39, 199; requisite for
vow 66-9; seven ranks of 69-71, 96; Siitra 79; vows 67, 68, 69, 77,88,185
, Lectures on Tibetan Religious Culture, 2 vols, unpublished
text (University of Wisconsin, 1972).
Speyer, J. S. , The Jatakamala (1895), reprint (Delhi: Banarsidass, 1971). Stcherbatsky, Th. , Buddhist Logic, 2 vols (1930), reprint (New York:
Dover, 1962).
- - , The Central Conception of Buddhism {1923), reprint (Delhi:
Banarsidass, 1970).
- - , T h e Conception o f Buddhist Nirva11a (1927), reprint (The Hague:
Mouton, 1965).
Streng, F. J. , Emptiness- A Study in Religious Meaning (Nashville:
Abingdon, 1967).
Suzuki, D. T. , On Indian Mahayana Buddhism (London: Rider,
Thomas, E. J. , The History of Buddhist Thought {1933), reprint (New
Y ork: Barnes & Noble, 1971).
- - , The Life of the Buddha (1927), reprint (London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul, 1969).
Tucci, G. , The Theory and Practice ofthe Mandala (New York: Weiser,
--,Tibet(NewYork: SteinandDay, 1967).
- - . T i b e t a n Painted Scrolls, 2 vols (Rome: 1949).
Vostrikov, A. 1. , Tibetan Historical Literature (1962), reprint (CalCutta:
Indian Studies, 1970).
Waddell, L. A. , The Buddhism of Tibet (1894), reprint (Cambridge:
Heffer & Sons, 1959).
Wangyal, G. , The DoorofLiberation (New York: Girodias, 1973). Warder, A. K. , Indian Buddhism (Delhi: Banarsidass, 1970). Wayman, A. , The Buddhist Tantras (New York: Weiser, 1973).
Willis, J. D. , The Diamond Light of the Eastern Dawn (New York:
Simon . and Shuster, 1972).
Wylie, T. V. , The Geography of Tibet (Rome: Istituto Italiano Per II
Medio Ed Estremo Oriente, 1962).
B Articles
Banerjee, A. C. , "Bhik~ukarmavii. kya", Indian Historical Quarterly,
Vol. XXV, No. 1 (March, 1949), pp. 19-30.
Das, S. C. , "Bodhi Patha Pradipa" [Translation of Stanzas 1 to 30],
JBTS, Vol. I, Part I (January, 1893), pp. 39-48.
, "Tibetan Text. Bodhi Patha Pradipa", JBTS, Vol. I, Part I (January, 1893), pp. 57-64.
- - , "Bodhipatha Pradipa" [Translation of Stanzas 31 to 65], JBTS, Vol. I, Part III (1893), pp. 21-6.
Obermiller, E. , "The Doctrine of Prajfia-paramita as exposed in the Abhisamayalamkara of Maitreya", Acta Orientalia, Vol. XI (1933), pp. 1-354.
Ridding, C. M. , and La Vallee Poussin, L. , "A Fragment ofthe Sanskrit Vinaya. Bhik~unikannavacana", Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies (London Institution), Vol. I, Part III (1917), pp. 123-43.
Wayman, A. , "Introduction to Tsong-kha-pa's Lam-rim chen-mo", Phi Theta Annual (Berkeley); Vol. 3 (July, 1952), pp. 60-70.
- - , "A Report on the Sravaka-Bhiimi and its Author (Asailga)", Journal of the Bihar Research Society, Vol. XLII, Parts III & IV (September-December, 1946), pp. 316-29,
C Lexical Materials
Conze, E. , Materials for a Dictionary ofthe Prajfziipiiramitii Literature
(Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1967).
Csoma de Koros, A. , A Grammar of the Tibetan Language (Calcutta:
Asiatic Society, 1834).
Dagyab, L. S. , Bod Brda'i Tshig Mdzod - Tibetan Dictionary
(Dhannsala: Imperial, 1966).
Das, S. C. , An Introduction to the Grammar of the Tibetan Language
(1915), reprint (Delhi: Banarsidass, 1972).
- - , A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms (1902),
reprint (Alipore: Government Press, 1960).
Edgerton, F. , Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, 2 vols
(New Haven: Yale, 1953).
Jaeschke, H. A. , A Tibetan-English Dictionary (London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul, 1881).
Monier-Williams, M. , A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Oxford:
Clarendon, 1899).
Tibetan translators and Indian pandits, Mahii-vyutpatti (9th century),
reprint (Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1965).
? ~bhayagiri-vasinasect72
Actirya (teacher) xiii, 44-6, 168, 184
n. 9,192
Action Tantras 168, 170
Admon~t~ons for the ~ing Surra 56 AdmomtLOns on Deszre Surra 73 Aggregates 192
Atds to conviction 192
Aids to liberation 101, 153, 192 Ajitanatha 68, 70, 80
Akanistha 34
Akasa~ King, on unremitting practice
Alcyayamata Sutra 33, 46-8, 59 Ambaraja ritua17, 91
A para sect 72
Apparition Bodies 45, 156 n. 8, 157 n.
16, 179, 192
Appeasement 183 n. 6; rites of 11 Arhat 156 n. 8, 192 ArrestofMisconductSutra73-4 Asailga 33, 44, 46,52-3,63, 70, 90, 91,
93,94,96,98,104,122,139,153,192 Asvagho~a 103, 150, 151
AtiSa, Indian saint and scholar ix, xiii,
xiv, xv, 184 n. 9, 185 n. 19; and
Discipline 82 n. 15
A valokttavrata 140, 142 A valokitesvara Siitra 105 Avantaka sect 72
Bahusrutlya school of Buddhism 72 Banishment for scandal83 n. 35
Basic Stanzas on the Middle Way 10,
137, 157 n. 17
Benefits of the Thought 55-7 Bestowal30, 31
Bhavaviveka 140, 150
Bhavya 146, 151, 159 n. 53 Bka'-gdams-pa ('Word-Instructed')
religious orders xii
Blaze o f Reasoning 121, 137, 142 Blessed One 96, 117, 134, 135, 142,
147, 149, 159 n. 39, 168, 171, 173,
Bodhibhadra guru 17, 20, 46,66-7,70,
92,119,132,133,139,144,147,193 Bodhisattva xii, 19-50 passim, 186 n. 39, 193; Beginner 101-6; vows 66,
Bodhisatvattva Levels 7, 52-5, 88, 134 Bodhisattva Section Sutra 148 Body-offerings, worship of27
Broad Practice 193
Buddha(s) 68; as Body of Truth 33; worshipping 33
Buddha-Enlightenment 153 Buddha-field 193 Buddhajiianapada 172 Buddhapalita 140
Buddha Sakyamini 156 n. 8 Buddhism, eighteen schools of 71-2;
growth of xtv; suppression of xiv; in
Bu-ston 184 n. 9
Byang-chub-'od disciple xiv, 17, 18,
183, 193
Cakrasarhvara 180, 193
Calmness 118, 119-23, 124 n. 11, 155
n. 1, 159 n. 40, 193; achieving 9; with signs 121, 122, 125; without signs 121, 122, 125
Candragomin on vow taking 95 Causally-Similareffect99, 148n. 34 Candrakirti, works of 139, 140, 146,
150, 151
Candramitra 150, 151
Chapter on Concentration Equipment
119,120,121, 124n. 9, 125n. l5, 151 Chapter on Conduct91, 94,98 Chapter o f Ever-Weeping 33
Chapter o f Sadiiprarudita 149 Classification of the Middle and
Clear Words 137
Cloud ofJewels Siitra 29, 88, 94, 102,
104,131 .
