It were most fitting
That in this deep
I perish.
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Edgar Allen Poe |
These are not the conditions most
reducing the past to pure science: and we see here
too, as we saw in the case of monumental history,
that the past itself suffers when history serves life
and is directed by its end.
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Nietzsche - v05 - Untimely Meditations - b |
The barges wash
Drifting logs
Past the Isle of Dogs.
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T.S. Eliot - The Waste Land |
is it so
a thing?
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Human, All Too Human- A Book for Free Spirits by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche |
Finally thoughts will neither benefit nor harm and will liberate in the manner of a thief
an empty house.
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Dudjom-Rinpoche-Mountain-Retreat-Ver5 |
suggest themselves, those of religion and nationalism.
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Fukuyama - End of History |
Society lost sight, to a great
extent, of true morality, and the
of the people constituted
the chief feature of the age.
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Epiphanius Wilson - Japanese Literature |
The biblical exodus
story may leave a great deal unclear for example, the origin of the angel of death that visits
Regis Debray and Derrida
the Egyptians' houses on that critical night while passing over the posts of the Jewish huts, which are smeared with lamb's blood - but it undoubt edly tells us how the first
significant transport adventure was to be staged.
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Sloterdijk - Derrida, an Egyptian |
A broken spring in a factory yard,
Rust that clings to the form that the
has left
Hard and curled and ready to snap.
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Eliot - Rhapsody on a Windy Night |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-27 05:03 GMT / http://hdl.
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Demosthenes - Against Midias |
It is a delight to me
to think that as far as his conversation was concerned, Charmides might
have listened to him, and Socrates
with him, and Plato
understood him: that he really said [Greek text], that when he thought of
the lilies of the field and how they neither toil nor spin, his absolute
expression was [Greek text], and that his last word when he cried out 'my
life has been completed, has reached its fulfilment, has been perfected,'
was exactly as St.
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Wilde - De Profundis |
lyrics differ in this respect from those of Browning.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v25 - Tas to Tur |
Except for the limited right of
or refund set forth
in paragraph 1.
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French - Apollinaire - Alcools |
In 2001, the Project
Gutenberg Literary Archive
was created to provide a secure
and permanent future for Project Gutenberg-tm and future generations.
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Stephen Crane - War is Kind |
^What I have been
depends on the actual
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Weininger - 1903 - Sex and Character |
That Julia escaped better than Maria was owing, in some measure, to a
favourable difference of
and circumstance, but in a greater
to her having been less the darling of that very aunt, less flattered
and less spoilt.
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Source: |
Austen - Mansfield Park |
London society is full of women
who have of their own free choice
thirty-five for years.
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Source: |
Oscar Wilde - Aphorisms, the Soul of Man |
All right, say that
Delany swipes ALL South America - to what end?
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Ezra-Pound-World-War-II-Broadcasts |
There is some
in the piece, which
made Wright suppose it to have been originally written in
## p.
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Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v02 |
Candide listened attentively and
innocently; for he thought
Miss Cunegonde extremely beautiful, though he never had the courage to
tell her so.
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Candide by Voltaire |
Christ was not merely the supreme individualist, but he was
the first
in history.
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Source: |
Oscar Wilde - Poetry |
Some reasons why IP
are blocked include:
- Your program is trying to "harvest" the contents.
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Source: |
Dostoesvky - The Devils |
Hence blessed Job, because he feared the Judgment of Him, Who is above all things, here comes to
judgment the equal of servants, saying, If I despised to submit to judgment with my man-servant or with my maid-servant, when they contended with me.
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St Gregory - Moralia - Job |
The true self clings to the heels of the one who is
on the path.
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Peter-Sloterdijk-Thinker-on-Stage |
It was
by Doctor Tusher, the clergyman, who was
just walking out of the dinner-room.
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The Literary World - Seventh Reader |
the brave youth himself appeared; his
eyes overflowing with tears, not for his
own, but for his father's fate.
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Childrens - Frank |
Let us now relate
about the Princess Wistaria.
