By the spirit which it has thus
given to European humanity—in conjunction with
the power of abnegation, and very often in con-
junction with the profound conviction and loyalty of
thatabnegation—ithas chiselled and shaped
the most subtle individualities which have ever
existed in human society : the individualities of the
higher ranks of the Catholic clergy, especially when
these priests have sprung from a noble family, and
have brought to their work, from the very beginning,
the innate grace of gesture, the dominating glance
## p.
given to European humanity—in conjunction with
the power of abnegation, and very often in con-
junction with the profound conviction and loyalty of
thatabnegation—ithas chiselled and shaped
the most subtle individualities which have ever
existed in human society : the individualities of the
higher ranks of the Catholic clergy, especially when
these priests have sprung from a noble family, and
have brought to their work, from the very beginning,
the innate grace of gesture, the dominating glance
## p.
Nietzsche - v09