Charles Scribner's Sons:--"I Have a
with Death," and
"Champagne, 1914-1915," by the late Alan Seeger, from _Poems_.
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War Poetry - 1914-17 |
From a valuation
analysts argue correction was overdue with the p/e ratio at 15 above the emerging market average, but the available float is limited with official and family ownership.
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Kleiman International |
bust, 1867 it BUST or was BUSTED.
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Ezra-Pound-Speaking |
One cannot always, sir, good temper keep;
But then it
food and sweetens sleep.
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Faust, a Tragedy by Goethe |
Then at last the sacred gates are
flung open and grate on the
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Virgil - Aeneid |
: t
z,t;i =;;:: iilli
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Spheres-Vol-1-Peter-Sloterdijk |
It seems as though an ever-waning light makes all objects glimmer more
and more, as though the excited flowers burn with a desire to rival the
blue of the sky by the vividness of their colours; as though the heat,
visible, drives them in vapour towards their star.
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Baudelaire - Poems and Prose Poems |
A few years later we find many
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Hunt - Fourth Estate - History of Newspapers and Liberty of Press - v1 |
me my impatience; but I have
been happy for a whole year in hope; am I to blame for being
unable to endure a day of doubt now?
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Dostoevsky - White Nights and Other Stories |
He chose one of the most important texts of
Buddhism to begin with and spent several months giving a line by line commentary on this Uttara Tantra.
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Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-Asanga-Uttara-Tantra |
Here also is found
the Elysium of Virgil, whose Charon and other
beings are among the
agents of torment.
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Stories from the Italian Poets - 1846 |
consumption which has followed the loan has annihilated a
which will never yield any further revenue.
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Ricardo - On The Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation |
We both lived in the village of Ch'ang-kan,
Two children,
hate or suspicion.
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Question: |
How did your feet (fates) differ |
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Li Po |
Let mirth and glee
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Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
I have not now at least one
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Victor Hugo - Poems |
What provokes
o( the legs is, as it were, this idea that has become a hypnotic injunction?
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Source: |
Foucault-Psychiatric-Power-1973-74 |
"Who, then, am I,
to you?
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Pushkin - Daughter of the Commandant |
+ Keep it legal Whatever your use,
that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal.
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Attic Nights of Aullus Gellius - 1792 |
In wrestling Pierlesse (if so be that wrestling could sustaine
force of slicing swordes) were both by Phyney slaine.
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Ovid - Book 5 |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-24 14:32 GMT / http://hdl.
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Childrens - Brownies |
Title: A new
of the Book of Psalms / with an introd.
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Noyes - 1831 - Psalms |
Man by nature is endowed with the talent of devising means to remedy
or prevent the evils that are liable to arise from gratifying our
appetites; and it is as much the duty of the physician to inform
mankind of the means to prevent the evils that are liable to arise from
gratifying the
instinct as it is to inform them how to keep
clear of the gout or dyspepsia.
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Knowlton - Fruits of Philosophy- A Treatise on the Population Question |
Yet, perhaps, she was
too severe, which is a safe and pardonable error.
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Swift - On the Death of Esther Johnson, Stella |
In a way, what sense organs do is assist our brains to
a useful model of the world, and it is this model that we move around in.
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Richard-Dawkins-The-Devil-s-Chaplain |
The new place of America in the world as a whole, the awakened interest in other peoples, other cultures must
draw the minds of men away from the mere practicalities of living.
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Propaganda - 1943 - Post War Prospect of Liberal Education |
A third
for arousing the genital organs, is tincture of Spanish
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Knowlton - Fruits of Philosophy- A Treatise on the Population Question |
56) is
from the point of view of his faculties.
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Abhidharmakosabhasyam-Vol-3-Vasubandhu-Poussin-Pruden-1991-PDF-Search-Engine |
Holy Cross,
his was
to him.
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What did he lose? |
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v7 |
Such was a common occurrence in the evening, and Genji always felt
he came to think that all his attendants had
accompanied him, having left their families and homes simply for his
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Epiphanius Wilson - Japanese Literature |
But his wife gave him
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A-Companion-to-the-Cantos-of-Ezra-Pound-II |
2000-2016 A.
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Chateaubriand - Travels in Italy |
I could easily have made the Jew a regular
conjuror, and the Phantom an
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Shelley |
"I did not know," said she, "that you were even
till the
other day.
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Austen - Sense and Sensibility |
satisfied with
at all.
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Nietzsche - v15 |
For working in metals makes arms out of iron; and
makes flutes and lyres out of wood.
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Diogenes Laertius |
Hanrieder Review by: Ernst Nolte
The American
Science Review, Vol.
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Nolte - The Stable Crisis- Two Decades of German Foreign Policy |
that other life
is contrast always to this.
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H. D. - Sea Garden |
δαίδαλα σολ α τετεύχατο,
Κώδαλα, όσσ’ ήπιζε τρέφ, ήδη θάλασσα
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Poetici Minores Graeci - 1739 |
Other readings,
those of the Wil-
mer MS.
