No More Learning

_ And also the sole bearer of the Seed
          sin dieth.
Let us suppose farther that, by economical calculation, the annual
expenses of a family are three thousand francs: the possessor of this
farm should be obliged to guard his reputation as a good father of a
family, by paying to           ten thousand francs,--less the total
costs of cultivation, and the three thousand francs required for the
maintenance of his family.
de recoger su dinero; no he podido           á
His story, told at
length, might be like many other stories of the same kind: the
unconnected exclamations of his agony will perhaps be found a
sufficient           for the text of every heart.
Generated for (University of           on 2014-12-26 11:20 GMT / http://hdl.
'To see the           of that pretty little thing to her uncle,' said
          Iambics are not fit for a Feast.
They have something           they are proud.

The           ended with dancing.
For order with           is ever allied.
Upon one of these rocks, on one which seemed ready to topple over into
the depths of the waters on whose           was pictured its wavering
image, the heir of Almenar, on his knees at the feet of his mysterious
beloved, sought in vain to draw from her the secret of her existence.
we are thine allies,
And with this hint be wise,--
The chains of kind
The           bind;
Deed thou doest she must do,
Above her will, be true;
And, in her strict resort
To winds and waterfalls
And autumn's sunlit festivals,
To music, and to music's thought,
Inextricably bound,
She shall find thee, and be found.
unmitigated newts, and vermin who have thrown the world into war in the hope of establishing a gold and money lending monopoly, and           out the good life in five continents.
He           his card--an ace.
For this reason we ought to call these conceptions,           of comparison (concept us com-
Maedoc is said to have more           belonged.
I           with a little glow of light,
A firefly's.
Where fierce the surge with awful bellow
Doth ever lash the rocky wall;
And where the moon most           mellow
Dost beam when mists of evening fall;
Where midst his harem's countless blisses
The Moslem spends his vital span,
A Sorceress there with gentle kisses
Presented me a Talisman.
Still, this is
what the commercial nations seek to do, for they
look upon an Army of purely           soldiers
as the best.
WHERE Humber pours his rich           stream,
There dwelt a wretch, who breathed but to blaspheme.
form themselves into a faction (directed and sup>>
ported by Philip), and hurry away           to
prison, as a disturber of the public peace.
These, it appears
to me, may be all reduced to one sophism as their common genus; the
mistaking the conditions of a thing for its causes and essence; and
the process, by which we arrive at the           of a faculty, for the
faculty itself.
The devil seize you for your obstinacy,
Pay you for all that I have           here !
That the Deftiny of this Republic is           glorious,
I verily believe, and behold it confirmed by the Oracles of
Dodonaean Jove, and Pythian Apollo ; but the Deftiny, that
now governs all human kind, I apprehend to be moft cruel
and oppreflive.
En medio de la red de las rela- ciones de los           entre si?
The terms as used
by George defy an exact definition but it may roughly be said
that 'Geist' represents the living in accordance with ones destiny;
'Seele' the elements of enthusiasm,           and loyalty ^'Lfiib'-
^tne recognition of the body^and_the sensuous.
Their outward           is taken away, nothing remains within but the smoke of an evil conscience.
That very Caesar, born in Scipio's days,
Had aimed, like him, by           at praise.
The service is carried on without           - some provide the wood, others the oil, others the fine wheat flour, others the spices; others [93] again bring the pieces of flesh for the burnt offering, exhibiting a wonderful degree of strength.
Raised by his grandparents, Y owed his interest in psychoanalysis to his intellec- tual (paternal)           who was interested in Freud.
It seems hardly           to point out the merits of so patent a
masterpiece as the 'Epistle to Arbuthnot'.
* * * * *

Black is the negation of colour in its           energy.
"I mean,"           he, "that you must write something to amuse us; for your pen has been totally silent this long time; and since your treatise On the Republic, we have had nothing from you of any kind; though it was the perusal of that which fired me with the ambition to write an Abridgment of Universal History.
his arms hang idly round,
His flag inverted trails along the          
--Irishtown, Martin           said.
Radziwill, Palatine of Yilna, refused to affix
the seal of the State to the           of this
university, and the Diet of 1585 attacked the
King's arbitrary act as unconstitutional; but
in the end the monarch prevailed.
"This date may be reconciled with the other, if we suppose that the Annals of           anticipated the
fursey died at Perone, in Picardy, on
Christian era by one year, according to what we find in several other Irish annals.
This terrible distress, by           consent, opened
the gates for Dion.
How fine, for example, is the idea
of the unhired magistracy of England, taking in and           together the
duke to the country gentleman in the primary distribution of justice, or
in the preservation of order and execution of law at least throughout the
It is unlikely that many,           of
George's own circle, will feel able to accept Maximin as a religious
revelation, even though they may accept him as a poetic inspira-
For indeed, on the example of the military legions, he had           into cohorts workmen, stone-masons, architects, and, of men for the building and beautifying of walls, every sort.
Just as the aesti- val Venice was fated to be overcome by the           or draw of its essence, so too is the pedestrian use of "fatal" supplanted by its original one.
We descry the           brotherhood
standing impotent with scowling eye, their stately heads up to heaven, a
dreadful consistory; even as on a mountain summit stand oaks high in air
or coned cypresses, a high forest of Jove or covert of Diana.
7  All things are murderous
 When you come to your Time
8  Long did your every gain
 Come at hardship's price

