I am also hope ful, that Christian Friends and
will not be unmindful of them when I am gone.
Western Martyrology or Blood Assizes
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Afflictions are not only foretold, but promised to Christians ; and are not only tolerable, but desirable.
We ought to have a deep Reverence and Fear of God's Dis pleasure ; but withal, a firm Hope and Dependance on him for a blessed Issue, in Compliance with his Will ; for God chastens his own, to refine them, and not to ruin them, whatever the World may think, Heb. 12. 3. to 12. Prov. 3. n, 12. 2 Tim. 1. 8. 2 Tim. 2. 11, 12. Matth. 10. 18. to 40. Matth. 16. 24. to 28.
We are to imitate our Saviour in his Sufferings, as 1 Pet. 2. 23. and 1 Pet. 4. 16. to 20.
We are neither to despise our Afflictions, nor to faint under them ; both are Extreams.
We are not to suffer our Spirits to be exasperated against the Inslruments of our Trouble ; for the same Affliction may be an Effect of their Passion, and yet sent to God to punish us for Sin : Tho' 'tis a Comfort when we may say to them with David Psal. 59. 3, Not for my Transgression, nor for my Sin, 0 Lord.
Nor are we, by fraudulent, pusillanimous Compliances in wicked Courses, to bring Sin upon our selves : Faint Hearts are ordinary false Hearts ; Chusing Sin rather than Sufferings, and a short Life with eternal Death, before temporal Death and a
Crown of Glory : Such seeking to save a little, loses all ; and God readily hardens them to proceed to their own Destruction. How many, like Hazael, 2 Kings 8. 13, run to Excesses they never thought they were capable of ! Let Rulers and others read seriously, and weigh Prov. 1. 10. to 20. 2. Chr. 28. 6. to 17. Prov. 24. 11, 12. and Prov. 28. 10. and avoid what is bad, and follow what is good.
For me, I hope by God's Strength to join with Job, Chap. 13. 15. and the Psalmist, Psal. 22. 4. and 16. 7. and shall pray, as Psal. 74. 19. to 24. and Psal. 122. 6. to 9. and Luke 1. 74. 75,
and shall hope, as Psal. 94. 14, 15.
I do freely forgive all that directly or indirectly have been the
Cause of my being brought to this Place, first or last ; and I pray God forgive them. I pray God send Truth and Peace in these three Kingdoms ; and continue and increase the Glorious Light of the Gospel, and restrain the Spirit of Prophanity, Atheism, Superstition, Popery, and Persecution, and restore all
i74 Ufa Miejstern 'Erangactfong.
that have back-slidden from the Purity of their Life or Principles; and bless his whole People with all Blessings, spiritual and temporal, and put an End to their present Trials.
And I intreat all People to forgive me wherein I have offended, and concur with me to pray, That the great, good, and merciful Cod would sanctijie my present Lot. and for Jesus Christ his Sake pardon all my Sins, and receive me to his Eternal Glory.
It is suggested to me, That I have said nothing of the Royal Family ; and it remembers me, that before the Justices at my Trial about the Test, I said, That at my Death I would pray, That there should never want one of the Royal Family to be a Defender of the True, Ancient, Apostolick, Catholick, Protestant Faith; which I do now : And that GOD would enlighten and forgive all of them that are either luke-warm, or have shrunk from the Profession of it. And in all Events, I pray God may provide for the Security of his Church, that Antichrist, nor the
Gates of Hell may never prevail against it.
T the same Place died Colonel Richard Rumbold, June 26. 1685. most of what occurred considerable in his Defence and Speech, you have already in the Business of the Assassination. Two or three
Passages more there are worth Remarks in the same, as Argu ments of his Sense and Courage. [For this Cause, he says, were every Hair of his Head and Beard a Life, he'd joyfully sacrifice 'em all. ] [That he was never Antimonarchical in his Principles, but for a King and Free Parliament ; the King having Power enough to make him great, and the People to make 'em happy. ] [That he died in the Defence of the just
Laws and Liberties of the Nations. ] [That none was markt by God above another ; for no Man came into the World with a Saddle on their Backs, nor others booted and spurr'd to ride upon 't. ] And being askt if he thought not his Sentence dread ful ? Answered, [He wisht he had a Limb for every Town in Christendom. ]
Colonel Kumbolti,
The last Speech of Col. Richard Rumbold, at the Market-Cross at Edinburgh, with several Things
that passed at his Trial, 26 June,
At the same Place died Colonel Richard Rumbold, about Eleven of the Clock he was brought from the Castle of Edin
to the Justices Court, in a great Chair, on Men's Shoulders ; where at first he was asked some Questions, most of which he answered with Silence ; at last said, He humbly con ceived, it was not necessary for him to add to his own Accu sation, since he was not ignorant they had enough already to do his Business ; and therefore he did not design to fret his Conscience at that Time with Answering Questions. After which, his Libel being read, the Court proceeded in usual Manner ; first asking him, If he had any thing to say for him self before the Jury closed ? His Answer was He owned it all, saving that Part, of having designed the King's Death ; and desired all present, to believe the Words of a dying Man ; he never directly nor indirectly intended such a Villany ; that he abhorred the very Thoughts of it ; and that he blessed God he had that Reputation in the World, that he knew none that had the Impudence to ask him the Question ; and he detested the Thoughts of such an Action ; and he hoped all good People would believe him, which was the only Way he had to clear himself ; and he was sure that this Truth should be one Day made manifest to all Men. He was again asked, If he had any Exception against the Jury ? He answered, No ; but wished them to do as God and their Consciences directed them. Then they withdrew, and returned their Verdict in half an Hour, and brought him in Guilty. The Sentence followed ; For him to be taken from that Place to the next Room, and from thence
to be drawn on a Hurdle, betwixt Two and Four of the Clock, to the Cross of Edinburgh, the Place of Execution, and there to be Hang'd, Drawn, and Quarter'd. He received his Sentence with an undaunted Courage and Chearfulness. Afterwards he was delivered into the Town-Magistrate's Hands ; they brought to him two of their Divines, and offered him their Assistance upon the Scaffold ; which he altogether refused, telling them,
flfliegtern ^rangactfong.
That if they had any good Wishes for him, he desired they would spend them in their own Closets, and leave him now to seek God in his own Way. He had several Offers of the same kind by others, which he put off in like Manner. He was most serious and fervent in Prayers the few hours he lived, (as the Centinels observed, who were present all the while. ) The Hour being come, he was brought to the Place of Execution, where he saluted the People on all Sides of the Scaffold, and after having refreshed himself with a Cordial out of his Pocket, he was sup ported by two Men, while he spoke to the People in these Words :
Gentlemen and Brethren, It is for all Men that come into the World once to die, and after Death to Judgment ; and since Death is a Debt that all of us must pay, it is but a Matter of small Moment what Way it be done ; and seeing the Lord is pleased in this Manner to take me to himself, I confess, some thing hard to Flesh and Blood, yet blessed be his Name, who hath made me not only willing, but thankful for his honouring me to lay down the Life he gave, for his Name ; in which, were every Hair in this Head and Beard of mine a Life, I should
joyfully sacrifice them for as do this and Providence having brought me hither, think most necessary to clear my self of some Aspersions laid on my Name and first, That should have had so horrid an Intention of destroying the King and his Brother.
[Here he repeated what he had said before to the Justices on this Subject. ]
It was also laid to my Charge, That was Antimonarchical.
It was ever my Thoughts, That Kingly Government was the best of all, justly executed mean, such as by our Ancient Laws that is, a King, and a Legal, Free-Chosen Parliament. The King having, as conceive, Power enough to make him Great the People also as much Property as to make them Happy they being, as were, contracted to one another. And who will deny me, that this was not the Just Constituted Govern ment of our nation How absurd then for Men of Sense to
maintain, That tho' the one Party of this Contract breaketh all Conditions, the other should be obliged to perform their Part No this Error contrary to the Law of God, the Law of Nations, and the Law of Reason. But as Pride hath been the
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Colonel Eumbolo.
