235 There is always a
heartiness in his growl.
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OED - 21 - a - 20m |
By visualizing the heart-sylla- ble HUtyl encircled by four letters, light rays are emitted so that all beings are the realms of the three worlds become perfected in the nature of
beings, Vajrasattva, the five Buddha families, maJ:t~alasand retinues.
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Source: |
Jig-Me-Lingpa-The-Dzogchen-Innermost-Essence-Preliminary-Practice |
He had de spatched Hirtuleius into the Further province to keep Metellus in check, and had himself endeavoured to follow up his
victory in the Hither province, and to
for the reception of Pompeius.
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The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.4. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
The justifications for
varied from nation to nation, from a crude belief in the legitimacy of force, particularly when applied to non-Europeans, to the White Man's Burden and Europe's Christianizing mission, to the desire to give people of color access to the culture of Rabelais and Moliere.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Fukuyama - End of History |
The one
thing that might reverse it is the
of a weapon— or, to put it more broadly, of a
method of fighting— not dependent on huge concentrations of industrial plant.
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Orwell |
Together they promul- gated the teachings, both philosophy and practice, and Guru Rinpoche revealed all his secret heart treasures, philosophy, and technical in-
to his lady.
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Source: |
Tarthang-Tulku-Mother-of-Knowledge-The-Enlightenment-of-Yeshe-Tsogyal |
Who, then, has
more dignity as a panegyrist?
Guess: |
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Cicero - Brutus |
Remorse is memory awake,
Her companies astir, --
A presence of
At window and at door.
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Source: |
Dickinson - Three - Complete |
This content
from 128.
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Source: |
Nolte - The Stable Crisis- Two Decades of German Foreign Policy |
F;3 i;i;g:
* s fE E
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Source: |
Luhmann-Love-as-Passion |
Nevertheless, this work is expensive, so in order to keep providing this resource, we have taken steps to prevent abuse by commercial parties, including placing technical
on automated querying.
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Source: |
Liddell Scott -1876 - An Intermediate Greek English Lexicon |
+ Maintain attribution The Google "watermark" you see on each file is essential for informing people about this project and helping them find
materials through Google Book Search.
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Ovid - 1868 - Selections for Use in Schools |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-26 05:03 GMT / http://hdl.
Guess: |
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Arisotle - 1882 - Aristotelis Ethica Nichomachea - Teubner |
Girard - ein Denker der
Extreme [on Rene?
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Gumbrecht - Publications.1447-2006 |
In me,
with this purest being
Kindled intenser zeal, and made me wise
In knowledge, which, in hers mine own mind seeing,
Left in the human world few mysteries:
How without fear of evil or disguise _950
Was Cythna!
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Shelley copy |
This is the
or "level-coil" to which he alludes.
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Robert Herrick |
Title: The
works of Friedrich Nietzsche.
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Nietzsche - v13 |
By them the Sprite doth passe in quietly,
And unto
comes, whom drowned deepe
In drowsie fit he findes: of nothing he takes keepe.
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Source: |
Spenser - Faerie Queene - 1 |
"Ah," she cried,
"What memories cling 'round the
of our pleasure.
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Aesop's Fables by Aesop |
Ancient Greek
at Work.
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Voices of Ancient Greece and Rome_nodrm |
His locks distil
oils upon the ground; not oil of fat do the locks of Apollo distil but he very Healing of All.
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Callimachus - Hymns |
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Beard - 1931 - Questions and Problems in American Government - Syllabus by Erbe |
To this belongs, above all, the legal prohibitions of
associations, both altogether as well as of link- ages between associations that are permitted to exist separately.
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Source: |
SIMMEL-Georg-Sociology-Inquiries-Into-the-Construction-of-Social-Forms-2vol |
The Poet,
in his own person, may
at once delight and improve us by sentiments, which teach us the
independence of goodness, of wisdom, and even of genius, on the favours
of fortune.
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Coleridge - Biographia Literaria |
Martyrology, entitled Saltair-na-Rann,
in the British Museum [Egerton, 185].
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Life and Works of St Aneguissiums Hagographicus |
Is it you then that thought
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Whitman |
And in the roofless huts of vast morasses,
Deserted by the fever-stricken serf,
All overgrown with reeds and long rank grasses,
heaped of moss-inwoven turf,
And where the huge and speckled aloe made, _80
Rooted in stones, a broad and pointed shade,--
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Shelley copy |
Whome Persey hath not from thee tane: but (if thou be advisde)
heavie wrath bicause his Sea nymphes were despisde: .
