' " Contro- versies which have been
described as political, ^re, according to the new enlightenment, merely struggles for ^n increased share of economic goods and services.
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Propaganda - 1943 - New Collectivist Propaganda |
Whether a book is still in copyright varies from
to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific book is allowed.
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Aryan Civilization - 1870 |
* S he confirmed her k insman' s statements,
and I
them; but, since, have recollected her pre-
tex ts for not showing me the note from K aimond, men-
tioned in her letter, and am now convinced that the whole
was but a stratagem to secure me.
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Madame de Stael - Corinna, or Italy |
Remember, I
thee, what I have done, and pay heed to what thou owest me.
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The Letters of Abelard and Heloise - 1st Letter |
Yet you will be hang'd for being so long absent; or to be
turn'd away- is not that as good as a
to you?
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Shakespeare |
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What happened that month? |
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Elizabeth Browning |
Now I am
at the Earth!
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Whitman |
Trenchant time
to hurry
All to yean and all to bury:
All the forms are fugitive,
But the substances survive.
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Emerson - Poems |
"You have both wisdom and an
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Historia Augusta |
9 An allusion to De consolatione philosophiae, the main work,
in prison, of the Roman Neo-Platonist Boethius (480-525), who was also important as a translator and editor of Aristotle.
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Adorno-Metaphysics |
And round about there is a rabble
Of the filthy, sturdy, unkillable
of the
very poor.
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Ezra-Pound-Lustra |
" This was the expression of the cook, who
threw him into the berth ; it is hardly possible to say
meaning was intended by the phrase.
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Poe - v05 |
whose glorious name
Who knows not, knows not man's divinest lore:
And now I view thee, 'tis, alas, with shame
That I in feeblest
must adore.
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Byron - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage |
blessed Hungary, if thou wouldst
to endure no longer!
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Stories from the Italian Poets |
uno, s'intende, fa-
que dire il primo.
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Bontempelli |
Title of Play:
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
A Woman of No
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Sandulescu-Literary-Allusions-in-Finnegans-Wake |
I now abandon a
to your anger.
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Racine - Phaedra |
For every deliberate misreport of perception told, for every person hurt or killed, for every hope shattered, for every piece of the ecosystem that has been destroyed forever by the person's enactments, there is enormous pain to be
absorbed by the person who has done the damage,
in the direction of rearrangement and transformation into protean advancement solution.
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paradigm |
The said Columba is now by some called Columcille,
the name being
from “Columba” and “Cella.
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bede |
them the children of the prophets, which were of the same nation, and therefore were heirs of the covenant, which did belong unto the whole body of the people.
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Calvin Commentary - Acts - b |
The Nubian prince commands the menial crew
Forthwith to bring the hospitable cheer;
And hopes that now the foul, rapacious band,
Will not dare snatch the
from his hand.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso - English |
" Please God that night, dear night should never
Nor that my love should parted be from me,
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Ezra-Pound-Exult-at-Ions |
Barr-Saggott paid her great attention; and, as I have said, the heart of
her mother was
in consequence.
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Kipling - Poems |
But redder yet that light shall glow
On Linden's hills of stained snow,
And bloodier yet the
Of Iser, rolling rapidly.
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Hazlitt - The Spirit of the Age; Or, Contemporary Portraits |
22 As to a
feast, all whom I fear'd
Thou call'st about mee; when his wrath appear'd,
None did remaine or scape, for those which I 175
Brought up, did perish by mine enemie.
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John Donne |
Begin: thou art more vast, more dread than I,
And thou art prov'd, I know, and I am young,--
But yet
sways with the breath of heaven,[33]
And though thou thinkest that thou knowest sure 385
Thy victory, yet thou canst not surely know.
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Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower School by Stevenson |
all he could do was say so!
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Life-of-Galileo-by-Brecht |
Tho three of mind are having covetous thoughts to possess what
to others, harbouring ill-will, and holding distorted
views 5uch as disbelief in cause and effect.
