I, too, have been the object of a not
less wonderful ^^rotection since setting my
feet on these shores.
less wonderful ^^rotection since setting my
feet on these shores.
Abelous - Gustavus Adolphus - Hero of the Reformation
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 119
Catholic countries, Gustavus Adolphus was
in a sure way of success, and Germany
stood no longer in his way. The hinder-
ance to a perfect success came from else-
where. Richelieu, who had wished to
diminish the power and influence of Aus-
tria, trembled at seeing the increasing
grandeur of the King of Sweden. A pre-
ponderance of the Protestant party suc-
ceeded to that of the Austrians. Over the
ruins of the old empire there would rise,
perhaps, a new empire, whose head would
be the greatest general of the epoch. This
peril which threatened all Europe with a
revolution must be averted. Richelieu,
ally as he was, became almost an enemy of
Gustavus Adolphus. He declared himself
protector of the German Catholic princes,
and, as regarded them, declared himself
neutral; thus offering them the means of
arming themselves for Austria, while pre-
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? 120 GusTAvus Adolphus.
tending to take sides with no one. He
thus awakened, by his intrigues and infidel-
ity, the jealousy of the Protestant princes,
? iid caused them to have fears of finding a
master in one who proclaimed himself their
friend. The northern hero was again to
find himself alone, as at his arrival in Ger-
many. However, he pursued his march,
and in a very short time conquered Fran-
conia. Arrived before Frankfort-on-the-
Main, he found an unexpected resistance.
This opulent and populous city had ever
been attached to the imperials on account
of commercial privileges which accrued to
it through them. Its fairs had great celeb-
rity, and it feared to lose much if it should
open its gates to the Swedes. Summoned
to surrender, it sent a deputation to the
king to explain the embarrassment of its
position, and its wholly material reasons
for not being favorable to him.
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 121
Gustavus Adolphus was indignant. " I
am astonished," said he, "to learn that
Frankfort prizes more highly its wealth,
than it does the duties which religion and
patriotism impose upon it; it is, indeed,
little to its honor to talk of its sale-shops
and its fairs when the liberty of Germany
and the future of the Reformation are at
stake. Moreover, from the Isle of Rligen
to the banks of the Rhine, I have found
the keys of all the fortresses ; I can also find
those of Frankfort. It is for the well-being
of Germany, and for the independence of
the Protestant faith, that I do battle; no
obstacle can stop me, for I am conscious of
the justice and nobleness of my cause. I see
plainly that the inhabitants of Frankfort
think it sufficient to extend to me a finger,
but I must have the entire hand; on this
condition alone will I protect them. "
These frank and energetic words opened
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? 122 GusTAvus Adolphus.
the gates ; and Gnstavus Adolphus entered
Frankfort with the pomp of an emperor
who, according to ancient usage, was about
to be crowned. " During his short sojourn
in that city," says Schiller, " he ceased not
to receive visits of princes and embassa-
dors who came to pay homage to his glory,
to appease his wrath, or to implore his as-
sistance. " These brilliant displays were
displeasing to the Queen, Maria Eleanor,
and to the chancellor, Oxenstiern, both of
whom had come to rejoin, the one, her be-
loved husband, the other, his prince and
friend. Under all these outside protesta-
tions of friendship, the former, guided by
her womanly tenderness and instinct, the
latter by his long experience and pru-
dence in business affairs, had discovered the
distrust and envy that Gustavus inspired
in all these sovereigns, and the discord
that reigned among themselves.
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? GusTAVUs Adolphus. 123
Nor did the king himself fail to read his
allies; and he was deeply afflicted with
what he discovered in them, if not indeed
cast down. It was a real sorrow to him
to see the noble cause which he was de-
fending, compromised every moment for
petty, trivial, and personal interests. One
day, before several assembled princes, he
said, with some bitterness, "I am inclined
to make peace, if we may have honorable
conditions, which will assure the well-be-
ing of the Protestant princes and their
oppressed subjects; for it was with this
end in view that I undertook this war for
which I have shed my blood. But, know
this, first of all, that I will never conclude
a peace like the preceding, (that of Lli-
beck,) which sacrificed the honor of the
Protestant princes, placed their unfor-
tunate subjects under an iron yoke, and
gravely compromised our religion. "
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? 124 GusTAvus Adolphus.
The Landgrave George of Hesse Darm-
stadt was among tlie number that hung
around the Mug at Frankfort. It was his
ambition to bring together the two parties.
He held secret relations with the emperor,
at the same time that he appeared to be
greatly attached to the King of Sweden.
Gustavus Adolphus one day said, in the
presence of this prince, "If the emperor
does not trouble me, I will not trouble
him; your lordship can tell him so, for I
know that you are a good subject of the
The landgrave, somewhat in confusion,
stammered out some words of justification.