Commentary on "The Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning" 140
Commentary on "Twenty Verses on the Vow" 66-7,70,93, 95,98
Community 193; acts of the four kinds 74-6, 83 n. 24
Compassion 43, 156-7, n. 13, n. 14 Compassionate guru 89, 90 Compassion Siitra 95-6
Compendium o f Doctrine Sutra 59 Compendium ofthe Sutras 51, 134 Compendium of Thamess: a Major
Compendium ofTraining 32, 50-1, 60,
61,91,92,93,94, 123,134 Concentration 34, 114, 153, 160 n. 63,
Conceptual Thought 11, 193
Conduct 70, 114, 118, 119, 193; all-
inclusive 89; benefits of 94; extent of
? 222 INDEX
91-3; for garnering virtue 97; for the good of others 97; perfection of 134; of purified body 96; training 96-8; VOW of 66, 96-7
Confession ofFailings 31 Confession, methods 79
Confession ofSins 30, 31
Conquest ofthe Triple World 134 Conscious Stream 193 Contemplation 141-3 Conversations ofthe Perfections 134 Conviction, ordination by 75
Dedicatory verse 16
Deeds of the Conqueror as Mother Sutra 149
Deeds ofSamantabhadra 5 Defamation 174
Deferred NirvaQa 132, 155-6 n. 8 Dependent Origination Proof 138, 193 Descentinto Lanka Sutra 101, 148, 180 Desire, dangers of 73
Despairs, five 78-9
Destinies 194
Destruction 145, 146, 184 n. 6 Destruction ofErrors aboutthe Middle
Way 142
Devapala, King 172 Devasarma 140
Dharani rituals 167, 169, 170 Dharmakirti 145
Dharmottara 145
Diamond Seat 34 Diamond-Particle Proof 137 Dipathkarasri 12 Diparilkarasrijiiana 181 Dipathkarasripada 182 Disciple, study of 72, 73, 75 Discipline 78-80, 194 Discipline-Master 77, 194 Dissociation effect 99, 108 n. 34 Doctrine 194
Dominant effect 99, 108 n. 34 Domination 184 n. 6
Eightfold Path 194
Eight Great Powers 166, 167, 184 n. 7,
194 .
Eight serious virtues, ordination by 76 Eight unfavourable conditions 194 Elder (sthavira), Atisa as xiii Elements 194
Emptiness 135-8,141,152,154, 183n.
2, 185 n. 13, 194
Enjoyment body 69, 157 n. 16, 194 Enlightened Ones 157 n. 16 Enlightenment 18, 49, 98, 103, 114,
153, 154, 166; see also Enlighten-
ment Thought
Enlightenment Thought 20, 24, 31,
42-63, 132, 133, 134, 141, 170, 171, 179, 181, 183 n. 2, 194; see also Enlightenment
Entreaty 30
Equipment of Enlightenment 11 Equipment of Knowledge 98, 166, 167 Equipment of Merit 25, 98, 120, 166,
Equipment Path 25, 44, 45, 153 Equipment, perfecting 98-101, 115 Equipment of Virtue 134
Equipoise 194
Essay on Enlightenment Thought 142,
Essential Reality 195
Etiquette rules 81 n. 15
Evil Works of Mara 93
Excellence of Intention 105 Excellence of Practice 105
Excellence of Prior Cause 105-6 Exhortation to Higher Intention 94,
103, 115-17, 175
Existence 145, 146, 152
Expanding the Thought 57-8 Exposition o f the Undifferentiated
Nature ofAll Phenomena 147 Expulsion offence 77, 80 n. 4, 81 n. 4 Extensive Sutra: Compendium of all
Phenomena 131
Faith, worship of27
Families, classification of persons 80 n.
2; five types of 68
Family 67, 68, 81 n. 9
Finely Woven Sutra 174 Finger-Length Instruction 140 Fire-offering 170
Five Bovine Articles 195
Five Branches of Knowledge 195 Five Chapters on the Middle Way 140 Five Converts 75
Five Dominants 195
Five effects of vows 99
Five Eyes 195
Five Monks, ordination by 76
Five Paths 195
Five Powers 195
Five Wisdoms 153, 195
Flaming Jewel Formula 28-9
Flask initiation 170
Food-offering 170
Forbearance 89,90
Form-Body 132
Forsaking the vow 93
Four Applications of Mindfulness 195 Four Bases of Miraculous Power 123,
Four Basic Sins 195 Four. Ciasses ofTantra 184 n. 9 Four Diamond Seats Tantra 133
? Four Dispositions 144
Four Extremes 136-7, 145, 146
Four Great Proofs 139, 141, 151, 157 Four Gross Sins 75
Four Infinitudes 46, 97, 195
Four Means of Attraction 97, 195 Four Modes of Life 44, 196
Four Noble Truths 160 n. 63-4
Four Resources 196
Four Right Efforts 123, 196
Four Truths 35, 192, 196
Four Truths in the Vision Path 160 n.
