bradshaw, Henry (1831-1886), 45, 62, Thomas, 214
103, 167
Burgundian court, 312
Henry (d. 1513), 210
Burgundy, Margaret, duchess of (1446-
Bradwardine, Thomas, Doctor Profundus 1503), 307, 309
(1290 7–1349), 18, 31, 355
Philip, duke of, 311
Braes o' Yarrow, The, 412
Burley, Walter (d. 1345), 363
Brampton, T. 496
Burne, Nicol (A. 1581), 285
Branxton Hill, 371
Burnham Thorpe, 301
Braybrook, near Leicester, 67
Burns, Robert, 247, 267, 274, 278, 413;
Breisach on the Rhine, 74
Address to the Deil, 255; The Dying
Brek, Simon, in Wyntoun's Crony kil, 180 Words of Poor Mailie, 255; John
Bretherne and systars, The rule of the Barleycorn, 279; Scotch Drink, 278
living of the, 325
Bury St Edmunds, 197, 198, 307
Bretts (or Welsh '), 89
But, John (Piers the Plowman), 21, 22,
Bride, in The Golden Legend, 335
Bridlington, 211
Butler, Pierce, 335
Brigham, Nicholas (d. 1558), 36
Byrdes, Parlament of, 501
Briseida. See Chaucer's Troilus
Byron, Lord, 413
Bristol, 212, 338, 423
Bysset, Abacuck, 93; Rolment of Courtis,
Britain, Roman occupation of, 342 ; Ger. 285
manio conquest of, 396
Britanny, duchess of, in Morte Arthure, Cade, Jack, 302, 424
Cadion, Andrew, 284
duke of, in Froissart, 338
Caerleon, 303
Brito, William (d. 1356), Quaestiones, Caesar, Julius, 80, 111, 339
363; Summa de expositione verborum (Shakespeare's), 337
Bibliae, 363
CAIM, Wyclif's expression, 54, 443
Britons, Caesar on, reproduced in Mande- Cain, 20
ville, 80
Cairo, 80, 82, 298
Brome play, the (Abraham and Isaac), Calais, 338, 423, 424
Callo, Richard, 305
## p. 517 (#537) ############################################
Calliope in The Palice of Honour, 260
Cambridge, 67, 103, 104, 130, 199, 221,
305, 307, 341 ff. , 367, 368; Benedictine
school at, 349; Statuta Antiqua, 360,
361. See also •Philogenet
Bene't, or Corpus Christi College, 846,
Christ's College, 358
Clare College. See University Hall
Corpus Christi College, 354. See also
under Bene't
God's House, 358
Jesus College, 358
King's College, 288, 357, 358
King's Hall, 352, 354, 358
Magdalene College, 358; Pepysian
library, 224, 316, 423
Michaelhouse, 354, 358, 366
Pembroke Hall, 355
Peterhouse, 302, 308, 347, 352, 353 ff. ,
362 ff. , 371; chained library at, 362,
364 ff.
Queens' College, 358
St Catherine's College, 358
St John's College, 358
St John, hospital of, 353
St Radegund, priory of, 358
Trinity College, 354, 358
Trinity Hall, 354
University Hall, 354
Cambridgeshire, 197
Cambuscan, 184
Camden Society, 500
Canace, in Confessio Amantis, 151, 152
Cancioneros, Spanish, 268
Candlemas, 378
Canmore, Malcolm, 130
Canterbury, in Shakespeare's King
Henry V, 77
monk-chronicler of, 301
Canticles, 48
Canute, song of, 397 ff.
Canutus, Benedict, Regimen contra pesti.
lentiam, 319
Capgrave, John (1393–1464), 287, 295;
Annals, 287; guide to Rome, 287; life
of St Gilbert of Sempringham, 287; life
of St Katherine, 287; life of Humphrey,
duke of Gloucester, 287; Chronicle,
287; Famous Henries, 287; lives of
St Augustine, St Gilbert and St Norbert,
Captain Car, 406, 408, 412
Wedderburn's Courtship, 409
Capystranus, metrical romance, 326
Carey, Henry (d. 1743), 272
Carlisle, 116, 122, 411
Carmelites, 349, 350
Caro (Flesh), in Piers the Plovoman, 19
Carols, 373 ff.
sung at Queen's College, Oxford,
Carolles, Christmasse (Wynkyn de
Worde's), 393
Carpenter's Tools, Debate of the, 500
Carthage, 74
Carthusian monks, 61
Cassiodorus, 363, 366
Castle of Pleasure, The, 327
Catiline, in The Palice of Honour, 261
Cato. See Burgh and Caxton
Cawline, Sir, 414
Caxton, Wm (1421-8–1491), 73, 77, 97,
160, 161, 198, 209, 228, 245, 264,
310 ff. , 332 ff. , 421, 429; the Egg-
story, 316
Aesop's Fables, 314, 334
Art of good living and good dying, 324
Aymon, The History of the Four Sons
of, 316, 332
Blanchardyn and Eglantine, The History
of, 316
Bonne meurs, Le livre des, 315
Cato, 209, 314
Charles the Great, The Life of, 314,
Chesse, Game and playe of the, 309,
312, 313
Chivalry, The Order of, 228, 314
Chronicle of Brute, 313, 334
Curtesye, Book of, 313, 427
Eneydos, 316
Fayttes of Arms, The, 316
Godfrey of Bologne, The History of,
Golden Legend, The, 314
Good Manners, The Book of, 315
Knight of the Tower, The Book of, 314,
333, 420
Mirror of the World, The, 313
Paris and Vienne, The History of, 314,
315, 319, 332
Recuyell of the Histories of Troy, 230,
311 ff.
