Memoiren zur
(3 vols.
Robertson - Bismarck
mpfe; the Histor.
und politische Aufsa?
tze (2 vols.
), the pamphlet
Was fo? rdern wir von Frankreich, and the Politik (Eng. transl. )
are more than instructive; they are essential for understanding
the German point of view. Much the best history in English is that
by Sir A. Ward, Germany, 1815-1871 (2 vols. , Camb. Hist. Series--
taking events down to 1871).
For the more recent history: H. Blum, Das Deutsche Reich
zur Zeit Bismarck's; G. Egelhaaf, Geschichte der neuesten Zeit;
H. Mu? nz, Von Bismarck bis Bu? low; and P. Rohrbach, Bismarck
und Wir; and C. Andler (and others), Les origines du Panger-
manisme (a series of volumes in French, which with their lengthy
quotations from German writers, the critical annotations, and the
scholarly bibliographies constitutes a valuable introduction to the
later phases of German political development from 1870 onwards).
For the Schleswig-Holstein affair it must suffice to cite K.
Jansen-K. Sam wer, Schleswig-Holstein's Befreiung. (All the lead-
ing authorities deal with the copious controversial literature. ) A
brief statement of the Danish case will be found in a short Mono-
graph by A. D. Jo? rgensen; reference may also be made to W. R.
Prior, North Sleswick under Prussian Rule. The standard biography
of the Emperor William 1. is that by E. Marcks, and of his son,
* the Crown Prince,' and Emperor Frederick in. by M. Philippson.
For the period 1870-1 and the making of the German Empire,
I have found far the most useful W. Busch, Die Ka? mpfe um
Reichsverfassung und Kaisertum; to which may be added O. Lorenz,
Kaiser Wilhelm und die Begru? ndung des Reiches, I866-1871, which
contains much valuable original material--derived largely from the
Grand-Duke of Baden and the unitarian group of which he was
the head.
On Austrian history, the most useful general guides are two works
by R. Charmatz, Geschichte der auswa? rtigen Politik O? sterreichs
im IQ Jahrhundert (2 vols. ); and Osterreich's innere Geschichte von
184. 8 bis 19OJ (2 vols. ): two others may be mentioned, T. v.
Sosnosky, Die Balkanpolitik O? sterreich-Ungarns seit 1866 (2 vols. ),
and L. Eisenmann, Le Compromis. The well-known works by
Cheradame and Seton-Watson do not specifically bear on Bismarck.
For general purposes K. Meinecke, Weltbu? rgertum und National-
staat, is an illuminating philosophical treatise in historical form
on the development of political thought and principles in Germany
from the French Revolution to Bismarck. It is not easy reading
for those unacquainted with German philosophy, but its treatment
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? Sio
is clear and masterly. P. Rohrbach, Der Deutsche Gedanke in der
Welt, is a good statement of German ambitions in the period,
Of the original Memoirs the following are invaluable: this
selected list is intended to convey different points of view.
Keudell. (Personal recollections. ) Fu? rst und Fu? rstin Bismarck
(French transl. , Bismarck et sa Familie}.
Abeken. Ein Schlichtes Leben (also in an Eng. transl. ). (Abeken
was one of the most devoted of Bismarck's official staff. )
Wagener, H. Erlebtes (in 2 parts. Wagener was editor of the
Mittnacht, Freiherr von. Erinnerungen an Bismarck.
Beust, Count. Drei viertel Jahrhunderten, 2 vols. (Eng.
transl. by Baron de Worms, 2 vols. ) An entertaining and valuable
Roon, A. von. Denkwu? rdigkeiten aus dem Leben (absolutely in-
valuable). 3 vols.
Andrassy, Count Julius. Sein Leben u. seine Zeit (by E. von
Wertheimer). 3 vols. This contains a great deal of original
material, particularly in vols. 2 and 3.
Bernhardi, T. von. Aus dem Leben T. v. B. , 9 vols, (a work
of great value, particularly after 1862).
Stosch, A. von. Denkwu? rdigkeiten, Briefe und Tagebuch Bla? tter
(unfortunately does not go beyond 1872).
Unruh, H. V. von. Erinnerungen (ed. H. v. Poschinger).
Delbru? ck, R. Lebenserinnerungen (2 vols).
Bennigsen. Life by H. Oncken (with original papers and letters,
not translated).
Simson E. v. Erinnerungen.
