spoken of them as human attendants of Proserpina, who entertained
her with their singing and later were partly metamorphosed.
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Ovid - 1934 - Metamorphoses in European Culture - v1 |
how we have been able to give our senses a pass-
port to
superficial, our thoughts a god-
like desire for wanton pranks and wrong inferences !
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Nietzsche - v12 |
“And can it be that seeing her, as you did, at that moment when her soul
was shining in her eyes, you were not in the least
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Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time |
To try to do that amounts to over- looking the
between these two statements: "He is a troublemaker.
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Waltz - Theory of International Relations |
An analysis of such
an example will show that it belongs to our second class of dreams--a
realization of repressed desires.
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Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
' What a machinelike, rationalistic, humanly
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Musil - Man Without Qualities - v2 |
"It was at a time,"
Sama-no-Kami, "when I was in a still
more humble position, that there was a girl to whom I had taken a
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Epiphanius Wilson - Japanese Literature |
Avicenna, (2005),
of the 'The Healing', trans.
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Education in Hegel |
Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any
use of any specific book is allowed.
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Sallust - Catiline |
Gutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if you
charge for the eBooks, unless you receive
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A Short History of Greek Philosophy by J. Marshall |
a quel segno ove fu colto,
colse a punto il figliol del re Agricane.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso |
But I
a number of passages out of my Le Sueur [author of a History of the Church and the Empire up to the Year 1000] .
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Paul-de-Man-Material-Events |
made an oftentatious Diiplay of the Bribes he hath received,
by felling Macedonian Corn, by building, by
would go again, even without your Orders, to import Timber
from Macedon, and by openly changing Philip's Gold for Attit
Money at the Treafury Tables, he cannot, I prefume, deny
his having received, what he confefTes, and even declares with
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Demosthenes - Orations - v2 |
And he would return to the earth in male
human shape — for a woman ranks at about the same level as a rat or a frog — or at best as
beast such as an elephant.
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Orwell - Burmese Days |
In this role she made
use of her beautiful dark
hair, her pallor, and her wonderful eyes.
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Orr - Famous Affinities of History, Romacen of Devotion |
This Parliament, hope, will never de serve but, did, should be very sorry that any resolutions were entered into in order to prevent its being
in the present or the next age, in its proper colours.
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Hunt - Fourth Estate - History of Newspapers and Liberty of Press - v2 |
But bitterly above the rest she banned Sicilie,
In which the mention of hir losse she
did espie.
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Ovid - Book 5 |
Was it
to live for this?
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Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse |
And let me tell you, when Moses has trimmed them a little,
they will cut a very
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The Literary World - Seventh Reader |
459 "Nec praeficerentur certae staticni," and yet not be
to a fixed station.
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Calvin Commentary - Acts - c |
rea de la
humana es la institucio?
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Hans-Ulrich-Gumbrecht |
The rosy morn was risen from the main,
And horns and hounds awake the
They issue early thro' the city gate,
Where the more wakeful huntsmen ready wait,
With nets, and toils, and darts, beside the force
Of Spartan dogs, and swift Massylian horse.
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Dryden - Virgil - Aeineid |
You may convert to and
this work in any binary,
compressed, marked up, nonproprietary or proprietary form, including any
word processing or hypertext form.
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Verne - Journey to the Centre of the Earth |
588, 172) bômos
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Callimachus - Hymns |
It was the body which despaired of the body--it
groped with the fingers of the
spirit at the ultimate walls.
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Thus Spake Zarathustra- A Book for All and None by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche |
7 and any additional
terms imposed by the
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll |
And Hegel mocked, "A very
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American Poetry - 1922 - A Miscellany |
I viewed Heaven,
Till you smiled--"Is earth unclean,
eyes were ever seen?
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Elizabeth Browning - 4 |
If you
received the work on a
medium, you must return the medium with
your written explanation.
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Stephen Crane - War is Kind |
" And from its nature
it must be an age very heartily engaged in something; usually fighting
whoever is near enough to be fought with, though in _Beowulf_ it seems
to be doing something more profitable to the
which is to
follow it--taming the fierceness of surrounding circumstance and man's
primitive kind.
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Lascelles Abercrombie - The Epic |
dem bewahrten Mann,
Dass er noch lange helfen kann!
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Goethe - Faust- Der Tragödie erster Teil |
I dreamt I saw thee, robed in purple flakes,
Break amorous through the clouds, as morning breaks,
And, swiftly as a bright
Strike for the Cretan isle; and here thou art!
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Keats - Lamia |
A "page 45," together with
page number, is not only part of Naumann's crystallogra- phy, it can also be found in Goethe's Faust.
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Kittler-Drunken |
Dream yields to dream, strife
And Death unweaves the webs of Life.
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Sarojini Naidu - Golden Threshold |
With all the self-acquired
and learning that raised
him above his class (his father and grandfathers before him for
more than a hundred years had been sextons to the church of St.
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Thomas Chatterton - Rowley Poems |
Two came up, and one bore a squash which weighed 1231/2 pounds,
the other bore four,
together 1861/4 pounds.
