" they cried, "The world is wide,
limbs go lame!
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Wilde - Ballad of Reading Gaol |
This report proposed that the states should pass laws
forming themselves into districts, and should
missioners to estimate the value of their lands; which
estimate, if approved by congress, was to determine the
requisitions to be made.
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Hamilton - 1834 - Life on Hamilton - v2 |
The morals of the age and
fully disclosed in them.
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Bertrand - Saint Augustin |
I did not put those
men to death.
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Longfellow |
To be more precise, however, this more original and persistent of his varied dispositions constituted the main focus of his seemingly
life works .
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Cassirer - 1930 - Form and Technology |
But I will do
great and bold.
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Aristophanes |
This idea made it appear almost a crime
to refuse him the opportunities of im-
provement that were now offered, and
we yielded to the persuasions of our
friend, who
performed every
promise; nor were our hopes and expec-
tations of our son disappointed.
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Source: |
Childrens - Roses and Emily |
its scripts for world history are no less
than the proclama- tions of medieval theologians for the liberation of the holy graveo?
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Source: |
Peter-Sloterdijk-Air-Quakes |
Thy faithlessness makes thee despised,
And keeps thee from these
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Catullus - Stewart - Selections |
ses genoux avec les siens.
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Huysmans - La-Bas |
Child Verse
The paschal lambs, He'd look at them
In silence, long and
And when again He'd try to speak,
I've seen the tears upon His cheek.
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Childrens - Child Verse |
State is doomed.
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Alvin Johnson - 1949 - Politics and Propaganda |
The wild musician,
The one that in doubt expires
As to whether from his breast or mine
Has spurted the sob more dire
Torn apart may it complete
Find rest on some path
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Mallarme - Poems |
Fire rays fall
the robes
Of hooded men, squat and dumb.
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Stephen Crane |
The fifth-century historian Thucydides writes that Hyperbolus was ostracized because he was a
disreputable character, not because the Athenian citizens feared his political status or objectives.
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Voices of Ancient Greece and Rome_nodrm |
Anehlses was
to instruct him how to man-
age the Italian war, and how to conclude it with his honor; that is, in other words, to lay the foundations of that empire which Augustus was to govern.
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Dryden - Virgil - Aeineid |
t inFimugQIU Wok, to write which joyce nceded a thorough
grasp ofthe syntax, gram_ m~r, and pro.
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Source: |
Hart-Clive-1962-Structure-and-Motif-in-Finnegans-Wake |
to Glaucè fixes the imaginary date as contemporary with Theocritus.
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Theocritus - Idylls |
And forasmuch also thought, or, the least, much doubted, that
the said lady Mary, lady Elisabeth, should hereafter have, and enjoy the said imperial
the same, hath the same his
pa marry stranger, born out this realin,
Mary that then the same stranger, having the go and Elisabeth.
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Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01 |
But the chief
merit, after all, is that of the style — about which it
to say too much in the way of praise,
## p.
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Poe - v07 |
Je trone dans l'azur comme un sphinx incompris;
J'unis un coeur de neige a la blancheur des cygnes;
Je hais le
qui deplace les lignes,
Et jamais je ne pleure et jamais je ne ris.
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Baudelaire - Fleurs Du Mal |
How else should we sort the
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Trakl - The True Fate of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by Georg Trakl |
Correno a morte que' miseri a gara,
né perché cada l'un, l'altro andar cessa;
che la
del morire, amara
lor par più assai che non è morte istessa.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso |
on the rear.
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Barbarina lady Dacre - 1836 - Traduzioni dall'italiano |
Inebriate of air am I,
And debauchee of dew,
endless summer days,
From inns of molten blue.
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Dickinson - One - Complete |
of friendship.
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Jose Zorrilla |
To say nothing of the stuffs placed on board in the
forenoon by way of ballast, and not to
various ales and liquors shipped this evening at
various seaports, I have, at present, a full cargo of
'humming stuff' taken in and duly paid for at the
sign of the 'Jolly Tar.
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Source: |
Poe - v04 |
During the conversation,
there entered an old peasant meanly dressed, with a
snow-white beard, a
of Schuppach's.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Childrens - Little Princes |
3 %"!