La Marmora. Un fo' piu? di Luce (mainly on affairs in 1866).
Karl v. Ruma? nien. Aus dem Leben Ko? nig KarVs von Ruma? nien
(also in an Eng. transl. ). Of great importance.
Ernst v. Sachsen-Coburg. Aus meinem Leben und aus meiner
Zeit (gives the ? Coburg' School point of view).
Lasker, E. Aus E. Lasker's Nachlassungen. Ed. W. Cahn.
(The National Liberal who became a Radical. )
Bebel, A. My Life (Eng. transl. of the German autobiography).
Windthorst, L. Ein Lebensbild by P. Majunke. Ausgewa? hlte
Reden, ed. A. L. Meyer (4 vols. ).
Richter, Eugen. Im alten Reichstag, Erinnerungen. (The leader
of the South German Radicals. )
Tiedemann, C. Erinnerungen. (Tiedemann was Chef der Reichs-
kanzlei under Bismarck for six years. )
Bamberger, L. Erinnerungen. (A leading National Liberal and
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-11-14 09:49 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/mdp. 49015000251497 Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-us-google
Secessionist. ) Also his striking Bismarck Posthumus (published in
Freytag, G. Erinnerungen (Eng. transi, in 2 vols. ); Der Kron-
prinz und die Deutsche Kaiserkrone (Eng. transi, in 2 vols. ).
Gerlach, Leopold v. Denkttmrdigkeiten (2 vols. ).
Gerlach, E. Ludwig von. Aufzeichnungen aus seinem Leben
(2 vols. ).
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst. Denkwurdigkeiten (English transi,
in 2 vols. ).
Meding, O.
Memoiren zur Zeitgeschichte (3 vols. ).
Bucher, Lothar. Leben und Werke (by H. von Poschinger 3 vols. ).
(L. B. had a varied career from revolutionist to henchman of
Bismarck. )
Stockmar, C. F. von. Denkwurdigkeiten (Eng. transi. 2 vols. ).
Hansen, J. Les Coulisses de la diplomatie.
For the French side, the following original sources are indis-
pensable: Les origines diplomatiques de la Guerre de i8jo-l (a
complete collection of the sources in the French archives, com-
mencing with 1862, and critically edited and annotated. Ten
volumes so far have been published, reaching July 12, 1866. ) With
these must be noted--Napoleon, Les ide? es Napole? oniennes;
Rothan, G. , La Politique Franc? aise en 1866; Souvenirs diplo-
matiques; La France et sa politique exte? rieure en i86j (2 vols. );
VAllemagne et VItalie, 1870-1 (2 vols. ), Count Benedetti, Essais
Diplomatiques; L'Empereur Guillaume et le Prince de Bismarck;
Ma Mission a` Ems; La Triple Alliance; La Paix Arme? e et ses
Conse? quences; Gontaut-Biron, E. de, La Mission de G. B. a` Berlin
and Dernie`res anne? es de VAmbassade a` Berlin; Duc de Gramont,
La France et la Prusse avant la guerre; Thiers, A. , Notes et Souvenirs.
Valuable letters from General Le Flo^ were published in the
Figaro for 1887: the Revue Historique and the Revue de Paris
contain many critical articles after 1880 on the period. Of the
secondary authorities it is only necessary to cite here: P. de la
Gorce, Histoire du Second Empire (7 vols. ); Ollivier, E. , L'Empire
Libe? ral (16 vols. ); Sorel, A. , Histoire Diplomatique de la Guerre
Franco-Allemande (2 vols. ); Hanotaux, G. , Histoire de la France
Contemporaine (4 vols. , with much original material from MS.
sources; Eng. transi. ); and Denis, E. , La Fondation de l'Empire
Allemand (a chef-d'oeuvre of French historical scholarship); Des-
chaumes, E. , Gambetta, Le Grand Patriote; and De? bidour, Histoire
diplomatique de l'Europe, 1814-1878 (a classical text book); the
supplementary volume, 1878-1904 is useful, but somewhat dis-
appointing, though its bibliographies, particularly of French
sources, are valuable.
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? 512
For the British side the following Parliamentary Papers and
Blue Books contain diplomatic correspondence and other papers:
Schleswig-Holstein, 1863, No. 74; 1864, Nos. 64 and 65; 1865,
No. 57; Luxemburg, 1867, Nos. 74 and 415; 1870, No. 70;
Africa, 1884-5, No. 54; 1890, No. 51; Poland, 1863, No. 75;
1864, No. 76; Russia, 1871, No. 72.