Bait the Devil hath catched most by ever since the Creation, so it continues to this Day with us. Pride caused our first Parents to fall from the blessed Estate wherein they were created ; they aiming to be higher and wiser than God allowed, which brought an everlasting Curse on them and their Posterity. It was Pride caused God to drown the Old World. And it was Nimrod's Pride in building Babel, that caused that heavy Curse of Division of Tongues to be spread among us, as it is at this Day, One of the greatest Afflictions the Church of God groaneth under, that there should be so many Divisions during their Pilgrimage here ; but this is their Comfort that the Day draweth near, where, as there is but One Shepherd, there shall be but One Sheepfold. It was therefore in the Defence of this Party, in their Just Rights and Liberties, against Popery and Slavery —
[At which Words they beat the Drums :] To which he said ;
They need not trouble themselves, for he should say no more of his Mind on that Subject, since they were so disingenuous, as to interrupt a dying Man, only to assure the People, he adhered to the true Protestant Religion, detesting the Erroneous Opinions
of many that called themselves so ; and I die this Day in the Defence of the Ancient Laws and Liberties of these Nations : And though God, for Reasons best known to himself, hath not
seen it fit to honour us, as to make us the Instruments for the Deliverance of his People ; yet as I have lived, so I die in the Faith, that he will speedily arise for the Deliverance of his Church and People. And I desire of all you to prepare for this with
I may say, This is a deluded Generation, vailed with Ignorance, that tho' Popery and Slavery be riding in upon them, do not perceive it ; though I am sure there was no Man born
marked of God above another ; for none comes into the World with a Saddle on his Back, neither any booted and spurr'd to ride him ; not but that I am well satisfied, that God hath wisely ordered different Stations for Men in the World, as I have al ready said : Kings having as much Power as to make them
great, and the People as much Property as to make them happy. And to conclude, I shall only add my Wishes for the Salva tion of all Men, who were created for that End.
After ending these Words, he prayed most fervently near three Quarters of an Hour, freely forgiving all Men, even his
178 ^Iie CLfllegtern %tawtottiotui.
greatest Enemies, begging most earnestly for the Deliverance of Sion from all her Persecutors, particularly praying for London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, from which the Streams run that rule
God's People in these three Nations. If
Being asked some Hours before his Execution, he thought not his sentence dreadful ? He answered, He wished he had a
Limb for every Town in Christendom.
A brief Account of the last speech of Mr. John King, at the Place of Execution at Edinburgh, on the 14th Day
ofAugust, 1679
Men and Brethren,
I do not doubt but that many that are Spectators here, have some other End, than to be edified by what they may see and hear in the last Words of One going to Eternity ; but if any one of you have Ears to hear, (which I nothing doubt but some of this great Gathering have) I desire your Ears and Attention, if the Lord shall help and permit me to speak to a few Things.
I Bless the Lord, since infinite Wisdom and holy Providence has so carved out my Lot to die after the Manner that I do, not unwillingly, neither by Force : It's true I could not do this of my self, Nature always having an Inclination to put the Evil Day far off, but through Grace I have been helped, and by this Grace yet hope I shall : 'Tis true, thro' Policy I might have shunned such a hard Sentence, if I had done some Things ; but though I could, I durst not, God knows, redeem my Life with the loss of my Integrity and Honesty. I bless the Lord, that since I have been apprehended and made a Prisoner, God hath very wonderfully upholden me, and mIade out that comfortable
Word, Fear not, be not dismayed,
strengthen thee,
Righteousness, Isaiah 42. 10. I thank the Lord he never yet gave me Leave so much as to have a Thought, much less to seek
am with thee,
I will uphold thee by the Right Hand
I will
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after any Shift that might be in the least sinful ; I did always, and yet do judge it better to suffer Affliction with the People of God, than to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin for a Season, therefore I am come hither to lay down my Life. I bless the Lord I die not as a Fool dieth, though I acknowledge I have nothing to boast of in my self : Yea, I acknowledge I am a Sinner, and one of the chiefest that hath gone under the Name of a Professor. of Religion ; yea, among the unworthiest of those that have Preached the Gospel ; my Sins and Corruptions have been many, and have defiled me in all Things, and even in fol lowing and doing my Duty, I have not wanted my own sin ful Infirmities and Weaknesses, for that I might truly say I have no Righteousness of my own, all is evil, and like filthy Rags ; but blessed be God that there is a Saviour and an Ad vocate, Jesus Christ the Righteous, and I do believe that Jesus Christ is come into the World to save Sinners, of whom I am the chief, and that through Faith and his Righteousness I have obtained Mercy ; and that through him, and him alone, I desire and hope to have a happy and glorious Victory over Sin, Satan,
Hell, and Death ; and that I shall attain unto the Resurrection of the Just, and be made Partaker of Eternal Life. I know in whom I have believed, and that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that Day. I have ac cording to my poor Capacity, Preached Salvation in his Name, and as I have Preached, so do I believe, and with all my Soul have commended and still do commend to all of you the Riches of his Grace, and Faith in his Name, as the alone and only Way whereby to come to be saved.
It may be many may think (but bless the Lord, without any solid Ground) that suffer as an Evil-doer, and as a busie Body in other Mens Matters but reckon not much upon that, hav ing the Testimony of my own Conscience for me. was the Lot of our Blessed Saviour himself, and also the Lot of many of his eminent, precious Servants and People, to suffer by the World as Evil-doers Yea, think have so good Ground not to be scar'd at such a Lot, that count my Non-such- Honour and Oh what am that should be honoured so, when so many Worthies have panted after the like, and have not come at My Soul rejoyceth in being brought into Conformity with my
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Blessed Lord, and Head, and so Blessed a Company in this WayandLot; and Idesire topray that I maybe tononeof you this Day upon this Account a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of Offence ; and blessed is he that shall not be offended in Christ and his poor Followers and Members, because of their being condemned as Evil-doers by the World.
As for those Things for which Sentence of Death hath past against me, I bless the Lord my Conscience doth not condemn me, I have not been rebellious, nor do I judge it Rebellion for me to have endeavoured in my Capacity, what possibly I could for the born-down and ruined Interest of my Lord and Master,
and for the Relief of my poor Brethren afflicted and persecuted, not only in their Liberties, Priviledges, and Persons, but also in their Lives ; therefore it was that I joined with that poor Handful ; the Lord knows, who is the Searcher of Hearts, that neither my Design nor Practice was against his Majesty's Person and just Government, but I always studied to be loyal to lawful Authority in the Lord, and I thank God my Heart doth not condemn me of any Disloyalty ; I have been loyal, and I do recommend it to all to be obedient to higher Powers in the Lord.
I have been looked upon by some, and represented by others, to be of a divisive and factious Humour, and one that stirred up Division in the Church, but I am hopeful that they will all now give me their Charity, being within a little . to stand before my
Judge, and I pray the Lord forgive them that did so misrepre sent me ; but I thank the Lord whatever Man have said against me concerning this, that on the contrary I have often dissuaded from such Ways and Practices, as contrary to the Word of God, and of our Covenanted and Reformed Religion ; and as I ever abhorred Division and Faction in the Church, as that which tends to its utter Ruin, if the Lord prevent it not. So I would
in the Bowels of my Lord and Master, if such an one as I am may presume to persuade, and exhort both Ministers and Professors ; if there be any Consolation in Christ, if any Comfort of Love, if any Fellowship of the Spirit, if any Bowels and Mercies, that you be like minded, having the same Love, being of one Accord, of
one Mind ; in Lowliness of Mind, let each esteem others better than themselves, Phil. I. 12. Harmoniousness and Honesty in
the Things of God, can never enough be sought
after, and
Things that tend to the Prejudice and Hurt of Christ's Interest, can never enough be fled from and avoided.
