The Autumn mourns her rip'ning corn
By early Winter's ravage torn;
Across her placid, azure sky,
She sees the
tempest fly:
Chill runs my blood to hear it rave;
I think upon the stormy wave,
Where many a danger I must dare,
Far from the bonie banks of Ayr.
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Robert Burns - Poems and Songs |
O wander without
through these valleys,
Through every oft-entwining path again.
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Stefan George - Selections from His Works and Others |
The man who will reproach him, as
Niebuhr did Plato, with being a bad citizen, may
do so, and be himself a good one; so he and
Plato will be right
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Nietzsche - v05 - Untimely Meditations - b |
Maoism, rather than being the pattern for Asia's future, became an anachronism, and it was the mainland Chinese who in fact were decisively influenced by the
and dynamism of their overseas co-ethnics - the ironic ultimate victory of Taiwan.
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Fukuyama - End of History |
Sure, why shouldn't medical students bowl in the
of the anatomical institute with skulls?
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Sloterdijk -Critique of Cynical Reason |
Lord Chancellour of MY LORD,
KNOW not to whom I could more properly
a Treatise of this Nature than to your Lordship, who lately was Lord Chief Justice of England, and have set such Presidents to inferior Magistrates.
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Western Martyrology or Blood Assizes |
, ""
Virduni must have been
by a transcriber.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v1 |
It introduces the random fluctuation, the
particle and invisible
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Like-Water-or-Clouds-The-Tang-Dynasty |
Since, according to Attachment Theory, adults have attachment needs no less pressing at times of stress than those of children, the same
which lead to insecure attachment in infants can be seen operating at a societal level.
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Bowlby - Attachment |
He ",plies that he w
he .
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McHugh-Roland-1976-The-Sigla-of-Finnegans-Wake |
Owing to our habit of believing in uncondi tional authorities, we have grown to feel a profound need for them: indeed, this feeling is
so strong that, even in an age of criticism such as Kant's was, it showed itself to be superior to the need for criticism, and, in a certain sense, was able to subject the whole work of
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Nietzsche - Works - v14 - Will to Power - a |
The Eye
Said the Eye one day, "I see beyond these valleys a
with blue mist.
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Khalil Gibran - Poems |
Samsa appeared in his
uniform with his wife on one arm and his
on the other.
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Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka |
An old woman,
standing on a doorstep, holding in her hand a trough, was calling to
some pigs, the pigs
by amicable grunts.
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Pushkin - Daughter of the Commandant |
soon shall we see mate
Griffins with mares, and in the coming age
Shy deer and hounds
come to drink.
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Virgil - Eclogues |
& Co.
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Imagists |
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Nolte - The Stable Crisis- Two Decades of German Foreign Policy |
He was
in his
de Billioth.
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William Smith - 1844 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities - c |
A prop of the
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Adams-Great-American-Fraud |
This point should be understood in the same way as
the Former Masters [the
understood it.
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AbhidharmakosabhasyamVol-4VasubandhuPoussinPruden1991 |
But the earth, being sown with parched wheat, did not yield its annual crops; so Athamas sent to Delphi to inquire how he might be
from the dearth.
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Apollodorus - The Library |
Je fermai les deux yeux, dans ma froide épouvante,
Et quand je les rouvris à la clarté vivante,
A mes côtés, au lieu du mannequin puissant
avoir fait provision de sang,
Tremblaient confusément des débris de squelette,
Qui d'eux-mêmes rendaient le cri d'une girouette
Ou d'une enseigne, au bout d'une tringle de fer,
Que balance le vent pendant les nuits d'hiver.
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Baudelaire - Les Epaves |
First thick clouds rose from all the liquid plains;
Then mists from marishes, and grounds whose veins
Were conduit-pipes to many a crystal spring;
From standing pools and fens were following
Unhealthy fogs; each river, every rill
Sent up their vapours to attend her will
These pitchy curtains drew 'twixt earth and heaven
And as Night's chariot through the air was driven,
Clamour grew dumb, unheard was shepherd's song
And silence girt the woods; no
Talk'd to the Echo; satyrs broke their dance,
And all the upper world lay in a trance.