" When a man," said the king, " gives you
thirty thousand thalers a year, you may
well afford to be his friend. If I should
make such a gift, the man would, indeed,
have to merit it. "
But Gustavus had to do, not only with
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? GusTAVUs Adolphus. 125
traitors, but he saw himself exposed, as in
Pomerania, to the assassin's blade. One
evening an individual was found in his
chamber, armed. He was seized, and
proved to be a Catholic priest of Ant-
werp. About the same time, it was said
that a Jesuit, for two successive Sabbaths,
encouraged his hearers to pray for the suc-
cess of a project which God and one man
alone knew, and whose aim was to insure
repose to the Roman Church.
Under these circumstances, the friends
of the king besought him to be more upon
his guard than he had ever been, to insure
his personal safety. "A king," replied
Gustavus, " cannot live shut up in a box.
The wicked have not so much power as
ill-will, and confidence in God is the best
safeguard. Then I do not consider this
danger to be so formidable. Besides, if
the project of this man had succeeded, the
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? 126 GusTAYus Adolphus.
loss of me would not have caused you so
much misfortune as you believed, for God
knows perfectly well how long he wishes
to employ my frail arm. If I fall, he will
raise up another instrument more worthy
and more powerful than I. His work
does not depend upon the life of one man. "
His friends insisting still that he should
take some precautions, "Will you then,"
replied he, " that I should learn to distrust
Providence ? "
Urged by Eichelieu, Gustavus Adolphus
consented to make peace with Bavaria.
He promised not to march upon their ter-
ritory, provided they should restore to the
Protestants the property of which they
had deprived them, and allow them lib-
erty of worship.
Maximilian, in order to gain time, en-
tered into a conference with the King of
Sweden; but during the negotiations, he
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 127
prepared himself for war, aod concerted
with Ferdinand to attack the Swedes. A
letter which he wrote to Pappenheim was
intercepted, and Gusta\rus, indignant at
this false play, warned France of it and
declared that he would invade Bavaria.
On hearing of this determination, Pope
Urban YIII. said, "The King of Sweden
has chosen the wiser and surer part. He
would commit a great mistake if he should
turn elsewhere before having conquered
Maximilian. "
While awaiting a favorable moment
Gustavus Adolphus crossed the Rhine,
vainly opposed by the Spaniards, and, on
December 13, 1631, Mayence, after four
days of siege, opened to him its gates. He
stopped a short time in the city, leaving
the conquest of the surrounding country
to some of his generals.
His repose was of no long duration.
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? 128 GusTAVus Adolphus.
Kecalled into Franconia by the success of
Tilly, who had driven the Swedish troops
from the Bishopric of Bamberg, and was
marching upon Nuremberg, he hastened to
meet the Bavarian general, and forced him
to withdraw toward the Danube.
He thus reached Nuremberg, March 21,
where he was received with great enthusi-
asm. He entered with a simple escort of
Swedish dragoons, having left his army at
some distance from the city. The generals
and German princes whom he had rescued
accompanied him. The magistrates and
principal citizens went to meet him and to
offer him the keys, as a sign of obedience
and fidelitv. The streets were filled with
an applauding and enthusiastic crowd.
The thunder of cannon and the ringing of
bells mingled with the loud acclamations
of the people. This enthusiastic welcome
deeply moved the heart of the king. He
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 129
was in tbe center of Germany, in one of
the most powerful cities of the empire,
among a people of his own faith, and one
that had long been devoted to his cause.
The future smiled hopefully toward him,
and he, with all that happy population,
thanked God from the depths of his heart,
and responded very affectingly to all these
demonstrations of which he was the honored
object. All eyes overflowed with tears.
When the king came to the apartments
destined for him, he was presented with
the gifts which the city had prepared for
him. They consisted of considerable sums
of money and of two silver globes of
wonderful workmanship. Gustavus then
addressed to the mao:istrates and citizens
the following words, which were soon
spread abroad by thousands of printed
copies :
"I thank you, both you and your city,
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? 130 GusTAvus Adolphus.
for these rich gifts. I can wisli you noth-
ing better in return than perseverance in
the evangelical faith. Let nothing turn
you from it ; neither threats, nor promises,
nor any of the passions to which human
nature is subject. You have presented me
with the emblems of heaven and earth;
let not the riches of earth make you foi'-
getful of the still more precious treasures
of heaven. This favor I beseech God for
you. You have wicked and wily enemies,
whose aim is the annihilation of Protest-
antism. Their hope is to found a peace
upon the ruin of all Protestants, and they
seek their end by the destruction of
millions of souls. God has confided to
you the administration of an opulent and
powerful city. . . . I doubt not that you
so govern it as not to fear to give the
account which you will, one day, have to
render at the tribunal of God.