And as I am come hither willingly to lay down my Taber nacle, so also I die in the Belief and Faith of the holy Scriptures, and in the Faith of the Apostles, and Primitive Christians, and Protestant Reformed Churches, and particularly the Church of Scotland, whereof I am a poor Member.
I shall but say a few Words —
First, All you that are profane, I would seriously exhort you,
that you return to the Lord by serious Repentance ; if you do, Iniquity shall not be your Ruin, if you do not, know that the -Day of the Lord's Vengeance is near and hastneth on ! Oh know for your Comfort, there is a Door of Mercy yet open, if you be not Despisers of the Day of Salvation. And you that
have been, and yet are, Reproachers and Persecutors of Godli ness, and of such as live Godly ; take heed, Oh take heed, sad will be your Day, when God arises to scatter his Enemies, if you repent not for your ungodly Deeds.
Secondly, All those who are taken up with their own private In terests, and if that go well, they care the less for the Interest of
Christ, take heed and be zealous, and repent, lest the Lord pass the Sentence, I will spew you out of my Mouth.
Thirdly, For the truly Godly, and such as are lamenting after the Lord, and are mourning for all the Abominations of this City, and are taking Pleasure in the very Rubbish and Stones
of Zion, be of good Courage, and cast not away your Confi dence. I dare not say anything to future Things, but surely the Lord has a handful that are precious to Him, to whom he will be gracious ; to these is a dark Night at present, how long it will last, the Lord knows ! Oh let not the sad Disasters, that his poor People meet with, though very astonishing, terrifre you ; beware of Snares that abound, cleave fast to your Re formed Religion, do not shift the Cross of Christ, if you be
called to better to suffer than sin, account the Reproaches of Christ greater Riches than all the Treasures of the World.
In the last place, let not my Death be grievous to any of you, hope will be more profitable both for you and me, and for the Church and Interest of God, than my Life could have been.
bless the Lord, can freely and frankly forgive all Men, even
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as I desire to be forgiven of God, pray for them that persecute you, bless them that curse you. As to the Cause of Christ, I bless the Lord I never had Cause, to this Day, to repent for anything I have suffered, or can now suffer for his Name. I thank the Lord who has shewed Mercy to such a vile a sinner as I am, and that ever he should advance me to so high a Dignity, as to be made a Minister of his blessed and everlasting Gospel; and that ever I should have a Seal set to my Ministry, upon the Hearts of some in several Places and Corners of this Land : The Lord visit Scotland with more and more faithful Pastors, and send a reviving Day unto the People of God ; in the mean Time be patient, be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the Work of the Lord ; and live in Love and Peace one with another, and the Lord be with his poor afflicted, groaning People that yet remain.
Now I bid farewel to all my Friends and dear Relations : Fare well my poor Wife and Children, whom I leave in the good Hands of him who is better than seven Husbands, and who will be a Father to the Fatherless. Fare well all Creature
Comforts ; welcome Everlasting Life, Everlasting Glory, wel come Everlasting Love, Everlasting Praise : Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me.
August 1\th, 1679, Tolbooth, Sic subscrib. King. circa horam septimam. John
A brief Account of the last Speech of Mr. John Kidd, at the Place of Execution at Edinburgh, on the 14th Day of August, 1679.
Right worthy and well beloved Spectators and Auditors.
Considering what bodily Distempers I have been exercised with, since I came out of the Torture, viz. scarce two Hours out of my naked Bed in one Day, it cannot be expected, that I should
'n a Case to say anything to purpose at this Juncture, es
pecially seeing I am not as yet free of it ; however I cannot but Reverance the good Hand of God upon me, and desire with all
my Soul to bless him for this my present Lot.
It may be there are a great many here that judge my Lot
very sad and deplorable. I must confess Death it self is very terrible to Flesh and Blood, but as it is an Outlet to Sin, and an Inlet to Righteousness, it is the Christian's great and inex pressible Priviledge ; and give me Leave to say this, that there is something in a Christian's Condition that can never put him without the Reach of Insufferableness, even Shame, Death, and the Cross being included,
And then if there be Peace betwixt God and the Soul, nothing can damp Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, this is a most supporting Ingredient in the bitterest Cup, and under the sharpest and fieriest Trial he can be exposed unto, this is my Mercy, that I have something to lay Claim unto, viz. The
Intimations of Pardon and Peace betwixt God and my Soul. And as concerning that for which I am condemned, I mag- nifie his Grace, that I never had the least Challenge for but on the contrary, judge my Honour, that ever was counted worthy to come upon the Stage upon such a Consideration; another
Thing that renders the most despicable Lot of the Christian, and mine sufferable, a felt and sensible Presence from the Lord, strengthening the Soul when most put to and could have this for my Allowance this Day, could be bold to say, O Death, where thy Sting? And could not but cry out Welcome to and all that follows upon grant the Lord from an Act of Soveraignty may come, and go as he pleases, but yet he will never forsake his People, and this a Cordial to me in the Case am now exposed unto.
Thirdly, The exercising and putting forth his Glorious Power,
able to transport the Soul of the Believer, and mine, above the Reach of all sublunary Difficulties, and therefore seeing have Hope to be kept up by this Power, would not have you to look upon my Lot, or any other that or may be in my Case, in the least deplorable, seeing we have Ground to believe, that in more or less he will perfect his Power and Strength in weakness.
Fourthly, That may come little nearer to the Purpose in
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Hand, I declare before you all, in the Sight of God, Angels, and Men, and in the Sight of that Son, and all that he has created, that I am a most miserable Sinner, in Regard of my original and actual Transgressions. I must confess, they are more in Number than the Hairs of my Head. They are gone up above my Head, and are past numbring; I cannot but say as Jacob said, I am less than the least of all God's Mercies, yet I must declare to the exalting of his Free Grace, That to me, who am the least of all Saints, in this Grace made known, and
that by a strong Hand, and I dare not but say, he has loved me, and washed me in his own Blood from all Iniquities, and
well is it for me this Day, That ever I heard or read that faith ful Saying, That Jesus Christ came into the World to save
Sinners, of whom I am chief.
Fifthly, I must also declare in his Sight, I am the most un-
worthiest that ever opened his Mouth to Preach the unsearch able Riches of Christ in the Gospel. Yea, the Sense of this made me altogether unwilling to fall about so great a Work, until, by the Importunity of some, whose Names are precious and savoury to me and many others, I was prevailed with to fall about
and yet am hopeful, not altogether without some Fruit and durst say without Vanity, never found so much of the Pre
sence of God upon my Spirit, as have found in Exercises of that Nature, tho' must still confess attended with inexpressible Weakness, and this the main Thing for which must lay down my Tabernacle this Day, viz. That did Preach Christ and the Gospel in several Places of this Nation for which bless him (as can) That ever such a poor obscure Person as am, have been thus Priviledged by him, for making Mention of his Grace as was able.
In the next Place, tho' to many die desired, yet know, to not few my Death not desired, and the rejoycing of my Heart, that die in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has loved me, and given himself for me, and in the faith of the Prophets and Ap6stles, and in this Faith of theirs there not
a Name under Heaven by which Men can be saved, but the Name of Jesus, and in the Faith of the Doctrine and Worship of the Kirk of Scotland, as now established according to
the Word of God, Confession of Faith, Catechisms larger and
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shorter, and likewise I joinmyTestimonyagainst Popery, Perjury, Profanity, Heresie, and everything contrary to sound Doctrine. In the Close, as a dying Person, and as one who has obtained
Mercy of the Lord to be faithful, I would humbly leave it upon Godly Ministers to be faithful for their Lord and Master, and not to hold their Peace in such a day, when so many ways are
taken for injuring of him, his Name, Way, Sanctuary, Ordinances, Crown, and Kingdom, I hope there will be found a party in this Land, that will continue for him and his Matters, in all Hazards, and as Faithfulness is called for in Ministers, so Professors would concern themselves that they countenance not, nor abet
any thing inconsistent with former Principles and Practices. Let the Land consider,how neutral and indifferent we are grown in the Matters of God, even like Ephraim long ago, a Cake not turned.