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William Browne |
And should I then
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Eliot - Prufrock and Other Observations |
was a very unhappy one.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v08 - Dah to Dra |
And when his
of the strong fence of that place of vines was got all to its end, then would he stick his spade upon the pile of the earth he had digged and put on those clothed he wore before; but lo!
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Megara and Dead Adonis |
The most commendable
production of
these times is "Recollections, 1658-1659," by Chry-
zostom Pasek, a good soldier, who wrote the his-
tory of his Danish expedition.
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Poland - 1911 - An Outline of the History of Polish Literature |
Mercury then
a sickle-shaped
sword and Athena a shield in which he was to see the Gorgon's reflec-
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Ovid - 1934 - Metamorphoses in European Culture - v1 |
The middle classes
have had their day, the
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v08 - Dah to Dra |
—One can also be
undignified and
towards a virtue.
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Nietzsche - v10 - The Joyful Wisdom |
O'Conor, written at Dunleer, those were
as measuring thirty feet in length by fifteen in width, while the side walls standing were about fourteen feet in height.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v1 |
(Boston, 2002), p.
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Kittler-Universities-Wet-Hard-Soft-And-Harder |
The stern face of the ruler of half the world softened more
and more, the longer she, urged by a strange impulse, endured
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v09 - Dra to Eme |
Make your surgeons observe the same principles
as I have impressed upon them, with regard to
the arms and legs of your
and your officers.
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Treitschke - 1915 - Confessions of Frederick the Great |
Users are free to copy, use, and
the work in part or in whole.
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Poland - 1911 - Polish Literature, a Lecture |
And lastly, let us observe the thorough rectitude of purpose which governs the Poems : where Artemis, the severely pure, is com monly
as an object of veneration, but Aphrodite is as commonly represented in such a manner as to attract aver sion or contempt, and when, among human characters, no licen tious act is ever so exhibited as to confuse or pervert the sense of right and wrong.
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Universal Anthology - v02 |
J'ai dit que l'oubli
à faire son œuvre.
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Proust - A La Recherche du Temps Perdu - Albertine Disparue - b |
These ballads of war were soon
by true narrative poetry, and then, in turn, prose began to show its vitality in the Breton romances and the tales of Ville- hardouin.
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Universal Anthology - v05 |
of this was carried out in the mo
dern Italy, so that the church and charity funds are administer
ed by the officials, and the Pope has no right to lay any taxes
in Italy.
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Sarpi - 1888 - History of Fra Paolo Sarpi 2 |
With this view he prepared the following resolutions;
but finding that they could not succeed, and
that a
new obstacle should be raised by the formal rejection of pro-
positions of such magnitude, he did not bring them forward.
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Hamilton - 1834 - Life on Hamilton - v2 |
For more information, see
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Dugin - Alexander Dugin and New European Radical Right |
is nearest to the throne.
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Tennyson |
hren, wollte ich hier alle
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Weininger - 1923 - Tod |
But in their homes, in the dance, in the
and the banquet all their thought was only for their captive maidens; until some god put desperate courage in our hearts no more to receive our lords on their return from Thrace within our towers so that they might either heed the right or might depart and begone elsewhither, they and their captives.
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Appolonius Rhodius - Argonautica |
Gorbachev has finally permitted people to say what they had privately understood for many years, namely, that the magical incantations of Marxism-Leninism were nonsense, that Soviet socialism was not
to the West in any respect but was in fact a monumental failure.
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Fukuyama - End of History |
When they arrived,
gave Rechungpa and Shengomrepa a teaching on practice being essential and then returned to Tibet with them.
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Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Life-Spiritual-Songs-of-Milarepa |
And the man who invented
comic opera, one of the most enduring molds
in which English humor has been cast, de-
serves the credit of all
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v11 - Fro to Gre |
Yet, though
smiling within herself at the mistake, she honoured her sister for that
blind partiality to Edward which
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Austen - Sense and Sensibility |
`But that ye speke, awey thus for to go 1555
And leten alle your freendes, god for-bede,
For any womman, that ye sholden so,
And namely, sin Troye hath now swich nede
Of help; and eek of o thing taketh hede,
If this were wist, my lif laye in balaunce, 1560
And your honour; god shilde us fro
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Chaucer - Troilius and Criseyde |
But the very statement of the thing shows, that the subject of the charge is an occasional ill,
to a general good.
