But the whole Ro-
man Senate, the Emperors during the
ſeveral Perſecutions, the Soldiers, the
common People, and ev'n they, who
were nearly related to the Chriſtians
wag'd open War, as it were, againſt
the Religion which our Bleſſed Savi-
our introduc’d, and wou’d eaſily, and
quite have ſtop'd its happy Progreſs,
if a Divine and Miraculous Power had
not ſeaſonably interpos'd, and made it
overcome the whole habitable World,
who exerted all their Malice, and us’d
their utmoſt
towards its
ſudden and entire Extirpation.
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Question: |
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Source: |
Origen - Against Celsus |
Thofe Wretches who had fmarted for their mifdeeds, waited an opportunity
to revenge themfelves of the Governor, and pickl'd up their Complaints
againft the meeting of the States, a time which the moft profligate pcrfons
of the Province generally long for ; to that great AfTembly therefore they
addrefs'd themfelves with a heavy Charge againft A l ci at i, who feeing
himfelf thus malicioufly profecuted went to his Mafter the Prince of Ne-
gropont (who is at prefent in this Court) and claim'd the proteftion
due to a Minifter who had
difcharg'd his Duty : But that
Prince, like many others, to win the good-wiD of his Subjefts, inftead of
redrelTing the Governor, took part with his clamorous Accufers, which
made 'em ten times more infolent than before.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Boccalini - 1611 - Advices from Parnassus, in two centuries, with the Political touchstone |
, de l'Université de France,
J'ai parcouru avec attention le petit volume que vous venez de
publier sous le titre de “ Scholar's Companion;" et je vous félicite
d'avoir rendu un grand service à l'instruction publique, en lui four-
nissant un ouvrage vraiment utile, lequel ne peut manquer d'être
accue illi dans ce pays, qu'il l'a déjà été en An-
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perkins - 1836 - Scholars Reference Book |
De quelque
qu'on juge les
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Madame de Stael - De l'Allegmagne |
To learn more about the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation
and how your
and donations can help, see Sections 3 and 4
and the Foundation web page at http://www.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Stephen Crane - War is Kind |
Its content, fixed
after awakening, runs as follows:
_"Company; at table or table d'hote.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
I was conscious of what must be my fate; a wretched victim for Slavery
without limit; to be sold like an ox, into hopeless bondage, and to be
worked under the flesh devouring lash during life,
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave, Written |
345 Es gibt keine
im [sic!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Gumbrecht - Publications.1447-2006 |
Realizing that arising,
and abiding are empty.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Spiritual-Song-of-Lodro-Thaye |
The Netv
Propaganda 501 our future, which to them is easily predictable, presumably
because it is largely beyond control.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Propaganda - 1943 - New Collectivist Propaganda |
Though I was privileged, I yet
to shoulder the ac- companying responsibilities.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Lifton-Robert-Jay-Thought-Reform-and-the-Psychology-of-Totalism |
32), and Baker, Inventing the French
(see Intro.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Cult of the Nation in France |
Don't carry it to
else this time.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Robert Forst - North of Boston |
Then Mars' great son, a
o'er his head,
Of river-sedges made his narrow bed.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Ovid - 1865 - Ovid by Alfred Church |
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Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Aristotle and Ancient Educational Ideals by Thomas Davidson |
With harm and aches till farther
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Finnegans |
And lo, along the ways
Crowded with nations, there arose a strife;
Disturbance of men; tongues contradicting tongues;
Madness of noise, that scattered multitudes;
A trample of blind feet,
whose tread
Truth's bloom shrank withered; while incessant mouths
Howled "Progress!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
George Lathrop - Dreams and Days |
die der
Wissenschaften, 1e ed.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Hegels Philosophy of the Historical Religions |
) Now I
will tell you how I have been
we ought to arrange things,
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen |
The second
deals with the nature of man as an individual.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Alexander Pope |
I do not think that those of my fellow-soldiers who read paperback pornography for masturbatory
saw that sort of stuff as of the same order as The Decameron or Joyce's dirty book.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
re-joyce-a-burgess |
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Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Aesop's Fables by Aesop |
Deutscher Verein zur