As concerning that which is the Ground of my Death, viz. Preaching here and there in some Corners ; I bless my God, I have not the least Challenge for it ; and tho' those that con demned me are pleased to call such Preachings Rendezvouses of Rebellion, yet I must say this of them, they were so far from being reputed such in my Eyes, that if ever Christ had a People, or Party, wherein his Soul took Pleasure, I am bold to say, these Meetings were a great Part of them ; the Shining and Glory of God was eminently seen amongst these Meetings, the con
vincing Power and Authority of our Lord went out with his Servants in those blasphemously nick-nam'd Conventicles :
This, I say, without Reflection upon any. I have a Word to say farther, that God is calling Persons to Repentance, and to do their first Work : O that Scotland were a mourning Land, and that Reformation were our Practice, according as we are sworn in the Covenant.
Again, that Christians of Grace and Experience would study more straightness and Stability in this Day, when so many are turning to the Right Hand, and many to the Left ; he that endureth to the End shall be saved ; he hath appointed the
Kingdom for such as continue with him in his Temptations. Next, If ever you expect to have the Form of the House shewed you in all the Laws thereof, Goings-out-thereof, and'
Comings-in-thereof, then think it no Shame to take Shame to you for all that has been done : Sitting down on this Side
186 'Elie flfllegtern ^cangacttong.
Jordan, is like to be our Bane. Oh ! when shall we get up and run after him, till he brings us into the promised Land, let us up and after him with all our Heart, and never rest till he return.
I recommend my Wife and Young One to the Care and Faith fulness ofthe God ofAbraham, Isaac, and Jacob;the God that fed me to this Day, and who is the God of my Salvation,, their
God and my God, their Father and my Father.
I am also hope ful, that Christian Friends and Relations will not be unmindful of them when I am gone.
Lastly, I do further bear my Testimony to the Cross of Christ, and bless him that ever he counted me worthy to appear for him in such a Lot as this : Glory to him that ever I heard tell of him, and that ever he fell upon such a Method of dealing with me as this ; and therefore let none that loves Christ and his Righteous Cause, be offended in me.
And as I have lived in the Faith of this, that the Three King doms are Married Lands, so I die in the Faith of that there will be a Resurrection of his Name, Word, Cause, and of all his Interest therein, tho' dare not determine the Time when, nor the Manner how, but leave all these Things to the infinitely wise God, who has done, and will do all Things well. Oh that he would return to this Land again, to repair our Breaches, and take away our Back-sliding, and appear for his Work. Oh that he would pass by Scotland once again, and make our Time
Time of Love. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Himself hasten in his own Time and Way. The Lord my Light and Life, my J°y> mY Song, and my Salvation the God of his Chosen
be my Mercy this Day, and the inriching Comforts of the Holy Ghost keep up and carry me fair through, to the Glory of his Grace, the Edification of his People, and my own eternal
Advantage. Amen.
August 14th, 1679, Tolbooth, Sic subscrib.
ante horam septiman. JOhn KlDD. Thus, Reader, having given thee a faithful Account of the Behaviour and Dying-Speeches of the most Eminent Persons who
suffered in SCOTLAND, shall return again for London, where the Last Person of Quality that suffered, was the DUKE of MONMOUTH, whose Expedition and Sufferings, &*c. you have in the following Pages.
it a
HE Last Person with whom we shall conclude this mournful Tragedy, and the Greatest in it is the late James Duke of Monmouth ; One indeed, who, if he had been a little less, might have been at this Time
One of the Greatest Men both in England and the World. By reason of some Passages in his Life, not so defensible, 'twas thought, at first, better to draw a Veil before that unfortunate Prince, and say nothing at all of him. But what Allowances are made for Custom and Education, God only knows. I remember a shrewd Answer given to an Objection of this Nature, Where said One, should he learn any better ? But however, where there has been any Time to think soberly of past Actions, or none of that Nature reiterated, Charity is oblig'd to judge favourably. And besides, the good West-Country-Men would be very angry if they should not find their Master that they loved so well, and suffered so much for, among the rest of these Noble Heroes. None can deny but he was a Great General, a Man of Courage and Conduct, and great Personal Valour, having signaliz'd him self both at Mons and Maestricht, so as to gain an high and just Reputation. He was all along true and firm to the Protestant In terest in and out of Parliament, tho' abhorring any base Way of promoting as well as his Friend my Lord Russel. This in tended as Character rather, or very short Compendium, than any History of his Life. He was all along the Peoples Darling, whose Hearts were entirely his by his Courtesie and Affability, as other Persons lost 'em by their Sourness and haughty Pride. After RusseFs Death he went into Flanders, whence had he prosecuted his Design, and gone, as 'tis said he intended, into the Emperor's Service, how many Lawrels might he have won, and how many more would now have been growing for him But his Fate was otherwise. — He came over into England, an exact Account of whose Enterprise another Place of this Book presents you as 'twas compiled by One present in all that Action. After the Defeat of his Army at Sedgmoor, he fled with my Lord Gray, who was first taken, and he himself a little after brought up to
Ifliegtern '(JErangactfons(.
London, and on his Attainder in Parliament, beheaded on Tower-Hill. 'Tis said, a certain Brave Old Officer, who then came over with him, and since with the Prince, offered with a small Party of Horse to have ventured through the Guards, and took him off the Scaffold. But they could not be got together ; his Time was come. Providence had designed other Things, that our Deliverance should be more just, and peaceable, and wonderful, and that the Glory thereof should be reserved for
their Sacred Majesties, King William and Queen Mary.
The Thing I shall in the next Place do, that I may leave out nothing material, relating to the Western Affair, is to insert the late Duke of Monmouth's Declaration, as it was taken from a Copy Printed in Holland in the Year 1685.
The Declaration of James Duke of Monmouth, and the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others, now in Arms for the Defence and Vindication of the Protestant Re ligion, and the Laws, Rights, and Priviledges England.
As Government was originally instituted by God, and this or that Form of it chosen and submitted to by Men, for the Peace,
Happiness, and Security of the Governed, and not for the Pri vate Interest and Personal Greatness of those that Rule : So that Government hath always been esteemed the best, where the Supream Magistrates have been invested with all the Power and Prerogatives, that might capacitate them, not only to preserve the People from Violence and Oppression, but to promote their Prosperity ; and yet where nothing was to belong to them by the Rules of the Constitution, that might enable them to injure and oppress them, And it hath been the Glory of England above most other Nations, that the Prince had all intrusted with him that was necessary, either for the advancing the Welfare of the People, or for his own Protection in the Discharge of his Office ; and withal stood so limited and restrained by the Fundamental Terms of the Constitution, That without a Violation of his own Oath, as well as the Rules and Measures of the Government, he
3|ameg HDufee of S^onmoutlj.
