The general want of money was complained of, and
1 663.
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Edward Hyde - Earl of Clarendon |
This eternal "becoming something" is a
lying puppet-show, in which man has forgot him-
self; it is the force that
individuality to
the four winds, the eternal childish game that the
big baby time is playing in front of us—and with
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Nietzsche - v05 |
It is
by some to be viviparous;
it survives a long while out of water, and its tenacity of life is such,
that it lives some time even after cut in pieces.
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Childrens - The Creation |
you must, at no
cost, fee or expense to the user, provide a
copy, a means of exporting a copy, or a means of obtaining a copy upon
request, of the work in its original "Plain Vanilla ASCII" or other
Guess: |
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll |
La Nave
the usual horror scenes favored by D'Annunzio (Fale- dro and his four sons have their eyes and tongues torn out on stage), but it projected Italy's restoration as a great sea power with control of the Dalmatian coast.
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A-Companion-to-the-Cantos-of-Ezra-Pound-II |
I',ieE t
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Luhmann-Love-as-Passion |
I spent a year at the great snow
of gSal-rje and hid ten gter-kha.
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Tarthang-Tulku-Mother-of-Knowledge-The-Enlightenment-of-Yeshe-Tsogyal |
There was a whisper,
also, about
the gun, and keeping the old fellow from doing
mischief, at the very suggestion of which the self-important man in the
cocked hat retired with some precipitation.
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The Literary World - Seventh Reader |
14 It is
to identify cer.
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Alexander Pope - v05 |
This helps to keep the site as
as possible for visitors.
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Dostoesvky - The Brothers Karamazov |
Slovenia, Lithuania and Latvia bolstered oversight but Bulgaria is behind on centralizing ownership rather than putting ministries in charge, clarifying dividend
and professionalizing boards.
Guess: |
ok |
Question: |
ok |
Answer: |
Source: |
Kleiman International |
Walking old
paths, it
omnipotence with hegemonic power and imposes aManicheanontol- ogy onto an evil state of power.
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lol |
Question: |
lol |
Answer: |
Source: |
Sloterdijk-Cynicism-the-Twilight-of-False-Consciousness |
, birth takes place wherever
in any ofthe realms.
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Kalu-Rinpoche-Foundation-of-Buddhist-Meditation |
be: deren Anblick sei es erst, was die Seele des Philosophen in einen erotischen Taumel
und ihr keine Ruhe lasse, bis sie den Samen aller hohen Dinge in ein so scho ?
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Kittler-Universities-Wet-Hard-Soft-And-Harder |
As the old world was rather a world of forms and numbers
than of free and independent
of the soul, it was forced in its
convulsive death-throes to writhe and twist in the rigid moulds of its own
mjterialism : our world, on the contrary, is oppressed by mental super-
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Krasinski - The Undivine Comedy |
Please, Teofilo, first do me the favour, since I am not so
in philosophy, of making clear what you mean by the word 'matter', and what matter is in natural things.
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air |
Question: |
how |
Answer: |
Source: |
Bruno-Cause-Principle-and-Unity |
, which appears to have been a kind of small ball, was
by Atticus of Neapolis, the tutor in gymnastics of the great Pompeius.
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Athenaeus - Deipnosophists |
Or if care and toil have weighed down the
spirit, and at length broken the health of the father; how often is
the widow left unable, with the most virtuous intentions, to save her
fatherless offspring from becoming
objects of charity, or
profligate votaries of vice!
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Knowlton - Fruits of Philosophy- A Treatise on the Population Question |
rule through voting played a limited role.
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A History of Trust in Ancient Greece_nodrm |
[W]hen capital and income are measured in value, their causal
is the reverse of that which holds true when they are measured in quantity.
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Nitzan Bichler - 2012 - Capital as Power |
Stannard, 9;
at the
of va.
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Poe - v10 |
Eh bien, c'était une
pitié; ces gens-là ils
comme des
propres à rien, ils ruaient à contre-temps, ils son-
naient la gouille!
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Huysmans - La-Bas |
Fox Das L/rbiJd, Die Umschau and a pamphlet on Frobenius' Paideuma, the last of them, one of the members of our club is now very
translating to print in VOU no.
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Ezra-Pound-Japan-Letters-essays |
is man with himself!