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Poe - v10 |
And what
and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
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Blake - Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience |
Of other
than that they wende, 705
So that she felte almost hir herte deye
For wo, and wery of that companye.
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Chaucer - Troilius and Criseyde |
It has no
in its
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Aristotle by A. E. Taylor |
But, how seldom do right and justice direct their aims, or how does it so frequently happen, that disinterestedness and self-denial are found wanting in a career of ambition, while men are aspiring to human
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perfection |
Question: |
Is Granger impossible honestly |
Answer: |
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v7 |
There are a few
things that you can do with most Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works
complying with the full terms of this agreement.
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French - Apollinaire - Alcools |
its possessor in the wealthiest class, and to render him
liable to the
rate of direct taxation.
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Demosthenese - 1869 - Brodribb |
Only in the city, under the pressure of public
speech and a
love-hate, can the cynic clearly emerge as the
negative profile of the city.
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Source: |
Sloterdijk-Cynicism-the-Twilight-of-False-Consciousness |
156; Divine wisdom
governor, 157; Aristotle's
of, 180
Wise man, personification of reason, 196
Withdrawal, Stoic name for suicide, 241
World, a living creature, 27; why did God make?
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A Short History of Greek Philosophy by J. Marshall |
I confess, I
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Shakespeare |
The Fumigation from Storax.
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Orphic Hymns |
Procession Of Images
The carrying about of Images in Procession, is another Relique of the
Religion of the Greeks, and Romans: For they also carried their
Idols from place to place, in a kind of Chariot, which was peculiarly
dedicated to that use, which the Latines called Thensa, and Vehiculum
Deorum; and the Image was placed in a frame, or Shrine, which they
called Ferculum: And that which they called Pompa, is the same that
now is named Procession: According whereunto, amongst the Divine Honors
which were given to Julius Caesar by the Senate, this was one, that in
the Pompe (or Procession) at the Circaean games, he should have Thensam
& Ferculum, a sacred Chariot, and a Shrine; which was as much, as to be
carried up and down as a God: Just as at this day the Popes are carried
under a Canopie.
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Hobbes - Leviathan |
They shewed him a tank which served as a nilometer, like that which
is at Memphis, lined with polished stone, and marked with degrees at
of every cubit.
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Scriptori Erotici Graeci |
10 February 1939
My dear Pound,
I have just
your letter dated Jan.
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Source: |
Ezra-Pound-Japan-Letters-essays |
The computer could as well have introduced you to angels,
or winged unicorns.
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Source: |
Richard-Dawkins-Unweaving-the-Rainbow |
For all
grew out of dread or necessity, and
came into existence through an error of the reason.
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Human, All Too Human- A Book for Free Spirits by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche |
" A fascinating reexamina- tion of concepts like deterrence,
attack, counterforce and countercity warfare, retaliation, reprisal, and limited war, in the strategic literature of the air age from the turn of the century to the close of World War II, is in Quester's book, cited above.
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Source: |
Schelling - The Diplomacy of Violence |
Doubtless numerous
voices in the army, and still more numerous voices in the capital, urged the general to continue the pursuit incessantly and at any price ; but they were the voices partly of foolhardy Hotspurs, partly of those perfidious friends, who would gladly at any price have kept the too-powerful Im perator aloof from the capital and entangled him amidst interminable
in the east.
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Source: |
The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.4. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
The reason that there is more
snips are the same shining very
rid of no round color.
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Source: |
Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons |
We sit here in the
That flows with Freedom's honey and milk;
But 'twas they won it, sword in hand,
Making the nettle danger soft for us as silk.
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James Russell Lowell |
thers, from the
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Source: |
Alexander Pope - v09 |
167-8, 186-7, 195 perceptual defence 223
personal aggressiveness and war
Peter, stringing a story together
(case history) 158-60
248 Index
phantasy 6
philobats and ocnophils 154
Piaget 136
Post, R.
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Bowlby - Attachment |
(indicated by a
on each page in the PageTurner).
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Noyes - 1831 - Psalms |
As we entered the passage, the contrast between the external glare and
gloom struck heavily upon my spirits.
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Source: |
Poe - 5 |
About Google Book Search
is to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful.
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Spenser - 1592 - Apologie for Poetrie |
therefore the rage of the people, he went again into voluntary exile.
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Justinus - Epitome of Historae Philippicae |
I was
with the Cartesian opinion, that the idea of
God is distinguished from all other ideas by involving its reality; but
I was not wholly satisfied.
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Coleridge - Biographia Literaria copy |
And even this number of really cultured people
would not be
if a prodigious multitude,
## p.
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Nietzsche - v03 |
Now, the dream is a
presenting of reasons_ for these excitations of feeling, of the supposed
reasons, that is to say.
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Source: |
Human, All Too Human- A Book for Free Spirits by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche |
During his
at the messenger's he was particularly reserved, very seldom entering into any conversation, and never mentioning any thing relative to his own affairs.
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Source: |
Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons - v4 |
On the contrary, their names
became familiar to everybody!
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Cicero- Letters to and from Cassius |
Cum subito,
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Latin - Elements of Latin Prosody and Metre Compiled with Selections |
But even when this impulse has visibly manifested itself
either in the active investigation of some
or in happy anticipations of its solution, still persevering in-
dustry, uninterrupted labour, are imperatively requisite.
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Source: |
Fichte - Nature of the Scholar |
of the line of Hsiâ entertained the former in (the school called) the hsü on the east, and the latter in (that called) the hsü on the west.
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Source: |
Confucius - Book of Rites |
This play was
by the desire of Mrs.
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Source: |
Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons - v3 |
Then from that shore the wind upbore a cry:
`Thou Sea, thou Sea of
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Source: |
Sidney Lanier |
When you give a command, leave nothing to
be brought home by your generals: confer an air
always on the Profession of Arms.
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Treitschke - 1915 - Confessions of Frederick the Great |
in yon
How statue-like I me thee stand,
The agate lamp within thy hand!
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Edgar Allen Poe |
The incorporation of the word "commission" into the jargon might have been inspired by the first of the Duino
of Rilke, who was one of the founders of the jargon.
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Source: |
Adorno-Jargon-of-Authenticity |
A Crasis or Synaresis, by which two
are re-
duced to, or pronounced as, one -- indicated by the word
"Crasis," or " Synceresis.
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Source: |
Latin - Carey - Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana |
Whether a book is in the public domain may vary
to country.
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Aristotle - Nichomachaen Ethics - Commentary - v2 |
Who built this little Alban house
And shut the
down so close
My spirit cannot see?
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Dickinson - Two - Complete |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-24 14:31 GMT / http://hdl.
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Childrens - Frank |
he; but in their trenches deep,
The hidden squadrons kept themselves from scath,
The curtain made of shields did well off keep
Both darts and shot, and scorned all their wrath.
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Tasso - Jerusalem Delivered |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-26 05:03 GMT / http://hdl.
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Source: |
Arisotle - 1882 - Aristotelis Ethica Nichomachea - Teubner |
It was not the consideration of his own possible recall or of the mutability of fortune, nor was it any apprehension of the outbreak of a Macedonian war at certainly no distant date, that prevented the self-reliant and confident hero, with whom everything had hitherto succeeded beyond belief, from accomplishing the destruction of the unhappy city, which fifty years afterwards his adopted grandson was commissioned to execute, and which might indeed have been
well accomplished now.
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Source: |
The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.2. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
Once the creed of unity
was established, the Crown
everything to
go as it did, and was satisfied when its people
silently obeyed.
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Treitschke - 1914 - His Doctrine of German Destiny |
org or a
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Source: |
Dostoesvky - The Brothers Karamazov |
19, “was
something complete, he was a
decadent, in
whom every sign of “free will 'was lacking, in whom
every feature was necessary.
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Nietzsche - v08 |
The poor man in his hut, with only thatch for cover,
Unto these laws must bend;
that guards the barriers of the Louvre
Cannot our kings defend.
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Longfellow |
I stand not where thou comest down and ownest
as mine,
there to clasp thee to my heart and take thee as my comrade.
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Tagore - Gitanjali |
I'vejust learnt that I owe all my
to an attentive study of Italian military theories.
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Hitler-Table-Talk |
O guard him, guard him well, my
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Wilde - Charmides |
Now it is only a pure philosophy that we can look for the moral law in its purity and
(and, in a practical matter, this is of the utmost consequence): we must, therefore, begin with pure philosophy (metaphysic), and without it there cannot be any moral philosophy at all.
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Source: |
The-Critique-of-Practical-Reason-The-Metaphysical-Elements-of-Ethics-and-Fundamental-Principles-of-the-Metaphysic-of-Morals-by-Immanuel-Kant |
But there is One who holds this falling
softly in His hands.
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Rilke - Poems |
It would be
observed, that while they lived in the midst of plenty, it was of
little consequence who laboured the least, or who possessed the least,
as every man was
willing and ready to supply the wants of his
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Malthus - An Essay on the Principle of Population |
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Dickinson - Two - Complete |
is said to have been fixed some miles off the Severn Sea, and at a place, then named Loderic,57 or Laffenac.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v6 |
When you're dead; you are
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Lakoff-Metaphors |
(1986) 'Short-term intensive psychotherapy - a case history', British
of Psychiatry, 148: 98-100.
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A-Secure-Base-Bowlby-Johnf |
Original characters, so called, can only be critically
praised as such, either when presenting qualities
known in real life but never before depicted (a com-
bination nearly impossible), or when presenting quali-
ties (moral, or physical, or both) which, although
unknown, or even known to be hypothetical, are so
skilfully adapted to the circumstances which surround
them that our sense of fitness is not offended, and we
find ourselves sebking a reason why those things
might not have been, which we are still satisfied are
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Poe - v07 |
It’s like water soaking a ball of mud— You’ll know then
no wisdom in it.
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Hanshan - 01 |