gemeinnutziger Kenntnissse in Prag.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Kittler-Gramophone-Film-Typewriter |
And the child grew like some
not fed with food nor nourished at the breast: for by day rich-crowned
Demeter would anoint him with ambrosia as if he were the offspring of
a god and breathe sweetly upon him as she held him in her bosom.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Hesiod |
iC1' the followlni
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
McHugh-Roland-1976-The-Sigla-of-Finnegans-Wake |
Her father, mother, Sarah, George, and Harriet, all assembled at the
door to welcome her with affectionate eagerness, was a sight to awaken
the best feelings of
heart; and in the embrace of each, as
she stepped from the carriage, she found herself soothed beyond anything
that she had believed possible.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Northanger Abbey |
There is no help for it; we must use such words, but
then we must shut our ears to the
ancient habits.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v07 |
Hodges, in Lincoln's-inn-fields, where his behaviour not being
to his master, he
was soon discharged.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons - v4 |
I saw men or, rather, women giving place to
other women, and the first and those who came after
into dust
and flying like dust upon the air, a puff of wind bearing away
beauty,--beauty which had been wont to call forth secret sighs,
to engender passions, to be the source of ecstasies; then--what
know I?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Gustavo Adolfo Becuqer |
du mir, hohler Schadel, her?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Goethe - Faust- Der Tragödie erster Teil |
White Poppy, who art wiser than love, 1 am come for peace, yea from the
Am I come to thee for peace.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Ezra-Pound-Provenca-English |
They lived
by fishing — the Colum-
bia and its tributary streams abounding in fine salmon,
and a variety of other fish.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Poe - v07 |
I know not who these mute folk are
Who share the unlit place with me--
Those stones out under the low-limbed tree
bear names that the mosses mar.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Robert Frost - A Boy's Will |
This temple was
in the sixth century with a new Doric stone temple, and a monumental altar was added.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Ancient-greek-cults-a-guide |
illae cum corpore lapsae intereunt, haec sola manet
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Answer: |
Source: |
Claudian - 1922 - Loeb |
It is
to say just what I mean!
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
T.S. Eliot |
But when the
dust sucks up man's blood
Once shed in death, he shall arise no more.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Aeschylus |
" But Davy was, at that time at least, a man of genius; and I
doubt if Mackintosh ever
appreciated an eminently original man.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Coleridge - Table Talk |
Ah visage, where
Each quality But frees
One pride-shaft more, that cleaves Me; mad frieks
(O' thy beck) destroy,
Me, and rates.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Pound-Ezra-Umbra-The-Early-Poems-of-Ezra-Pound |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Dostoesvky - The Devils |
And than bicometh the ground so proud
That it wol have a newe shroud,
And maketh so queynt his robe and fayr 65
That it hath hewes an hundred payr
Of gras and floures, inde and pers,
And many hewes ful dyvers:
That is the robe I mene, y-wis,
which the ground to preisen is.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Chaucer - Romuant of the Rose |
I'm into you," said George, on a crumbling
of unspeakable sarcasm that he was not able to hide.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
Some reasons why IP addresses are blocked include:
So once again, mTsho-rgyal, feeling deep respect and great joy, prepared and
a mandala to Guru Rinpoche seven times, saying:
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Tarthang-Tulku-Mother-of-Knowledge-The-Enlightenment-of-Yeshe-Tsogyal |
Micawber's punctual habits in the opening stage of
all bill transactions, that he could not be dissuaded from immediately
rushing out, in the
spirits, to buy the stamps for his notes of
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Dickens - David Copperfield |
De Vita,&
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Pope Alexander VII - Index Librorum Prohibitorum |
He had rented an
in a house which gave on a garden.
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Source: |
Bertrand - Saint Augustin |
I love you better than the light of my eyes or the life-blood
in my heart; but you are also to understand that neither my sight
shall be so far enchanted, nor my
so much master of me,
as to make me forget our common interest.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Selection of English Letters |
— Il organisa le désarroi
convaincu de son bureau, espaça des
notes, des livres traversés par des coupe-papiers,
posa un vieil in-folio ouvert sur une chaise.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Huysmans - La-Bas |
com/oed2/00200236 by
Website Copier/3.
