[15] G When the
were at war with Antiochus, the Heracleians supported them with 40 triremes, but the war did not proceed beyond threats.
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Memnon - History of Heracleia |
This is one of the main problems in bringing together the psychological and the sociological approaches; it is an
great problem for that theory of social psychology which regards the individual adult as merely
a product or sum of his various group memberships.
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Adorno-T-Authoritarian-Personality-Harper-Bros-1950 |
you would
not be very tolerant (tolerance was not your leading virtue) of Mr.
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Source: |
Letters to Dead Authors - Andrew Lang |
[14] Browning's _The
Ring and the Book_ also uses this notion of an idyllic sequence; but
without any semblance of epic purpose, purely for the
human character.
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Lascelle Abercrombie |
So soon as you stop, he begins a lengthy tirade, which has
of being in some sort connected with what you have been
saying, but which is, in fact, only a continuation of his own harangue.
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Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time |
cannibalistic idea he may have
from Swift's amusing pamphlet,
for this French poet knew English literature.
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Baudelaire - Biographical Essay |
In a number of issues, the paper challenged the
press, accus- ing it of not doing the job of a free press.
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Source: |
The Public Work of Rhetoric_nodrm |
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Source: |
America-s-Deadliest-Export-Blum-William-pdf |
Evening falls and in the garden
Women tell their histories
to Night that not without disdain
spills their dark hair's mysteries
Little children little children
Your wings have flown away
But you rose that defend yourself
Throw your
scents away
For now's the hour of petty theft
Of plumes of flowers and of tresses
Gather the fountain jets so free
Of whom the roses are mistresses
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Source: |
Appoloinaire |
is infused with a
hatred of hierarchy and special privi- leges and with a passionate resentment of caste distinc- tions and inherited cultural superiority.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Hegel - Zizek - With Hegel Beyond He |
The difference is that the Marxist critic accords 'correct false consciousness' the chance to
itself or to be enlightened - by Marxism.
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Source: |
Sloterdijk-Cynicism-the-Twilight-of-False-Consciousness |
changed the subject, and began to talk of London and what Mr.
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Source: |
Fletcher - Lucian the Dreamer |
Generated for
on 2015-01-02 09:06 GMT / http://hdl.
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Source: |
Catullus - Lamb - A Comedy in Verse |
Nỗi niềm
đến mà đau,
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Nguyễn Du - Kieu - 01 |
The old round with its four stages will
pass again.
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Source: |
A-Skeleton-Key-to-Finnegans-Wake |
The wondering rivals gaze, with cares oppress'd,
And chilling horrors freeze in every breast,
Till big with knowledge of
The prince of augurs, Halitherses, rose:
Prescient he view'd the aerial tracks, and drew
A sure presage from every wing that flew.
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Source: |
Odyssey - Pope |
A further difference, by the way, is
that in one and the same animal certain bones are
marrow, while others are destitute of it.
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Source: |
Aristotle |
The edition
in 1750, and yielded enough to save
Crébillon at least from actual want during his remaining lifetime.
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Source: |
Warner - World's Best Literature - v07 - Cic to Cuv |
I am one, my Liege,
Whom the vile Blowes and Buffets of the World
Hath so incens'd, that I am
what I doe,
To spight the World
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Source: |
shakespeare-macbeth |
It was
first published by
in his 'Friend', which is the reason of its
having had a place in every edition of my poems since.
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Source: |
William Wordsworth |
Had that noble people remained
true to the leading of John a Lasco, then to
the present day had those
'Finis Polonies'' remained unspoken.
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Source: |
Poland - 1910 - Protestantism in Poland, a Brief Study of its History |
And one other day
Mother bird flew away ;
For the little birdies were in need
good to feed.
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Source: |
Childrens - Children's Rhymes and Verses |
Please do not assume that a book's
in Google Book Search means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world.
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Source: |
Attic Nights of Aullus Gellius - 1792 |
The period of mixture fifth to eighth
a chaos
of creative forces.
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Source: |
Outlines and Refernces for European History |
Such essential services as electricity, gas, and water were
by heavy attacks, but in most cases they were readily restored.