And the following biographies and memoirs: Morier, Sir
Robert, Memoirs and Letters, 2 vols. ; Lord J. Russell (Life by Sir
S. Walpole); Acton, Lord, Historical Essays and Studies ('Essay on
the Causes of the Franco-German War'); Granville, Earl (Life,
by Lord Fitzmaurice); Clarendon, Earl, Life of, by Sir H. Max-
well, in 2 vols. ; Crowe, Sir J. A. , Reminiscences; Loftus, Lord A. ,
Diplomatic Reminiscences, second series; Prince Consort, The,
Life, by Sir T. Martin (particularly vols. 3-5); Vitzthum von
Eckstidt, Count, London, Gastein und Sadowa; Salisbury, Marquis
of, Essays on Foreign Policy (reprinted from the Quarterly Review);
Dilke, Sir C, The Present Position of European Politics (i. e. in 1886)--
a most valuable study; and Life of Dilke, by Miss Tuckwell, in
2 vols. ; Lord Lyons, Life of, by Lord Newton; Gladstone, W. E. ,
Life of, by Lord Morley.
The Annual Register throughout is very helpful; and can be
collated with Schulthess, H. , Europaischer Geschichts-Kalender
(annually produced after i860). H. Egerton, British Foreign
Policy--A Rough Outline, is very stimulating and helpful on the
problems for British policy from 1850 onwards.
The following by W. H. Dawson are also very helpful:
German Socialism and F. Lassalle; Bismarck and State Socialism;
The Evolution of Modern Germany; German Fiscal Policy during
the Nineteenth Century; Social Insurance in Germany, 1883-1911.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-11-14 09:49 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/mdp. 49015000251497 Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-us-google
1(15. April 1. Otto von Bismarck-Schonhausen born.
1821-27. Bismarck at Plamann's School in Berlin.
1827-3c. ? at Friedrich-Wilhelms Gymnasium in Berlin.
? 830-32. ? at the Gymnasium zum graucn Kloster.
1832. ? a student at the University of Gottingen.
1834. ? a student at the University of Berlin.
1835. >> enters the State Civil Service.
1838. ? serves for one year in the Garde-Jiiger.
1839. Death of Bismarck's mother. He takes over (with his brother) the
family estates.
1841. Bismarck settles at Kniephof.
1842-43. Travels in England, Switzerland, France, and North Germany.
1845. Death of Bismarck's father. Bismarck takes over Schonhausen.
1847. Bismarck attends the United Diet of the Estates (April 11).
Bismarck marries Johanna von Puttkamer.
1848-49. The years of Revolution in Germany.
1849. The Imperial Crown voted to the King of Prussia by the National
Parliament at Frankfurt March (29), and rejected by him
(April 28).
1S50. Convention or Punctation of Olmiitz.
1I51. Re-establishment of the Federal Constitution of 1815 (May 16).
Bismarck appointed Minister Plenipotentiary for Prussia at Frank-
furt (July 15).
1851-59. Bismarck Minister at Frankfurt.
1852. The Treaty of London settles the Danish Succession and the question
of the Duchies (Schleswig-Holstein).
1854-56. The Crimean War. The Treaty of Paris (March 30, 1856).
1858. October 26. Prince William becomes Regent in Prussia.
1859. January 29. Bismarck transferred to the Embassy at Petersburg.
April 29. War between Austria and Piedmont (with France).
November 1 o. Treaty of Zurich ends the Italian War.
1860. May 5. Garibaldi's Expedition of'The Thousand. '
1861. January 2. The Prince Regent becomes King of Prussia as
William 1.
1862. Bismarck appointed Ambassador at Paris (May az).
September 23. Bismarck appointed Minister-President of Prussia. Re-
jection of the Military Budget. 'The Constitutional Conflict. '
1863. Rebellion in Poland. The Alvensleben Convention (February 8).
August 17. Congress of Princes at Frankfurt.
November 15. Death of Frederick vn. of Denmark. Opening of
the Schleswig-Holstein Conflict.
1864. January 16. Alliance of Prussia and Austria.
April 25-June 25. Failure of the London Conference to settle
the Schleswig-Holstein Question.