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Epiphanius Wilson - Japanese Literature |
"Cursed," he cried, "be
covetousness both; in you are villany and vice, that virtue destroy.
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Gawaine and the Green Knight |
Frail enough, from the weakness of the
nature, is this plantation; it is infirm, even were it not new.
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The Letters of Abelard and Heloise - 1st Letter |
Now, you know, there's
going on when that's the case.
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Dickens - David Copperfield |
In the midst of this quicksand of
and disaffec- tions three facts were clear and solid.
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Universal Anthology - v07 |
I am the pool of gold
When sunset burns and dies--
You are my
Give me your stars to hold.
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Source: |
Sara Teasdale - Love Songs |
See Elisee Reclus' "
Geographic Universelle," tomeii.
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Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v9 |
If you are redistributing or providing access to a work
with the phrase "Project Gutenberg" associated with or
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work, you must comply either with the requirements of paragraphs 1.
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Source: |
Li Bai - Chinese |
Since with
I'm out of tune,
And nothing can I force her to,
For I know that I'll win nothing,
Except by praising, and by loving.
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Troubador Verse |
Hence it followed that believers in the
Roman doctrine of
might subscribe the Articles with a good
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Strachey - Eminent Victorians |
its lesson in Enlightenment,but it has not
and prob- ablywasnotevenabletodo so.
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Source: |
Sloterdijk-Cynicism-the-Twilight-of-False-Consciousness |
They say that the cases studied were from
the lowest social scale; that the average Polish peasant is a man of
character, self-respect and pride; and that "disorganization" is a matter,
not of race, but of
social conditions.
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Poland - 1922 - Polish Literature in Translation, a Bibliography |
Man kommt zu schaun, man will am
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Goethe - Faust- Der Tragödie erster Teil |
was a
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Austen - Persuasion |
o sir
was y-war
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Source: |
Adam Davy's Five Dreams about Edward II - 1389 |
The hens perched
themselves on the window-sills, the pigeons
up to the rafters,
the sheep and cows lay down behind the pigs and began to chew the
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Orwell - Animal Farm |
There came a
maid with violets,
But the spirit grasped her arm.
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Source: |
Stephen Crane - Black Riders |
Thus two tall oaks, that Padus' banks adorn,
Lift up to heav'n their leafy heads unshorn,
And, overpress'd with nature's heavy load,
Dance to the
winds, and at each other nod.
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Source: |
Dryden - Virgil - Aeineid |
To the Author 47
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Childrens - Children's Rhymes and Verses |
Andrew Mueller, 'An argument with Sir Iqbal',
on Sunday, 2 April 2006, Sunday Review section, 12-16.
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Source: |
Richard-Dawkins-God-Delusion |
No pause
Of renovation and of
She knows; but evermore her love breathes forth
On field and forest, as on human hope,
Health, beauty, power, thought, action, and advance.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v13 - Her to Hux |
Royalty payments
must be paid within 60 days following each date on which you
prepare (or are legally
to prepare) your periodic tax
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Source: |
Sara Teasdale - Flame and Shadow |
these are they
Denoted by the white;
The spangled gowns, a lesser rank
Of victors designate.
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Source: |
Dickinson - Two - Complete |
This was the Promise Spoken in Verse by the Lady Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal, Concluding the Sixth Chapter on Her
and the Signs Thereof.
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Source: |
Tarthang-Tulku-Mother-of-Knowledge-The-Enlightenment-of-Yeshe-Tsogyal |
Nothing whatsoever is new, nothing is
than it was, except arriving back at where you started.
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Source: |
Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Spiritual-Song-of-Lodro-Thaye |
Por eso el cuadrado negro aparece ante un fondo blanco, que le ro dea casi como un marco; en el Cuadrado blanco, de 1914, casi desaparecerá
esta diferencia.
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Source: |
Sloterdijk - Esferas - v3 |
The sculpted scene on the
depicts Athena crowning a youthful Ares in hoplite armor.
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Source: |
Ancient-greek-cults-a-guide |
Having achieved a slight understanding of emptiness, one develops a nihilistic point of view,
that phenomena are only empty and that nothing exists.
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Source: |
Jamgon-Kongtrul-Cloudless-Sky |
From the Provencal
IN a garden where the whitethorn spreads her leaves My lady hath her love lain close beside her, Tillthewardercriesthedawn
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Source: |
Pound-Ezra-Umbra-The-Early-Poems-of-Ezra-Pound |
We will pass on to that part of his life wich specially con-
-cerns his influence for civil and
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Source: |
Sarpi - 1888 - History of Fra Paolo Sarpi 2 |
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Source: |
Childrens - Book of Poetry |
Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any
use of any specific book is allowed.
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Source: |
Childrens - Longfellow - Child's Hour |
' I
at the words he spake, but I knew that his were
no idle words.
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Source: |
Omar Khayyam - Rubaiyat |
From the
reproduced in Plate XIII the gen.
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Source: |
Cambridge History of India - v3 - Turks and Afghans |
At the thematic level, artificiality is introduced as
of the concept of art and established as distinct from nature.
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Niklas Luhmann - Art of the Social System |
In response, the senate granted them
over the Jews, who were to be free and autonomous, under the leadership not of a king but of a high priest.
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Source: |
Diodorus Siculus - Historical Library |
The tyranny
became no more than an ergastulum or barracoon on a vast scale,
with the dominions of the greatest of Roman slaveholders.
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Source: |
Universal Anthology - v07 |
When the time of this act of injustice was deferred, and the friends of the maiden had retired, it was first of all deter mined that the brother of Icilius and the son of Numitorius, both active young men, should proceed thence straightforward to the gate, and that
should be brought from the
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Universal Anthology - v02 |
My purpose is to display to my kind a
in every way true to nature, and the man I shall portray will be myself.
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Source: |
Paul-de-Man-Material-Events |
If an individual Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work is derived
from the public domain (does not contain a notice
that it is
posted with permission of the copyright holder), the work can be copied
and distributed to anyone in the United States without paying any fees
or charges.
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Source: |
Robert Frost - A Boy's Will |
(Greece to
the danger of his growing power, and to engage
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Source: |
Demosthenes - Leland - Orations |
Cuddie, however, is dejected by unsuccessful love, and, though
that love (in Plato's sense) should lift him 'above
the starry skie,' Cuddie persists in declaring that
All otherwise the state of Poet stands;
For lordly love is such a Tyranne fell,
That where he rules all power he doth expell;
The vaunted verse a vacant head demaundes.
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Source: |
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v03 |
The letters C B were
to have been a contraction for Creas, which, from the books of Indian Brahmins and the Sanscrit, Vallancey conjectured to be a name for the sun, common both to Ireland and India.
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Life and Works of St Aneguissiums Hagographicus |
[Sidenote: 1863-1913]
_On the
Anniversary of the Signing of the Emancipation
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Source: |
Matthews - Poems of American Patriotism |
I AM a cloud in the heaven's height,
The stars are lit for my delight,
and changeful, swift and free,
I cast my shadow on hill and sea--
But why do the pines on the mountain's crest
Call to me always, "Rest, rest"?
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Source: |
Sara Teasdale |
certain lonely beaches," Wearily I answered, "nothing more.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Contemporary Verse - v01-02 |
law (does not
contain a notice indicating that it is posted with permission of the
copyright holder), the work can be copied and distributed to anyone in
the United States without paying any fees or charges.
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Source: |
Wilde - Charmides |
As always, Chateaubriand enriches his narrative with extensive quotations and vivid moral and philosophical perceptions, to create a colourful and resonant self-portrait of the intelligent wealthy European traveller, in touch with the ancient world through Christian and Classical writers, and dismayed by the present but
and inspired by the past.
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Source: |
Chateaubriand - Travels to Italy |
It was that that I wanted to see your
about —it's a poor sort of tale for anybody's ears, but your lordship would have to hear it some time or other.
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Source: |
Fletcher - Lucian the Dreamer |
After his mar-
riage, he remained at Lund for many years; until 1810 as docent,
then as lecturer on Greek literature, and finally as full professor,—
a post which carried with it,
to the curious Swedish cus-
tom, the duties of a parish priest, although the incumbent had taken
no degree in theology.
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Source: |
Warner - World's Best Literature - v25 - Tas to Tur |
was denied any inter-
ference with the new settlement of the revenue.
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Source: |
Cambridge History of India - v5 - British India |
which are the
attainments of the Desire Realm.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Wang-ch-ug-Dor-je-Mahamudra-Eliminating-the-Darkness-of-Ignorance |
Bring me the sunset in a cup,
Reckon the morning's flagons up,
And say how many dew;
Tell me how far the morning leaps,
Tell me what time the weaver sleeps
Who spun the
of blue!
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Source: |
Dickinson - Three - Complete |
And commes it so to passe Bicause when Ladie Proserpine a gathering flowers was,
Ye Meremaides kept hir
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Source: |
Ovid - Book 5 |
About Project Gutenberg-tm electronic
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Thoreau - Excursions and Poems |
However, I shall
to say on both points.
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Source: |
Lucian |
WOULD bathe myself in
: These comforts heaped upon me,
smother me !
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Source: |
Ezra-Pound-Ripostes |
Most of them seem anxious about mother's whereabouts, and relations with her tend to be
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Source: |
Bowlby - Separation |
or her father, all
in a word.
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Source: |
Dryden - Virgil - Aeineid |
It is this edition which has been chiefly used by European readers and
to which
are made in the present paper.
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Li Po |
A summary of many of these
can be found in an article by Professor Robert S.
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Propaganda - 1943 - New Collectivist Propaganda |
Yea, and my heart
It was, my heart in its hiding of green love,
That took so wildly the
Of something strangely fearful walking near.
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Lascelle Abercrombie |
to have the
leave it alone.
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Childrens - Children's Rhymes and Verses |
To this family combination Otto found it
to adapt
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Weininger - 1946 - Mind and Death of a Genius |
For do we not all supply each other's
Guess: |
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Nietzsche - v04 - Untimely Meditations - a |
A nuestra vuelta
allí con un condiscípulo del colegio, quien
enterado de mi posicion, me dió una carta para su hermano D.
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Source: |
Jose Zorrilla |
As always, Chateaubriand enriches his narrative with extensive quotations and vivid moral and philosophical perceptions, to create a colourful and resonant self-portrait of the intelligent wealthy
traveller, in touch with the ancient world through Christian and Classical writers, and dismayed by the present but stimulated and inspired by the past.
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Source: |
Chateaubriand - Travels in Italy |
Through the breach which the
great rock had made in the barricade, an incessant
stones, from the size of a cannon-ball to that of a wheelbarrow,
descended upon the train, crushing everything beneath into frag-
ments, pushing the unhappy train down into the chasm below,
into the valley of death and destruction.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v14 - Ibn to Juv |
"That was part of the
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Orwell - Animal Farm |
The wicked childe thus bringes wofull sire The mournefull
wast his very life: Thus the cruell flames civyll fier
Destroy the parted reigne with hatefull strife.
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Dodsley - Select Collection of Old Plays - v1 |
The second verse shows that the very mind by power of which the being takes birth, the death clear light wind-energy-mind, that very life cycle-involving mind arises for the yogi/ni skilled in
art as the magic body [with which s/he] becomes a buddha.
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Thurman-Robert-a-F-Tr-Tsong-Khapa-Losang-Drakpa-Brilliant-Illumination-of-the-Lamp-of-the-Five-Stages |
Not as though thou hadst
of years to live.
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Marcus Aurelius - Meditations |
Ah, yes, to become legendary, too,
On the brink of a
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19th Century French Poetry |
O victorious one who
to purify it, O pure one who sought to bring it back into the light!
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Arab-Historians-of-the-Crusades |