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Source: |
brodie-strategic-bombing-in-ww2 |
How many men are there (great scholars, celebrated
names in literature) who having done the same thing in their youth, have
no other idea all the rest of their lives but of this achievement, of
a fellowship and dinner, and who, installed in academic honours, would
look down on our author as a mere
Guess: |
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Source: |
Hazlitt - The Spirit of the Age; Or, Contemporary Portraits |
- You provide, in accordance with
Guess: |
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Source: |
Li Bai - Chinese |
Shakespeare-Fletchersche Autorschaft des
Dramas The Two Noble Kinsmen.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v06 |
His figure was somewhat corpulent, with somewhat
abdomen, but his bearing was regal.
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Source: |
Historia Augusta |
—The rest the nobles paying fines were
tament king Henry his father, and that
could not
forgiven, the archbishop
only excepted.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01 |
is made up of sixteen
Union or Soviet Socialist
Republics, organized on the basis of nationality and each
possessing a large degree of autonomy and "its own Con-
stitution, which takes account of the specific features of
the Republic and is drawn up in full conformity with
the Constitution of the U.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Soviet Union - 1952 - Soviet Civilization |
Whether a book is still in
varies from country to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific book is allowed.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Tully - Offices |
he razed the city to the ground.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Diodorus Siculus - Historical Library |
To we the wide world is a
Where .
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Source: |
Carey - 1796 - Key to Practical English Prosody |
This much is clear: the connection between guilt, shame and stress, without which the fervour of some religious subjects against themselves would be inconceivable, is rooted in endogenous
that are open to psychobiological elucidation.
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Source: |
Sloterdijk - God's Zeal |
When I first entered I remember that we read
Sophocles; and it was a constant matter of triumph to us, the learned
triumvirate of the first form, to see our "Archididascalus" (as he loved
to be called) conning our lessons before we went up, and laying a regular
train, with lexicon and grammar, for blowing up and
(as it were)
any difficulties he found in the choruses; whilst _we_ never condescended
to open our books until the moment of going up, and were generally
employed in writing epigrams upon his wig or some such important matter.
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Source: |
De Quincey - Confessions of an Opium Eater |
Many and many a day he had been failing, And I knew the end must come at last—
The poor
had loved him dearly, It was hard for me to see him go.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Contemporary Verse - v01-02 |
3#" 5
Guess: |
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Source: |
Dzongsar-Khyentse-Longchen-Nyingthig-Practice-Manual |
21, after the death of
a synod at Constantinople, declared against the her brother,
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William Smith - 1844 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities - b |
These channels are not
structures, but more like meridians in acupuncture.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Life-Spiritual-Songs-of-Milarepa |
Even the
tell you the same story.
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Source: |
Orwell - Coming Up for Air |
Today metaphysics is used in almost the entire non-German- speaking world as a term of abuse, a synonym for idle speculation, mere nonsense and heaven knows what other
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Source: |
Adorno-Metaphysics |
It is obvious, of course, that in considering the history of its own society bourgeois
will not be animated by boundless indig- nation at social exploitation; and despite the recognition that some Marxist writers take of "progressive tendencies" in bourgeois society, this indignation remains the informing pathos of all Marxist historiography.
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Source: |
Nolte - 1974 - The Relationship between "Bourgeois" and "Marxist" Historiography |
(Cj" In this verse, some prosodians make Parietl a
proceleusmatic foot; and it is true that some
considered it as such, and
scanned accordingly in this and other similar cases.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Latin - Carey - Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana |
Cautious indeed-with that giant of Pytchley fame running
neck to neck by him; cautious with two-thirds of the course
unrun, and all the yawners yet to come; cautious- with the
blood of Forest King lashing to boiling heat, and the wondrous
greyhound stride
out faster and faster beneath him,
ready at a touch to break away and take the lead: but he would
be reckless enough by-and-by; reckless, as his nature was, under
the indolent serenity of habit.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Warner - World's Best Literature - v19 - Oli to Phi |
dans leurs bras, fort loin Des
Guess: |
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Source: |
Ezra-Pound-Instigations |
Mandaville, Bedouin Ethnobotany: Plant Concepts and Uses in a Desert
World), a type of bindweed, also known as the desert morning glory.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Abid bin Al-Abras - The Cycle of Death - A Mu'allaqa |
his duty, exhorted him very earnestly, say the Lord's prayer, and the Belief English, from the bottom his heart, every true
ought do.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01 |
Often in a dream of anxiety one is holding on firmly to
from a house.
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Source: |
Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
On this day, we find en- tered in the
of Donegal,^ Aedh, bishop, of the now deserted Lis-
on Loch Eirne.
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Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v1 |
By the death of his great-uncle,
William, fifth Lord Byron, in 1798, the boy
to the title
and to the Byron estates of Newstead priory and Rochdale; in the
year 1801, he entered Harrow school.
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Source: |
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v12 |
deeds will continue to give rise to positive results, and negative deeds give rise to negative ones.
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Source: |
Kalu Rinpoche |
"41 Indeed, Dugin's geopolitical
cannot function without creating enemies.
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Source: |
Dugin - Alexander Dugin and New European Radical Right |
But you say he has
given up
Charles--never sees him, hey?
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Source: |
Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
bang đầu,
Chở thi cửi muồng ỏr dão,
Án canh, bưug tộ húp nháo, phải kk<>ôg Ỹ
d(rm cơm.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Phong-hoá-tân-biên-phụ-Huấn-nữ-ca.ocr |
En breu brisaral temps braus, Eill bisa busina els brancs Qui s'entreseignon
De sobreclaus rams de fuoilla
Car noi chanta auzels ni piula
M' enseign' Amors qu'ieu fassa adonc Chan que non er segons ni tertz
Ans prims d'afrancar cor agre.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Ezra-Pound-Instigations |
Et en pensant que je n'avais pas vécu
chastement avec elle, je trouvai dans la punition qui m'était infligée
pour avoir forcé une petite fille inconnue à accepter de l'argent,
cette relation qui existe presque toujours dans les châtiments humains
et qui fait qu'il n'y a presque jamais ni condamnation juste, ni erreur
judiciaire, mais une espèce d'harmonie entre l'idée fausse que se fait
le juge d'un acte
et les faits coupables qu'il a ignorés.
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Source: |
Proust - A La Recherche du Temps Perdu - Albertine Disparue - b |
That is how we will calculate the dates here, by assuming that the times of foreign rule are included in the number of years
to each of the judges.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Eusebius - Chronicles |
For a long time Rome with
its vast church
had tempted them.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Cambridge Medieval History - v2 - Rise of the Saracens and Foundation of the Western Empire |
Usage guidelines
Google is proud to partner with libraries to
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Guess: |
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Source: |
Spenser - 1592 - Apologie for Poetrie |
The old man sits among his broken
and looks at the burning
Guess: |
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Source: |
Amy Lowell |
Verani, omnibus e meis amicis
Antistans mihi milibus trecentis,
Venistine domum ad tuos Penates
anumque matrem?
Guess: |
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Source: |
Catullus - Carmina |
_get up.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
Of whom some, unhappy,
for their fatherland of Aegoneia, others for Echinos, others for Titaros and for Iros and for Trachis and Perhaebic Gonnos and Phalanna, and the fields of the Olossonians, and Castanaia, torn on the rocks shall bewail their fate that lacks the rites of funeral.
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Source: |
Lycophron - Alexandra |
to make what is asserted of the concept into the content of the
Guess: |
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Source: |
Gottlob-Frege-Posthumous-Writings |
Just as in the past neither books nor libraries proved usable without meta- levels of knowledge, now neither algorithms nor
can do without Wissenswissenschaften ("knowledge of knowledges," histoire des syst`emes de pens ?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Kittler-Universities-Wet-Hard-Soft-And-Harder |
liability can be quite severe.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Meredith - Poems |
Copyright infringement
can be quite severe.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Ovid - 1805 - Art of Live |
is made up of sixteen
Union or Soviet Socialist
Republics, organized on the basis of nationality and each
possessing a large degree of autonomy and "its own Con-
stitution, which takes account of the specific features of
the Republic and is drawn up in full conformity with
the Constitution of the U.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Soviet Union - 1952 - Soviet Civilization |
We'll breakfast,
and you shall take me down to
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Kipling - Poems |
+ Refrain from automated querying Do not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system: If you are conducting research on machine translation, optical character
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Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Fichte - Germany_and_the_French_Revolution |
Lo, the ship, at this opportunity, slipped slyly,
Making cunning
travel down the ways.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Stephen Crane - Black Riders |
And this place our
made for man!
