But it is a very
that only cares for people on their pedestals.
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Wilde - De Profundis |
He married his markets, cheap by foul, I know, like any Etrurian
Heathen, in their pinky limony creamy birnies and their turkiss indienne mauves.
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Finnegans |
a curious motive for the Hebrews being called Israelites, " the reason because God ever hated Jacobites and, therefore, Jacob's sons were not so called, but Israelites.
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Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons |
If every subscriber to a newspaper who is interested in keeping his home free from contamination would protest and keep on protesting against advertising
of this nature, the medical advertiser would soon be restricted to the same limits of decency which other classes of merchandise accept as a matter of course, for the average newspaper publisher is quite sensitiA-e to criticism from his readers.
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Adams-Great-American-Fraud |
I'M now disposed to give a pretty tale;
Love laughs at what I've sworn and will prevail;
Men, gods, and all, his mighty influence know,
And full
to the urchin show.
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La Fontaine |
Gli facea grande onore il re Agramante,
per esser costui figlio e successore
del re Agrican gagliardo:
suo nome era il feroce Mandricardo.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso |
Or take the idea that all tramps
— an idea ridiculous on the face of it.
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Orwell - Down and Out in Paris and London |
Born for scrolls of eternity,
Before a tomb can laugh
Beneath any sky, her ancestor,
At bearing that name:
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Source: |
Mallarme - Poems |
In the
poem, _Kings in Legends_, this
concrete element in the art of Rilke has found perhaps its supreme
"Kings in old legends seem
Like mountains rising in the evening light.
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Rilke - Poems |
I told you that in these last
I would
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Adorno-Metaphysics |
Evening falls and in the garden
Women tell their histories
to Night that not without disdain
spills their dark hair's mysteries
Little children little children
Your wings have flown away
But you rose that defend yourself
Throw your
scents away
For now's the hour of petty theft
Of plumes of flowers and of tresses
Gather the fountain jets so free
Of whom the roses are mistresses
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Appoloinaire |
Nuclear weapons threaten to make war less military, and are
for the loweredstatusof"militaryvictory"atthepresenttime.
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Source: |
Schelling - The Diplomacy of Violence |
After a few
moments there enter
two armed men,_ ORESTES _and_ PYLADES.
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Source: |
Euripides - Electra |
comedy which he and Mr.
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Athenaeum - London - 1912a |
Here Juno in all her terror
holds the Scaean gates at the entry, and, girt with steel, calls her
allied army
from their ships.
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Source: |
Virgil - Aeneid |
I remember, I remember,
The old porch and hop vine,
Where oft we used to dine,
And the pound sweet-apple tree,
As it stood near the hive of the bee,
And in front of the kitchen door
Where they came
on the floor.
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Source: |
Childrens - Children's Rhymes and Verses |
For wider contexts, see Paolo Rossi, La
della scienca moderna in Europa (Rome, 1997).
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Source: |
Kittler-Universities-Wet-Hard-Soft-And-Harder |
About Google Book Search
Google's mission is to
the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful.
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Source: |
Fichte - Germany_and_the_French_Revolution |
It also happens sometimes with TOR, with classrooms/schools, and other
where the same IP address is being shared.
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Source: |
Dostoesvky - The Brothers Karamazov |
"Now," said he, "the
is going to be sold a
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v18 - Mom to Old |
interests me most as a scholar is not the gross political verity but the detail, as indeed what
interests us in someone like Lane or Flaubert or Renan is not the (to him) indisputable truth that
Occidentals are superior to Orientals, but the
worked over and modulated evidence of
his detailed work within the very wide space opened up by that truth.
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Said - Orientalism - Chapter 01 |
If we limit ourselves to a consideration of what the second
to the dream, we can never understand the dream.
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Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
The first is that, when an individual is
that an attachment figure will be available to him whenever he desires it, that person will be much less prone to either intense or chronic fear than will an individual who for any reason has no such confidence.
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Bowlby - Separation |
That is to say they are
in the WORK being done and the work TO DO, and not in personal considerations, personal petty vanities and so on.
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Source: |
Pound-Jefferson-and-or-Mussolini |
This much can be made plausible without any great effort: for the person who experiences existence as a drama that takes place above the Dionysian foundation of pain and pleasure (and who is the alert
who would not approach such an experience ?
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Source: |
Sloterdijk - Thinker on Stage |
Jove's profitable son
Eyeing him laught, and
thus begun:-
"A useful godsend are you to me now,
King of the dance, companion of the feast,
Lovely in all your nature!