October 24. Treaty of Vienna. The Duchies ceded to Austria and
1865. The Convention of Gastein (August 14).
1866. April 8. Prussia concludes an alliance with Italy.
B. 2 K
Was fo? rdern wir von Frankreich, and the Politik (Eng. transl. )
are more than instructive; they are essential for understanding
the German point of view. Much the best history in English is that
by Sir A. Ward, Germany, 1815-1871 (2 vols. , Camb. Hist. Series--
taking events down to 1871).
For the more recent history: H. Blum, Das Deutsche Reich
zur Zeit Bismarck's; G. Egelhaaf, Geschichte der neuesten Zeit;
H. Mu? nz, Von Bismarck bis Bu? low; and P. Rohrbach, Bismarck
und Wir; and C. Andler (and others), Les origines du Panger-
manisme (a series of volumes in French, which with their lengthy
quotations from German writers, the critical annotations, and the
scholarly bibliographies constitutes a valuable introduction to the
later phases of German political development from 1870 onwards).
For the Schleswig-Holstein affair it must suffice to cite K.
Jansen-K. Sam wer, Schleswig-Holstein's Befreiung. (All the lead-
ing authorities deal with the copious controversial literature. ) A
brief statement of the Danish case will be found in a short Mono-
graph by A. D. Jo? rgensen; reference may also be made to W. R.
Prior, North Sleswick under Prussian Rule. The standard biography
of the Emperor William 1. is that by E. Marcks, and of his son,
* the Crown Prince,' and Emperor Frederick in. by M. Philippson.
For the period 1870-1 and the making of the German Empire,
I have found far the most useful W. Busch, Die Ka? mpfe um
Reichsverfassung und Kaisertum; to which may be added O. Lorenz,
Kaiser Wilhelm und die Begru? ndung des Reiches, I866-1871, which
contains much valuable original material--derived largely from the
Grand-Duke of Baden and the unitarian group of which he was
the head.
On Austrian history, the most useful general guides are two works
by R. Charmatz, Geschichte der auswa? rtigen Politik O? sterreichs
im IQ Jahrhundert (2 vols. ); and Osterreich's innere Geschichte von
184. 8 bis 19OJ (2 vols. ): two others may be mentioned, T. v.
Sosnosky, Die Balkanpolitik O? sterreich-Ungarns seit 1866 (2 vols. ),
and L. Eisenmann, Le Compromis. The well-known works by
Cheradame and Seton-Watson do not specifically bear on Bismarck.
For general purposes K. Meinecke, Weltbu? rgertum und National-
staat, is an illuminating philosophical treatise in historical form
on the development of political thought and principles in Germany
from the French Revolution to Bismarck. It is not easy reading
for those unacquainted with German philosophy, but its treatment
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? Sio
is clear and masterly. P. Rohrbach, Der Deutsche Gedanke in der
Welt, is a good statement of German ambitions in the period,
Of the original Memoirs the following are invaluable: this
selected list is intended to convey different points of view.
Keudell. (Personal recollections. ) Fu? rst und Fu? rstin Bismarck
(French transl. , Bismarck et sa Familie}.
Abeken. Ein Schlichtes Leben (also in an Eng. transl. ). (Abeken
was one of the most devoted of Bismarck's official staff. )
Wagener, H. Erlebtes (in 2 parts. Wagener was editor of the
Mittnacht, Freiherr von. Erinnerungen an Bismarck.
Beust, Count. Drei viertel Jahrhunderten, 2 vols. (Eng.
transl. by Baron de Worms, 2 vols. ) An entertaining and valuable
Roon, A. von. Denkwu? rdigkeiten aus dem Leben (absolutely in-
valuable). 3 vols.
Andrassy, Count Julius. Sein Leben u. seine Zeit (by E. von
Wertheimer). 3 vols. This contains a great deal of original
material, particularly in vols. 2 and 3.
Bernhardi, T. von. Aus dem Leben T. v. B. , 9 vols, (a work
of great value, particularly after 1862).
Stosch, A. von. Denkwu? rdigkeiten, Briefe und Tagebuch Bla? tter
(unfortunately does not go beyond 1872).
Unruh, H. V. von. Erinnerungen (ed. H. v. Poschinger).
Delbru? ck, R. Lebenserinnerungen (2 vols).
Bennigsen. Life by H. Oncken (with original papers and letters,
not translated).
Simson E. v. Erinnerungen.
La Marmora. Un fo' piu? di Luce (mainly on affairs in 1866).
