ch army 500 thousand, the RUSSIan 300 thousand,
But counting on space and time
But counting on space and time
You may seal your acts wlth lead, Slgnor Ziam "
The Jewelers company had thetr furs lmed wIth scarlet And s:tl. k cloth for the horses,
A s:tl. k cloth called cendato
That they mIl use for the shawls,
And at the tlme of that war agamst Hungary Uncle Carlo Malatesta, three wounds
lhhsta, sword and a lance wound,
And to our general Pandolfo, three legates, WIth Silk and with SlIver,
And with velvet, Wine and confections, to keep him-. Per anlffiarla - In mood to go on with the fightmg
~. That are In San Samuele (young ladles) are all to go to Rlalto
And to wear yellow kerchIef, as are also
TheIr matrons (ruffiane) "
~. Ambassador, for hIs great wisdom and money,
? ? That had been here as an eXile, Coslmo
? ? Lord LUlgl Gonzaga, to be gIven Casa Glustmlan . .
? ? Bishops of Lampascus and Cyprus c. And other fifty lords bishops
that are the church of the onent . . 124
? March 8, . . That Slgtsmundo left Mantua III contented
And they are dead and have left a few Pictures
. . Alblzl have sacked the MediC! bank"
. . Venetians may stand, come, depart With thelt families Free by land, free by sea
In their galleys,
Ships, boats, and WIth merchandise
2 %on what's actually sold No tax above that Year 6962 of the world
l8th April, m Constantinople"
Wmd on the lagoon, the south wmd breakmg roses
Illmo ac exmo (eccellent15slmo) prmceps et dno Lord, my lord m particular, Sforza
In reply to lst ltr of yr ld-hp
re mae of horses, there are some for sale here
I said that I hdn't then seen 'em all thoroughly Now I may say that I have, and thmk
There are eleven good horses and almost that number Of hacks that mIght be used m necessJty,
To be had at a reasonable price
It 15 true that there are X or XI big horses
from 80 to IIO ducats
That seem to me dearer at the price
Than those for 80 ducats and under
And I thmk that If yr IdBP wd send from
lOOO ducats to one thousand 500 It cd be spent On stuff that wd SUlt yr Ldp qUite well
Please Y L t o answer qUlckly
As I want to take myself out 'Of here,
And If you want me to buy them
Send the cash by Mr Pltro the farrIer And have hun tell me by mouth or letter
? What yr IdP wants me to buy
Even from 80 ducats up there are certam good horses I have nothIng else to say to your LordshIp
Save my salutatIons
GIven Bologna, 14th of August 1453
Servant of yr Illustnous LordshIp PISANELLUS
1462, 12th December . . and Vittor Capello Brought also the head of St George the Martyr From the Island of Siesma
ThIS head was covered WIth SlIver and
Taken to San GIOrgxo MaggIore
To the CardInal Gonzaga of Mantua, ultImo febbralO 1548 . . 26th of feb was kIlled m thIS CIty
Lorenzo de MedIclS Yr Illu? Ld-hp wIll understand
from the enc account how the affaIr IS saId to have
gone off They say those who kIlled hIm have certamly got away In a post boat wIth 6 oars But they don't know whIch way they have gone, and as a guard may have been set In certam places and passes, It wd
be convenIent If yr IllS Lds. hp wd wnte at once
to your ambassador here, sayIng among other thIngs
that the two men who kIlled Lorenzmo have passed through the CIty of Mantua and that no one knows whlch
way they have gone PublIshIng thIS InformatIon
from yr Ldshp wIll perhaps help them to get free Although we thmk they are already In Florence, but
In any case thIS measure can do no harm So that
yr Ldshp wd benefit by domg It qUIckly and even to have others send the same news
May Our Lord protect yr Ilis and most Revnd person WIth the Increase of state you deSIre
Veruce, last of Feb 1548
I kISS the hands of yr III LdshP Don In Hnr de MendQ'Sa
? To the MarqUIS of Mantova, Fran? Gonzaga
lllustrIous my Lord, durlOg the past few days
An unknown man was brought to me by some others
To see a Jerusalem I have made, and as soon as he
saw It he lOslSted that I sell It hIm, sayIng It
gave hIm the gtst content and satIsfactD
Fmally the de'll was made and he took It away,
WIthOUt payIng and hasn't smce then appeared
I went to tell the people who had brought hIm, one
of whom IS a pnest Wlth a beard that wears a
grey berettlOo whom I have often seen WIth you In
the hall of the gtr councIl and I asked hun the fellow's name, and It IS a Messrre Lorenzo, the
pamter to your LordshIp, from whIch I have easily understood what he was up to, and on that account
I am wntmg you, to furmsh you my name and the work's In the first place IllustrIOUS m lord, I am
that pamter to the Selgnory, commissioned to palOt the gt hall where Yr Lordship deigns to mount
on the scaffold to see our work, the history of Ancona, and my name IS Victor Carpano
As to the Jerusalem I dare say there IS not another
10 our tIme as good and completely perfect, or as
large It 15 25 ft long by 5 1/2, and I know Zuane Zambertl has often spoken of It to yr SublImity, I
know certalOly that thiS palOter of yours has carned off a piece, not the whole of It I can send you
a small sketch 10 aquarelle on a roll, or have It
seen by good Judges and leave the price to your Lordship
XV Aug I5II, VenetlJs
I have sent a copy of tlus letter by another way to be sure you get one or the other
The humble svt of yr Subhmlty
Victor Carpatmo
? To the supreme p1g, the archb1shop of Salzburg Lastlng :filth and perdition
Smce your exalted pustulence 1S too Stlngy
To gIve me a decent mcome
And has already assured me that here I have nothmg to hope And had better seek fortune elsewhere,
And smce thereafter you have
Three tlmes lffipeded my father and self mtendmg departure I ask. you for the fourth tlffie
To behave With more decency, and th1s tlffie Permlt my departure
Wolfgang Amadeus, august 1777
(mter lzneas)
co As 15 the sonata, so 15 httle M1Ss Cannablch "
FORMANDO dl mSlO nuova persona
One man IS dead, and another has rotted his end off Et quant au trolsleme
II est tombe dans Ie De sa femme, on ne Ie reverra
Pas, om fugol owtbaer
. . Observed that the pamt was
Three quarters of an Inch thick and concluded,
As they were bemg rammed through, the age of that
Crwser" . . Referred to no longer as
The goddamned Porta-goose, but as
England's oldest ally" . . At rests m calm zone
If posSIble, the men are to be fed and relaxed,
The officers on the contrary "
Ten mullon germs m Ius face,
. . That IS part of the rISk and happens
. . About twice a year In tubercular research, Dr Spahlmger "
? ? J'al obtenu " SaId M Curle, or some other SCientISt . . A burn that cost me SIX months m curmg,"
And contmued hIS experIments
England off there m black darkness,
Russia off there m black darkness,
The last crumbs of CIvIlIzatIOn
And they elected a PrInce des Penseurs Because there were so damn many prmces, And they elected a Monsieur Bmset
Who held that man IS descended from frogs, And there was a cracked conCIerge that they Nearly got mto the Deputles,
To protest agamst the earthquake 10 Messma
The Bucentoro sang It m that year, 12. 9
? 1908, 1909, 1910, and there was
An old washerwoman beatmg her washboard, That would be 192. 0, wIth a cracked VOIce, SIngmg tt Strettl' " and that was the last Tdl dus year, ':1. 7, Hotel AnglOh, In MIlan, WIth an aIr Clara d'Ellebeuse,
WIth theIr hkehke and foxhke eyes,
WIth an aIr tt Benette Joue la Valse des Elfes " In the salotto of that drummer's hotel,
Two young ladles WIth theIr aIr de prOVInce
t t No, we are Croat merchants, commerClantl, tt There IS nothmg strange In OUi hIstory" . tNo, not to sell, but to buy"
And there was that mUSIC publIsher,
The fellow that brought back the shrunk Indlan head Boned, oded, from BolIVIa, saId
tt Yes, I went out there Couldn't make out the trade, Long after we'd melt Up the plates,
Get an order, 2. 00 copIes, Peru,
Or some statIon In Chde"
Took out Floradora In sheets,
And brought back a led-headed mummy
WIth an aIr Clara d'Ellebeuse, smgmg t t Strettl "
Sed et Unlversus quoque ecciesle populus, All rushed out and buIlt the duomo, Went as one man Without leaders
And the perfect measure took form,
t t Ghelmo Clptadm" says the stone, t t the author, to And Nlcolao was the carver"
Whatever the meanIng may be
And they wrote for year aftel year
RefinIng the crIterIOn,
Or they rose as the tops subSIded,
? BrumaU"e, Fructldor, Petrograd And Tovansch lay 10 the w10d
And the sun layover the w1Od, And three forms became 10 the aU" And hovered about rum,
so that he sald Tlus machmery IS very anCient,
surely we have heard thlS before And the waves hke a forest
Where the wmd IS weightless 10 the leaves But mov1Og,
so that the sound runs upon sound Xantes, born of Venus and Wlne
Carved stone upon stone
But 1 0 sleep, 1 0 the wak10g dream, Petal'd the alr,
tWIg where but wmd-stleak had been, Movmg bough Wlthout root,
by Hellos So that the Xantes bent over tovarisch
And these are the labours of tovamch,
That tovarisch lay 10 the earth,
And rose, and wrecked the house of the tyrants, And that tovarlSch then lay 10 the earth
And the Xantes bent over tovarlSch
These are the labours of tovansch,
That tovamch wrecked the house of the tyrants, And rose, and talked folly on folly,
And walked forth and lay 10 the earth
And the Xarltes bent over tovarlSch
And that tovarlSch cursed and blessed WIthout aIm, These are the labours of tovarlSch,
? Say109
"Me Cadmus sowed m the earth
And wlth the thlrtleth autumn I return to the earth that made me
Let the nve last bUlld the wall,
rnelther buud nor reap
That he came wlth the gold shlps, Cadmus, That he fought WIth the wlsdom,
Cadmus, of the gdded prows N othtng I buud And I reap
Nothtng, WIth the thlrtleth autumn
I sleep, I sleep not, I rot
And I budd no wall
Where was the wall of Ebhs At Ventadour, there now are the bees,
And 10 that court, WIld grass for thelr pleasure That they carry back to the creVlce
Where loose stone hangs upon stone
1 saIled never WIth Cadmus,
hfted never stone above stone"
"Baked and eaten tovansch'
. . Baked and eaten, tovansch, my boy,
~. That IS your story And up agam,
? ? Up and at 'em Lald never stone upon stone"
? ? The aIr burst mto leaf"
? ? Hung there flowered acanthus,
. . t Can you tell the down from the up';I "
AD God the Father Eternal (BoJa d'un DIO') Havmg made all thtngs he cd
thmk of, felt yet
That somethIng was lackIng, and thought Still more, and reflected that
The Romagnolo was lackmg, and Stamped WIth h1S foot In the mud and Up comes the Romagnolo
. . Gard, yeh bloudy 'angman' It's me" Aso Iqua me All ESlmo Dottor Aldo WallUSchnIg Who WIth the force of hIs Intellect
WIth art and asSIduous care
Has snatched from death by a most peruous operatIOn The claSSIcal Caesarean cut
MarottI, VrrgtnIa, In SenOl of San GIOrgIO
At the same tIme saVIng her son
May there move to hIs laud the applause of all men And the gratItude of the famuy
S GlOrgIO, 2. 3d May AD 1925
Item There are people that can swtmme 10 the sea Havens and rIvers naked
HaVIng bowes and shafts,
CovetIng to draw Olgh yr sruppe wluch If they :find not Well watched and warded they WIl assault
DeSIrous of the bodIes of men whIch they covet for meate, If you res1St them
They dIve and wll flee
And Mr Lourpee sat on the floor of the penSIon dmmg-room. Or perhaps It was In the alcove
And about hun lay a great mass of pasteIls,
That 1S, stubbs and broken pends of pastell,
? In pale mdetermmate colours
And he admIred the Sage of Concord
c. Too broad ever to make up hls mmd . .
And the mmd of Lourpee at :fifty
DIrected hun mto a room WIth a certam vagueness As If he wd
neIther come In nor stay out
As If he wd
go nexther to the left nor the rIght
And IDS pamtmg reflected thIS habIt
And Mrs Kreffie's mInd was made up,
Perhaps by the pressure of Circumstance,
She descnbed her splendId apartment
In Pam and left WIthout paymg her bxIl
And In fact she wrote later from Sevula
And requested a shawl, and receIved It
From the Senora at 300 pesetas cost to the latter
(Also Without remIttIng) whIch
May have explaIned the laSSItude of her daughter, And the best paId dramatic CtltiC
Arrived from Manhattan
And was lodged In a bordello (promptly)
Havmg trusted . . hiS people . .
Who trusted a Dutch correspondent,
And when they had been devoured by fleas
(CritIC and famxly)
They endeavoured to break the dutchman's month's contract, And the ladles from West VirgInIa
Preserved the natal aroma,
And In the raxIway feedIng-room m Chlasso She sat as If Waiting for the tram for Topeka - That was the year of the strIkes-
When we came up toward Chlasso
. 8y the last on the narrow-gauge,
Then by tramway from Como 134
? LeavIng the lady wno loved bullfights
WIth her etght trunks and her captured hIdalgo,
And a dutchman was there who was gOIng
To take the boat at Trieste,
Sure, he was gOIng to take It,
Would he go round by VIenna' He would not
Absence of trams wdnt stop hIm
So we left htm at last In Chlasso
Along Wlth the old woman from Kansas,
Sohd Kansas, her daughter had marned that SWISS
Who kept the buffet m Chlasso
DId It shake her' It dtd not shake her
She sat there In the waltmg room, sohd Kansas,
Sttff as a CIgar-store mruan from the Bowery
Such as one saw In cc the nmettes ",
FIrst sod of bleedIng Kansas
That had produced thIS hgneous solIdness,
If thou wtlt go to Cruasso w t find that Indestructable female As If walttng for the tram to Topeka
In the buffet of that statton on the bench that
Follows the wall, to the rIght slde as you enter
And Clara Leonora wd come puffing so that one
Cd hear her when she reached the foot of the staIrs,
Squared, chunky, wIth her crooked steel spectacles
And her splutter and hel face full of teeth
And old Rennert wd SIgh heavtly
And look over the top of hIs lenses and
She wd arnve after due mterval WIth a pInwheel
Concernmg Grtllparzer or - pratzer
Or whatever follow the Grill-, and uGran Maestro
Mr LlSzt had come to the home of her parents
And taken her on IDS prevalent knee and
She held that a sonnet was a sonnet
And ought never be destroyed,
And had taken a number of courses
? And contInued With hope of degrees and Ended I n a Baptlst learnery
Somewhere near the RIO Grande
And they wanted more from theIr women, Wanted 'em Jacked up a lIttle
And sent over for teachers (Ceylon)
So LOlca went out and dIed there
After her tIme In the post-Ibsen movement
And one day In SmIth's room
Or may be It was that 1908 medICO's
Put the gob In the file-place
Ole Byers and Felgenbaum and Joe Bromley, Joe hlttm' the gob at 25 feet
Every time, pIng on the metal
(Az ole man Comley wd say Boys! Never cherr terbakker! Hrwwkke tth! Never cherr terbakker! ,
. . M. tsslonarles," saId Joe, << I was out back of Jaffa, I dressed In the costume, used to lIke the cafes,
All of us settIn' there on the ground,
Pokes hIS head In the doorway << Iz there any," He says, . . Gar'
Man here
10et kan speak ENGLISH;. "
Nobody saId anythIng fer a wh. t1e And then I saId << Hu el' you;'''
<< I'm er ffilsshernary I am"
He sez, "chucked off a naval boat In ShanghaI
I worked at It three months, nothm' to lIve on . . Beat hlS way overland
I never saw the twenty I lent hIm . .
Great moral secret serVIce, plan, Tnbune IS told hnut number to thIrty thousand,
? only lughest type will be mcluded,
propaganda wlthm ranks of the veterans,
to keep wlthm bounds when they come mto
contact WIth personal hberty With the french authontles ? that mcludes the Pam polIce
Strengthen franco-amencan anuty
NARCOTIC CHARGE Frank Robert Inquols gave hIS home Oklahoma City Expelled July 24 th
? ? Je SUIS
(Across the bare planks of a dm1Ogroom 10 the Pyrenees)
plus fort que
(No contradIctIOn) . . Je sws
plus fort que Ie
(No contradIctIOn) CC J'aurals
Ie Boud-hah' . .
Ie pOlds' . . (Suence, somewhat unconv1Oced)
And m hiS waste house, detritus,
As It were the cast buttons of splendours,
The harbour of MartInIque, drawn every house, and m detail Green shutters on half the houses,
Half the thmg stIll unpamted
"I'm fan tene KOH- lon-
voce tznnula
. . Ce sont les Vleux Marsoulns' . .
He made It, feltz Marcebrus, the words and the mUSIC,
. . sont
? Uruform out for Peace Day
And that he about the TIbetan temple
(happens by the way to be true,
they do carry you up on theIr shoulders) but
Bad for hIs medIcal practIce
cc Retreat)" saId Dr Wymans, . . It was marrvelous Galhpoh
Secret Turks knew nothmg about It
Uh' Helped me to get my wounded aboard"
And that man sweat blood to put thiough that raIlway, And what he ever got out of It)
And one day he drove down to the whorehouse
Cause all the farmers had consented
and granted the tight of way,
But the pornoboskos wdn't have It at any pnce And saId he'd shoot the surveyors,
But he dxdn't shoot ole pop In the buckboard,
He giV rum the nght of way
And they thought they had hxm flummox'd, Nobody'd sell any raus,
Till he went up to the north of New York state And found some there on the ground
And he had 'em pned loose and shIpped 'em
And had 'em laId here through the forest
ThIng 1S to find somethmg sImple
As for example Pa Stadtvolk,
Hooks to hang gutters on roofs,
A spIke and half-CIrcle, patented 'em and then made 'em, Worth a good muhon, not a book In the place,
Got a horse about twenty years aftel, seen hxm Of a Saturday afternoon
When theY'd taken down an old fence, Ole Pa out there knockxn the naIls out
(To save 'em) I hear he smoked good CIgars I38
? And when the Pnnce Oltrepasslmo dIed, saccone, That follow the coffins,
He lay there on the floor of the chapel
On a great pIece of patterned brocade
And the walls sohd gold about hIm
And there was a hole In one of hlS socks And the place open that day to the publIc, KIds runrung In from the street
And a cat sat there hckmg hImself
And then stepped over the PnncIpe, Dlscobolus upstaIrs and the maIn door
Not opened smce '70
When the Pope shut hxmself mto the VatIcan And they had scales on the table
To weIgh out the food on fast days,
And he lay there WIth hIS hood back
And the hole m one of hIS socks
? ? Buk' " saId the Second Baronet, . . eh
? ? Thass a funny lookm' buk" saId the Baronet Lookmg at Bayle, foho, 4 vols m gUt leather, . . Ah . . Wu Wu wotyougom'ehtodoWIthah
. . ah read-lt' "
SIC loqUItur eques
And lest It pass WIth the day's news Thrown out WIth the daIly paper, NeIther official pet
Nor Levme WIth the lucky button Went on mto darkness,
Saw naught above but close dark,
WeIght of Ice on the fuselage
Borne Into the tempest, black cloud wrappmg theIr wmgs, The rught hollow beneath them
And fell WIth dawn mto ocean
? But for the nIght saw neIther sky nor ocean
And found shIp why~ how) by the Azores
And she was a bathxng beauty, MISS Arkansas or Texas And the man (of course) quasI anonymous
NeIther a placard for non-smokers or non-alcohol
Nor for the code of PeorIa,
Or one-eyed HmchclIffe and ElSIe
Blackeyed bItch that marrIed dear DenOls,
That flew out mto nothmgness
And her father was the son of one too
That got the annulment
PEARL, great sphere, and hollow,
Mist over lake, full of sunhght,
Pernella concubma
The sleeve green and shot gold over her hand WuhlOg her son to lOhent
Expectmg the heu alOe be killed 10 battle
He belOg courageous, pOIsoned hlS brother pwne Laymg blame on Siena
And thlS she did by a page
Bnngmg war once more on Ploghano
And the page repented and told tlus
To NIcolo (alOe) Pltlghano
Who won back that rock from hIS father
. . st1lI dotmg on Pernella hls concublOe"
The sand that mght lIke a seal's back
Glossy beneath the lanthorns From the Via Sacra
(fleelOg what band of Tntons) Up to the open au
Over that mound of the hippodrome Llberans et vmculo ab ornnl hberatos
As who WIth four hands at the cross roads By kmg's hand or sacerdos'
are given thetr freedom
- Save who were at Castra San Zeno
CUnlzza for God's love, for remlttmg the soul of her father - May hell take the traItors of Zeno
And :fifth begat he Albertc
And SIXth the Lady CunlZZa
? In the house of the Cavalcantl
anno 12. 65
Free go they all as by full manumission
All serfs of Eccehn my father da Romano
Save those who were With Albenc at Castra San Zeno And let them go also
The devils of hell In their body
And sIxth the Lady Cumzza
That was first gIven RIchard St Bomface
And Sordello subtracted her from that husband And lay with her In TarVlSO
TJ. I he was dnven out of Tarvlso
And she left with a soldIer named BonlUs mmlum amorata In eum
And went from one place to another
" The lIght of thiS star o'ercame me"
Greatly enJoYIng herself
And runnIng up the most awful bdls
And trus BonlUs was killed on a sunday
and she had then a Lord from Braganza
and later a house In Verona
And he looked from the planks to heaven,
Said Juventus t t Immortal
He said tt Ten thousand years before now
Or he said t t PassIng Into the pomt of the cone You begxn by makIng the replIca
Thus Lusty Juventus, In September,
In cool air, under sky,
Before the reSidence of the funeral dIrector Whose daughters' conduct caused comment
But the old man dId not know how he felt
Nor cd remember what prompted the utterance He saId tt What I know, I have known,
tt How can the knowmg cease knOWIng) "
? By the lawn of the semor elder
He continued Ius ambulatlOn
Ct Matter 1$ the lIghtest of all thmgs,
Ct Chaff, rolled mto balls, tossed, whIrled m the aether,
Ct Undoubtedly crushed by the weight,
Ct Light also proceeds from the eye,
Ct In the globe over my head
. . Twenty feet m diameter, thirty feet In diameter
. . Glassy, the glarIng surface-
. . There are many reflections
. . So that one may watch them turnmg and movmg
tt With heads down now, and now up
He went on toward the amateur student of minerals That later went bankrupt,
He went on past the house of the local funny man,
Jo Tyson that had a camera HIs daughter was bow-legged And marned the assembly-man's son
O-hon dlt que-ke fOls au VI'-a-ge
Past the house of the three retired clergymen Who were too cultured to keep theIr Jobs Languor has crred unto languor
about the marshmallow-roast (Let us speak of the osmOSIS of persons)
The wall of the phonograph has penetrated their marrow (Let us
The wall of the pornograph )
The CIcadas contmue uninterrupted
With a VaIn emptIness the vlrgms return to thelt homes With a vam exasperation
The ephebe has gone back to hIS dwellmg,
The dJassban has hammered and hammered,
The gentleman of fifty has leflected That It 15 perhaps Just as well
Let thIngs remam as they are
? The mythologIcal exterIor lIes on the moss In the forest And questIons hIm about DarWIn
And with a burnIng fire of phantasy
he replIes wIth ((Deh' nuvoletta " So that she would regret hiS departure
Drift of weed In the bay She seekIng a gUIde, a mentor,
He aspires to a career wIth honour To step In the tracks of hiS elders,
a greater IncomprehensIon) There IS no greater IncomprehenSion
Than between the young and the young The young seek comprehensIon,
The mIddleaged to fulfill theIr deSIre
Sea weed drIed now, and now floated,
mInd drIfts, weed, slow youth, drIfts, Stretched on the rock, bleached and now floated~ WeIn, Welb, TAN AOIDAN
ChIefest of these the second, the female
Is an element, the female
Is a chaos
An octopus
A bIologIcal process
and we seek to ful:6. 11 T AN AOIDAN, our deSIre, drIft
Atlas e que'm fau mIey huelh
Quar no vezon so qu'leu vuelh Our mulberry leaf, woman, TAN AOIDAN,
U Nel ventre tuo, 0 nella mente mIa, Ct Yes, MIlady, precisely, 1? you wd have anythmg properly made U
tt FaZIamo tutte Ie due
tt No, not In the palm-room" The lady says It IS Too cold In the palm-room Des valeurs,
? Nom de Dleu, et encore des valeurs
She IS submarine, she IS an octopus, she IS
A bIologIcal process,
So Arnaut turned there
Above hIm the wave pattern cut In the stone SpIre-top alevel the well-curb
And the tower with cut stone above that, sayIng Ct I am afraid of the lIfe after death "
and after a pause
et Now, at last, I have shocked him"
And another day or evening toward sundown by the arena
(les gradIns)
A lIttle lace at the wrIst
And not very clean lace eIther
And I, et But thIS beats me,
U Beats me, I mean that I do not understand It, U ThIs love of death that IS In them"
Let us consIder the osmOSIS of persons nondum orto Jubare,
The tower, Ivory, the clear sky Ivory rigId In sunlight
And the pale clear of the heaven PhOlobos of narrow thIghs,
The cut cool of the aIr,
Blossom cut on the Wind, by HellOS
Lord of the LIght's edge, and Apnl
Blown round the feet of the God,
Beauty on an ass-cart
SItting on five sacks of laundry
That wd have been the road by Perugla
That leads out to San Plero Eyes brown topaz, Brookwater over brown sand,
The whIte hounds on the slope,
? GlIde of water, lIghts and the prore, StIver beaks out of nIght,
Stone, bough over bough,
lamps fluId In water,
PIne by the black trunk of Its shadow And on hJ11 black trunks of the shadow The trees melted In aIr
? xxx
OMPLEYNT, compleynt I hearde upon a day, CArtemis singing, Artemis, ArtemIs
Agaynst Pity lifted her wall
PIty causeth the forests to fall, PIty slayeth my nymphs,
PIty spareth so many an evu thing
PIty befouleth AprIl,
PIty 15 the root al1d the spring
Now If no fayre creature followeth me It IS on account of PIty,
It IS on account that Pity forbldetll them slaye All things are made foul In thIS season,
ThIS IS the reason, none may seek purIty HaVing for foulnesse pity
And thIngs growne awry,
No more do my shaftes fly
To slay NothIng 18 now clean sIayne But rotteth away
In Paphos, on a day
I also heard
goeth not with young Mars to playe But she hath pity on a dodderIng fool,
She tendeth hIS fyre,
She keepeth hIS embers warm
Time IS the eVIl EVIl
A day, and a day
Walked the young Pedro baffled,
a day and a day
? After Ignez was murdered
Came the Lords In Lisboa
a day, and a day
In homage Seated there
dead eyes,
Dead haIr under the crown,
The KIng sttll young there besIde her
Came Madame 'TA. R
Clothed with the light of the altar And with the prIce of the candles U Honour') Balls for yr honour' Take two mullon and swallow It "
Is come MeSSIre Alfonso And IS departed by boat for Ferrara
And has passed here without sayIng (C 0 "
Whence 11ave we carved It In metal Here working In Caesar's fane
To the PrInce Caesare BorgIa
Duke of Valent and Aemeha
and here have I brought cutters of letters
and printers not vIle and vulgar (In Fano Caesarls)
notable and sufficient compOSItors
and a die-cutter for greek fonts and hebrew
named MeSSlre Francesco da Bologna
not only of the usual types but he hath excogttated
a new form called cursive or chancellry letters
nor was It Aldous nor any other but It was
thIS Messlre Francesco who hath cut all Aldous hiS letters WIth such grace and charm as IS known
Hleronymous Sonclnus 7th July 1503 and as for text we have taken It
? from that of MeSSlre Laurentlus
and from a codex once of the Lords Malatesta
And In August that year dIed Pope Alessandro Borgta, II Papa morl
ExplIcIt canto XXX
EMPUS loquendl, TTempus tacendl
Said Mr Jefferson It wd have given us tIme
tt modern dress for your statue
tC I remember havIng wrItten you whue Congress sat at An~
cc on water communIcatIon between ours and the western
U partIcularly the mformation of the plam between
tc BIg Beaver and Cayohoga, whIch made me hope that a canal
naVIgatIon of Lake ErIe and the OhIo You must have had U occaSIon of gettIng better InformatIon on thIs subject
u and 1? you have you wd oblIge me
tc by a communIcatIon of It I consIder thIs canal,
( t If practIcable, as a very Important work
T J to General WashIngton, 1787
no slaves north of Maryland dIstrIct
flower found In ConnectIcut that vegetates when suspended
In aIr
screw more effectual 1? placed below surface of water
Suspect that a countryman of ours, Mr Bushnell of ConnectIcut IS entItled to the merIt of prIor dIscovery
Excellency Mr Adams Excellency Dr Frankhn
And thus Mr Jefferson (preSIdent) to Tom PaIne
e:t You expressed a WIsh to get a passage to thIs country
In a publIC vessel Mr Dawson IS charged With orders
to the captaIn of the <Maryland' to receIve and accommodate
With passage back, If you can depart on so short a warnmg
? In hopes you wIll find us returned to sentlnlcnts
worthy of former tIme In these you have laboured as much as any man hVlng That you may long lIve to continue your labours and to reap theIr fittIng reward Assurances of my hIgh esteem and attachment"
u EnglIsh papers theIr lies
In a few years no slaves northward of Marylapd
Ct Their tobacco, 9 mIllIons, delIvered In port of France, 6 mIllIons to manufacture
on whIch the kIng takes thirty mIllIon
that cost 25 odd to collect
so that In all It costs 72 mIllIons 11vres to the consumer
persuaded (I am) In this branch of the revenue the collection absorbs too much
(from ParIS, 1785) for our model, the Malson Quarree of N Ismes
WIth respect to hiS motIves (MadIson wrItIng) I acknowledged I had been much puzzled to dIVIne any natural ones
WIthout lookIng deeper Into human nature
than I was WIllIng to do
(In rei Mr Robert Smith) So crItIcal the state of that country
moneyed men I Imagtne are glad to place theIr money abro:ad
Mr Adams could borrow there for us
ThIs country IS really supposed to be on the eve ofaxTzBK49HT
(parts of t1:Jzs letter 11t cypher)
Jefferson, from ParIS, to MadIson, Aug 2, 1787
I hear that Mr Beaumarchals means to make hnnsel? heard turn thro'llgh the Potomac, commerce of Lake ErIe
I can further say WIth safety there IS not a crowned head 154
? In Europe whose talents or merIts would entItle hIm to be elected a vestryman by any AmerIcan parIsh
T J to General Washmgton, May. 2 'S8
cc When Lafayette harangued you and me and John QUIncy Adams
(( through a whole evenIng In your hotel 111 the CuI de Sac
(I: sIlent as you were I was, In plaIn truth as astonIshed
U at the grossness of hIS Ignorance of government and history, (( as I had been for years before at that of Turgot,
(C La Rochefoucauld, of Condorcet and of FranklIn"
To Mr Jefferson, Mr John Adams
care of the letters now enclosed Most of them are of a compleXIon not proper for the eye of the pollce
From MontIcello, AprIl 16th 1 8 1 1
To Mr Barlow departing for Pans
mdebted to nobody for more cormal aId than to GallatIn
U AdaIr too had hIS kInk He belIeved all the IndIans of (( AmerIca to be descended from the Jews"
Mr Jefferson to Mr Adams
u But obselve that the publIC were at the same tIme paYIng on It an Interest of exactly the same amount
(four mIllIon dollars) Where then IS the gaIn to elthel party whIch makes It a publIC blessIng";) "
to Mr Eppes, r813
tt Man, a ratIonal creature' " saId FranklIn
U Come, let us suppose a ratIonal man
tC StrIp hIm of all hIS appetites, espeCially hIS hunger and thirst
u u
He IS In hIS chamber, engaged In makIng experIments, Or In purSUIng some problem
At thIs moment a servant knocks t SIr,
t dInner IS on the table '
t Hamandchickens~,t Ham''
? U t And must I break the chaIn of my thoughts to
u t go down and gnaw a morsel of damned hog's arse?
