^ Beyond the Knee-high hill,
That Baby has to travel down
To see the
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Childrens - Child Verse |
If the rest of the philosophic
gang rejected the evidences of the senses, because
the latter
a state of multifariousness and
change, he rejected the same evidence because it re-
vealed things as if they possessed permanence and
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Nietzsche - v16 |
the second declension; as Ulyssetis, AehilleiiSi
making in the genitive, Ulysse'i, Achille'ii
into XJlyssi, Achilli.
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Latin - Elements of Latin Prosody and Metre Compiled with Selections |
It took me a long time and am not finished
yet, oh Govinda: that there is nothing to be learned!
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Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse |
And, therefore, now,
For times to come I'll make this vow,
to live free;
So I'll not fear the Judge or thee.
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Robert Herrick - Hesperide and Noble Numbers |
From that point on, the
of historians in the West toward their col- leagues in the GDR can best be summed up in the word neglect.
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Nolte - 1974 - The Relationship between "Bourgeois" and "Marxist" Historiography |
Clever dolt that you are, is a man no better than
a worm, or a dog than a wolf, because he gets tired of
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Man and Superman- A Comedy and a Philosophy by Bernard Shaw |
"False ntyata view" signifies "false view which
myama, certitude, that is to say micchattaniyama, certainty of perdition," for him who adopts it: according to the Abhidhamma this disbeliever is bound to fall away, but we have seen (iv.
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Abhidharmakosabhasyam-Vol-2-Vasubandhu-Poussin-Pruden-1991 |
Chor: Noise call you it or universal groan
As if the whole inhabitation perish'd,
Blood, death, and
deeds are in that noise,
Ruin, destruction at the utmost point.
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Milton |
Weapons and armor are
about, and the air is thick with anticipation and anxiety.
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Phrynicus - Elara and Alastor |
But when all is past, it is humbling to tread[po]
O'er the weltering field of the tombless dead,[362] 490
And see worms of the earth, and fowls of the air,
Beasts of the forest, all
All regarding man as their prey,
All rejoicing in his decay.
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Byron |
of Hon, G.
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Catullus - Lamb - A Comedy in Verse |
Squabbling among the Gods Was a Major
for Zeus 181
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Voices of Ancient Greece and Rome_nodrm |
If the thought that I may die and
leave my darling, or that my darling may die and leave me, comes like a
spectre, to distress my happiest hours, and is only to be drowned in--'
He did not supply the word; but pacing slowly to the place where he had
sat, and
going through the action of pouring wine from the
empty decanter, set it down and paced back again.
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Dickens - David Copperfield |
341 In other buroughs‥they have new regulated the
by new charters.
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OED - 21 - a |
His brother
rode among the rest.
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brennu-njals_saga.en |
"And this I meant to fear--
Her bower may suit thee ill;
For, sooth, in that same field and tent,
Thy _talk_ was
And fitter thy hand for my knightly spear
Than thy tongue for my lady's will!
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Elizabeth Browning - 2 |
As a rhetorician, I focused intensely on the word choices in the labels,
from the belief widely shared in rhetorical studies that particular word choices matter.
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The Public Work of Rhetoric_nodrm |
[8] The original is not translatable into English:--
--Und sein Sold
Muss dem
werden, darnach heisst er.
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Friedrich Schiller |
Debt, (the
of England, i.
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Napoleon - 1822 - Memoirs |
The new King, who loved the details of naval
business, and would have made a respectable clerk in a
Chatham, determined to be his own minister of marine.
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Macaulay |
, irruptive or ephemeral status of the moments of God's
and presence among humans, into a permanent frame condition of life within Christian existence and culture.
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Gumbrecht - Incarnation, Now - Five Brief Thoughts and a Non-Conclusive Finding |
[1] Hierosme Lalemant says in 1648, in his Relation, he being
Superior: "All those who come to New France know well enough the
mountain of Notre Dame, because the pilots and sailors, being arrived
at that part of the Great River which is opposite to those high
mountains, baptize ordinarily for sport the new passengers, if they do
not turn aside by some present the inundation of this baptism which
one makes flow
on their heads.
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Thoreau - Excursions and Poems |
But, for this twelvemonth past, she never had a day's health; and, properly speaking, she hath been dying six months, but kept alive, almost against nature, by the generous
of two physicians, and the care of her friends.
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Swift - On the Death of Esther Johnson, Stella |
Asked if he
had any message for the living he exhorted all who were still at the
wrong side of Maya to acknowledge the true path for it was reported
in devanic circles that Mars and Jupiter were out for
on the
eastern angle where the ram has power.
