6^ The people of Hesse—or the Chatti7° as
called—were addicted to heathenish
rites, and the zeal of Winfrid was exercised, in preaching the Gospel of Christ to them, a.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v6 |
No era yo, empero, un enemigo de quien se pudieran temer
traiciones ni bastardías; es decir, guerra baja ni encubierta de
críticas acerbas y de intrigas de bastidores: yo tenia mi entrada en
el Príncipe, á cuyas lunetas iba á aplaudir á Julian y á Matilde, pero
para ellos; era su amigo personal y su enemigo artístico;
era el aliado leal de Lombía, y le ayudaba á dar sus batallas llevando
á mi lado á Bárbara Lamadrid y á Cárlos Latorre, con cuyos dos atletas
le dí algunas victorias no muy fácilmente conseguidas, algunos puñados
de duros y algunas noches de sueño tranquilo.
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Jose Zorrilla |
'Do you know, Copperfield,' said Traddles, cheerfully examining the
dish, 'I think it is in consequence--they are
oysters, but I
think it is in consequence--of their never having been opened.
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Dickens - David Copperfield |
And with his hand
that way to look.
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Dante - The Divine Comedy |
" they cried, "The world is wide,
limbs go lame!
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Wilde - Ballad of Reading Gaol |
How else should we sort the
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Trakl - The True Fate of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by Georg Trakl |
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Petrarch - Poems |
Young Stephen said
indeed to his best remembrance they had but the one doxy between them
and she of the stews to make shift with in delights amorous for life ran
very high in those days and the custom of the country
with it.
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Source: |
James Joyce - Ulysses |
university" living GermanDemocraticRepublic.
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Nolte - Thoughts on the State and Prospects of the Academic Ethic in the Universities of the Federal Republic of Germany |
The almond-groves of Samarcand,
Bokhara, where red lilies blow,
And Oxus, by whose yellow sand
The grave white-turbaned merchants go:
And on from thence to Ispahan,
The gilded garden of the sun,
Whence the long dusty caravan
Brings cedar wood and vermilion;
And that dread city of Cabool
Set at the mountain’s scarpèd feet,
Whose marble tanks are ever full
With water for the noonday heat:
Where through the narrow
A little maid Circassian
Is led, a present from the Czar
Unto some old and bearded Khan,—
Here have our wild war-eagles flown,
And flapped wide wings in fiery fight;
But the sad dove, that sits alone
In England—she hath no delight.
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Wilde - Selected Poems |
what a screaming of
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Poe - v04 |
She thought, if the empty noise
Of a sweet harmonious voice
Like a
stream, untaught,
Could make one believe in thought.
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19th Century French Poetry |
among color phenomena are dust, smoke, sunlight, shadow, and mist.
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Kalu Rinpoche |
Cornelia runs
the catacombs, crying out: "To arms!
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Poland - 1915 - Poland, a Study in National Idealism - Monica Gardner |
On the contrary, fays Apollo, I think it fit, that by
the Duke
I fliou'd admonifh all great Monarchs like you, to treat well thofe Generals,
who having with the expence of their Blood purchas'd true Military Honors,
deferve to enjoy their Mafter's univerfal Favor.
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Source: |
Boccalini - 1611 - Advices from Parnassus, in two centuries, with the Political touchstone |
It seems strange that we
should owe some of the finest poetry in the world to a
sister of the notorious Clodius; less strange, perhaps, that
a story of which she was the
should end
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Catullus - 1866b - Poetry - Slater |
Thus, then, the entire body of criminals may be classed in five
categories, which as early as 1880 I described as
born criminals, criminals by contracted habits, occasional
criminals, and criminals of passion.
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Criminal Sociology by Enrico Ferri |
fisherman knows that he has to paddle in the worldi?
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Source: |
Like-Water-or-Clouds-The-Tang-Dynasty |
Smith would have made of " The Sinless Child " one
of the best, if not the very best of
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Poe - v08 |
by familiar
examples from the sleep of wet nurses, &c.
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Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
3 Therefore the Gauls, regarding Heracleia as an enemy, ravaged its territory as far as the river Calles, and returned home with a great
of booty.
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Memnon - History of Heracleia |
About Google Book Search
is to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful.
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Meredith - Poems |
By sea and air; by earth, by heaven and hell,
I will
my Belvidera's tears!