H t Put aSIde your ham, I wIll dine tomorrow, '
Take away appetIte, and the present generatIon would not LIve a month, and no future generatIon would eXIst, and thus the exalted dIgnIty of human nature etc
Mr Adams to Mr Jefferson, I 5 Nov I 8I 3 wIsh that I cd subjOIn GosIndl's Syntagma
of the doctrines of Eplcurus
this was the state of things m 1785 "
(Mr Adams)
(Mr Jefferson )
met by agreement, about the close of the seSSlon- PatrIck Henry, Frank Lee and your father,
Henry Lee and myself to consult measures CIrcumstances of tImes seemed to call for
produce some channel of correspondence thIs was In '73 Jefferson to D Carr
church of St Peter human reason, human conSCIence, though I beheve that there are such thIngs
A tIel leis en anCIen scripture, and thIs they have translated Holy ScrIpture
Mr Jefferson
and they contInue thIS error
t t Bonaparte knOWIng nothIng of commerce
or paupers, who are about one fifth of the whole (on the state of England In 1814)
Htc Expltclt Cantus
Mr Adams
HE revolutIon," saId Mr Adams, Tcc Took place In the mInds of the people"
wIth SIxty cannon, ten tons of powder, 10,000 muskets and bayonets, lead, bed-covers,
unIforms and a colonel, to affirm theIr neutralIty the Amphi- trIte
departed the tenth of March to her first destInation
and a fourth whIch orders the lIquIdatIon
and payment of what remaIns due to the Merchants of Morea et des dettes des Jztes Echelles as you may
read dans les arrets prZ1z,CtpaUx du Consezl, aecembre, 'sotxante
armes et autres ustenczles qUt ne peuvent etre que pour Ie compte du gouvernement MonSIeur Satnt-Ltbtn tres au fatt des langues du Pays, connu des Nababs especIally Hyder Ah
POtty l'e~czter,et a tattler des croupteres to the Anglozs pet-/, delzcat sur Ies moyens to break up our bonds
WIth the Portagoose and as for the AmphitrIte, M'lorrd she fits under Beaumarchals' superVISIon, her cargo maInly munItIons
WItnesses WIll some of them prove that he (Burr) had no Interest In the OhIO canal
coram non JudIce
as usual where an opInIon IS to be supported rIght or wrong,
dwells on smaller objectIons and passes over the solId Oryzla mutlca, the upland or mountaIn rIce
seed of perennIal succory very famous turnIp of Sweden
I pray you place me rectus In curIa In thIS bUSIness WIth the Emperor (Alexander) and to assure hIm
? that I carry Into my retIrement the hIghest veneratIon for hIs diSposItIons to better at least In some degree the
condItIon of man oppressed
If you return to us, to brIng me a couple
of shepherd dogs, true-bred much desIred that war be aVOIded
type-foundIng to whIch c1ntImony IS essential, I therefore place Mr Ronaldson In your hands
be aVOIded, If cIrcumstances WIll admIt
for CIVIlIZIng the IndIans, great Improvement on the
anCIent Ineffectual whIch began WIth relIgIOUS minIstration:; The follOWIng has been successful FIrst, to raIse cattle whereby to acquIre a sense of the value of property
arIthmetIC to compute that value, thIrdly wrItIng, to
keep accounts, and here they begIn to labour,
enclose farms, and the women to weave and SpIn
fourth to read Aesop's Fables, whIch are theIr first delIght along With RobInson Crusoe Creeks, Cherokees, the latter now Instituting a government
and as many, Just as respectable, swore to the contrary all of whom present at the sermon
deeln It necessary to keep them down by hard labour, poverty, Ignorance,
and to take from them, as from bees, so much of their earnIngs as that unremitting labour shall be necessary to obtain a
suffiCient surplus
barely to sustaIn a scant lIfe And these earnIngs
they apply to maintam their prIvileged orders In splendour and
to faSCInate the eyes of the people as to an order of superIor
beIngs June 12. , '23 to Judge Johnson
whether 10 a stye, stable or state-room,
let everything bend before them and banIsh whatever might lead them to thmk and thus are become as mere anImals
? CannIbals of Europe are eatIng one another agaIn
out of hIs case, to say what tIle law In a moot case would be, Judge Marshall IS Irregular
animal IS entIrely wIthout thought 1? deprIved of that organ
Mr Adams to Mr Jefferson
whether In a stye, a st1ble or In a stateroom LouIS SIxteenth was a fool
The KIng of SpaIn was a fool, the KIng of Naples a fool
they despatched two courrlers weekly to tell each other, over a
thousand mIles
what they had kIlled the KIng of SardInIa
was, lIke all the Bourbons, a fool, the
Portuguese Queen a Braganza and therefore by nature an IdIot, The successor to FrederIC of PrussIa, a mere hog
In body and mInd, Gustavus and Joseph of AustrIa
were as you know really crazy, and George 3d was In
a straIght waistcoat,
there remaIned none but old CatherIne, too lately pIcked up
by whIch we are In the constallt practice of changIng the characters and propensItIes of the anImals we raIse for
our purposes
a gUlsa de leon
The cannIbals of Europe are eatIng one another agaIn
quando 81 posa
QUlncey Nov 13, 1815
s that despotIsm
Ior absolute power unlImIted sovereignty,
IS the same In a majOrIty of a popular assembly,
an arlstocratlcal counCil, an olIgarchical Junto, and a sIngle emperor, equally arbitrary, bloody,
and In every respect diabolIcal Wherever It has resided has never failed to destroy all records, memorials,
all histories which It did not like, and to corrupt
those It was cunnIng enough to preserve
If the troops cd be fed upon long letters, I belIeve the gent at the head of that dept (In this country) wd be the best commissary on earth But till I see hIm determIned to act, not to wnte, to sacrifice hIS domestIc ease to the dutIes
of hIS appointment, and apply the resources of thIs country, wheresoever they are to be had, I must entertaIn a dIfferent opinIon of him
T J to P Henry, March '79
over five and twenty mIllIons of people, when four and twenty mlllions and five hundred thousand of them can neither read nor wrIte as Impracticable as It wd be over elephants In the MenagerIe at Versatlles
Napoleon has mvented a word, Ideology, which expresses my OpInion
how far advanced we were In the sCience of aristocracy since the stallions of Theognls Have not Chancellor LIVingston and Major General Humphnes Introduced an arIstocracy of Merino sheep entaued upon us and forever of land Jobbers and stock Jobbers to endless generations
? AGATHOS, eternal and self-existent JA ISIS
multIplIcatIon of officers and salarIes merely to make par- tIsans
That thIs possessor be kalos k'agathos, theocrat, baron, bOJar or rIch man matters very httle
difference ascrIbed to our superIority m takIng aIm when we fire
tC I speak of the Grand Duke of Tuscany (T J to J A '77) somewhat avanClOUS In hIS nature crowns lyIng dead In hIS coffers, applIcatIon perhaps from Dr FranklIn wd be prudent to sound well before hand "
Condorcet has let the cat out of the bag He has made preCIOUS confessIons I regret that I have only an EnglIsh translatIon of hIs e:t OutlIne of the HIstorIcal Vlew of the Progress of the Htlman MInd" But In pages 247, 248 and 2. 49 you WIll nnd It frankly acknowledged that the phIlosophers of the eIghteenth century adopted all the arts of the PharIsees
was In the mInds of the people, and thIS was effected from 1760 to 1775 In the course of :fifteen years before Lex-
removal wd be necessary to more able comnussarles rather than
to a more plentIful country (T J on provIsions)
Bonaparte, Poor DevIl' what has and what wIll become of hIm. . Cromwell, W at Tyler, Jack Cade, 1 e to a bad end
And WellIngton, enVIed, despIsed by all the barons, earls,. VIscounts, a~ an upstart, a parvenue elated over theIr heads.
(Mr Adams to Thomas Jefferson)
Lltterae nIhIl sanantes whether serpents' teeth sprang up men. cannot appease my melancholy commIseratIon for our
? ar'llH. S In thIS furIous snow storm (Qulncey, November 15th )
But two thIngs I dId learn from hIm (Plato) That FranklIn's Idea of exemptIng husbandmen and malIners etc fronl the depredatIons of war was borrowed flom hIm
and (secondly) that SneeZ111g IS a cure for the hlCkups
but to keep In countenance the funding and bankIng system oratIons, prayers, sermons not that they loved General \Vashington, but merely to dIsgrace the old WhIgs
$75,000 equal to 1,000 speCIe (Feb 1781) settler will be wOlth to the publiC 20 tImes as much every year, as In our old plan he would have paid In a SIngle payment
lImIts of hIS IndIvIdualIty (cancels) and develops hIS power as a speCIe (Das Kapltal) denounced In 1842. stIll continue (today 1864) report of '42 was merely chuck. ed Into the archIves and remaIned there whIle these boys were rUined and became fathers of thIS generatIon for workshops remaIned a dead letter down to 1871 when was tal~en from control of munIcIpal and placed In hands of the factory Inspectors, to whose body they added eIght (8) aSSIstants to deal wltll over one hundred thousand workshops and
over 300 tJ. 1e yards
ROgIer (mInister) told me tllat thIS government (Brussels) had been IntendIng to Introduce such a law but found Itself (rei chJ. 1d labour not lImIted to 12. hours per day) always blocked by the Jealous uneaSIness that met any law tamp-
ering WIth the absolute freedom of labour
Lord H de Walden from Brussels 1862.
They (the owners) denounced the Inspectors as a speCIes of revolutIonary commIssar pItIlessly sacrIficing the unfortu-
? nate labourers to theIr humanItarIan fantasIes (rei the law of 1848)
that no factory-owner shall SIt as a magIstrate In cases concern. . Ing the spmning of cotton (Factory Act of Joh. n Hobhouse)
nor shall hIs father, brother, or son
And If the same small boys are merely shIfted from the spInnIng room to the weavmg room or from one factory to another, how can the Inspector verIfy the number of hours they are worked'> (1849, Leonard Horner)
Case where the Jury ('62. ) was to decIde whether soot adul- terated With 90% of dust and sand was U adulterated-m- the-legal-sense" soot or In the commercIal U real soot" As frIends of commerce decIded (the Jury decIded) It was tt real soot" agaInst the plaIntIff WIth costs
avenement revolutIon allemande posalt des problemes nouveaux, routIne commerCIal etre remplacee par creatIon de deux fonds or et ble destInes au proletarIat victorieux (allemand)
to functIonarIes of legatIon In BerlIn who are members of the party (1923)
bureaucrat paisible, Van TZln Vel se montra, tout afaIt Incap- able d'assumer Ie role de chef d'une revolutIon sangwnalre
(accordIng to MonSIeur Bessedovsky)
for ten years our (RUSSIan) ambassadors have enqUIred what theorIes are In fashIon In Moscow and have reported thelr facts to fit (Idem)
Buls dIscounted at exhorbitant rates, four tImes or three tImes those offered by the MIdland
I 50 mIllIons 163
? yearly, merely In usurIOUS dIscounts
and he even
(to change the subJect)
put mto the mouths of the dIrectors of the Federal Reserve
banks the words that they should say ce: You have got more than your share, we want you to reduce, we can not let you have any more"
(Mr Brookhart)
page 34 of the mInutes then they adopted another resolutIon
page 42 commIttee of Interstate commerce, ask Increase of raIlroad rates, saId to them wd suggest, gentlemen, you be careful not to gIve out anythIng about any dIs- CUSSIon of dIscount rates dIsturbs everybody ImmedIate rush never diSCUSS In the newspapers
? & Company's banker was In that meetmg, and next day he was out after a loan of 60 mIllIons, and got It SWlft- amoursinciair but the country at large dId not know It The meetIng deCided we were over-Inflated
LS' beasts, grasses, petrIfactIons, bIrds, IncrustatIons, OD r MItchell's conversatIon was varIOUS
And a black manservant, to embark on a voyage to RUSSIa
ConsIstent WIth theIr peace and theIr separatIon from Europe EnglIsh pretentlons, exclUSIve, auf clem Wasser (a d 1809) En faIt de commerce ce (Bonaparte) est un etourdI," saId
Freedom of admISSIon for sIups, freedom of departure, freedom
of purchase and sale
Are the only members of the corps dIplomatIque who have ani
Interest In lIterature, conversatIon
we talked of Shakespeare, MIlton, VIrgil and of the Abbe
U MonSIeur Adams H saId the Emperor, (( I1 y a cent ans que Je
ne vous al vu " June4th 1811
The Idea occurred to me of a treaty of commerce Told hIm hIS government wd probably make our peace cc How' " saId the ambassador (french)
C ( By not keepIng her word " And he, Bonaparte, saId to Romanzoff
tc After the peace of Tl1s1t, where cd I go but Spain~ " For he must always be gOIng
It IS reported that the two empresses wIll return to the city As IS saId to be customary
At least In wars un peu znteressantes, whIch war Alexander Has done all he can to prevent
ch army 500 thousand, the RUSSIan 300 thousand,
But counting on space and time
? tc The fifth element mud" saId Napoleon
A black, Claud GabrIel, In the cll1peror's serVIce
Was very J11 used In AmerIca Aug 14th to Oranlenbaum Where was Ld Cathcart (tIl1t IS, at Madame de Stael's) And she wanted to know how she cd
Receive her Interest from UnIted States funds
WhIle In England, and a war on between them
Here the nobIlIty have gIven one man to the army
From every ten of theIr peasants
Qu'll fit la sottlse de Moscou
and he, Bonaparte had to borrow SIX shIrts from
hIS mInIster, and four thousand lOUIS Mr GallatIn, Mr Bayard answer from Romanzoff Mr GallatIn
dId not thInk that tc they cd" (dId not
thInk that our actIons In FlorIda could be JustIfied) AgaInst rIghts on the MISSISSIppI our
RIghts to fish, dry:fish and cure off Newfoundland At the opera Tamerlan, and the ballet of Telemaque
1815, March x8th was expected (Bonaparte) last nIght at Auxerre,
Ney to be here (Par1s) tomorrow, because It 1S the
KIng of Rome's bIrthday
March twentieth The KIng, Bourbon, left the TUIllerles, To take, they say, the road gOing toward BeauvaIs
At the Seance Royale last Thursday he had talked of HIS death In defence of the country
And when they WIsh to make the troops cheer, the SoldIers say Ah, VOUl, Vive Ie ROI
Newspaper thIS mornIng headed Journal de l'Emptre
arrIved last even1ng WIth the troops that had been sent out against hIm
whIch IS due to Bourbon mIsconduct
I told him (SIr James Mackmtosh) that I DId not belIeve Dr FranklIn or WashIngton
? Had wanted the revolutIon He asked If any leadIng man had I saId, my father, perhaps, S'lmuel Adams, James OtIS
(And on hIs return was recd by Gouverneur MorrIs and Mr Astor wIth a pubk dInner at Tammany Hall )
And one nIght a dead fowl was tIed to Mr OnlS's bell rope, As (In hIS eyes) a gt dishonour to SpaIn
Mr Jefferson remarked that fond as he was of agrIculture He knew nothIng about It tho' Mr MadIson dld
Mr MadIson was very effiCIent In the conventIon of '87 ( Mr Bagot has been a much better mInIster
(( than a much abler man wd have been, better
H for the Interest of England, better
C( for the tranquIllIty of thIS country" DeWItt ClInton Ne,rer more low and dIscredIted
Than Just before beIng elected (comma)
WIthout OpposItIon (comma) Governor of New York State
u a ffiIsa11thropIst, an unsocial savage" J Q A on hImself Banks breakIng allover the country,
Some In a sneakIng, some In an ImpertInent manner prostrate every prInCIple of economy
Jan 18th 1820 I (J Q A ) called at the Presldent)s
And the PresIdent saId Colonel Johnson
mIght have been more worthIly occupIed tha'l. In acting as medIum for proposal of
furnIshIng ten thousand stand of arms to Venezuela
In order to make a Job for Duane
ad 1820 IS that moral consIderatIons seldom
appear to have much weIght In
the mInds of statesmen
unless connected WIth popular feelIngs whIle profeSSIng neutralIty
(hImself to hue men from our army 167
? secretzssZl1ZC, on the qUIet) Monroe admIts It Noone else seenlS to mInd
but the vIce-preSIdency I S -
to call thIngs by theIr proper nameS-In the market
U Defective In elen1entary knowledge and wIth a very undIgested system of ethICS, Mr Clay (Henry)"
After conversIng WIth Mr Calhoun, Ad1ms reflected Paper currency reductIons of fictItIOUS capItal AccumulatIon of debts as long as credIt can be straIned Mr Noah has a prOject for colonIZIng Jews In thIS country And wd hke a Job In VIenna
Xmas, 1820, read aloud after breakfast
From Pope's cc MessIah" Not one of my famIly Except George,
appeared to take the least Interest, Nor IS there anyone of them
who has a rehsh for hterature I have been a lawyer for bread,
a statesman at the call of my country
PlaIn modest and tasteless monuments to George ClInton
and ElbrIdge Gerry we have neIther forefathers nor posterIty,
a few years wIll efface them
half educated, lIke almost all emInent men In thIS country
Calhoun thought we oug11t In no case attend a congress of the allIes
England more by her Interest than
from prInCIple of general lIberty
We shd separate from all European concerns
Who have followed (malden ladles have followed)
General Lafayette from Europe to Llsses Oct 2 '24
So that when WashIngton left the senate chamber he saId he Wd be damned If he ever went there agaIn
They (congress) wd do nothIng for
the educatIon of boys but to make soldIers, they
? wd not endow a unIverSIty (In 182. 6)
Black walnut, almond planted In sprIng
take two months preCIsely to vegetate to the surface
ThIS has been (May 26th) a harassIng day
but I perceIved a tamarInd heavIng up the earth
In tumbler number 2, and In tumbler number one, planted . .