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Wang-ch-ug-Dor-je-Mahamudra-Eliminating-the-Darkness-of-Ignorance |
These hideous
beasts dig for themselves vast caverns in the soil, of
a funnel shape, and line the sides of them with rocks,
so disposed one upon the other that they fall instantly,
when trodden upon by other animals, thus
them into the monsters' dens, where their blood is
immediately sucked, and their carcasses afterwards
hurled contemptuously out to an immense distance
from "the caverns of death.
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Poe - v02 |
who by the advice of sir William Pen, who was
solely trusted by him in the brocage, conferred them
upon those (without observing any other rule) who
would give most money, not i considering any honest
seaman who had
in the king's service, or
suffered long imprisonment for him.
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Edward Hyde - Earl of Clarendon |
The original of this
has dropt out of the text.
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Confucius - Book of Rites |
Then wisdom or being wise
to be not the knowledge of the things
which we do or do not know, but only the knowledge that we know or
do not know?
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Plato - Apology, Charity |
Luckily, it is seldom reduced to this alternative: "reasons" are with it
"as plenty as
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Hazlitt - The Spirit of the Age; Or, Contemporary Portraits |
13;) and terrible indeed will be
that day to the wicked and impenitent, to the
and the
gay; but not to the righteous; to them the future is the day, the
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Childrens - The Creation |
confess this was mine error; but swered ; That no nobleman in England would have already made humble Petition my
accept that charge at her commandinent; for
he knew their minds,
for those in the North, who would assist.
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Complete Collection of State Trials for Treason - v01 |
A veces le dolía haber dejado a su paso aquel reguero de miseria, y a veces le daba tanta rabia que se
los dedos con las agujas, pero más le dolía y más rabia le daba y más la amargaba el fragante y agusanado guayabal de amor que iba arrastrando hacia la muerte.
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Gabriel García Márquez - Cien Anos de Soledad |
The former either determine
the conditions of the
of the rational being as an
efficient cause, i.
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Kant - Critique of Practical Reason |
Leering, sneering, scowling, threatening faces;
Weeping, twisting, yelling, howling faces;
Faces fixed in a contortion
a scream and a laugh,
Meaningless faces.
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Source: |
John Fletcher - Japanese Prints |
Friends' phantom-flight
Knocking at my heart's window-pane at night,
Gazing on me, that speaks "We were" and goes,--
Oh, withered words, once
as the rose!
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Niezsche - Beyond Good and Evil |
he enters he sees someone, whose name is broken away, eating bread
milk, but the beautiful barbarian understands not.
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Epic of Gilgamesh |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-26 05:03 GMT / http://hdl.
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Arisotle - 1882 - Aristotelis Ethica Nichomachea - Teubner |
How great the grief it is not mine to show,
Scarce dare I think, still less by
Or by vain speech, to ease my weight of woe.
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Barbarina lady Dacre - 1836 - Traduzioni dall'italiano |
But now thy flow'ry banks appear
winter, dark and drear,
While my dear lad maun face his faes,
Far, far frae me and Logan braes!
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Robert Burns |
O father, it is alive--it is full of people--it has
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Whitman |
The robin is the one
the noon
With her cherubic quantity,
An April but begun.
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Dickinson - Two - Complete |
From all this, it can be seen that the above party has, in 'jettisoning' the below party, severely escalated himself or herself into a far more rigid and more 'self-perpetuating' unprincipled 'anxiety tuning' and, in doing so, has rigidified
into a more rigid unprincipled enactment homeostasis as well.
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paradigm |
We learn from Thucydides, that the harsh
Athens towards the Potidaeans, who were naturally
inclined to the Dorian interest, compelled them to re-
volt, and to seek the protection of Perdiccas and the
Corinthians (1, 56, seqq.
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Charles - 1867 - Classical Dictionary |
For now, for thou so hyest out of Troye,
Have I forgon thus
my Ioye!