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? GusTAVus Adolphus. 131
"Your city, up to tMs time, has been
miraculously preserved from the dangers
and persecutions which surround and beset
I, too, have been the object of a not
less wonderful ^^rotection since setting my
feet on these shores. . . . In the misfor-
tunes of those professing the Protestant
faith around you, as well as in your own
sufferings, God has aimed to make us feel
how much we are sinners. For you, for
the defense of the Gospel, I left my peace-
ful home and came into your agitated
country. I have sacrificed the resources
of my poor subjects, their blood, my life,
and the love of my family. I will do for
you all that the grace of God will give me
power to do. On your side, be willing to
suffer for awhile, if need be, for our sacred
cause. Kemain faithful to it. Then God
will bless you ; he will cause your city to
flourish. His name will be every-where
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? 132 GusTAvus Adolphus.
revered, and after the glory and honor of
earth, will come that of heaven. "
After having dined, the king departed
from the city in the midst of a population
still more enthusiastic than at his entrance.
In order to perpetuate the memory of his
visit, they multiplied his features on cloth
and in bronze. Poesy chanted his virtues,
and the following are some stanzas writ-
ten on that occasion, bearing the biblical
stamp and coloring, found in almost all
Protestant authors of that epoch :
" With delight he enters here, this war-
rior adorned with so many virtues, whom
old and young have for so long a time de-
sired ; the good King of Sweden, our glori-
ous protector ; with delight he enters here
for the welfare of us all.
"With delight he enters here, this new
Gideon, whose brow is radiant; this sec-
ond Joshua, the dear and invincible hero,
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 133
whose triumphs are known in all the
" With delight he enters here, that one
who directs the battles of the Lord ; this
other David who has brought Goliath
low ; this valiant man whose heart is with-
out fraud, and who seeks only the glory
of God. Where is there an object more
worthy of admiration ! "
On leaving Nuremberg, Gustavus pre-
sented himself and his army before Dona-
werth, noted for the misfortunes which its
ardent zeal for the Reformation had drawn
upon it. A strong Bavarian garrison de-
fended it, but it could not resist the im-
petuosity of the Swedes. The evangelical
worship w^as soon re-established there.
The king now found himself on the
frontiers of Bavaria and was master of the
Danube. The little river Lech was the
only barrier separating him from the States
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? 134 GusTAvus Adolphus.
of Maximilian, from tlie boulevard of Ca-
tholicism in Germany. '
Protected by tliis river, whicli the melt-
ing of the snows, accumulated upon the
mountains of the Tyrol, had converted
into a raging torrent, the Bavarians, under
the leadership of Tilly and of their duke,
seemed to defy all efforts of the enemy.
The bravest and most skillful Swedish
generals regarded this position as invul-
nerable, and any attack as dangerous folly.
Gustavus Horn, illustrious through recent
triumphs, opposed with more energy than
all the others this perilous undertaking.
" How," cried the king, " we have crossed
the Baltic, we have passed all the great
rivers of Germany, and shall we stop now
before a miserable little rivulet like the
Lech? "
Having himself been out to reconnoiter,
and that at the peril of his life, his eagle-
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 135
glance marked for him immediately the
spot where he could effect a passage and
engage in conflict. He marked that the
shores of the Lech were not of equal height
on both sides. This would give an advan-
tage to the Swedish artillery, which could
be so placed as to command the Bavarian
camp. With an unheard of audacity and
address he succeeded in throwing a bridge
across the river, and, on A^^ril 5, after a hot
struggle, he put the Bavarians to flight,
and the old Tilly, mortally wounded, had
to take the young and victorious Gustavus
as the minister of divine justice, who was
chosen to punish him for the atrocities
committed at Magdeburg.
When the king saw closely the enemies'
camp and the admirable intrenchments
which defended it, he said, " If I had been
in the place of this Bavarian I should
have rather had my beard shot away
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? 136 GusTAvus Adolphus.
by a bullet than liave abandoned snch a
position. "
This victory opened Bavaria to Gus-
tavus Adolphus. He conld enter it with-
out fear; but he desired first to deliver
Augsburg, that city around which hung,
for every Protestant, so many dear remem-
brances. The Edict of Restitution had
deprived the inhabitants of the liberty of
worship, and put a Catholic administration
at their head ; so that Protestant Germany
had the sorrow of seeing the Confession of
Augsburg outraged, even in its cradle.
Gustavus Adolphus drove out the Ba-
varian garrison which occupied the city,
and replaced the Catholic authorities by a
Protestant magistracy, which swore fidelity
to him. Then he and his cortege directed
themselves toward one of the churches
which he had devoted to the reform wor-
ship. Here, his chaplain, Doctor Fabri-
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 137
cms, preached from Psa. xii, 5 : " For the
oppression of the poor, for the sighing of
the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord ;
I will set him in safety from him that
puffeth at him. " After the sermon the one
hundred and third Psalm was sung, with
a beautiful accompaniment.
