No other characteristic of these in tellectual Crusaders is more
than their lack of perspective in the reverence for any and every MS.
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Allinson - Lucian, Satirist and Artist |
in the state prison of Nevada, in Carson City, D A Turner, had served during the war as commander of the medical corps of the US army; his contribution consisted in transferring the experiences of the military use of hydrocyanic acid to
of civil execution.
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Peter-Sloterdijk-Air-Quakes |
50 (#58) ##############################################
couleur de rouille : « de
», par Jé-
rôme Magius (1664), puis, pêle-mêle, un « Recueil
curieux et édifiant sur les cloches de l'Eglise », par
Dom Rémi Carré.
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Huysmans - La-Bas |
But he wouldn't take anything from another person for
nothing; he would give his
in return.
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Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse |
For the whole dignity of the State
rests ultimately on the personal worth of its citi-
zens, and that State is the most moral, which
combines the powers of the
for the purpose
of accomplishing the greatest number of works
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Treitschke - 1914 - His Doctrine of German Destiny |
preserved ; they are very large, and made up of about a
patches of leather ; one of them is in the Bodlean Repository, the other in the collection of Sir John Vanhatten, of Dinton, who had his cave dug up some years since, in hopes of discovering something
relative to him, but without success.
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Source: |
Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons |
7] Aetolus and Pronoe,
of Phorbus, had sons, Pleuron and Calydon, after whom the cities in Aetolia were named.
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Apollodorus - The Library |
+ Keep it legal
your use, remember that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal.
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Aristotle - Nichomachaen Ethics - Commentary - v2 |
Some of his
remind us of the subtle and
ingenious reasoning of Mr Gladstone.
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Demosthenese - 1869 - Brodribb |
royal love-lilt, 5
Some Sidonian refrain,
Vows of Paphos or of Tyre,
Mount against the silver sun.
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Sappho |
Czyj dowcip gnał rojem
do sideł?
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Dziady_(Mickiewicz) |
--Maese Perez se ha puesto malo, muy malo, y sera
que asista
esta noche a la Misa de media noche.
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Gustavo Adolfo Becuqer |
D'amar quel Rabicano avea ragione;
che non v'era un
per correr lancia,
e l'avea da l'estrema regione
de l'India cavalcato insin in Francia.
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Source: |
Ariosto - Orlando Furioso |
Court is
the noblest old place in the world.
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Austen - Mansfield Park |
The real seat of
which to-day poisons our public life, is the North.
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Source: |
Treitschke - 1914 - His Doctrine of German Destiny |
I know only one
prince who could allow himself to stay for more than a week outside his own country-- that was the old Shah of Persia.
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Source: |
Hitler-Table-Talk |
All the charms
without the
of writing.
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William Smith - 1844 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities - b |
Naples ; 800
to death ; double that
sent to prison and the galleys ; innumerable exiles ;
Probyn, 21 ; Piedmont.
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Source: |
Outlines and Refernces for European History |
Enlightenment manifested through her so that her entire being, including her physical form,
mundane ex- istence, and experienced perfect Buddhahood within her lifetime.
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Kalu Rinpoche |
; or I, 201, 7: I’ve got new
machinery .
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John Clare |
If hap it must, that I must see thee lie
Absyrtus-like, all torn confusedly;
With solemn tears, and with much grief of heart,
thee, weeping, part by part;
And having wash'd thee, close thee in a chest
With spice; that done, I'll leave thee to thy rest.
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Source: |
Robert Herrick - Lyric Poems |
, Dictionnaire de droil el de
(Paris: Brunei, 1769) vol.
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Foucault-Psychiatric-Power-1973-74 |
Après cela ils prirent la mer avec Kari, et s'en
à l'ouest trouver le jarl Sigurd.
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A Short Biographical Notice of
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Pushkin - Eugene Oneigin |
We need your
more than ever!
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War Poetry - 1914-17 |
MY aim is now to have
to these,
And give a story that I trust will please,
In which Saint Julian's prayer, to Reynold D'Ast,
Produced a benefit, good fortune classed.