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Answer: |
Source: |
OED - 21 - a |
She was thinner and had lost much of that
heavenly vivacity that had before charmed me; but her gentleness and
soft looks of compassion made her a more fit
for one blasted
and miserable as I was.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Mary Shelley - Frankenstein |
Is this an ornament vain women wear
Upon their
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
World's Greatest Books - Volume 17 - Poetry and Drama |
This doctrine call
Ideal ism.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Kant - Critique of Pure Reason |
Now many an earl
of Beowulf brandished blade ancestral,
fain the life of their lord to shield,
their praised prince, if power were theirs;
never they knew, -- as they neared the foe,
hardy-hearted heroes of war,
aiming their swords on every side
the accursed to kill, -- no keenest blade,
no farest of falchions fashioned on earth,
could harm or hurt that
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere |
`Lo, yond saugh I myn owene lady daunce; 565
And in that temple, with hir eyen clere,
first my righte lady dere.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Chaucer - Troilius and Criseyde |
The origin of the term
has been much debated.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Abid bin Al-Abras - The Cycle of Death - A Mu'allaqa |
Here is
of the many difficulties of dictatorship.
Guess: |
known |
Question: |
what is the greatest difficulty of dictatorship? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Propaganda - 1939 - Foreign Affairs - Will Hitler Save Democracy |
What silk of time's sweet balm
Where the Chimera tires himself
Is worth the coils and
You tend before the mirror's calm?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Mallarme - Poems |
The general who loses a battle makes but few
Guess: |
plans |
Question: |
How did he lose? |
Answer: |
Source: |
The-Art-of-War |
Si quis
; duos dies nno
paxnutc & aqua- Si qais veniam non petit, ant dicit excii^ationem ; doos
dies uno paxmate & aqu^, Columban.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Ussher - A discourse on the religion anciently professed by the Irish |
"But at the police station you said: 'I feel no remorse at all, only such hate and rage I could
Guess: |
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Source: |
Musil - Man Without Qualities - v1 |
You do me a high honor, indeed, in selecting me to speak of my country
in this commemoration of the birthday of that noble lady whose life was
consecrated to the virtues and the humanities and to the promotion of
lofty ideals, and was a model upon which many a humbler life was formed
and made
while she lived, and upon which many such lives will
still be formed in the generations that are to come--a life which finds
its just image in the star which falls out of its place in the sky and
out of existence, but whose light still streams with unfaded lustre
across the abysses of space long after its fires have been extinguished
at their source.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Twain - Speeches |
Awful is this watching place,
Awful what I see from hence--
A king,
A God, without the thunder,
A child, without the heart for play;
Ay, a Creator, rent asunder
From His first glory and cast away
On His own world, for me alone
To hold in hands created, crying--SON!
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Elizabeth Browning - 2 |
But who has ne'er with
Blamed out of season.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Hugo - Poems |
Alfred de Musset, 1904-7
The New York Public Library:
I said to my heart, my feeble heart:
It's enough surely to love one's mistress?
Guess: |
special |
Question: |
What else must one do? |
Answer: |
Source: |
19th Century French Poetry |
--But this I have said, and shall
continue to say: that if the doctrines, the sum of which I believe to
constitute the truth in Christ, be Christianity, then Unitarianism
is not, and vice versa: and that, in
theologically and
impersonally, i.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Coleridge - Biographia Literaria |
" I asked,
more annoyed than usual.
Guess: |
substantially |
Question: |
What annoyed you? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
to do so from pru-
dence ; and remember, that no one in
this life can be exempted from misfor-
tune, or shielded from transitions.