Interfere wIth offiCIal duty~ I saId
I thought that It wd as the U S was Interested In
the Canal Company by theIr subscrIptIon of one mIllIon dollars. . ReadIng Evelyn's (( Sylva" and makIng
TrIVIal observatIons UpOIl the vegetatIon of trees untIl dark
Some senSIbIlIty at partlng~ Clay expressed a WIsh to hear from me now and aga. Ln
cc There 15 somethIng strange, and whIch wd now be
thought very affected In the language of Shakespeare
Whose common thoughts are expressed In uncommon wOlds" (dIary March 1829)
But of late years have lost relIsh for :fictIon
December 13th Mrs Eaton
and accordIngly she (Mrs Calhoun) remaIns In the untaInted atmosphere of S CarolIna
EnglIsh tc Quarterly ReVIew" for November,
two artIcles of vIII:6. catlon
Calhoun heads the moral party, Mr Van Buren
PreSIdent Jackson's splttIn' box and a broken pIpe on the floor I called upon NIcholas BIddle and reed two dIVIdends
of my bank stock as I mIght be called to take part In
publIc measures I WIshed to dIvest myself
of all personal Interest Nov 9 '3 I
C:C I took seat Number 203 " J Q Adams asked hIm (Mr Webster) hIS VIews on
tIle dImInutIon In the tarIff 169
? I saId I had no desIre that the InterruptIon of socIal Intercourse between Gen ]acksol1 and me shd contlnue (March second) <;0 f1r, so good a restltutlon of It cd not fall to CApose lne to obloquy March the thIrd DIned WIth
Mr Webster upon saltnon sent fronl N ew York
MISS MartIneau author of C O il L'ersatt011S u. pon Polttrcal
a young woman deaf and hearIng only through all ear. . . trumpet
Her conversation IS lIvely and easy
The reasonIng of Mr Clay, Mr Calhoun, Mr Webster IS shallow, they speak to popular prejudIce
TIle old states WIll so sacrIfice
all thetr fIghts to the publIc lands L'aml de tout Ie monde, MartIn V an Buren
Mr Webster, a man of straw m the yard of the PresIdent's house It IS saId that theIr object
was to remonstrate agaInst worltlng more
than ten hours a day (AprIl 13th '37)
At the PresIdent's house and had With him conversatlol1 respectIng the clImate, Queen VIctorIa and the weather
Legare wd retort upon them by preachmg to the labourers Insurrection against the capltaiists of the North
Senate Chamber where I found him (J Calhoun) dIscourSIng to hIS own honour and glory and vituperatmg Mr Clay
after battling WIth each other on the atonement,
Chnst and the TrInIty phrenology and anImal magnetIsm TIppecanoe clubs students of colleges, schoolboys
The world, the flesh, the devlls In hell are
Agamst any man who now In the North American Un10n shall dare to JOIn the standard of AlmIghty God to
Put down the AfrIcan slave trade what can I
? ? ? Seventy-fotlr years, verge of my birthday, shakIng hand for the suppreSSIon of the AfrIcan slave trade
Van Buren agaInst more than te~ hours a day HarrIson on a mean-lookIng horse
was amIable and benevolent Adnunlstratlon WIll waddle along
haec sunt Infamlae
wrongs of the Cherokee natIon
These are the SInS of GeorgIa These are the lIes
These are the InfamIes
These are the broken contracts Buchanan the shade of a shade,
'icott a daguerreotype of a lIkeness
Mr Dan Webster spoutIng, Tyler's nose outreaclung the
Gun barrels, black walnut
These words I read on a pyramId, written In English and Hebrew
The firemen's torchlight proceSSion, FIremen's torchlIght proceSSIon,
SCIence as a prInCiple of polItical action
FIremen's torchlIght procession' ProportIoned to free InhabItants (Dec 2 I '43) Electro-magnetIc (Morse)
=---. Constans prOposlto Justum et Tenacem
J:f 17 1 "
? xxxv
O THIS IS (may we take It) Mitteleuropa
SMr Carles was In command of machine guns
but when the tIme came to fire
he merely ht a cigarette and walked away from his
battery and seated hln1sel? In a field,
So some subaltern gave the order to fire
and Mr Corles did not suffer the extreme penalty because hIs famIly
was a very good bourgeoIs fanuly In VIenna
and he was therefor sent to a mInd sanatorIum Mr Fldascz
~xplained to me
the horrors of playIng the fiddle whIle that ass N ataanovltch,
. or some other bettel l{nown -ovltth
whose name we must respect because of the law of libel,
was conductIng
m partIcular the Mattlas PaSSIon, after requestIng that
the audIence come In black clothes,
And the FrauleIn Doktor nearly wept over the Tyrol,
bemg Incapable of seeIng that the century-old Jo! {e on Italla was now on somebody else
though 1? they cd sentImentalIze over rhat lousy old bewhIskered sonvabltch Fran~OlSGIuseppe of whom nothIng good IS recorded-In fact With the most patIent research- nothIng good IS recorded and so forth
thIS IS Mltteleuropa and TSlevltz
has explaIned to me the warmth of affectIons,
the Intramural, the almost IntravagInal warmth of
? hebrew affectIons, In the fanuly, and nearly everythIng else pOIntIng out that 1\1r Lewlnesholme has suffered by deprIvatIon of same and exposure to AmerIcan snobbery U I am a product," saId the young lady, U of Mltteleuropa,"
but she seemed to have been able to mobilIze
and the fine tlung was that the famIly dId not
WIre about papa's death for fear of dIsturbIng the concert
whIch mIght seem to contradIct the general IndefinIte wobble It must be rather lIke some Internal organ,
some communal lIfe of the pancreas sensItIvIty
wIthout dIrectIon thIS IS
Oh yes, there are nobles, stIll Interested In polo
saId the whorIng countess of course there were nobles MIster Axon the usually so IntellIgent was
after two lunches wIth Dortmund unable, In fact he was qUlte unable to play respectable chess and the younger Alexl after lIVIng WIth MUlphy
was observed to be gray In the gIlls
through a presumed loss of vItalIty we have saId that stupIdIty IS contagIous, the dlvorce of PotemkIn
was Impeded by the deat11 of hIs grandmother
and a resurgence of fanuly feelIng HIs
wIfe now acts as hIs model and the Egerla
has, let us say, marrIed a realtor Havmg reSIgned overt IntentIon to remarry, the wldow, once the rose,
spends her tIme now plagUIng her daughter, and
Mr ElIas saId to me
C ( How do you get InSptratlont
Now my fnend Hall CaIne told me he came on a case a very sad case of a gIrl In the East End of London and It gave hIm an Ins p 1rat Ion The only
tC way I get InSpiration IS occaSIonally from a gIrl, I (C mean sometImes SIttIng In a restaurant and
lookIng at a pretty glrl I 173
? tt get all I-de-a, I-mean-a bIz-nIS I-de-a") " dIXIt SIC fehx ElIas~
Thetaleoftheperfectschnorrer apeautlfulche~rlschpoy WIt ~ VO-Ice dot woult
meldt dh heart offa schtone
~nd W It a 11kelng for to make arht-volks
and ven dh oIdt ladty wasn't dhere any more
and dey dIdn't know why, tdhere ee wass In the
oldt antIque schop and nobodty knew 110w he got dhere and venn hIss brudder dIet Wldout any bapers
he vept all ofer dh garpet so much he
had to llave his clothes aftervards pressed
and he orderet a magnlfncent funeral
and tden zent dh pIll to dh vife
But when they have hIgh cheek-bones
they are supposed to be Mongol EIJen' EIJen Hatvany' He had Ideals and he said to tile general at the conference, tc I Introduce to you the head of the b1. kers' union
(( I Introduce to you the head of the brlck. -Iayels' unIon " cc Comment' Vous etes tombes 81 bas'> "
replIed General Franchet de Whatshlsname
on the part of the french royalIst party, showing thus
the use of Ideals to a JeWIsh HungarIan baron
WIth a lIbrary (naturally wlth a lIbrary)
and a nne collectIon of paintIngs~ U We find the land over-
braIned n
saId the bOJars or whatever the old savages call It
as they hung theIr old huntsman frIend to hIS chandelIer In hIS dInmg hall after the usual feastIng and flagons VlRTUSCH" It must be one helluva country Item
That there be made a lontego (a chamber)
to lend money on cloth so that they cease not to
labour for lack of money Item that there be made a scaven-
and It be furmshed WIth cloth thus pledged 174
? to be sold a schavezo at a price as If wholesale
plus only the proportIon of the tax for the retaIl so that
Mantua cloth being cheap as In countries Circun1Jacerlt . lnd that BreSClans, Cremonesl, Parmenesl, ResaneSI
who now go to Verona where It IS cheaper as also
our own townsfolk go there, they wd then come hele or
stay here to the augment of Industry and Increase In
the retaIl tax and all of the other taAes
Item for the Increase of thIS art
shd be a man statIoned In VenIce to sell what we
can't sell here Item a dye works that they can dye
the pledged cloth and that findIng hele cloth "\Itel! coloured
In:ficlt umbras
the Romagnols wd come here to Mantua, and the March folk who now go to Verona to buy all of whIch wd
be gaIn to thIS Industry, brIng more people to lIve here
'lnd be of great use to yr taxes
Mantua 1401, una grlda When the stars fall from the olIve
Or wIth four pOInts or WIth five
Toward St John's eve
Came thIS day Madame VA'Yj, Madame la Porte Parure
Adorned wIth the Romancero,
foot hke a flowery branch That
Venice be luogo dz contratto may we
say the place where the deal IS made
and the profits
most assuredly from the pocket
of the last man who buys / exempt from customs
be food stuffs and nothmg else so exempted
9 per cent m, and 9 out, for the upkeep of cc The Domlnant " and De Gama (Vasco) a great InconvenIence In fact the
worst news that there could be but
Can Portugal keep It up'> omnes de partibus ultramarlnls
? needIng salt, made their peace wIth VenIce
cc who commands sea, commands trade U
let the rest provIde for cc The DOmInant," H VIctoria'> cc Where 'ave I 'eard that nayme' "
Undersell, overbuy, maIntain defence of the sea route
ad 142. 3etcetera
9%In and 9 out, no export of sand, alkalI, rags
QualIty So that our goods please the buyer
Tell the WaZIr that that stuff IS ours only In name
It IS made by damned Jews In eXIle, made by damned Jews In Ragusa and sold wIth VenetIan labels Goods m
VenetIan bottoms
no shIp to be btult out of VenIce
Mocenlgo Fourteen twenty-three
Iiave a load-lIne, no heavy deck calgo Tola, octroI and deCIme
ADY asks me
A I speak In season
She seeks reason for an affect, wIld often That IS so proud he hath Love for a name
Who denys It can hear the truth now \Vherefore I speak to the present knowers HavIng no hope that low-hearted
Can bring sight to such reason Be there not natural demonstratIon
I have no wIll to try proof-brlngmg Or say where It hath bIrth
What IS Its virtu and power
I ts being and every movIng
Or delIght whereby 'tIS called tt to love" Or 1? man can show It to sIght
W here memory lIveth, It takes Its state
Formed lIke a diafan from lIght on shade WhIch shadow cometh of IVlars and remalneth Created, haVIng a name sensate,
Custom of the soul,
will from the heart,
Cometh from a seen form wluch being understood Taketh locus and remamIng In the Intellect possible WhereIn hath he neither weight nor stJ11-standlng, Descendeth not by qualIty but shineth out HImself hIS own effect unendIngly
Not In delight but In the beIng aware
N or can he leave hIS true lIkeness otherwhere
? H e IS not vertu but cometh of that perfectIon WhIch IS so postulate not by the reason
But 'tIS felt, I say
Beyond salvanon, holdeth hIS JudgIng force Deemmg lntentl0n to be reason's peer and mate, Poor In dIscernment, beIng thus weakness' frIend Often hIs power cometh on death In the end,
Be It Wlthstayed
and so SWIngIng counterweIght
Not that It were natural OpposIte, but only Wry'd a bIt from the perfect,
Let no man say love cometh from chance Or hath not establIshed lordshIp
Holding hIS power even though Memory hath hIm no more
Cometh he to be
when the WIll
From overplu~
TWIsteth out of natural measure,
Never adorned Wlth rest Moveth he changIng colour EIther to laugh or weep
ContortIng the face WIth fear
resteth but a lIttle
Yet shall ye see of hun That he lS most often
WIth folk who deserve hIm
And hIS strange qualIty sets sIghs to move
Wulmg man look Into that formed trace In hIS mInd And With such uneaSIness as rouseth the flame Unskilled can not form hIS Image,
He hllnself moveth not, draWIng all to hIS stIllness, NeIther turneth about to seck hIS delIght
Nor yet to seek out provIng
Be 1t so great or so small
? H e drawetll likeness and hue from 11. b. e patule So making pleasure more certaIn In seemIng Nor can stand hId In such nearness,
Beautys be darts tho' not savage
SkIlled from such fear a man follows DeserVIng spInt, that plerceth
Nor IS he known from hIS face
But taken In the whIte lIght that 15 allness Toucheth hIS aIm
Who heareth, seeth not fornt
But IS led by Its emanatIon
BeIng divIded, set out from colour, DISjunct In nud darkness
Grazeth the lIght, one mOVIng by other, BeIng dIvIded, divided from all falsIty Worthy of trust
From hIm alone mercy proceedeth
Go, song, surely thou mayest
Whither It please thee
For so art thou ornate that thy reasons
Shall be praIsed from thy understanders,
With others hast thou no wIll to make company
U Called thrones, balasclo or topaze "
Erlugtna was not understood In hIS tIme
t t whIch explains, perhaps, the delay In condemnIng h111l " And they went looking for Manlcheans
And found, so far as I can make out, no Manlcheans
So they dug for, and damned Scotus Erluglna
U AuthorIty comes from right reason,
never the other way on " Hence the delay In condemnmg him
AqUInas head down In a vacuum,
ArIstotle whIch way In a vacuum)
? Sacrum, sacrum, Inlumlnatlo COItu Lo Sordels 51 fo dl Mantovana
of a castle named GOlto C ( FIve castles 9
tc FIve castles' "
(kmg glV' hIm five castles)
tC And what the hell do I know about dye-worls~'n HIS HolIness has wrItten a letter
tC CHARLES the Mangy of AnJou way you treat your men IS a scandal "
DI1ectis mI1. es famlharls castra MantIs Odorisil MantIs Sanctl SilvestrI pallete et pIle
In partlbus ThetIS VIneland
land tIlled
the land Incult
pratls nemorlbus pascuis wIth legal JurIsdIctIon
hIS heIrs of both sexes,
sold the damn lot SIX weeks later,
Sordellus de GOdlO
Quan ben m'alblr e mon rIC pensamen
HOU shalt not," saId MartIn Van Buren, tt Jau 'em for T debt "
tt that an Immigrant shd set out With good banknotes and :find 'em at the end of hIs voyage
but waste paper 1? a man have In pruneval forest set up hIs cabIn, shall rich patroon take It from hIm~ HIgh Judges' Are, I suppose, subject to paSSIons
as have affected other great and good men, also subject to esprIt de corps
The Calhouns" remarked Mr Adams
tt Have flocked to the standard of femInine vIrtue U
tt Peggy Eaton's own story" (HeadlIne 1932 )
Shall we call In the world to conduct our
munIcipal government')
Ambrose (M r) Spencer, Mr Van Renselaer
were agaInst extenSIon of franchIse
tt Who work In factorIes and are employed by the wealthy
(State ConventIon 1821) dIXit Spencer
tt Man who feeds, clothes, lodges another
has absolute control over hIS WIll "
Kent saId they wd tt deplore In sackcloth and ashes 1? they preserved not a senate
to represent landed Interest, and dId they
Jeopard property rlghts~U To whom Mr Somebody TompkIns ct FIlled your arnues
U whIle the prIests were preachIng sedItIon
t t and men of wealth decryIng government credIt"
tt In order to feed on the spoJ. 1s "
Two words, saId Mr Van Buren, came In WIth our revolutIon and, as a matter of fact, why are we sent here'>
cc as for you Mr Cluef Justice Spencer
? tt 1? they vote as they are bid by theIr employers
they wJ11 vote for the property ",-hleh you so Wish to protect"
when a turnpIke depends upon congres~ local superVISIon IS lost
not surrender our conduct to foreIgn aSSOCIatIons workIng classes
who mostly
have no control over paper, and
derIve no profit from bank stock merchants wIll not confess ovel tradIng
nor speculators the dISPOSItion to speculate revenue for wants of the government
to be kept under publIc control natIonal revenue
Into banks of depOSIt In seasons of spec. ulation~
do they pour
dmllnIsh government patronage saIlor
not to be lashed save by court
to actual settler (as agaInst Mr Clay)
And when her father went broke, Mr Eaton gave rise to WashIngton gOSSIp loose morals of Mr Jefferson, SerVIlIty of MartIn Van Buren, saId Adams (J QUIncy) when everyone else IS unCIVIl
u: No where so well depOSIted as In the pants of tIle people, Wealth ain't," saId PreSident Jackson
They give the union five years
Bank did not produce uniform currency
they wd Import graIn rather than grow It
Bank of England faIled to prevent uses of credIt
U In BankIng corporatIons" saId Mr Webster tt the
U mterests of the rIch and the poor are happtly blended" SaId Van Buren to Mr Clay tt If you wIll gIve me
t t A pInch of your excellent Maccoboy snuff "
? In Europe often by prIvate houses, wIthout aSsIstance of banks RelIef 15 got not by Increase
but by dImInutIon of debt
as JustIce Marshall, has gone out of hIS case
TIp an' Tyler
We'll bust Van's biler
blOUght In the vice of luxuria sed aureiS furcuhs, whIch forks were
bought back In the tIme of PresIdent Monroe
by Mr Lee our consul1n Bordeaux
(( The man IS a dough-face, a proflIgate,"
won't say he agrees wIth hIS party
AuthorIzed Its (the banl\. 's) presIdent to use funds at dIscretIon (ItS funds, hIS dIscretIon) to
Influence press
veto power, WIth marked dIscretIon, used no further than In objectIng to bank under charter eXIstIng
H FrIendly feelIng toward our bank In
U the mInd of the PresIdent (Jackson
whose autograph was sent to the PrIncess VIctorIa)
wrote BIddle to Lennox Dec 1829
cc Counter rumours. wIthout foundatIon, I had
U a full and frank talk wIth the PresIdent who was
ct most kind about Its (the bank's) serVIces to the country"
BIddle to HamIlton m November
U To which end, largely Increased lIne of dIscounts
1830, October, 40 mtllion
May, 1837 seventy mIllions and then some
Remembered thIS In Sorrento" In the VICinage of VeSUVIUS near eAhumed Herculaneum
u 30 mIllIon" saId Mr Dan Wester U In states on the MISSISSIPPI Ct WIll all have to be called In, In three
? CC: years and nIne months, If the charter be not extended C( I hesertate nawt tew say et wIll dee-preClerate
CC: everyman's prorperty from the etcetera
U to the kepertal ov MISSOUlI, affect the prIce of
C( crawps, leynd en the prordewce ov labour, to the embararsement "
de mortuls wrote Mr Van Buren
don't qUIte apply In a case of thIS character
4 to 5 nullIon balance m the natIonal treasury ReceIpts 3I to 32 mIllIon
Revenue 32 to 33 mIllIon
The Bank 34I mIllIon, and In deposIts
6 mIllIons of government money (and a majOrIty In the Senate)
PublIC Money m control of the PresIdent
from I5 to 20 thousand (ld est, a fund for the secret serVIce)
tc emplOyIng means at the bank's disposal
In derangmg the country's credIts, obtaInIng by panIC control over publIc mind U saId Van BUlen
t t from the real commIttee of Bank's dIrectors
the government's dIrectors have been excluded
Bank president controllIng government's funds
to the betrayal of the natIon
government funds obstructIng the government
and has sequestered the saId funds of the government
(WIth chapter, date, verse and cltatIon) acting In J. 1legal secret
pourIng oIl on the press
gIVIng nommal loans on mexlstent securIty"
In the eighteen hundred and thirties cc on precedent that Mr HamIlton has
never heSItated to Jeopard the general for advance of particular lnterests "
? tt Bank curtailed
17 mIllion on a lIne of 64 rrulIlon credIts
tt Had not Mr Taney (of the treasury) prevented that branch (In New York) from then collectIng 8 mllhon 700 thousand and armed our CIty WIth 9 mIllIon to defend us (the whole country)
10 thIS war on Its trade and commerce, CambrelIng, Globe Extra 1834
Peggy Eaton's Own Story And 1? MarIetta Had not put on her grandmother's dress
She mIght have lasted, a mystery If Dolores Had not put on a hat shaped lIke a WIg
She nught have remaIned an exotic
Placwt ocuhs, and dId not mInd strong CIgars
IrrItable and unstable,
Is formed, IS destroyed,
Recomposes to be once more decomposed
(thus, descendIng to plant lIfe)
Sorrento, June 21St VJ. 1la Falangola
In the VICInage of VesuvIus, 111 the mIrror of memory Mr Van Buren
Judge Yeats, whom I renlember etc Warded off scrutiny of hIS mental capaCitIes By a dIgnified and prudent reserve wluch
long practIce had made second nature
Alex HamIlton had been blackmaIled but
preferred, In the end, prIvate scandal to shade on hIS publIC career
Marshall, saId Roane, underIIllned the U S ConstItution No man before Tom Jefferson In my house
? Said one of the wool-buyer~
( t Able speech by Van Burell
u Yes, very able"
U Ye-es, Mr Knower, an' on wlch side ov the tarIff was It') tc POInt I was In the act of consIderIng"
replIed Mr Knower
In the 1D. lrror of memory have been told I rendered the truth a great serVIce by that speech on the tarIff but directness on all pOInts wd seem not
to have been Its conSpICUOUS feature
I thanked hIm (James Jones, brother In law of Ml ClInton)
for hIS kInd offer but
saId my fortunes were too low In ebb for me at that moment to compromIse Lacked not who said that John Adams
dIslIked not so much the Idea of a monarch as preferred Braintree House over Hanover and hiS son, seeking lIght from the stars deplored that representatives be paralyzed by the Will of constituents
tt I publicly answered more questions than all other preSidents put together"
Signed Martin Van Buren tt Mr Webster In debt to the bank "
Damned yellow rascal, said Clay 4t Unnecessary, therefore InJurious
Interference on the part of the govelnment And they and their gang In congress
debated three months Without IntrodUCIng one solitary proposItIon to reverse Taney's deCISion or In any way to relIeve any distress
t1 duol che sopra Senna Induce, falseggta1zdo fa 11101zeta
'that year Metevsky went over to AmerIca del Sud A(and the Pope's manners were so like Mr Joyce's,
got that way In the VatIcan, weren't lIke that before)
MarconI knelt In the anCIent manner
lIke JImmy Walker saYIn' hIs prayers
I1:IS HolIness expressed a polIte curIOSIty
as to how HIS Excellency had chased those
electrIC shakes through the a'mosphere LucreZIa
Wanted a rabbIt's foot,
and he, Metevsky saId to the one sIde
(three chIldren, five abortIons and dIed of the last) he saId the other boys g<9t more munItions
(thus cIgar-makers whose work IS hIghly repetItIve
can perform the necessary operatIons almost automatIcally
and at the same tIme hsten to readers who are hIred
for the purpose of provIdIng mental entertaInment whtle they work, Dexter Kunball 192. 9 )
Don't buy until you can get ours And he went over the border
and he saId to the other sIde
The other side has more mtlnltions Don't buy
until you can get ours
And Akers made a large profit and Imported gold Into England Thus IncreaSing gold unports
The gentle reader has heard thIS before And that year Mr WhItney
Parad,so XIX, I18
? SaId how useful short sellIn' was,
We suppose he meant to the brokers
And no one called hIm a lIar
And two Afghans came to Geneva
To see 1? they cd get some guns cheap,
As they had heard about someone's dIsarmIng And the secretary of the somethIng
Made some money from 011 wells
(In the name of God the Most GlorIOUS Mr D'Arcy IS empowered to scratch through the sub-solI of PersIa
until :? ifty years from thIS ciate )
Mr Mellon went over to England
and that year Mr WIlson had prostatItIS
And there was talk of a new MesSIah
(that must have been a bIt sooner)
And Her Ladyslup cut down Jenny's allowance Because of that bItch Agot IpsWIch
And that year (that wd be . 20 or IS years sooner) They began to kIll 'em by mIllIons
Because of a louse In BerlIn
and a greasy basturd In Ausstrla By name Fran~OIS GIuseppe
t~ W J . 1 1 t h e r e b e w a r " > " t t N o , M I S S W l ' ! e t , tt On account of blzschnlz relations"
Said the soap and bones dealer In May 1914 And Mr Gandhi thought
1? we don't buy any cotton
And at the same tIme don't buy any guns MonSieur Untel was not found at the Jockey Club
but was, later, found In Japan
And So-and-So had shares In MItSUI
t t The wood (walnut) wIll always be wanted for gunstocks" And they put up a watch factory outsIde Muscou
And the watches kept time Italian marshes
? been waItIng SInce TIberlUS' tIme
U Marry" saId Beebe, tt how do the ? sh lIve In the sea" RIvera, the SpanIsh dIctator, dIctated that tIle
Infante was physIcally unfit to InherIt
gothIc type stul used In Vienna because the old folks are used to that type
And Schlossmann
suggested that I stay there In VIenna As stool-pigeon against the Anschluss
Because the Ausstrlans needed a Buddha (Seay, brother, I Ieev et tuh yew')
The white man who made the tempest In Baluba Der 1m Baluba das Gewltter gemacht hat
they spell words with a drum beat,
cc The country 15 overbrained " said the hunganan nobleman In 1923 Kosouth (Ku' shoot) used, I ullderstand
To SIt In a cafe-all done by conversatlon-
It was all done by conversatIon,
pOSSIbly because one repeats the pOInt when conversing tt VIenna contalns a mIxture of races"
wd I stay and be Bhudd-ha')
et They are accustomed to haVIng an Emperor They must have SomethIng to worshIp ( 1927) "
But theIr humour about lOSIng the Tyrol~
TheIr humour IS not qwte so broad
The ragged arab spoke WIth Frobenlus and told hIm
The names of 3000 plants
Bruhl found some languages full of detail Words that half mimIC actIon, but
generalIzatIon IS beyond them, a whIte dog 18 not, let us say, a dog hke a black dog
Do not happen, Romeo and JulIet unhappJ. 1y I have lost the cuttmg but apparently
such things do stIll happen, he SUICided outSIde her door whtle
? the famIly was preparIng her body for burIal, and she knew that thIs was the case
Green, black, December SaId Mr Blodgett
<< SeWing machInes wIll never come Into general use
U I have of course never s'ud that the cash IS constant (Douglas) and In fact the populatIon (BrItaIn 1914)
was left wIth 800 mIllIons of tt deposIts" after all the cash had been drawn, and these deposits were satIsfied by the
prInting of treasury notes A factory
has also another aspect, whIch we call the finanCIal aspect It gives people the power to buy (wages, dIVIdends whIch are power to buy) but It IS also the cause of prices or values, finanCial, I mean finanCIal values
It pays workers, and pays for materIal
What It pays In wages and diVIdends
stays flUid, as power to buy, and thiS power 15 less, per ? orza, damn blast your Intellex, IS less
than the total payments made by the factory
(as wages, dIVIdends AND payments for raw materIal
bank charges, etcetera)
and all, that 1S the whole, that IS the total of these IS added Into the total of prIces caused by that factory, any damn factory and there IS and must be therefore a clog and the power to purchase can neyer
(under the present system) catch up with prIces at large,
and the light became so brIght and so blIndln" In thiS layer of paradIse
that the mInd of man was bewtldered 19?