Higher Vision 123, 124 n. 11, 151, 196 Highest Mundane Phenomena 178 Highest Mundane Virtue 45, 62 n. 4 Hinayana 156 n. 8; schools 158 n. 21;
siitra and sexuality 73
Homage, worship of27, 30 Human-Activity effect 99, 108 n. 34 Hundred Explanations ofthe Doctrine
Identity and plurality 137-8 Ignorance 144, 145
India's major philosophical traditions,
157-8n. 20
Inferior Person 5, 18
Infinitudes 131
Initiations 12, 169-72, 177 Injunctions on Dealing with Women
Siitra 178
Insight, 10, 11; kinds of 124, 196;
Perfection of 9; investigative 122,
196; and means 130-61 Insight-Initiation 196
Insight-Wisdom 185 n. 19
Instruction on the Non-Production of
All Phenomena 104, 175 Intermediate State 196 Intrinsic Nature 196
Jetavaniya sect 72
Jfianakirti35, 131,132
Jo-bo-rje ("The Noble Lord"),
Tibetan name for Atisa xiii Joyous Level196
Kiilacakra 185 n. 19 Karma 196 Kaurakullaka sect 72 Kusulupa 139
Lack of identity 158 n. 24
Lamp for "The Insight" 140
Lamp ofthe Three Methods 155
Lay Devotee 74, 197; precepts and
rules 70-1, 81 n. 13; training of
(upiisaka) 35
Laymen and religious initiation 176 LevelsofYoga Practice70 . LimbsofCalmness9, 119,120-4,197 Limbs of Enlightenment 123
Limbs, meaning of 124 n. 13
Lion's Roar Siitra 33
Liquor, dangers of72
Lord of the World 197
Madhyamika 183 n. 2 Mahasamghika, five schools of71 Mahavihiira-vasina sect 72
Four Virtues Sutra 94
Fourfold Motion-with-Acts 74 Fourteen Evil Things 93, 107 n. 16
Giving, Perfection of 10 Glang-dar-ma, persecution
Glorious Compendium of Diamond Knowledge: a Great Tantra 168 Glorious Original Tantra 154, 178 Glory o f the Blessed One 103, 171
Golden Splendour 103
Good Flask 196
Good Practice 103, 105, 154
Good Practice Resolves 27, 30
Great "Finely Woven": a Middle Way
Treatise 140
Great Lords of the Ten Levels 69 Great Path of the Great Vehicle 91-2 Great Peacock-like Dhtiranis 169 Great Seal45, 62 n. 3, 185? n. 20
Great Tantra Elucidating Meaning
Great Tantra o f Primal Buddha 12 Great Union Tantras 168
Great Wagons, Path of the 17, 46 GuQadatta 140
Gul}amati 140
GuQaprabha 75
Gurus 20, 43, 51-3, 88, 89-90, 105,
106, 118, 172, 196
Haribhadra 153
Harsh Destruction 173, 174
Hearers 174, 196
Hearers Level35-6, 108 n. 30
Heart of Enlightenment 34-5
Heart of Wisdom Compendium 140,
Heavenly Adorned Siitra 34
Heavenly Treasure Siitra 28, 33, 59,
Hermaphrodite, becoming 77,85 n. 34 Higher Insight 127-61
Higher Intention 196
Higher Meditation, training for 111-23
? 224 INDEX
Mahayana xii, xiii, 17, 18,35-6,66-7, 69, 73, 74, 80 n. 2, 105
Mahisiisaka school of Buddhism 72 Maitreya bodhisattva 6, 49-50, 117,
Major E? tposition of the "Treasure"
MaJ;IC,lala 170, 177, 197
Maftjugho~a guru 144, 151, 197 Maftjusri7, 197
Mantra 11, 166, 167, 173, 176, 177,
One-day vows 70
One Hundred Thousand Stanza Per- fection ofInsight 123
Ordinary things, worship of27 Ordination 76: ceremony 80 n. 3, 83 n.
23, 84n. 28
Ordination of the Sixty Bhadravargas
Ornament o f the Middle Way 158 n. 24 Ornament o f Realisations 61, 63 n. 33,
153, 160 n. 60
178, 180, 183 n. 4, 186 n. 3, 197; OrnamentoftheSutras61,80, 121
initiations 169-72; defaming 174; Tantras of 173; Vehicle of 166-7, 169, 170, 174, 175, 183 n. 1
Ornament o f the Wisdom Engaging the Sphere ofAll Buddhas 148
Ornaments of Virtuous Practice 198 Own Existence 198
Padma vajra 174
PaiQc;liipatika Avadhiitipa, monk 173,
175, 176, 177, 178, 186 n. 30
Palace ofthe Greatlewel171
Pa~rjita, master of Sanskrit xiii
Path 131, 152, 186, n. 39; to Enlighten- ment 114; of the Bodhisattvas 17; of the Great Wagons 88, of Mahayana 36; of the Ordinary Person 108 n. 36; of the Perfection 153, 184 n. 11; of
Practice 35; of Vision 153, 192 Penances 83 n. 25
Perfect Enli~htenment 6-9, 44, 54, 55 Perfect Enlightenment of Vairocana
Perfection of Conduct, nine titles
Perfection of giving 10, 131
Perfection of Insight Siltra 32-3, 38,
39, 52, 120, 123, 124 n. 1, 130, 139,
159, 180, 186n. 41
Perfection Path 170
Perfection Vehicle 23, 171, 183 n. 1 Perfections 130, 134, 135; siitras 134 Permanence 145, 146
Persons, acts dealing with 75 Petition 30, 31; ceremony 37-8 Phenomena 198
Place, preparation of36
Pleasing objects, worship of28-9, 30 Plurality proofs 158 n. 24
Mantrayiina 171, 183 n. 2 Maturation effect 99, 108 n. 34 Means 9, 10, 157 n. 16, 197
Means of Attraction 131
Mediocre person 5, 18, 106 Meditation, defects and remedies
Meditative worship 25, 27,28-31 Meru, mountain 197
Messenger, ordination by 76
Middle Way 139, 143-7, 197
Middle Way Treatise "Finely Woven"
137 '
Mindfulness ofthe Buddha Sutra 123 Miracle o f Resolute Calm 94 Monastic life 66-81
Monk 72-3, 197; training 71 Moon-Lamp Sutra 94, 114, 148 Mount Gaya Siltra 130, 131 Mundane Paths 35, 44
Niigarjuna 34, 44, 50, 51, 68, 70, 118, 137, 139, 140, 142-7 passim, 150-8 passim, 178, 179, 182, 198
Nme degrees 109 n. 52
Nirviil)a 54, 101, 132, 156 n. 8, 198 No-Family system 67, 68 Non-conceptual Progress Formula 11,
Non-discursive reasoning 143
Non-existence 145, 146, 152
Non-person, acts dealing with 75
Non-Self 198
Not turning back, interpretation of Po~adha79,198
Novice 74; vow 71
Nuns 16, 17, 71, 74,82 nn. 16, 17, 198
Objective-basis worship 31, 32 Obscuration 198 OceanofDiscipline148 Odantapuri xiii
Offence against monastic rule, eight classes 80 n. 4
Omniscient One 147
Powers 167
Practice 184 n. 9
Practice Path 153
Practice Tantras 168
Praise, worship of27
Prajiiaptiviidii school of Buddhism 72 Priitimoksa 7, 35, 36, 82 n. 14, 180,