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Thomas Otway |
that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud, chilling
And killing my
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Poe - 5 |
It would seem as if each
waited, like the
princess in fairy tales, for a destined
human deliverer.
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Emerson - Representative Men |
Passepartout was
at the delay they occasioned, and longed to
discharge his arsenal of revolvers upon them.
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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne |
heu nimium segnes, cauta qui mente notatis,
si revolant mergi,
si litore cornix.
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Claudian - 1922 - Loeb |
There's chaps from the town and the field and the till and the cart,
And many to count are the stalwart, and many the brave,
And many the
of face and the handsome of heart,
And few that will carry their looks or their truth to the grave.
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AE Housman - A Shropshire Lad |
my soul
va cruzando el desierto de la vida is crossing life's desert without a
cual hoja seca que arrebata el like a dry leaf whirled
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Jose Zorrilla |
This and a few more such pieces may, after all,
as mere studies, dictated by fashion and
preserved by friendship.
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Catullus - 1866b - Poetry - Slater |
It has
long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain.
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Ovid - 1868 - Selections for Use in Schools |
"Plato's Republic" was a proverbial expression, which had a very
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Hadot - The Inner Citadel The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius |
It's the voice that the light made us understand here
That Hermes
writes of in Pimander.
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Christmas justice (Trismegistus) |
Question: |
What else does Pimander describe? |
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Appoloinaire |
On the other hand, the advantage in America is that there are no great conserva- tive forces like the
Party and the C.
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Foucault-Live |
It was their divisions and the defeatism of their
which made Hitler supreme.
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army |
Question: |
Who was defeatist? |
Answer: |
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Propaganda - 1939 - Foreign Affairs - Will Hitler Save Democracy |
possible, as far as the armies are
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Napoleon - History of Julius Caesar - b |
his song, but the five yogins were very angry.
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Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Life-Spiritual-Songs-of-Milarepa |
Wherever I am, allow me, Sir, to claim it as my privilege to acquaint
you with my progress in my trade of rhymes; as I am sure I could say
it with truth, that next to my little fame, and the having it in my
power to make life more comfortable to those whom nature has made dear
to me, I shall ever regard your countenance, your patronage, your
friendly good offices, as the most valued
of my late
success in life.
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Robert Burns- |
Ifwe enter into
through the indeterminacy that accompa nies the words "spiritual" and "exercises," then we are faced with two questions.
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Bourbon - "Twitterlitter" of Nonsense- "Askesis" at "Finnegans Wake" |
Few sons their fathers equal; most appear
Degenerate; but we find, though rare, sometimes
A son
even to his Sire.
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superior |
Question: |
Who are songs through exceeded their great father’s |
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Odyssey - Cowper |
And next to him rode lustfull Lechery,
Upon a bearded Goat, whose rugged haire,
And whally eyes (the signe of gelosy), 210
Was like the person selfe, whom he did beare:
Who rough, and blacke, and filthy did appeare,
man to please faire Ladies eye;
Yet he of Ladies oft was loved deare,
When fairer faces were bid standen by: 215
O who does know the bent of womens fantasy?
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Spenser - Faerie Queene - 1 |
e aux
'striving for extremes'.
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yeux |
Question: |
What is the limit? |
Answer: |
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Sloterdijk-Post-War |
A genius which
in prison.
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Poland - 1922 - Polish Literature in Translation, a Bibliography |
In architecture the revolt against the past has produced a
style that
rather severe, straight lines.
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Soviet Union - 1944 - Meet the Soviet Russians |
was this
the higher man whose cry I
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Nietzsche - v11 |
This pure door of opal
God hath shut between us,--
Us, his shining people,
You, who once have seen us
And are
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Elizabeth Browning - 1 |
either peace or force, «»
To hinder the unjust divorce.
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Marvell - Poems |
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Wilde - Charmides |
This file was downloaded from
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Noyes - 1831 - Psalms |
Rejoice in this my love, and when the year
Shall tend to consummation of its course,
Thou shalt produce illustrious twins, for love
never is unfruitful love.
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Odyssey - Cowper |
[The poet seems, in this letter, to perceive that Ellisland was not
the bargain he had
it: he intimated, as the reader will
remember, something of the same kind to Margaret Chalmers.
