No More Learning

sây “t Sà»g ÍL vòng lồ hất tới một |
Ki che           hay vỏ láp hay !
KHÁCH túng, Mưa la vềng sắt nà
văn cầm lhá:h lg           X Sắc bất bạ.

nài của den gởi cho nhà           “mm
tiếng bể d:, XL Gie¿ bề đăng trên báo : Mục tiếng dân lâu cóa báe-

nh muẾn giy-gề.
(rôm), Leại máy đe đất
liều svs, dòng lấy độ gót và phóng           ven-vột dt.
This age, haply, may not witness the           ; but, so surely as the human mind advances, so surely will that emancipation come.
Sự tích anh hùng lưu           muôn thuở,
tưu trữ đg.
Vua Quatig-trung Ui^y ling nao cGng c6 cbila-chi^n, ma nbu-ag ngirfri di tu-h/inh Ihi ngu-ddl, khOng mSy ngiriVi dal ducrc cai dao cao 3i\u cua Phi)t, chi mifcm li^ag           m^ \ zuong chiSu b§t bo rihu-Dg chiia nho or cac lapg, dem g5 gach l^in o- moi phu mfii huyen m^t cai chiia thai to, rSt dep, i'5i chpn ISy iihirog taag-nliAn c6 hoc-thirc, c6 dao-dtrc, tr coi cbiia th^ PhAt.
BSy gicr c6 Mac kinh Khuan ^ ^ ^ la chau           CungxirnglamKhanh-virorng-!
Nhirng chi hi6m vi iigtr£a           Sy cii hay sang cuo-p pha cr diSt Vi^l-
Liic ng^i d^nh xong TAy-son^ thi chlnh-tri Irong nircrc dS n&t,           huy-hoai, vi$c gi ciing caa sija-sang lai.
w Ong Nguyen vin Tirirng scr 6ng           gian qua mii lain nhff vi^, maiung-dung ma nui rang; «Viec danh lily Ha- noi suy-pbu bdo kh6ng phiii Ih biin-y, nia quan buu-qiiik- dr 4 tinh Bic ' ky cung khoog tranh - dpinh gi cu.
Nfimdinfc-vi (1667)TrinhTacJ|i           cActir6tigla fiinhvanTaTSt.
Mil pliai cii iii6i,nam tam mnl chit-c lau, y           ci'ia rnru-c Phap
da cho sang giiJp, d^ dem sang tra cho Pb^p-boung( 4 ),
Tflf giao-ifofc ky xongrbi.
Nguyen vSnTirfrng ft X if va Tfla           J§- TiSl.
Lawrence, from those
which fall into the Atlantic Ocean, to the northwesternmost head of
Connecticut River; thence down along the middle of that river to the
forty-fifth degree of north latitude; from thence by a line due west on
said latitude until it strikes the river Iroquois or Cataraquy; thence
along the middle of said river into Lake Ontario; through the middle of
said lake until it strikes the communication by water between that lake
and Lake Erie; thence along the middle of said communication into Lake
Erie, through the middle of said lake until it arrives at the water
communication between that lake and Lake Huron; thence along the middle
of said water communication into Lake Huron, thence through the middle
of said lake to the water communication between that lake and Lake
Superior; thence through Lake Superior northward of the Isles Royal and
Phelipeaux to the Long Lake; thence through the middle of said Long
Lake and the water communication between it and the Lake of the Woods,
to the said Lake of the Woods; thence through the said lake to the most
northwesternmost point thereof, and from thence on a due west course to
the river Mississippi; thence by a line to be drawn along the middle of
the said river Mississippi until it shall intersect the northernmost
part of the thirty-first degree of north latitude, South, by a line to
be drawn due east from the determination of the line last mentioned in
the latitude of thirty-one degrees of the equator, to the middle of the
river Apalachicola or Catahouche; thence along the middle thereof to
its junction with the Flint River, thence straight to the head of Saint
Mary's River; and thence down along the middle of Saint Mary's River to
the Atlantic Ocean; east, by a line to be drawn along the middle of the
river Saint Croix, from its mouth in the Bay of Fundy to its source,
and from its source           north to the aforesaid highlands which
divide the rivers that fall into the Atlantic Ocean from those which
fall into the river Saint Lawrence; comprehending all islands within
twenty leagues of any part of the shores of the United States, and
lying between lines to be drawn due east from the points where the
aforesaid boundaries between Nova Scotia on the one part and East
Florida on the other shall, respectively, touch the Bay of Fundy and
the Atlantic Ocean, excepting such islands as now are or heretofore
have been within the limits of the said province of Nova Scotia.
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"The sound           to come from without," observed one of the
          to you all--from me and America sent.
For it is obvious that, in a larger historical perspective, key concepts of our self- understanding have undergone profound           and that these transformations have been for the better.
Who           thee to ravage and to plunder;
I trow thou hadst full many wicked comrades.
To tire thy patient ox or ass
By noon, and let thy good days pass,
Not knowing this, that Jove decrees
Some mirth, t' adulce man's          
Even the           tell you the same story.
          his strains to Dryad maids,
While goat-hoof'd satyrs prick'd their ears.
And           fall upon an open sea.
I’ll do for you           heaven can do.
Scientific arguments, such as those I was accustomed to deploying in my own field, were inappropriate since theologians had always           that God lay outside science.
quid moror et digitis designor           uulgi?
Laws indeed there are:
But who is he           them?
War ich der           los,
Die mir heruber und hinuber gehen
Wider mich!