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Chaucer - Troilius and Criseyde |
An aphoristic diary entry of Goebbels's ministry of propaganda of the Reich, on 2 November of the same year, confirms the stable association
the entomological and political fields of representation: ``The Jews are the lice of civilized humanity'' (quoted in Aly, 1995, page 374).
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Peter-Sloterdijk-Air-Quakes |
She had
she could convincingly plead a nervous stomachache, no more than a sign of a sensitive con- stitution; otherwise, she would not have let him see her.
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Musil - Man Without Qualities - v2 |
Nevertheless, this work is expensive, so in order to keep
this resource, we have taken steps to prevent abuse by commercial parties, including placing technical restrictions on automated querying.
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Burke - 1790 - Revolution in France |
’ he said to me,
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Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time |
“ Divine Providence,” as it is believed
in to-day by almost every third man in “cultured
Germany," would be an argument against God, in
fact it would be the
argument against God
that could be imagined.
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Nietzsche - v16 |
1 stood on the hill of Yrma
when the winds were a-hurrying,
With the grasses a-bending
Through the brown grasses of Ahva unto the green of Asedon.
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Ezra-Pound-Provenca-English |
And had she not,
last Christmas, because Gordon was ‘fond of poetry’, given him the
Poems of
John Drinkwater in green morocco, which he had sold for half a crown?
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Orwell - Keep the Apidistra Flying |
A Corsican , he
a Frenchman, his new country adopts him, nourishes him in the rank of its children, and already promises him the greatest destinies.
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Hunt - Fourth Estate - History of Newspapers and Liberty of Press - v2 |
«Mais, dit le poëte impatienté, je ne
pas faire autrement.
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Baudelaire - Les Epaves |
would bow.
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Emerson - Representative Men |
14 In one of these lives the title runs as
20 See " Ecclesiastical
of Ire- land," vol.
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Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v6 |
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Omar Khayyam - Rubaiyat |
He is gone is this frindship
his friend in the plaine
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Source: |
Dodsley - Select Collection of Old Plays - v1 |
Sapho, I will chuse to go
Where the
winds do blow
Endless ice, and endless snow;
Rather than I once would see
But a winter's face in thee,--
To benumb my hopes and me.
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Source: |
Robert Herrick - Lyric Poems |
I am no longer
young; and my heart, through weary years of mourning over the dead,
is not
to mirth.
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Source: |
Dracula by Bram Stoker |
and myself with a
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Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
" If they do
not wish to remain the peaceful ones in town or
country, but
to wax noisy, then let not
the din of their unisono deceive us concerning the
poverty and vulgarity of the melody they sing.
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Nietzsche - v04 |
I would simply like to make
to one of its branches: poetry.
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Kittler-Gramophone-Film-Typewriter |
The essay is both more open and more closed than
thought would like.
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Adorno-The Essay As Form |
'At Dawn I Love You'
At dawn I love you I've the whole night in my veins
All night I have gazed at you
I've all to divine I am certain of shadows
They give me the power
To envelop you
To stir your desire to live
At my
The power to reveal you
To free you to lose you
Invisible flame in the day.
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Paul Eluard - Poems |
Do we want laurels for
Or most that no one else shall have any?
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American Poetry - 1922 |
fore, we have taken the
to adapt for the last
stanza the general sense of Sappho's verses.
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Catullus - Stewart - Selections |
On the other hand, the moral law, although it gives no view, yet
gives us a fact absolutely
from any data of the
sensible world, and the whole compass of our theoretical use of
reason, a fact which points to a pure world of the understanding, nay,
even defines it positively and enables us to know something of it,
namely, a law.
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Kant - Critique of Practical Reason |
The one
The better analogy is with the less frivolous contest of chicken that is played out regularly on streets and
by people who want their share of the road, or more than their share, or who want to be first through an intersection or at least not kept waiting indefinitely.
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Schelling - The Manipulation of Risk |
n es un
que tiene ma?