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La Fontaine |
Collectivists usually argue that economic power in its most
form can be seen in the control which industrial cor- porations exercise over their workers.
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Propaganda - 1943 - New Collectivist Propaganda |
A Japanese Wood-Carving
High up above the open,
It hangs, a piece of wood with colours dim.
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Amy Lowell |
un ciel bourbeux et noir?
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Baudelaire - Fleurs Du Mal |
In this
anxiety I awoke, and could not calm myself until I had
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Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in this file - a reminder of this book's long journey from the publisher to a library and finally to you.
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Source: |
Fichte - Germany_and_the_French_Revolution |
Michel Otto,
an die Ro?
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Hegel Was Right_nodrm |
There those who had only known him in his
professional capacity were
to find him displaying the
tenderness and jocosity of a parent.
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Strachey - Eminent Victorians |
Who this
person was, is doubtful.
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Satires |
The branch
are associated with the buddha consorts and the five elements and so forth.
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Source: |
Thurman-Robert-a-F-Tr-Tsong-Khapa-Losang-Drakpa-Brilliant-Illumination-of-the-Lamp-of-the-Five-Stages |
Holland and Germany wanted Venice to follow their course and
break away
from the Papacy.
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Source: |
Sarpi - 1888 - History of Fra Paolo Sarpi 2 |
After the writer had, through his deportation to Siberia, become acquainted with existence in a "house of the dead," the perspective of a closed house of the living
itself now to him: biopolitics begins as an enclosed structure.
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Sloterdijk-A-Crystal-Palace |
form the Apollonian back- bone of ?
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Source: |
Peter-Sloterdijk-Thinker-on-Stage |
However, users may print, download, or email articles for
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Source: |
Trakl - The True Fate of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by Georg Trakl |
These resolutions passed on the twenty-ninth of Octo-
hundred and eighty-three.
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Hamilton - 1834 - Life on Hamilton - v2 |
and a cheat.
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Source: |
Catullus - Lamb - A Comedy in Verse |
The question remains, will not
bad housing cause a greater
to fatal phthisis?
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Applied Eugenics by Roswell H. Johnson and Paul Popenoe |
Like the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Soviets' peace offensive was based on a candid appraisal of their present weakness-and on their optimistic faith that the
would eventually spread to other countries.
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Revolution and War_nodrm |
Ye Zephyrs mild, that
The place where Love my heart did wound!
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Petrarch |
With all the self-acquired
and learning that raised
him above his class (his father and grandfathers before him for
more than a hundred years had been sextons to the church of St.
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Source: |
Thomas Chatterton - Rowley Poems |
In the rifacimento of THE FRIEND, I have inserted extracts from the
CONCIONES AD POPULUM, printed, though scarcely published, in the year
1795, in the very heat and height of my anti-ministerial enthusiasm:
these in proof that my
of politics have sustained no
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Source: |
Coleridge - Biographia Literaria |
The impact of a dollar upon the heart
Smiles warm red light,
from the hearth rosily upon the
white table,
With the hanging cool velvet shadows
Moving softly upon the door.
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Source: |
Stephen Crane - War is Kind |
Voices from the Earth_.
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Source: |
Elizabeth Browning |
Then, Daphnis, to the cooling streams were none
That drove the
oxen, then no beast
Drank of the river, or would the grass-blade touch.
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Source: |
Virgil - Eclogues |
" The recounter
was not wanting, then, in phases of
-in those requisite for a playwright of the higher
melodrama; but of distinct impersonation and the
subtler processes of the human will he had less command, chiefly from his lack of the objective insight.
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Poe - v01 |
It would seem as if each
waited, like the
princess in fairy tales, for a destined
human deliverer.
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Emerson - Representative Men |
How odd the girl's life looks
Behind this soft
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Dickinson - One - Complete |
The wild musician,
The one that in doubt expires
As to whether from his breast or mine
Has spurted the sob more dire
Torn apart may it complete
Find rest on some path
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Mallarme - Poems |
This helps to keep the site as
as possible for visitors.
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Dostoesvky - The Brothers Karamazov |
The poor, the outcasts, the homeless ones
received for him a new significance, the significance of the isolated
figure placed in the mighty
current of a life in which this
figure stands strong and solitary.