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James Joyce - Ulysses |
Does not this paralysing belief in a fast-fading
humanity cover the misunderstanding of a theo-
logical idea, inherited from the Middle Ages, that
the end of the world is
and we are
waiting anxiously for the judgment?
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Nietzsche - v05 |
Should we actualize this potential and build-- under very
circumstances--a national canon?
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Gumbrecht - Steady Admiration in an Expanding Present - Our New Relationship to Classics |
Grand are the forms of this body and nobly
each member.
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Goethe - Erotica Romana |
Per campos
equl quffi gratia | c&rrum
( curruum, currilm -- crasis.
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Latin - Carey - Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana |
I have tiding,
Glad tiding, behold how in duty
From far
the wind, gliding.
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Pushkin - Talisman |
Objąłem w ramiona Wszystkie przeszłe i przyszłe jego pokolenia, Przycisnąłem tu do łona,
Jak przyjaciel, kochanek, małżonek, jak ojciec; Chcę go dźwignąć, uszczęśliwić,
Chcę nim cały świat zadziwić,
Niémam sposobu — i tu przyszedłem go dociec,
zbrojny całą myśli władzą,
Téj myśli, co niebiosom Twe gromy wydarła,
Śledziła chód Twych planet, głąb’ morza rozwarła; Mam więcéj: tę Moc, któréj ludzie nie nadadzą, Mam to uczucie, co się samo w sobie chowa Jak wulkan, tylko dymi niekiedy przez słowa.
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Dziady_(Mickiewicz) |
Any alternate format must include the full Project Gutenberg-tm
License as specified in
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Stephen Crane - War is Kind |
Conversely,aninsecurelyattachedchildmayviewtheworldasadangerous place in which other people are to be treated with great caution, and see himself as
and unworthy of love.
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Bowlby - Attachment |
that trouble which
arises from the Sense of one's having been vicious.
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Plato - 1701 - Works - a |
law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works,
so the
(and you!
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Wilde - Selected Poems |
the expected modifications, there was issued in 659 a con sular law which most strictly prohibited the non-burgesses from laying claim to the
and threatened trans gressors with trial and punishment —a law which threw back a large number of most respectable persons who were deeply interested in the question of equalization from the ranks of Romans into those of Italians, and which in point of indisputable legality and of political folly stands com pletely on a parallel with that famous act which laid the
foundation for the separation of North America from the mother-country; in fact it became, just like that act, the
The Licinio- Mucian law.
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The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.3. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
Philocrates and Glaucus watch from the wings, their eyes shining with pride and satisfaction as their
comes to life on the stage.
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Phrynicus - The Tragic Poet |
_1639_, _1649_, _1650_, and _1654_ as identical
with one another, and declares that the younger Donne is
responsible only for _1669_, which appeared after his death.
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Donne - 2 |
Money, you know, coming
down with money--two
at once--it cannot be a very agreeable
operation, and it streightens him as to many things.
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Austen - Persuasion |
"Ah, what a
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Stephen Crane - Black Riders |
, one becomes
and is praised
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Kalu-Rinpoche-Foundation-of-Buddhist-Meditation |
r The lengthening of monosyllables which consist of, or terminate in a
vowel, depends upon an established principle of
harmony, since
they would be nearly lost in the reading, if the voice did not dwell upon
them and make them necessarily long.
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Latin - Elements of Latin Prosody and Metre Compiled with Selections |
wallet, lit.
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Pattern Poems |
Price, Rebecca, and Betsey all went up to defend themselves, all
talking together, but Rebecca loudest, and the job was to be done as
well as it could in a great hurry; William trying in vain to send Betsey
down again, or keep her from being
where she was; the whole
of which, as almost every door in the house was open, could be plainly
distinguished in the parlour, except when drowned at intervals by the
superior noise of Sam, Tom, and Charles chasing each other up and down
stairs, and tumbling about and hallooing.
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Austen - Mansfield Park |
The Bodleian Quatrain pleads
by way of Justification.
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Omar Khayyam - Rubaiyat |
' In that hour, the
'Would triumph and
the guilty be laid low forever.
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Strachey - Eminent Victorians |
Q-autami — She waited not the return of her spiritual father ; nor were thy kindred
by thee.
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Universal Anthology - v07 |
Let not your soul be sunk in sad despair;
He lives, he breathes this
vital air,
Among a savage race, whose shelfy bounds
With ceaseless roar the foaming deep surrounds.