? SaId I-Ierr Krupp (1842) guns are a merchandise I approach them from the IndustrIal end,
I approach them from the technIcal side,
1847 orders from ParIS and Egypt orders from the CrImea,
Order of PIetro 11 Grande,
and a Command In the Le81011 of Honour
500 to St Petersburg and 300 to Napoleon Barblchc from Creusot A t Sadowa
AustrIa had some Krupp cannon,
PrussIa had some Krupp cannon
tt The Emperor ('68) IS deeply In'erested In yr catalogue and In yr serVIces to humanIty"
(sIgned) Leboeuf who was a relative of MonsIeur Schneider
I 900 fifty thousand operal,
53 thousand cannon, about half for hIs country,
Bohlem und Halbach,
Herr SchneIder of Creusot
TWin arse wIth one belly
Eugene, Adolf and Alfred U more mone} from guns than from
tract. tles"
Eugene was sent to the deputIes,
(Soane et LOIre) to the Deputies, mInIster, Later rose to be mInister,
tt guns comIng from anywhere,
but approprIatIons from the Chambers of ParlIaments n
In 1874 reed license for free exportation
Adopted by 2. 2. natIons
1885/1900 produced ten thousand cannon
to 1914, 34 thousand
one half of them sent out of the country
always 111 the chamber of deputies, always a conservatIve, Schools, churches, orspltals fer the warkIn' man
Sand plIes fer the chIldren
? OppOSIte the Palace of the SchneIders
Arose the monument to Herr HenrI
Chantlers de la Glronde, Bank of the ParIs Union, The franco-Japanese bank
Fran~olSde Wendel, Robert Protot To frIends and enemIes of tomorrow
tt the most powerful unIon IS doubtless that of the Conute des Forges,"
\c: And God take your lIvIng " saId Hawkwood 15 mtll10n Journal des Debats
30 mullon paId to Le Temps
Eleven for the Echo de ParIS
Polloks on SchneIder patents Our bank has bought us
a lot of shares In MItSUI
Who ann 50 dIvIsIons, who keep up the Japanese army and they are destIned to have a large future
c t falre passer ces affalres
avant ceux de la natIon "
ESOLA TE IS the roof where the cat sat, DDesolate IS the Iron raIl that he walked
And the corner post whence he greeted the sunnse
thkk, thgk"
of the loom
Ct Thgk, thkk " and the sharp sound of a song under olIves
When I lay In the Ingle of CIrce I heard a song of that kInd
Fat panther lay by me
GIrls talked there of fuckIng, beasts talked there of eating,
All heavy wIth sleep, fucked gIrls and fat leopards,
Lions loggy wIth CIrce's tIsane,
GIrls leery wIth CIrce's tIsane , ,l. . . ' ,~
Kal<a 't'app. . aK EOWKElI kaka pharmak edoken
The house of smooth stone that you can see from a distance AVKOL OPEUTEPOL, ~OE AE01lTES
lukol oresterol ede leontes
wolf to curry favour for food -born to HellOS and Persels
That had Paslphae for a tWIn
Venter venustus, cunni cultrlx, of the velvet marge
vet novum, canorum, ver novum Spring overborne Into summer
late sprIng In the leafy autumn
,,0. ). ,011 a. OU5La. Et KALON AOIDIAEI
"H 8eos, ,qE 'YV1l~ c/>8E'Y'YWJ. LE8a- 8a. uuov
r theos c gune ptheggometha thasson
In hIll path
? Fust honey and cheese
honey at first and then acorns
Honey at the start and then acorns
honey and wine and then acorns
Song sharp at the edge, her crotch lIke a young saplIng illa dolore obmutult, parlter vocem
'AAA' d. AATJv xp~ TrpiiJTov fOSOV TEAECTat, Kat \KEU8at 490/5 El~ 'Atoao 86J. LOV~ K a t E1TaLlIfj~ llepCTE</>OVEL'YJ4)'
lflvxfi XPTJCTOfLEVOvr; 8T1{3aLov TELpeOLao
MC? VT't]O~ , aAaov T O V 'TE cPPEVE~ EP. 'TTE8oL ELCJ"L
Tif Ka. t TE(JlITjfiJTt VOOV '/Tope ITEpCTE</>OVELa
When Hathor was bound In that box afloat on the sea wave
Came Mava sWimming wIth lIght hand lifted In overstroke sea blossom wreathed In her locks,
U What are you box;> "
(C IamHathor"
Che mal da me non 51 parte II dlletto
Fulvlda dl folgore
Came here w lth Glaucus unnoticed, nee IVl 111 harum Nec In harum Ingressus sum
DISCUSS this In bed said the lady Eune kal phtlotetl ephata Ktrkh
Euv~ 1Ca. ~ q,tA6T7]". t, EcP<<T4 Kl,plCTJ
es thalamon
'Ef {}a:Xap. ov
Eurtlochus, Macer, better there wIth good acorns Than wIth a crab for an eye, and 30 fathom of fishes Green sWish In the socket,
Under the portico Ktrke U I thInk you must be Odysseus
feel better when you have eaten 194
? Always wIth your mind on the past Ad Orcum autem qUlsquam~
nondum nave nIgra pervenlt Been to hell In a boat yet~
Sumus In fide Puellaeque canamus sub nocte
there In the glade
To Flora's nIght, wIth hyaclnthus,
With the crocus (sprIng sharp In the grass,)
FIfty and forty together
Betuene AprIle and Merche
With sap new In the bough
WIth plum flowers above them
With almond on the black bough
With JasmIne and olive leaf, To the beat of the measure From star up to the half-dark From half-dark to half-dark
UnceaSIng the measure Flank by flank on the headland
With the Goddess' e}es to seaward By CIrceo, by Terraclna, WIth the stone eyes
whIte toward the sea WIth one measure, unceasing
et Fac deum' " ct Est factus" Ver novum'
ver novum' Thus made the sprIng,
Can see but theIr eyes In the dark
not the bough that he walked on
? Beaten from flesh Into lIght
Hath swallowed the fire-ball
A traverso Ie fogIle
HIS rod hath made god In my belly
SIC loquItur nupta Cantat SIC nupta
Dark shoulders have stIrred the lIghtnIng A gIrl's arms have nested the fire,
Not I but the handmaId kIndled Cantat SIC nupta
I have eaten the flame
? XL
SPRIT de corps In permanent bodIes
Ett Of the same trade," SmIth, Adam, U men
never gather together
tc WIthout a conspIracy agamst the general publIC "
Independent use of money (our OWN) toward holdIng OUR bank, own bank
and In It the deposIts, received, where receIved
De banchls camhi tenendl VenIce 1361,
'62. shelved for a couple of centuries tc whether by prIvates or publIC
currency OF (0, F, of) the natIon
Toward prodUCIng that Wide expanse of clean lawn Toward that deer park toward
the playIng fields, congerIes, SWImmIng pools, undsowelter Sword-fish, seven marlIn, world's record
extracted In 24 hours
Wd make the loan, sterling, eight hundred thousand
1? Peabody wd qUit busIness
England 1858
IS permitted for 50 years to dIg up the subSOIl of Persia
'62. , report of committee
Profit on arms sold to the government Morgan
(Case 97) sold to the government the government's arms I mean the government owned 'em already
at an extortIonate profit
Dollars 160 thousand, one swat, to Mr Morgan
for forCIng up gold
? CC TakIng advantage of emergency" (that IS war) After Gettysburg, down 5 pOints In one day- Bulls on gold and bears on the UnIon
U Business prospered due to war's faIlures"
,,. If a natzon WIll master tts 111-01tey"
Boutwell decIded bonds shd be sold dIrect by the treasury Mr Morgan contrIbutIons to the RepublIcan Party, largely to the republican party
Beecher's church organIzed by realty agents- Belmont representIng the Rothschllds
tt speCIe payment's resumptIon
ct enriched a small group of holders "
stock subscrIptIon (raIlway constructIon)
seldom over 30 percent
In '76 default 39% of the total
that IS 39 per cent of the
bonds for raIlway constructIon
SaId Mr Corey (( there bemg no central InstItutIon as In London "
PUJO InvestIgatIon SaId Mr Morgan
tc never sold short In my lIfe J ) havIng learned that a hIgh degree of lIqUIdIty
1907 ec cd not have been done WIthout Mr Baker
tt we cdnt have stopped It (the panIc)
As to the government's arms they were bought by one government office before they had been sold
(as condemned) by another dItto (1 e government office) passing through a species of profit SIeve
It A greek," saId Ionldes or some other Hellene,
ce honest after he has cleaned up 2. 0 thousand"
meanIng twenty thousand pund sterhng
WIth our eyes on the new gothIC reSIdence, With our
eyes on PalladIo, With a desIre for selgnleurlal splendours 198
? (AGALMA, haberdashery, clocks, ormoulu, brocatellt, tapestrIes, unreadable volumes bound In tree-calf, half-morocco, morocco, tooled edges, green rIbbons, flaps, farthIngales, nchus, cutIes, shortIes, pInkIes
et cetera
that he ply beyond pIllars of Herakles
60 shIps of armada to layout Phoeneclan cItIes
to each shIp 50 oars, In all
30 thousand aboard them wIth water, wheat In prOVlS. lOn Two days beyond Gibel Tara layed In the WIde plaIn Thumlatehyon, went westward to Sol01s
an headland covered WIth trees
Entha hleron Poseldonos, agaInst the sun half a day
IS seabord marshland hIgh-murmurIng rushes
In that place great elephant herds
and beasts many other amongst them
So laId we house Karikon, Gutta, Akra, Meh, Arambo These are the CItIes, then LIKOS
Pours down from out of HIgh LIbya
The lixitae frIendly cowboys and herders
Up country be aethloplans lfvlng wIth untamed beasts shut In by the LixtuS n10untain
whereon are mIsshapen men sWIfter than horses
Men of Lixtae came wIth us to Interpret
for 1. 2. days sallIng southward, southward by desert one day saIled agaInst sun, there 15 an harbour
wIth an Island 1 5 mIles I n circumference,
We bUIlt there, callIng It Cyrne
belieVing It OppOSIte Carthage as our sauIng tIme was the same as from Calthage to the Ptllars
? Past Xrestes, a great rIver,
a lagoon wIth three larglsh Islands
a day onward great hIlls end an Inlet, TheIr folk wear the hides of wIld beasts and threw rocks to stone us,
so prevented our landIng
Next 15 a rIver wIde, full of water
crocoddes, rIver horses, Thence we turned back to Cyrne for 12 days coasted the shore
Aethlops fled at our comIng
Our LIxtae cd not understand theln
12th day rose the woody mountain
WIth great soft smell from the trees
all perfumes many-mingling
Two days, the wIde bayou or Inlet
Lay flatland above It busy by nIght WIth fires Ftlled our tanks, saIled 5 days along shore
Came then West Horn, the Island that closes Its harbour And by day we saw only forest,
by nIght theIr fires WIth sound of pIpe against pipe
The sound ply over ply, cymbal beat agaInst cymbal, The drum, wood, leather, beat, beat nOIse to make terror The diViners told us to clear
Went from that :fire fragrance,
flames flowed mto sea,
FearIng and SWIftly, the land by night decked WIth flame
One pIllar of lIght above others
Scorched at the sky and stars
By day thIS stood an hIgh mountaIn
That they call the gods' carroch
By flame for three days to South Horn, the bayou,
the Island of folk hairy and savage
whom our Llxtae said were Gorillas
We cd not take any man, but three of their women
2. 00
? TheIr men clomb up the crags,
Ramed stone, but we took three women
who bit, scratched, wd not follow theIr takers KIlled, flayed, brought back their pelts Into Carthage Went no further that voyage,
as were at end of prOVISIons Out of whIch thmgs seekIng an eXIt
To the hIgh air, to the stratosphere, to the ImperIal calm, to the empyrean, to the batly of the four towers the NOUS, the meffable crystal
Karxedonlon Baslleos
hung thIs With hIS map m theIr temple
M saId the Boss, t ( edlvertente "
catchIng the pOInt before the aesthetes had got there,
HavIng draIned off the muck by Vada
From the marshes, by Clrceo, where no one else wd have
draIned It
WaIted 2. 000 years, ate graIn from the marshes,
Water supply for ten mIllIon, another one mIllIon t:t va11t " that IS rooms for people to hve In
XI of our era Story told by the meZZO-YIt
That they were to have a consortIum and one of the potbellIes says
wIll come In for 12 mIllIon" And another three nullyum for my cut, And another we wIll take eIght,
And the Boss saId but what villI you
DO WIth that money'> "
tt But' but' sIgnore, you do not ask a man what he wtll do WIth hIs money
That 18 a personal matter
And the Boss saId but wbat wIll you do') You won't really need all that money
because you are all for the confine"
( t N01 Cl faCClam sgannar per ~. 1ussohnl"
said the commandante della pIazza (C Popolo" sald etCl U 19norante,
U And the worst of 'em allis my tc donna" (In the thIrd year of hIS age)
? ct Where the Pope goes IS lack of money Because of the mass of clerIcs
who brIng cheques for the banks to cash,. And for these the banks must pay money
And you must know how they pay, and
when and on what days there ale markets
and In whlcl1 ~easons are the fairs, and
when they need money 1n whIch vrhere
and what are the rates of exchange
(Messlre Uzzano I n 1442 )
To have shortage neither In time nor In place bJt to have money there ready
for sallmg of ships, wangles of merchants and for the due pay for soldIers
both from commune or overlord, and you must work day and nIght
to keep up with your letters
Eleven hours the day, 32. centimes the hour U And you stole It "
said the employer at Orbe
After the boss had worn out hIS best only shoes Monday 14th, In the morning
After SIX days In the training corps
They sent him back to the front
(documento) Geschlchte und Lebensbllder
Temperature of enormous Importance
Erneuerung des Rellglosen Lebens
more especially In mountaIn warfare
In den Deutschen Befrelungskrlegen, by WIlhelm Baur This remarkable work was presented
to the young Uhlan officer
by her Imperial majesty Augusta VIctoria Wlth a tender and motherly dedIcation
2? 3
? Renewal of higher hfe
In the struggle for German freedom, 19 hundred and 8, In mountain warfare,
ordlne, contrordIne e dlsordine
tC una pace qualunque "
SOCIal content to the war
The young Uhlan was never out of unIform from h s eighth year ttll the end of the war
contrordlne e dlsordlne
Trees, hedges of whIte thorn, toward San CaSCIano were stIff frosted WIth sllver-
2. 0 metres between the trenches
U was IdentIfied as the hospItal where Mussohnl from photo In Corriere dl DomenIca, and then bombed
Feldmarschall Hlndenburg In the ImperIal box
Heard for the first time Mozart and asked what the nOise was all thIS god damned cultural nonsense
But FrItz' father had kept the letter
That he, Herr Nvon so Forth. shd back up
hiS, Hmdenburg's apphcatlon
for a seven dollar per year Increase In penslon- fees due hIm for haVing partIcipated In the
Battle of Waffenschlag, In the seventies or whenever Una pace qualunque Over Udlne
wd have called that eagle a portent (t Yes,SIr,weWJ. 11:filethat"
saId the seventh under eat's dogkeeper when he rec'd the Hun ultimatum,
The rest being nacherly on french vacatIon 1914 I:t At any rate, he had the fleet out"
remarked WInston's mama tee Never " saId WInston to hIS cousin
tt waste time making munItIons Be a GUN, and shoot other's munItIons
? Don't waste tIme havmg Ideas" (COUSIn deeply Impressed but
dId not achIeve lastIng preemInence)
In that world whIch M Crevel has depIcted
In the world of Esperanza, PrImrose and Augusta, of fat fussy old women and of fat fussy old men (( Sure they want war," saId BIll Yeats,
tc They want all the young gals fer themselves" That llovely unconSCIOUS world
slop over slop, and blue rIbbons
U PIg and PIffle" they called It In prIvate
10 pence per copy to make, 6 pence on the stands
and each year 2. 0 thousand In profits
Pays to control the TImes, for Its effect on the market (( where there IS no censorshIp by the state
there IS a great deal of manIpulatIon "
and news sense~ CosImo FIrst guaranteed It
To pay 5%on Its stock, Monte del Paschl and to lend at 5 and ~
Overplus of all profit, to rehef works and the admInIStratIon on moderate pay
that stood even after Napoleon SaId C H U To strangle the bankers ~" And Woergl m our tIme'
To the Count de Vergennes ParIS, August 1785 ConsumptIon tobacco, esteemed In francs
15 to 30 mullon pounds, let us say It may be 2. 4 delivered In ports of France @ 8 sous
9 mtlhon 600 thousand at the rate 6 SOllS to manufacture
7 millIon and somethIng revenue to the KIng 30 nulhon
to the consumer 72.
? expense of the tax In collectIon 15 therefore say 25 mtlhon
presumptuous to assume
'"rwenty tmlhon Irenchmen, 19 m. llhons accursed, Mrs Trlstj In every materIal CIrcumstance
PublIC debt IncreaSIng at about one mIllIon a yeal
Y ou wul see by GallatIn's speeches
Saddled by bank, led by a brIdle
NatIonal property beIng Increased
must furnish adequate representatIon
all Imported commodItIes are raIsed about 50 percent Vol IX 337, Lands rose In a vortex of paper,
not here where the banks do not reach MechanICS get I 50 a day
But are worse off than WIth the old wages
Independent use of our money toward holding our bank
Mr Jefferson to Colonel Monroe
12. 0 mdhon german fuses used by the allIes to kill Germans BrItIsh gunsights from lena
SchneIder Creusot armed Turkey
Copper from England thru Sweden Mr Hatfield
Patented hIS new shell In eIght countrIes
ad InterIm 1933
E ought, I thInk, to say In CIVIl terms You be damned'
(Palmerston, to Russell rei Chas H Adams)
t And how thIS people CAN In thls the fifth
et cetera year of the war, leave that old etcetera up there on that monument' ' H G to E P 1918
Lex salIca' lex GermanIca, Antonmus saId law rules at sea
FIXED In the soul, nell' anIma, of the IllustrIOus College They had been ten years propOSIng such a Monte,
That IS a speCIes of bank-damn good bank, In SIena
A mount, a bank, a fund a bottom an
lnstItutIon of credIt
a place to send cheques In and out of
and yet not yet a banco dl gIro, and the Bauey
sought VIews from the Senate C WIth paternal affectIon JustIce convenIence of CIty what college had wIth such foresIght wherefore S A (Y our HIghness) as In register N o v 162. 4
follOWIng detaIls as thIrd, a Yearly balance
as 5th that any CItIzen shall have rIght to depOSIt
and to frUIts therefrom resultant at five percent annual Interest and that borrowers pay a bIt over that
for serVIces (del mInlstrl) that IS for runnIng expenses
and book keepIng whIch shall be counted a half seudo
per hundred per year
(All of thIS IS Important)
and 6thly that the MagIstrate gIve hIS chIef care that the speCIe
2? 9
? +-
be lent to whomso can best use It USE IT
(zd est, PIU utzl1nente)
to the good of theIr houses, to benefit of their busIness
as of weaVIng, the wool trade, the sIlk trade
And that (7thly) the overabundance every five years shall the
dIstrIbute to workers of the contrade (the wards) holdIng In
reserve a prudent proportIon as agaInst unforeseen losses
though there shd be NO such losses
and 9th that the borrowers can pay up before the end of theIr term whenso It be to theIr Intelest No debt to run more than five years
July 1623
Loco SIgnl
[a cross In the margm]
That plofit on depOSIts should be used to cover all losses
al1d the dIstrIbutIons on the fifth year be made from remaln1ng profits, after restoratIon of losses no (bel1,che) matter how
WIth sane small reserve agaInst future Idem
I, LIVIO PasqUInI, notary, CItIzen of SIena, most f'llthfully copIed July 18th 1623
Consules, JudIces, and notary publIC pro serenlSSlmo
attest LIVID'S superscrIpt next date beIng November wave falls and the hand falls
Thou shalt not always walk In the sun or see weed sprout over cornice
Thy work In set space of years, not over an hundred
That the Mount of PIty (or Hock Shop)
muniCipal of SlC1l. a has lent only on pledges
that IS on stuff actu11ly hocked wd be we belIeve useful and beneficent that there be place to lend liCitly MONEY to receIve lICItly mone}
at moderate and legItImate Interest
2. 10
? was sent months ago to YYour HHlghness AA VV a memorIal to erect aNew MountaIn
could accept speCIe from UnlverSItIes (Id est congiegatlons)
and IndIvIduals and from Luoghl
I e companIes and persons botll publIc and prIvate \VHOMSO:CVER
not lequIrIng that they have specIal prIVIlege because of theIr state or condItIons but to folk of ANY CONDITION
that the same Mount cd/lend on good Mallevadorla (that IS securIty) at the same rate plus a L. ttle over
to cover current expenses of superVIsors and employees & beIng sent to YY HHlghnesses (AA VV = YY HH) that you might understand It
that It be brought to cons1deratlon wIth certaIn detaIls discussed first orally and then put Into wrItIng
(111 what wd seem to have been r622. )
StatIng that SIena had no Income and TheIr HIghnesses had prOVIded credIt from customs
and from mIscellaneous taxes
and that the Grand Duke hadn't lost anythIng by It
Plus a lIst of Slenese assets (coolIsh)
Plus a lIen on t The Abundance'
And knOWIng that all thIs IS but a lIttle
Pledge the persons and goods of the laity
And leave open door to other towns In the state
who care to gIve sImIlar pledges
And that whoso puts In money shall have lots In the Monte
that yIeld 5%Interest
and that these shareholders shall receIve theIr due frUIt And that the Gd Duke make known at SIena
to the same deputIes of the BaIley
but that It be separate from the Pawn Shop
and have Its own magIstrates and employees
and that YYour HHIghnesses send approbatIon
? commandIng theIr wIll, we humbly wIth reverence the 29th day of Xember 1622
servants of YYour HHlghnesses
NIcolo de AntIlle HoratIo Glonfigholl Sebastlano Cellesl
TThelr HHlghnesses gratlfied
the CIty of thIS demand to
erect aNew Monte
for good public and private and to facllItate
agreed to accommodate
and to lend the fund agaInst the Gd Duke's
publIc entrIes to the sum of
. 200,000 scudl
capItal for frUit at 5%annual whIch IS 10,000 a year
assIgned on the office of graZIng
on cautIon of said securIty offered leaVIng ground for other towns that WIsh to partICIpate
WIth TTheir HHIghnesses
approbatIons as follows
Marla Maddalena Tutrlce
Hor della Rena 30 Xembre 1622.
the l11ustrIOtls BaIley executed In toto & as per true rescrIpt of
TThelr HHIghnesses
2. Jan 16. 12.
CenZlO Grcol1Ill which date goes In the Slenese calendar
Needs a stamp refer to
the Governor Fabblzio bollo
veda Governatore
2. 12
? whereof December was the x th month and March was the New Year
ACTUM SENIS, the ParIsh of San Joann! } In the Gd Ducal Palace
present the MarqUIS Joanne Chrlstophoro tIle
Il1ustliOUS MarqUIS Antony Mary of MalaspIna
and the most renowned Johnny somethIng or other de Blnls FlorentIne Senator, wItness and I notary undersIgned
Ego LIVIUS Pasqulnus of Marlus
(deceased) filIUS ApostolIC ImperIal and PontIfical notary publIc Judge OrdInary, CItIzen of SIena
let all sundry and whoever be
satIsfied that the saId MOUNT may be created
so that the echo turned back In my mInd PaVIa Saw CItIes move In one figure, VIcenza, as depicted San Zeno by AdIge
de Cagnascis CItIzen of PistoJa FlorentIne notary publIc
Senatus Populusque SenensIs OB PECUNIAE SCARCITATEM
borrOWIng, rIggIng exchanges, lICIt consumptIon Impeded
and It IS gettIng steadIly WORSE others WIth speCIe abundant do not use It In busmess
(to be young IS to suffer
Be old, and be past that)
do not use It In bUSIness and everyone remaIns here WIthout work
few come to buy 10 the market
fewer still work the fields Monte non vacabI1Is publICO
shares not to expire WIth death wIll TTheir HHlghnesses agaInst publIC entrIes
. 213
? get that straight-eapital two hundred thousand whIch wd correspond to 10,000 Income
on the entrIes of the office of grazIng
With precautIons (cauteles)
to guarantee theIr same HIghnesses agaInst any possIble loss WhIch Idea dates at least to July 1623
dIe decima ottava
and other COpIes 162. 4, 1622-
whIch seems to have been approved ( l,st October' by Della Rena and M Magdalene the She Guard'an, tutnce, more or less regent
Don Ferdlnandus Secundus
and hIS Serenest she tutrIces WIth publIc documentatIon for ptlbllC and prIvate utllIty foreseeIng erection
legItimate and Just, such a MOUNTAIN
,? ? 1.
Chlgl, Sofficl, Marcellus de' 111urI,
no, Marcellus AustInl, Caloanes Marescottl and Lord Mt Alban effected
that the officers of thIS MountaIn
and In tIme to come all theIr successors
shares that shall be called Loca Montls-
Have you a place on the HIll, SIr'
out of sure knowledge and
ex certe SClentIa et In plenItude of theIr powers mVlolable for observance, so to be con1prehended
10 thousand scudl
de hbris septeno
? one scudo worth 7 lire
In respect to 200,000 (two hundred thousand)
Du"'{ J\'1agnus
. 214
o the serenlSSImo nno (pronounced DomIno) T'1nd hIs most serene aftercomers
thIngs, persons et omnIa a11a Juva whatever
and the cash In the Pawn Shop
(Mount of PIty)
elusdem CIvItatIs Senen
there beIng In the thIrd place
. 2 thousand 310 there to the credIt of
The MagnIficent MagIstrates and Lords Officers
and 3756 In the same Mount
descrIbed as to credIt of citIzens
'lnd In common called money of Genova
and Most Serene M DtlX
and serenest (femInIne) tutrIces
by the saId Masters DeputIes of the BaIley
as to the best mode and oblIgations and cautlO. t1S most ample dee-liberatIon
prayer, supplIcation as herewIth and herefollowIng
VIdelIcet 11hgatl In the Narne of OmnIpotent God
and the GlorIous VIrgIn our Advocate
to the Gd Duke's honour and exaltatIon
the Most Serene, Tuscanlss1mo Nostro SIgnore
In the Lord's year 1622 Saturday fourth day of Ivlarch
at"> VIth (hour"> after sunrIse or whatever)
called together assembled In general
counell of the People of the CIty of SIena magnrficent SymbolIc good of the Commune
and fatherland ddettlsslmo
? having chief place and desIre that the
citIzens get satisfactIon (siano soddlsfattI) contentmcl1t
and be fully persuaded of
what for the common good IS here being dealt wIth
as we have already been for ten years prOjectIng thiS MONTE for gt future benefit to the city
Worthy wIll to the chosen end Ob pecunlae scarsltatem
S P SENENsis ac pro eo amplIsslm Baha CollegIum CIVlces vlgiiantiae
totIUS CIvItatIS
Urban VllIth of Siena, Ferd I mag duce dO nO fellcItatem domInante et Ferd I
Roman Emperor as elected
12. 5 I of the Protocols marked also
X, I, I, F, and four arabIc
because there was shortage of COIn, In November because of taxes, exchanges, tax laylngs and usurIes legItImate consumptIon Impeded
ten thousand on the office of pasturage
to the end
four fat oxen haVIng theIr arses wIped
and In general beIng tIdIed up to serve god under my WIndow WIth stoles of ImperIal purple
WIth tassels, and grooms before the carrOCClO
on whIch carroch SIX lIon heads
to receIve the wax offerIng
Thus arrIve the gold eagles, the banners of the contrade, and boxes of candles
tMn-Y A WWH'" ' SZld the left front ox, suddenly,
(pnAWH' ' as they tIed on hIS red front band, 2. 16
? St George, two hokey-pokey stands and the unIcorn ~ NlcchIO' NICch-IO-ne'"
The kalhpygous Slenese females get that way from the saltte
that IS from continual pluggmg up hIll One box marked C 200 LIRE'
C laudate puerl '
alIas serve God wIth candles
wIth the pallo and 17 banners
and when SIX men had hOIsted up the bIg candle a bIt askew In the carroch and the fore ox had been finally arse-wlped
they set off toward the Duomo, tIme
consumed 1 hour and 17 mInutes
on the securIty
mobIle and ImmobIle
of IndivIdual CItIzens
In the CIty or wheresoever REE- sponslbIIIty quocunque alIunde
and thIS ohltgatto, oblIgatIon shd/be dIvIded by portIon of ImmobIle goods
thus delIberated In full meetIng
In the name of the OMNIPOTENT, and of the glorIOUS VIrgIn M4 (meanIng Marla) our Advocate
year of salvatIon 162. 2. on a Saturday
as was the 4th day of March
havIng already ten years ago started propOSIng
representatIves of the whole people
and below wrItten notarIes publIc
two hundred thousand
(scudI) Malster AugustIno ChISIO equltes
anointed of the order of Stephen (pope, holy) ducatorum~ no ducentorum
a return of 10,000 scud!
. 2. 17
? In the parIsh of San GlovannJ (Joann15)
To be or not to be tIed up WIth the Pawn Shop and hIS successors In the Great Duchy
guarantee of the Income from graZIng
up to (IllegIble) saId to mean, no
llbrls septem, the Stlm of, sunln1arn, t;cut')rum ten thousand
On securIty nlobl1e and lIl"'lnoblle
Out of Syracuse not haVIng money aboalJ
to Athens at credItors' rIsk
cut the salls, dumped 011 at an Island
btlt the S 0 man wouldnt swallow It
Up to the quantIty of 200,000 on the whole people's credIt for publIc and prIvate utIlIty
shares to be called Loea Montls whIch IS to say SItes on tIle MountaIn
@ 100 scudl to gIve 5 scud] 1. year as long as the MOUNT endure
there first was the frult of nature there was the whole WIll of the people
serene M Dux and HIS tutrIces
and lords deputIes of the Balley, In name of OmnIpotent God
best mode etcetera, and the GlorIOUS Vlrgln convoked and gathered together 1622
general counctl there were I 17 counCIllors
In the hall of World Map, With bells and WIth VOIce of the Cryer (II Bandltore)
shares of Mount to yIeld five scudl on each hundred per annUln, and to be separate from the PITY
2. 18
? wIth Its own magIstrates, Its own mInIsters IlluS Balla esegulsca In tutto
RescrIpt of TThelr HHlghnesses
ACTUM SENIS In Parochla S GiovanniS blank leaves at end up to the Index
hoc dIe declm' octavo, from the Incarnation year 162. 3 Celso had a wheat scheme
July to December, July to Novc1'Dber Grass nowhere out of place
PIne cuts the sky Into three Thus BANK of the grassland was raIsed Into Seignory
statl fattl Slgnorla, beIng present ParIs Bolgarlni cledlt of the Commune of SIena
12. of the BaIley present went Into comm. . . ttee I cancellarlus wrote to HIS HIghness
A New Mount that shall receIve from all sorts of persons
from Luoghl publIc and prIvate, prIvIleged and non-prIvIleged a base, a fondo, a deep, a sure and a certaIn
the CIty haVIng t" entrate '
150 to- scud1 2. 00
the customs and pubhc Income
to guarantee whIch
wd/suffice 8 to 10 thousand yearly
on the gabelle and/or on the dogana
Tuesday 3 Jan to Wed 6 Eplfany 162. 2.
a New Monte requested to bear @ 5% annual
16. 12. January, assigned on the Paschl
Qffo de Pasch!
March 162. 2 Donna Orsola of wherever removed from the book of the S1enese publIC women (motIon approved by the Batley) March 2. 4 agaIn appeared black money from Florence
Monte de F1I'enze, vacabtle, 15. 91,
? payable every two months had been 8 and 1/2 gangstelS admItted
1621 to provIde WORK for the populace regIster, rescrIpt
raZl0 della Rena to be recagnlzed
as IllegItImate father of the bastards of PIetro de MedicI at 100 scud! per annum
If you follow me, not as the
legItImate father of PIetro's IllegItImate offsprIng
Orbem bellis, urbem gabelhs, Urbanus octavus ImplevIt
June 21St FrIday or thereabouts 162. 4
agreed to magIstrate's order that
Mrs Margurlta de Pecora Gallo
be relnoved from the register of the town whores of SIena, on charge of thIevery
Fllday the first day of July
Merchants spoke to the BaIley, actIon on Monte Nuovo delayed
Jan 162. 2. the Duke answered, and already spoke of the grass land
16 July, Monte Nuovo, commIttee to arrange It
New Mount approved by theIr HIghnesses
Xbre Monte Paschale, fatto Slgnorla notIce served to the MagIstrates for ConservatIons and to the Maglstr1cy of
the Grazlng
May r626 mOle stew about the black money (lead money) rescrIpt
that In the saId place
be not put for the Lord Count nor hIs successors any surety for bandIts and crImInals
22. 0
The Jewelers company had thetr furs lmed wIth scarlet And s:tl. k cloth for the horses,
A s:tl. k cloth called cendato
That they mIl use for the shawls,
And at the tlme of that war agamst Hungary Uncle Carlo Malatesta, three wounds
lhhsta, sword and a lance wound,
And to our general Pandolfo, three legates, WIth Silk and with SlIver,
And with velvet, Wine and confections, to keep him-. Per anlffiarla - In mood to go on with the fightmg
~. That are In San Samuele (young ladles) are all to go to Rlalto
And to wear yellow kerchIef, as are also
TheIr matrons (ruffiane) "
~. Ambassador, for hIs great wisdom and money,
? ? That had been here as an eXile, Coslmo
? ? Lord LUlgl Gonzaga, to be gIven Casa Glustmlan . .