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v13 - Her to Hux |
A collection of several
concerning his late
highness Oliver Cromwell in the time of his sickness.
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Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v07 |
The current contrast between the Western and Eastern cultures
the distinction between the public and the private selves and how to establish the boundaries between these areas was discussed and related to the problem of the German analysts in the Nazi world.
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The Totalitarian Mind - Fischbein |
The oak and elm have
That in the spring-time shoot:
But grim to see is the gallows-tree,
With its alder-bitten root,
And, green or dry, a man must die
Before it bears its fruit!
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Source: |
Wilde - Ballad of Reading Gaol |
Once to know the fight had not been in vain, And in life dead hope would arise and start—
Start and bring visions of thy lost face
we alone could share;
But the leaves are falling on that still place, And on my heart falls the old despair.
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Source: |
Contemporary Verse - v01-02 |
Had he some little prize for counsel stayed,
(We with the same success may well suppose)
He to his cousin might have
Yet brought not on the Christian host their foes:
That evil sprite he might as well have made,
Him, who embodied in the palfrey goes,
Eastward or west, so far that lady bear,
That France should hear no further of the pair.
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Source: |
Ariosoto - Orlando Furioso |
And now when the very idea of right had become obscured amidst the struggles of the orders, and when the legal party-leaders on both sides were furnished with a coordinate jurisdiction, this jurisdiction must have more and more
to a mere arbitrary police.
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Source: |
The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.1. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
you wear your brother’s cross?
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Source: |
Austen - Mansfield Park |
"Après moi," said the laughing lady,
along in her
butterfly gauzes, the diamonds in her tiara flashing out and
reluming again.
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Source: |
Warner - World's Best Literature - v23 - Sha to Sta |
--When my came them with
refuse, which case they me, adding that your that was done there that
injunctions far God's law and the king's was hand with his homily salvation, but
would bind me; and because saw they grew nothing heard saw save my conscience
such preciseness, and
how after
him, but heard that should just mine own conscience, made them that homily, they would could shew me any old writer that wrote how
good sort they had caused me
panied before with master Wingfield,
innovations, what would the end
not yield: would not therefore leave un faith excluded charity the office justifica spoken, that thought might avoid that fol tion, against scripture's plain words, and
accom making
confirm me offer yield
ittoinI is
ofon allso
so ItoI I he
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IoftoAI of doofofto
of ofof so Ito.
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Source: |
Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01 |
Tu has
al pueblo entero!
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Gustavo Adolfo Becuqer |
What is meant by
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Source: |
Jamgon-Kongtrul-Cloudless-Sky |
is to Dem.
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Source: |
Greek Anthology |
lion and the thos or civet are enemies, for both are
live on the same food.
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Source: |
Aristotle |
Withdrawn within the cavern of his wings,
Grave with the joy of thoughts beneficent,
And finely wrought and durable and clear
If so his eyes showed forth the mind's content, So sate the first to whom remembrance clings, Tissued like bat's wings did his wings appear, Not of that shadowy colouring and drear,
But as thin shells, pale saffron, luminous;
Alone, unlonely, whose calm glances shed Friend's love to
though no word were
Pensive his godly state he keepeth thus.
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Source: |
Ezra-Pound-Provenca-English |
288, 305; revolt, 299
Caliph, 151
Mahomet I, Emir of Spain, 416 sq.
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Source: |
Cambridge Medieval History - v3 - Germany and the Western Empire |
Some states do not allow disclaimers of implied
the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages, so the
above disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you, and you
may have other legal rights.
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Source: |
Dickinson - Two - Complete |
Its absolutely Other converges with the
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Source: |
Adorno-Metaphysics |
The effect throughout, from the party committees to the standing legislative committees, with only minor exceptions, is as though a permanent
were installed, Senator Clark notes.
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Source: |
Lundberg - The-Rich-and-the-Super-Rich-by-Ferdinand-Lundberg |
They smooth'd his horse
And tied him to the hedge; and praised of course
and his quick return.
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Source: |
Poland - 1881 - Poets and Poetry of Poland |
6;7 However, in the absence of external enforcement, no
agreement could ensure that a strong party would not ask for more concessions in the future.
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Source: |
Schwarz - Committments |
Blustering god,
across the sky
With loud swagger,
I fear you not.