39, 199; requisite for bodhisattva vow 66-9; seven ranks of 69-71, 96; Siitra 79; vows 67, 68, 69, 77,88,185
? Preaching, dangers of 115 Preceptor-Initiation 12, 170, 171, 172,
185 nn. 19, 20
Precious Garland of Discourses 105,
Presentation of gifts 46
Producing Power of Faith Sutra 123,
Profound View 199
Progress in Knowledge 70
Progress Mind/Thought 199
Progress in Practice 32, 49, 51, 60, 92,
River o f Brine Sutra 31
Royal Resolves 25-7
Royal Union Tantra: Cakrasamvara
Siigaramati Sutra 31 Siigaramegha, monk, 52 Samantabhadra, deeds of25 ! )al)lsiira 5, 101, 132, 199 Siintaraksita 138
Santideva 32, 44-95 passim, 98, 114, , 118, 136-7, 140-52passim
Siintipa, guru 99, 108n. 36, 139 Saraha 118, 124 n. 9
Siiriputra 48, 60
Sarviistiviidii 71, 72, 75,77 Sastra 139-41, 200
Schools 139-41
Sde-gzhung Rin-po-che, guru 185 n. 19 Self-ordination 75
Sense-Bases 200
Setting Forth the Triple Pledge 171 Setting Forth the Two Truths, Sutra 142 Seven Classes ofTantra 167-72 Seven Limbs of Enlightenment 200 Seven Limbs of Worship 30
Seven Noble Riches 123, 200
Seven Precious Things 28, 200
Seven Ranks of Priitimoksa 200 SevenfoldWay, The,onsexuality73 SevenfoldWay Sutra: Questionsofthe
Bodhisattva A valokitesvara 58, 122 Sevenfold Worship 5, 25-8, 38,
Seventeen Ornaments of Religious
Practice 79, 85
Seventy Resolves 103
Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness 10, 140 Sexuality and danger of women 73
Six Mindfulnesses 123, 125 n. 29 SkillTantras168
Solitary Buddhas 68, 174, 200
! )pace 34-55 passim, 93, 94, 200 Sri-diparhkarajii. anapiida, guru 182 Srigupta 138
Sri-jii. iinakirti 63
Stalks ofArray 6, 60
Sthavira sects 71, 72
Sthiramati, Elder 140
Striving Family 68, 69
Suffering 200
Superior person 5, 18, 20, 46, 66, 106,
Superknowledges 8, 9, 58, 114-25,200 Supplement to "The Middle Way" 137,
140, 142
Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment
54, 153
Supreme Tantras 169; Union Tantra
103, 105, 134 Progress-Thought
Prosperity 183 n. 6; rites of 11
Pure Life/Celibacy 199; of monk 72-3 Purification of body, speech and mind
Purification, Twelve Qualities of 79,
85 n. 37, 199 Purva sect 72
Qualities of Enlightenment Thought 49-50
Questions of Celestial King Druma Sutra96
Questions o f Kiiiyapa Sutra 58, 74, 178 Questions of King Udayana-vatsa 73 QuestionsofUgra104 QuestionsofUpiili104
Questions o f Vi'radatta Sutra 6
Ranks of the community 69-71 Realm of True Reality 199 Refu~e-taking 35-8, 76 Rejmcing 30,31
Relation of conduct to concentration 114
Relative Truth 44
Religious celibate initiations 176, 177 Religious life 199; five kinds of70 RemovalofAjiitaiatru's Regrets 149 Repetition of the Thought 55 Resolution/Resolve-mind/Resolve
Thought 199
Resolve and Progress, difference
between 60-2
Resolve, reading for 103
Resolves 154
Resolve-Thought of Enlightenment
Retreat examination 84 n. 27
Rice Seedling Sutra Commentary 140 Rites 183 n. 6; ofTantra 166-7
Ritual o f Begetting the Thought 43-4,
Ritual for Confession o f Failings 79 Ritual, learned in 89-90; for taking the
vow91 ?
183 n. 3, 184n. 9, 186n. 4
? 226 INDEX
Supreme Worship 27, 29, 31 Siira 105, 134
Sutra(s), bibliography of
Transgression 77, 78,81 n. 14,93-4 Treasure of Phenomenology 20 n. 4,
70, 77
Tripitakamiila 155, 166, 183 n. 1 Triple Declaration, Actof74, 75 Triple Refuge 24-39, 43
True Nature 202; Family 68, 69
Truth Body 69,202
Tshul-khrims rgyal-ba, monk 17, 182,
Tho-ling Monastery xii, xiii, xiv Twenty Verses on Gathering Merit 103 Twenty-seven MaQQalas 24
Two Equipments 115, 166, 167,202 Two Truths 202
Ultimate Element 68
Ultimate Truth 118, 186 n. 41 Uncertain Family 68
Unfailing Discipline 178
Unfailing Thought, marks of 100-1 Union 184 n. 9
Vaidurya 103, 171
Vaisravana (god of riches) 49 Vajra-Preceptor 184
Vajradhvaja, bodhisattva 103 Vasubandhu, scholar 17, 19, 75, 77,
V atsiputriya sect 72
Vehicles 186 n. 39,203
V e h i c l e o f t h e H e a r e r s 155
Vehicle of Mantra, see Mantra Vehicle ofMysticism 163-87
Vehicle of Perfection, see Perfection
V ehicle
Vikrama5ila monastery xiii Vimuktisena 153
Vinaya 80 n. 3, 180
Vision Path 160 nn. 63, 64, 153 V ows7-8, 76-9,90,96-7,98
Wisdom 11, 142-3 Wisdom ofThatness 177-8 Worship, kinds of28-34
Yellow Hats, group of monks xiii Yoga 122-3, 153; Tantra 134
Y ogacara school80, n. 2, 105
149-50; study 50-60, 104, 123; teaching on
Sutra on the Ten Stages 103
Sidra Set Forth by Aksayamati 123, 131 Sutra SetForth by Vimalakfrti 130, 131 SuvarQadvipa gurus 17, 20, 46, 68-9,
Suvikriintavikriimf Insight 148
o f
Tamra5atixa school of Buddhism 72 Tantra xti, xiii, xiv, 133-4, 144, 165-87, 201; of Mantra 173; of Bu-
ston 184n. 9
Tantra Mahayana see Mantra Vehicle Tara 170,201
Taraniitha 185 n. 18
Tathagata 7, 24, 31, 32, 33, 67, 88,
95-6, 103, 117, 118, 149, 156 n. 8,
T eacher o f Healing 103, 171
Teaching in Sevens: Sexuality 73
Ten Directions201
T en Favourable Conditions 201
Ten Great Bestowals 103
Ten Levels 2ot'
Ten Perfections 97, 201
T en Religious Practices 201
Ten Thoughts of Enlightenment 97,
T en Unvirtuous Acts 96,201
Ten Virtuous Acts 201
Thatness 146,177-8,201
Thirteen Mantras (Atisa) 186 n. 31 Thirty-seven Enlightenment Wings
Thought of Enlightenment 58, 166 Three Conduct Trainings 8, 107 n. 29 Three Excellences 105
Three Heaps Sutra 27, 30, 105', 202 Three Jewels 24, 25, 30, 36, 37, 43, 97,
Three Persons Theme 18
Three Refuges, beginner and 105, 171,
Three Turnings of the Wheel 158 n.