It was not without great emotion that
the citizens of Augsburg chanted this
psalm, which expressed so well the senti-
ments of gratitude with which their hearts
were filled, and which depicted, so to
speak, their own deliverance. Several
days were passed in feasts and public
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Last Campaigns of Gustavus Adolphus.
Siege of Ingolstadt -- Conquest of Bavaria -- Expedition of Wal-
lenstein against Nuremberg.
MAXIMILIAN, after his defeat, fled
behind the walls of Ingolstadt. Gus-
tavus Adolphus, tearing himself away from
the pleasures of Augsburg, resolved to
take that fortress, in order to have a good
point for finishing the destruction of the
Bavarian army. But the bravery of the
garrison, aided by the troops of Maximil-
ian and the strength of the ramparts, frus-
trated his attempts.
The king came near losing his life there-
by. He was examining the works of the
enemy when a twenty-four pounder swept
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 139
his horse from under him, entangling him
somewhat in its fall. Those who sur-
rounded him uttered a cry of fright and
flew to his side, fearing to find a corpse.
Gustavus arose, at the same moment, cov-
ered with blood and dust, and said, "The
apple is not yet rijper His horse was
dead, and his young friend, the Margrave
of Baden, who was near him, had his head
shot off a few moments after. On his re-
turn to camp, the king was congratulated
by his officers on account of his own safety,
wdiile they regretted the premature death
of the young margrave. The king replied,
"The death of the margrave and the bullet
which passed so near me recall to my mind
this ancient decree : ' Man, thou shalt die ! '
Neither my high birth, nor my royal
crown, nor my w^eapons, nor my many
victories, can save me from it. I submit
to the will of God; if he takes me from
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? 140 GusTAvus Adolphus.
the world, lie will not abandon the sacred
cause which I defend. "
The king, like all true disciples of Christ,
often thought of the end of life, and pre-
pared himself earnestly to be ready to
meet his Judge. He knew that only a
breath separates time from eternity, and
that death is but the beginning of a new
life. The prestiges of pomp and grandeur
had not so dazzled him as to make him
forget his frailty, and the account that he
would have to settle beyond the tomb.
The cloud of glory that hung over him
had not hidden heaven out of his sight.
This is proved by that deep humility, that
constant recognition of his sins, that con-
tinual recourse to the grace of God, which
we have so often remarked in his words
and conduct. The farther he advanced in
life the more he occupied himself with the
salvation of his soul, and the more he pre-
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 141
pared himself not to be surj)rised at the
coming of his Master. We may almost
think that a presentiment of the future
abided ever with him.
After leaving Ingolstadt, Gnstavus Adol-
phus took the Bavarian road and marched
straight for Munich. France had sent an
embassador to stop him. "Truly," said
Louis XIII. , "it is time to put a limit to
the enterprises of this Goth. " But to all
argumentation in favor of Maximilian and
of his pretended neutrality, the King of
Sweden replied, "I knov^ too well the
Elector of Bavaria; he wears a double
cloak, and, according to circumstances, he
turns out the red or the blue. . . . This
time I will not be entrapped. " The em-
bassador, then passing from soliciting to
threats, talked loudly of the powerful mili-
tary forces of France, which could, he said,
abandon Sweden to herself, and furnish
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? 142 GusTAYus Adolphus.
Bavaria witli forty thousand men. "If
France withdraws from me her alliance," im-
mediately said Gustavus Adolphus, "then
I shall have that of the Turks, and the
Turks are not worse allies than the papists.
In any event, I know that I can count
upon the aid of the All Powerful, and that
it is He who has sent me into Germany. "
In spite, then, of Louis XIII. the Goth
advanced upon the Bavarian territory, with-
out meeting a single soldier to dispute his
passage. But fanaticism had been so ex-
cited by the clergy, that every Bavarian
considered it as a sacred duty to preserve
his country from the impure contact of the
heretics. For them, the King of Sweden
was Antichrist, and in their prayers they
besought God to preserve them from the
Swedish demon. To slay a Swede was
thought a meritorious act, no matter how
accomplished. Bands of the peasantry
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 143
were formed, and woe to the soldier who
fell into their hands. Romish fanaticism
has ever known how to invent new and
varied tortures. In Bavaria, as in Spain,
it had the genius of cruelty.
Gustavus Adolphus, at the sight of these
horrors, felt his blood boil with indigna-
tion, and thoughts of vengeance presented
themselves before him. But he soon con-
quered these feelings, and instead of mal-
treating these madmen who were making
martyrs of his soldiers, and taking him for
an agent of Satan, he proved to them, by
his goodness and patience, that he was
more Christian and less heretic than they.
He watched more closely than ever to
maintain perfect army discipline, and met
the most bitter hatred by the most inex-
haustible clemency.