? ? Bishops of Lampascus and Cyprus c. And other fifty lords bishops
that are the church of the onent . . 124
? March 8, . . That Slgtsmundo left Mantua III contented
And they are dead and have left a few Pictures
. . Alblzl have sacked the MediC! bank"
. . Venetians may stand, come, depart With thelt families Free by land, free by sea
In their galleys,
Ships, boats, and WIth merchandise
2 %on what's actually sold No tax above that Year 6962 of the world
l8th April, m Constantinople"
Wmd on the lagoon, the south wmd breakmg roses
Illmo ac exmo (eccellent15slmo) prmceps et dno Lord, my lord m particular, Sforza
In reply to lst ltr of yr ld-hp
re mae of horses, there are some for sale here
I said that I hdn't then seen 'em all thoroughly Now I may say that I have, and thmk
There are eleven good horses and almost that number Of hacks that mIght be used m necessJty,
To be had at a reasonable price
It 15 true that there are X or XI big horses
from 80 to IIO ducats
That seem to me dearer at the price
Than those for 80 ducats and under
And I thmk that If yr IdBP wd send from
lOOO ducats to one thousand 500 It cd be spent On stuff that wd SUlt yr Ldp qUite well
Please Y L t o answer qUlckly
As I want to take myself out 'Of here,
And If you want me to buy them
Send the cash by Mr Pltro the farrIer And have hun tell me by mouth or letter
? What yr IdP wants me to buy
Even from 80 ducats up there are certam good horses I have nothIng else to say to your LordshIp
Save my salutatIons
GIven Bologna, 14th of August 1453
Servant of yr Illustnous LordshIp PISANELLUS
1462, 12th December . . and Vittor Capello Brought also the head of St George the Martyr From the Island of Siesma
ThIS head was covered WIth SlIver and
Taken to San GIOrgxo MaggIore
To the CardInal Gonzaga of Mantua, ultImo febbralO 1548 . . 26th of feb was kIlled m thIS CIty
Lorenzo de MedIclS Yr Illu? Ld-hp wIll understand
from the enc account how the affaIr IS saId to have
gone off They say those who kIlled hIm have certamly got away In a post boat wIth 6 oars But they don't know whIch way they have gone, and as a guard may have been set In certam places and passes, It wd
be convenIent If yr IllS Lds. hp wd wnte at once
to your ambassador here, sayIng among other thIngs
that the two men who kIlled Lorenzmo have passed through the CIty of Mantua and that no one knows whlch
way they have gone PublIshIng thIS InformatIon
from yr Ldshp wIll perhaps help them to get free Although we thmk they are already In Florence, but
In any case thIS measure can do no harm So that
yr Ldshp wd benefit by domg It qUIckly and even to have others send the same news
May Our Lord protect yr Ilis and most Revnd person WIth the Increase of state you deSIre
Veruce, last of Feb 1548
I kISS the hands of yr III LdshP Don In Hnr de MendQ'Sa
? To the MarqUIS of Mantova, Fran? Gonzaga
lllustrIous my Lord, durlOg the past few days
An unknown man was brought to me by some others
To see a Jerusalem I have made, and as soon as he
saw It he lOslSted that I sell It hIm, sayIng It
gave hIm the gtst content and satIsfactD
Fmally the de'll was made and he took It away,
WIthOUt payIng and hasn't smce then appeared
I went to tell the people who had brought hIm, one
of whom IS a pnest Wlth a beard that wears a
grey berettlOo whom I have often seen WIth you In
the hall of the gtr councIl and I asked hun the fellow's name, and It IS a Messrre Lorenzo, the
pamter to your LordshIp, from whIch I have easily understood what he was up to, and on that account
I am wntmg you, to furmsh you my name and the work's In the first place IllustrIOUS m lord, I am
that pamter to the Selgnory, commissioned to palOt the gt hall where Yr Lordship deigns to mount
on the scaffold to see our work, the history of Ancona, and my name IS Victor Carpano
As to the Jerusalem I dare say there IS not another
10 our tIme as good and completely perfect, or as
large It 15 25 ft long by 5 1/2, and I know Zuane Zambertl has often spoken of It to yr SublImity, I
know certalOly that thiS palOter of yours has carned off a piece, not the whole of It I can send you
a small sketch 10 aquarelle on a roll, or have It
seen by good Judges and leave the price to your Lordship
XV Aug I5II, VenetlJs
I have sent a copy of tlus letter by another way to be sure you get one or the other
The humble svt of yr Subhmlty
Victor Carpatmo
? To the supreme p1g, the archb1shop of Salzburg Lastlng :filth and perdition
Smce your exalted pustulence 1S too Stlngy
To gIve me a decent mcome
And has already assured me that here I have nothmg to hope And had better seek fortune elsewhere,
And smce thereafter you have
Three tlmes lffipeded my father and self mtendmg departure I ask. you for the fourth tlffie
To behave With more decency, and th1s tlffie Permlt my departure
Wolfgang Amadeus, august 1777
(mter lzneas)
co As 15 the sonata, so 15 httle M1Ss Cannablch "
FORMANDO dl mSlO nuova persona
One man IS dead, and another has rotted his end off Et quant au trolsleme
II est tombe dans Ie De sa femme, on ne Ie reverra
Pas, om fugol owtbaer
. . Observed that the pamt was
Three quarters of an Inch thick and concluded,
As they were bemg rammed through, the age of that
Crwser" . . Referred to no longer as
The goddamned Porta-goose, but as
England's oldest ally" . . At rests m calm zone
If posSIble, the men are to be fed and relaxed,
The officers on the contrary "
Ten mullon germs m Ius face,
. . That IS part of the rISk and happens
. . About twice a year In tubercular research, Dr Spahlmger "
? ? J'al obtenu " SaId M Curle, or some other SCientISt . . A burn that cost me SIX months m curmg,"
And contmued hIS experIments
England off there m black darkness,
Russia off there m black darkness,
The last crumbs of CIvIlIzatIOn
And they elected a PrInce des Penseurs Because there were so damn many prmces, And they elected a Monsieur Bmset
Who held that man IS descended from frogs, And there was a cracked conCIerge that they Nearly got mto the Deputles,
To protest agamst the earthquake 10 Messma
The Bucentoro sang It m that year, 12. 9
? 1908, 1909, 1910, and there was
An old washerwoman beatmg her washboard, That would be 192. 0, wIth a cracked VOIce, SIngmg tt Strettl' " and that was the last Tdl dus year, ':1. 7, Hotel AnglOh, In MIlan, WIth an aIr Clara d'Ellebeuse,
WIth theIr hkehke and foxhke eyes,
WIth an aIr tt Benette Joue la Valse des Elfes " In the salotto of that drummer's hotel,
Two young ladles WIth theIr aIr de prOVInce
t t No, we are Croat merchants, commerClantl, tt There IS nothmg strange In OUi hIstory" . tNo, not to sell, but to buy"
And there was that mUSIC publIsher,
The fellow that brought back the shrunk Indlan head Boned, oded, from BolIVIa, saId
tt Yes, I went out there Couldn't make out the trade, Long after we'd melt Up the plates,
Get an order, 2. 00 copIes, Peru,
Or some statIon In Chde"
Took out Floradora In sheets,
And brought back a led-headed mummy
WIth an aIr Clara d'Ellebeuse, smgmg t t Strettl "
Sed et Unlversus quoque ecciesle populus, All rushed out and buIlt the duomo, Went as one man Without leaders
And the perfect measure took form,
t t Ghelmo Clptadm" says the stone, t t the author, to And Nlcolao was the carver"
Whatever the meanIng may be
And they wrote for year aftel year
RefinIng the crIterIOn,
Or they rose as the tops subSIded,
? BrumaU"e, Fructldor, Petrograd And Tovansch lay 10 the w10d
And the sun layover the w1Od, And three forms became 10 the aU" And hovered about rum,
so that he sald Tlus machmery IS very anCient,
surely we have heard thlS before And the waves hke a forest
Where the wmd IS weightless 10 the leaves But mov1Og,
so that the sound runs upon sound Xantes, born of Venus and Wlne
Carved stone upon stone
But 1 0 sleep, 1 0 the wak10g dream, Petal'd the alr,
tWIg where but wmd-stleak had been, Movmg bough Wlthout root,
by Hellos So that the Xantes bent over tovarisch
And these are the labours of tovamch,
That tovarisch lay 10 the earth,
And rose, and wrecked the house of the tyrants, And that tovarlSch then lay 10 the earth
And the Xantes bent over tovarlSch
These are the labours of tovansch,
That tovamch wrecked the house of the tyrants, And rose, and talked folly on folly,
And walked forth and lay 10 the earth
And the Xarltes bent over tovarlSch
And that tovarlSch cursed and blessed WIthout aIm, These are the labours of tovarlSch,
? Say109
"Me Cadmus sowed m the earth
And wlth the thlrtleth autumn I return to the earth that made me
Let the nve last bUlld the wall,
rnelther buud nor reap
That he came wlth the gold shlps, Cadmus, That he fought WIth the wlsdom,
Cadmus, of the gdded prows N othtng I buud And I reap
Nothtng, WIth the thlrtleth autumn
I sleep, I sleep not, I rot
And I budd no wall
Where was the wall of Ebhs At Ventadour, there now are the bees,
And 10 that court, WIld grass for thelr pleasure That they carry back to the creVlce
Where loose stone hangs upon stone
1 saIled never WIth Cadmus,
hfted never stone above stone"
"Baked and eaten tovansch'
. . Baked and eaten, tovansch, my boy,
~. That IS your story And up agam,
? ? Up and at 'em Lald never stone upon stone"
? ? The aIr burst mto leaf"
? ? Hung there flowered acanthus,
. . t Can you tell the down from the up';I "
AD God the Father Eternal (BoJa d'un DIO') Havmg made all thtngs he cd
thmk of, felt yet
That somethIng was lackIng, and thought Still more, and reflected that
The Romagnolo was lackmg, and Stamped WIth h1S foot In the mud and Up comes the Romagnolo
. . Gard, yeh bloudy 'angman' It's me" Aso Iqua me All ESlmo Dottor Aldo WallUSchnIg Who WIth the force of hIs Intellect
WIth art and asSIduous care
Has snatched from death by a most peruous operatIOn The claSSIcal Caesarean cut
MarottI, VrrgtnIa, In SenOl of San GIOrgIO
At the same tIme saVIng her son
May there move to hIs laud the applause of all men And the gratItude of the famuy
S GlOrgIO, 2. 3d May AD 1925
Item There are people that can swtmme 10 the sea Havens and rIvers naked
HaVIng bowes and shafts,
CovetIng to draw Olgh yr sruppe wluch If they :find not Well watched and warded they WIl assault
DeSIrous of the bodIes of men whIch they covet for meate, If you res1St them
They dIve and wll flee
And Mr Lourpee sat on the floor of the penSIon dmmg-room. Or perhaps It was In the alcove
And about hun lay a great mass of pasteIls,
That 1S, stubbs and broken pends of pastell,
? In pale mdetermmate colours
And he admIred the Sage of Concord
c. Too broad ever to make up hls mmd . .
And the mmd of Lourpee at :fifty
DIrected hun mto a room WIth a certam vagueness As If he wd
neIther come In nor stay out
As If he wd
go nexther to the left nor the rIght
And IDS pamtmg reflected thIS habIt
And Mrs Kreffie's mInd was made up,
Perhaps by the pressure of Circumstance,
She descnbed her splendId apartment
In Pam and left WIthout paymg her bxIl
And In fact she wrote later from Sevula
And requested a shawl, and receIved It
From the Senora at 300 pesetas cost to the latter
(Also Without remIttIng) whIch
May have explaIned the laSSItude of her daughter, And the best paId dramatic CtltiC
Arrived from Manhattan
And was lodged In a bordello (promptly)
Havmg trusted . . hiS people . .
Who trusted a Dutch correspondent,
And when they had been devoured by fleas
(CritIC and famxly)
They endeavoured to break the dutchman's month's contract, And the ladles from West VirgInIa
Preserved the natal aroma,
And In the raxIway feedIng-room m Chlasso She sat as If Waiting for the tram for Topeka - That was the year of the strIkes-
When we came up toward Chlasso
. 8y the last on the narrow-gauge,
Then by tramway from Como 134
? LeavIng the lady wno loved bullfights
WIth her etght trunks and her captured hIdalgo,
And a dutchman was there who was gOIng
To take the boat at Trieste,
Sure, he was gOIng to take It,
Would he go round by VIenna' He would not
Absence of trams wdnt stop hIm
So we left htm at last In Chlasso
Along Wlth the old woman from Kansas,
Sohd Kansas, her daughter had marned that SWISS
Who kept the buffet m Chlasso
DId It shake her' It dtd not shake her
She sat there In the waltmg room, sohd Kansas,
Sttff as a CIgar-store mruan from the Bowery
Such as one saw In cc the nmettes ",
FIrst sod of bleedIng Kansas
That had produced thIS hgneous solIdness,
If thou wtlt go to Cruasso w t find that Indestructable female As If walttng for the tram to Topeka
In the buffet of that statton on the bench that
Follows the wall, to the rIght slde as you enter
And Clara Leonora wd come puffing so that one
Cd hear her when she reached the foot of the staIrs,
Squared, chunky, wIth her crooked steel spectacles
And her splutter and hel face full of teeth
And old Rennert wd SIgh heavtly
And look over the top of hIs lenses and
She wd arnve after due mterval WIth a pInwheel
Concernmg Grtllparzer or - pratzer
Or whatever follow the Grill-, and uGran Maestro
Mr LlSzt had come to the home of her parents
And taken her on IDS prevalent knee and
She held that a sonnet was a sonnet
And ought never be destroyed,
And had taken a number of courses
? And contInued With hope of degrees and Ended I n a Baptlst learnery
Somewhere near the RIO Grande
And they wanted more from theIr women, Wanted 'em Jacked up a lIttle
And sent over for teachers (Ceylon)
So LOlca went out and dIed there
After her tIme In the post-Ibsen movement
And one day In SmIth's room
Or may be It was that 1908 medICO's
Put the gob In the file-place
Ole Byers and Felgenbaum and Joe Bromley, Joe hlttm' the gob at 25 feet
Every time, pIng on the metal
(Az ole man Comley wd say Boys! Never cherr terbakker! Hrwwkke tth! Never cherr terbakker! ,
. . M. tsslonarles," saId Joe, << I was out back of Jaffa, I dressed In the costume, used to lIke the cafes,
All of us settIn' there on the ground,
Pokes hIS head In the doorway << Iz there any," He says, . . Gar'
Man here
10et kan speak ENGLISH;. "
Nobody saId anythIng fer a wh. t1e And then I saId << Hu el' you;'''
<< I'm er ffilsshernary I am"
He sez, "chucked off a naval boat In ShanghaI
I worked at It three months, nothm' to lIve on . . Beat hlS way overland
I never saw the twenty I lent hIm . .
Great moral secret serVIce, plan, Tnbune IS told hnut number to thIrty thousand,
? only lughest type will be mcluded,
propaganda wlthm ranks of the veterans,
to keep wlthm bounds when they come mto
contact WIth personal hberty With the french authontles ? that mcludes the Pam polIce
Strengthen franco-amencan anuty
NARCOTIC CHARGE Frank Robert Inquols gave hIS home Oklahoma City Expelled July 24 th
? ? Je SUIS
(Across the bare planks of a dm1Ogroom 10 the Pyrenees)
plus fort que
(No contradIctIOn) . . Je sws
plus fort que Ie
(No contradIctIOn) CC J'aurals
Ie Boud-hah' . .
Ie pOlds' . . (Suence, somewhat unconv1Oced)
And m hiS waste house, detritus,
As It were the cast buttons of splendours,
The harbour of MartInIque, drawn every house, and m detail Green shutters on half the houses,
Half the thmg stIll unpamted
"I'm fan tene KOH- lon-
voce tznnula
. . Ce sont les Vleux Marsoulns' . .
He made It, feltz Marcebrus, the words and the mUSIC,
. . sont
? Uruform out for Peace Day
And that he about the TIbetan temple
(happens by the way to be true,
they do carry you up on theIr shoulders) but
Bad for hIs medIcal practIce
cc Retreat)" saId Dr Wymans, . . It was marrvelous Galhpoh
Secret Turks knew nothmg about It
Uh' Helped me to get my wounded aboard"
And that man sweat blood to put thiough that raIlway, And what he ever got out of It)
And one day he drove down to the whorehouse
Cause all the farmers had consented
and granted the tight of way,
But the pornoboskos wdn't have It at any pnce And saId he'd shoot the surveyors,
But he dxdn't shoot ole pop In the buckboard,
He giV rum the nght of way
And they thought they had hxm flummox'd, Nobody'd sell any raus,
Till he went up to the north of New York state And found some there on the ground
And he had 'em pned loose and shIpped 'em
And had 'em laId here through the forest
ThIng 1S to find somethmg sImple
As for example Pa Stadtvolk,
Hooks to hang gutters on roofs,
A spIke and half-CIrcle, patented 'em and then made 'em, Worth a good muhon, not a book In the place,
Got a horse about twenty years aftel, seen hxm Of a Saturday afternoon
When theY'd taken down an old fence, Ole Pa out there knockxn the naIls out
(To save 'em) I hear he smoked good CIgars I38
? And when the Pnnce Oltrepasslmo dIed, saccone, That follow the coffins,
He lay there on the floor of the chapel
On a great pIece of patterned brocade
And the walls sohd gold about hIm
And there was a hole In one of hlS socks And the place open that day to the publIc, KIds runrung In from the street
And a cat sat there hckmg hImself
And then stepped over the PnncIpe, Dlscobolus upstaIrs and the maIn door
Not opened smce '70
When the Pope shut hxmself mto the VatIcan And they had scales on the table
To weIgh out the food on fast days,
And he lay there WIth hIS hood back
And the hole m one of hIS socks
? ? Buk' " saId the Second Baronet, . . eh
? ? Thass a funny lookm' buk" saId the Baronet Lookmg at Bayle, foho, 4 vols m gUt leather, . . Ah . . Wu Wu wotyougom'ehtodoWIthah
. . ah read-lt' "
SIC loqUItur eques
And lest It pass WIth the day's news Thrown out WIth the daIly paper, NeIther official pet
Nor Levme WIth the lucky button Went on mto darkness,
Saw naught above but close dark,
WeIght of Ice on the fuselage
Borne Into the tempest, black cloud wrappmg theIr wmgs, The rught hollow beneath them
And fell WIth dawn mto ocean
? But for the nIght saw neIther sky nor ocean
And found shIp why~ how) by the Azores
And she was a bathxng beauty, MISS Arkansas or Texas And the man (of course) quasI anonymous
NeIther a placard for non-smokers or non-alcohol
Nor for the code of PeorIa,
Or one-eyed HmchclIffe and ElSIe
Blackeyed bItch that marrIed dear DenOls,
That flew out mto nothmgness
And her father was the son of one too
That got the annulment
PEARL, great sphere, and hollow,
Mist over lake, full of sunhght,
Pernella concubma
The sleeve green and shot gold over her hand WuhlOg her son to lOhent
Expectmg the heu alOe be killed 10 battle
He belOg courageous, pOIsoned hlS brother pwne Laymg blame on Siena
And thlS she did by a page
Bnngmg war once more on Ploghano
And the page repented and told tlus
To NIcolo (alOe) Pltlghano
Who won back that rock from hIS father
. . st1lI dotmg on Pernella hls concublOe"
The sand that mght lIke a seal's back
Glossy beneath the lanthorns From the Via Sacra
(fleelOg what band of Tntons) Up to the open au
Over that mound of the hippodrome Llberans et vmculo ab ornnl hberatos
As who WIth four hands at the cross roads By kmg's hand or sacerdos'
are given thetr freedom
- Save who were at Castra San Zeno
CUnlzza for God's love, for remlttmg the soul of her father - May hell take the traItors of Zeno
And :fifth begat he Albertc
And SIXth the Lady CunlZZa
? In the house of the Cavalcantl
anno 12. 65
Free go they all as by full manumission
All serfs of Eccehn my father da Romano
Save those who were With Albenc at Castra San Zeno And let them go also
The devils of hell In their body
And sIxth the Lady Cumzza
That was first gIven RIchard St Bomface
And Sordello subtracted her from that husband And lay with her In TarVlSO
TJ. I he was dnven out of Tarvlso
And she left with a soldIer named BonlUs mmlum amorata In eum
And went from one place to another
" The lIght of thiS star o'ercame me"
Greatly enJoYIng herself
And runnIng up the most awful bdls
And trus BonlUs was killed on a sunday
and she had then a Lord from Braganza
and later a house In Verona
And he looked from the planks to heaven,
Said Juventus t t Immortal
He said tt Ten thousand years before now
Or he said t t PassIng Into the pomt of the cone You begxn by makIng the replIca
Thus Lusty Juventus, In September,
In cool air, under sky,
Before the reSidence of the funeral dIrector Whose daughters' conduct caused comment
But the old man dId not know how he felt
Nor cd remember what prompted the utterance He saId tt What I know, I have known,
tt How can the knowmg cease knOWIng) "
? By the lawn of the semor elder
He continued Ius ambulatlOn
Ct Matter 1$ the lIghtest of all thmgs,
Ct Chaff, rolled mto balls, tossed, whIrled m the aether,
Ct Undoubtedly crushed by the weight,
Ct Light also proceeds from the eye,
Ct In the globe over my head
. . Twenty feet m diameter, thirty feet In diameter
. . Glassy, the glarIng surface-
. . There are many reflections
. . So that one may watch them turnmg and movmg
tt With heads down now, and now up
He went on toward the amateur student of minerals That later went bankrupt,
He went on past the house of the local funny man,
Jo Tyson that had a camera HIs daughter was bow-legged And marned the assembly-man's son
O-hon dlt que-ke fOls au VI'-a-ge
Past the house of the three retired clergymen Who were too cultured to keep theIr Jobs Languor has crred unto languor
about the marshmallow-roast (Let us speak of the osmOSIS of persons)
The wall of the phonograph has penetrated their marrow (Let us
The wall of the pornograph )
The CIcadas contmue uninterrupted
With a VaIn emptIness the vlrgms return to thelt homes With a vam exasperation
The ephebe has gone back to hIS dwellmg,
The dJassban has hammered and hammered,
The gentleman of fifty has leflected That It 15 perhaps Just as well
Let thIngs remam as they are
? The mythologIcal exterIor lIes on the moss In the forest And questIons hIm about DarWIn
And with a burnIng fire of phantasy
he replIes wIth ((Deh' nuvoletta " So that she would regret hiS departure
Drift of weed In the bay She seekIng a gUIde, a mentor,
He aspires to a career wIth honour To step In the tracks of hiS elders,
a greater IncomprehensIon) There IS no greater IncomprehenSion
Than between the young and the young The young seek comprehensIon,
The mIddleaged to fulfill theIr deSIre
Sea weed drIed now, and now floated,
mInd drIfts, weed, slow youth, drIfts, Stretched on the rock, bleached and now floated~ WeIn, Welb, TAN AOIDAN
ChIefest of these the second, the female
Is an element, the female
Is a chaos
An octopus
A bIologIcal process
and we seek to ful:6. 11 T AN AOIDAN, our deSIre, drIft
Atlas e que'm fau mIey huelh
Quar no vezon so qu'leu vuelh Our mulberry leaf, woman, TAN AOIDAN,
U Nel ventre tuo, 0 nella mente mIa, Ct Yes, MIlady, precisely, 1? you wd have anythmg properly made U
tt FaZIamo tutte Ie due
tt No, not In the palm-room" The lady says It IS Too cold In the palm-room Des valeurs,
? Nom de Dleu, et encore des valeurs
She IS submarine, she IS an octopus, she IS
A bIologIcal process,
So Arnaut turned there
Above hIm the wave pattern cut In the stone SpIre-top alevel the well-curb
And the tower with cut stone above that, sayIng Ct I am afraid of the lIfe after death "
and after a pause
et Now, at last, I have shocked him"
And another day or evening toward sundown by the arena
(les gradIns)
A lIttle lace at the wrIst
And not very clean lace eIther
And I, et But thIS beats me,
U Beats me, I mean that I do not understand It, U ThIs love of death that IS In them"
Let us consIder the osmOSIS of persons nondum orto Jubare,
The tower, Ivory, the clear sky Ivory rigId In sunlight
And the pale clear of the heaven PhOlobos of narrow thIghs,
The cut cool of the aIr,
Blossom cut on the Wind, by HellOS
Lord of the LIght's edge, and Apnl
Blown round the feet of the God,
Beauty on an ass-cart
SItting on five sacks of laundry
That wd have been the road by Perugla
That leads out to San Plero Eyes brown topaz, Brookwater over brown sand,
The whIte hounds on the slope,
? GlIde of water, lIghts and the prore, StIver beaks out of nIght,
Stone, bough over bough,
lamps fluId In water,
PIne by the black trunk of Its shadow And on hJ11 black trunks of the shadow The trees melted In aIr
? xxx
OMPLEYNT, compleynt I hearde upon a day, CArtemis singing, Artemis, ArtemIs
Agaynst Pity lifted her wall
PIty causeth the forests to fall, PIty slayeth my nymphs,
PIty spareth so many an evu thing
PIty befouleth AprIl,
PIty 15 the root al1d the spring
Now If no fayre creature followeth me It IS on account of PIty,
It IS on account that Pity forbldetll them slaye All things are made foul In thIS season,
ThIS IS the reason, none may seek purIty HaVing for foulnesse pity
And thIngs growne awry,
No more do my shaftes fly
To slay NothIng 18 now clean sIayne But rotteth away
In Paphos, on a day
I also heard
goeth not with young Mars to playe But she hath pity on a dodderIng fool,
She tendeth hIS fyre,
She keepeth hIS embers warm
Time IS the eVIl EVIl
A day, and a day
Walked the young Pedro baffled,
a day and a day
? After Ignez was murdered
Came the Lords In Lisboa
a day, and a day
In homage Seated there
dead eyes,
Dead haIr under the crown,
The KIng sttll young there besIde her
Came Madame 'TA. R
Clothed with the light of the altar And with the prIce of the candles U Honour') Balls for yr honour' Take two mullon and swallow It "
Is come MeSSIre Alfonso And IS departed by boat for Ferrara
And has passed here without sayIng (C 0 "
Whence 11ave we carved It In metal Here working In Caesar's fane
To the PrInce Caesare BorgIa
Duke of Valent and Aemeha
and here have I brought cutters of letters
and printers not vIle and vulgar (In Fano Caesarls)
notable and sufficient compOSItors
and a die-cutter for greek fonts and hebrew
named MeSSlre Francesco da Bologna
not only of the usual types but he hath excogttated
a new form called cursive or chancellry letters
nor was It Aldous nor any other but It was
thIS Messlre Francesco who hath cut all Aldous hiS letters WIth such grace and charm as IS known
Hleronymous Sonclnus 7th July 1503 and as for text we have taken It
? from that of MeSSlre Laurentlus
and from a codex once of the Lords Malatesta
And In August that year dIed Pope Alessandro Borgta, II Papa morl
ExplIcIt canto XXX
EMPUS loquendl, TTempus tacendl
Said Mr Jefferson It wd have given us tIme
tt modern dress for your statue
tC I remember havIng wrItten you whue Congress sat at An~
cc on water communIcatIon between ours and the western
U partIcularly the mformation of the plam between
tc BIg Beaver and Cayohoga, whIch made me hope that a canal
naVIgatIon of Lake ErIe and the OhIo You must have had U occaSIon of gettIng better InformatIon on thIs subject
u and 1? you have you wd oblIge me
tc by a communIcatIon of It I consIder thIs canal,
( t If practIcable, as a very Important work
T J to General WashIngton, 1787
no slaves north of Maryland dIstrIct
flower found In ConnectIcut that vegetates when suspended
In aIr
screw more effectual 1? placed below surface of water
Suspect that a countryman of ours, Mr Bushnell of ConnectIcut IS entItled to the merIt of prIor dIscovery
Excellency Mr Adams Excellency Dr Frankhn
And thus Mr Jefferson (preSIdent) to Tom PaIne
e:t You expressed a WIsh to get a passage to thIs country
In a publIC vessel Mr Dawson IS charged With orders
to the captaIn of the <Maryland' to receIve and accommodate
With passage back, If you can depart on so short a warnmg
? In hopes you wIll find us returned to sentlnlcnts
worthy of former tIme In these you have laboured as much as any man hVlng That you may long lIve to continue your labours and to reap theIr fittIng reward Assurances of my hIgh esteem and attachment"
u EnglIsh papers theIr lies
In a few years no slaves northward of Marylapd
Ct Their tobacco, 9 mIllIons, delIvered In port of France, 6 mIllIons to manufacture
on whIch the kIng takes thirty mIllIon
that cost 25 odd to collect
so that In all It costs 72 mIllIons 11vres to the consumer
persuaded (I am) In this branch of the revenue the collection absorbs too much
(from ParIS, 1785) for our model, the Malson Quarree of N Ismes
WIth respect to hiS motIves (MadIson wrItIng) I acknowledged I had been much puzzled to dIVIne any natural ones
WIthout lookIng deeper Into human nature
than I was WIllIng to do
(In rei Mr Robert Smith) So crItIcal the state of that country
moneyed men I Imagtne are glad to place theIr money abro:ad
Mr Adams could borrow there for us
ThIs country IS really supposed to be on the eve ofaxTzBK49HT
(parts of t1:Jzs letter 11t cypher)
Jefferson, from ParIS, to MadIson, Aug 2, 1787
I hear that Mr Beaumarchals means to make hnnsel? heard turn thro'llgh the Potomac, commerce of Lake ErIe
I can further say WIth safety there IS not a crowned head 154
? In Europe whose talents or merIts would entItle hIm to be elected a vestryman by any AmerIcan parIsh
T J to General Washmgton, May. 2 'S8
cc When Lafayette harangued you and me and John QUIncy Adams
(( through a whole evenIng In your hotel 111 the CuI de Sac
(I: sIlent as you were I was, In plaIn truth as astonIshed
U at the grossness of hIS Ignorance of government and history, (( as I had been for years before at that of Turgot,
(C La Rochefoucauld, of Condorcet and of FranklIn"
To Mr Jefferson, Mr John Adams
care of the letters now enclosed Most of them are of a compleXIon not proper for the eye of the pollce
From MontIcello, AprIl 16th 1 8 1 1
To Mr Barlow departing for Pans
mdebted to nobody for more cormal aId than to GallatIn
U AdaIr too had hIS kInk He belIeved all the IndIans of (( AmerIca to be descended from the Jews"
Mr Jefferson to Mr Adams
u But obselve that the publIC were at the same tIme paYIng on It an Interest of exactly the same amount
(four mIllIon dollars) Where then IS the gaIn to elthel party whIch makes It a publIC blessIng";) "
to Mr Eppes, r813
tt Man, a ratIonal creature' " saId FranklIn
U Come, let us suppose a ratIonal man
tC StrIp hIm of all hIS appetites, espeCially hIS hunger and thirst
u u
He IS In hIS chamber, engaged In makIng experIments, Or In purSUIng some problem
At thIs moment a servant knocks t SIr,
t dInner IS on the table '
t Hamandchickens~,t Ham''
? U t And must I break the chaIn of my thoughts to
u t go down and gnaw a morsel of damned hog's arse?