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Ovid - Book 5 |
At first they were rather frightened, but the clever youth soon
to dispel their alarm, and they allowed him to stay there for the night.
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Universal Anthology - v01 |
བླ་མ་དྷརྨ་རཀྵི་ཏ། ལྟ་བ་ཉན་ཐོས་བྱེར་སྨྲ། ལུང་གཡུག་ས་གསུམ་གྱི་ཕྲེང་བ། རིག་པ་ལྟ་ཡངས་ཀྱི་མདོ་སྡེ་སྐྱེས་རབས། བྱམས་པའི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་འདི་ཀུ་སུ་ ལུ་ཆུང་བ་ཡིན། འདི་ལྟ་བ་མི་གནས་པ། ལུང་ནམ་མཁའི་སྙིང་པོ། རིག་པ་བསླབ་བཏུས་སྤྱོད་འཇུག །གསེར་གླིང་པ་ལྟ་བ་བདག་འཛིན་མི་སྤང་བར་རྒྱུ་མཚན་བྱས། སྤྱོད་པ་མུ་སྟེགས་དང་ཐུན་མོང་། ལུང་དྲི་མེད་གྲང་ཞུ། རིག་པ་བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས་དཔའི་རྗེས་འབྲང་། བྱམས་པ་ནས་བརྒྱུད། དྲི་མེད་གྲགས་མདོ་ལས།
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འཇམ་དབྱངས་མཁྱེན་བརྩེ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་བློ་གྲོས། |
Despite the
of Cardinal de Bausset, former Bishop of Alais, that Chateaubriand was ".
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Chateaubriand - Travels in Italy |
It is in this spot that
beings arrive, being reborn in these worms arising together in such a large number; or rather, from whence do these intermediate beings come?
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Source: |
Abhidharmakosabhasyam-Vol-2-Vasubandhu-Poussin-Pruden-1991 |
Before the birth of Jesse, his mother
went daily to the shop to carry a luncheon to her husband, and her eyes
naturally fell upon the bloody
hung about the walls.
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Applied Eugenics by Roswell H. Johnson and Paul Popenoe |
TIE it remembered, that on the third day of June, hi the
forty-eighth year of the
of the United States
of America, T.
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Latin - Elements of Latin Prosody and Metre Compiled with Selections |
This group, which corresponds
to the cabinet of Great Britain, is appointed by the Supreme
Soviet and consists of some forty-three
or depart-
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Source: |
Soviet Union - 1944 - Meet the Soviet Russians |
But the
of the revolt was in this manner.
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Diodorus Siculus - Historical Library |
knew this was so,
for she had overheard the folks talking about it
when she went into the kitchen cupboard after
some cheese.
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Childrens - Brownies |
even agree with the
of a
reform of the courts.
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Jabotinsky - 1917 - Turkey and the War |
And you would infer that
is not only noble, but also good?
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Plato - Apology, Charity |
Now in the
of rich
Latinus' city the noise is loudest and most the long wail.
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Virgil - Aeneid |
The spirit of man ; an anthology in
French from the philosophers and poets.
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Elmbendor - Poetry and Poets |
Masefield tells a story that is in itself strange, or splendid, or even supernatural, but tells it in the common, graphic
of life.
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Ezra-Pound-Exult-at-Ions |
Songes-y ; l'ingénieur que tout objet qui n'a pas
une forme sinistre ou ignoble, offense, s'est tout
dans cette invention.
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Huysmans - La-Bas |
Rosinger of the staff of the Foreign Policy
points out, are not far to seek.
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Alvin Johnson - 1949 - Politics and Propaganda |
[156] But if it be thy wish to mark Charioteer [Auriga] and his stars, and if the fame has come to thee of the Goat [Capella] herself and the Kids, who often on the
deep have seen men storm-tossed, thou wilt find him in all his might, leaning forward at the left hand of the Twins.
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Capella star astronomical coordinates |
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Source: |
Aratus - Phaenomena |
Townley being educated in the rigid
of popery,* went abroad early in life, and, entering into the service of France, distinguished himself in his military capacity, particularly at the
siege of Philipsbourg.