At Landshut, as soon as the Swedish
army appeared under the walls, the garri-
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 119
Catholic countries, Gustavus Adolphus was
in a sure way of success, and Germany
stood no longer in his way. The hinder-
ance to a perfect success came from else-
where. Richelieu, who had wished to
diminish the power and influence of Aus-
tria, trembled at seeing the increasing
grandeur of the King of Sweden. A pre-
ponderance of the Protestant party suc-
ceeded to that of the Austrians. Over the
ruins of the old empire there would rise,
perhaps, a new empire, whose head would
be the greatest general of the epoch. This
peril which threatened all Europe with a
revolution must be averted. Richelieu,
ally as he was, became almost an enemy of
Gustavus Adolphus. He declared himself
protector of the German Catholic princes,
and, as regarded them, declared himself
neutral; thus offering them the means of
arming themselves for Austria, while pre-
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? 120 GusTAvus Adolphus.
tending to take sides with no one. He
thus awakened, by his intrigues and infidel-
ity, the jealousy of the Protestant princes,
? iid caused them to have fears of finding a
master in one who proclaimed himself their
friend. The northern hero was again to
find himself alone, as at his arrival in Ger-
many. However, he pursued his march,
and in a very short time conquered Fran-
conia. Arrived before Frankfort-on-the-
Main, he found an unexpected resistance.
This opulent and populous city had ever
been attached to the imperials on account
of commercial privileges which accrued to
it through them. Its fairs had great celeb-
rity, and it feared to lose much if it should
open its gates to the Swedes. Summoned
to surrender, it sent a deputation to the
king to explain the embarrassment of its
position, and its wholly material reasons
for not being favorable to him.
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 121
Gustavus Adolphus was indignant. " I
am astonished," said he, "to learn that
Frankfort prizes more highly its wealth,
than it does the duties which religion and
patriotism impose upon it; it is, indeed,
little to its honor to talk of its sale-shops
and its fairs when the liberty of Germany
and the future of the Reformation are at
stake. Moreover, from the Isle of Rligen
to the banks of the Rhine, I have found
the keys of all the fortresses ; I can also find
those of Frankfort. It is for the well-being
of Germany, and for the independence of
the Protestant faith, that I do battle; no
obstacle can stop me, for I am conscious of
the justice and nobleness of my cause. I see
plainly that the inhabitants of Frankfort
think it sufficient to extend to me a finger,
but I must have the entire hand; on this
condition alone will I protect them. "
These frank and energetic words opened
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? 122 GusTAvus Adolphus.
the gates ; and Gnstavus Adolphus entered
Frankfort with the pomp of an emperor
who, according to ancient usage, was about
to be crowned. " During his short sojourn
in that city," says Schiller, " he ceased not
to receive visits of princes and embassa-
dors who came to pay homage to his glory,
to appease his wrath, or to implore his as-
sistance. " These brilliant displays were
displeasing to the Queen, Maria Eleanor,
and to the chancellor, Oxenstiern, both of
whom had come to rejoin, the one, her be-
loved husband, the other, his prince and
friend. Under all these outside protesta-
tions of friendship, the former, guided by
her womanly tenderness and instinct, the
latter by his long experience and pru-
dence in business affairs, had discovered the
distrust and envy that Gustavus inspired
in all these sovereigns, and the discord
that reigned among themselves.
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? GusTAVUs Adolphus. 123
Nor did the king himself fail to read his
allies; and he was deeply afflicted with
what he discovered in them, if not indeed
cast down. It was a real sorrow to him
to see the noble cause which he was de-
fending, compromised every moment for
petty, trivial, and personal interests. One
day, before several assembled princes, he
said, with some bitterness, "I am inclined
to make peace, if we may have honorable
conditions, which will assure the well-be-
ing of the Protestant princes and their
oppressed subjects; for it was with this
end in view that I undertook this war for
which I have shed my blood. But, know
this, first of all, that I will never conclude
a peace like the preceding, (that of Lli-
beck,) which sacrificed the honor of the
Protestant princes, placed their unfor-
tunate subjects under an iron yoke, and
gravely compromised our religion. "
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? 124 GusTAvus Adolphus.
The Landgrave George of Hesse Darm-
stadt was among tlie number that hung
around the Mug at Frankfort. It was his
ambition to bring together the two parties.
He held secret relations with the emperor,
at the same time that he appeared to be
greatly attached to the King of Sweden.
Gustavus Adolphus one day said, in the
presence of this prince, "If the emperor
does not trouble me, I will not trouble
him; your lordship can tell him so, for I
know that you are a good subject of the
The landgrave, somewhat in confusion,
stammered out some words of justification.