could do them no Hurt, or exercise any Act of Authority, but through the Administration of such Hands as stood obnoxious to be punished, in case they transgressed ; So that according to the Primitive Frame of the Government, the Prerogatives of the Crown, and the Priviledges of the Subject, are so far from justling one another, that the Rights reserved unto the People, tended to render the King Honourable and Great, and the Prerogatives settled on the Prince, were in Order to the Subjects Protection and Safety. But all humane Things being Subject to Perversion, as well as Decay, it hath been the Fate of the English Government to be often changed and wrested from what it was in the first Settlement and Institution. And we are particularly compelled to say, that all the Boundaries of the Government have of late been broken, and nothing left unattempted for turning our limi ted Monarchy into an absolute Tyranny. For such hath been the Transaction of Affairs within this Nation for several Years last past, that though the Protestant Religion and Liberties ofthe People were fenced and hedged about by as many Laws as the Wisdom ofMan could devise for their Preservation against Popery and Arbitrary Power, our Religion hath been all along counter mined by Popish Counsels, and our Priviledges ravished from us by Fraud and Violence. And more especially, the whole Course and Series of the Life of the D. of York, hath been but one con tinued Conspiracy against the Reformed Religion and the Rights of the Nation. For who ever considers his contriving the Burn ing of London, his instigating a Confederacy with France, and a War with Holland, his fomenting the Popish Plot, and encourag ing the Murther of Sir Ed. Godfrey to stifle it ; his charging Treason against Protestants, and suborning Witnesses to swear the Patriots of their Religion and Liberties out of their Lives, his hiring execrable Villains to assassinate the late Earl of Essex; and causing those others to be clandestinely cut off, in Hopes to conceal it ; his advising and procuring the Prorogation and Dis solution of Parliaments, in Order to prevent their looking into his Crimes, and that he might escape the Justice of the Nation ; such can imagine nothing so. black and horrid in itself, or so ruinous and destructive to Religion and the Kingdom which we may not expect from him.
The very Tyrannies, which he hath exercised since he snatched
' 190
Clje flfllegtem 'ZErangacttong.
the Crown from his Brother's Head, do leave none under a Pos sibility of flattering themselves with Hopes of Safety, either in their Consciences, Persons, or Estates : For in Defiance of all the Laws and Statutes of the Realm, made for the Security of the Reformed Protestant Religion, he not only began his Reign with a bare faced avowing himself of the Romish Religion ; but hath called in Multitudes of Priests and Jesuits, for whom the Law makes it Treason to come into this Kingdom ; and hath im- powered them to exercise their idolatries. And by his being daily present at the Worship of the Mass, hath publickly assisted at the greatest Fopperies of their Superstition. Neither hath he
been more tender in trampling upon the Laws which concern our Properties, seeing in two Proclamations, whereof the one requires the collecting of the Customs, and the other the continuing that Part of the Excise which was to expire with the late King's Death ; he has violently, and against all the Law of the Land, broken in upon our Estates. Neither is it any Extenuation of his Tyranny, that he is countenanced in it by an extrajudicial Opinion of seven or eight suborned and forsworn Judges ; but rather declaring the Greatness and Extent of the Conspiracy against our Rights, and that there is no Means left for our Relief but by Force of Arms ; for advancing those to the Bench that were the Scandal of the Bar, and constituting those very Men to declare the Laws, who were accused and branded in Parlia ment for perverting them, we are precluded all Hopes of Justice in Westminster-Hall; and through packing together by false Returns, new illegal Charters, and other corrupt Means ; he doth at once deprive us of all Expectations of Succour, where our
Ancestors were wont to find it ; and Hopes to render that which ought to be the Peoples Fence against Tyranny, and the Con servator of their Liberties, the Means of subverting all our Laws, and of establishing of his Arbitrariness, and confirming our Thraldom. So that unless we could be contented to see the Reformed Protestant Religion, and such as profess extirpated Popish Superstition and Idolatry established, the Laws of the Land trampled under Foot the Liberties and Rights of the English People subverted and all that Sacred and Civil, or of Regard (amongst Men of Vertue and Piety) violated and un less we could be willing to be Slaves as well as Papists, and forget
3flameg HDufce of S^onmoutlj.
the Example of our Noble and Generous Ancestors, who con veyed our Priviledges to us at the Expence of their Blood and Treasure ; and withal be unmindful of our Duty to God, our Country and Posterity ; deaf to the Cries and Groans of our op pressed Friends, and be satisfied, not only to see them and our selves Imprisoned, Robbed, and Murthered, but the Protestant Interest throughout the whole World betrayed to France and
Rome; we are bound as Men and Christians, and that in Dis charge of our Duty to God and our Country, and for the Satis faction of the Protestant Nations round about us, to betake our selves to Arms. Which we take Heaven and Earth to Witness, we should not have done, had not the Malice ofour Enemies de prived us of all other Means of Redress ; and were not the Miseries that we already feel, and those which do further threaten us, worse than the Calamities of War. And it is not for any Personal Injuries, or Private Discontents, nor in Pursu ance of any corrupt Interest, that we take our Swords into our Hands, but for vindicating our Religion, Laws and Rights, and rescuing our Country from Ruin and Destruction, and for preserv ing our selves, Wives and Children from Bondage and Idolatry. Wherefore, before God, Angels, and Men, we stand acquitted from, and do charge upon our Enemies, all the Slaughter and Devastations that unavoidably accompany an intestine War.
Now therefore we do hereby Solemnly Declare and Proclaim War against J. D. of V. as a Murtherer, and an Assassinator of innocent Men, a Traitor to the Nation, and Tyrant over the People. And we would have none that appear under his Ban ner, to flatter themselves with Expectation of Forgiveness, it being our firm Resolution to prosecute him and his Adherents,
without giving way to Treaties or Accommodations, until we have brought him and them to undergo what the Rules of the Consti tution, and the Statutes of the Realm, as well as the Laws of Nature, Scripture, and Nations judge to be a Punishment due to the Enemies of God, Mankind, their Country, and all Things that are Honourable, Vertuous, and good.
And though we cannot avoid being sensible, that too many have, from Cowardice, Covetousness, and Ambition, co-operated to the subverting our Religion, and enslaving their Country ; yet we would have none from a Despair of finding Mercy, persevere
192 fPe JLtLiegwm ^rangacttong.
in their Crimes, nor continue the Ruin of the Kingdom : For we exclude none from the Benefit of Repentance, that will join with us in retrieving what they have been accessory to the Loss of ; nor do we design Revenge upon any, but the Obstinate, and such as
shall be found at this Juncture yielding Aid and Assistance to the said J. D. of V.
And that we way both govern our selves in the Pursuit of this Glorious Cause, wherein we are engaged, and give Encourage ment to all that shall assist us in so Righteous and Necessary an Undertaking ; we do in the Presence of the Lord, who knows the Secrets of all Hearts, and is the Avenger of Deceit and Fals- hood, proclaim and publish what we aim at ; and for the obtain ing whereof, we have both determined to venture, and are ready to lay down our Lives. And tho' we are not come into the Field to introduce Anarchy and Confusion, or for laying aside any Part of the Old English Government ; yet our Purposes and Resolutions are, to reduce Things to that Temperament and Bal- lance, that future Rulers may remain able to do all the Good that can be either desired or expected from them, and it may not be in their Power to invade the Rights, and infringe the Liberties of the People.
And whereas our Religion, the most Valuable Thing we lay Claim unto, hath been shaken by unjust Laws, undermined by Popish Counsels, and is now in Danger to be subverted ; We
are therefore resolved, to spend our Blood for preserving it to our selves and Posterity ; nor will we lay down our Arms, till we see it established and secured beyond all Probability of being supplanted and overthrown, and until all the Penal Laws against Protestant Dissenters be repealed, and Legal Provision made against their being disturbed by Reason of their Consciences, and for their enjoying an equal Liberty with other Protestants.
And that the Meekness and Purity of our Principles, and the Moderation and Righteousness of our End, may appear unto all Men : We do declare, That we will not make War upon, or de stroy any for their Religion, how false and erroneous soever : So that the very Papists, provided they withdraw from the Tents of our Enemies, and be not found guilty of conspiring our Destruc tion, or Abettors of them that seek have nothing to fear or apprehend from us, except what may hinder their altering our
iflameg 2Dufee of S^amnoutlj,
Laws, and indangering our Persons in the Profession of the Re formed Doctrine, and Exercise of our Christian Worship.