H t Put aSIde your ham, I wIll dine tomorrow, '
Take away appetIte, and the present generatIon would not LIve a month, and no future generatIon would eXIst, and thus the exalted dIgnIty of human nature etc
Mr Adams to Mr Jefferson, I 5 Nov I 8I 3 wIsh that I cd subjOIn GosIndl's Syntagma
of the doctrines of Eplcurus
this was the state of things m 1785 "
(Mr Adams)
(Mr Jefferson )
met by agreement, about the close of the seSSlon- PatrIck Henry, Frank Lee and your father,
Henry Lee and myself to consult measures CIrcumstances of tImes seemed to call for
produce some channel of correspondence thIs was In '73 Jefferson to D Carr
church of St Peter human reason, human conSCIence, though I beheve that there are such thIngs
A tIel leis en anCIen scripture, and thIs they have translated Holy ScrIpture
Mr Jefferson
and they contInue thIS error
t t Bonaparte knOWIng nothIng of commerce
or paupers, who are about one fifth of the whole (on the state of England In 1814)
Htc Expltclt Cantus
Mr Adams
HE revolutIon," saId Mr Adams, Tcc Took place In the mInds of the people"
wIth SIxty cannon, ten tons of powder, 10,000 muskets and bayonets, lead, bed-covers,
unIforms and a colonel, to affirm theIr neutralIty the Amphi- trIte
departed the tenth of March to her first destInation
and a fourth whIch orders the lIquIdatIon
and payment of what remaIns due to the Merchants of Morea et des dettes des Jztes Echelles as you may
read dans les arrets prZ1z,CtpaUx du Consezl, aecembre, 'sotxante
armes et autres ustenczles qUt ne peuvent etre que pour Ie compte du gouvernement MonSIeur Satnt-Ltbtn tres au fatt des langues du Pays, connu des Nababs especIally Hyder Ah
POtty l'e~czter,et a tattler des croupteres to the Anglozs pet-/, delzcat sur Ies moyens to break up our bonds
WIth the Portagoose and as for the AmphitrIte, M'lorrd she fits under Beaumarchals' superVISIon, her cargo maInly munItIons
WItnesses WIll some of them prove that he (Burr) had no Interest In the OhIO canal
coram non JudIce
as usual where an opInIon IS to be supported rIght or wrong,
dwells on smaller objectIons and passes over the solId Oryzla mutlca, the upland or mountaIn rIce
seed of perennIal succory very famous turnIp of Sweden
I pray you place me rectus In curIa In thIS bUSIness WIth the Emperor (Alexander) and to assure hIm
? that I carry Into my retIrement the hIghest veneratIon for hIs diSposItIons to better at least In some degree the
condItIon of man oppressed
If you return to us, to brIng me a couple
of shepherd dogs, true-bred much desIred that war be aVOIded
type-foundIng to whIch c1ntImony IS essential, I therefore place Mr Ronaldson In your hands
be aVOIded, If cIrcumstances WIll admIt
for CIVIlIZIng the IndIans, great Improvement on the
anCIent Ineffectual whIch began WIth relIgIOUS minIstration:; The follOWIng has been successful FIrst, to raIse cattle whereby to acquIre a sense of the value of property
arIthmetIC to compute that value, thIrdly wrItIng, to
keep accounts, and here they begIn to labour,
enclose farms, and the women to weave and SpIn
fourth to read Aesop's Fables, whIch are theIr first delIght along With RobInson Crusoe Creeks, Cherokees, the latter now Instituting a government
and as many, Just as respectable, swore to the contrary all of whom present at the sermon
deeln It necessary to keep them down by hard labour, poverty, Ignorance,
and to take from them, as from bees, so much of their earnIngs as that unremitting labour shall be necessary to obtain a
suffiCient surplus
barely to sustaIn a scant lIfe And these earnIngs
they apply to maintam their prIvileged orders In splendour and
to faSCInate the eyes of the people as to an order of superIor
beIngs June 12. , '23 to Judge Johnson
whether 10 a stye, stable or state-room,
let everything bend before them and banIsh whatever might lead them to thmk and thus are become as mere anImals
? CannIbals of Europe are eatIng one another agaIn
out of hIs case, to say what tIle law In a moot case would be, Judge Marshall IS Irregular
animal IS entIrely wIthout thought 1? deprIved of that organ
Mr Adams to Mr Jefferson
whether In a stye, a st1ble or In a stateroom LouIS SIxteenth was a fool
The KIng of SpaIn was a fool, the KIng of Naples a fool
they despatched two courrlers weekly to tell each other, over a
thousand mIles
what they had kIlled the KIng of SardInIa
was, lIke all the Bourbons, a fool, the
Portuguese Queen a Braganza and therefore by nature an IdIot, The successor to FrederIC of PrussIa, a mere hog
In body and mInd, Gustavus and Joseph of AustrIa
were as you know really crazy, and George 3d was In
a straIght waistcoat,
there remaIned none but old CatherIne, too lately pIcked up
by whIch we are In the constallt practice of changIng the characters and propensItIes of the anImals we raIse for
our purposes
a gUlsa de leon
The cannIbals of Europe are eatIng one another agaIn
quando 81 posa
QUlncey Nov 13, 1815
s that despotIsm
Ior absolute power unlImIted sovereignty,
IS the same In a majOrIty of a popular assembly,
an arlstocratlcal counCil, an olIgarchical Junto, and a sIngle emperor, equally arbitrary, bloody,
and In every respect diabolIcal Wherever It has resided has never failed to destroy all records, memorials,
all histories which It did not like, and to corrupt
those It was cunnIng enough to preserve
If the troops cd be fed upon long letters, I belIeve the gent at the head of that dept (In this country) wd be the best commissary on earth But till I see hIm determIned to act, not to wnte, to sacrifice hIS domestIc ease to the dutIes
of hIS appointment, and apply the resources of thIs country, wheresoever they are to be had, I must entertaIn a dIfferent opinIon of him
T J to P Henry, March '79
over five and twenty mIllIons of people, when four and twenty mlllions and five hundred thousand of them can neither read nor wrIte as Impracticable as It wd be over elephants In the MenagerIe at Versatlles
Napoleon has mvented a word, Ideology, which expresses my OpInion
how far advanced we were In the sCience of aristocracy since the stallions of Theognls Have not Chancellor LIVingston and Major General Humphnes Introduced an arIstocracy of Merino sheep entaued upon us and forever of land Jobbers and stock Jobbers to endless generations
? AGATHOS, eternal and self-existent JA ISIS
multIplIcatIon of officers and salarIes merely to make par- tIsans
That thIs possessor be kalos k'agathos, theocrat, baron, bOJar or rIch man matters very httle
difference ascrIbed to our superIority m takIng aIm when we fire
tC I speak of the Grand Duke of Tuscany (T J to J A '77) somewhat avanClOUS In hIS nature crowns lyIng dead In hIS coffers, applIcatIon perhaps from Dr FranklIn wd be prudent to sound well before hand "
Condorcet has let the cat out of the bag He has made preCIOUS confessIons I regret that I have only an EnglIsh translatIon of hIs e:t OutlIne of the HIstorIcal Vlew of the Progress of the Htlman MInd" But In pages 247, 248 and 2. 49 you WIll nnd It frankly acknowledged that the phIlosophers of the eIghteenth century adopted all the arts of the PharIsees
was In the mInds of the people, and thIS was effected from 1760 to 1775 In the course of :fifteen years before Lex-
removal wd be necessary to more able comnussarles rather than
to a more plentIful country (T J on provIsions)
Bonaparte, Poor DevIl' what has and what wIll become of hIm. . Cromwell, W at Tyler, Jack Cade, 1 e to a bad end
And WellIngton, enVIed, despIsed by all the barons, earls,. VIscounts, a~ an upstart, a parvenue elated over theIr heads.
(Mr Adams to Thomas Jefferson)
Lltterae nIhIl sanantes whether serpents' teeth sprang up men. cannot appease my melancholy commIseratIon for our
? ar'llH. S In thIS furIous snow storm (Qulncey, November 15th )
But two thIngs I dId learn from hIm (Plato) That FranklIn's Idea of exemptIng husbandmen and malIners etc fronl the depredatIons of war was borrowed flom hIm
and (secondly) that SneeZ111g IS a cure for the hlCkups
but to keep In countenance the funding and bankIng system oratIons, prayers, sermons not that they loved General \Vashington, but merely to dIsgrace the old WhIgs
$75,000 equal to 1,000 speCIe (Feb 1781) settler will be wOlth to the publiC 20 tImes as much every year, as In our old plan he would have paid In a SIngle payment
lImIts of hIS IndIvIdualIty (cancels) and develops hIS power as a speCIe (Das Kapltal) denounced In 1842. stIll continue (today 1864) report of '42 was merely chuck. ed Into the archIves and remaIned there whIle these boys were rUined and became fathers of thIS generatIon for workshops remaIned a dead letter down to 1871 when was tal~en from control of munIcIpal and placed In hands of the factory Inspectors, to whose body they added eIght (8) aSSIstants to deal wltll over one hundred thousand workshops and
over 300 tJ. 1e yards
ROgIer (mInister) told me tllat thIS government (Brussels) had been IntendIng to Introduce such a law but found Itself (rei chJ. 1d labour not lImIted to 12. hours per day) always blocked by the Jealous uneaSIness that met any law tamp-
ering WIth the absolute freedom of labour
Lord H de Walden from Brussels 1862.
They (the owners) denounced the Inspectors as a speCIes of revolutIonary commIssar pItIlessly sacrIficing the unfortu-
? nate labourers to theIr humanItarIan fantasIes (rei the law of 1848)
that no factory-owner shall SIt as a magIstrate In cases concern. . Ing the spmning of cotton (Factory Act of Joh. n Hobhouse)
nor shall hIs father, brother, or son
And If the same small boys are merely shIfted from the spInnIng room to the weavmg room or from one factory to another, how can the Inspector verIfy the number of hours they are worked'> (1849, Leonard Horner)
Case where the Jury ('62. ) was to decIde whether soot adul- terated With 90% of dust and sand was U adulterated-m- the-legal-sense" soot or In the commercIal U real soot" As frIends of commerce decIded (the Jury decIded) It was tt real soot" agaInst the plaIntIff WIth costs
avenement revolutIon allemande posalt des problemes nouveaux, routIne commerCIal etre remplacee par creatIon de deux fonds or et ble destInes au proletarIat victorieux (allemand)
to functIonarIes of legatIon In BerlIn who are members of the party (1923)
bureaucrat paisible, Van TZln Vel se montra, tout afaIt Incap- able d'assumer Ie role de chef d'une revolutIon sangwnalre
(accordIng to MonSIeur Bessedovsky)
for ten years our (RUSSIan) ambassadors have enqUIred what theorIes are In fashIon In Moscow and have reported thelr facts to fit (Idem)
Buls dIscounted at exhorbitant rates, four tImes or three tImes those offered by the MIdland
I 50 mIllIons 163
? yearly, merely In usurIOUS dIscounts
and he even
(to change the subJect)
put mto the mouths of the dIrectors of the Federal Reserve
banks the words that they should say ce: You have got more than your share, we want you to reduce, we can not let you have any more"
(Mr Brookhart)
page 34 of the mInutes then they adopted another resolutIon
page 42 commIttee of Interstate commerce, ask Increase of raIlroad rates, saId to them wd suggest, gentlemen, you be careful not to gIve out anythIng about any dIs- CUSSIon of dIscount rates dIsturbs everybody ImmedIate rush never diSCUSS In the newspapers
? & Company's banker was In that meetmg, and next day he was out after a loan of 60 mIllIons, and got It SWlft- amoursinciair but the country at large dId not know It The meetIng deCided we were over-Inflated
LS' beasts, grasses, petrIfactIons, bIrds, IncrustatIons, OD r MItchell's conversatIon was varIOUS
And a black manservant, to embark on a voyage to RUSSIa
ConsIstent WIth theIr peace and theIr separatIon from Europe EnglIsh pretentlons, exclUSIve, auf clem Wasser (a d 1809) En faIt de commerce ce (Bonaparte) est un etourdI," saId
Freedom of admISSIon for sIups, freedom of departure, freedom
of purchase and sale
Are the only members of the corps dIplomatIque who have ani
Interest In lIterature, conversatIon
we talked of Shakespeare, MIlton, VIrgil and of the Abbe
U MonSIeur Adams H saId the Emperor, (( I1 y a cent ans que Je
ne vous al vu " June4th 1811
The Idea occurred to me of a treaty of commerce Told hIm hIS government wd probably make our peace cc How' " saId the ambassador (french)
C ( By not keepIng her word " And he, Bonaparte, saId to Romanzoff
tc After the peace of Tl1s1t, where cd I go but Spain~ " For he must always be gOIng
It IS reported that the two empresses wIll return to the city As IS saId to be customary
At least In wars un peu znteressantes, whIch war Alexander Has done all he can to prevent
ch army 500 thousand, the RUSSIan 300 thousand,
But counting on space and time
? tc The fifth element mud" saId Napoleon
A black, Claud GabrIel, In the cll1peror's serVIce
Was very J11 used In AmerIca Aug 14th to Oranlenbaum Where was Ld Cathcart (tIl1t IS, at Madame de Stael's) And she wanted to know how she cd
Receive her Interest from UnIted States funds
WhIle In England, and a war on between them
Here the nobIlIty have gIven one man to the army
From every ten of theIr peasants
Qu'll fit la sottlse de Moscou
and he, Bonaparte had to borrow SIX shIrts from
hIS mInIster, and four thousand lOUIS Mr GallatIn, Mr Bayard answer from Romanzoff Mr GallatIn
dId not thInk that tc they cd" (dId not
thInk that our actIons In FlorIda could be JustIfied) AgaInst rIghts on the MISSISSIppI our
RIghts to fish, dry:fish and cure off Newfoundland At the opera Tamerlan, and the ballet of Telemaque
1815, March x8th was expected (Bonaparte) last nIght at Auxerre,
Ney to be here (Par1s) tomorrow, because It 1S the
KIng of Rome's bIrthday
March twentieth The KIng, Bourbon, left the TUIllerles, To take, they say, the road gOing toward BeauvaIs
At the Seance Royale last Thursday he had talked of HIS death In defence of the country
And when they WIsh to make the troops cheer, the SoldIers say Ah, VOUl, Vive Ie ROI
Newspaper thIS mornIng headed Journal de l'Emptre
arrIved last even1ng WIth the troops that had been sent out against hIm
whIch IS due to Bourbon mIsconduct
I told him (SIr James Mackmtosh) that I DId not belIeve Dr FranklIn or WashIngton
? Had wanted the revolutIon He asked If any leadIng man had I saId, my father, perhaps, S'lmuel Adams, James OtIS
(And on hIs return was recd by Gouverneur MorrIs and Mr Astor wIth a pubk dInner at Tammany Hall )
And one nIght a dead fowl was tIed to Mr OnlS's bell rope, As (In hIS eyes) a gt dishonour to SpaIn
Mr Jefferson remarked that fond as he was of agrIculture He knew nothIng about It tho' Mr MadIson dld
Mr MadIson was very effiCIent In the conventIon of '87 ( Mr Bagot has been a much better mInIster
(( than a much abler man wd have been, better
H for the Interest of England, better
C( for the tranquIllIty of thIS country" DeWItt ClInton Ne,rer more low and dIscredIted
Than Just before beIng elected (comma)
WIthout OpposItIon (comma) Governor of New York State
u a ffiIsa11thropIst, an unsocial savage" J Q A on hImself Banks breakIng allover the country,
Some In a sneakIng, some In an ImpertInent manner prostrate every prInCIple of economy
Jan 18th 1820 I (J Q A ) called at the Presldent)s
And the PresIdent saId Colonel Johnson
mIght have been more worthIly occupIed tha'l. In acting as medIum for proposal of
furnIshIng ten thousand stand of arms to Venezuela
In order to make a Job for Duane
ad 1820 IS that moral consIderatIons seldom
appear to have much weIght In
the mInds of statesmen
unless connected WIth popular feelIngs whIle profeSSIng neutralIty
(hImself to hue men from our army 167
? secretzssZl1ZC, on the qUIet) Monroe admIts It Noone else seenlS to mInd
but the vIce-preSIdency I S -
to call thIngs by theIr proper nameS-In the market
U Defective In elen1entary knowledge and wIth a very undIgested system of ethICS, Mr Clay (Henry)"
After conversIng WIth Mr Calhoun, Ad1ms reflected Paper currency reductIons of fictItIOUS capItal AccumulatIon of debts as long as credIt can be straIned Mr Noah has a prOject for colonIZIng Jews In thIS country And wd hke a Job In VIenna
Xmas, 1820, read aloud after breakfast
From Pope's cc MessIah" Not one of my famIly Except George,
appeared to take the least Interest, Nor IS there anyone of them
who has a rehsh for hterature I have been a lawyer for bread,
a statesman at the call of my country
PlaIn modest and tasteless monuments to George ClInton
and ElbrIdge Gerry we have neIther forefathers nor posterIty,
a few years wIll efface them
half educated, lIke almost all emInent men In thIS country
Calhoun thought we oug11t In no case attend a congress of the allIes
England more by her Interest than
from prInCIple of general lIberty
We shd separate from all European concerns
Who have followed (malden ladles have followed)
General Lafayette from Europe to Llsses Oct 2 '24
So that when WashIngton left the senate chamber he saId he Wd be damned If he ever went there agaIn
They (congress) wd do nothIng for
the educatIon of boys but to make soldIers, they
? wd not endow a unIverSIty (In 182. 6)
Black walnut, almond planted In sprIng
take two months preCIsely to vegetate to the surface
ThIS has been (May 26th) a harassIng day
but I perceIved a tamarInd heavIng up the earth
In tumbler number 2, and In tumbler number one, planted . .