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Swift - Battle of the Books, and Others |
It was morning, I remember, when I thus awoke to understanding; I had
forgotten the particulars of what had happened and only felt as if some
great misfortune had suddenly overwhelmed me; but when I looked around
and saw the barred windows and the
of the room in which I
was, all flashed across my memory and I groaned bitterly.
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Mary Shelley - Frankenstein |
You, staring at your sword to find it brittle,
at the surprise that was your plan,
Who, shaking and breaking barriers not a little,
Find never more the death-door of Sedan--
Must I for more than carnage call you claimant,
Paying you a penny for each son you slay?
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War Poetry - 1914-17 |
and Eleonora.
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Alexander Pope - v10 |
He who
observes the decrees of the senate, the laws and rules of justice; by
whose arbitration many and important
are decided; by whose
surety private property, and by whose testimony causes are safe.
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Horace - Works |
Was not that like ness of the husband, in the boy beside her, really the effect of a shameful magic, in which the blood of the murdered gladi ator, his true father, had been an
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Universal Anthology - v07 |
Experience has
confirmed it.
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Dietrich Eckart - Bolshevism From Moses To Lenin |
If reading the Daode jing is to be more than just the dry recapitulation of what others have said, then it requires our
each and every time we take it up.
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Teaching-the-Daode-Jing |
As a source of miracles and
it is approaching art.
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Kittler-Gramophone-Film-Typewriter |
as targets by both Axis and Allied forces, not decisively but
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Schelling - The Diplomacy of Violence |
stress cannot be laid upon this fact, that the
great Greek
not only represented
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Nietzsche - v14 |
They advo- cated changes in the distribution of class power and the way wealth was
and used.
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Source: |
Blackshirts-and-Reds-by-Michael-Parenti |
3, a full refund of any
money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the
work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days
of receipt of the work.
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Keats |
Like animated frenzies, dimly moved
Shadows, and skeletons, and fiendly shapes,
Thronging round human graves, and o'er the dead
Sculpturing records for each memory
In verse, such as malignant gods pronounce, _260
Blasting the hopes of men, when heaven and hell
Confounded burst in ruin o'er the world:
And they did build vast trophies, instruments
Of murder, human bones, barbaric gold,
Skins torn from living men, and towers of skulls _265
With sightless holes gazing on blinder heaven,
Mitres, and crowns, and brazen
With blood, and scrolls of mystic wickedness,
The sanguine codes of venerable crime.
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Shelley copy |
A bow-shot from her bower-eaves,
He rode between the barley sheaves,
The sun came
thro' the leaves,
And flamed upon the brazen greaves
Of bold Sir Lancelot.
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Tennyson |
As the little tiny swallow or the chaffinch,
Round their warm and cosey nest are seen to hover,
So hovers there the mother dear who bore him;
And aye she weeps, as flows a river's water;
His sister weeps as flows a streamlet's water;
wife, as falls the dew from heaven--
The Sun, arising, dries the dew of heaven.
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Pushkin - Talisman |
name was
ever mentioned between them.
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Austen - Pride and Prejudice |
We kept Jack for several years; but one time,
while we were away in the country, the poor
little fellow met with an
that caused his
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accident |
Question: |
How did he die? |
Answer: |
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Childrens - Brownies |
The Jew was able to say to himself: "These Germans, who accept perverse pictures of the crucified Christ, are capable of swallowing other horrors, too, if one can
them that these horrors are beautiful!
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Hitler-Table-Talk |
Talking of "survival," I think it would make a positive
to admit, once and for ever and officially from the humanities' side, that humankind and the existing societies would most likely live on without our work.
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Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht - Reactions to Geoffrey Galt Harpham's Diagnosis of the Humanities Today |
Say not ' his heart is false, haply, to
If nor books I send nor flatter sorrow to silence.
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Catullus - Ellis - Poems and Fragments |
In revolutionary Iran at that time iden- tification with the Islamic tradition
with "the renewal of spiritual experiences", that is, the "desire to renew their entire exist- ence" (2005c: 255).
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Foucault-Key-Concepts |
Even if we disregard for the moment the almost inhuman
of his later prose, Nietzsche's contemporary and mutilated aura has nothing in common with the irritating tone and noble boredom that are otherwise so often part of the clas- sical climate.