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Alexander Hamilton - 1790 - Report on a National Bank |
Nowise had they bliss from their booty then
to devour their victim,
seated to banquet at bottom of sea;
but at break of day, by my brand sore hurt,
on the edge of ocean up they lay,
put to sleep by the sword.
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Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere |
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The Totalitarian Mind - Fischbein |
Give me the
lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.
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Tagore - Gitanjali |
But now let sleep the painful waste repair
Of sad reflection and
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Odyssey - Pope |
Critical Essays, I, p.
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Ovid - Some Elizabethan Opinions of the Poetry and Character of OVid |
Mapp performed two extraordi nary cures ; one on a young lady of the Temple, who had several bones out from the knees to her toes, which she put in their proper places : and the other on a butcher, whose knee-pans were so misplaced
that he walked with his knees
one against another.
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Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons - v3 |
Stephen declareth now that the fathers did not only neglect, but
reject the grace of God.
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Calvin Commentary - Acts - b |
Yet, somehow or other, his Eminence
never felt quite at ease in these assemblies; he was more at home with
audiences of a
kind; and we must look in other directions for
the free and full manifestation of his speculative gifts.
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Strachey - Eminent Victorians |
that might be caressed into
fondness, had yielded to a listless apathy; there was less of the peevish
temper of a child which frets and teases on purpose to be soothed, and
more of the self-absorbed moroseness of a confirmed invalid, repelling
consolation, and ready to regard the good-humoured mirth of others as an
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Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë |
For fame is
but the
summary of all misunderstandings that crystallize about a new name.
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Rilke - Poems |
It could
hardly be doubted that Sarah would be placed under arrest and would be
subjected to a strict
by shrewd and rigorous inquisitors.
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Macaulay |
In identifying what I perceive as the key philosophical issues pertaining to the interpretation of Madhyamaka philosophy in Tibet which were of greatest concern to Tsongkhapa, I shall use primarily two principal sources, both written by Tsongkhapa as he first embarked on his new mission following his
mystic encounter with Mafijusrl.
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Tsongkhapa-s-Qualms-About-Early-Tibetan-Interpretations-of-Madhyamaka-Philosophy |
However, Dugin does not limit himself to bringing Eurasianism's
view of Russia up to date.
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Dugin - Alexander Dugin and New European Radical Right |
terrible stories were leaking out from Pinchfield about the
Frederick practised upon his animals.
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Orwell - Animal Farm |
wish to stay with Mrs.
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Childrens - Roses and Emily |
και οι δούλοι του Ευρυμέδοντα δυο
τριόφθαλμα, πολύτεχνα, 'π' άστραπταν όλα χάρι.
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Homer - Odyssey - Greek |
Analogously, the feast of Whitsun parodies the handing over of laws at Mount Sinai, which the Jews
fifty days after Passover – as if to prove that the preservation of the law is itself the law.
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Sloterdijk - God's Zeal |
quae tamen
cedentem maesta carinam
multiplices animo uoluebat saucia curas.
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Latin - Catullus |
So many clouds
and the sun and moon could not be seen, the stars and planets could not be seen, it was as if they had been thrown into prison.
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Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Life-Spiritual-Songs-of-Milarepa |
Yet now your parts with
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Catullus - Lamb - A Comedy in Verse |
and Mok$1karagupta use the same example, that of the image of a girl which clearly appears to her lover based on his intense passion for her.
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Buddhist-Omniscience |
Cathy, chewing her lip to prevent
another burst of emotion.
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Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë |
If these
sound strange, a little absurd even, this is due to the fact that in each of these examples one sees at once which of the four cases holds, whereas in the first example one does not.
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Gottlob-Frege-Posthumous-Writings |
[16] As to a friendly inclination, I shall certainly return you a full proportion of it; but as to a recompense in kind, I confess it to be out of my power, and therefore hope you will excuse me: for I have no first-fruits (like a prosperous husbandman) to
the obligation I have received; my whole harvest having sickened and died, for want of the usual manure: and as little am I able to present you with any thing from those hidden stores which are now consigned to perpetual darkness, and to which I am denied all access; though, formerly, I was almost the only person who was able to command them at pleasure.