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Odyssey - Pope |
His father was Flavius Sabinus, the denly introduced, in the midst of practical exhorta-
elder brother of the emperor Vespasian, and his tions, a laboured
between the Jewish
brother Flavius Sabinus, who was put to death by priesthood and Christian ministry, and the theory
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William Smith - 1844 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities - a |
Lande, might have
Wallace to Darwin, because Fisher did not leave female whim unexplained, as an arbitrary given.
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Richard-Dawkins-The-Devil-s-Chaplain |
Discours dans lequel on examiné les deux questions
suivantes : 1°, un monarque a-t-il le droit de changer
de son chef une constitution
vicieuse ?
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Robespierre - 1792 - Résponse de Maximilien Robespierre, a l'accusation de M. Louvet, devant la Convention nationale |
Between the eager fingers grow
The close-knit webs
Like some lone lily opening slow
To meet the kindling blush of dawn.
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Kalidasa - Shantukala, and More |
Is it not
that you will not hate me?
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Racine - Phaedra |
So far as the regulations of exports and imports were
concerned, the colonies north of Maryland were not ser-
iously affected; and the restraints on the southern col-
onies were balanced by
subsidies and vested
privileges in the English market.
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Arthur Schlesinger - Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution |
--"O not at being here;
But that our future second death is drear;
When, with the living, memory of us numbs,
And blank
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Thomas Hardy - Poems of the Past and Present |
Hops are
spongy thmgs-you can crush a bushel of them into a quart pot if you choose,
so after each scoop one of the pickers would lean over into the bm and stir the
hops up to make them he looser, and then the measurer would hoist the end of
the bm and shake the hops together again Some mornings he had orders to
‘take them heavy’, and would shovel them in so that he got a couple of bushels
at each scoop, whereat there were angry yells of, ‘Look how the b— ’s ramming
them down’ Why don’t you bloody well stamp on
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Orwell - A Clergyman's Daughter |
Result: After accumulating virtue for one hundred aeons, the rhinoceros-like Pratyekabuddha will complete "on one seat" the attainments from the "heat" stage of the Path of
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Jig-Me-Lingpa-The-Dzogchen-Innermost-Essence-Preliminary-Practice |
Monreale you have heard of--with its
and cathedral: we often
drove there.
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Oscar Wilde |
Muchos años antes, siendo casi un niño, Gerineldo Márquez había
su amor a Amaranta.
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Gabriel García Márquez - Cien Anos de Soledad |
Ulrich was also always ready to love all these
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Musil - Man Without Qualities - v1 |
the first and only traveller who has no need of etchings and drawings to bring places and monuments which recall beautiful memories and grand images before his readers' eyes" this new edition also collates a selection of engravings and lithographs from nineteenth-century travelogues by celebrated
such as Edward Dodwell Esq, F.
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Chateaubriand - Travels in Italy |
And since, after the
resurrection, the soul will
dominate the body, both on
account of the perfection of its own power, and on account of the
glorified body's aptitude resulting from the outflow of glory which it
receives from the soul, there will be no labor in the saints'
movements, and thus it may be said that the bodies of the saints' will
be agile.
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Summa Theologica |
It records the attitudes and deeds of a motley cast: 29-year-old bankers; the wealthy future deputy prime
of Ukraine, Yulia Timoshenko; men in black leather and gold chains; the gray-suited erstwhile Soviet managers cum successful looters.
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Foreign Affairs - Ukraine - 1994 to 2018 |
And notwithstanding I was
while standing on the deck of the steamer looking at
the beauties of nature on either side of the river, as she pressed her
way up the stream, my very soul was pained to look upon the slaves in
the fields of Kentucky, still toiling under their task-masters without
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Source: |
Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave, Written |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-26 05:04 GMT / http://hdl.
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Arisotle - 1882 - Aristotelis Ethica Nichomachea - Teubner |
Loans from the city of London, loans to the Orient,
paid in cheap cotton goods, loans to the South American countries, interest paid in beef from the Argentine, and ruin of English grazing.
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Ezra-Pound-World-War-II-Broadcasts |
HS 223
When I lived in the village,
claimed I had no equal.
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Hanshan - 01 |
from whence you are fallen.
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Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01 |
nger's reactionary and
views that gave his works the "notoriety" that Sloterdijk invokes.
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Sloterdijk |
This sequentializing of presents, however, is
only as a chain of choices, not as a chain of facts.
