an q{uo}d she as we han
her byforne.
Chaucer - Boethius
[Sidenote: May they pursue such false joys, and having obtained
them, too late find out the value of the true. ]
but I p{re}ye ? at ? ei coueite{n} 2272
rycches {and} hono{ur}s so ? at whan ? ei han geten ? o
false goodes wi? greet trauayle ? at ? erby ? ei mowe
knowen ? e verray goodes.
2252 _whiche_ (_both_)--whych
2253 _pa? e_--paath
2254 _golde_--gold]
[Sidenote: [The 9^ne p{ro}se. ]]
[Sidenote: _P. _ I have been describing the form of counterfeit
happiness, and if you have considered it attentively I shall
proceed to give you a perfect view of the true. ]
++IT suffisi? ? at I haue shewed hider to ? e forme of 2276
false wilfulnesse. so ? at yif ? ou look[e] now clerely
? e ordre of myn entenc{i}ou{n} requeri? from hennes for? e
to shewe{n} ? e verray wilfulnesse.
[Sidenote: _B. _ I now see that there is no sufficiency in riches,
no power in royalty, no esteem in dignities, nor nobility in
renown, nor joy in carnal pleasures. ]
? For q{uod} . I. (b) [I. ]
se wel now ? at suffisau{n}ce may nat comen by richesse. ne 2280
power by realmes. ne reuere{n}ce by dignitees. ne gentilesse
by glorie. ne ioye by delices. and (p) hast ? ou wel
knowen q{uo}d she ? e cause whi it is. Certis me seme?
q{uod} . I. ? at . I. se hem ry? t as ? ou?
it were ? oru? a litel [[pg 83]]
[Sidenote: I have a glimpse of the cause of all this, but I should
like a more distinct view. ]
but me were leuer knowen hem more openly of 2285
? e. Certys q{uod} she ? e resou{n} is al redy
[Sidenote: _P. _ The cause is obvious--for that which is by nature
one and indivisible human ignorance separates and divides, and
reverses the true order of things. ]
? For
? ilk ? ing ? at symply is on ? ing wi? outen ony
diuisiou{n}. ? e errour {and} folie of mankynde departe? 2288
{and} diuidi? it. {and} misledi? it {and} t{ra}nsporte? from
verray {and} p{er}fit goode. to goodes ? at ben false {and}
[Sidenote: Does that state which needs nothing stand in need of
power? ]
? But seye me ? is. wenest ? ou ? at he ? at ha?
nede of power ? at hy{m} ne lakke? no ? ing.
[Sidenote: _B. _ I should say no. _P. _ Right! That which wants
power needs external aid. ]
Nay q{uo}d 2292
. I ? Certis q{uo}d she ? ou seist ary? t. For yif so be
? {a}t ? er is a ? ing ? at in any p{ar}tie be fieble of power.
[Sidenote: _B. _ That is true! _P. _ Sufficiency and power therefore
are of one nature. _B. _ It seems so indeed. ]
Certis as in ? at it most[e] nedes be nedy of foreine
helpe. ? Ri? t so it is q{uo}d . I. Suffisaunce and power 2296
ben ? an of on kynde ? So seme? it q{uod} I.
[Sidenote: _P. _ Are power and sufficiency to be despised? Are they
not rather worthy of universal respect? ]
? And
demyst ? ou q{uo}d she ? at a ? ing ? at is of ? is manere.
? at is to seine suffisau{n}t {and} my? ty au? t[e] to ben dispised.
or ellys ? {a}t it be ry? t digne of reuerences abouen 2300
alle ? inges.
[Sidenote: _B. _ They are doubtless highly estimable. _P. _ Add
respect to sufficiency and power, and consider all three as one
and the same thing. ]
? Certys q{uo}d I it nys no doute ? at it
nis ry? t wor? i to ben reuerenced. ? Lat vs q{uo}d she ? an
adden reuerence to suffisaunce {and} to power ? So ? at
we demen ? at ? ise ? re ? inges ben alle o ? ing.
[Sidenote: _B. _ I see no objection to that view. ]
? Certis 2304
q{uo}d I lat vs adden it. yif we willen graunten ? e so? e.
[Sidenote: _P. _ But can that be obscure and ignoble which
possesses three such attributes? is it not noble and worthy of a
shining reputation? ]
what demest ? ou ? an q{uo}d she is ? at a dirke ? ing {and}
nat noble ? at is suffisau{n}t reu{er}ent {and} my? ty. or ellys
? at is ry? t clere {and} ry? t noble of celebrete of renou{n}. 2308
2256 _hey? e_--the hyye
2257 _fisshe_--fyssh
2258 _hunte_--honte
2259 _hy? t_--hyhte
2260 _crikes_--brykes
_yhidd_--MS. yhidde, C. I-hyd
2261, 2262 _whiche_--whych
2263 _shelfisshe_--shelle fysh
2264, 2265 _whiche_--whych
2264 _dien_--deyen
2265 _of_--w{i}t{h}
2266 _echynnys_--MS. ethynnys, C. Echynnys
2268 _yhidd_--MS. yhidde, C. I-hydd
2270 _goode_--good
2271 _make_--maken
2273 _rycches_--Rychesse
2277 _wilfulnesse_--welefulnesse
2279 _wilfulnesse_--welefulnesse
[_I. _]--from C.