" When a man," said the king, " gives you
thirty thousand thalers a year, you may
well afford to be his friend. If I should
make such a gift, the man would, indeed,
have to merit it. "
But Gustavus had to do, not only with
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? GusTAVUs Adolphus. 125
traitors, but he saw himself exposed, as in
Pomerania, to the assassin's blade. One
evening an individual was found in his
chamber, armed. He was seized, and
proved to be a Catholic priest of Ant-
werp. About the same time, it was said
that a Jesuit, for two successive Sabbaths,
encouraged his hearers to pray for the suc-
cess of a project which God and one man
alone knew, and whose aim was to insure
repose to the Roman Church.
Under these circumstances, the friends
of the king besought him to be more upon
his guard than he had ever been, to insure
his personal safety. "A king," replied
Gustavus, " cannot live shut up in a box.
The wicked have not so much power as
ill-will, and confidence in God is the best
safeguard. Then I do not consider this
danger to be so formidable. Besides, if
the project of this man had succeeded, the
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? 126 GusTAYus Adolphus.
loss of me would not have caused you so
much misfortune as you believed, for God
knows perfectly well how long he wishes
to employ my frail arm. If I fall, he will
raise up another instrument more worthy
and more powerful than I. His work
does not depend upon the life of one man. "
His friends insisting still that he should
take some precautions, "Will you then,"
replied he, " that I should learn to distrust
Providence ? "
Urged by Eichelieu, Gustavus Adolphus
consented to make peace with Bavaria.
He promised not to march upon their ter-
ritory, provided they should restore to the
Protestants the property of which they
had deprived them, and allow them lib-
erty of worship.
Maximilian, in order to gain time, en-
tered into a conference with the King of
Sweden; but during the negotiations, he
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 127
prepared himself for war, aod concerted
with Ferdinand to attack the Swedes. A
letter which he wrote to Pappenheim was
intercepted, and Gusta\rus, indignant at
this false play, warned France of it and
declared that he would invade Bavaria.
On hearing of this determination, Pope
Urban YIII. said, "The King of Sweden
has chosen the wiser and surer part. He
would commit a great mistake if he should
turn elsewhere before having conquered
Maximilian. "
While awaiting a favorable moment
Gustavus Adolphus crossed the Rhine,
vainly opposed by the Spaniards, and, on
December 13, 1631, Mayence, after four
days of siege, opened to him its gates. He
stopped a short time in the city, leaving
the conquest of the surrounding country
to some of his generals.
His repose was of no long duration.
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? 128 GusTAVus Adolphus.
Kecalled into Franconia by the success of
Tilly, who had driven the Swedish troops
from the Bishopric of Bamberg, and was
marching upon Nuremberg, he hastened to
meet the Bavarian general, and forced him
to withdraw toward the Danube.
He thus reached Nuremberg, March 21,
where he was received with great enthusi-
asm. He entered with a simple escort of
Swedish dragoons, having left his army at
some distance from the city. The generals
and German princes whom he had rescued
accompanied him. The magistrates and
principal citizens went to meet him and to
offer him the keys, as a sign of obedience
and fidelitv. The streets were filled with
an applauding and enthusiastic crowd.
The thunder of cannon and the ringing of
bells mingled with the loud acclamations
of the people. This enthusiastic welcome
deeply moved the heart of the king. He
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 129
was in tbe center of Germany, in one of
the most powerful cities of the empire,
among a people of his own faith, and one
that had long been devoted to his cause.
The future smiled hopefully toward him,
and he, with all that happy population,
thanked God from the depths of his heart,
and responded very affectingly to all these
demonstrations of which he was the honored
object. All eyes overflowed with tears.
When the king came to the apartments
destined for him, he was presented with
the gifts which the city had prepared for
him. They consisted of considerable sums
of money and of two silver globes of
wonderful workmanship. Gustavus then
addressed to the mao:istrates and citizens
the following words, which were soon
spread abroad by thousands of printed
copies :
"I thank you, both you and your city,
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? 130 GusTAvus Adolphus.
for these rich gifts. I can wisli you noth-
ing better in return than perseverance in
the evangelical faith. Let nothing turn
you from it ; neither threats, nor promises,
nor any of the passions to which human
nature is subject. You have presented me
with the emblems of heaven and earth;
let not the riches of earth make you foi'-
getful of the still more precious treasures
of heaven. This favor I beseech God for
you. You have wicked and wily enemies,
whose aim is the annihilation of Protest-
antism. Their hope is to found a peace
upon the ruin of all Protestants, and they
seek their end by the destruction of
millions of souls. God has confided to
you the administration of an opulent and
powerful city. . . . I doubt not that you
so govern it as not to fear to give the
account which you will, one day, have to
render at the tribunal of God.
