Memoirs of the life of Mrs Elizabeth Carter: with a
new edition of her poems; to which are added, some miscellaneous essays
in prose, together with her notes on the Bible, and answers to objections
concerning the Christian religion.
new edition of her poems; to which are added, some miscellaneous essays
in prose, together with her notes on the Bible, and answers to objections
concerning the Christian religion.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v11
The Amaranth. 1767.
Heron, R. (1764-1807). General View of the Natural Circumstances of the
Hebrides. 1794.
History of Scotland. 6 vols. 1794-9.
Life of Robert Burns. 1797.
Pizarro. A tragedy. 1799.
Graham, H. G. Robert Heron. A literary waif. Literary and
Historical Essays. 1908.
Hill, John (1716 ? -1775). Orpheus. An opera. 1740.
A General Natural History. 3 vols. 1748-52.
Lucina sine concubitu. 1750.
Cautions against the immoderate use of snuff. 1759.
Hortus Kewensis. 1768.
Kenrick, W. (1725 ? -1779). The Town. 1748.
· The Pasquinade. 1753.
Review of Dr Johnson's Shakespeare. 1765.
Poems. 1768. 1770.
Kippis, A. (1725-1795). Biographia Britannica. 2nd edn. Vols. 1-v (no more
published). 1778-93.
Knox, V. (1752-1821). Elegant Extracts, or useful and entertaining passages
in prose. 1783.
Elegant Extracts, or useful and entertaining pieces of poetry. 1789.
Elegant Epistles. 1790.
Lemoine, H. (1756-1812). The Kentish Curate. 1786.
Typographical Antiquities. 1797. 2nd edn. 1801.
Lackington's Confessions rendered into narrative. 1804.
Northcote, J. (1746–1831). Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1813.
One Hundred Fables. 1828.
Palmer, Mary (1716-1794). A Devonshire Dialogue. Written in the middle
of the 18th century. First complete edn. 1839.
Price, Sir U. (1747–1829). An Essay on the Picturesque. 1794. 2nd edn.
1796-8. Another edn. 1810.
Stevens, G. A. (1710-1784). The History of Tom Fool. 1760.
A Lecture upon Heads. [1764. ) First authentic edn. 1785.
Weber, H. W. (1783–1818). Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th, and 16th
centuries. 3 vols. 1810.
Illustrations of Northern Antiquities. 1814.
Williams, John (1761-1818). The Royal Academicians. 1786.
Poems by Anthony Pasquin. 2 vols. 1789.
Legislative Biography. 1795.
## p. 473 (#495) ############################################
The Bluestockings
Arblay, Mme d' (Frances Burney). Memoirs of Dr Burney. 3 vols. 1832.
Boswell's Life of Johnson. Ed. Hill, G. B. 6 vols. Oxford, 1887.
Delany, Mary. The autobiography and correspondence of Mary Granville,
Mrs Delany. Ed. by Lady Llanover. 6 vols. 1861-2.
Elwood, Anne K. Memoirs of the Literary Ladies of England from the
commencement of the last century. 2 vols. 1843.
Gaussen, Alice C. C. A later Pepys: the correspondence of Sir William
Weller Pepys, Bart. , Master in Chancery, 1758–1825. 2 vols. 1904.
Hawkins, Laetitia M. Anecdotes, biographical sketches, and memoirs. 1822.
Memoirs, anecdotes, facts, and opinions. 2 vols. 1824.
Lobban, J. H. The Blue-Stockings. Blackwood's Magazine. Vol. clxxx.
Oct. 1906.
Wheeler, Ethel Rolt. Famous Blue-Stockings. 1910.
Frances Burney, Mme d'Arblay
See ante, vol. x, bibliographies to chaps. III and xi.
Elizabeth Carter
Poems upon particular occasions. 1738.
An examination of Mr Pope's Essay on Man, translated from the French of
M. Crousaz. 1739.
Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy explain'd for the use of the ladies. From the
Italian of Sig. Algarotti. 2 vols. 1739.
All the works of Epictetus, which are now extant. Translated from the
original Greek. 1758. 4th edn. 1807. Temple Classics. 2 vols. [1899. ]
Poems on several occasions. 1762. 4th edn. 1789.
A series of letters between Mrs Elizabeth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot,
from 1741 to 1770. To which are added, letters from Mrs Elizabeth
Carter to Mrs Vesey between 1763 and 1787. Ed. by Pennington, M.
4 vols. 1809.
Letters from Mrs Elizabeth Carter to Mrs Montagu, between 1755 and 1800,
chiefly upon literary and moral subjects. 3 vols. 1817.
Gaussen, Alice C. C. A woman of wit and wisdom: a memoir of Elizabeth
Carter, one of the ‘Bas Bleu' society. 1906.
Pennington, Montagu.
Memoirs of the life of Mrs Elizabeth Carter: with a
new edition of her poems; to which are added, some miscellaneous essays
in prose, together with her notes on the Bible, and answers to objections
concerning the Christian religion. 1807. 3rd edn. 2 vols. 1816.