Our Resolution in the next Place is, to maintain all the just Rights and Priviledges of Parliament, and to have Parliaments annually chosen and held, and not prorogued, dissolved, or dis continued within the Year, before Petitions be first
and Grievances redressed.
And seeing many of the Miseries, under which the Nation doth
groan, arise from displacing such out of the Number of Judges, as would not, for promoting Popish and Arbitrary Designs, wrest and misapply the Laws ; and from constituting corrupt and mercenary Men in their Rooms, on Purpose to stretch the Laws beyond the Reason and Intention of them, and to declare that for Law which is not : We can neither with Silence pass over the mentioning of them, nor should we have Peace in our selves, if we did not endeavour to prevent the like Mischief in Time to come. For by Reason of ill Men being advanced to the Bench, and holding their Places only durante bene-placito, many Per sons have been condemned in exorbitant Fines for no Crimes, or for very small ones : Many Statutes made for the Safety of the Subject, particularly the Habeas Corpus Act, have been wickedly eluded to the Oppression of the Innocent and Loyal Men. The Popish Lords that were impeached in Parliament,
for a most hellish Conspiracy, have, to the subverting the Rights of the House of Commons, and trampling on the Rights of the House ofLords, been discharged and set free. The imposing a Mayor and Sheriff upon the City of London by Fraud and
Violence, have been justified, and those who in Discharge of their Duty opposed illegally prosecuted, and arbitrarily punished. London, and other Cities and Corporations, have been robb'd of their Charters, upon unrighteous Judgments of pretended Forfeitures Sir Thomas Armstrong executed without being allowed the Benefit of a Trial Col. AIgernon Sidney condemned to die, upon the Deposition of one scanda lous Witness And that Loyal and Excellent Person, the late
William L. Russel, Murthered for alledged Crimes in Refer ence to which, all had been true, which was sworn against him, yet there was nothing which according to Law could have reached his Life. Upon the Considerations aforesaid, we further
: if
it, :
^lje KUcs(tern Cranstettfong.
declare, that we will have Care taken for the future for debarring ignorant, scandalous, and mercenary Men from the Administra tion of Justice, and that the Judges shall hold their Places by the ancient Tenure of quamdiu se bene gesserint ; and to leave it to the Wisdom of a Parliament to settle some Way and Method for the Approbation of such as shall be advanced to the
Degree and Dignity of Judges.
And for as much as the Invasion made on the Rights ot
Cities, Burroughs, and Towns Corporate, by the Seisure of their Charters, whether by Surrender, or upon Pretence of Forfeiture, have been wholly Arbitrary and Illegal ; we likewise therefore declare, we will, to our utmost, endeavour to see them repos
sessed in what they formely had and could legally lay Claim to, and that we do esteem all Judgments given against them, and all Surrenders made by a corrupt and perjured Party amongst them, null and void in Law ; and do hold and declare their old
Charters, notwithstanding the new ones lately granted, to be good and valid ; and accordingly we do invite and incourage all honest Burgesses and Freemen to reassume the Rights and Priviledges, which by Vertue of the said old Charters belonged to their several and respective Corporations, and to deliver themselves from those late Parasites and Instruments of Tyranny
set-up to oppress them.
Moreover, for the restoring the Kingdom to its Primitive Con
dition of Freedom and Safety, we will have the Corporation and Militia Acts repealed, and all Out-la wries of Treason against any Person whatsoever, upon the late pretended Protestant Plot, reversed ; and also all other Out-lawries, Banishments, Warrants, Judgments, Imprisonments, and Injurious Proceedings against any other Persons, upon any of the Penal Statutes made against
Protestant Dissenters, made null and void. And we will have new Laws enacted for placing the Election of Sheriffs in the Free
holders of the several Counties, for settling the Militia in the several Shires, and for preventing all Military standing Forces,
«xcept what shall be raised and kept up by Authority and Con sent of Parliament.
And whereas several Gentlemen, and others, who have been
worthy and zealous Asserters of the Protestant
Laws of the Kingdom, are now in Custody in divers Places
Interest, and
3ianug 2Dufee of S^onmoutlj.
within the Realm, upon most unjust Accusations, Proceedings, and Judgments ; we do hereby further declare their said Imprisonments to be Illegal, and that in Case any
Violence shall be offered to them, or any of them, we will revenge it to the utmost upon such of our Enemies as shall fall into our Hands.
And whereas the said J. D. of Y. in Order to the expediting the Idolatrous and Bloody Designs of the Papists, the gratifying his own boundless Ambition after a Crown, and to hinder Inquiry into the Assassination of Arthur Earl of Effex, hath poisoned the late King, and thereby manifested his Ingratitude as well as Cruelty to the World, in murthering a Brother who had almost ruined himself to preserve and protect him from Punishment : We" do therefore further declare, That for the aforesaid Villanous and Unnatural Crime, and other his Crimes before mentioned, and in Pursuance of the Resolution of both
Houses of Parliament, who voted to revenge the King's Death, in Case he came to an untimely End, we will prosecute the said J. D. of Y. till we have brought him to suffer what the Law adjudged to be the Punishment of so execrable a Fact.
And in a more particular Maner, his Grace the Duke of Mon. mouth, being sensible of the Barbarous and Horrid Parricide committed upon his Father, doth resolve to pursue the said J. D. of Y. as a mortal and bloody Enemy, and will endeavour as well with his own Hand, as by the Assistance of his Friends and the Law, to have Justice executed upon them.
And the said James Duke of Monmouth, the new Head and Captain General of the Protestant Forces of this Kingdom, assembled for the End aforesaid, from the Generousness of his
own Nature, and the Love he bears to these Nations, whose Welfare and Settlement he infinitely prefers to whatsoever may concern himself, doth not at present insist upon his Title ; but leaves the Determination thereof to the Wisdom, Justice, and Authority of a Parliament legally chosen, and acting with Freedom : And in the mean Time doth profess and declare by all that is Sacred, that he will, in Conjunction with the People of England, imploy all the Abilities bestowed upon him by God and Nature, for the Re-establishment and Preservation of the Protestant Reformed Religion in these Kingdoms, and for res
^tje flfllegtern Itangactfong,.
toring the Subjects of the same to a free Exercise thereof, in Opposition to Popery, and the consequences of Tyranny and Slavery. To the obtaining of which End, he doth hereby pro
mise and oblige himself to the People of England, to consent unto, and promote the passing into Laws all the Methods afore
said that may never more be in the Power of any single Person on the Throne, to deprive the Subjects of their Rights, or subvert the Fundamental Laws of the Government designed for their Preservation.
And whereas the Nobility, Gentry, and Commons of Scotland are now in Arms upon the like Motives and Inducements that we are, and in Prosecution of Ends agreable with ours We do therefore approve the Justice of their Cause, commend their Zeal and Courage, expecting their, and promising our Assistance,
for carrying on that Glorious Work we are jointly engaged in being obliged, for avoiding Tediousness, to omit the recounting many Oppressions under which the Kingdom hath groaned and the giving a Deduction of the several Steps that have been taken for introducing of Popery and Tyranny: We think fit thereof to signifie, both to our Countrymen and Foreigners, that we intend larger Testimony and Remonstrance of the Griev ances, Persecutions, Cruelties, and Tyrannies we have of late layn under and therein a more full and particular Account of the unparallell'd Crimes of the D. of Y. And we make our Appeal unto God, and all Protestant Kings, Princes, States, and
People, concerning the Justice of our Cause, and the Necessity we are reduced unto of having our Recourse to Arms. And as we do beseech, require, and adjure all sincere Protestants and true Englishtnen, to be assisting to us against the Enemies of the Gospel, Rights of the Nation, and Liberties of Mankind So we are confident of obtaining the utmost Aid and Succour which they can yield us, with their Prayers, Persons, and Estates, for the Dethroning the said Tyrant, cW. nor do we doubt being
justified, countenanced, and assisted by all Protestant Kings, Princes, and Commonwealths, who either regard the Gospel of
Jesus Christ, or their own Interest And above all, our Depen- dance and Trust upon the Lord of Hosts, in whose Name we go forth, and to whom we commit our Cause and refer the Decision betwixt us and our Enemies in the Day of Battle.