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Robert Burns- |
3:13 Happy is the man that
wisdom, and the man that getteth
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bible-kjv |
Propofitionum in va- Bucerus.
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Pope Alexander VII - Index Librorum Prohibitorum |
If flowers that hardly touch the body, slay it,
The simplest
of fate may bring
Destruction, and we have no power to stay it;
Then must we live in fear of everything?
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Kalidasa - Shantukala, and More |
His face is
with stones.
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Abid bin Al-Abras - The Cycle of Death - A Mu'allaqa |
”1 But I
when you write verse—
8 A blind man trying to praise the sun.
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Hanshan - 01 |
In 1830 a debate on the organic causes ol madness was started on the occasion ol the thesis ol one ol Esquirol's students, Etienne Georget (who entered Salpetriere in 1816 and in 1819 won the Prix Esquirol with his paper: "Des ouvertures du corps des alienes") which was defended on 8 February 1820,
sur les causes de la folie, Medical Thesis, Paris, no.
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Foucault-Psychiatric-Power-1973-74 |
In spite of all this,
is the most
modest stage of the will to power.
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Nietzsche - v15 |
lineage ofblessing is transferred.
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Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Spiritual-Song-of-Lodro-Thaye |
The Herd-boy, who is only
speaking a
herd-boy, is like the friend who is no real friend.
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Waley - 170 Chinese Poems |
The gesture of exposure characterizes
ideology critique, from the critique of religion in the 18th Century to the critique of
in the 20th.
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Source: |
Sloterdijk-Cynicism-the-Twilight-of-False-Consciousness |
I walked, with other souls in pain,
Within another ring,
And was
if the man had done
A great or little thing,
When a voice behind me whispered low,
"That fellow's got to swing.
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Wilde - Ballad of Reading Gaol |
Indeed, indeed,
oft before
I swore--but was I sober when I swore?
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Omar Khayyam - Rubaiyat |
This Government therefore cannot afford in the face of the totalitarian challenge to
on a narrow margin of strength.
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NSC-68 |
the line in varying it.
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Alexander Pope - v01 |
Time can hardly change the old
of nature.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v4 |
in other words, these 'metaphysical concepts' are presented in their (negatively
speculative form.
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Hegels Philosophy of the Historical Religions |
One can understand terrorism when this is conceived as a form of investigation of the
from the point of view of its destructi- bility.
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Peter-Sloterdijk-Air-Quakes |
He considered-- like the Communist Party in this respect--that
that was not totally and exclusively for him was against him.
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Sartre-Jean-Paul-What-is-literature¿-Introducing-Les-Temps-modernes-The-nationalization-of-literature-Black-orpheus |
In this brief r h m t of the
bombing of Germany, we have not been concerned with whether the campaign was worth its con.
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Source: |
brodie-strategic-bombing-in-ww2 |
In no case can it be considered a milieu for ideas, that is to say for active and living ideas as
to trrrrraditions.
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Source: |
Pound-Jefferson-and-or-Mussolini |
Bartholo mew's Hospital, intends to sleep this year at the
Cock and Bottle, in Littie Britain,"
glanc ing at a similar attempt to raise contributicns on the
credulous part of the community.
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Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons |
Most of the economic estimates threw doubt on Egypt's ability to reconstruct its
by 1982.
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Source: |
A-Strategy-for-Israel-in-the-Nineteen-Eighties-by-Oded-Yinon-translated-by-Israel-Shahak |
Whether a book is in the public domain may vary
to country.
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Source: |
Childrens - Book of Poetry |
During the session of this council, in the year 1552, two
babies were born who yere destined to fight a battle with each
other which began the real disintegration of the Pope's autho
rity over the nations and opened their hopeful progress towards
civil and
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Source: |
Sarpi - 1888 - History of Fra Paolo Sarpi 2 |
" It is not clear, however, how a
can be a re-description of itself.
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Source: |
Bourbon - "Twitterlitter" of Nonsense- "Askesis" at "Finnegans Wake" |
Cranes also fight so desperately among
as to be caught when fighting, for they will not leave off; the crane lays two eggs.