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Source: |
Stephen Crane |
7 or obtain permission for the use of the work and the
Project Gutenberg-tm
as set forth in paragraphs 1.
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Source: |
Li Bai - Chinese |
So I fell to
master Love, fool that I was, as one willing to learn; and taught him all my lore of country-music, to with how Pan did invent the cross-flute and Athena the flute, Hermes the lyre and sweet Apollo the harp.
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Source: |
Bion |
embarked in the first ship that was bound
for Scotland, where stie arrived without
the occurrence of any
stance during the voyage.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Childrens - Tales of the Hermitage |
All nothing everywhere:
Mists we on mornings see
Have more of
when they're here
And more of form than he.
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Source: |
John Clare |
He travelled to Greece and Constantinople on his way to Jerusalem,
through Egypt, Tunisia and Spain.
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Source: |
Chateaubriand - Travels to Italy |
Com passos largos e falsos, que em vão procurara tornar outros, percorri, descalço, o
pequeno do quarto, e a diagonal vazia do quarto interior, que tem a porta ao canto para o corredor da casa.
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Source: |
Pessoa - Livro do Desassossego |
On that occa-
sion, President Eisenhower gave an undertaking to the Indian Gov-
ernment that
arms would not be used by Pakistan against
India and if Pakistan tried to use them against India, the American
Government would not allow the Pakistan Government to do so.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Cambridge History of India - v4 - Indian Empire |
everything uttered by the philosopher on the subject of man is, in the
last resort, nothing more than a piece of
concerning man
during a very limited period of time.
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Source: |
Human, All Too Human- A Book for Free Spirits by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche |
In general, these four joys relate to the path of means, the practices concerning
and winds (prana).
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Source: |
Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Spiritual-Song-of-Lodro-Thaye |
The Tibetan Goat
Hilly Landscape with Two Goats
'Hilly Landscape with Two Goats'
Reinier van Persijn, Jacob
Cuyp, Nicolaes Visscher (I), 1641, The Rijksmuseun
The fleece of this goat and even
That gold one which cost such pain
To Jason's not worth a sou towards
The tresses with which I'm taken.
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Source: |
Appoloinaire |
I will that none should break
The marble for my sake,
Wishful to make more fair
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Source: |
Letters to Dead Authors - Andrew Lang |
For them alone they left the middle bench just as it was and not by lot; and with one consent they
Tiphys with guarding the helm of the well-stemmed ship.
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Source: |
Appolonius Rhodius - Argonautica |
These projects aroused very hvely
from ju-
dicial and political authorities in the 1900s.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Foucault-Live |
He was in error; for Eugene
Was sleeping then a sleep like death;
The pall of night was growing thin,
To Lucifer the cock must breathe
His song, when still he
The sun had mounted high his steep,
A passing snowstorm wreathed away
With pallid light, but Eugene lay
Upon his couch insensibly;
Slumber still o'er him lingering flies.
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Source: |
Pushkin - Eugene Oneigin |
the Annals the Four Masters, any other the notes are unavoidably long; for otherwise full
given the ancient Clans and their territories, Therefore these notes will found clearly eluci date old names places and obscure passages the text the Four Masters, and
will also contain
the former territorial divisions Ireland, and every county, with account their ancient and modern possessors.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Four Masters - Annals of Ireland |
o'er whose early tomb
Tears, big tears, gushed from the rough soldier's lid,
and yet envying such a doom,
Falling for France, whose rights he battled to resume.
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Source: |
Byron - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage |
This pure, original,
consciousness I shall name transcendental apperception" (CPR A107).
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Source: |
Hegel_nodrm |
, City Architect of Dublin, and the works were carried out, under his superintendence, 5° in a style of
and solidity, creditable to all concerned in this erection.
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Answer: |
Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v2 |
About Google Book Search
Google's mission is to organize the world's information and to make it universally
and useful.
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Source: |
Burke - 1790 - Revolution in France |
physiological property is that of exciting the female genital organs in
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Source: |
Knowlton - Fruits of Philosophy- A Treatise on the Population Question |
Nearly 80,000
men fell in the numerous battles which he fought, and about 600 hostile
standards and colours, which he sent to Stockholm, were the
his victories.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Schiller - Thirty Years War |
' --
`Steersman,' I said, `hold
into the West.
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Source: |
Sidney Lanier |
Tactics, and with it man, the problem of the body, the problem of time, etcetera,
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Source: |
Foucault-Psychiatric-Power-1973-74 |
On his return to France in 1792 he married, fought for the Bourbon army, was wounded at Thionville, and
lived in exile in England.