3 ameg 2Dufee of S^onmoutlj. 197
Now let us play the Men for our People, andfor the Cities ofour Cod, and the Lord do that which seemeth good unto him.
Thus, Reader, I have given you a Copy of the Duke of Mon mouth's Declaration, (which was disperst in the West of England in the Year 1685. ) But it not being the Part of an Historian
to make Remarks, I have satisfied my self with barely in serting, it leaving every Reader to make what Reflections on it he thinks fit.
A brief Abstract of his True Speech.
I repent in general of all my Sins, and am more particularly concerned for what Blood hath been spilt on my Account, and the rather, seeing the Issue is such as I fear will prove of fatal
Consequence to the Reformed Protestant Religion.
Instead of being counted Factious and Rebellious, the very
opposing of Popery and Arbitrary Power, now arising and ap pearing plain enough, would sufficiently have protected my Cause ; besides, several other most hainous and notorious Crimes, (such as the unhappy Fate of the Earl of Essex, and my
Father of ever blessed Memory, and others now covered over with Jesuitical Policy) should have been detected and avenged.
I have lived, and shall now die in the Faith of this, that God will work a Deliverance for his People, and then will be dis covered the great and horrid, and scarcely to be paralleled Villanies our Enemies have been guilty of ; but now you see my Case is desperate, yet know that I die a MARTYR FOR
THE PEOPLE, and shall rather pity the State, that their false and covetous Minds have brought themselves and me to ; than discover who are the Persons concerned in my Overthrow, and I heartily forgive all that have wronged me, even those that have been instrumental in my Fall, earnestly praying for their
And I hope King James will shew himself to be of his Bro
ther's Blood, and extend his Mercy to my Children, even as he was wont to his greatest Enemies, they being not capable to act, and therefore not conscious of any Offence against the Govern ment.
198 %\)t
flfllegtern trangactfong.
Come, Mortals, come, now set yourselves to weep,
Is not your Glorious M gone to sleep ?
Send us some Tears, you Indians, from your Shoa r, For it's our Grief that we can mourn no more.
We want some Mourners from the utmost Coast
Of all the Earth, that Grief may not be lost.
When Britain hath sat down and mourn'd her Fill, She ought to send for other Mourners still.
Created Things, come set your selves to mourn, Since Lovely M from the World is torn. Should you not mourn, and tell your Children so, That Ages hence may mourn and sorrow too, 'Cause we have lost so great a Good as this,
Who was our Flow'r, and mourning Europe's Bliss ? The Sun did mourn the Morning of that Day,
And with the Clouds of Darkness did array
His Glorious Face, that Mortals might not see His Royal Rays, while they did murther thee.
All Things but Devils seemed then to weep,
Nor could the Earth almost in Silence keep. Methought all joy would vanish from the Earth,
And Pleasantness would stop with M 's Breath. Methought the Sun might now be angry grown,
And would no more on Earth be seen or known.
We fear'd the Heavens now disturbed were,
And for the Earth would take no further Care. Allgood Men griev'd to see that fatal blow,
Whilst floods of Tears did from the Heavens flow. But that black Blow, instead of proving Three,
Like Russell's Fate, Five Bloody Siroaks they see.
Ye Ages all, let this recorded be,
O Lovely M
, Glory of our Land,
Who for God's Word did like a Pillar stand.
And let all Mankind, M
As when we saw him walking hence to Bliss,
, mourn for thee. Could we but draw those blessed Looks of his,
harnesf 2Duke of ^onmoutlj. 199
When from the Tower he did the Hill ascend,
Where Troops of Angels did his Soul attend ;
One would have thought, to see him in that Throng, That he to Bliss already did belong.
His Countenance all others did out-shine,
And made his very Foes to Grief incline.
No sooner was his Soul arriv'd in Bliss,
Where he receiv'd a better Crown for this ;
Than Phoebus and the Earth began to shine,
And pleasant Looks towards us do incline.
The Clouds and Tears were wip'd from Heaven's Face, And Glorious Brightness did again take Place.
Now, Happy Soul, we leave thee to thy Rest, To live in Joys that cannot be exprest.
Argile and the Duke of Monmouth being now both safe in their Graves, King James was so pufft up with a petty Victory over a few Clubmen, and so wrapt up with a Conceit, that he had now conquer'd the whole Nation, (so that now believing himself impregnable) he resolves to be reveng'd upon the
Western People for siding with his Capital Enemy Monmouth, and to that purpose sends down his Executioner in Ordinary, Jeffreys, not to decimate according to the Heathen Way of Mercy, but with the Beesom of his Cruelties, to sweep the Country before him, and to depopulate instead of Punishment, at which Time Acquaintance or Relation of any that fell in the Field, with a slender Circumstance tack'd to either, was a Crime sufficient for the extirpation of the Family. And
Young and Old were hang'd by Clusters, as if the Chief Justice had designed to raise the Price of Halters ; besides the great Number of those that upon bare Suspicion were transported
beyond Sea, and there sold for Slaves, and the Purchase-Money given away to satisfy the Hunger of needy Papists. — After- Ages will read with Astonishment the barbarous Usage of those
poor People ; of which among many Instances, this one may seem sufficient, whereby to take the Dimensions of all the rest : That when the Sister of the two Hewlings hung upon the Chief Justice's Coach, imploring Mercy on the behalf of her Brothers, the merciless Judge, to make her let go, caus'd the Coach-man
aoo 'flEljc Me$ttvn
to cut her Hands and Fingers with the Lash of his Whip. Nor would he allow the Respite of the Execution but for two Days, tho' the' Sister with Tears in her Eyes offered a Hundred Pounds for so small a Favour. And whoever shelter'd
any of those forlorn Creatures, were hurried to the Slaughter house with the same inexecrable Outrage, without any Con sideration either of Age or Sex ; Witness the Execution of the
Lady Lisle at Winchester. As for Argile and the Duke, tho' they might die pitied, yet in Regard they had declared open Hostility, it was no more than they were to expect upon ill
We shall now, to compleat our Western Martyrology, (and that
we may not be too tedious) proceed to give the particular Cases of those that were condemned and executed in the
WEST, with their Christian Behaviour and Dying-Speeches, as their plain Country Friends have preserved 'em.
The Dying-Speech and Behaviour of Mr. Matth. Bragg.