2280 _richesse_--Rychesses
2281 _realmes_--Reames
2287 _? ilk_--thylke
2290 _goode_--good
2291 _seye_--sey
_ha? _--MS. ha? e
2294 _fieble_--febler{e}
2295 _most[e]_--mot
2296 _helpe_--help
2297 _on_--o
2298 _demyst ? ou_--demesthow
2299 _seine_--seyn
_au? t[e]_--owhte
2300 _reuerences_--Reu{er}ence
2302 _nis ry? t_--is ryht
2304 _alle_--al
2305 _willen_--wolen
2306 _dirke_--dyrk
2308 _clere_--cler
_of celebrete_--by celebryte]
[Sidenote: He who is most powerful and worthy of renown--if he
lack fame which he cannot give to himself, must (by this defect)
seem in some measure more weak and abject. ]
? Considere ?
an q{uo}d she as we han grau{n}tid her byforne.
? at he ? at ne ha? ne[de] of no ? ing {and} is most
my? ty {and} most digne of hono{ur} yif hym nedi? any
clernesse of renou{n} whiche clernesse he my? t[e] nat 2312
graunten of hym self. ? So ? at for lakke of ? ilke
clerenesse he my? t[e] seme febler on any syde or ? e
more outcaste. _Glosa. _ ? is is to seyne nay. [[pg 84]]
[Sidenote: He that is sufficiently mighty and esteemed will have
necessarily an illustrious name. ]
? For who
so ? at is suffisau{n}t my? ty {and} reuerent. clernesse of 2316
renou{n} folwe? of ? e forseide ? inges. he ha? it alredy of
hys suffisaunce.
[Sidenote: _B. _ I cannot deny it, for reputation seems inseparable
from the advantages you have just mentioned. ]
boice. I may nat q{uo}d I denye it.
? But I mot graunten as it is. ? at ? is ? ing be ry? t
celebrable by clernesse of renou{n} {and} noblesse.
[Sidenote: _P. _ Therefore Renown differs in no wise from the three
above-mentioned attributes. ]
? ? an 2320
folwe? it q{uo}d she ? at we adden clernesse of renou{n} to
? e ? re forseide ? inges. so ? at ? er ne be amonges hem
no difference. {and} ? is is a consequente q{uo}d . I.
[Sidenote: And if any one then stands in need of no external aid,
can have all he wants, and is illustrious and respected--is not
his condition very agreeable and pleasant? ]
? is ? ing ? an q{uo}d she ? at ne ha? no nede of no foreine 2324
? ing. {and} ? at may don alle ? inges by his streng? es.
{and} ? at is noble {and} hono{ur}able. nis nat ? at a myrie
? ing {and} a ioyful.
[Sidenote: _B. _ I cannot conceive how such a one can have grief or
trouble. ]
_boice. _ but wenest q{uo}d I ? {a}t any
sorow my? t[e] comen to ? is ? ing ? at is swiche. ? Certys 2328
I may nat ? inke.
[Sidenote: _P. _ It must then be a state of happiness; and we may
also affirm that sufficiency, power, nobility, differ only in
name, but not in substance. ]
_P. _ ? ? anne moten we graunt[e] q{uod}
she ? at ? is ? ing be ful of gladnesse yif ? e ? orseide ? inges
be so? e. ? And also certys mote we graunten. ? at
suffisaunce power noblesse reuerence {and} gladnesse ben 2332
only dyuerse bynames. but hir substaunce ha? no
[Sidenote: _B. _ It is a necessary consequence. ]
_Boice. _ It mot nedely be so q{uo}d . I.
[Sidenote: _P. _ The depravity of mankind then divides that which
is essentially indivisible; and, seeking for a part of that which
has no parts, they miss the entire thing which they so much
desire. ]
_P. _ ? ilke
? inge ? an q{uo}d she ? at is oon {and} simple i{n} his nature.
[Sidenote: [* fol. 20. ]]
? e wikkednesse of men departi? it *diuidi? it. {and} 2336
whan ? ei enforcen hem to gete p{ar}tie of a ? ing ? at ne
ha? no part. ? ei ne geten hem nei? er ? ilk[e] p{ar}tie ? at
nis none. ne ? e ? ing al hole ? at ? ei ne desire nat.
[Sidenote: _B. _ How is that? ]
_. b. _ In whiche manere q{uo}d . I.
[Sidenote: _P. _ He that seeks riches in order to avoid poverty, is
not solicitous about power; he prefers meanness and obscurity, and
denies himself many natural pleasures that he may not lessen his
heaps of pelf. ]
_p. _ ? ilke man q{uo}d she ? at 2340
seke? rychesse to fleen pouerte. he ne trauayle? hym
nat to for to gete power for he ha? leuer ben dirk {and}
vile. {and} eke wi? drawe? from hym selfe many naturel
delit? for he nolde lesen ? e moneye ? at he ha? assembled. 2344
[Sidenote: He who lacks power, is pricked with trouble, and
rendered an outcast and obscure by his sordid ways, does not
possess sufficiency. ]
but certis in ? is manere he ne geti? hym nat [[pg 85]]
suffisaunce ? at power forleti? . {and} ? at moleste p{re}ke? .
{and} ? at fil? e make? outcaste. {and} ? at derknesse hide? .
[Sidenote: He who only aims at power squanders his riches, and
despises delights and honours unaccompanied by power. ]
and certis he ? {a}t desire? only power he wasti? {and} 2348
scatri? rychesse {and} dispise? delices {and} eke hono{ur}
? at is wi? out power. ne he ne p{re}ise? glorie no ? ing.
2310 _ha? _--MS. ha? e
2312 _whiche_--whych
_my? t[e]_--myhte
2314 _clerenesse_--clernesse
_my? t[e]_--myhte
_febler_--the febeler{e}
2315 _seyne_--seyn
2317 _ha? _--MS. ha? e
2324 _ha? _--MS. ha? e
2325 _his_--hyse
2326 _myrie_--mery
2327 _wenest_--whennes
2328 _sorow my?