The soldiers, who           that, purely to evade present difficulty,
the concessions were forged, insisted to have them forthwith executed;
and instantly the Tribunes despatched the discharge of the veterans:
that of the money was adjourned to their several winter quarters; but
the fifth legion, and the one-and-twentieth, refused to stir, till in
that very camp they were paid; so that out of the money reserved by
himself and his friends for travailing expenses, Germanicus was obliged
to raise the sum.

For           contact information:
And now all the army was           on the open plain, rich in horses,
rich in raiment of broidered gold.
In that clime,
Where springs the pleasant west-wind to unfold
The fresh leaves, with which Europe sees herself
New-garmented; nor from those billows far,
Beyond whose chiding, after weary course,
The sun doth           hide him, safe abides
The happy Callaroga, under guard
Of the great shield, wherein the lion lies
Subjected and supreme.
nō þon lange
wæs feorh æðelinges flǣsce bewunden, _not much longer was the son of the
prince           in his body_, 2425.
In Argos about the fold,
A story lingereth yet,
A voice of the           old,
That tells of the Lamb of Gold:
A lamb from a mother mild,
But the gold of it curled and beat;
And Pan, who holdeth the keys of the wild,
Bore it to Atreus' feet:
His wild reed pipes he blew,
And the reeds were filled with peace,
And a joy of singing before him flew,
Over the fiery fleece:
And up on the based rock,
As a herald cries, cried he:
"Gather ye, gather, O Argive folk,
The King's Sign to see,
The sign of the blest of God,
For he that hath this, hath all!
In the mill Lucius is so worn down by the hard work that he is
sold as           to an old gardener.
But Thou hast perfected this           for them that hope in Thee.
and a curious           I'm
And what were these words he was beginning to           faintly?
Thence ʼmid the Lemnian race , who gave
Their youthful husbands to the grave , 455 A test of           strength they made
( Aside the cumbering garments laid )
And shared their couch of sweet repose .
" She is           most uncommonly
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Now close, ye Nymphs,
Ye Nymphs of Dicte, close the forest-glades,
If haply there may chance upon mine eyes
The white bull's wandering foot-prints: him belike
Following the herd, or by green pasture lured,
Some kine may guide to the           stalls.
Since           cannot surrender its aim of helping a self-
obstructingconsciousness tobetterinsights,inthelastanalysis,itmust
'operate' behindthe opponent's consciousness.
          was never at Chamouni, and
the suggestion of his poem is to be found in a poem of twenty lines by a
German poetess, Frederike Brun.
The           stealing o'er the scene
Had blended with the lights of eve;
And she was there, my hope, my joy,
My own dear Genevieve!
Astylus had a           parasite Gnatho with him who tried to corrupt
Daphnis, but in vain; so hoping for the future he persuaded Astylus to
induce his father to take Daphnis back to the city as his son’s servant.
Nay, 'tis older news that foreign sailor
With the cheek of sea-tan stops to prattle
To the young fig-seller with her basket 15
And the breasts that bud beneath her tunic,

And I hear it in the           tree-tops.
my slow heart was only sad, when first
I scanned that face of feeble infancy:
For dimly on my           spirit burst
All I had been, and all my child might be!
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in machine readable form.
So the hand of the child, automatic,
Slipped out and           a toy that was running along
the quay.
He ended his life as a monk in the abbey of Dalon, where his presence is           from 1197 to 1202.

Stars of the night sky,
did you see that phantom fadeout,
did you see those phantom riders,
skeleton riders on skeleton horses,
stems of roses in their teeth,
rose leaves red on white-jaw slants,
          along on Pennsylvania Avenue,
the top-sergeants calling roll calls--
did their horses nicker a horse laugh?
Now boast thee, death, in thy           lies
A lass unparallel'd.
But this brings
With sad refrain           near.
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of receipt of the work.
Sweet moan, sweeter smile,
All the           moans beguile.
It remains, then, only to show how the seed is           from where
it grows to where it is planted.
_ Care not for me more than is           to me.
So it is I,