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Speyer, J. S. , The Jatakamala (1895), reprint (Delhi: Banarsidass, 1971). Stcherbatsky, Th. , Buddhist Logic, 2 vols (1930), reprint (New York:
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Das, S. C. , "Bodhi Patha Pradipa" [Translation of Stanzas 1 to 30],
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, "Tibetan Text. Bodhi Patha Pradipa", JBTS, Vol. I, Part I (January, 1893), pp. 57-64.
- - , "Bodhipatha Pradipa" [Translation of Stanzas 31 to 65], JBTS, Vol. I, Part III (1893), pp. 21-6.
Obermiller, E. , "The Doctrine of Prajfia-paramita as exposed in the Abhisamayalamkara of Maitreya", Acta Orientalia, Vol. XI (1933), pp. 1-354.
Ridding, C. M. , and La Vallee Poussin, L. , "A Fragment ofthe Sanskrit Vinaya. Bhik~unikannavacana", Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies (London Institution), Vol. I, Part III (1917), pp. 123-43.
Wayman, A. , "Introduction to Tsong-kha-pa's Lam-rim chen-mo", Phi Theta Annual (Berkeley); Vol. 3 (July, 1952), pp. 60-70.
- - , "A Report on the Sravaka-Bhiimi and its Author (Asailga)", Journal of the Bihar Research Society, Vol. XLII, Parts III & IV (September-December, 1946), pp. 316-29,
C Lexical Materials
Conze, E. , Materials for a Dictionary ofthe Prajfziipiiramitii Literature
(Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1967).
Csoma de Koros, A. , A Grammar of the Tibetan Language (Calcutta:
Asiatic Society, 1834).
Dagyab, L. S. , Bod Brda'i Tshig Mdzod - Tibetan Dictionary
(Dhannsala: Imperial, 1966).
Das, S. C. , An Introduction to the Grammar of the Tibetan Language
(1915), reprint (Delhi: Banarsidass, 1972).
- - , A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms (1902),
reprint (Alipore: Government Press, 1960).
Edgerton, F. , Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, 2 vols
(New Haven: Yale, 1953).
Jaeschke, H. A. , A Tibetan-English Dictionary (London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul, 1881).
Monier-Williams, M. , A Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Oxford:
Clarendon, 1899).
Tibetan translators and Indian pandits, Mahii-vyutpatti (9th century),
reprint (Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1965).
? ~bhayagiri-vasinasect72
Actirya (teacher) xiii, 44-6, 168, 184
n. 9,192
Action Tantras 168, 170
Admon~t~ons for the ~ing Surra 56 AdmomtLOns on Deszre Surra 73 Aggregates 192
Atds to conviction 192
Aids to liberation 101, 153, 192 Ajitanatha 68, 70, 80
Akanistha 34
Akasa~ King, on unremitting practice
Alcyayamata Sutra 33, 46-8, 59 Ambaraja ritua17, 91
A para sect 72
Apparition Bodies 45, 156 n. 8, 157 n.
16, 179, 192
Appeasement 183 n. 6; rites of 11 Arhat 156 n. 8, 192 ArrestofMisconductSutra73-4 Asailga 33, 44, 46,52-3,63, 70, 90, 91,
93,94,96,98,104,122,139,153,192 Asvagho~a 103, 150, 151
AtiSa, Indian saint and scholar ix, xiii,
xiv, xv, 184 n. 9, 185 n. 19; and
Discipline 82 n. 15
A valokttavrata 140, 142 A valokitesvara Siitra 105 Avantaka sect 72
Bahusrutlya school of Buddhism 72 Banishment for scandal83 n. 35
Basic Stanzas on the Middle Way 10,
137, 157 n. 17
Benefits of the Thought 55-7 Bestowal30, 31
Bhavaviveka 140, 150
Bhavya 146, 151, 159 n. 53 Bka'-gdams-pa ('Word-Instructed')
religious orders xii
Blaze o f Reasoning 121, 137, 142 Blessed One 96, 117, 134, 135, 142,
147, 149, 159 n. 39, 168, 171, 173,
Bodhibhadra guru 17, 20, 46,66-7,70,
92,119,132,133,139,144,147,193 Bodhisattva xii, 19-50 passim, 186 n. 39, 193; Beginner 101-6; vows 66,
Bodhisatvattva Levels 7, 52-5, 88, 134 Bodhisattva Section Sutra 148 Body-offerings, worship of27
Broad Practice 193
Buddha(s) 68; as Body of Truth 33; worshipping 33
Buddha-Enlightenment 153 Buddha-field 193 Buddhajiianapada 172 Buddhapalita 140
Buddha Sakyamini 156 n. 8 Buddhism, eighteen schools of 71-2;
growth of xtv; suppression of xiv; in
Bu-ston 184 n. 9
Byang-chub-'od disciple xiv, 17, 18,
183, 193
Cakrasarhvara 180, 193
Calmness 118, 119-23, 124 n. 11, 155
n. 1, 159 n. 40, 193; achieving 9; with signs 121, 122, 125; without signs 121, 122, 125
Candragomin on vow taking 95 Causally-Similareffect99, 148n. 34 Candrakirti, works of 139, 140, 146,
150, 151
Candramitra 150, 151
Chapter on Concentration Equipment
119,120,121, 124n. 9, 125n. l5, 151 Chapter on Conduct91, 94,98 Chapter o f Ever-Weeping 33
Chapter o f Sadiiprarudita 149 Classification of the Middle and
Clear Words 137
Cloud ofJewels Siitra 29, 88, 94, 102,
104,131 .