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Source: |
Dzongsar-Khyentse-Longchen-Nyingthig-Practice-Manual |
It serves to
(the reader is left to guess when)
## p.
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Poe - v06 |
In the Aryan man, the good and bad principles of Kant's
philosophy are ever pre- sent, ever in strife.
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Weininger - 1903 - Sex and Character |
The very
decided Yea and Nay of their palate, their promptly ready disgust, their
hesitating reluctance with regard to everything strange, their horror of
the bad taste even of lively curiosity, and in general the averseness of
every distinguished and self-sufficing
to avow a new desire,
a dissatisfaction with its own condition, or an admiration of what is
strange: all this determines and disposes them unfavourably even towards
the best things of the world which are not their property or could not
become their prey--and no faculty is more unintelligible to such men
than just this historical sense, with its truckling, plebeian
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Niezsche - Beyond Good and Evil |
when the mallows and the fresh green
and the springing crumbled dill perish in the garden, they live yet again and grow another year; but we men that are so tall and strong and wise, soon as ever we be dead, unhearing there in a hole of the earth sleep we both sound and long a sleep that is without end or waking.
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Moschus |
First go in heart,
thou wouldest follow in the body.
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Augustine - Exposition on the Psalms - v6 |
This was the usual cry of the
hunters, who thus
Apollo, the God of the chase, when the prey
had been captured iu the toils.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Ovid - Art of Love |
Jn the early months the-
nf **" "*--'-- ?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Arthur Schlesinger - Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution |
As a child in Africa, Anthony had an occasional show of temper and was considered to be a bit reckless, sometimes self-destructively so: he would experiment with his environment by putting dirt in his mouth "to see what it tasted like/' or by running across the street just in front of an automobile "to see if I could run
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Source: |
Lifton-Robert-Jay-Thought-Reform-and-the-Psychology-of-Totalism |
Rodrigue has not yet dared to appear before
Him, but Don Diegue, in his son's name
Presented him with the captive kings in chains,
And has asked a favour of the noble prince,
To receive the
who saved a province.
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Corneille - Le Cid |
(to look at)
cannot mean what you intend (granted that I do
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Source: |
Ezra-Pounds-Chinese-Friends-Stories-in-Letters |
com/oed2/00201493 by HTTrack
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OED - 21 - a |
This is much more fully
in Thrangu Rinpoche's Transcending Ego, Namo Buddha Publications.
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Source: |
Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Life-Spiritual-Songs-of-Milarepa |
All comers to the contrary, and the proportionate sale of his works, and statistics whatsoever to the contrary, only an American who has come abroad will ever draw all the succulence from Henry James's writings; the denizen of Manchester or Wellington may know what it feels like to reach London, the
bom will not be able quite to reconstruct even this part of the book; and if for intimacy H.
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Ezra-Pound-Instigations |
_He_ had left her, peradventure, when my footstep proved my coming,
But for _her_--she half arose, then sate, grew
and grew pale.
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Elizabeth Browning - 2 |
Al privily than shalt thou goon,
What [weder] it be, thy-silf aloon, 2650
For reyn, or hayl, for snow, for slete,
Thider she
that is so swete,
The which may falle aslepe be,
And thenkith but litel upon thee.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Chaucer - Romuant of the Rose |
#" 3 '#33!
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Source: |
Dzongsar-Khyentse-Longchen-Nyingthig-Practice-Manual |
If there is formal
in institutions or terminologies.
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The-future-cannot-begin-Niklas-Luhmann |
But I struck
their senses burning news
Of impossible endless things, and mixt
Wild lightning into their room of darkness.
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Lascelle Abercrombie |
Soft went the music the soft air along,
While fluent Greek a vowel'd undersong
Kept up among the guests discoursing low
At first, for
was the wine at flow;
But when the happy vintage touch'd their brains,
Louder they talk, and louder come the strains
Of powerful instruments--the gorgeous dyes,
The space, the splendour of the draperies,
The roof of awful richness, nectarous cheer,
Beautiful slaves, and Lamia's self, appear,
Now, when the wine has done its rosy deed,
And every soul from human trammels freed,
No more so strange; for merry wine, sweet wine,
Will make Elysian shades not too fair, too divine.