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Aristotle copy |
Stir from your roots, walk,
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Amy Lowell |
Le bourdon se lamente, et la buche enfumee
Accompagne en
la pendule enrhumee,
Cependant qu'en un jeu plein de sales parfums,
Heritage fatal d'une vieille hydropique,
Le beau valet de coeur et la dame de pique
Causent sinistrement de leurs amours defunts.
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Baudelaire - Fleurs Du Mal |
The tachistoscope is a
whose type hits the retina rather than paper.
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KittlerNietzche-Incipit-Tragoedia |
1 Jortin has more than once anim-
adverted on our author's sarcasms
on critics and grammarians ; and,
in the Life of Erasmus, says, “I
remember to have met with a passage
in a certain writer, which is not at
to the grammarians.
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Alexander Pope - v10 |
This sleep is sound indeed; this is a sleep
That from this golden rigol hath divorc'd
So many
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Shakespeare |
In Trakl's poems the word "sonata"
a unique importance by its sound and by the associations established by the poem; if one wanted to envi- sion a particular sonata on the basis of the diffuse sounds that are suggested, the
sense of the word in the poem could be missed just as the conjunct image would be incongruous with such a sonata and the sonata form itself.
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Source: |
Theoder-Adorno-Aesthetic-Theory |
The sentence has generally been treated
as a fresh uestion, to which no answer is returned because
none is nee ed; but this would have required dhh' dMos 11s ;
The latter, however, is
by some to have been avoided
on grounds of euphon .
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Source: |
Demosthenese - First Philippic and the Olynthiacs |
"Whatte tho' I onne a sledde bee drawne,
And mangled by a hynde, 190
I doe defye the traytor's pow'r,
Hee can ne harm my mynde;
"Whatte tho', uphoisted onne a pole,
Mye lymbes shall rotte ynne ayre,
And ne ryche monument of brasse 195
BAWDIN'S name shall bear;
"Yett ynne the holie booke above,
Whyche tyme can't eate awaie,
There wythe the sarvants of the Lorde
Mye name shall lyve for aie.
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Thomas Chatterton - Rowley Poems |
So gib mir auch die Zeiten wieder,
Da ich noch selbst im Werden war,
Da sich ein Quell gedrangter Lieder
Ununterbrochen neu gebar,
Da Nebel mir die Welt verhullten,
Die Knospe Wunder noch versprach,
Da ich die tausend Blumen brach,
Die alle Taler
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Source: |
Goethe - Faust- Der Tragödie erster Teil |
Hector bears the spoils on high,
But vainly glories, for his fate is nigh.
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Iliad - Pope |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-24 14:33 GMT / http://hdl.
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Childrens - Tales of the Hermitage |
Are they flat tires in the land of
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Source: |
Lundberg - The-Rich-and-the-Super-Rich-by-Ferdinand-Lundberg |
I verily think
you have
them in fuch a manner, as far as was in your
Power, that they are neither able to aflift their Friends, nor
to repel their Enemies.
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Source: |
Demosthenes - Orations - v2 |
A dismal, barbarous prohibition scares
being from our path.
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Friedrich Schiller |
Discouraged, on disaster's
Stranding, he waited; starved on selfish pride,
Long years; nor would obey love's homeward tide.
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Source: |
George Lathrop - Dreams and Days |
To-day her only boy
Went up from the Potomac,
His face all victory,
To look at her; how slowly
must have turned
Till bullets clipt an angle,
And he passed quickly round!
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Dickinson - One - Complete |
In cases of consumption, cancer, gout, asthma, and scrofula,
such is the invariable
of a diet of vegetables and pure water.
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Shelley |
On the tenth about
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Caulfield - Portraits, Memoirs, of Characters and Memorable Persons |
It is a fact well understood, that public banks have found
and patronage among the principal and most enlightened commercial nations.
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Alexander Hamilton - 1790 - Report on a National Bank |
Is more
than ever.
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Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
How gladly do I visit thee again,
And leave behind the drear Bithynian plain
And Thynia, where I've toiled the long year
Far from the
spot 'neath heaven's blue.
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Catullus - Stewart - Selections |
One could spend paragraphs trying to describe how the Arabic text's evocative proper names, grammatical oddities and
to the Qur'an and the classical tradition create in the reader's mind a single impression of countless blended subtleties.
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Translated Poetry |
It was possible perhaps in this way once more to
the rule of the senate.
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The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.5. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |