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Trakl - Dichtungen |
She crimps it; call those
locks divine.
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Ovid - 1901 - Ovid and His Influence |
The vast majority of the
categories showed at least a trend in the expected direction.
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Adorno-T-Authoritarian-Personality-Harper-Bros-1950 |
These assessment-classes correspond to the
four rim of the Solonian constitution, and must not be confounded with
the avppopial or boards formed for
the payment of the war-tax.
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Demosthenese - First Philippic and the Olynthiacs |
I was drawn in by short gasps,
each momentary recovery, lost finally in the dark caverns of her
throat, bruised by the ripple of unseen muscles.
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Eliot - Prufrock and Other Observations |
[2] Cette pièce et les cinq suivantes ont été condamnées en 1857, par
le tribunal correctionnel, et ne peuvent pas être reproduites dans
le recueil des _Fleurs du Mal_.
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Baudelaire - Les Epaves |
l21-45) where
states that he had alrEi.
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Tsongkhapa-s-Qualms-About-Early-Tibetan-Interpretations-of-Madhyamaka-Philosophy |
" KAU}
And Enitharmon joyd Plotting to rend the secret cloud
To plant divisions in the Soul of Urizen & Ahania
But For infinitely beautiful the wondrous work arose {Erdman notes that the word "For" has been
in Blake.
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Blake - Zoas |
To fly this sight; and, now I gaze on it,
I sicken inwards.
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Elizabeth Browning - 1 |
But the God of
Theologians is
of local visibility.
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Shelley |
Les Amours de Cassandre: CLXXII
I'd like to burn all the dross of my human clay,
So that I could take my flight to heaven,
Making myself divine, like Alcmene's son,
the gods, all ablaze.
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Ronsard |
And there went a murmur
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Khalil Gibran - Poems |
" And again, he prophesies as follows [ 25'11-12 ]: "All this land will be deserted and ruined, and they will serve the king of the Babylonians
the foreigners; and the Lord says about that nation, and about the land of the Chaldaeans, that I will bring them to ruin.
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Eusebius - Chronicles |
To this culture
he finds
people either totally indifferent as they very commonly
are to all culture, or else politely evasive, the truth being that
Hector's culture is nothing but a state of saturation with our literary
exports of thirty years ago, reimported by him to be unpacked at a
moment's notice and hurled at the head of English literature, science
and art, at every conversational opportunity.
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Man and Superman- A Comedy and a Philosophy by Bernard Shaw |
The eternal art, educing good from ill,
Grafts on this passion our best principle:
'Tis thus the mercury of man is fixed,
Strong grows the virtue with his nature mixed;
The dross cements what else were too refined,
And in one
body acts with mind.
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Pope - Essay on Man |
Mentre Rinaldo in tal fretta venìa,
che ben parea da l'angelo condotto,
e con silenzio tal, che non s'udia
nel campo saracin farsene motto;
il re
avea la fanteria
messo ne' borghi di Parigi, e sotto
le minacciate mura in su la fossa,
per far quel dì l'estremo di sua possa.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso |
It should have the dignity of a
ceremony as well as its unreality, and should combine the insincere
character of a romantic play with the wit and beauty that make such
to us.
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Oscar Wilde - Aphorisms, the Soul of Man |
"There is
an aristocratic playfulness about it!
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Dostoevsky - Notes from Underground |
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Aquinas - Medieval Europe |
Three-eighty includes the
profit, but the
Cheerful Credit, under the name of Wilson & Bloom, builds the houses itself and scoops
the builder’s profit.
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Orwell - Coming Up for Air |
čartóém * x&paros rols
rtóepuévous' cat' évvavrov 8é àyöva plovaucis
aúroſs cal yupuwuxöv in
re 6.
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Plato - 1926 - Laws |
He must have
that I was staring at him, but the problem with George is that he would normally ignore a girl who was staring at him, so his indifference meant nothing.
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Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
Thus the mo-
deration with which he
the Spartans after they
had offended him, his engaging behavior to the Cre-
tans, by which he gained the whole island in a few
days, and the glorious success of his expedition against
the >?
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Plutarch - Lives - v7 |
When I see
bend to left and right
Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
I like to think some boy's been swinging them.
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Robert Frost - A Mountain Interval |
allowed for grain to be treated as fungible.
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A History of Trust in Ancient Greece_nodrm |
occasions we are led unnecessarily to avoid wholly harmless situations; on a few others we are permitted to blunder into truly dangerous ones.
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Bowlby - Separation |
Royalty payments should be clearly marked as such and
sent to the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation at the
specified in Section 4, "Information about donations to
the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation.
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World's Greatest Books - Volume 17 - Poetry and Drama |
Such are the
peculiar to the six states of rebirth.
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Wang-ch-ug-Dor-je-Mahamudra-Eliminating-the-Darkness-of-Ignorance |
At, 81 vera fides, mandi melioris ab ortu,
Saecula Christinae nulla tulere parem ;
Ipsa licet redeat (nostri decas orbis) Eliza,
Qualis nostra tamen
Eliza fbit.
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Marvell - Poems |
_ _1650-54_]
[12 spent] worn _1669_]
[15 mee, _1633:_ me; _1635-69_]
_spelt_ travell, travel _1635-69_]
[19 sigh] sing _1669_]
[20 sweetest Part,] sweetest sweet, _1669_, _P_, _S_]
[21 and that it _1633_, _B_, _D_, _H49_, _Lec_, _S:_ it
_1635-69_, _H40_, _P:_ and it _A18_, _JC_, _N_, _O'F_, _S96_,
_Loves Vsury.
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John Donne |
in this country itself is certain, and there is no force that could remove us from here either forcefully or by treachery (Sadat's method).
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A-Strategy-for-Israel-in-the-Nineteen-Eighties-by-Oded-Yinon-translated-by-Israel-Shahak |
They were
comforters for
one another.
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Austen - Persuasion |
The denunciation of Prussia as aiming at a
League of Secession (Sonderbund) was made, curiously
enough, in the name of German unity--unity through
the dynasties--but Austria and the middle States increas-
ingly felt that the Union would only end as the Zollverein
had done, in an organisation
by its most power-
ful member.
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Robertson - Bismarck |
What we must hope for
is that my Lord Arthur and
arrive first.
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Dracula by Bram Stoker |
" Within the armed forces suicides have risen
and deaths from drug overdoses have climbed 80 percent in recent years.
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Blackshirts-and-Reds-by-Michael-Parenti |
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Sara Teasdale - Flame and Shadow |
I accordingly sent subscriptions to nearly all
class candidates, and among others to Mr.
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Autobiography by John Stuart Mill |
There is exquisite
pleasure in subduing an
spirit, in making a person
predetermined to dislike acknowledge one's superiority.
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Austen - Lady Susan |
stretcher shook as the bearers staggered forward again, and almost at
the same time I noticed that the crowd of savages was vanishing without
movement of retreat, as if the forest that had ejected
these beings so suddenly had drawn them in again as the breath is drawn
in a long aspiration.
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Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad |
You must have heard of him, as many
have been told about him.
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Pushkin - Queen of Spades |
The bitterest
indeed that the years can bring
to some men and women is the fear and the resentment of
rivals in power.
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Robertson - Bismarck |
Google Book Search helps readers discover the world's books while helping authors and
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Liddell Scott -1876 - An Intermediate Greek English Lexicon |
Some time after, leading his horse carelessly down Highgate
hill, he was
by three men on horseback; who, suspecting he was the highwayman that had
robbed Mr.
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Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons - v3 |
The book aims to make distinct the character and public
services of some great Americans, brief accounts of whose lives
are given in special
of the text.
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Tuyl - 1911 - Complete business arithmetic |
tHobson's and Lenin's theories are not identical, but they are highly
and largely compatible.
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Waltz - Theory of International Relations |
same pentameter (cum cecidit, etc.
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Ovid - 1869 - Juvenile Works and Spondaic Period |
Therefore the soul of Christ knows all
things that God knows in Himself by the
of vision, but not
all that God knows in Himself by knowledge of simple intelligence; and
thus in Himself God knows many more things than the soul of Christ.
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Summa Theologica |
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Demosthenes - Against Midias |
Yet sometimes Artless Poets, when the rage
Of a warm Fancy does their minds ingage,
Puff'd with vain pride, presume they understand,
And boldly take the Trumpet in their hand;
Their Fustian Muse each Accident confounds;
Nor can she fly, but rise by leaps and bounds,
Till their small stock of Learning quickly spent,
Their Poem dyes for want of nourishment:
In vain Mankind the hot-brain'd fools decryes,
Censures can unveil his eyes:
With Impudence the Laurel they invade,
Resolv'd to like the Monsters they have made.
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Boileau - Art of Poetry |
more plainly.
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Alexander Pope - v06 |
GALILEO (throws a bundle of
in front of him) Are you a physicist, my
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Life-of-Galileo-by-Brecht |
Objection 2: Further, it is
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Summa Theologica |
It was the most
ever given.
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Oscar Wilde - Aphorisms, the Soul of Man |
Gosse writes me, when the library of the Earls of Westmoreland
of, about the year 1892.
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Donne - 2 |
O, what a shout there went
From the black
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Matthews - Poems of American Patriotism |
He rather enjoyed the
voyage, for he was well fed and well lodged, took a great
the scenes through which they were passing, and consoled himself with
the delusion that his master's whim would end at Bombay.
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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne |
[580] And straightway the misty land of the Pelasgians, rich in cornfields, sank out of sight, and ever speeding onward they passed the rugged sides of Pelion; and the Sepian headland sank away, and Sciathus
in the sea, and far off appeared Piresiae and the calm shore of Magnesia on the mainland and the tomb of Dolops; here then in the evening, as the wind blew against them, they put to land, and paying honour to him at nightfall burnt sheep as victims, while the sea was tossed by the swell: and for two days they lingered on the shore, but on the third day they put forth the ship, spreading on high the broad sail.
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Appolonius Rhodius - Argonautica |
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Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka |
He heaps his
on them.
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Bertrand - Saint Augustin |
i> P- 534- The South Carolina delegates shifted their position some-
what when they
the Continental Congress, but their new posi-
t1on, as we shall see, served the purposes of their friends at home as
well as their original one.
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Arthur Schlesinger - Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution |
Prima hai cechità ne lo intelletto; sicondo, hai ter-
ne lo effetto; terzo, hai gattiva operazione ne l'opera.
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Bontempelli |
And this consideration is enough — the half of it
would have been more than enough to satisfy the
count that, in putting the garments under his cloak,
he is doing a very
and very commendable
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Poe - v06 |
How they had come to form this group was something they
no longer knew.
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Musil - Man Without Qualities - v1 |
the two states.
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Outlines and Refernces for European History |
These rules are based
on the structure of his body and on the given external conditions.
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Kittler-Drunken |
Morality consists then in the reference of all action to the
legislation which alone can render a
of ends possible.
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Literary and Philosophical Essays- French, German and Italian by Immanuel Kant |
Has that
flamboyant and dangerous winged creature, that
" spirit " which that caterpillar concealed within
itself, has it, I say, thanks to a sunnier, warmer,
lighter world, really and finally flung off its hood
into the light ?
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Nietzsche - v13 |
Google Book Search helps readers
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Burke - 1790 - Revolution in France |
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Luhmann-Love-as-Passion |
But she was brown who should have had
The shining yellow hair--
I ween the
forgot their words
Or else they ceased to care.
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Sara Teasdale - Helen of Troy |
Two corpses
their one — best we can do.
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Orwell - Burmese Days |
(#289) ################################################
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Poe - v07 |
not to steep in blood
The curls upon thy brow;
And once in the tent, and twice in the fight,
Didst ward me a mortal blow.
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Elizabeth Browning - 2 |
vail where Attraction prevails.
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Poe - v09 |
Eftsones I heard the dash of oars,
I heard the pilot's cheer:
My head was turn'd
And I saw a boat appear.
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Coleridge - Lyrical Ballads |
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Stephen Crane - War is Kind |
so," said Mary, doubt-
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Childrens - Frank |
But these names mean
to us.
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Catullus - Stewart - Selections |
You say that in Scandinavia almost
is known about
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Weininger - 1946 - Mind and Death of a Genius |
He hath no corp'real frame, no
form, a
Spirit, in His holiness sublime.
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Childrens - Psalm-Book |
Da || Apul.
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Latin - Catullus |
Such as it is, pray accept the
of my part in it, with every good wish, upon this your onomastico,
From Charles Scott Moncrieff
Lung'arno Regio, Pisa.
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The Letters of Abelard and Heloise - 1st Letter |
In the floor of the
car were grated openings, through which Clewe could look downward; but,
although the shaft below him was
illuminated by electric
lights placed beneath the car, it failed to frighten him or make him
dizzy to look down, for the [v]aperture did not appear to be very far
below him.
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The Literary World - Seventh Reader |
stoic" that IS,
Casus est talts
Foscart doge, to the
of Ravenn1
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Cantos-of-Ezra-Pound |
"106 The views of Robert Greene
are similar: "Such fantastike poets who with Ouid
seeke to nourish vice in Rome by setting down Artem Amandi, and
giuing dishonest precepts of lust and leacherie, corrupting youth
with the
of time, vpon such friuolous fables; and therefore
deserue by Augustus to be banished from so ciuill a countrie as Italie,
amongst the barbarous Getes to Hue in exile.
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Ovid - Some Elizabethan Opinions of the Poetry and Character of OVid |
We encourage the use of public domain
for these purposes and may be able to help.
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Burke - 1790 - Revolution in France |
It was from Love he
to me!
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Pushkin - Boris Gudonov |
Quam in rem
fratres noftri S.
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Pope Alexander VII - Index Librorum Prohibitorum |
The medical
has been particularly hasty,
many times, in reporting cases which were assumed to demonstrate
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Applied Eugenics by Roswell H. Johnson and Paul Popenoe |
His op'ning Muse sets not the World on fire,
And yet performs more than we can require:
Quickly you'l hear him celebrate the fame,
And future glory of the Roman Name;
Of Styx and Acheron describe the Floods,
And Caesars wandring in▪ th' Elysian Woods:
With Figures
his Story grace,
And every thing in beauteous Colours trace.
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Boileau - Art of Poetry |
There our young folks drop their childish mistakes, and come first to perceive their mother's cheat of the parsley-bed; there too they get rid of natural prejudices, especially those of religion and modesty, which are great
to a free people.
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Swift - A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet |
And thence,
Rejected down the
steeps, man's life
Is wasted in this country, set to run
A blind, ignorant, unremembered course,
Treading with hopeless feet of griev'd waters
Unending unblest spaces, the shameful road
Of dirt thickening into slime its flow,
An insane weather driving.
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Lascelles Abercrombie - Emblems of Love |
The particular elenches or cautions
against these three false
I find altogether deficient.
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Bacon |
Whilst others round us sleep,
Unpitied languish, and
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Catullus - Lamb - A Comedy in Verse |
He had, in fact, though his sisters were now doing all they could for
him, by calling him "poor Richard," been nothing better than a
thick-headed, unfeeling, unprofitable Dick Musgrove, who had never done
anything to entitle
to more than the abbreviation of his name,
living or dead.
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Austen - Persuasion |
"Or has the sudden frost
its bed?
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T.S. Eliot - The Waste Land |
618, Li Shih-min
established the T'ang Dynasty by placing his father on the throne, and
the T'ang brought law and order to the
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Amy Lowell - Chinese Poets |
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Ovid - 1805 - Art of Live |
8 '#
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Dzongsar-Khyentse-Longchen-Nyingthig-Practice-Manual |
When they had
he asked, "Do you
wish me to do evil, then?
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Childrens - Children's Sayings |