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Source: |
Keats - Lamia |
The policy now was to lift the new German State
"through the f rightfulness of its weapons" to
such a degree of power that it might
independence against every great neighbour, even
against the Imperial House.
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Treitschke - 1915 - Confessions of Frederick the Great |
men are like a swarm of ants.
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Amy Lowell - Chinese Poets |
r Vterc
diuina vice ſpeculs,fa.
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Source: |
Thomas of Ireland - 1558 - Flowers of Learned Men |
The most vital moment, or rather succession of
moments, in the early history of Poland was the intro-
duction of
in the tenth century.
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Poland - 1911 - Polish Literature, a Lecture |
But dash the tear-drop from thine eye,
Our ship is swift and strong;
Our fleetest falcon scarce can fly
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Byron - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage |
phiæ Hodiernæ Græco carmine pariter donatæ ; cum XVI
graphicis ab Edv.
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Poetici Minores Graeci - 1739 |
This description has the coherence o f a poem, a fragment: not a fragment o f the world it describes, nor of the longing it evokes but of a kind of self-reflection that the glosses
the poem form on the poem, and in this case a coherence o f self-sufficiency that ironically refers to the complex worlds that include the poem, Coleridge, the heavens, us, the future ad infinitum.
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Constructing a Replacement for the Soul - Bourbon |
Quaeris, quot mihi basiationes
Turn, Lesbia, sint satis
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Catullus - Hubbard - Poems |
But here in common
I have seen
George Hirst, not yet a ghost, substantial,
His off-drives mellow as brown ale, and crisp
Merry late cuts, and brave Chaucerian pulls;
Waddington's fury and the patience of Dipper;
And twenty easy artful overs of Rhodes,
So many stanzas of the Faerie Queen.
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Abercrombie - Georgian Poetry 1920-22 |
then is pretty clear.
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Nitzan Bichler - 2012 - Capital as Power |
since the union.
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Source: |
Outlines and Refernces for European History |
You could
assert that Kung taught that organization is
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Source: |
Pound-Jefferson-and-or-Mussolini |
com/oed2/00200523 by HTTrack
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Source: |
OED - 21 - a |
To conceive a plu- rality of virtues (as we unavoidably must) is
else but to con- ceive various moral objects to which the (rational) will is led by the single principle of virtue; and it is the same with the opposite vices.
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Source: |
The-Critique-of-Practical-Reason-The-Metaphysical-Elements-of-Ethics-and-Fundamental-Principles-of-the-Metaphysic-of-Morals-by-Immanuel-Kant |
When the orient sun expands his roseate ray o'er the
sky, the rising morn is fair;
and the meek
of departing day fades lovely
to the bard's enraptur'd eye.
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Source: |
Carey - Practice English Prosody Exercises |
Somebody that
Scotch, asking him what he
was, he said he was such-a-one's herd in Alloway, and by some means or
other getting home again, he lived long to tell the world the wondrous
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Source: |
Selection of English Letters |
Hail, cloud shot through with the ames of Phoebus and adorned with the
of divinity.
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Source: |
Mary and the Art of Prayer_Ave Maria |
It's now that the pains of the sick
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Source: |
Andre Breton - First Manifesto of Surrealism - 1924 |
The driver
east with his whip.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Pushkin - Daughter of the Commandant |
a t ig i$; ri ;r:ai;i!
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Luhmann-Love-as-Passion |
For the conduct of a perfectly
business these were three obviously rotten props.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Adams-Great-American-Fraud |
It is, however, more difficult
to move those, fortunately for our purpose but a few, whose ears are
accustomed to the
emotion and elaboration of notes in modern
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Source: |
Yeats |
And for the first time since the inven- tion of
library catalogues24 and structured manuscript pages,25 every file in Dewey's sense turns into a file in our computerized sense.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Kittler-Universities-Wet-Hard-Soft-And-Harder |
Take the whole of the
century in which Buckle
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Source: |
Dostoevsky - White Nights and Other Stories |
1 For Freud's
to Lamarckian ideas see volume 3, chapter 10, of Ernest Jones's biography of Freud (Jones, 1957).