Karl v. Ruma? nien. Aus dem Leben Ko? nig KarVs von Ruma? nien
(also in an Eng. transl. ). Of great importance.
Ernst v. Sachsen-Coburg. Aus meinem Leben und aus meiner
Zeit (gives the ? Coburg' School point of view).
Lasker, E. Aus E. Lasker's Nachlassungen. Ed. W. Cahn.
(The National Liberal who became a Radical. )
Bebel, A. My Life (Eng. transl. of the German autobiography).
Windthorst, L. Ein Lebensbild by P. Majunke. Ausgewa? hlte
Reden, ed. A. L. Meyer (4 vols. ).
Richter, Eugen. Im alten Reichstag, Erinnerungen. (The leader
of the South German Radicals. )
Tiedemann, C. Erinnerungen. (Tiedemann was Chef der Reichs-
kanzlei under Bismarck for six years. )
Bamberger, L. Erinnerungen. (A leading National Liberal and
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-11-14 09:49 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/mdp. 49015000251497 Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-us-google
Secessionist. ) Also his striking Bismarck Posthumus (published in
Freytag, G. Erinnerungen (Eng. transi, in 2 vols. ); Der Kron-
prinz und die Deutsche Kaiserkrone (Eng. transi, in 2 vols. ).
Gerlach, Leopold v. Denkttmrdigkeiten (2 vols. ).
Gerlach, E. Ludwig von. Aufzeichnungen aus seinem Leben
(2 vols. ).
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst. Denkwurdigkeiten (English transi,
in 2 vols. ).
Meding, O.
Memoiren zur Zeitgeschichte (3 vols. ).
Bucher, Lothar. Leben und Werke (by H. von Poschinger 3 vols. ).
(L. B. had a varied career from revolutionist to henchman of
Bismarck. )
Stockmar, C. F. von. Denkwurdigkeiten (Eng. transi. 2 vols. ).
Hansen, J. Les Coulisses de la diplomatie.
For the French side, the following original sources are indis-
pensable: Les origines diplomatiques de la Guerre de i8jo-l (a
complete collection of the sources in the French archives, com-
mencing with 1862, and critically edited and annotated. Ten
volumes so far have been published, reaching July 12, 1866. ) With
these must be noted--Napoleon, Les ide? es Napole? oniennes;
Rothan, G. , La Politique Franc? aise en 1866; Souvenirs diplo-
matiques; La France et sa politique exte? rieure en i86j (2 vols. );
VAllemagne et VItalie, 1870-1 (2 vols. ), Count Benedetti, Essais
Diplomatiques; L'Empereur Guillaume et le Prince de Bismarck;
Ma Mission a` Ems; La Triple Alliance; La Paix Arme? e et ses
Conse? quences; Gontaut-Biron, E. de, La Mission de G. B. a` Berlin
and Dernie`res anne? es de VAmbassade a` Berlin; Duc de Gramont,
La France et la Prusse avant la guerre; Thiers, A. , Notes et Souvenirs.
Valuable letters from General Le Flo^ were published in the
Figaro for 1887: the Revue Historique and the Revue de Paris
contain many critical articles after 1880 on the period. Of the
secondary authorities it is only necessary to cite here: P. de la
Gorce, Histoire du Second Empire (7 vols. ); Ollivier, E. , L'Empire
Libe? ral (16 vols. ); Sorel, A. , Histoire Diplomatique de la Guerre
Franco-Allemande (2 vols. ); Hanotaux, G. , Histoire de la France
Contemporaine (4 vols. , with much original material from MS.
sources; Eng. transi. ); and Denis, E. , La Fondation de l'Empire
Allemand (a chef-d'oeuvre of French historical scholarship); Des-
chaumes, E. , Gambetta, Le Grand Patriote; and De? bidour, Histoire
diplomatique de l'Europe, 1814-1878 (a classical text book); the
supplementary volume, 1878-1904 is useful, but somewhat dis-
appointing, though its bibliographies, particularly of French
sources, are valuable.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-11-14 09:49 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/mdp. 49015000251497 Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-us-google
? 512
For the British side the following Parliamentary Papers and
Blue Books contain diplomatic correspondence and other papers:
Schleswig-Holstein, 1863, No. 74; 1864, Nos. 64 and 65; 1865,
No. 57; Luxemburg, 1867, Nos. 74 and 415; 1870, No. 70;
Africa, 1884-5, No. 54; 1890, No. 51; Poland, 1863, No. 75;
1864, No. 76; Russia, 1871, No. 72.
And the following biographies and memoirs: Morier, Sir
Robert, Memoirs and Letters, 2 vols. ; Lord J. Russell (Life by Sir
S. Walpole); Acton, Lord, Historical Essays and Studies ('Essay on
the Causes of the Franco-German War'); Granville, Earl (Life,
by Lord Fitzmaurice); Clarendon, Earl, Life of, by Sir H. Max-
well, in 2 vols. ; Crowe, Sir J. A. , Reminiscences; Loftus, Lord A. ,
Diplomatic Reminiscences, second series; Prince Consort, The,
Life, by Sir T. Martin (particularly vols. 3-5); Vitzthum von
Eckstidt, Count, London, Gastein und Sadowa; Salisbury, Marquis
of, Essays on Foreign Policy (reprinted from the Quarterly Review);
Dilke, Sir C, The Present Position of European Politics (i. e. in 1886)--
a most valuable study; and Life of Dilke, by Miss Tuckwell, in
2 vols. ; Lord Lyons, Life of, by Lord Newton; Gladstone, W. E. ,
Life of, by Lord Morley.
The Annual Register throughout is very helpful; and can be
collated with Schulthess, H. , Europaischer Geschichts-Kalender
(annually produced after i860). H. Egerton, British Foreign
Policy--A Rough Outline, is very stimulating and helpful on the
problems for British policy from 1850 onwards.
The following by W. H. Dawson are also very helpful:
German Socialism and F. Lassalle; Bismarck and State Socialism;
The Evolution of Modern Germany; German Fiscal Policy during
the Nineteenth Century; Social Insurance in Germany, 1883-1911.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-11-14 09:49 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/mdp. 49015000251497 Public Domain in the United States, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-us-google
1(15. April 1. Otto von Bismarck-Schonhausen born.
1821-27. Bismarck at Plamann's School in Berlin.
1827-3c. ? at Friedrich-Wilhelms Gymnasium in Berlin.
? 830-32. ? at the Gymnasium zum graucn Kloster.
1832. ? a student at the University of Gottingen.
1834. ? a student at the University of Berlin.
1835. >> enters the State Civil Service.
1838. ? serves for one year in the Garde-Jiiger.
1839. Death of Bismarck's mother. He takes over (with his brother) the
family estates.
1841. Bismarck settles at Kniephof.
1842-43. Travels in England, Switzerland, France, and North Germany.
1845. Death of Bismarck's father. Bismarck takes over Schonhausen.
1847. Bismarck attends the United Diet of the Estates (April 11).
Bismarck marries Johanna von Puttkamer.
1848-49. The years of Revolution in Germany.
1849. The Imperial Crown voted to the King of Prussia by the National
Parliament at Frankfurt March (29), and rejected by him
(April 28).
1S50. Convention or Punctation of Olmiitz.
1I51. Re-establishment of the Federal Constitution of 1815 (May 16).
Bismarck appointed Minister Plenipotentiary for Prussia at Frank-
furt (July 15).
1851-59. Bismarck Minister at Frankfurt.
1852. The Treaty of London settles the Danish Succession and the question
of the Duchies (Schleswig-Holstein).
1854-56. The Crimean War. The Treaty of Paris (March 30, 1856).
1858. October 26. Prince William becomes Regent in Prussia.
1859. January 29. Bismarck transferred to the Embassy at Petersburg.
April 29. War between Austria and Piedmont (with France).
November 1 o. Treaty of Zurich ends the Italian War.
1860. May 5. Garibaldi's Expedition of'The Thousand. '
1861. January 2. The Prince Regent becomes King of Prussia as
William 1.
1862. Bismarck appointed Ambassador at Paris (May az).
September 23. Bismarck appointed Minister-President of Prussia. Re-
jection of the Military Budget. 'The Constitutional Conflict. '
1863. Rebellion in Poland. The Alvensleben Convention (February 8).
August 17. Congress of Princes at Frankfurt.
November 15. Death of Frederick vn. of Denmark. Opening of
the Schleswig-Holstein Conflict.
1864. January 16. Alliance of Prussia and Austria.
April 25-June 25. Failure of the London Conference to settle
the Schleswig-Holstein Question.
October 24. Treaty of Vienna. The Duchies ceded to Austria and
1865. The Convention of Gastein (August 14).
1866. April 8. Prussia concludes an alliance with Italy.
B. 2 K