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Hans-Ulrich-Gumbrecht |
Also, when he would taste the spicy wreaths
Of incense,
aloft from sacred hills,
Instead of sweets, his ample palate took
Savor of poisonous brass and metal sick :
And so, when harbored in the sleepy west,
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Universal Anthology - v02 |
Let no sorrow my
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Carey - 1796 - Key to Practical English Prosody |
Hope new born one
Died at even;
Hope dead lives nevermore.
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Christina Rossetti |
The Mac Wards were also distinguished Bards and
Donegal and Ty rome the O'Donnells and O'Neills.
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Four Masters - Annals of Ireland |
In that place, therefore, the obedient Volchan built a monastery,
himself and many others lived and died in greatperfection.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v7 |
' That will be your married look, sir, I
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Jane Eyre- An Autobiography by Charlotte Brontë |
The "they" has
stowed away .
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Adorno-Jargon-of-Authenticity |
If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking them- selves, the army is
from thirst.
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The-Art-of-War |
Traditionally it is understood to mean "that which is suspended, hung up" and to refer to poems which were so
as to earn the honor of being hung on the walls of the Kaˁba at Mecca.
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Abid bin Al-Abras - The Cycle of Death - A Mu'allaqa |
Somehow they all
the ac- cused.
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A-Skeleton-Key-to-Finnegans-Wake |
' " The way he said this, which was in total contrast to his entire
appearance, like a too-heavy blossom on a weak stem, made Agathe brighten.
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Musil - Man Without Qualities - v2 |
Your heirs shall fail, moreover, in having
this earth.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v8 |
in his station are not
accustomed to marry their governesses.
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Source: |
Jane Eyre- An Autobiography by Charlotte Brontë |
" For in the sacrifice, they say,
" s the
elements are consecrated, not" int»
Christ's whole person as it was born of the Virgin,
or now-is in Heaven : but the bread into his body
apart, as betrayed, broken, and given for us ; tbe
wine into his blood apart, as shed out of his body
for reraission of sins, and dedication of the new
Testament, which are conditions of his person, as
he was in sacrifice and oblation.
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Ussher - A discourse on the religion anciently professed by the Irish |
O shaken flowers, O
O sunlit white and blue,
Wound me, that I, through endless sleep,
May bear the scar of you.
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Sara Teasdale - Flame and Shadow |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-27 05:04 GMT / http://hdl.
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Demosthenes - Against Midias |
Apréstate, Muriel: al soplo vivo
De mi fecundo é inspirado aliento,
Voy á abrir á tu
El recinto de la Árabe GRANADA.
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Jose Zorrilla |
before whom the Greek empire fell.
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Outlines and Refernces for European History |
Public domain books are our
to the past, representing a wealth of history, culture and knowledge that's often difficult to discover.
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Childrens - Longfellow - Child's Hour |
com/oed2/00200011 by HTTrack
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OED - 21 - a |
The intellectual France prefers the politically more elegant and rhetorically more
po- sition where words and things belong to separate systems.
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Sloterdijk-Post-War |
These relics once, dear
of himself,
The traitor left me, which, O earth, to thee
Here on this very threshold I commit-
Pledges that bind him to redeem the debt.
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Virgil - Eclogues |
What times of
this fair day foreshows,
Whenas the Lily marries with the Rose!
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Robert Herrick - Hesperide and Noble Numbers |
This Sycamore, oft musical with bees,--
Such tents the Patriarchs loved!
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Coleridge - Poems |
I sate beside thee all the night, while the moonlight lay forlorn
Strewn round us like a dead world's shroud in
fragments torn:
And through the night, and through the hush, and over the flapping
We heard beside the Heavenly Gate the angels murmuring:
We heard them say, "Put day to day, and count the days to seven,
And God will draw Onora up the golden stairs of heaven.
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Elizabeth Browning - 2 |
All of the foregoing re- ligious houses were founded by holy Irish- men, who were missionaries on the
of Europe.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v1 |
Was ist schön an einem Mann,
welches Gott nicht dir
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Lament for a Man Dear to Her |