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Thoreau - Excursions and Poems |
had already blessed him, and had
him the kingdom on earth and in heaven.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v3 |
D'amar quel Rabicano avea ragione;
che non v'era un
per correr lancia,
e l'avea da l'estrema regione
de l'India cavalcato insin in Francia.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso |
to tell?
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Lucian |
At evening He loved to walk
Among the shadowy hills, and talk
Of Bethlehem ;
But if
there passed us by
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Childrens - Child Verse |
O Father Jove [Zeus], who shak'st with fiery light the world deep-sounding from thy lofty height:
From thee, proceeds th' ætherial lightning's blaze,
around intolerable rays.
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Orphic Hymns |
This description has the coherence o f a poem, a fragment: not a fragment o f the world it describes, nor of the longing it evokes but of a kind of self-reflection that the glosses
the poem form on the poem, and in this case a coherence o f self-sufficiency that ironically refers to the complex worlds that include the poem, Coleridge, the heavens, us, the future ad infinitum.
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Constructing a Replacement for the Soul - Bourbon |
There is idle song,
over full wine cups,
Sorrow does not matter.
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John Fletcher - Japanese Prints |
at first looked eagerly down into the gulf, like one who feels that he
shall turn away instantly out of the very horror that
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Stories from the Italian Poets |
Probably the truth is
as one might expect.
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Orr - Famous Affinities of History, Romacen of Devotion |
They were unwilling that
should lose his
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Plutarch - Lives - v7 |
In Weimar I saw at the Liszt
Museum several from
which should have been included in the
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Baudelaire - Biographical Essay |
I have learnt, proudly, that my University cannot legally oblige me to change office computers each time that we are offered the opportunity to do so - and I relish the shock that some of my colleagues
when they realize, for example, that the size of the computer screen in my office is three and a half technological generations behind what they consider to be standard.
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Gumbrecht - Infinite Availability - On Hyper-Communication and Old Age |
Or hawk the magic of her name about
Deaf doors and
where no truth is brought ?
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Ezra-Pound-Provenca-English |
the day,
Our day beside the Derwent will not shine
Less than a star among the
Of Alfred, or of Edward his great son,
Or Athelstan, or English Ironside
Who fought with Knut, or Knut who coming Dane
Died English.
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Tennyson |
at thy feet my tears I pour
And thy
I implore.
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Pushkin - Eugene Oneigin |
I wait here
of vermilion sunsets:
In my heart is a half fear of the chill autumn rain.
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John Fletcher - Japanese Prints |
Quest' e colei ch'e tanto posta in croce
pur da color che le dovrien dar lode,
dandole biasmo a torto e mala voce;
ma ella s'e beata e cio non ode:
con l'altre prime
volve sua spera e beata si gode.
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Dante - La Divina Commedia |
"oak cats" [87:104].
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A-Companion-to-the-Cantos-of-Ezra-Pound-II |
One way is to
ask the riddle-question: "Is reading Finnegans Wake a human activi 225
argues, sciousness,
into amind that we would recognize as our own, forces us to place our minds as the
target of the text.
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Bourbon - "Twitterlitter" of Nonsense- "Askesis" at "Finnegans Wake" |
of locally defined norms and ways of life, if and inasmuch that the losers introspection arrives at the conclusion that the roots of their defeat not only are to be found in the strength of their opponent, but is also due to their own weakness and failure to adapt to the situation and in the most serious cases their own hubris and distorted picture of the world.
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Sloterdijk-Post-War |
It was the exercise of my power that
me most.
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Dostoevsky - Notes from Underground |
To recap, again, the transformation involves two parts: a first, logical step from labour values to prices of
and a second, logical/empirical step from prices of production to market prices.
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Nitzan Bichler - 2012 - Capital as Power |
Thou therefore also taste, that equal Lot
May joyne us, equal Joy, as equal Love;
Least thou not tasting,
Disjoyne us, and I then too late renounce
Deitie for thee, when Fate will not permit.
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Milton |
Christ, through
some divine
in him, seems to have always loved the sinner as
being the nearest possible approach to the perfection of man.
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Wilde - De Profundis |
As in the case of the "first moved," the uniform
unceasing rotation of each "sphere" is explained by the influence on it
of an unchanging immaterial "form," which is to its own "sphere" what
God is to the
as a whole.
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Aristotle by A. E. Taylor |
O Father Jove [Zeus], who shak'st with fiery light the world deep-sounding from thy lofty height:
From thee, proceeds th' ætherial lightning's blaze,
around intolerable rays.
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Orphic Hymns |
htm (42 of 71) [2/20/2001 10:17:44 AM]
Animal Farm by George Orwell
devoted follower of Napoleon, by chasing him round and round a
bonfire when he was
from a cough.
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Orwell - Animal Farm |
Drawing on that store of security (protection) and converting it into vitality and combining it
Page 12 of 145 printed 11/26/2003 -- Letter to a
Party – April 29, 1987 - © Neil Robert Miller imaginenine.