And we begin with Mr. Matthew Bragg,who was a Gentleman, and descended from an Ancient and Good Family; he was bred an Attorney, in which he practised the Law : His Case being this, he happened to be upon the Road riding home to his House, being come from a Gentleman's House for whom he kept courts. He, as before, being met with by a Party of Horse belonging to the Duke of Monmouth, who were going to search the House of a Roman Catholick for Arms, who lived two or three Miles from the Place they met him, they required him to go with them, and show them the way, he knowing the Country
better than they did ; he desired to be excused, telling them, It was none of his Business, and besides had no Arms. But his Excuses signified nothing, they forced him amongst them, where they went ; when being come, a Party ente^d the Housei and searcht it : Mr. Bragg never dismounted, they being then satisfied, took him along with them to Chard, where then the
Duke of Monmouth was. Being there, after having set up his Horse where he used to do, often having Occasion there, he was tampered with to engage in the Design, but he refused it ; but the next Morning made haste out of Town, not seeing the Duke at all ; calling for his Horse, it was told him, That it was seized
for the Duke's Service. So then he took his Cane and Gloves, and walked to his own House, which was about five or six Miles, and was no more concerned in the Affair, than that after the Duke's Defeat at Kings-Sedge-Moore, some busie Person in- formeth, and requireth a Warrant from a Justice of Peace for the said Mr. Bragg,who obliged himself to enter into a Recognizance to appear at the next Assizes ; the said Justice accounting the Matter in itself but trivial ; and indeed all Men did judge him out of Danger. At Dorchester he appeared in Court to discharge his Bail, on which he was presently committed, and the next Day being Arraigned, pleading Not Guilty, put himself on the Trial of and his Country, which found him and 28 more of
Guilty ; the Lord Chief often saying, any Lawyer 30 G^>d Justice If
or Parson came under his Inspection, they should not escape; the Evidence against him was the Roman CatholickjV/hose House was searcht, and a Woman of ill Fame, to whom the L. Chief Justice was wonderfully kind ; but his Evidence, which were more than Twenty, to prove his Innocence, signified nothing, the Jury being well instructed by my Lord Chief Justice. Being thus found Guilty, Sentence was presently pronounced, and Execution awarded, notwithstanding all the Interest that was made for him, as before recited.
Thus being condemned on Saturday, and ordered to be ex ecuted on Monday, he spent the Residue of his little Time very devoutly, and much becoming a good Christian, and a true
Protestant of the Church of Englaud, all which availed nothing with this Protestant Judge. He was frequently visited by a worthy Divine of the Church of England, who spent much Time with him, and received great Satisfaction from him. The said Divine told me, That his Deportment, Behaviour, and Converse was so much like an extraordinary Christian, that he could not in the least doubt but this violent Passage would
put him into the Fruition of Happiness. He wisht and de sired a little longer Time, out ofno other Design, but thoroughly
203 %\}t Jiillcsrtern '(Irans(actt'ong.
to repent of his Sins, and make himself more sensible of, and fit for to receive the Inheritance that is prepared for those that continue in well-doing to the End. When he came to the Place of Execution with great Courage and Resolution, being, as he said, Prepared for Death, he behaved himself very gravely and devoutly. Being asked, when he was on the Ladder, Whether he was not sorryfor his being concerned in the Rebellion ; He replied, That he knew of none that he was guilty of; and prayed them not to trouble him ; adding, He was not thefirst that was martyr'd; he was so much a Christian as toforgive his Enemies. And after some private Devotions he suddenly was translated, as we have all Hopes to believe, from Earth to Heaven. The only Favour of this Protestant Judge was, to give his Body to his Friends, in Order to its Interment amongst his Ancestors.
The Behaviour of Mr. Smith, Constable of Chard- stock.
Another Eminent Person that suffered with him at the same Time and Place, was one Mr. Smith, who was Constable of
Chardstock, who having some Monies in his Hands that belonged to the Militia, which came to the Knowledge of some of the Duke's Friends, they obliged him to deliver it to them, which he was forced to deliver ; and for this was indicted for High-Trea son, in assisting the Duke of Monmouth. To which he pleaded Not Guilty. The Evidence against him were the same with those that had been against Mr. Bragg. The said Mr. Smith informed the Court and the Jury, what little Credit ought to be given to the Evidence. The Lord CIhief Justice thundered at
him, saying, Thou Villain, methinks see thee already with a Halter about thy Neck; thou impudent Rebel, to challenge these Evidences that are for the KIing. To which the IPrisoner re plied very boldly, MyILord,
now see which way
am going,
That your Lordship can only destroy my Body ; it is out ofyour
must die; but and right or wrong this
my with, self
Power to touch tny soul. Godforgive your Rashness; pray, my
9pr, £>tmt&. 203
Lord, know it is not a small Matter you are about, the Blood ofMan is more precious than the whole World. And then was stopped from saying any more. The Evidences being heard, a strict Charge was given the jury about him. To be short, the Jury brought him in Guilty ; so that he with the rest received the Sentence of Death all together, and were executed on Mon day; but by particular Order from my Lord, he was ordered to be first executed. The Day being come for Execution, being Monday, he with a Courage undaunted, was brought to the Place, where with Christian Exhortations to his Brethren that suffered with him, he was ordered to
I am now, as you see, launching into eternity; so that it may be expected I should speak something before I leave this miserable World, and pass through those Sufferings, which are I to
be executed, where he spake as followeth : Christian Friends,
Flesh and Blood ; which indeed shaI
ll be but little, because
to be before a Just Judge, where
only for the Occasion of my Sufferings now, but for Sins long unrepented of, which indeed hath brought me to this dismal Place and shameful Death. I And truly, dear Country-men, having ransacked my Soul,
allyou to bear me
e Monmo
DukI of
for of.
know, as
Idie in CIharity with all Men; I
die a true
seeching the Lord still to stand up in the Defence of it. God for
Professor of
give my passionate Judge, and cruel and hasty Jury; God forgive them, they know not what they have done. God bless the King; and though his Judges had no Mercy on me, 1 wish he may find Mercy when he standeth most in Need of it;
Make him, O Lord, a nursing Father to the Church; let Mercy flow abundantly from him, if it be thy Will, to those poor Prisoners, to be hereafter tried; and, Lord, if it be thy Holy Will, stop this issue of Christian Blood, and let my guiltless Blood be the last spilt on this account. Gentlemen all, fare well, fare well all the things of the World : Then singing some few Verses of a Psalm, and putting up some pIrivate Ejaculations to commend my Spirit,
himself, said, O Lord, into thy Hands
and so submitted to the Executioner, Sept. 7. 1685.
being the first to
must an Account, not give
cannot my small concern with the find
Iuth, doth deserve this heavy Judgment on me; said it is Sins long unrepented
the Church England; be of
dfllegtern Ixangacttong.
The Behaviour and Dying-Speech of Mr. Joseph Speed of Culliton.
At the same Time and Place, as he came near the Place of his Execution, he spying his Country man and Friend, called him, and said, I am glad to see you here now, because I am not known in these Parts ; being answered by his Friend, I am sorry to see you in this Condition : He replies, It is the best Day I ever saw ; I thank God I have not led my Life as Unchristian- like as many have done, having since the Years of 16 always had the Checks of Conscience on me, which made me to avoid many gross and grievous Sins ; my Course of Life hath been well known to you, yet I cannot justifie my self; all Men err.
I have not been the least of Sinners, therefore cannot excuse myself; but since my Confinement I have received so great Comfort, in some Assurance of the Pardon of my Sins, that I can now say, I am willing to die, to be dissolved, and to be with Christ, and say to Death, Where is thy Sting ? And to Grave, Where is thy Victory ? Being asked by some rude Soldiers, Whether he was not sorry for the Rebellion he was found guilty of? He couragiously replied, If you call it a Rebellion, I assure you I had no sinister Ends in being concerned ; for my whole Design in taking up Arms under the Duke of Monmouth, was to fight for the Protestant Religion, which my own Conscience dictated me to, and which the said Duke declared for, and had, I think, a lawful Call and Warrant for so doing, and do not question, that if I have committed any Sin in but that pardoned Pray, Mr. Sheriff, let me be troubled no more in an swering of Questions, but give me Leave to prepare my self (those few Minutes have left) for another World, and go to my Jesus, who ready to receive me Then calling to his Friend, who stood very near him, said, My dear Friend, you know have a dear Wife and Children, who will find me wanting, being some what incumbered in the World, let me desire you as a Dying
Man, to see that she be not abused and as for my poor Chil dren, hope the Father of Heaven will take Care of them, and
give them Grace to be dutiful to their distressed Mother
-so with my Dying love to all my Friends, when you see them,
I is
take Leave of you, and them, and all the World, desiring your Christian Prayers for me to the last Moment ; then repeating some Sentences of Scripture, as, Colossians, chap. 3. 5.