Guess: |
barrrd |
Question: |
transition whither? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Childrens - Tales of the Hermitage |
Last night, when first the fiery
In sign that Troy is ta'en and razed to earth,
So wild a cry of joy my lips gave out,
That I was chidden--_Hath the beacon watch
Made sure unto thy soul the sack of Troy?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Aeschylus |
He notwithstanding ac quainted the Council both with the Warrant and the whole matter, and easily persuaded them who were apt believe what they de sired, that the queen had
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01 |
His attitude to the Germany of
his day, to its political and
ambitions, its satisfaction
with the state of culture attained, is at least as contemptuous
as that of Nietzsche in Unzeitgemasse Betrachtungen.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Stefan George - Studies |
enemies; are they
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Thomas Carlyle |
sparsamudrii), the seal of
(sbyin-pa'i phyag-rgya, Skt.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Dudjom Rinpoche - Fundamentals and History of the Nyingmapa |
We must
have an
distinct from congress, and in the
hands of single men under their orders.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Hamilton - 1834 - Life on Hamilton - v1 |
time,Eugene52isknowntohavebeenBishophere,in1174; andinthisyear, along with Donat, Abbot of Maig, and Gregory of Cuanga, he was a sub- scribing witness to a charter granted to the
of St.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v7 |
Do not assume that just because we
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Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Ovid - 1805 - Art of Live |
pressed by me as to the correctness of his suppo-
sition of the
intentions of those who sent
him to St.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Napoleon - 1822 - Memoirs |
[924] “Cæsar has received a
blow: T.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Napoleon - History of Julius Caesar - b |
Stimulating chapters on Stendhal,
Nietzsche, Goethe, The Origin of Society, Work, and the
Aristocratic Ideal, show current
of Genius, Aristo-
cracy, Democracy, Sport, and Sexuality in a new light.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v07 |
Los versos que dicen: <
queda como antes era.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Adorno-Theodor-Minima-Moralia |
been off with a woman.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Orwell - Coming Up for Air |
O Natio[n]
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
shakespeare-macbeth |
That cruel sight to see 1545
Will be an
source of tears to me.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Racine - Phaedra |
"Pleasant terms and art" are
by the poet in order to hold
the attention to the moral lessons in the legends.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Ovid - Some Elizabethan Opinions of the Poetry and Character of OVid |
This has no grace, and that can hardly
The most
however of eye-doctors is the present Sir William Adami/^^erly a little apothecary
Ralph, Duke of Montagup.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons |
[909] A sign of wind be the swelling sea, the far sounding beach, the sea-crags when in calm they echo, and the moaning of the
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Aratus - Phaenomena |
Most quadrupeds have a
tail; for even the seal has a tiny one
that of the stag.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Aristotle |
Who then of the Nymphs had sung,
Or who with flowering herbs
the ground,
And o'er the fountains drawn a leafy veil?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Virgil - Eclogues |
are not in the air and on the floor and in the door
and behind it first.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Gertrude Stein - Tender Buttons |
had been a most delightful
friend; so easily guided that his worth was invaluable; but she checked
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Pride and Prejudice |
| |
| | | | |
| 705 | 705 | 705 | 705 | 705-706 | 706
1 |KAL.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Napoleon - History of Julius Caesar - b |
The Constitution of 1848 decided
that the
of the French Republic should be named for four
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Napoleon - History of Julius Caesar - b |
Clarke, is one of the
Guess: |
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Source: |
Robert Burns |
On this
the Christian religion makes it come
only from the same Spirit that works sanctification, that is, this
firm purpose, and with it the consciousness of steadfastness in the
moral progress.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Kant - Critique of Practical Reason |
But, on the other hand, his activity now confined in one groove, assumes the form best
to the narrowed sphere of action.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Marx - Capital-Volume-I |
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Sonnets from the Portugese |
The poem that began by describing tribal lands depopulated and buddilat ahluhā wuḥūšan "their people
with beastly ones", ends with a simile of the strong preying upon the weak, in a circle of death (or "circle of life" for those at the top of the food chain like the eagle, or the monarchic predators we're supposed to root for in The Lion King.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Abid bin Al-Abras - The Cycle of Death - A Mu'allaqa |
While later critics following the sixteenth-century reformers have tended to see in this practice either a superstitious dependence on the e cacy of sheer repetition or, more sympathetically, a powerful if nevertheless some- what mindless or mechanical form of self-hypnosis, medieval commentaries on the text--not to mention the Virgin's own plea that her devotees not say her
too fast--make it clear that, like the Virgin herself, Gabriel's greet- ing was pregnant with God.
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Source: |
Mary and the Art of Prayer_Ave Maria |
And it seemed a fouler
committed by Roger
Chillingworth, than any which had since been done him, that, in the
time when her heart knew no better, he had persuaded her to fancy
herself happy by his side.
Guess: |
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Source: |
Hawthorne - Scarlett Letter |
Jason Wirth (Albany: State
of New York Press, 2000), 90.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Schelling-Philosophical-Investigations-into-the-Essence-of-Human-Freedom |