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Source: |
Chateaubriand - Travels to Italy |
There are many chimaeras that exist today, and before combating one of them, the greatest enemies of poetry, it is
to bridle Pegasus and even yoke him.
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Appoloinaire |
sin amor!
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Source: |
Jose de Espronceda |
On the contrary, the Soviet Union has
pursued a bold foreign policy, modified only when its probing revealed a determination and an ability of the free world to resist encroachment upon it.
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Answer: |
Source: |
NSC-68 |
In this regard the neopositivists, who
philosophy with scientific method, agree with Scholas- ticism.
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Source: |
Adorno-The Essay As Form |
Causality, as a universal law,
will then be the following: "Given any event [Math: t_{1}], there is
an event [Math: e_{2}] such that,
[Math: t_{1}] occurs,
[Math: e_{2}] occurs later.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays by Bertrand Russell |
a glorious feast!
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Source: |
Letters to Dead Authors - Andrew Lang |
They had made some
before the Ambraciots discovered their operations.
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Source: |
Polyaenus - Strategems |
Aristotle gives
sensation a logical
over the conative and emotional expression
of "animal" life.
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Source: |
Aristotle by A. E. Taylor |
They hanged him as a beast is hanged:
They did not even toll
A requiem that might have brought
Rest to his startled soul,
they took him out,
And hid him in a hole.
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Source: |
Oscar Wilde - Poetry |
How are the civilities and compliments of
every day to be related as they ought to be, unless noted down every
evening in a
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Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Northanger Abbey |
You and I shall not
know each other on this
as long as we
have known.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Thomas Carlyle |
*" '2
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Source: |
Dzongsar-Khyentse-Longchen-Nyingthig-Practice-Manual |
we travelled all the country over, which now was desert, and dwelt
there afterwards without fear of enemies, spending the time in exercise
of the body and in hunting, in
vineyards and gathering fruit
of the trees, like such men as live delicately and have the world at
will, in a spacious and unavoidable prison.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Lucian - True History |
So that a person at a distance,
though he does not know
what piece is
acting, must yet be witness of the powerful impres-
sion, and assured that some great and favourite
actor is on the stage.
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Source: |
Demosthenes - Leland - Orations |
But some people say, that once Croesus adorned himself in every possible manner, and took his seat upon his throne, and then asked Solon whether he had ever seen a more
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Diogenes Laertius |
In each case, we have to
the words in relation to each other in such a way that they make sense.
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Source: |
Teaching-the-Daode-Jing |
After his History of Scottish
Criminal Law had
in 1832—3, in the latter year the
first two volumes of his History of Europe from 1798_to_1815
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Source: |
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v14 |
what the quest implied,
Made answer: "I am bound in nuptial band.
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Source: |
Ariosto - Orlando Furioso - English |
10424 (#252) ##########################################
with religious society, speak of their beautiful
liturgy, suggest a comparison with the hymns of the Vedas; and
they who write of the poetry of the Bible must draw their paral-
lel with Eschylus and Shakespeare, and the masters of the liter-
ary art to which they invite attention.
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Source: |
Warner - World's Best Literature - v18 - Mom to Old |
Criminals are not to be
reason; for it is of the very essence of crime to disregard consequences
both to ourselves and others.
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Hazlitt - The Spirit of the Age; Or, Contemporary Portraits |
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Pessoa - Livro do Desassossego |
for payment within six months, and 10 per cent.
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Lewis Carroll |
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Dzongsar-Khyentse-Longchen-Nyingthig-Practice-Manual |
You have a shared IP address, and someone else has
the block.
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Source: |
Dostoesvky - The Devils |
What saith
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Epictetus |
¿No está claro That
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Source: |
Jose Zorrilla |
White outwardly professed com-
pliance while secretly
to resist, but he had betrayed his
Siamese employers as well as the East India Company, and the
townsfolk now rose against him as well as against James II's frigate,
drove them both out and massacred sixty other English who were
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Source: |
Cambridge History of India - v4 - Mugul Period |
Then came the
time for discrimination, it came then and it was never
it was
so triumphant, it showed the whole head that had a hole and should have
a hole it showed the resemblance between silver.
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Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons |
With it, the motif of critical self-reflection was introduced into civilization in a way that could not please those who held themselves to be the
of civilization.
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Sloterdijk -Critique of Cynical Reason |