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Source: |
The-future-cannot-begin-Niklas-Luhmann |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-24 15:06 GMT / http://hdl.
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Childrens - Psalm-Book |
For details, see my Philosophie der
Formen, vol.
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Cassirer - 1930 - Form and Technology |
The driver walked round them,
their harness, as if he had
nothing else to do.
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Pushkin - Daughter of the Commandant |
But he went to the smithy of Hephaestus, and snatching up a lad set him on his
and bade him lead him to the sunrise.
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Apollodorus - The Library |
86 Lew z
Judy, tu Pan.
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Dziady_(Mickiewicz) |
their arrogant pride at the end of the Crimean
War, they had compelled their
to agree to remove all her warships from the
Black Sea.
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Treitschke - 1914 - His Doctrine of German Destiny |
- You provide, in accordance with
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Sara Teasdale - Helen of Troy |
Of him and of two of his
to Lucian .
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Allinson - Lucian, Satirist and Artist |
perfect trust in God's
gave him courage
under all his trials.
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Childrens - Psalm-Book |
ses genoux avec les siens.
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Huysmans - La-Bas |
_ Nay, I most commonly offend on the
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Erasmus |
Of this kind of learning the fable of Ixion was a figure, who designed to
enjoy Juno, the goddess of power, and instead of her had copulation with
a cloud, of which mixture were
centaurs and chimeras.
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Bacon |
If samsara is characterised as impermanent one can have no certain
of the future.
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Dudjom Rinpoche - Fundamentals and History of the Nyingmapa |
[909] One evil fate after another shall god arouse, presenting them with grievous
in place of return to their homes.
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Lycophron - Alexandra |
And then
she cried, and took a little picture from her neck, and said I should
have that; two
in a gold case, on one side her mother, and on
the other uncle, when they were young.
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Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë |
Others there are who ought never to become
parents; because, if they do, it is only to transmit to their offspring
grievous hereditary diseases, which render such
mere subjects
of misery throughout their sickly existence.
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Knowlton - Fruits of Philosophy- A Treatise on the Population Question |
It is evident that there is no way of explaining this type of
in terms of a build-up of psychic energy which is then discharged.
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A-Secure-Base-Bowlby-Johnf |
I think you had a letter
from him before expressly about your
share in the work; I wish you had it
by you; and I desire you to writo me
whatever you
to the con-
trary of this falsohood that it may
help to undeceive anybody to whom
he tells it.
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Alexander Pope - v08 |
drag on raw material prices would harm oil and mining exporters in the Persian Gulf and Latin America.
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Kleiman International |
When he saw the men, he let
fall his prey, and fled to the woods: but he had
killed the
buffalo, and sucked its blood.
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Childrens - The Creation |
So then lay
Iphicles along; and as for me, I wept to behold the parlous plight of my children, till sleep the delectable was gone from my eyes, and lo!
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Megara and Dead Adonis |
But now I have been utterly defeated, and have failed
what that is to which the imposer of names gave this name
of temperance or wisdom.
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Plato - Apology, Charity |
Because the sheer
of actual hardware and
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Kittler-Universities-Wet-Hard-Soft-And-Harder |
Beaucoup de chefs vinrent s'offrir comme arbitres; et on tomba d'accord que douze hommes
dans l'affaire.
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brennu-njals_saga.fr |
I took the perfect
and weighed;
No shaking of my hand disturbed the poise;
Weighed, found it wanting: not a word I said,
But silent made my choice.
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Christina Rossetti |
Between this new future and that new past, our present,
instead of continuing to be that moment of constant transition, has become an ever- broadening present of simultaneities, an accumulation of what we can neither
and nor avoid.
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Why has our present become an ever-broadening present of simultaneities between the new future and new past instead of continuing to be a moment of constant transition? |
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Gumbrecht - Incarnation, Now - Five Brief Thoughts and a Non-Conclusive Finding |
digital images and OCR of this work were
by Google, Inc.
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Noyes - 1831 - Psalms |
regarded these
of detail as a mistake and while translating
Benoit's poem they were careful to reject most of his innovations.
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Ovid - 1934 - Metamorphoses in European Culture - v2 |
The educator will need to rethink his whole system of
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Propaganda - 1943 - Post War Prospect of Liberal Education |
Among recent
to CONTEMPORARY have been :
Max Eastman
William Rose Benet Witter Bynner
Hermann Hagedorn Maxwell Struthers Burt
Salomon de la Selva
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Contemporary Verse - v01-02 |