Hester Chapone
Works, with a life drawn up by her own family. 4 vols. 1807.
Miscellanies in prose and verse. 1775.
A letter to a new-married lady. 1777.
Letters on the improvement of the mind. 2 vols. 1777. Frequently rptd.
## p. 474 (#496) ############################################
Posthumous works: containing her correspondence with Mr Richardson, a
series of letters to Mrs Elizabeth Carter, and some fugitive pieces.
Together with an account of her life and character. 2 vols. 1807.
Cole, John. Memoirs of Mrs Chapone . . . embracing an account of the
literature of the age in which she lived. 1839.
Elizabeth Montagu
An essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear compared with the Greek
and French dramatic poets, with some remarks upon the misrepre-
sentations of Mons. de Voltaire. 1769. 6th edn. 1810.
The letters of Elizabeth Montagu, with some of the letters of her corre-
spondents. Published by Matthew Montagu. 4 vols. 1809-13.
Mrs Montagu also contributed three dialogues (nos. 26, 27, 28) to
Lyttelton's Dialogues of the Dead, 1760.
Climenson, Emily J. Elizabeth Montagu, the Queen of the Bluestockings:
her correspondence from 1720 to 1761. 2 vols. 1906.
Doran, John. A lady of the last century (Mrs Elizabeth Montagu),
illustrated in her unpublished letters. With a chapter on Blue
Stockings. 1873.
Huchon, R. Mrs Montagu, 1720-1800. 1907.
Hannah More
Works. 8 vols. 1801. 19 vols. 1818-19. 11 vols. 1830.
Poems. 1816 and 1829.
The Search after Happiness, a pastoral drama. Bristol, 1773. 11th edn.
The Inflexible Captive. Bristol, 1774.
Sir Eldred of the Bower, and The Bleeding Rock: two legendary tales.
Percy, a tragedy. 1777. 5th edn. 1812.
Essays on various subjects, principally designed for young ladies. 1777.
5th edn. 1791.
The Fatal Falsehood, a tragedy. 1779.
Sacred Dramas, chiefly intended for young persons; to which is added
Sensibility, a poem. 1782. 24th edn. 1850.
Florio, a tale for fine gentlemen and fine ladies; and, The Bas Bleu, or
Conversation : two poems. 1786.
Slavery, a poem. 1788.
Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great to General Society.
1788. 8th edn. 1792.
An Estimate of the Religion of the Fashionable World. 1790. 5th edn.
Remarks on the speech of M. Dupont. . . on the subjects of Religion and
Public Education. 1793.
Village Politics, by Will Chip. 1793.
Cheap Repository Tracts. 1795-8. [Those signed 'Z' were written by
Hannah More. ]
Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education. 2 vols. 1799.
13th edn. 1826.
Hints towards forming the character of a Young Princess. 2 vols. 1805.
Celebs in Search of a Wife. 2 vols. 1809. 16th edn. 1826.
Practical Piety, or the influence of Religion of the Heart on the Life and
Manners. 2 vols. 1811. 19th edn. 1850.
## p. 475 (#497) ############################################
The Bluestockings
Christian Morals. 2 vols. 1813. 9th edn. 1826.
Essay on the character and practical writings of St Paul. 2 vols. 1815.
5th edn. 1851.
Stories for the Middle Ranks of Society, and Tales for the Common People.
1819. [Reprints of Cheap Repository Tracts, etc. )
Moral Sketches of prevailing pinions of Manners, foreign and domestic;
with Reflections on Prayer. 1819. 10th edn. 1830.
Bible Rhymes on the names of all the books of the Old and New Testaments.
The Spirit of Prayer. 1825. 12th edn. 1849. [Selections from her published
works. ]
The Feast of Freedom; or, the Abolition of Domestic Slavery in Ceylon. 1827.
Letters of Hannah More to Zachary Macaulay. Ed. Roberts, Arthur. 1860.
Harland, Marion. Hannah More. (Literary Hearthstones. ) 1900.
Meakin, Annette M. B. Hannah More, a biographical study. 1911.
Roberts, William. Memoirs of the life and correspondence of Mrs Hannah
More. 2 vols. 1834. 4 vols. 1838.
Thompson, Henry. Life of Hannah More, with notices of her sisters. 1838.
Yonge, Charlotte M. Hannah More. (Eminent Women Series. ) 1888.
Catherine Talbot
Works. 1772. 9th edn. 1819.
Reflections on the Seven Days of the Week. 1770. Frequently rptd.
Essays on various subjects. 2 vols. 1772.
Correspondence. See Carter, Elizabeth.
Catherine Talbot wrote one paper for Johnson's Rambler (no. Xxx,
30 June 1750), and was also a contributor to Athenian Letters, ed. by
Birch, Thomas, 4 vols. , 1741-3.
Ainger, Alfred. Lectures and Essays. Vol. 1. 1905.
Ashton, John. Chapbooks of the Eighteenth Century. 1882.
Dobson, H. Austin. De Libris.