Interfere wIth offiCIal duty~ I saId
I thought that It wd as the U S was Interested In
the Canal Company by theIr subscrIptIon of one mIllIon dollars. . ReadIng Evelyn's (( Sylva" and makIng
TrIVIal observatIons UpOIl the vegetatIon of trees untIl dark
Some senSIbIlIty at partlng~ Clay expressed a WIsh to hear from me now and aga. Ln
cc There 15 somethIng strange, and whIch wd now be
thought very affected In the language of Shakespeare
Whose common thoughts are expressed In uncommon wOlds" (dIary March 1829)
But of late years have lost relIsh for :fictIon
December 13th Mrs Eaton
and accordIngly she (Mrs Calhoun) remaIns In the untaInted atmosphere of S CarolIna
EnglIsh tc Quarterly ReVIew" for November,
two artIcles of vIII:6. catlon
Calhoun heads the moral party, Mr Van Buren
PreSIdent Jackson's splttIn' box and a broken pIpe on the floor I called upon NIcholas BIddle and reed two dIVIdends
of my bank stock as I mIght be called to take part In
publIc measures I WIshed to dIvest myself
of all personal Interest Nov 9 '3 I
C:C I took seat Number 203 " J Q Adams asked hIm (Mr Webster) hIS VIews on
tIle dImInutIon In the tarIff 169
? I saId I had no desIre that the InterruptIon of socIal Intercourse between Gen ]acksol1 and me shd contlnue (March second) <;0 f1r, so good a restltutlon of It cd not fall to CApose lne to obloquy March the thIrd DIned WIth
Mr Webster upon saltnon sent fronl N ew York
MISS MartIneau author of C O il L'ersatt011S u. pon Polttrcal
a young woman deaf and hearIng only through all ear. . . trumpet
Her conversation IS lIvely and easy
The reasonIng of Mr Clay, Mr Calhoun, Mr Webster IS shallow, they speak to popular prejudIce
TIle old states WIll so sacrIfice
all thetr fIghts to the publIc lands L'aml de tout Ie monde, MartIn V an Buren
Mr Webster, a man of straw m the yard of the PresIdent's house It IS saId that theIr object
was to remonstrate agaInst worltlng more
than ten hours a day (AprIl 13th '37)
At the PresIdent's house and had With him conversatlol1 respectIng the clImate, Queen VIctorIa and the weather
Legare wd retort upon them by preachmg to the labourers Insurrection against the capltaiists of the North
Senate Chamber where I found him (J Calhoun) dIscourSIng to hIS own honour and glory and vituperatmg Mr Clay
after battling WIth each other on the atonement,
Chnst and the TrInIty phrenology and anImal magnetIsm TIppecanoe clubs students of colleges, schoolboys
The world, the flesh, the devlls In hell are
Agamst any man who now In the North American Un10n shall dare to JOIn the standard of AlmIghty God to
Put down the AfrIcan slave trade what can I
? ? ? Seventy-fotlr years, verge of my birthday, shakIng hand for the suppreSSIon of the AfrIcan slave trade
Van Buren agaInst more than te~ hours a day HarrIson on a mean-lookIng horse
was amIable and benevolent Adnunlstratlon WIll waddle along
haec sunt Infamlae
wrongs of the Cherokee natIon
These are the SInS of GeorgIa These are the lIes
These are the InfamIes
These are the broken contracts Buchanan the shade of a shade,
'icott a daguerreotype of a lIkeness
Mr Dan Webster spoutIng, Tyler's nose outreaclung the
Gun barrels, black walnut
These words I read on a pyramId, written In English and Hebrew
The firemen's torchlight proceSSion, FIremen's torchlIght proceSSIon,
SCIence as a prInCiple of polItical action
FIremen's torchlIght procession' ProportIoned to free InhabItants (Dec 2 I '43) Electro-magnetIc (Morse)
=---. Constans prOposlto Justum et Tenacem
J:f 17 1 "
? xxxv
O THIS IS (may we take It) Mitteleuropa
SMr Carles was In command of machine guns
but when the tIme came to fire
he merely ht a cigarette and walked away from his
battery and seated hln1sel? In a field,
So some subaltern gave the order to fire
and Mr Corles did not suffer the extreme penalty because hIs famIly
was a very good bourgeoIs fanuly In VIenna
and he was therefor sent to a mInd sanatorIum Mr Fldascz
~xplained to me
the horrors of playIng the fiddle whIle that ass N ataanovltch,
. or some other bettel l{nown -ovltth
whose name we must respect because of the law of libel,
was conductIng
m partIcular the Mattlas PaSSIon, after requestIng that
the audIence come In black clothes,
And the FrauleIn Doktor nearly wept over the Tyrol,
bemg Incapable of seeIng that the century-old Jo! {e on Italla was now on somebody else
though 1? they cd sentImentalIze over rhat lousy old bewhIskered sonvabltch Fran~OlSGIuseppe of whom nothIng good IS recorded-In fact With the most patIent research- nothIng good IS recorded and so forth
thIS IS Mltteleuropa and TSlevltz
has explaIned to me the warmth of affectIons,
the Intramural, the almost IntravagInal warmth of
? hebrew affectIons, In the fanuly, and nearly everythIng else pOIntIng out that 1\1r Lewlnesholme has suffered by deprIvatIon of same and exposure to AmerIcan snobbery U I am a product," saId the young lady, U of Mltteleuropa,"
but she seemed to have been able to mobilIze
and the fine tlung was that the famIly dId not
WIre about papa's death for fear of dIsturbIng the concert
whIch mIght seem to contradIct the general IndefinIte wobble It must be rather lIke some Internal organ,
some communal lIfe of the pancreas sensItIvIty
wIthout dIrectIon thIS IS
Oh yes, there are nobles, stIll Interested In polo
saId the whorIng countess of course there were nobles MIster Axon the usually so IntellIgent was
after two lunches wIth Dortmund unable, In fact he was qUlte unable to play respectable chess and the younger Alexl after lIVIng WIth MUlphy
was observed to be gray In the gIlls
through a presumed loss of vItalIty we have saId that stupIdIty IS contagIous, the dlvorce of PotemkIn
was Impeded by the deat11 of hIs grandmother
and a resurgence of fanuly feelIng HIs
wIfe now acts as hIs model and the Egerla
has, let us say, marrIed a realtor Havmg reSIgned overt IntentIon to remarry, the wldow, once the rose,
spends her tIme now plagUIng her daughter, and
Mr ElIas saId to me
C ( How do you get InSptratlont
Now my fnend Hall CaIne told me he came on a case a very sad case of a gIrl In the East End of London and It gave hIm an Ins p 1rat Ion The only
tC way I get InSpiration IS occaSIonally from a gIrl, I (C mean sometImes SIttIng In a restaurant and
lookIng at a pretty glrl I 173
? tt get all I-de-a, I-mean-a bIz-nIS I-de-a") " dIXIt SIC fehx ElIas~
Thetaleoftheperfectschnorrer apeautlfulche~rlschpoy WIt ~ VO-Ice dot woult
meldt dh heart offa schtone
~nd W It a 11kelng for to make arht-volks
and ven dh oIdt ladty wasn't dhere any more
and dey dIdn't know why, tdhere ee wass In the
oldt antIque schop and nobodty knew 110w he got dhere and venn hIss brudder dIet Wldout any bapers
he vept all ofer dh garpet so much he
had to llave his clothes aftervards pressed
and he orderet a magnlfncent funeral
and tden zent dh pIll to dh vife
But when they have hIgh cheek-bones
they are supposed to be Mongol EIJen' EIJen Hatvany' He had Ideals and he said to tile general at the conference, tc I Introduce to you the head of the b1. kers' union
(( I Introduce to you the head of the brlck. -Iayels' unIon " cc Comment' Vous etes tombes 81 bas'> "
replIed General Franchet de Whatshlsname
on the part of the french royalIst party, showing thus
the use of Ideals to a JeWIsh HungarIan baron
WIth a lIbrary (naturally wlth a lIbrary)
and a nne collectIon of paintIngs~ U We find the land over-
braIned n
saId the bOJars or whatever the old savages call It
as they hung theIr old huntsman frIend to hIS chandelIer In hIS dInmg hall after the usual feastIng and flagons VlRTUSCH" It must be one helluva country Item
That there be made a lontego (a chamber)
to lend money on cloth so that they cease not to
labour for lack of money Item that there be made a scaven-
and It be furmshed WIth cloth thus pledged 174
? to be sold a schavezo at a price as If wholesale
plus only the proportIon of the tax for the retaIl so that
Mantua cloth being cheap as In countries Circun1Jacerlt . lnd that BreSClans, Cremonesl, Parmenesl, ResaneSI
who now go to Verona where It IS cheaper as also
our own townsfolk go there, they wd then come hele or
stay here to the augment of Industry and Increase In
the retaIl tax and all of the other taAes
Item for the Increase of thIS art
shd be a man statIoned In VenIce to sell what we
can't sell here Item a dye works that they can dye
the pledged cloth and that findIng hele cloth "\Itel! coloured
In:ficlt umbras
the Romagnols wd come here to Mantua, and the March folk who now go to Verona to buy all of whIch wd
be gaIn to thIS Industry, brIng more people to lIve here
'lnd be of great use to yr taxes
Mantua 1401, una grlda When the stars fall from the olIve
Or wIth four pOInts or WIth five
Toward St John's eve
Came thIS day Madame VA'Yj, Madame la Porte Parure
Adorned wIth the Romancero,
foot hke a flowery branch That
Venice be luogo dz contratto may we
say the place where the deal IS made
and the profits
most assuredly from the pocket
of the last man who buys / exempt from customs
be food stuffs and nothmg else so exempted
9 per cent m, and 9 out, for the upkeep of cc The Domlnant " and De Gama (Vasco) a great InconvenIence In fact the
worst news that there could be but
Can Portugal keep It up'> omnes de partibus ultramarlnls
? needIng salt, made their peace wIth VenIce
cc who commands sea, commands trade U
let the rest provIde for cc The DOmInant," H VIctoria'> cc Where 'ave I 'eard that nayme' "
Undersell, overbuy, maIntain defence of the sea route
ad 142. 3etcetera
9%In and 9 out, no export of sand, alkalI, rags
QualIty So that our goods please the buyer
Tell the WaZIr that that stuff IS ours only In name
It IS made by damned Jews In eXIle, made by damned Jews In Ragusa and sold wIth VenetIan labels Goods m
VenetIan bottoms
no shIp to be btult out of VenIce
Mocenlgo Fourteen twenty-three
Iiave a load-lIne, no heavy deck calgo Tola, octroI and deCIme
ADY asks me
A I speak In season
She seeks reason for an affect, wIld often That IS so proud he hath Love for a name
Who denys It can hear the truth now \Vherefore I speak to the present knowers HavIng no hope that low-hearted
Can bring sight to such reason Be there not natural demonstratIon
I have no wIll to try proof-brlngmg Or say where It hath bIrth
What IS Its virtu and power
I ts being and every movIng
Or delIght whereby 'tIS called tt to love" Or 1? man can show It to sIght
W here memory lIveth, It takes Its state
Formed lIke a diafan from lIght on shade WhIch shadow cometh of IVlars and remalneth Created, haVIng a name sensate,
Custom of the soul,
will from the heart,
Cometh from a seen form wluch being understood Taketh locus and remamIng In the Intellect possible WhereIn hath he neither weight nor stJ11-standlng, Descendeth not by qualIty but shineth out HImself hIS own effect unendIngly
Not In delight but In the beIng aware
N or can he leave hIS true lIkeness otherwhere
? H e IS not vertu but cometh of that perfectIon WhIch IS so postulate not by the reason
But 'tIS felt, I say
Beyond salvanon, holdeth hIS JudgIng force Deemmg lntentl0n to be reason's peer and mate, Poor In dIscernment, beIng thus weakness' frIend Often hIs power cometh on death In the end,
Be It Wlthstayed
and so SWIngIng counterweIght
Not that It were natural OpposIte, but only Wry'd a bIt from the perfect,
Let no man say love cometh from chance Or hath not establIshed lordshIp
Holding hIS power even though Memory hath hIm no more
Cometh he to be
when the WIll
From overplu~
TWIsteth out of natural measure,
Never adorned Wlth rest Moveth he changIng colour EIther to laugh or weep
ContortIng the face WIth fear
resteth but a lIttle
Yet shall ye see of hun That he lS most often
WIth folk who deserve hIm
And hIS strange qualIty sets sIghs to move
Wulmg man look Into that formed trace In hIS mInd And With such uneaSIness as rouseth the flame Unskilled can not form hIS Image,
He hllnself moveth not, draWIng all to hIS stIllness, NeIther turneth about to seck hIS delIght
Nor yet to seek out provIng
Be 1t so great or so small
? H e drawetll likeness and hue from 11. b. e patule So making pleasure more certaIn In seemIng Nor can stand hId In such nearness,
Beautys be darts tho' not savage
SkIlled from such fear a man follows DeserVIng spInt, that plerceth
Nor IS he known from hIS face
But taken In the whIte lIght that 15 allness Toucheth hIS aIm
Who heareth, seeth not fornt
But IS led by Its emanatIon
BeIng divIded, set out from colour, DISjunct In nud darkness
Grazeth the lIght, one mOVIng by other, BeIng dIvIded, divided from all falsIty Worthy of trust
From hIm alone mercy proceedeth
Go, song, surely thou mayest
Whither It please thee
For so art thou ornate that thy reasons
Shall be praIsed from thy understanders,
With others hast thou no wIll to make company
U Called thrones, balasclo or topaze "
Erlugtna was not understood In hIS tIme
t t whIch explains, perhaps, the delay In condemnIng h111l " And they went looking for Manlcheans
And found, so far as I can make out, no Manlcheans
So they dug for, and damned Scotus Erluglna
U AuthorIty comes from right reason,
never the other way on " Hence the delay In condemnmg him
AqUInas head down In a vacuum,
ArIstotle whIch way In a vacuum)
? Sacrum, sacrum, Inlumlnatlo COItu Lo Sordels 51 fo dl Mantovana
of a castle named GOlto C ( FIve castles 9
tc FIve castles' "
(kmg glV' hIm five castles)
tC And what the hell do I know about dye-worls~'n HIS HolIness has wrItten a letter
tC CHARLES the Mangy of AnJou way you treat your men IS a scandal "
DI1ectis mI1. es famlharls castra MantIs Odorisil MantIs Sanctl SilvestrI pallete et pIle
In partlbus ThetIS VIneland
land tIlled
the land Incult
pratls nemorlbus pascuis wIth legal JurIsdIctIon
hIS heIrs of both sexes,
sold the damn lot SIX weeks later,
Sordellus de GOdlO
Quan ben m'alblr e mon rIC pensamen
HOU shalt not," saId MartIn Van Buren, tt Jau 'em for T debt "
tt that an Immigrant shd set out With good banknotes and :find 'em at the end of hIs voyage
but waste paper 1? a man have In pruneval forest set up hIs cabIn, shall rich patroon take It from hIm~ HIgh Judges' Are, I suppose, subject to paSSIons
as have affected other great and good men, also subject to esprIt de corps
The Calhouns" remarked Mr Adams
tt Have flocked to the standard of femInine vIrtue U
tt Peggy Eaton's own story" (HeadlIne 1932 )
Shall we call In the world to conduct our
munIcipal government')
Ambrose (M r) Spencer, Mr Van Renselaer
were agaInst extenSIon of franchIse
tt Who work In factorIes and are employed by the wealthy
(State ConventIon 1821) dIXit Spencer
tt Man who feeds, clothes, lodges another
has absolute control over hIS WIll "
Kent saId they wd tt deplore In sackcloth and ashes 1? they preserved not a senate
to represent landed Interest, and dId they
Jeopard property rlghts~U To whom Mr Somebody TompkIns ct FIlled your arnues
U whIle the prIests were preachIng sedItIon
t t and men of wealth decryIng government credIt"
tt In order to feed on the spoJ. 1s "
Two words, saId Mr Van Buren, came In WIth our revolutIon and, as a matter of fact, why are we sent here'>
cc as for you Mr Cluef Justice Spencer
? tt 1? they vote as they are bid by theIr employers
they wJ11 vote for the property ",-hleh you so Wish to protect"
when a turnpIke depends upon congres~ local superVISIon IS lost
not surrender our conduct to foreIgn aSSOCIatIons workIng classes
who mostly
have no control over paper, and
derIve no profit from bank stock merchants wIll not confess ovel tradIng
nor speculators the dISPOSItion to speculate revenue for wants of the government
to be kept under publIc control natIonal revenue
Into banks of depOSIt In seasons of spec. ulation~
do they pour
dmllnIsh government patronage saIlor
not to be lashed save by court
to actual settler (as agaInst Mr Clay)
And when her father went broke, Mr Eaton gave rise to WashIngton gOSSIp loose morals of Mr Jefferson, SerVIlIty of MartIn Van Buren, saId Adams (J QUIncy) when everyone else IS unCIVIl
u: No where so well depOSIted as In the pants of tIle people, Wealth ain't," saId PreSident Jackson
They give the union five years
Bank did not produce uniform currency
they wd Import graIn rather than grow It
Bank of England faIled to prevent uses of credIt
U In BankIng corporatIons" saId Mr Webster tt the
U mterests of the rIch and the poor are happtly blended" SaId Van Buren to Mr Clay tt If you wIll gIve me
t t A pInch of your excellent Maccoboy snuff "
? In Europe often by prIvate houses, wIthout aSsIstance of banks RelIef 15 got not by Increase
but by dImInutIon of debt
as JustIce Marshall, has gone out of hIS case
TIp an' Tyler
We'll bust Van's biler
blOUght In the vice of luxuria sed aureiS furcuhs, whIch forks were
bought back In the tIme of PresIdent Monroe
by Mr Lee our consul1n Bordeaux
(( The man IS a dough-face, a proflIgate,"
won't say he agrees wIth hIS party
AuthorIzed Its (the banl\. 's) presIdent to use funds at dIscretIon (ItS funds, hIS dIscretIon) to
Influence press
veto power, WIth marked dIscretIon, used no further than In objectIng to bank under charter eXIstIng
H FrIendly feelIng toward our bank In
U the mInd of the PresIdent (Jackson
whose autograph was sent to the PrIncess VIctorIa)
wrote BIddle to Lennox Dec 1829
cc Counter rumours. wIthout foundatIon, I had
U a full and frank talk wIth the PresIdent who was
ct most kind about Its (the bank's) serVIces to the country"
BIddle to HamIlton m November
U To which end, largely Increased lIne of dIscounts
1830, October, 40 mtllion
May, 1837 seventy mIllions and then some
Remembered thIS In Sorrento" In the VICinage of VeSUVIUS near eAhumed Herculaneum
u 30 mIllIon" saId Mr Dan Wester U In states on the MISSISSIPPI Ct WIll all have to be called In, In three
? CC: years and nIne months, If the charter be not extended C( I hesertate nawt tew say et wIll dee-preClerate
CC: everyman's prorperty from the etcetera
U to the kepertal ov MISSOUlI, affect the prIce of
C( crawps, leynd en the prordewce ov labour, to the embararsement "
de mortuls wrote Mr Van Buren
don't qUIte apply In a case of thIS character
4 to 5 nullIon balance m the natIonal treasury ReceIpts 3I to 32 mIllIon
Revenue 32 to 33 mIllIon
The Bank 34I mIllIon, and In deposIts
6 mIllIons of government money (and a majOrIty In the Senate)
PublIC Money m control of the PresIdent
from I5 to 20 thousand (ld est, a fund for the secret serVIce)
tc emplOyIng means at the bank's disposal
In derangmg the country's credIts, obtaInIng by panIC control over publIc mind U saId Van BUlen
t t from the real commIttee of Bank's dIrectors
the government's dIrectors have been excluded
Bank president controllIng government's funds
to the betrayal of the natIon
government funds obstructIng the government
and has sequestered the saId funds of the government
(WIth chapter, date, verse and cltatIon) acting In J. 1legal secret
pourIng oIl on the press
gIVIng nommal loans on mexlstent securIty"
In the eighteen hundred and thirties cc on precedent that Mr HamIlton has
never heSItated to Jeopard the general for advance of particular lnterests "
? tt Bank curtailed
17 mIllion on a lIne of 64 rrulIlon credIts
tt Had not Mr Taney (of the treasury) prevented that branch (In New York) from then collectIng 8 mllhon 700 thousand and armed our CIty WIth 9 mIllIon to defend us (the whole country)
10 thIS war on Its trade and commerce, CambrelIng, Globe Extra 1834
Peggy Eaton's Own Story And 1? MarIetta Had not put on her grandmother's dress
She mIght have lasted, a mystery If Dolores Had not put on a hat shaped lIke a WIg
She nught have remaIned an exotic
Placwt ocuhs, and dId not mInd strong CIgars
IrrItable and unstable,
Is formed, IS destroyed,
Recomposes to be once more decomposed
(thus, descendIng to plant lIfe)
Sorrento, June 21St VJ. 1la Falangola
In the VICInage of VesuvIus, 111 the mIrror of memory Mr Van Buren
Judge Yeats, whom I renlember etc Warded off scrutiny of hIS mental capaCitIes By a dIgnified and prudent reserve wluch
long practIce had made second nature
Alex HamIlton had been blackmaIled but
preferred, In the end, prIvate scandal to shade on hIS publIC career
Marshall, saId Roane, underIIllned the U S ConstItution No man before Tom Jefferson In my house
? Said one of the wool-buyer~
( t Able speech by Van Burell
u Yes, very able"
U Ye-es, Mr Knower, an' on wlch side ov the tarIff was It') tc POInt I was In the act of consIderIng"
replIed Mr Knower
In the 1D. lrror of memory have been told I rendered the truth a great serVIce by that speech on the tarIff but directness on all pOInts wd seem not
to have been Its conSpICUOUS feature
I thanked hIm (James Jones, brother In law of Ml ClInton)
for hIS kInd offer but
saId my fortunes were too low In ebb for me at that moment to compromIse Lacked not who said that John Adams
dIslIked not so much the Idea of a monarch as preferred Braintree House over Hanover and hiS son, seeking lIght from the stars deplored that representatives be paralyzed by the Will of constituents
tt I publicly answered more questions than all other preSidents put together"
Signed Martin Van Buren tt Mr Webster In debt to the bank "
Damned yellow rascal, said Clay 4t Unnecessary, therefore InJurious
Interference on the part of the govelnment And they and their gang In congress
debated three months Without IntrodUCIng one solitary proposItIon to reverse Taney's deCISion or In any way to relIeve any distress
t1 duol che sopra Senna Induce, falseggta1zdo fa 11101zeta
'that year Metevsky went over to AmerIca del Sud A(and the Pope's manners were so like Mr Joyce's,
got that way In the VatIcan, weren't lIke that before)
MarconI knelt In the anCIent manner
lIke JImmy Walker saYIn' hIs prayers
I1:IS HolIness expressed a polIte curIOSIty
as to how HIS Excellency had chased those
electrIC shakes through the a'mosphere LucreZIa
Wanted a rabbIt's foot,
and he, Metevsky saId to the one sIde
(three chIldren, five abortIons and dIed of the last) he saId the other boys g<9t more munItions
(thus cIgar-makers whose work IS hIghly repetItIve
can perform the necessary operatIons almost automatIcally
and at the same tIme hsten to readers who are hIred
for the purpose of provIdIng mental entertaInment whtle they work, Dexter Kunball 192. 9 )
Don't buy until you can get ours And he went over the border
and he saId to the other sIde
The other side has more mtlnltions Don't buy
until you can get ours
And Akers made a large profit and Imported gold Into England Thus IncreaSing gold unports
The gentle reader has heard thIS before And that year Mr WhItney
Parad,so XIX, I18
? SaId how useful short sellIn' was,
We suppose he meant to the brokers
And no one called hIm a lIar
And two Afghans came to Geneva
To see 1? they cd get some guns cheap,
As they had heard about someone's dIsarmIng And the secretary of the somethIng
Made some money from 011 wells
(In the name of God the Most GlorIOUS Mr D'Arcy IS empowered to scratch through the sub-solI of PersIa
until :? ifty years from thIS ciate )
Mr Mellon went over to England
and that year Mr WIlson had prostatItIS
And there was talk of a new MesSIah
(that must have been a bIt sooner)
And Her Ladyslup cut down Jenny's allowance Because of that bItch Agot IpsWIch
And that year (that wd be . 20 or IS years sooner) They began to kIll 'em by mIllIons
Because of a louse In BerlIn
and a greasy basturd In Ausstrla By name Fran~OIS GIuseppe
t~ W J . 1 1 t h e r e b e w a r " > " t t N o , M I S S W l ' ! e t , tt On account of blzschnlz relations"
Said the soap and bones dealer In May 1914 And Mr Gandhi thought
1? we don't buy any cotton
And at the same tIme don't buy any guns MonSieur Untel was not found at the Jockey Club
but was, later, found In Japan
And So-and-So had shares In MItSUI
t t The wood (walnut) wIll always be wanted for gunstocks" And they put up a watch factory outsIde Muscou
And the watches kept time Italian marshes
? been waItIng SInce TIberlUS' tIme
U Marry" saId Beebe, tt how do the ? sh lIve In the sea" RIvera, the SpanIsh dIctator, dIctated that tIle
Infante was physIcally unfit to InherIt
gothIc type stul used In Vienna because the old folks are used to that type
And Schlossmann
suggested that I stay there In VIenna As stool-pigeon against the Anschluss
Because the Ausstrlans needed a Buddha (Seay, brother, I Ieev et tuh yew')
The white man who made the tempest In Baluba Der 1m Baluba das Gewltter gemacht hat
they spell words with a drum beat,
cc The country 15 overbrained " said the hunganan nobleman In 1923 Kosouth (Ku' shoot) used, I ullderstand
To SIt In a cafe-all done by conversatlon-
It was all done by conversatIon,
pOSSIbly because one repeats the pOInt when conversing tt VIenna contalns a mIxture of races"
wd I stay and be Bhudd-ha')
et They are accustomed to haVIng an Emperor They must have SomethIng to worshIp ( 1927) "
But theIr humour about lOSIng the Tyrol~
TheIr humour IS not qwte so broad
The ragged arab spoke WIth Frobenlus and told hIm
The names of 3000 plants
Bruhl found some languages full of detail Words that half mimIC actIon, but
generalIzatIon IS beyond them, a whIte dog 18 not, let us say, a dog hke a black dog
Do not happen, Romeo and JulIet unhappJ. 1y I have lost the cuttmg but apparently
such things do stIll happen, he SUICided outSIde her door whtle
? the famIly was preparIng her body for burIal, and she knew that thIs was the case
Green, black, December SaId Mr Blodgett
<< SeWing machInes wIll never come Into general use
U I have of course never s'ud that the cash IS constant (Douglas) and In fact the populatIon (BrItaIn 1914)
was left wIth 800 mIllIons of tt deposIts" after all the cash had been drawn, and these deposits were satIsfied by the
prInting of treasury notes A factory
has also another aspect, whIch we call the finanCIal aspect It gives people the power to buy (wages, dIVIdends whIch are power to buy) but It IS also the cause of prices or values, finanCial, I mean finanCIal values
It pays workers, and pays for materIal
What It pays In wages and diVIdends
stays flUid, as power to buy, and thiS power 15 less, per ? orza, damn blast your Intellex, IS less
than the total payments made by the factory
(as wages, dIVIdends AND payments for raw materIal
bank charges, etcetera)
and all, that 1S the whole, that IS the total of these IS added Into the total of prIces caused by that factory, any damn factory and there IS and must be therefore a clog and the power to purchase can neyer
(under the present system) catch up with prIces at large,
and the light became so brIght and so blIndln" In thiS layer of paradIse
that the mInd of man was bewtldered 19?