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? GusTAVus Adolphus. 131
"Your city, up to tMs time, has been
miraculously preserved from the dangers
and persecutions which surround and beset
I, too, have been the object of a not
less wonderful ^^rotection since setting my
feet on these shores. . . . In the misfor-
tunes of those professing the Protestant
faith around you, as well as in your own
sufferings, God has aimed to make us feel
how much we are sinners. For you, for
the defense of the Gospel, I left my peace-
ful home and came into your agitated
country. I have sacrificed the resources
of my poor subjects, their blood, my life,
and the love of my family. I will do for
you all that the grace of God will give me
power to do. On your side, be willing to
suffer for awhile, if need be, for our sacred
cause. Kemain faithful to it. Then God
will bless you ; he will cause your city to
flourish. His name will be every-where
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? 132 GusTAvus Adolphus.
revered, and after the glory and honor of
earth, will come that of heaven. "
After having dined, the king departed
from the city in the midst of a population
still more enthusiastic than at his entrance.
In order to perpetuate the memory of his
visit, they multiplied his features on cloth
and in bronze. Poesy chanted his virtues,
and the following are some stanzas writ-
ten on that occasion, bearing the biblical
stamp and coloring, found in almost all
Protestant authors of that epoch :
" With delight he enters here, this war-
rior adorned with so many virtues, whom
old and young have for so long a time de-
sired ; the good King of Sweden, our glori-
ous protector ; with delight he enters here
for the welfare of us all.
"With delight he enters here, this new
Gideon, whose brow is radiant; this sec-
ond Joshua, the dear and invincible hero,
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 133
whose triumphs are known in all the
" With delight he enters here, that one
who directs the battles of the Lord ; this
other David who has brought Goliath
low ; this valiant man whose heart is with-
out fraud, and who seeks only the glory
of God. Where is there an object more
worthy of admiration ! "
On leaving Nuremberg, Gustavus pre-
sented himself and his army before Dona-
werth, noted for the misfortunes which its
ardent zeal for the Reformation had drawn
upon it. A strong Bavarian garrison de-
fended it, but it could not resist the im-
petuosity of the Swedes. The evangelical
worship w^as soon re-established there.
The king now found himself on the
frontiers of Bavaria and was master of the
Danube. The little river Lech was the
only barrier separating him from the States
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? 134 GusTAvus Adolphus.
of Maximilian, from tlie boulevard of Ca-
tholicism in Germany. '
Protected by tliis river, whicli the melt-
ing of the snows, accumulated upon the
mountains of the Tyrol, had converted
into a raging torrent, the Bavarians, under
the leadership of Tilly and of their duke,
seemed to defy all efforts of the enemy.
The bravest and most skillful Swedish
generals regarded this position as invul-
nerable, and any attack as dangerous folly.
Gustavus Horn, illustrious through recent
triumphs, opposed with more energy than
all the others this perilous undertaking.
" How," cried the king, " we have crossed
the Baltic, we have passed all the great
rivers of Germany, and shall we stop now
before a miserable little rivulet like the
Lech? "
Having himself been out to reconnoiter,
and that at the peril of his life, his eagle-
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 135
glance marked for him immediately the
spot where he could effect a passage and
engage in conflict. He marked that the
shores of the Lech were not of equal height
on both sides. This would give an advan-
tage to the Swedish artillery, which could
be so placed as to command the Bavarian
camp. With an unheard of audacity and
address he succeeded in throwing a bridge
across the river, and, on A^^ril 5, after a hot
struggle, he put the Bavarians to flight,
and the old Tilly, mortally wounded, had
to take the young and victorious Gustavus
as the minister of divine justice, who was
chosen to punish him for the atrocities
committed at Magdeburg.
When the king saw closely the enemies'
camp and the admirable intrenchments
which defended it, he said, " If I had been
in the place of this Bavarian I should
have rather had my beard shot away
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? 136 GusTAvus Adolphus.
by a bullet than liave abandoned snch a
position. "
This victory opened Bavaria to Gus-
tavus Adolphus. He conld enter it with-
out fear; but he desired first to deliver
Augsburg, that city around which hung,
for every Protestant, so many dear remem-
brances. The Edict of Restitution had
deprived the inhabitants of the liberty of
worship, and put a Catholic administration
at their head ; so that Protestant Germany
had the sorrow of seeing the Confession of
Augsburg outraged, even in its cradle.
Gustavus Adolphus drove out the Ba-
varian garrison which occupied the city,
and replaced the Catholic authorities by a
Protestant magistracy, which swore fidelity
to him. Then he and his cortege directed
themselves toward one of the churches
which he had devoted to the reform wor-
ship. Here, his chaplain, Doctor Fabri-
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 137
cms, preached from Psa. xii, 5 : " For the
oppression of the poor, for the sighing of
the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord ;
I will set him in safety from him that
puffeth at him. " After the sermon the one
hundred and third Psalm was sung, with
a beautiful accompaniment.