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Source: |
A-Secure-Base-Bowlby-Johnf |
It best understands its own
and its own narrative when it is content in the fact that it can never be an end itself.
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Cassirer - 1930 - Form and Technology |
To these
I will venture to add
a superior chance of happiness in domestic life, were it only that it is
as natural for the man to be out of the circle of his household during
the day, as it is meritorious for the woman to remain for the most part
within it.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Coleridge - Biographia Literaria copy |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-27 05:04 GMT / http://hdl.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Demosthenes - Against Midias |
The four giants, who had by this time been disenchanted out of their
sleep by Angelica, took up the
prince, and put him in the
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Stories from the Italian Poets |
An extraordinary contribution of 1000 talents of silver (,£244,000) and 20,000 oxen was levied, and the sheiks in all the communities that had revolted were crucified ; it is said that there were three thousand of them, and that this revolting atrocity on the part of the Cartha ginian
really laid the foundation of the revolution
1 Nothing further is known with certainty as to the end of Regulus ; 251.
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The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.2. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
Those years of hostile relationships were gradually
by better contact and psychoanalytic exchanges between them.
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Source: |
The Totalitarian Mind - Fischbein |
Ethicx Chriſtianx, Libri tres, in quibus,
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Source: |
Pope Alexander VII - Index Librorum Prohibitorum |
If they call this 'discoursing in an
way,' what
shall become of me?
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Source: |
Andraeae - 1639 - Christianopolis |
He knows things either
or in succession, just as He wishes," ?
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Buddhist-Omniscience |
How else should we sort the
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Source: |
Trakl - The True Fate of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by Georg Trakl |
Force, so please you
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shakespeare-macbeth |
Indeed, there is a way in which the history of Western philosophy can be
in terms of the different attempts that have been made to define freedom.
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Foucault-Key-Concepts |
The course to be pursued in reference to this subject is a
plain and natural one.
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Kant - Critique of Pure Reason |
She, however,
shunned society, and,
herself to me alone,
rendered me happy.
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Poe - v01 |
The Thessalians, left without an enemy,
their horses with all speed to Lamia, to dine at their own houses.
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Polyaenus - Strategems |
have it so late as S.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v5 |
developed the scheme implied in
these words, and those that follow.
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Poland - 1919 - Krasinski - Anonymous Poet of Poland |
But seeing at his elbow a mere lad,
Of a high spirit evidently, though
At present weigh'd down by a doom which had
O'erthrown even men, he soon began to show
A kind of blunt compassion for the sad
Lot of so young a
in the woe,
Which for himself he seem'd to deem no worse
Than any other scrape, a thing of course.
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Bryon - Don Juan |
A common form of
liability voluntarily was the practice of giving security.
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Source: |
A History of Trust in Ancient Greece_nodrm |
But by
standards their way of life is recent.
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Source: |
Richard-Dawkins-Unweaving-the-Rainbow |
in a d01tructive fashion.
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McHugh-Roland-1976-The-Sigla-of-Finnegans-Wake |
ed at safes upon
which shall have been obtain-
ed for such debts.
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Alexander Hamilton - 1790 - Report on a National Bank |
great empire too dear, to pay for it all essential rights,
and all the
dignity of human nature.
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Edmund Burke |
The four
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Abhidharmakosabhasyam-Vol-2-Vasubandhu-Poussin-Pruden-1991 |
1252bl Thus you must well distinguish between [real clear-transparence-purified com- munion bodies] and these
of the magic body which have not been purified in clear light.
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Source: |
Thurman-Robert-a-F-Tr-Tsong-Khapa-Losang-Drakpa-Brilliant-Illumination-of-the-Lamp-of-the-Five-Stages |
letter was printed, written by Andrew Sprowle, chairman
of the
trade, who had headed the merchants
1 4 M.
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Source: |
Arthur Schlesinger - Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution |
International donations are gratefully accepted, but we cannot make
any statements concerning tax treatment of donations
outside the United States.
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Lascelle Abercrombie |