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Rilke - Poems |
perience of that
from which Enlightenment develops.
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Kalu Rinpoche |
thus particular
Am I, that thou may'st plainly see how far
This fierce
went : and thou mayst not Exclaim, How then, was Scylla quite forgot ?
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Universal Anthology - v02 |
put myself in a regimen of admiring a fine woman; and in proportion to
of her charms, in proportion you are delighted with my
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Source: |
Robert Burns |
The view which comes
quite a priori, and
independent of all ex-
perience, merely out of reason, is "pure knowledge”!
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Nietzsche - v15 |
But nothing
could be more out of place than any such examination
in respect to a book whose forcible, rich, vivid, and
comprehensive English might
be held
up as a model for the young writers of the land.
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Poe - v07 |
Vast clouds of spears and stones rise from the ground;
But every dart flies past and rocks rebound
To the
angels falling around.
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Source: |
American Poetry - 1922 - A Miscellany |
Vast clouds of spears and stones rise from the ground;
But every dart flies past and rocks rebound
To the
angels falling around.
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Source: |
American Poetry - 1922 - A Miscellany |
Vast clouds of spears and stones rise from the ground;
But every dart flies past and rocks rebound
To the
angels falling around.
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gentle |
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Answer: |
Source: |
American Poetry - 1922 - A Miscellany |
Vast clouds of spears and stones rise from the ground;
But every dart flies past and rocks rebound
To the
angels falling around.
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Source: |
American Poetry - 1922 - A Miscellany |
Thus, a dis- tinctive cause homogeneous with that art which is the means of attaining the material body-an unexcelled
specialty lacking in other vehicles, other Tantras, and the first stage [of Unexcelled Yoga] - is necessary in the context of the perfection stage.
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Source: |
Thurman-Robert-a-F-Tr-Tsong-Khapa-Losang-Drakpa-Brilliant-Illumination-of-the-Lamp-of-the-Five-Stages |
Thus, a dis- tinctive cause homogeneous with that art which is the means of attaining the material body-an unexcelled
specialty lacking in other vehicles, other Tantras, and the first stage [of Unexcelled Yoga] - is necessary in the context of the perfection stage.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Thurman-Robert-a-F-Tr-Tsong-Khapa-Losang-Drakpa-Brilliant-Illumination-of-the-Lamp-of-the-Five-Stages |
Thus, a dis- tinctive cause homogeneous with that art which is the means of attaining the material body-an unexcelled
specialty lacking in other vehicles, other Tantras, and the first stage [of Unexcelled Yoga] - is necessary in the context of the perfection stage.
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Source: |
Thurman-Robert-a-F-Tr-Tsong-Khapa-Losang-Drakpa-Brilliant-Illumination-of-the-Lamp-of-the-Five-Stages |
Thus, a dis- tinctive cause homogeneous with that art which is the means of attaining the material body-an unexcelled
specialty lacking in other vehicles, other Tantras, and the first stage [of Unexcelled Yoga] - is necessary in the context of the perfection stage.
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Source: |
Thurman-Robert-a-F-Tr-Tsong-Khapa-Losang-Drakpa-Brilliant-Illumination-of-the-Lamp-of-the-Five-Stages |
was steady at 1.
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Kleiman International |
From what motive, then, am I taking all this
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nonsense |
Question: |
what’s the trouble |
Answer: |
Source: |
Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time |
Far more prudent is it to admit the
once for all,
and then let it lie at rest.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Coleridge - Biographia Literaria |
Je trone dans l'azur comme un sphinx incompris;
J'unis un coeur de neige a la blancheur des cygnes;
Je hais le
qui deplace les lignes,
Et jamais je ne pleure et jamais je ne ris.
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Source: |
Baudelaire - Fleurs Du Mal |
Sweet smiles, mother's smile,
All the
night beguile.
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Source: |
blake-poems |
It has been
with a view to bringing its con- teDIS more in line with the sequence of the AbhisamayltIQ1pkltra.