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Peter-Sloterdijk-Thinker-on-Stage |
Elaboró un intrincado enredo de
falsos para desorientar a Fernanda, perdió de vista a sus amigas, saltó por encima de los convencionalismos para verse con Mauricio Babilonia a cualquier hora y en cualquier parte.
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Gabriel García Márquez - Cien Anos de Soledad |
It highlighted urgent “bank and
balance sheet repair” that will continue to deter investors, even with the bargain average 5 times price-earnings ratio and nominal stock market capitalization as one of the region’s largest at $90 billion.
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Kleiman International |
The handwriting and
style of the letter are not Donne's, but the letter explains why this
one Psalm is found
around by itself.
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Donne - 2 |
Cupit ipsa pupula ad te sibi
aciem, 56
Rabie fera carens dum breve tempus animus est.
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Catullus - Hubbard - Poems |
” He affected far more than his advocate sup-
posed; but if it had been otherwise it is strange that War-
burton should not have perceived that to talk of resentment
was ridiculous when the poet was
“the indiscretion,”
* Pope to Lord Orrery, March, 1737.
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Alexander Pope - v01 |
DEAR MADAM, It was my intention to have
town this day to meet Mr.
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Alexander Pope - v09 |
What could I do, unaided and
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Coleridge - Lyrical Ballads |
—The Epicurean selects the
situations, the persons, and even the events which
suit his extremely sensitive, intellectual constitu-
tion; he
the rest—that is to say, by far
the greater part of experience—because it would be
## p.
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Nietzsche - v10 |
Sans mors, sans eperons, sans bride,
Partons a cheval sur le vin
Pour un ciel
et divin!
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Baudelaire - Fleurs Du Mal |
of Valmy not only signified as is well known the mo- ment of neutrality as of which the French Revolution switched from the defensive to the offensive but also the restrained fore- play to the age of the masses which began with the French in- vention of general mobilization.
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Sloterdijk-Post-War |
What's the
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Life-of-Galileo-by-Brecht |
Widziałem, jak tu wchodził rozpacznik ponury,
Smierć w oczach, jęki w uściech, w sercu niosąc
powietrzem tej łagodnej góry, (rany,
Ledwie z swej spokojności mógł być rozpoznany.
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Trembecki - Poezye |
Or lastly, the second of the three
stanzas, compared both with
the first and the third.
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Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
If a single one of these starts barking, this signal of some approaching danger is in a minute responded to
a whole quarter.
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Source: |
Peter Vay - Korea of Bygone Days |
Protests came from the English
at the
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Poland - 1910 - Protestantism in Poland, a Brief Study of its History |
IMP ACT 4 1 3
in Chinese intellectuals (Robert Chao, for instance) who are faced with
environmental realities.
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Source: |
Lifton-Robert-Jay-Thought-Reform-and-the-Psychology-of-Totalism |
sext," but there were
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Alexander Pope - v03 |
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Gumbrecht - Publications.1447-2006 |
Ingram, should, perhaps, be specially
referred to; but the edition is
as Griswold left it, and should be known by his name.
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Poe - v01 |
The earth doth in her inward bowels hold
Stuffe well dispos'd, and which would faine be gold,
But never shall, except it chance to lye,
So upward, that heaven gild it with his eye;
As, for divine things, faith comes from above, 65
So, for best civill use, all
From higher powers; From God religion springs,
Wisdome, and honour from the use of Kings.
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Source: |
Donne - 1 |
I am neither a professor, a populariser of knowledge,
nor a
for party leadership.
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Sorel - Reflections on Violence |
There is a common
of him in
antique coat and wig, but the face has a wandering or vacant air.
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Emerson - Representative Men |
Here, the sun of good intentions would shine day and night, the peaceful coexistence ofeveryone with
would go without saying.
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Source: |
Sloterdijk-A-Crystal-Palace |
All perfection Heaven showers on us,
born beneath the skies,
All that regales our spirits and our eyes,
And all those things that devour our pleasures:
All those ills that strip our age of treasures,
All the good the centuries might devise,
Rome in ancestral times secured as prize,
Like Pandora's box, enclosed the measure.
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Source: |
Du Bellay - The Ruins of Rome |
here are doings,
here are
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Thomas Otway |
for I cannot help
you even now that you are dead.