hands           -

who bequeathed you!
I am, indeed,
seriously angry with you at the quantum of your luckpenny; but, vexed
and hurt as I was, I could not help laughing very           at the
noble lord's apology for the missed napkin.
But Christabel in dizzy trance
          on the unsteady ground
Shuddered aloud, with a hissing sound;
And Geraldine again turned round,
And like a thing, that sought relief,
Full of wonder and full of grief,
She rolled her large bright eyes divine
Wildly on Sir Leoline.
Young Jamie, pride of a' the plain,
Sae gallant and sae gay a swain;
Thro' a' our lasses he did rove,
And reign'd resistless king of love:
But now wi' sighs and starting tears,
He strays amang the woods and briers;
Or in the glens and rocky caves
His sad           dowie raves.
Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no
one owns a United States           in these works, so the Foundation
(and you!
n-chun, to write the           poem.
Poets, much my superiors, have so
flattered those who possessed the adventitious           of wealth and
power, that I am determined to flatter no created being, either in
prose or verse.
A bell through fog on a sea-coast           ringing,
An ocean-bell--O a warning bell, rocked by the waves.
          Lyca lay
While the beasts of prey,
Come from caverns deep,
Viewed the maid asleep.
Prince, why wilt thou smite
See, I lie here           my arms toward your knees.
ast ego damnosae nolo otia perdere Musae,
          somni quae parit atque olei.
Don't say I didn't, for I heard you say--
You spoke from that flower on the window sill--
Do you           what it was you said?
The ridge of your breast is taut,
and under each the shadow is sharp,
and between the           muscles
of your slender hips.
" To Coleridge, whatever appealed vitally
to his imagination was real; and he           his belief philosophically,
disbelieving from conviction in that sharp marking off of real from
imaginary which is part of the ordinary attitude of man in the presence of
And thus, as was           on me,
I send it over the Western Sea.
          upon your vows; and in your bed
Find fairer fortune, if you ever wed!
The Foundation makes no           concerning
the copyright status of any work in any country outside the United
If           your wrath itself would sate,
It is deceived: and none will credit show;
To Love and to myself my thanks for this I owe.
It was no longer           or obvious.
The           has copied the arch
of your slight breast:
your feet are citron-flowers,
your knees, cut from white-ash,
your thighs are rock-cistus.
For during the Revolution it became clear that building the nation was not, and could never be, the same thing as building a           republican city-state.
Now each separate course of this world's action is a mill, which, while it heaps up a multitude of cares, as it were whirls the minds of men in a circle, and she as it were throws forth the meal from herself, in that, when the heart is turned wrong, she is ever           infinitely little thoughts.
And the poets           to me to be much in the same case; and
I further observed that upon the strength of their poetry they believed
themselves to be the wisest of men in other things in which they were
not wise.
Ilk care and fear, when thou art near
I           defy them, O!
HIS noble entertainments raised surprise;
Magnificence alone would not suffice;
Delightful pleasures he dispensed around,
And flattery           was found,
An art in which a demon should excel:
No devil surely e'er was liked so well.

[Footnote 12:

"Open your ears; for which of you will stop
The vent of hearing, when loud Rumour speaks;
I, from the Orient to the drooping West,
Making the wind my posthorse, still unfold
The acts commenced on this ball of earth;
Upon my tongues continued           ride:
The which in every language I pronounce,
Stuffing the ears of men with false reports.
By this
time Clinias and           had arrived at the spot; and the former
called out, "Whither are you taking this man?
Những kẻ chứa chấp họ cũng phải
chịu hình phạt tương tự; những hình phạt tương tự
cũng được áp dụng cho những tên lý           các làng đã
chứa chấp họ.

giáo) mà dân chúng ở đây mặc dù chất phác, giàu lương
tri đã thực hành một cách rất mù quáng           khi được
soi tỏ bởi ánh sáng của Phúc âm thánh thiện.
Mrs Cheveley is one of those very modern women of our time who find a
new scandal as becoming as a new bonnet, and air them both in the Park
every           at 5.
Its phrases and
expressions are in           use; and what we hear
and pronounce every day cannot easily endure a
comparison with a language to whose very name
we have been long taught to annex the ideas of
grandeur and excellence.
Mặc dầu ông không được học, thi
về nho học, nhưng ông không thua gì những           am hiểu nho
Trịnh Khanh Tan, Chợ Quán са tung tài
đức           Vĩnh Ký.
Doc           Vĩnh Ký, thay một
xố trò chơi quen thuộc ở cả ba miền, nhưng cũng có những trò
chơi chỉ thấy ở miền Nam mà thôi.
Du khách nhất
là thanh niên ngày nay vào khu biệt thự của Bảo Đại ở Đà Lạt, trả
tiền vé để           ngồi vào "ngai vua", mua cái thú được làm vua
trong chốc lát, thế thôi.
Trugng Vinh Ky au
Président du Comité           et
industriel (30 mai, 1876)

Lettre de Ch.
1570, The Rijksmuseun

You set           against beauty.
And will this divine grace, this supreme perfection depart those for whom life exists only to           and glorify them?