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Source: |
Buddhist-Omniscience |
"Mark you," whispered the Prussian, "the
first thing which those scoundrels will notice--(for they will begin by
the statue in parts, without one moment's pause of
admiration impressed by the whole)--will be the horns and the beard.
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Source: |
Coleridge - Biographia Literaria |
confess this was mine error; but swered ; That no nobleman in England would have already made humble Petition my
accept that charge at her commandinent; for
he knew their minds,
for those in the North, who would assist.
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Source: |
Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01 |
Title: A new
of the Book of Psalms / with an introd.
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Source: |
Noyes - 1831 - Psalms |
But I will do
great and bold.
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Source: |
Aristophanes |
accentuatedthisproblem;see the introductoryremarksand summaryto Schieder,ed.
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Source: |
Nolte - 1979 - [What Fascism Is Not- Thoughts on the Deflation of a Concept]- Comment |
He was, so the prison warder informed me, one of the
bankers in the town.
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Peter Vay - Korea of Bygone Days |
Both commanders-in-chief,
and Toukhatchevsky, have
written accounts of this battle.
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Source: |
Poland - 1922 - Polish Literature in Translation, a Bibliography |
In all cases of impotency not
upon disease of some part besides the genital organs, I should have much
confidence in blisters applied to the lower part of the spine.
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Source: |
Knowlton - Fruits of Philosophy- A Treatise on the Population Question |
For if a desire should
come into conflict with reason we shall then reason and not desire,
because it will be impossible retaining our reason to be _senseless_ in
our desires, and in that way
act against reason and desire to
injure ourselves.
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Source: |
Dostoevsky - White Nights and Other Stories |
Past bows and invitations,
Past interview, and vow,
Past what
can estimate, --
That makes the quick of woe!
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Source: |
Dickinson - Two - Complete |
We shall
this tale and share it with generations to come.
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Phrynicus - The Tragic Poet |
[As the play reaches its climax, the entire theater is
in the emotional power of the tragedy.
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Phrynicus - The Tragic Poet |
[The scene ends with
Elara and Alastor sharing a final, heartbreaking embrace before they are separated.
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Phrynicus - Elara and Alastor |
I shall show later that he is the precursor of a literature of
which tends to replace the literature of consumption.
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Source: |
Sartre-Jean-Paul-What-is-literature¿-Introducing-Les-Temps-modernes-The-nationalization-of-literature-Black-orpheus |
It seems to me that
her imagination is
to work.
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Dracula by Bram Stoker |
There are many remains the mounds, raths, and other antiquities, still remain ing Tara, but many those mounds and ramparts have been
the course ages.
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Four Masters - Annals of Ireland |
I am humbled by the
to share our tales
With an even greater audience, upon the stage where heroes tread.
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Phrynicus - The Tragic Poet |
They chose the latter course, and took into their pay 20,000
; and then, in order the better to encounter the three armies of the enemy under Hasdrubal Barcas, Hasdrubal the son of Gisgo, and Mago, they divided their army and did not even keep their Roman troops together.
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The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.2. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
You ought to blush, and I
ought to blush, and he--well, he's a little out of
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Twain - Speeches |
I am the angel of thy life and death,
being drawing its last breath.
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Universal Anthology - v01 |
Waking from
Sleep on a Spring Day.
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Source: |
Like-Water-or-Clouds-The-Tang-Dynasty |
How else should we sort the
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Source: |
Trakl - The True Fate of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by Georg Trakl |
Flexibility in this context means overcoming not only the
to act positively but also
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Source: |
Jamgon-Kongtrul-Cloudless-Sky |
11:19 But I was like a lamb or an ox that is brought to the slaughter;
and I knew not that they had
devices against me, saying, Let
us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and let us cut him off
from the land of the living, that his name may be no more remembered.
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Source: |
bible-kjv |
And where is the band who so
'Mid the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country they'd leave us no more?
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Source: |
Matthews - Poems of American Patriotism |
It consists of six letters, the first of them entitled
to Philintus, following more or less the line of the History of the Calamities, though with such startling interpolations as the following:
"I was infinitely perplexed what course to take; at last I applied myself to Heloise's singing master.
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Source: |
The Letters of Abelard and Heloise - 1st Letter |