Commentary on "The Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning" 140
Commentary on "Twenty Verses on the Vow" 66-7,70,93, 95,98
Community 193; acts of the four kinds 74-6, 83 n. 24
Compassion 43, 156-7, n. 13, n. 14 Compassionate guru 89, 90 Compassion Siitra 95-6
Compendium o f Doctrine Sutra 59 Compendium ofthe Sutras 51, 134 Compendium of Thamess: a Major
Compendium ofTraining 32, 50-1, 60,
61,91,92,93,94, 123,134 Concentration 34, 114, 153, 160 n. 63,
Conceptual Thought 11, 193
Conduct 70, 114, 118, 119, 193; all-
inclusive 89; benefits of 94; extent of
? 222 INDEX
91-3; for garnering virtue 97; for the good of others 97; perfection of 134; of purified body 96; training 96-8; VOW of 66, 96-7
Confession ofFailings 31 Confession, methods 79
Confession ofSins 30, 31
Conquest ofthe Triple World 134 Conscious Stream 193 Contemplation 141-3 Conversations ofthe Perfections 134 Conviction, ordination by 75
Dedicatory verse 16
Deeds of the Conqueror as Mother Sutra 149
Deeds ofSamantabhadra 5 Defamation 174
Deferred NirvaQa 132, 155-6 n. 8 Dependent Origination Proof 138, 193 Descentinto Lanka Sutra 101, 148, 180 Desire, dangers of 73
Despairs, five 78-9
Destinies 194
Destruction 145, 146, 184 n. 6 Destruction ofErrors aboutthe Middle
Way 142
Devapala, King 172 Devasarma 140
Dharani rituals 167, 169, 170 Dharmakirti 145
Dharmottara 145
Diamond Seat 34 Diamond-Particle Proof 137 Dipathkarasri 12 Diparilkarasrijiiana 181 Dipathkarasripada 182 Disciple, study of 72, 73, 75 Discipline 78-80, 194 Discipline-Master 77, 194 Dissociation effect 99, 108 n. 34 Doctrine 194
Dominant effect 99, 108 n. 34 Domination 184 n. 6
Eightfold Path 194
Eight Great Powers 166, 167, 184 n. 7,
194 .
Eight serious virtues, ordination by 76 Eight unfavourable conditions 194 Elder (sthavira), Atisa as xiii Elements 194
Emptiness 135-8,141,152,154, 183n.
2, 185 n. 13, 194
Enjoyment body 69, 157 n. 16, 194 Enlightened Ones 157 n. 16 Enlightenment 18, 49, 98, 103, 114,
153, 154, 166; see also Enlighten-
ment Thought
Enlightenment Thought 20, 24, 31,
42-63, 132, 133, 134, 141, 170, 171, 179, 181, 183 n. 2, 194; see also Enlightenment
Entreaty 30
Equipment of Enlightenment 11 Equipment of Knowledge 98, 166, 167 Equipment of Merit 25, 98, 120, 166,
Equipment Path 25, 44, 45, 153 Equipment, perfecting 98-101, 115 Equipment of Virtue 134
Equipoise 194
Essay on Enlightenment Thought 142,
Essential Reality 195
Etiquette rules 81 n. 15
Evil Works of Mara 93
Excellence of Intention 105 Excellence of Practice 105
Excellence of Prior Cause 105-6 Exhortation to Higher Intention 94,
103, 115-17, 175
Existence 145, 146, 152
Expanding the Thought 57-8 Exposition o f the Undifferentiated
Nature ofAll Phenomena 147 Expulsion offence 77, 80 n. 4, 81 n. 4 Extensive Sutra: Compendium of all
Phenomena 131
Faith, worship of27
Families, classification of persons 80 n.
2; five types of 68
Family 67, 68, 81 n. 9
Finely Woven Sutra 174 Finger-Length Instruction 140 Fire-offering 170
Five Bovine Articles 195
Five Branches of Knowledge 195 Five Chapters on the Middle Way 140 Five Converts 75
Five Dominants 195
Five effects of vows 99
Five Eyes 195
Five Monks, ordination by 76
Five Paths 195
Five Powers 195
Five Wisdoms 153, 195
Flaming Jewel Formula 28-9
Flask initiation 170
Food-offering 170
Forbearance 89,90
Form-Body 132
Forsaking the vow 93
Four Applications of Mindfulness 195 Four Bases of Miraculous Power 123,
Four Basic Sins 195 Four. Ciasses ofTantra 184 n. 9 Four Diamond Seats Tantra 133
? Four Dispositions 144
Four Extremes 136-7, 145, 146
Four Great Proofs 139, 141, 151, 157 Four Gross Sins 75
Four Infinitudes 46, 97, 195
Four Means of Attraction 97, 195 Four Modes of Life 44, 196
Four Noble Truths 160 n. 63-4
Four Resources 196
Four Right Efforts 123, 196
Four Truths 35, 192, 196
Four Truths in the Vision Path 160 n.