It was not without great emotion that
the citizens of Augsburg chanted this
psalm, which expressed so well the senti-
ments of gratitude with which their hearts
were filled, and which depicted, so to
speak, their own deliverance. Several
days were passed in feasts and public
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Last Campaigns of Gustavus Adolphus.
Siege of Ingolstadt -- Conquest of Bavaria -- Expedition of Wal-
lenstein against Nuremberg.
MAXIMILIAN, after his defeat, fled
behind the walls of Ingolstadt. Gus-
tavus Adolphus, tearing himself away from
the pleasures of Augsburg, resolved to
take that fortress, in order to have a good
point for finishing the destruction of the
Bavarian army. But the bravery of the
garrison, aided by the troops of Maximil-
ian and the strength of the ramparts, frus-
trated his attempts.
The king came near losing his life there-
by. He was examining the works of the
enemy when a twenty-four pounder swept
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 139
his horse from under him, entangling him
somewhat in its fall. Those who sur-
rounded him uttered a cry of fright and
flew to his side, fearing to find a corpse.
Gustavus arose, at the same moment, cov-
ered with blood and dust, and said, "The
apple is not yet rijper His horse was
dead, and his young friend, the Margrave
of Baden, who was near him, had his head
shot off a few moments after. On his re-
turn to camp, the king was congratulated
by his officers on account of his own safety,
wdiile they regretted the premature death
of the young margrave. The king replied,
"The death of the margrave and the bullet
which passed so near me recall to my mind
this ancient decree : ' Man, thou shalt die ! '
Neither my high birth, nor my royal
crown, nor my w^eapons, nor my many
victories, can save me from it. I submit
to the will of God; if he takes me from
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? 140 GusTAvus Adolphus.
the world, lie will not abandon the sacred
cause which I defend. "
The king, like all true disciples of Christ,
often thought of the end of life, and pre-
pared himself earnestly to be ready to
meet his Judge. He knew that only a
breath separates time from eternity, and
that death is but the beginning of a new
life. The prestiges of pomp and grandeur
had not so dazzled him as to make him
forget his frailty, and the account that he
would have to settle beyond the tomb.
The cloud of glory that hung over him
had not hidden heaven out of his sight.
This is proved by that deep humility, that
constant recognition of his sins, that con-
tinual recourse to the grace of God, which
we have so often remarked in his words
and conduct. The farther he advanced in
life the more he occupied himself with the
salvation of his soul, and the more he pre-
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 141
pared himself not to be surj)rised at the
coming of his Master. We may almost
think that a presentiment of the future
abided ever with him.
After leaving Ingolstadt, Gnstavus Adol-
phus took the Bavarian road and marched
straight for Munich. France had sent an
embassador to stop him. "Truly," said
Louis XIII. , "it is time to put a limit to
the enterprises of this Goth. " But to all
argumentation in favor of Maximilian and
of his pretended neutrality, the King of
Sweden replied, "I knov^ too well the
Elector of Bavaria; he wears a double
cloak, and, according to circumstances, he
turns out the red or the blue. . . . This
time I will not be entrapped. " The em-
bassador, then passing from soliciting to
threats, talked loudly of the powerful mili-
tary forces of France, which could, he said,
abandon Sweden to herself, and furnish
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? 142 GusTAYus Adolphus.
Bavaria witli forty thousand men. "If
France withdraws from me her alliance," im-
mediately said Gustavus Adolphus, "then
I shall have that of the Turks, and the
Turks are not worse allies than the papists.
In any event, I know that I can count
upon the aid of the All Powerful, and that
it is He who has sent me into Germany. "
In spite, then, of Louis XIII. the Goth
advanced upon the Bavarian territory, with-
out meeting a single soldier to dispute his
passage. But fanaticism had been so ex-
cited by the clergy, that every Bavarian
considered it as a sacred duty to preserve
his country from the impure contact of the
heretics. For them, the King of Sweden
was Antichrist, and in their prayers they
besought God to preserve them from the
Swedish demon. To slay a Swede was
thought a meritorious act, no matter how
accomplished. Bands of the peasantry
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? GusTAvus Adolphus. 143
were formed, and woe to the soldier who
fell into their hands. Romish fanaticism
has ever known how to invent new and
varied tortures. In Bavaria, as in Spain,
it had the genius of cruelty.
Gustavus Adolphus, at the sight of these
horrors, felt his blood boil with indigna-
tion, and thoughts of vengeance presented
themselves before him. But he soon con-
quered these feelings, and instead of mal-
treating these madmen who were making
martyrs of his soldiers, and taking him for
an agent of Satan, he proved to them, by
his goodness and patience, that he was
more Christian and less heretic than they.
He watched more closely than ever to
maintain perfect army discipline, and met
the most bitter hatred by the most inex-
haustible clemency.
At Landshut, as soon as the Swedish
army appeared under the walls, the garri-
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