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Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons - v4 |
-That making
perfect and seeing perfect, which is peculiar to the
cerebral system overladen with sexual energy (a
lover alone with his sweetheart at eventide trans-
figures the
details: life is a chain of
sublime things, "the misfortune of an unhappy
love affair is more valuable than anything else");
on the other hand, everything perfect and beautiful
operates like an unconscious recollection of that
amorous condition and of the point of view
peculiar to it—all perfection, and the whole of
the beauty of things, through contiguity, revives
aphrodisiac bliss, (Physiologically it is the
creative instinct of the artist and the distribution
## p.
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Nietzsche - v15 |
The goddess fled away on her golden shell,
Her adored image
to us on the swell,
And the sky shone beneath the scarf of Iris.
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19th Century French Poetry |
Three months having elapsed without
publication, another revision of the poem, similar to the current
version, was sent, and in the following October was
in the
"Union Magazine.
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Source: |
Edgar Allen Poe |
The many bodies that have
the research for which I have been responsible at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations since 1948 are listed in the first volume.
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po |
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Bowlby - Separation |
For he damned to exile the poet Ovid, also called Naso, because he wrote for him the three
of the Art of Love.
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Aurelius Victor - Caesars |
agenda described earlier.
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Manufacturing Consent - Chomsky |
Again Klea heard a door open, and the sound of many hoofs on the pavement of the courtyard, and when she went, all trembling, up to the window, she saw Euergetes himself, and the
knit horse that was led in for him.
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Source: |
Universal Anthology - v05 |
" On another level, they are divided by a
that is essential and irreconcilable.
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Source: |
Nolte - 1974 - The Relationship between "Bourgeois" and "Marxist" Historiography |
As to the
is all that I require; as to the second, I only ask
that it be enough.
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Source: |
Orr - Famous Affinities of History, Romacen of Devotion |
Mac Carthy More died, namely, Donal, the son Donal, son Cormac Ladhrach, son Teige;
and although was called Mac Carthy More, had been
created earl (earl Clancare, Cork), before that time, by command the
Iffa and Offa, Tipperary), died; was man benevolence and great bounty, and had the greatest collection poems any, for the most part, the Normans Ireland; and his son
Thomas succeeded his place.
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Source: |
Four Masters - Annals of Ireland |
The prudent king of Hungary is descried,
Who does due honour to his ripened lore,
In yet unripe, yea, raw and tender years,
And ranks the
above all his peers.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso - English |
It's also classified as a
of the three poisons and accompanies all the afflictions.
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Kalu Rinpoche |
But now the winds sing through and shake
chains wherein I hang,
And I, in my naked sorrows, make
Much mirth for my enemy.
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Source: |
Elizabeth Browning |
Before his principate he was accepted by and dear to all, but in his principate he was such that it was commonly said with
that there had never been a dominus more terrible than he.
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Source: |
Aurelius Victor - Caesars |
Troubled, wildered, and forlorn,
Dark, benighted, travel-worn,
Over many a tangled spray,
All heart-broke, I heard her say:
'O my
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Source: |
Blake - Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience |
It displayed
itself in a host of
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Poe - v01 |
But, as always with amplification, errors are
along with the true signal.
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Source: |
Richard-Dawkins-Unweaving-the-Rainbow |
Or if the grave be now thy bed,
Why am I
of the same
That I may rest; and neither blame
Nor sorrow may attend thy name?
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Source: |
Golden Treasury |
again is heard.
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Source: |
Childrens - Children's Rhymes and Verses |
Of course, we hope that you will support the Project
Gutenberg-tm mission of promoting free access to electronic works by
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the work.
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Source: |
Robert Frost - A Boy's Will |
But neither the virgin of Tegeaea,
nor the sword-bearing Orion, [906] the
of Bootes, will have
to be beheld by thee.
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Source: |
Ovid - Art of Love |
empirical point of view as a psychological ethical process, the chief elements in which are
and faith.
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Source: |
Pleiderer - Development of Theology in Germany since Kant |
His attack, stealthier, more
and more patient
than Voltaire's, would call upon us, especially when his learning got a
little out of control, to be more than patient.
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Source: |
Candide by Voltaire |
Yet these are they whose fathers had not been
Housed with my dogs, whom hip and thigh we smote
And with their blood washed their pollutions clean,
Purging the land which spewed them from its throat;
took we for a pleasant prey, 50
Choice tender ones on whom the fathers doat.
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Source: |
Christina Rossetti |
Dedication and Theme
Reasons for Writing
Stanza Page
1a 16
1b 17
2 18
The Commentary on a Lamp for the Enlightenment Path
Inferior 3 Mediocre 4
6 20
c D E
Triple Refuge
Twofold Enlightenment Thought Superknowledges
Means and Insight Tantra
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Source: |
Richard-Sherburne-A-Lamp-for-the-Path-and-Commentary-of-Atisha |
liability can be quite severe.