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Cicero - Brutus |
The King of Sweden,
after having
all means of con-
ciliation, camped his army before Berlin,
declaring that the elector was no longer
any thing but an enemy to him.
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Abelous - Gustavus Adolphus - Hero of the Reformation |
infaustum populis in se quoque vertitur omen saevit in
prodigiosus honos.
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Claudian - 1922 - Loeb |
You cannot, under any pretext whatever, dispense
with your presence at the head of your troops,
because two thirds of your soldiers could not be
inspired by any other
except your
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Treitschke - 1915 - Confessions of Frederick the Great |
But the champion of sincerity is not
of the transcendence of human reality, and he knows how at need to appeal to it for his own advantage.
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Sartre - BeingAndNothingness - Chapter 2 - On Lying |
For on one
side the champions of the classical school plainly see that the
persistent increase of crimes and offences amounts to a
proof of that
of penal systems, practical and
theoretical, which have hitherto been applied--as was admitted by
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Criminal Sociology by Enrico Ferri |
Such a system--in
allowing each province to participate in political power and action, and
industry, intelligence, and strength in all parts of the
country--would equally secure, against enemies at home and enemies
abroad, the liberty of the people and the stability of the government.
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Proudhon - What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government |
)OnlyJehovah'sWitnessespresentanentirely differenpticture:as earlyas November1933theyrefusedtotakepartinelections;
universalconscriptiontheyrefusedarmedservice;they conductedan activepropagandacampaignagainstthenationalsocialist"Realm ofSatan," andintheconcentrationcampsfaceddeathwithoutlament.
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Nolte - The Nazi State and the New Religions- Five Case Studies in Non-Conformity |
When the
of your sins weighs you down and you are bewildered by the loath- someness of your conscience, when the terrifying thought of judgment appalls you and you begin to founder in the gulf of sadness and despair, think of Mary.
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Mary and the Art of Prayer_Ave Maria |
She said, and from his eyes the
Retired, like subtle smoke dissolved in air.
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Iliad - Pope |
102 To be able to inject the energy and make it enter into the central channel in the navel or heart center, you have first to have a clear visualization of exactly where that center is and put your focus right on the spot in the various
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Thurman-Robert-a-F-Tr-Tsong-Khapa-Losang-Drakpa-Brilliant-Illumination-of-the-Lamp-of-the-Five-Stages |
The unconscious wish has already
made its way to the day remnants, either during the day or at any rate
with the
of sleep, and has effected a transference to it.
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Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
Is it not because
there is more truth in it than may be
palatable to you?
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Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time |
The positivist tendency to set up every possible examinable object in rigid opposition to the knowing subject remains - in this as in every other instance - caught up with the rigid separation ofform and content: for it is scarcely possible to speakofthe aesthetic unaesthetically, stripped of any similarity with its object, without
narrow-minded and a priori losing touch with the aesthetic object.
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Adorno-The Essay As Form |
Near the ancient rath, four little
gush from the hill-side.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v3 |
In an interview published the same year as The Order o f Things, Foucault states that "literature has been the place where man has never stopped
in favor of language.
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Trakl - T h e Poet's F ad in g Face- A lb e rto G irri, R afael C ad en as a n d P o s th u m a n is t Latin A m e ric a n P o e try |
of Leinster.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v4 |
or of any agency of the U.
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Fukuyama - End of History |
That there shall be
industry, knowledge, and
among them.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v24 - Sta to Tal |
Even men who are not good are
by it.
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Tao Te Ching |
Now, pray mark what I am
doing for this purpose: I use my best endeavours
that all the
in my kingdom, on religion,
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Treitschke - 1915 - Confessions of Frederick the Great |
Ông làm quan Tư
Quốc tử giám.
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stella-03 |
The main result is in Section 4 that
an additional feature to the model that captures the notion of brinkmanship.
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Schwarz - Committments |
Thus it shall befall
Him who to worth in Women overtrusting
Lets her Will rule; restraint she will not brook,
And left to her self, if evil thence ensue,
Shee first his weak
will accuse.
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Milton |
In 866 the minster was destroyed by the
Danes, but it was
three years later.
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bede |
'Twill be said when ye have proved,
Never swains more truly loved:
Oh then fly all nice
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William Browne |
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Treitschke - 1914 - Life and Works |