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Scriptori Erotici Graeci |
Up starts a palace; lo, th'
base }
Slopes at its foot, the woods its sides embrace, }
The silver Thames reflects its marble face.
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Source: |
Pope - Essay on Man |
Made for his use all
if he call,
Say what their use, had he the pow'rs of all?
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Source: |
Alexander Pope |
When they met in battle, Archelaus was victorious, and
escaped with only a few companions.
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Memnon - History of Heracleia |
I speak to him — he speaks of Lalage
Sir Count (places her hand on his
what art
thou dreaming 2 (aside) He 's not well !
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Poe - v10 |
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Edward Hyde - Earl of Clarendon |
The masses mass madder, both
and sage;
They root up the arbours, they trample the grain;
Make way for the new Resurrected.
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Source: |
Stefan George - The Anti-Christ |
3] L In Lusitania, near the river Tagus, many authors have said that the mares conceive from the effect of the wind; but such stories have had their origin in the
of the mares, and the vast number of herds of horses, which are so numerous, and of such swiftness, in Gallaecia and Lusitania, that they may be thought, not without reason, to have been the offspring of the wind.
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Justinus - Epitome of Historae Philippicae |
" Du Bois-Reymond's text writes the history of art from a perspective which has only recently been
by Samuel Edgerton or Jonathan Crary.
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Kittler-Drunken |
In Russia,
of President Boris Yeltsin talked of the "dan- gers of democracy" and complained that "most representative bod- ies have become a hindrance to our [market] reforms.
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Source: |
Blackshirts-and-Reds-by-Michael-Parenti |
At dinner,
to Frederick, "After
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Abelous - Gustavus Adolphus - Hero of the Reformation |
Hrappur fór með Þráni og var með honum þau misseri en um vorið eftir fékk Þráinn honum bú á
og bjó Hrappur þar.
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Source: | |
This, then, fellow- citizens, is the
I make : peace is safety and strength to the democracy, war brings about the abolition of the democ racy.
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Universal Anthology - v04 |
Farewell, thou pathway of the free,
For the last time thy waves I view
Before me roll disdainfully,
and blue.
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Pushkin - Eugene Oneigin |
In this account of the effects of a bounty, nothing has been
supposed to occur to raise the natural price of corn, by which its
market price is ultimately governed; for it has not been supposed that
labour would be required on the land to insure a given
production, and this alone can raise natural price.
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Ricardo - On The Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation |
Unless our
hears the cock crow in
every barn-yard within our horizon, it is belated.
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Thoreau - Excursions and Poems |
the trial bear,
For thee e'en yet the sun may brightly shine,
And days more happy smile,
Once more the lost loved
may be thine.
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Petrarch - Poems |
All who saw her, loved her--
'loved her so much that they forgot to
admire yet,instead of the attentions she
received, and the affection she inspired,
adding one to the number of the tww,
they only
her the more desirous
of pleasing, and more deserving the bless-
ing of being beloved.
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Childrens - Roses and Emily |
this time, too, it was laid down as a rule that when a pig and any other
animal met on the path, the other animal must stand aside: and also that
all pigs, of
degree, were to have the privilege of wearing
green ribbons on their tails on Sundays.