Higher Vision 123, 124 n. 11, 151, 196 Highest Mundane Phenomena 178 Highest Mundane Virtue 45, 62 n. 4 Hinayana 156 n. 8; schools 158 n. 21;
siitra and sexuality 73
Homage, worship of27, 30 Human-Activity effect 99, 108 n. 34 Hundred Explanations ofthe Doctrine
Identity and plurality 137-8 Ignorance 144, 145
India's major philosophical traditions,
157-8n. 20
Inferior Person 5, 18
Infinitudes 131
Initiations 12, 169-72, 177 Injunctions on Dealing with Women
Siitra 178
Insight, 10, 11; kinds of 124, 196;
Perfection of 9; investigative 122,
196; and means 130-61 Insight-Initiation 196
Insight-Wisdom 185 n. 19
Instruction on the Non-Production of
All Phenomena 104, 175 Intermediate State 196 Intrinsic Nature 196
Jetavaniya sect 72
Jfianakirti35, 131,132
Jo-bo-rje ("The Noble Lord"),
Tibetan name for Atisa xiii Joyous Level196
Kiilacakra 185 n. 19 Karma 196 Kaurakullaka sect 72 Kusulupa 139
Lack of identity 158 n. 24
Lamp for "The Insight" 140
Lamp ofthe Three Methods 155
Lay Devotee 74, 197; precepts and
rules 70-1, 81 n. 13; training of
(upiisaka) 35
Laymen and religious initiation 176 LevelsofYoga Practice70 . LimbsofCalmness9, 119,120-4,197 Limbs of Enlightenment 123
Limbs, meaning of 124 n. 13
Lion's Roar Siitra 33
Liquor, dangers of72
Lord of the World 197
Madhyamika 183 n. 2 Mahasamghika, five schools of71 Mahavihiira-vasina sect 72
Four Virtues Sutra 94
Fourfold Motion-with-Acts 74 Fourteen Evil Things 93, 107 n. 16
Giving, Perfection of 10 Glang-dar-ma, persecution
Glorious Compendium of Diamond Knowledge: a Great Tantra 168 Glorious Original Tantra 154, 178 Glory o f the Blessed One 103, 171
Golden Splendour 103
Good Flask 196
Good Practice 103, 105, 154
Good Practice Resolves 27, 30
Great "Finely Woven": a Middle Way
Treatise 140
Great Lords of the Ten Levels 69 Great Path of the Great Vehicle 91-2 Great Peacock-like Dhtiranis 169 Great Seal45, 62 n. 3, 185? n. 20
Great Tantra Elucidating Meaning
Great Tantra o f Primal Buddha 12 Great Union Tantras 168
Great Wagons, Path of the 17, 46 GuQadatta 140
Gul}amati 140
GuQaprabha 75
Gurus 20, 43, 51-3, 88, 89-90, 105,
106, 118, 172, 196
Haribhadra 153
Harsh Destruction 173, 174
Hearers 174, 196
Hearers Level35-6, 108 n. 30
Heart of Enlightenment 34-5
Heart of Wisdom Compendium 140,
Heavenly Adorned Siitra 34
Heavenly Treasure Siitra 28, 33, 59,
Hermaphrodite, becoming 77,85 n. 34 Higher Insight 127-61
Higher Intention 196
Higher Meditation, training for 111-23
? 224 INDEX
Mahayana xii, xiii, 17, 18,35-6,66-7, 69, 73, 74, 80 n. 2, 105
Mahisiisaka school of Buddhism 72 Maitreya bodhisattva 6, 49-50, 117,
Major E? tposition of the "Treasure"
MaJ;IC,lala 170, 177, 197
Maftjugho~a guru 144, 151, 197 Maftjusri7, 197
Mantra 11, 166, 167, 173, 176, 177,
One-day vows 70
One Hundred Thousand Stanza Per- fection ofInsight 123
Ordinary things, worship of27 Ordination 76: ceremony 80 n. 3, 83 n.
23, 84n. 28
Ordination of the Sixty Bhadravargas
Ornament o f the Middle Way 158 n. 24 Ornament o f Realisations 61, 63 n. 33,
153, 160 n. 60
178, 180, 183 n. 4, 186 n. 3, 197; OrnamentoftheSutras61,80, 121
initiations 169-72; defaming 174; Tantras of 173; Vehicle of 166-7, 169, 170, 174, 175, 183 n. 1
Ornament o f the Wisdom Engaging the Sphere ofAll Buddhas 148
Ornaments of Virtuous Practice 198 Own Existence 198
Padma vajra 174
PaiQc;liipatika Avadhiitipa, monk 173,
175, 176, 177, 178, 186 n. 30
Palace ofthe Greatlewel171
Pa~rjita, master of Sanskrit xiii
Path 131, 152, 186, n. 39; to Enlighten- ment 114; of the Bodhisattvas 17; of the Great Wagons 88, of Mahayana 36; of the Ordinary Person 108 n. 36; of the Perfection 153, 184 n. 11; of
Practice 35; of Vision 153, 192 Penances 83 n. 25
Perfect Enli~htenment 6-9, 44, 54, 55 Perfect Enlightenment of Vairocana
Perfection of Conduct, nine titles
Perfection of giving 10, 131
Perfection of Insight Siltra 32-3, 38,
39, 52, 120, 123, 124 n. 1, 130, 139,
159, 180, 186n. 41
Perfection Path 170
Perfection Vehicle 23, 171, 183 n. 1 Perfections 130, 134, 135; siitras 134 Permanence 145, 146
Persons, acts dealing with 75 Petition 30, 31; ceremony 37-8 Phenomena 198
Place, preparation of36
Pleasing objects, worship of28-9, 30 Plurality proofs 158 n. 24
Mantrayiina 171, 183 n. 2 Maturation effect 99, 108 n. 34 Means 9, 10, 157 n. 16, 197
Means of Attraction 131
Mediocre person 5, 18, 106 Meditation, defects and remedies
Meditative worship 25, 27,28-31 Meru, mountain 197
Messenger, ordination by 76
Middle Way 139, 143-7, 197
Middle Way Treatise "Finely Woven"
137 '
Mindfulness ofthe Buddha Sutra 123 Miracle o f Resolute Calm 94 Monastic life 66-81
Monk 72-3, 197; training 71 Moon-Lamp Sutra 94, 114, 148 Mount Gaya Siltra 130, 131 Mundane Paths 35, 44
Niigarjuna 34, 44, 50, 51, 68, 70, 118, 137, 139, 140, 142-7 passim, 150-8 passim, 178, 179, 182, 198
Nme degrees 109 n. 52
Nirviil)a 54, 101, 132, 156 n. 8, 198 No-Family system 67, 68 Non-conceptual Progress Formula 11,
Non-discursive reasoning 143
Non-existence 145, 146, 152
Non-person, acts dealing with 75
Non-Self 198
Not turning back, interpretation of Po~adha79,198
Novice 74; vow 71
Nuns 16, 17, 71, 74,82 nn. 16, 17, 198
Objective-basis worship 31, 32 Obscuration 198 OceanofDiscipline148 Odantapuri xiii
Offence against monastic rule, eight classes 80 n. 4
Omniscient One 147
Powers 167
Practice 184 n. 9
Practice Path 153
Practice Tantras 168
Praise, worship of27
Prajiiaptiviidii school of Buddhism 72 Priitimoksa 7, 35, 36, 82 n. 14, 180,