? SaId I-Ierr Krupp (1842) guns are a merchandise I approach them from the IndustrIal end,
I approach them from the technIcal side,
1847 orders from ParIS and Egypt orders from the CrImea,
Order of PIetro 11 Grande,
and a Command In the Le81011 of Honour
500 to St Petersburg and 300 to Napoleon Barblchc from Creusot A t Sadowa
AustrIa had some Krupp cannon,
PrussIa had some Krupp cannon
tt The Emperor ('68) IS deeply In'erested In yr catalogue and In yr serVIces to humanIty"
(sIgned) Leboeuf who was a relative of MonsIeur Schneider
I 900 fifty thousand operal,
53 thousand cannon, about half for hIs country,
Bohlem und Halbach,
Herr SchneIder of Creusot
TWin arse wIth one belly
Eugene, Adolf and Alfred U more mone} from guns than from
tract. tles"
Eugene was sent to the deputIes,
(Soane et LOIre) to the Deputies, mInIster, Later rose to be mInister,
tt guns comIng from anywhere,
but approprIatIons from the Chambers of ParlIaments n
In 1874 reed license for free exportation
Adopted by 2. 2. natIons
1885/1900 produced ten thousand cannon
to 1914, 34 thousand
one half of them sent out of the country
always 111 the chamber of deputies, always a conservatIve, Schools, churches, orspltals fer the warkIn' man
Sand plIes fer the chIldren
? OppOSIte the Palace of the SchneIders
Arose the monument to Herr HenrI
Chantlers de la Glronde, Bank of the ParIs Union, The franco-Japanese bank
Fran~olSde Wendel, Robert Protot To frIends and enemIes of tomorrow
tt the most powerful unIon IS doubtless that of the Conute des Forges,"
\c: And God take your lIvIng " saId Hawkwood 15 mtll10n Journal des Debats
30 mullon paId to Le Temps
Eleven for the Echo de ParIS
Polloks on SchneIder patents Our bank has bought us
a lot of shares In MItSUI
Who ann 50 dIvIsIons, who keep up the Japanese army and they are destIned to have a large future
c t falre passer ces affalres
avant ceux de la natIon "
ESOLA TE IS the roof where the cat sat, DDesolate IS the Iron raIl that he walked
And the corner post whence he greeted the sunnse
thkk, thgk"
of the loom
Ct Thgk, thkk " and the sharp sound of a song under olIves
When I lay In the Ingle of CIrce I heard a song of that kInd
Fat panther lay by me
GIrls talked there of fuckIng, beasts talked there of eating,
All heavy wIth sleep, fucked gIrls and fat leopards,
Lions loggy wIth CIrce's tIsane,
GIrls leery wIth CIrce's tIsane , ,l. . . ' ,~
Kal<a 't'app. . aK EOWKElI kaka pharmak edoken
The house of smooth stone that you can see from a distance AVKOL OPEUTEPOL, ~OE AE01lTES
lukol oresterol ede leontes
wolf to curry favour for food -born to HellOS and Persels
That had Paslphae for a tWIn
Venter venustus, cunni cultrlx, of the velvet marge
vet novum, canorum, ver novum Spring overborne Into summer
late sprIng In the leafy autumn
,,0. ). ,011 a. OU5La. Et KALON AOIDIAEI
"H 8eos, ,qE 'YV1l~ c/>8E'Y'YWJ. LE8a- 8a. uuov
r theos c gune ptheggometha thasson
In hIll path
? Fust honey and cheese
honey at first and then acorns
Honey at the start and then acorns
honey and wine and then acorns
Song sharp at the edge, her crotch lIke a young saplIng illa dolore obmutult, parlter vocem
'AAA' d. AATJv xp~ TrpiiJTov fOSOV TEAECTat, Kat \KEU8at 490/5 El~ 'Atoao 86J. LOV~ K a t E1TaLlIfj~ llepCTE</>OVEL'YJ4)'
lflvxfi XPTJCTOfLEVOvr; 8T1{3aLov TELpeOLao
MC? VT't]O~ , aAaov T O V 'TE cPPEVE~ EP. 'TTE8oL ELCJ"L
Tif Ka. t TE(JlITjfiJTt VOOV '/Tope ITEpCTE</>OVELa
When Hathor was bound In that box afloat on the sea wave
Came Mava sWimming wIth lIght hand lifted In overstroke sea blossom wreathed In her locks,
U What are you box;> "
(C IamHathor"
Che mal da me non 51 parte II dlletto
Fulvlda dl folgore
Came here w lth Glaucus unnoticed, nee IVl 111 harum Nec In harum Ingressus sum
DISCUSS this In bed said the lady Eune kal phtlotetl ephata Ktrkh
Euv~ 1Ca. ~ q,tA6T7]". t, EcP<<T4 Kl,plCTJ
es thalamon
'Ef {}a:Xap. ov
Eurtlochus, Macer, better there wIth good acorns Than wIth a crab for an eye, and 30 fathom of fishes Green sWish In the socket,
Under the portico Ktrke U I thInk you must be Odysseus
feel better when you have eaten 194
? Always wIth your mind on the past Ad Orcum autem qUlsquam~
nondum nave nIgra pervenlt Been to hell In a boat yet~
Sumus In fide Puellaeque canamus sub nocte
there In the glade
To Flora's nIght, wIth hyaclnthus,
With the crocus (sprIng sharp In the grass,)
FIfty and forty together
Betuene AprIle and Merche
With sap new In the bough
WIth plum flowers above them
With almond on the black bough
With JasmIne and olive leaf, To the beat of the measure From star up to the half-dark From half-dark to half-dark
UnceaSIng the measure Flank by flank on the headland
With the Goddess' e}es to seaward By CIrceo, by Terraclna, WIth the stone eyes
whIte toward the sea WIth one measure, unceasing
et Fac deum' " ct Est factus" Ver novum'
ver novum' Thus made the sprIng,
Can see but theIr eyes In the dark
not the bough that he walked on
? Beaten from flesh Into lIght
Hath swallowed the fire-ball
A traverso Ie fogIle
HIS rod hath made god In my belly
SIC loquItur nupta Cantat SIC nupta
Dark shoulders have stIrred the lIghtnIng A gIrl's arms have nested the fire,
Not I but the handmaId kIndled Cantat SIC nupta
I have eaten the flame
? XL
SPRIT de corps In permanent bodIes
Ett Of the same trade," SmIth, Adam, U men
never gather together
tc WIthout a conspIracy agamst the general publIC "
Independent use of money (our OWN) toward holdIng OUR bank, own bank
and In It the deposIts, received, where receIved
De banchls camhi tenendl VenIce 1361,
'62. shelved for a couple of centuries tc whether by prIvates or publIC
currency OF (0, F, of) the natIon
Toward prodUCIng that Wide expanse of clean lawn Toward that deer park toward
the playIng fields, congerIes, SWImmIng pools, undsowelter Sword-fish, seven marlIn, world's record
extracted In 24 hours
Wd make the loan, sterling, eight hundred thousand
1? Peabody wd qUit busIness
England 1858
IS permitted for 50 years to dIg up the subSOIl of Persia
'62. , report of committee
Profit on arms sold to the government Morgan
(Case 97) sold to the government the government's arms I mean the government owned 'em already
at an extortIonate profit
Dollars 160 thousand, one swat, to Mr Morgan
for forCIng up gold
? CC TakIng advantage of emergency" (that IS war) After Gettysburg, down 5 pOints In one day- Bulls on gold and bears on the UnIon
U Business prospered due to war's faIlures"
,,. If a natzon WIll master tts 111-01tey"
Boutwell decIded bonds shd be sold dIrect by the treasury Mr Morgan contrIbutIons to the RepublIcan Party, largely to the republican party
Beecher's church organIzed by realty agents- Belmont representIng the Rothschllds
tt speCIe payment's resumptIon
ct enriched a small group of holders "
stock subscrIptIon (raIlway constructIon)
seldom over 30 percent
In '76 default 39% of the total
that IS 39 per cent of the
bonds for raIlway constructIon
SaId Mr Corey (( there bemg no central InstItutIon as In London "
PUJO InvestIgatIon SaId Mr Morgan
tc never sold short In my lIfe J ) havIng learned that a hIgh degree of lIqUIdIty
1907 ec cd not have been done WIthout Mr Baker
tt we cdnt have stopped It (the panIc)
As to the government's arms they were bought by one government office before they had been sold
(as condemned) by another dItto (1 e government office) passing through a species of profit SIeve
It A greek," saId Ionldes or some other Hellene,
ce honest after he has cleaned up 2. 0 thousand"
meanIng twenty thousand pund sterhng
WIth our eyes on the new gothIC reSIdence, With our
eyes on PalladIo, With a desIre for selgnleurlal splendours 198
? (AGALMA, haberdashery, clocks, ormoulu, brocatellt, tapestrIes, unreadable volumes bound In tree-calf, half-morocco, morocco, tooled edges, green rIbbons, flaps, farthIngales, nchus, cutIes, shortIes, pInkIes
et cetera
that he ply beyond pIllars of Herakles
60 shIps of armada to layout Phoeneclan cItIes
to each shIp 50 oars, In all
30 thousand aboard them wIth water, wheat In prOVlS. lOn Two days beyond Gibel Tara layed In the WIde plaIn Thumlatehyon, went westward to Sol01s
an headland covered WIth trees
Entha hleron Poseldonos, agaInst the sun half a day
IS seabord marshland hIgh-murmurIng rushes
In that place great elephant herds
and beasts many other amongst them
So laId we house Karikon, Gutta, Akra, Meh, Arambo These are the CItIes, then LIKOS
Pours down from out of HIgh LIbya
The lixitae frIendly cowboys and herders
Up country be aethloplans lfvlng wIth untamed beasts shut In by the LixtuS n10untain
whereon are mIsshapen men sWIfter than horses
Men of Lixtae came wIth us to Interpret
for 1. 2. days sallIng southward, southward by desert one day saIled agaInst sun, there 15 an harbour
wIth an Island 1 5 mIles I n circumference,
We bUIlt there, callIng It Cyrne
belieVing It OppOSIte Carthage as our sauIng tIme was the same as from Calthage to the Ptllars
? Past Xrestes, a great rIver,
a lagoon wIth three larglsh Islands
a day onward great hIlls end an Inlet, TheIr folk wear the hides of wIld beasts and threw rocks to stone us,
so prevented our landIng
Next 15 a rIver wIde, full of water
crocoddes, rIver horses, Thence we turned back to Cyrne for 12 days coasted the shore
Aethlops fled at our comIng
Our LIxtae cd not understand theln
12th day rose the woody mountain
WIth great soft smell from the trees
all perfumes many-mingling
Two days, the wIde bayou or Inlet
Lay flatland above It busy by nIght WIth fires Ftlled our tanks, saIled 5 days along shore
Came then West Horn, the Island that closes Its harbour And by day we saw only forest,
by nIght theIr fires WIth sound of pIpe against pipe
The sound ply over ply, cymbal beat agaInst cymbal, The drum, wood, leather, beat, beat nOIse to make terror The diViners told us to clear
Went from that :fire fragrance,
flames flowed mto sea,
FearIng and SWIftly, the land by night decked WIth flame
One pIllar of lIght above others
Scorched at the sky and stars
By day thIS stood an hIgh mountaIn
That they call the gods' carroch
By flame for three days to South Horn, the bayou,
the Island of folk hairy and savage
whom our Llxtae said were Gorillas
We cd not take any man, but three of their women
2. 00
? TheIr men clomb up the crags,
Ramed stone, but we took three women
who bit, scratched, wd not follow theIr takers KIlled, flayed, brought back their pelts Into Carthage Went no further that voyage,
as were at end of prOVISIons Out of whIch thmgs seekIng an eXIt
To the hIgh air, to the stratosphere, to the ImperIal calm, to the empyrean, to the batly of the four towers the NOUS, the meffable crystal
Karxedonlon Baslleos
hung thIs With hIS map m theIr temple
M saId the Boss, t ( edlvertente "
catchIng the pOInt before the aesthetes had got there,
HavIng draIned off the muck by Vada
From the marshes, by Clrceo, where no one else wd have
draIned It
WaIted 2. 000 years, ate graIn from the marshes,
Water supply for ten mIllIon, another one mIllIon t:t va11t " that IS rooms for people to hve In
XI of our era Story told by the meZZO-YIt
That they were to have a consortIum and one of the potbellIes says
wIll come In for 12 mIllIon" And another three nullyum for my cut, And another we wIll take eIght,
And the Boss saId but what villI you
DO WIth that money'> "
tt But' but' sIgnore, you do not ask a man what he wtll do WIth hIs money
That 18 a personal matter
And the Boss saId but wbat wIll you do') You won't really need all that money
because you are all for the confine"
( t N01 Cl faCClam sgannar per ~. 1ussohnl"
said the commandante della pIazza (C Popolo" sald etCl U 19norante,
U And the worst of 'em allis my tc donna" (In the thIrd year of hIS age)
? ct Where the Pope goes IS lack of money Because of the mass of clerIcs
who brIng cheques for the banks to cash,. And for these the banks must pay money
And you must know how they pay, and
when and on what days there ale markets
and In whlcl1 ~easons are the fairs, and
when they need money 1n whIch vrhere
and what are the rates of exchange
(Messlre Uzzano I n 1442 )
To have shortage neither In time nor In place bJt to have money there ready
for sallmg of ships, wangles of merchants and for the due pay for soldIers
both from commune or overlord, and you must work day and nIght
to keep up with your letters
Eleven hours the day, 32. centimes the hour U And you stole It "
said the employer at Orbe
After the boss had worn out hIS best only shoes Monday 14th, In the morning
After SIX days In the training corps
They sent him back to the front
(documento) Geschlchte und Lebensbllder
Temperature of enormous Importance
Erneuerung des Rellglosen Lebens
more especially In mountaIn warfare
In den Deutschen Befrelungskrlegen, by WIlhelm Baur This remarkable work was presented
to the young Uhlan officer
by her Imperial majesty Augusta VIctoria Wlth a tender and motherly dedIcation
2? 3
? Renewal of higher hfe
In the struggle for German freedom, 19 hundred and 8, In mountain warfare,
ordlne, contrordIne e dlsordine
tC una pace qualunque "
SOCIal content to the war
The young Uhlan was never out of unIform from h s eighth year ttll the end of the war
contrordlne e dlsordlne
Trees, hedges of whIte thorn, toward San CaSCIano were stIff frosted WIth sllver-
2. 0 metres between the trenches
U was IdentIfied as the hospItal where Mussohnl from photo In Corriere dl DomenIca, and then bombed
Feldmarschall Hlndenburg In the ImperIal box
Heard for the first time Mozart and asked what the nOise was all thIS god damned cultural nonsense
But FrItz' father had kept the letter
That he, Herr Nvon so Forth. shd back up
hiS, Hmdenburg's apphcatlon
for a seven dollar per year Increase In penslon- fees due hIm for haVing partIcipated In the
Battle of Waffenschlag, In the seventies or whenever Una pace qualunque Over Udlne
wd have called that eagle a portent (t Yes,SIr,weWJ. 11:filethat"
saId the seventh under eat's dogkeeper when he rec'd the Hun ultimatum,
The rest being nacherly on french vacatIon 1914 I:t At any rate, he had the fleet out"
remarked WInston's mama tee Never " saId WInston to hIS cousin
tt waste time making munItIons Be a GUN, and shoot other's munItIons
? Don't waste tIme havmg Ideas" (COUSIn deeply Impressed but
dId not achIeve lastIng preemInence)
In that world whIch M Crevel has depIcted
In the world of Esperanza, PrImrose and Augusta, of fat fussy old women and of fat fussy old men (( Sure they want war," saId BIll Yeats,
tc They want all the young gals fer themselves" That llovely unconSCIOUS world
slop over slop, and blue rIbbons
U PIg and PIffle" they called It In prIvate
10 pence per copy to make, 6 pence on the stands
and each year 2. 0 thousand In profits
Pays to control the TImes, for Its effect on the market (( where there IS no censorshIp by the state
there IS a great deal of manIpulatIon "
and news sense~ CosImo FIrst guaranteed It
To pay 5%on Its stock, Monte del Paschl and to lend at 5 and ~
Overplus of all profit, to rehef works and the admInIStratIon on moderate pay
that stood even after Napoleon SaId C H U To strangle the bankers ~" And Woergl m our tIme'
To the Count de Vergennes ParIS, August 1785 ConsumptIon tobacco, esteemed In francs
15 to 30 mullon pounds, let us say It may be 2. 4 delivered In ports of France @ 8 sous
9 mtlhon 600 thousand at the rate 6 SOllS to manufacture
7 millIon and somethIng revenue to the KIng 30 nulhon
to the consumer 72.
? expense of the tax In collectIon 15 therefore say 25 mtlhon
presumptuous to assume
'"rwenty tmlhon Irenchmen, 19 m. llhons accursed, Mrs Trlstj In every materIal CIrcumstance
PublIC debt IncreaSIng at about one mIllIon a yeal
Y ou wul see by GallatIn's speeches
Saddled by bank, led by a brIdle
NatIonal property beIng Increased
must furnish adequate representatIon
all Imported commodItIes are raIsed about 50 percent Vol IX 337, Lands rose In a vortex of paper,
not here where the banks do not reach MechanICS get I 50 a day
But are worse off than WIth the old wages
Independent use of our money toward holding our bank
Mr Jefferson to Colonel Monroe
12. 0 mdhon german fuses used by the allIes to kill Germans BrItIsh gunsights from lena
SchneIder Creusot armed Turkey
Copper from England thru Sweden Mr Hatfield
Patented hIS new shell In eIght countrIes
ad InterIm 1933
E ought, I thInk, to say In CIVIl terms You be damned'
(Palmerston, to Russell rei Chas H Adams)
t And how thIS people CAN In thls the fifth
et cetera year of the war, leave that old etcetera up there on that monument' ' H G to E P 1918
Lex salIca' lex GermanIca, Antonmus saId law rules at sea
FIXED In the soul, nell' anIma, of the IllustrIOus College They had been ten years propOSIng such a Monte,
That IS a speCIes of bank-damn good bank, In SIena
A mount, a bank, a fund a bottom an
lnstItutIon of credIt
a place to send cheques In and out of
and yet not yet a banco dl gIro, and the Bauey
sought VIews from the Senate C WIth paternal affectIon JustIce convenIence of CIty what college had wIth such foresIght wherefore S A (Y our HIghness) as In register N o v 162. 4
follOWIng detaIls as thIrd, a Yearly balance
as 5th that any CItIzen shall have rIght to depOSIt
and to frUIts therefrom resultant at five percent annual Interest and that borrowers pay a bIt over that
for serVIces (del mInlstrl) that IS for runnIng expenses
and book keepIng whIch shall be counted a half seudo
per hundred per year
(All of thIS IS Important)
and 6thly that the MagIstrate gIve hIS chIef care that the speCIe
2? 9
? +-
be lent to whomso can best use It USE IT
(zd est, PIU utzl1nente)
to the good of theIr houses, to benefit of their busIness
as of weaVIng, the wool trade, the sIlk trade
And that (7thly) the overabundance every five years shall the
dIstrIbute to workers of the contrade (the wards) holdIng In
reserve a prudent proportIon as agaInst unforeseen losses
though there shd be NO such losses
and 9th that the borrowers can pay up before the end of theIr term whenso It be to theIr Intelest No debt to run more than five years
July 1623
Loco SIgnl
[a cross In the margm]
That plofit on depOSIts should be used to cover all losses
al1d the dIstrIbutIons on the fifth year be made from remaln1ng profits, after restoratIon of losses no (bel1,che) matter how
WIth sane small reserve agaInst future Idem
I, LIVIO PasqUInI, notary, CItIzen of SIena, most f'llthfully copIed July 18th 1623
Consules, JudIces, and notary publIC pro serenlSSlmo
attest LIVID'S superscrIpt next date beIng November wave falls and the hand falls
Thou shalt not always walk In the sun or see weed sprout over cornice
Thy work In set space of years, not over an hundred
That the Mount of PIty (or Hock Shop)
muniCipal of SlC1l. a has lent only on pledges
that IS on stuff actu11ly hocked wd be we belIeve useful and beneficent that there be place to lend liCitly MONEY to receIve lICItly mone}
at moderate and legItImate Interest
2. 10
? was sent months ago to YYour HHlghness AA VV a memorIal to erect aNew MountaIn
could accept speCIe from UnlverSItIes (Id est congiegatlons)
and IndIvIduals and from Luoghl
I e companIes and persons botll publIc and prIvate \VHOMSO:CVER
not lequIrIng that they have specIal prIVIlege because of theIr state or condItIons but to folk of ANY CONDITION
that the same Mount cd/lend on good Mallevadorla (that IS securIty) at the same rate plus a L. ttle over
to cover current expenses of superVIsors and employees & beIng sent to YY HHlghnesses (AA VV = YY HH) that you might understand It
that It be brought to cons1deratlon wIth certaIn detaIls discussed first orally and then put Into wrItIng
(111 what wd seem to have been r622. )
StatIng that SIena had no Income and TheIr HIghnesses had prOVIded credIt from customs
and from mIscellaneous taxes
and that the Grand Duke hadn't lost anythIng by It
Plus a lIst of Slenese assets (coolIsh)
Plus a lIen on t The Abundance'
And knOWIng that all thIs IS but a lIttle
Pledge the persons and goods of the laity
And leave open door to other towns In the state
who care to gIve sImIlar pledges
And that whoso puts In money shall have lots In the Monte
that yIeld 5%Interest
and that these shareholders shall receIve theIr due frUIt And that the Gd Duke make known at SIena
to the same deputIes of the BaIley
but that It be separate from the Pawn Shop
and have Its own magIstrates and employees
and that YYour HHIghnesses send approbatIon
? commandIng theIr wIll, we humbly wIth reverence the 29th day of Xember 1622
servants of YYour HHlghnesses
NIcolo de AntIlle HoratIo Glonfigholl Sebastlano Cellesl
TThelr HHlghnesses gratlfied
the CIty of thIS demand to
erect aNew Monte
for good public and private and to facllItate
agreed to accommodate
and to lend the fund agaInst the Gd Duke's
publIc entrIes to the sum of
. 200,000 scudl
capItal for frUit at 5%annual whIch IS 10,000 a year
assIgned on the office of graZIng
on cautIon of said securIty offered leaVIng ground for other towns that WIsh to partICIpate
WIth TTheir HHIghnesses
approbatIons as follows
Marla Maddalena Tutrlce
Hor della Rena 30 Xembre 1622.
the l11ustrIOtls BaIley executed In toto & as per true rescrIpt of
TThelr HHIghnesses
2. Jan 16. 12.
CenZlO Grcol1Ill which date goes In the Slenese calendar
Needs a stamp refer to
the Governor Fabblzio bollo
veda Governatore
2. 12
? whereof December was the x th month and March was the New Year
ACTUM SENIS, the ParIsh of San Joann! } In the Gd Ducal Palace
present the MarqUIS Joanne Chrlstophoro tIle
Il1ustliOUS MarqUIS Antony Mary of MalaspIna
and the most renowned Johnny somethIng or other de Blnls FlorentIne Senator, wItness and I notary undersIgned
Ego LIVIUS Pasqulnus of Marlus
(deceased) filIUS ApostolIC ImperIal and PontIfical notary publIc Judge OrdInary, CItIzen of SIena
let all sundry and whoever be
satIsfied that the saId MOUNT may be created
so that the echo turned back In my mInd PaVIa Saw CItIes move In one figure, VIcenza, as depicted San Zeno by AdIge
de Cagnascis CItIzen of PistoJa FlorentIne notary publIc
Senatus Populusque SenensIs OB PECUNIAE SCARCITATEM
borrOWIng, rIggIng exchanges, lICIt consumptIon Impeded
and It IS gettIng steadIly WORSE others WIth speCIe abundant do not use It In busmess
(to be young IS to suffer
Be old, and be past that)
do not use It In bUSIness and everyone remaIns here WIthout work
few come to buy 10 the market
fewer still work the fields Monte non vacabI1Is publICO
shares not to expire WIth death wIll TTheir HHlghnesses agaInst publIC entrIes
. 213
? get that straight-eapital two hundred thousand whIch wd correspond to 10,000 Income
on the entrIes of the office of grazIng
With precautIons (cauteles)
to guarantee theIr same HIghnesses agaInst any possIble loss WhIch Idea dates at least to July 1623
dIe decima ottava
and other COpIes 162. 4, 1622-
whIch seems to have been approved ( l,st October' by Della Rena and M Magdalene the She Guard'an, tutnce, more or less regent
Don Ferdlnandus Secundus
and hIS Serenest she tutrIces WIth publIc documentatIon for ptlbllC and prIvate utllIty foreseeIng erection
legItimate and Just, such a MOUNTAIN
,? ? 1.
Chlgl, Sofficl, Marcellus de' 111urI,
no, Marcellus AustInl, Caloanes Marescottl and Lord Mt Alban effected
that the officers of thIS MountaIn
and In tIme to come all theIr successors
shares that shall be called Loca Montls-
Have you a place on the HIll, SIr'
out of sure knowledge and
ex certe SClentIa et In plenItude of theIr powers mVlolable for observance, so to be con1prehended
10 thousand scudl
de hbris septeno
? one scudo worth 7 lire
In respect to 200,000 (two hundred thousand)
Du"'{ J\'1agnus
. 214
o the serenlSSImo nno (pronounced DomIno) T'1nd hIs most serene aftercomers
thIngs, persons et omnIa a11a Juva whatever
and the cash In the Pawn Shop
(Mount of PIty)
elusdem CIvItatIs Senen
there beIng In the thIrd place
. 2 thousand 310 there to the credIt of
The MagnIficent MagIstrates and Lords Officers
and 3756 In the same Mount
descrIbed as to credIt of citIzens
'lnd In common called money of Genova
and Most Serene M DtlX
and serenest (femInIne) tutrIces
by the saId Masters DeputIes of the BaIley
as to the best mode and oblIgations and cautlO. t1S most ample dee-liberatIon
prayer, supplIcation as herewIth and herefollowIng
VIdelIcet 11hgatl In the Narne of OmnIpotent God
and the GlorIous VIrgIn our Advocate
to the Gd Duke's honour and exaltatIon
the Most Serene, Tuscanlss1mo Nostro SIgnore
In the Lord's year 1622 Saturday fourth day of Ivlarch
at"> VIth (hour"> after sunrIse or whatever)
called together assembled In general
counell of the People of the CIty of SIena magnrficent SymbolIc good of the Commune
and fatherland ddettlsslmo
? having chief place and desIre that the
citIzens get satisfactIon (siano soddlsfattI) contentmcl1t
and be fully persuaded of
what for the common good IS here being dealt wIth
as we have already been for ten years prOjectIng thiS MONTE for gt future benefit to the city
Worthy wIll to the chosen end Ob pecunlae scarsltatem
S P SENENsis ac pro eo amplIsslm Baha CollegIum CIVlces vlgiiantiae
totIUS CIvItatIS
Urban VllIth of Siena, Ferd I mag duce dO nO fellcItatem domInante et Ferd I
Roman Emperor as elected
12. 5 I of the Protocols marked also
X, I, I, F, and four arabIc
because there was shortage of COIn, In November because of taxes, exchanges, tax laylngs and usurIes legItImate consumptIon Impeded
ten thousand on the office of pasturage
to the end
four fat oxen haVIng theIr arses wIped
and In general beIng tIdIed up to serve god under my WIndow WIth stoles of ImperIal purple
WIth tassels, and grooms before the carrOCClO
on whIch carroch SIX lIon heads
to receIve the wax offerIng
Thus arrIve the gold eagles, the banners of the contrade, and boxes of candles
tMn-Y A WWH'" ' SZld the left front ox, suddenly,
(pnAWH' ' as they tIed on hIS red front band, 2. 16
? St George, two hokey-pokey stands and the unIcorn ~ NlcchIO' NICch-IO-ne'"
The kalhpygous Slenese females get that way from the saltte
that IS from continual pluggmg up hIll One box marked C 200 LIRE'
C laudate puerl '
alIas serve God wIth candles
wIth the pallo and 17 banners
and when SIX men had hOIsted up the bIg candle a bIt askew In the carroch and the fore ox had been finally arse-wlped
they set off toward the Duomo, tIme
consumed 1 hour and 17 mInutes
on the securIty
mobIle and ImmobIle
of IndivIdual CItIzens
In the CIty or wheresoever REE- sponslbIIIty quocunque alIunde
and thIS ohltgatto, oblIgatIon shd/be dIvIded by portIon of ImmobIle goods
thus delIberated In full meetIng
In the name of the OMNIPOTENT, and of the glorIOUS VIrgIn M4 (meanIng Marla) our Advocate
year of salvatIon 162. 2. on a Saturday
as was the 4th day of March
havIng already ten years ago started propOSIng
representatIves of the whole people
and below wrItten notarIes publIc
two hundred thousand
(scudI) Malster AugustIno ChISIO equltes
anointed of the order of Stephen (pope, holy) ducatorum~ no ducentorum
a return of 10,000 scud!
. 2. 17
? In the parIsh of San GlovannJ (Joann15)
To be or not to be tIed up WIth the Pawn Shop and hIS successors In the Great Duchy
guarantee of the Income from graZIng
up to (IllegIble) saId to mean, no
llbrls septem, the Stlm of, sunln1arn, t;cut')rum ten thousand
On securIty nlobl1e and lIl"'lnoblle
Out of Syracuse not haVIng money aboalJ
to Athens at credItors' rIsk
cut the salls, dumped 011 at an Island
btlt the S 0 man wouldnt swallow It
Up to the quantIty of 200,000 on the whole people's credIt for publIc and prIvate utIlIty
shares to be called Loea Montls whIch IS to say SItes on tIle MountaIn
@ 100 scudl to gIve 5 scud] 1. year as long as the MOUNT endure
there first was the frult of nature there was the whole WIll of the people
serene M Dux and HIS tutrIces
and lords deputIes of the Balley, In name of OmnIpotent God
best mode etcetera, and the GlorIOUS Vlrgln convoked and gathered together 1622
general counctl there were I 17 counCIllors
In the hall of World Map, With bells and WIth VOIce of the Cryer (II Bandltore)
shares of Mount to yIeld five scudl on each hundred per annUln, and to be separate from the PITY
2. 18
? wIth Its own magIstrates, Its own mInIsters IlluS Balla esegulsca In tutto
RescrIpt of TThelr HHlghnesses
ACTUM SENIS In Parochla S GiovanniS blank leaves at end up to the Index
hoc dIe declm' octavo, from the Incarnation year 162. 3 Celso had a wheat scheme
July to December, July to Novc1'Dber Grass nowhere out of place
PIne cuts the sky Into three Thus BANK of the grassland was raIsed Into Seignory
statl fattl Slgnorla, beIng present ParIs Bolgarlni cledlt of the Commune of SIena
12. of the BaIley present went Into comm. . . ttee I cancellarlus wrote to HIS HIghness
A New Mount that shall receIve from all sorts of persons
from Luoghl publIc and prIvate, prIvIleged and non-prIvIleged a base, a fondo, a deep, a sure and a certaIn
the CIty haVIng t" entrate '
150 to- scud1 2. 00
the customs and pubhc Income
to guarantee whIch
wd/suffice 8 to 10 thousand yearly
on the gabelle and/or on the dogana
Tuesday 3 Jan to Wed 6 Eplfany 162. 2.
a New Monte requested to bear @ 5% annual
16. 12. January, assigned on the Paschl
Qffo de Pasch!
March 162. 2 Donna Orsola of wherever removed from the book of the S1enese publIC women (motIon approved by the Batley) March 2. 4 agaIn appeared black money from Florence
Monte de F1I'enze, vacabtle, 15. 91,
? payable every two months had been 8 and 1/2 gangstelS admItted
1621 to provIde WORK for the populace regIster, rescrIpt
raZl0 della Rena to be recagnlzed
as IllegItImate father of the bastards of PIetro de MedicI at 100 scud! per annum
If you follow me, not as the
legItImate father of PIetro's IllegItImate offsprIng
Orbem bellis, urbem gabelhs, Urbanus octavus ImplevIt
June 21St FrIday or thereabouts 162. 4
agreed to magIstrate's order that
Mrs Margurlta de Pecora Gallo
be relnoved from the register of the town whores of SIena, on charge of thIevery
Fllday the first day of July
Merchants spoke to the BaIley, actIon on Monte Nuovo delayed
Jan 162. 2. the Duke answered, and already spoke of the grass land
16 July, Monte Nuovo, commIttee to arrange It
New Mount approved by theIr HIghnesses
Xbre Monte Paschale, fatto Slgnorla notIce served to the MagIstrates for ConservatIons and to the Maglstr1cy of
the Grazlng
May r626 mOle stew about the black money (lead money) rescrIpt
that In the saId place
be not put for the Lord Count nor hIs successors any surety for bandIts and crImInals
22. 0