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paradigm |
Let my despair burst forth, at liberty,
Your speech has now too long
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Corneille - Le Cid |
--Ces yeux sont des puits faits d'un million de larmes,
qu'un metal refroidi pailleta.
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Baudelaire - Fleurs Du Mal |
Philocrates, a middle-aged man with an unkempt beard and
robes, stands by the window, contemplating the moonlit night.
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Phrynicus - The Tragic Poet |
Mars, now ashamed to have granted power
To his offspring who, with mortal frailty,
Engorged with pride in Rome's bravery,
Looked to
on Heaven's grandeur,
Cooling again from his initial ardour,
With which Roman hearts he'd filled completely,
Blew new fires, with ardent breath, and fiercely,
Warmed the chilly Goths with his hot valour.
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Du Bellay - The Ruins of Rome |
The main innovation of our paper
to Shavell and Spier (2002) is that we introduce brinkmanship into the model.
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Schwarz - Committments |
quá forficé uocár:globus átqa ſua acie
uagoſupuentu ícuſat inimicos.
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Asinus Aureus - 1504 - Commentarii a Philippo Beroaldo |
Yeah, it really damaged - there was two women who froze in two
sides of Green Gate at exactly the same time and could not move.
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Zohl-de-Ishtar-Transcript |
+ Refrain from
querying Do not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system: If you are conducting research on machine translation, optical character recognition or other areas where access to a large amount of text is helpful, please contact us.
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Attic Nights of Aullus Gellius - 1792 |
+ Maintain attribution The Google "watermark" you see on each file is essential for informing people about this project and helping them find
materials through Google Book Search.
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Attic Nights of Aullus Gellius - 1792 |
93 Hewas —for and monarch, twenty years,
'' He was King of Munster, for
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v4 |
person, on the other hand, when presented with new information from the unprincipled person, has the exhausting, risk- filled, and (eventually) vitality producing task of figuring out the truth of the matter.
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paradigm |
How did tliy frown benight the land,
Nature revers'd, how own thy command,
forgot their use,
And the sun felt thy blot;
When earth produc'd the pestilential brood,
And into blood the stream was crimson'd !
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Source: |
Carey - Practice English Prosody Exercises |
A garland of grey hair
on his
head see him me clambering down to the footpace
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James Joyce - Ulysses |
JONES : I agree with Ir.
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Nuremburg |
All noble
nations have felt that the
power un-
chained in war must be regulated by laws.
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Treitschke - 1914 - His Doctrine of German Destiny |
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Dostoesvky - The Devils |
How all around, it chokes and swells
When we
the things they cherished.
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Stefan George - Selections from His Works and Others |
This has
with Amazon Kindle, where Amazon funnels Kindles through their cloud servers.
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Dostoesvky - The Brothers Karamazov |
I gat, but there's no treason proved.
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Chanson de Roland |
What species of
men must have attained to
in Germany
that feelings which are so strong and simple should
## p.
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Nietzsche - v04 |
And Peter said unto her, What is this that ye are agreed
to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?
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Calvin Commentary - Acts - b |
Jeśli cię z ręku moich ofiara oddana,
I modły
Usłysz łaskawie prośby twojego kapłana,
A prośby z serca idące.
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Trembecki - Poezye |
Mathew, The
is great,
- but the Labourers are few.
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Origen - Against Celsus |
Apollo Epikourios at Bassai
During his journey around Greece,
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Ancient-greek-cults-a-guide |
This was
by Mr.
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Catullus - 1866b - Poetry - Slater |
a PREMIUM is offered sufficiently HIGH (as the magazines say when they
tell their best lie) to induce bards to CLUB their
and buy the
balance of every edition, until they have all of them fairly been run
through the mill.
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James Russell Lowell |
when poor old Eatty forgot the
of the
space on which he was dancing, and danced en-
tirely off.
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Childrens - Brownies |
largely to these: he asked, whether he had consecrated his chain to the
household gods according to his vow; though he was a scribe, [he told
him] his mistress's property in him was not the less.
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Horace - Works |
The unmediated frankness of the truth- teller, compared to the prophet's mediated, representative speech, gives the parrhesiastes moral
and culpability.
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Foucault-Key-Concepts |
distances, great and small; danger and secu- rity; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death.
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The-Art-of-War |
I would that I could climb
times by wind-swept stairs like these,
That lead so near to heaven.
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Sara Teasdale - Helen of Troy |
Hollins (a learned and good
we must own him) was very active, as well as a large contributor.
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Rehearsal - v1 - 1750 |
In the
language of the poem, the black swarm can be said to be the counter rhythm of the silver flick- ering.
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Trakl - Falling to the Stars- Georg Trakl’s “In Venedig” in Light of Venice Poems by Nietzsche and Rilke |
faying, That the three estates (by which thou mean'st the queen and both houses ofparlia ment) cannot deprive
oftheir liberties.
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Rehearsal - v1 - 1750 |
) In regard to this
should be wounded, as that was the only aid she journey the accounts again differ, for
could afford him.
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William Smith - 1844 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities - c |
what of the accuracy and
of the old and established forms of law?
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Cicero - Brutus |