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Orwell - Animal Farm |
The Original:
هَلْ نارُ لَيلَى بَدَتْ لَيلاً بِذي سَلَمِ أمْ بارِقٌ لاحَ في ٱلزَّوراءِ فٱلعَلَمِ
أَرْواحَ نَعْمانَ, هَلَّا نَسْمَةٌ سَحَراً وَماءَ وَجْرةَ, هَلَّا نَهْلَة ٌ بِفَمِ
يا سائِقَ ٱلظَّعْنِ يَطْوي البِيدَ مُعْتَسِفاً طيَّ ٱلسِّجِلِّ، بِذاتِ ٱلشِّيحِ مِن إضَمِ
عُجْ بٱلحِمَى يا رَعاكَ اللَّهُ، مُعتَمِداً خَمِيلَةَ ٱلضَّالِ ذاتَ ٱلرَّنْدِ وٱلخُزُمِ
وَقِفْ بِسَلْعٍ وَسَلْ بٱلجِزْعِ هَلْ مُطِرَتْ بٱلرَّقْمَتَينِ أُثَيلَاتٌ بِمُنْسَجِمِ
نَاشَدْتُكَ اللَّهَ إنْ جُزْتَ ٱلعَقِيقَ ضُحًى فاقْرَ ٱلسَّلامَ عَلَيهِمْ، غَيرَ مُحْتَشِمِ
وقُلْ تَرَكْتُ صَرِيعاً، في دِيارِكُمُ، حَيّاً كَمَيِّتٍ يُعِيرُ ٱلسُّقْمَ للسَّقَمِ
فَمِنْ فُؤادي لَهيبٌ نابَ عنْ قَبَسٍ، وَمنْ
دَمْعٌ فاضَ كٱلدِّيَمِ
وهذهِ سنَّةُ ٱلعشَّاقِ ما عَلِقوا بِشادِنٍ، فَخَلا عُضْوٌ منَ ٱلألَمِ
يالائماً لامَني في حبِّهِمْ سَفَهاً كُفَّ ٱلمَلامَ، فلو أحبَبْتَ لمْ تَلُمِ
وحُرْمَةِ ٱلوَصْلِ، وٱلوِدِّ ٱلعتيقِ، وبٱلْـعَهْدِ ٱلوَثيقِ وما قدْ كانَ في ٱلقِدَمِ
ما حُلتُ عَنْهُمْ بِسُلْوانٍ ولابَدَلٍ ليسَ ٱلتَّبدُّلُ وٱلسُّلوانُ منْ شِيَمي
رُدُّوا ٱلرُّقادَ لِجَفْني عَلَّ طَيفَكُمُ بِمَضْجَعي زائرٌ في غَفْلَةِ ٱلحُلُمِ
آهاً لأيّامِنا بٱلخَيْفِ، لَو بَقِيَتْ عَشراً وواهاً عَلَيها كَيفَ لمْ تَدمِ
هَيهاتَ وا أسَفي لو كانَ يَنْفَعُني أوْ كانَ يُجْدِي على ما فاتَ وانَدَمي
عَنِّي إلَيكُمْ ظِباءَ ٱلمُنْحَنَى كَرَماً عَهِدْتُ طَرْفيَ لم يَنْظُرْ لِغَيرِهِمِ
طَوعاً لِقاضٍ أتى في حُكمِهِ عَجَباً، أفتى بِسَفْكِ دمي في ٱلحِلِّ وٱلحَرَمِ
أصَمُّ لَمْ يُصْغِ للشّكوَى ، وأَبْكَمُ لَم يُحِرْجواباً وَعَنْ حالِ ٱلمَشوقِ عَمِي
Ibn Khafaja: The Mountain Poem (From Medieval Arabic)
The Mountain Poem: Words Spoken in Contemplation
By Ibrahīm Ibn Khafāja
Translated by A.
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Translated Poetry |
Greeks went rapidly forward, but equally rapidly
downwards; the movement of the whole machine
is so
that a single stone thrown amid
its wheels was sufficient to break it.
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Nietzsche - v06 |
heart can't know a pain so sweet:
Love reigns on earth above, not beneath our feet.
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Ronsard |
if you all subscribe to this opinion, that nothing is better than youth
or more execrable than age, I conceive you cannot but see how much you
are indebted to me, that have
so great a good and shut out so
great an evil.
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Erasmus - In Praise of Folly |
Ailsa Mellon Bruce)
Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation
Foundation, N.
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Lundberg - The-Rich-and-the-Super-Rich-by-Ferdinand-Lundberg |
went abroad;
A dog's belated feet
Like intermittent plush were heard
Adown the empty street.
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Dickinson - Three - Complete |
Still I
how I strove to flee
The love-note of the birds, and bowed my head
To hurry faster, but upon the ground
I saw two wingèd shadows side by side,
And all the world's spring passion stifled me.
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Sara Teasdale |
) 'and on _Daffodils
in the
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Selection of English Letters |
There was a lady on this tower with me----
(He glances around
but does not see her in the darkness.
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Sara Teasdale - Helen of Troy |
The Paper continued that support of the men in power, but without suffering them to repay its partiality by contributions calculated to pro duce any reduction
in the expense of man aging the concern; because, by such admission, the editor was conscious he should have sacrificed the right of condemning any act which he might esteem detrimental to the public welfare.
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Source: |
Hunt - Fourth Estate - History of Newspapers and Liberty of Press - v2 |