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Source: |
Childrens - Book of Poetry |
In making these ratings Webster adopted as
his main criterion that the mother 'be most solicitous of the daughter's welfare,
her often without good reason and rejecting or threatening to reject her or actually telling her she would not love her any more if she did not behave'.
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Bowlby - Separation |
weave sunlight,
Breezes, and flowers.
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Source: |
Stephen Crane - War is Kind |
Jarlath, who was
of Armagh,?
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Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v6 |
Nevertheless, this work is expensive, so in order to keep providing this resource, we have taken steps to prevent abuse by commercial parties,
placing technical restrictions on automated querying.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Childrens - Longfellow - Child's Hour |
We encourage the use of public domain
for these purposes and may be able to help.
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Source: |
Tully - Offices |
For he
considers that my face is more known
than most in the nation ; and there-
fore a lick at the
will be a
sure bait ad captandum vulgus, to
catch little readers.
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Source: |
Alexander Pope - v04 |
Influence upon internal politics :
1) The
; the armed petition, June 20.
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Source: |
Outlines and Refernces for European History |
There are many remains the mounds, raths, and other antiquities, still remain ing Tara, but many those mounds and ramparts have been
the course ages.
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Source: |
Four Masters - Annals of Ireland |
If this stimulates a new kind of dealing with the Orient,
indeed if it eliminates the
and “Occident” altogether, then we shall have advanced a little
in the process of what Raymond Williams has called the “unlearning” of “the inherent dominative
Guess: |
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Source: |
Said - Orientalism - Chapter 01 |
+ Maintain attribution The Google "watermark" you see on each file is
for informing people about this project and helping them find additional materials through Google Book Search.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Liddell Scott -1876 - An Intermediate Greek English Lexicon |
At my time of life (six-
and-thirty years of age) it cannot be
that I have much energy to
spare; in fact, I find it all little enough for the intellectual labours
I have on my hands, and therefore let no man expect to frighten me by a
few hard words into embarking any part of it upon desperate adventures of
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Source: |
De Quincey - Confessions of an Opium Eater |
A is not subject to the
that it is something that has being, unless we understand by has being something that goes without saying, in which case the restriction is no restriction.
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Source: |
Gottlob-Frege-Posthumous-Writings |
d 'g to some cntIca ' , ,
vanous c l'k d to ha;e written a clear and on.
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Source: |
Dudjom Rinpoche - Fundamentals and History of the Nyingmapa |
It was defective from iv of the Kalends of
to the iv of the Ides of March; so that the months of January and March were not perfect.
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Life and Works of St Aneguissiums Hagographicus |
The essence of this Esoteric
Class is con.
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Source: |
Dudjom Rinpoche - Fundamentals and History of the Nyingmapa |
I believe in you and know that you haven't
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Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse |
such faith have I in the Exalted One, that
there never has been, nor will there be, nor is there now any other, whether wanderer or brahmin, who is greater and wiser than Ihe Exalted One, that is to say, as regards the higher wisdom.
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Buddhist-Omniscience |
These rival
for popularity
flourished about the year 1710.
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Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons |
If there were
anyone that one could apply to with a probability of gaining such a
clue as that, it might be of
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Austen - Pride and Prejudice |
- You provide, in accordance with
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Sara Teasdale - Helen of Troy |
Two long odes in a new and regular verse form, on Gregorian rhythm, and
"Flesh" and "Flower", areincluded, together with a selection of lyrics from those published in .
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Contemporary Verse - v01-02 |
For in diverse battles he
the Huns and Goths who had devastated it under Valens.
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Source: |
Aurelius Victor - Caesars |
Sic <
imbres primum adegit homo,
'stipula (enall.
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Source: |
Latin - Bradley - Exercises in Latin Prosody |
'FgI *u;Etii;Ei
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Source: |
Luhmann-Love-as-Passion |
" Henderson seems
indeed to have been
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Robert Burns- |
First to a dapper clerk she beckoned,
To turn to Ovid, book the second;
She then
them to a place
In Virgil (_vide_ Dido's case);
As for Tibullus's reports,
They never passed for law in Courts:
For Cowley's brief, and pleas of Waller,
Still their authority is smaller.
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Swift - Battle of the Books, and Others |
Could he have
vein for such works as the Double Heroides,
which by certain metrical tests best fit in with
the poetry of his exile?
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Ovid - 1901 - Ovid and His Influence |
The day was such a day
owes the sun.
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Elizabeth Browning - 4 |