Reynard the Fox, 245, 313, 314, 332
Royal Book, The, 315
Somme des Vices et des Vertus, La, 315
Trevisa's Higden's Polychronicon, Cax-
ton's revision of, 313
Vitae Sanctorum Patrum, 323
Cecilia de Chaumpaigne, 159
Cecilia, St, The life of, 503
Ceix, in Confessio Amantis, 151
Celestine, pope, 148
Celtic tales, 407
Cephalus, in Confessio Amantis, 152
Ceylon, 80
Chadd, in The Golden Legend, 335
Chalkhill, John (1. 1600), Thealma and
Clearchus, 218
Chalmers's Poets, 199
Cham, the Great, 79, 86
Chambers, E. K. , Mediaeval Stage, The,
Charity, in Conjessio Amantis, 148 ; in
The Example of Virtue, 227, 228; in
The Passetyme of Pleasure, 228
the tree of, in Piers the Plowman,
24, 27
Charlemagne, 112, 181, 339, 416; in Rauf
Coilzear, 125, 126
Charles V, 83, 338, 340
the Bold, 307
Charles the Great, Life of, 314, 315
## p. 518 (#538) ############################################
Chartier, Alain, 164, 216
Chastity, tower of, in The Passetyme of
Pleasure, 231
Chaucer, Geoffrey (1340 ? -1400), 18, 39,
41, 72, 92 ff. , 103, 110, 134, 135, 142,
143, 145, 146, 150 ff. , 197, 198, 200,
204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 211, 213 ff. ,
222, 225, 227 ff. , 236, 239, 240, 243 ff. ,
247, 248, 250, 252 ff. , 257, 258, 261,
263 ff. , 272, 295, 308, 314, 317, 323,
332, 334, 337, 340, 351, 352, 355, 364,
391, 403, 412, 416, 422, 429, 505
Works by, or attributed to, Chaucer :
A. B. C. , 161, 162, 164, 167, 170
Anelida and Arcite, 161, 162, 164, 167,
171, 217, 312
Assembly of Fowls, The. See Parlia.
Assembly of Ladies, The, 162, 164, 215,
217, 223
Astrolabe, 157, 161, 162, 185
Ballade in Commendation of our Lady,
A, 162
Boethius, 160 ff. , 185, 186, 317
Bukton, The Envoy to, 162, 187
Canon's Yeoman's Tale, The, 211
Canterbury Tales, 135, 143, 145, 160 ff. ,
167, 168, 174, 177, 180, 185, 187, 194,
215, 216, 218, 313, 314, 320, 323
Circumstance, 162
Clerk's Tale, The, 183, 188, 192, 350, 413
Complaint of Mars, The, 161, 162, 164,
167, 170
Complaint of Venus, The, 161, 162, 164,
Complaint to his Lady, The, 167, 170
Complaint unto Pity, The, 161, 164, 167,
Cook's Tale, The, 181
Death of Pity, The, 162
Dream, The. See Duchess, The book of
Duchess, The book of the Death of
Blanche), 160 ff. , 164, 167, 168, 170
Empty Purse, Complaint of Chaucer to
his, 161, 162, 187
Flower of Courtesy, The, 162
Former Age, The, 161, 186
Fortune, 161, 162, 186
Franklin's Tale, The, 184
Gentilesse, 161, 186
Good Counsel, Ballad of. See Truth
Goodly Ballade of Chaucer, A, 162
House of Fame, 160 ff. , 167, 174, 175,
187, 188, 261, 314, 412
Knight's Tale, The, 168, 171, 174, 176,
178, 180, 188, 191, 193, 243
Lack of Steadfastness, 161, 162, 186
Legend of Good Women, The, 145, 150,
160 ff. , 164, 167 ff. , 174, 175, 217, 219
Lion, The book of the, 160, 161
Man of Law's Prologue and Tale, The,
161, 181
Manciple's Tale, The, 184
Melibeus, The Tale of, 180, 182, 185
Merchant's Prologue and Tale, The, 184,
Merciles Beaute, 187
Miller's Tale, The, 216
Monk's Tale, The, 180, 323
Nun's Priest's Tale, The, 183, 187
Palamon and Arcite, 161
Pardoner's Tale, The, 183, 215
Parliament of Fowls, The, 160 ff. , 164,
167, 170, 172, 312 (Temple of Brass)
Parson's Prologue and Tale, The, 160,
185, 194, 216
Phyllis and Demophoon (Legend of
Good Women), 217
Physician's Tale of Virginia, 182, 183
Praise of Women, A, 162
Prioress's Tale, The, 169, 180 ff. , 190 ff. ,
Prologue, The, 168, 178 ff. , 182, 185,
191, 193
Reeve's Tale, The, 216
Rose, Romaunt of the, 161, 162, 164,
167 ff. , 170, 240, 244
Rosemounde ballade, The, 161, 186
St Cecily. See The Second Nun's Tale
Sapience, 162
Scogan, The Envoy to, 187
Second Nun's Tale, The, 174, 178, 184
Shipman's Tale, The, 181
Squire's Tale, The, 174
Temple of Brass, 312
Thopas, Sir, 167, 180, 181, 188, 189,
195, 196
Troilus and Criseyde, 135, 145, 160 ff. ,
167, 168, 170 ff. , 176, 185, 188, 193,
230, 308, 314, 391
Truth, 161, 162, 186
Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale, The,
169, 179, 180, 183, 192, 218, 254, 413
Chaucer, Agnes, wife of John Chaucer, 156
Elizabeth, 157
John, 156, 159
Philippa, wife of Geoffrey Chaucer,
Robert le, 156
Thomas, 157
Society, 166, 216
Chaucer's little Lewis,' 157, 185
Chauceriana, 215 ff.
Chaucerians, the English, 197 ff.
the Scottish, 239 ff.