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Coleridge - Lyrical Ballads |
--20], gequora [2, 20, 27],
[3, 1.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Latin - Casserly - Complete System of Latin Prosody |
The light of her face falls from its flower,
as a hyacinth,
hidden in a far valley,
upon burnt grass.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
H. D. - Sea Garden |
And whereas Paul doth not doubt of Agrippa's faith, he doth it not so much to praise him, as that he may put the Scripture out of all question, lest he be
to stand upon the very principles.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Calvin Commentary - Acts - c |
And will she give
Enough to keep my
through the dearth?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Yeats - Poems |
[The sentiment which these lines express, was one
to Burns,
in the early, as well as concluding days of his life.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Robert Burns |
by Thomas Nicholas.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v04 |
When first the sisters had permission to rise to the surface, they
were each
with the new and beautiful sights they saw; but
now, as grown-up girls, they could go when they pleased, and they
had become indifferent about it.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen |
The writers of
tory of Honoria nothing appears to be known; best authority tell us that the good disposition and
Gibbon states, but apparently without authority, prudence of Gratian, or his advisers, prevented that
that she was
to perpetual imprison- prince from taking umbrage at this intrusion upon
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
William Smith - 1844 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities - b |
[56] It afterwards
that the Moorish King of Mombas had been
informed of what happened at Mozambique, and intended to revenge it by
the total destruction of the fleet.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Camoes - Lusiades |
Ludwig Pfeiffer] Materialities of
[English translation of a
selection of essays published in [2.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Gumbrecht - Publications.1447-2006 |
Every great career, whether of a nation or of an individual, dates
from a heroic action, and every downfall from a
## p.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Warner - World's Best Literature - v19 - Oli to Phi |
Is it not because
there is more truth in it than may be
palatable to you?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time |
The rumour, the letters, the printed paper,
all had been
of Gordon to inspire the garrison with the
courage to hold out.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Strachey - Eminent Victorians |
Crackling with fever, they essay;
I turn my
eyes away,
And come next hour to look.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Dickinson - Two - Complete |
and take only limited,
Guess: |
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Source: |
Bhavanakrama-Stages-of-Meditation-by-Kamalashila |
What shall we do
Guess: |
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Source: |
T.S. Eliot - The Waste Land |
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Meredith - Poems |
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Aquinas - Medieval Europe |
Phong lưu rất mực hồng quần,
Xuân xanh sấp xỉ tới tuần cập kê
Êm đềm
rủ màn che,
Tường đông ong bướm đi về mặc ai.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Nguyễn Du - Kieu - 01 |
Nearly all the
works in the
collection are in the public domain in the United States.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Aesop's Fables by Aesop |
it is never
by fires of birth, old age, etc.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-Asanga-Uttara-Tantra |
Mas eu sofro em coisas tão reles, ferem-me coisas tão banais que não ouso
com essa hipótese a hipótese de que eu possa ter gênio.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Pessoa - Livro do Desassossego |
Elborg Forster (Cambridge: Cambridge
Press, 1981), 25.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Revolution and War_nodrm |
Others will teach us how to dare,
And against fear our breast to steel;
Others will
us to bear-
But who, ah!
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Warner - World's Best Literature - v02 - Aqu to Bag |
she may have enjoyed
with the Campbells are so palpably at an end!
Guess: |
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Source: |
Austen - Emma |
" Is the meaning of
Wake the
Guess: |
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Source: |
Bourbon - "Twitterlitter" of Nonsense- "Askesis" at "Finnegans Wake" |
From the days of Daniel to those
of Matthew Arnold there has been in English literature no such
important pleading for the
of letters.
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Source: |
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v04 |