39, 199; requisite for bodhisattva vow 66-9; seven ranks of 69-71, 96; Siitra 79; vows 67, 68, 69, 77,88,185
? Preaching, dangers of 115 Preceptor-Initiation 12, 170, 171, 172,
185 nn. 19, 20
Precious Garland of Discourses 105,
Presentation of gifts 46
Producing Power of Faith Sutra 123,
Profound View 199
Progress in Knowledge 70
Progress Mind/Thought 199
Progress in Practice 32, 49, 51, 60, 92,
River o f Brine Sutra 31
Royal Resolves 25-7
Royal Union Tantra: Cakrasamvara
Siigaramati Sutra 31 Siigaramegha, monk, 52 Samantabhadra, deeds of25 ! )al)lsiira 5, 101, 132, 199 Siintaraksita 138
Santideva 32, 44-95 passim, 98, 114, , 118, 136-7, 140-52passim
Siintipa, guru 99, 108n. 36, 139 Saraha 118, 124 n. 9
Siiriputra 48, 60
Sarviistiviidii 71, 72, 75,77 Sastra 139-41, 200
Schools 139-41
Sde-gzhung Rin-po-che, guru 185 n. 19 Self-ordination 75
Sense-Bases 200
Setting Forth the Triple Pledge 171 Setting Forth the Two Truths, Sutra 142 Seven Classes ofTantra 167-72 Seven Limbs of Enlightenment 200 Seven Limbs of Worship 30
Seven Noble Riches 123, 200
Seven Precious Things 28, 200
Seven Ranks of Priitimoksa 200 SevenfoldWay, The,onsexuality73 SevenfoldWay Sutra: Questionsofthe
Bodhisattva A valokitesvara 58, 122 Sevenfold Worship 5, 25-8, 38,
Seventeen Ornaments of Religious
Practice 79, 85
Seventy Resolves 103
Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness 10, 140 Sexuality and danger of women 73
Six Mindfulnesses 123, 125 n. 29 SkillTantras168
Solitary Buddhas 68, 174, 200
! )pace 34-55 passim, 93, 94, 200 Sri-diparhkarajii. anapiida, guru 182 Srigupta 138
Sri-jii. iinakirti 63
Stalks ofArray 6, 60
Sthavira sects 71, 72
Sthiramati, Elder 140
Striving Family 68, 69
Suffering 200
Superior person 5, 18, 20, 46, 66, 106,
Superknowledges 8, 9, 58, 114-25,200 Supplement to "The Middle Way" 137,
140, 142
Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment
54, 153
Supreme Tantras 169; Union Tantra
103, 105, 134 Progress-Thought
Prosperity 183 n. 6; rites of 11
Pure Life/Celibacy 199; of monk 72-3 Purification of body, speech and mind
Purification, Twelve Qualities of 79,
85 n. 37, 199 Purva sect 72
Qualities of Enlightenment Thought 49-50
Questions of Celestial King Druma Sutra96
Questions o f Kiiiyapa Sutra 58, 74, 178 Questions of King Udayana-vatsa 73 QuestionsofUgra104 QuestionsofUpiili104
Questions o f Vi'radatta Sutra 6
Ranks of the community 69-71 Realm of True Reality 199 Refu~e-taking 35-8, 76 Rejmcing 30,31
Relation of conduct to concentration 114
Relative Truth 44
Religious celibate initiations 176, 177 Religious life 199; five kinds of70 RemovalofAjiitaiatru's Regrets 149 Repetition of the Thought 55 Resolution/Resolve-mind/Resolve
Thought 199
Resolve and Progress, difference
between 60-2
Resolve, reading for 103
Resolves 154
Resolve-Thought of Enlightenment
Retreat examination 84 n. 27
Rice Seedling Sutra Commentary 140 Rites 183 n. 6; ofTantra 166-7
Ritual o f Begetting the Thought 43-4,
Ritual for Confession o f Failings 79 Ritual, learned in 89-90; for taking the
vow91 ?
183 n. 3, 184n. 9, 186n. 4
? 226 INDEX
Supreme Worship 27, 29, 31 Siira 105, 134
Sutra(s), bibliography of
Transgression 77, 78,81 n. 14,93-4 Treasure of Phenomenology 20 n. 4,
70, 77
Tripitakamiila 155, 166, 183 n. 1 Triple Declaration, Actof74, 75 Triple Refuge 24-39, 43
True Nature 202; Family 68, 69
Truth Body 69,202
Tshul-khrims rgyal-ba, monk 17, 182,
Tho-ling Monastery xii, xiii, xiv Twenty Verses on Gathering Merit 103 Twenty-seven MaQQalas 24
Two Equipments 115, 166, 167,202 Two Truths 202
Ultimate Element 68
Ultimate Truth 118, 186 n. 41 Uncertain Family 68
Unfailing Discipline 178
Unfailing Thought, marks of 100-1 Union 184 n. 9
Vaidurya 103, 171
Vaisravana (god of riches) 49 Vajra-Preceptor 184
Vajradhvaja, bodhisattva 103 Vasubandhu, scholar 17, 19, 75, 77,
V atsiputriya sect 72
Vehicles 186 n. 39,203
V e h i c l e o f t h e H e a r e r s 155
Vehicle of Mantra, see Mantra Vehicle ofMysticism 163-87
Vehicle of Perfection, see Perfection
V ehicle
Vikrama5ila monastery xiii Vimuktisena 153
Vinaya 80 n. 3, 180
Vision Path 160 nn. 63, 64, 153 V ows7-8, 76-9,90,96-7,98
Wisdom 11, 142-3 Wisdom ofThatness 177-8 Worship, kinds of28-34
Yellow Hats, group of monks xiii Yoga 122-3, 153; Tantra 134
Y ogacara school80, n. 2, 105
149-50; study 50-60, 104, 123; teaching on
Sutra on the Ten Stages 103
Sidra Set Forth by Aksayamati 123, 131 Sutra SetForth by Vimalakfrti 130, 131 SuvarQadvipa gurus 17, 20, 46, 68-9,
Suvikriintavikriimf Insight 148
o f
Tamra5atixa school of Buddhism 72 Tantra xti, xiii, xiv, 133-4, 144, 165-87, 201; of Mantra 173; of Bu-
ston 184n. 9
Tantra Mahayana see Mantra Vehicle Tara 170,201
Taraniitha 185 n. 18
Tathagata 7, 24, 31, 32, 33, 67, 88,
95-6, 103, 117, 118, 149, 156 n. 8,
T eacher o f Healing 103, 171
Teaching in Sevens: Sexuality 73
Ten Directions201
T en Favourable Conditions 201
Ten Great Bestowals 103
Ten Levels 2ot'
Ten Perfections 97, 201
T en Religious Practices 201
Ten Thoughts of Enlightenment 97,
T en Unvirtuous Acts 96,201
Ten Virtuous Acts 201
Thatness 146,177-8,201
Thirteen Mantras (Atisa) 186 n. 31 Thirty-seven Enlightenment Wings
Thought of Enlightenment 58, 166 Three Conduct Trainings 8, 107 n. 29 Three Excellences 105
Three Heaps Sutra 27, 30, 105', 202 Three Jewels 24, 25, 30, 36, 37, 43, 97,
Three Persons Theme 18
Three Refuges, beginner and 105, 171,
Three Turnings of the Wheel 158 n.