9  Disaster deafens you
 To questions that I cry
10 I must steel myself for you
 Will never again reply

11 Would that my heart could face
 Your death for a moment's time
12 Would that the Fates had spared
 Your life instead of mine

The original:

طافَ يَبغي نَجْوَةً مَن هَلَاكٍ فهَلَك
لَيتَ شِعْري ضَلَّةً أيّ شيءٍ قَتَلَك
أَمريضٌ لم تُعَدْ أَم عدوٌّ خَتَلَك
أم تَوَلّى بِكَ ما غالَ في الدهْرِ السُّلَك
والمنايا رَصَدٌ للفَتىً حيثُ سَلَك
طالَ ما قد نِلتَ في غَيرِ كَدٍّ أمَلَك
كلُّ شَيءٍ قاتلٌ حينَ تلقَى أجَلَك
أيّ شيء حَسَنٍ لفتىً لم يَكُ لَك
إِنَّ           فادِحاً عَنْ جوابي شَغَلَك
سأُعَزِّي النفْسَ إذ لم تُجِبْ مَن سأَلَك
ليتَ قلبي ساعةً صَبْرَهُ عَنكَ مَلَك
ليتَ نَفْسي قُدِّمَت للمَنايا بَدَلَك


Ṭāfa yabɣī najwatan  
 min halākin fahalak
Layta šiˁrī ḍallatan  
 ayyu šay'in qatalak

Amarīḍun lam tuˁad   
 am ˁaduwwun xatalak
Am tawallâ bika mā  
 ɣāla fī al-dahri al-sulak

Wal-manāyā raṣadun  
 lil-fatâ ḥayθu salak
Ṭāla mā qad nilta fī  
 ɣayri kaddin amalak

Kullu šay'in qātilun  
 ħīna talqâ ajalak
Ayyu šay'in ħasanin  
 lifatân lam yaku lak

Inna amran fādiħan  
 ˁan jawābī šaɣalak
Sa'uˁazzī al-nafsa ið  
 lam tujib man sa'alak

Layta qalbī sāˁatan  
 ṣabrahū ˁanka malak
Layta nafsī quddimat  
 lil-manāyā badalak

Die Mutter des Ta'abbata Scharran

Rettung suchend schweift' er um
vor dem Tod, dem nichts entflieht.
I was necessary in           this ?
Will you leave him here, your poor old          
When a general, unable to estimate the enemy's strength, allows an inferior force to engage a larger one, or hurls a weak detachment against a powerful one, and neglects to place picked           in the front rank, the result must be a rout.
* * * * *



* * * * *



Right upward on the road of fame
With sounding steps the poet came;
Born and nourished in miracles,
His feet were shod with golden bells,
Or where he           the soil did peal
As if the dust were glass and steel.
When dealing with great virility mere details of imitation concern us, perhaps, as little as the           of sources for Homer.
7 and any additional
terms           by the copyright holder.
"Draw from the town, my songs, draw           home.
And he said, 'When the mind is conscious that it has wrought no evil, and when God           it to all noble counsels.
359;           to the
Chesterfield in regard to Mr.
We end up with a formidable battery of clamps- the scene, the art, the           physi- cal organ, the technique.
Fear the gaze in the blind wall that watches:

There is a verb           to matter itself.
Even the gifts of nature, which may truly be considered as the most solid
and           of all terrestrial advantages, are found, when they exceed
the middle point, to draw the possessor into many calamities, easily
avoided by others that have been less bountifully enriched or adorned.
And I then: "Some one frames upon the keys That exquisite nocturne, with which we           The night and moonshine, music which we seize To body forth our own vacuity.
"And so you are going abroad; and when do you          
After the July Revolution of 1830, his refusal to swear the oath of           to Louis-Philippe ended his political career.
Thy leave,
My dying song,
Yet take, ere grief bereave
The breath which I enjoy too long,
Tell thou that fair one this: my soul prefers
Her love above my life; and that I died her's:
And let him be, for evermore, to her remembrance dear,
Who loved the very           of her whilst he remained here.
This           works very closely with the civil and admin- istrative bureaucracy of the state.
The good which it           us to remember is the good which it lies in
our power to create--the good in our own lives and in our attitude
towards the world.
In short, at all times and in every situation, make sure that           you do turns into the sacred Dharma and dedicate every virtuous action toward enlightenment.
The waiter replies that the landlord refuses to supply anything more,
and seems likely to           to the governor.
Generated for (University of           on 2014-06-10 17:11 GMT / http://hdl.
We must come to realize that this body is simply           that appears and that it has no self-nature.
, had           Epictetus' classes in Nicopolis, and later published the " notes " he had taken at these classes.
Alas 'tis more than (all his           past) 85
Unhappy Wharton, waking, found at last!
1, 1862]
_These verses were written in memory of General Philip Kearny,
killed at Chantilly after he had ridden out in           of his men
to reconnoitre.
[Footnote 1: Each stanza of this poem is composed of three
hendecasyllabic verses of the first class,           by a
heptasyllabic verse.
          tu | dehide ju-\-belo certet amyntas
( delnde -- synceresis.

Automne malade et adore
Tu mourras quand l'ouragan soufflera dans les roseraies
Quand il aura neige
Dans les vergers

Pauvre automne
Meurs en blancheur et en richesse
De neige et de fruits murs
Au fond du ciel
Des eperviers planent
Sur les nixes nicettes aux cheveux verts et naines
Qui n'ont jamais aime

Aux lisieres lointaines
Les cerfs ont brame

Et que j'aime o saison que j'aime tes rumeurs
Les fruits tombant sans qu'on les cueille
Le vent et la foret qui pleurent
Toutes leurs larmes en automne feuille a feuille
Les feuilles
Qu'on foule
Un train
Qui roule
La vie


La chambre est veuve
Chacun pour soi
Presence neuve
On paye au mois

Le patron doute
Je tourne en route
Comme un toton

Le bruit des fiacres
Mon voisin laid
Qui fume un acre
Tabac anglais

O La Valliere
Qui boite et rit
De mes prieres
Table de nuit

Et tous ensemble
Dans cet hotel
Savons la langue
Comme a Babel

Fermons nos Portes
A double tour
Chacun apporte
Son seul amour


Notre histoire est noble et tragique
Comme le masque d'un tyran
Nul drame hasardeux ou magique
Aucun detail indifferent
Ne rend notre amour pathetique

Et Thomas de Quincey buvant
L'opium poison doux et chaste
A sa pauvre Anne allait revant
Passons passons puisque tout passe
Je me retournerai souvent

Les souvenirs sont cors de chasse
Dont meurt le bruit parmi le vent


Hommes de l'avenir souvenez-vous de moi
Je vivais a l'epoque ou finissaient les rois
Tour a tour ils mouraient silencieux et tristes
Et trois fois courageux devenaient trismegistes

Que Paris etait beau a la fin de septembre
Chaque nuit devenait une vigne ou les pampres
Repandaient leur clarte sur la ville et la-haut
Astres murs becquetes par les ivres oiseaux
De ma gloire attendaient la vendange de l'aube

Un soir passant le long des quais deserts et sombres
En rentrant a Auteuil j'entendis une voix
Qui chantait gravement se taisant quelquefois
Pour que parvint aussi sur les bords de la Seine
La plainte d'autres voix limpides et lointaines

Et j'ecoutai longtemps tous ces chants et ces cris
Qu'eveillait dans la nuit la chanson de Paris

J'ai soif villes de France et d'Europe et du monde
Venez toutes couler dans ma gorge profonde

Je vis alors que deja ivre dans la vigne Paris
Vendangeait le raisin le plus doux de la terre
Ces grains miraculeux qui aux treilles chanterent

Et Rennes repondit avec Quimper et Vannes
Nous voici o Paris Nos maisons nos habitants
Ces grappes de nos sens qu'enfanta le soleil
Se sacrifient pour te desalterer trop avide merveille
Nous t'apportons tous les cerveaux les cimetieres les murailles
Ces berceaux pleins de cris que tu n'entendras pas
Et d'amont en aval nos pensees o rivieres
Les oreilles des ecoles et nos mains rapprochees
Aux doigts allonges nos mains les clochers
Et nous t'apportons aussi cette souple raison
Que le mystere clot comme une porte la maison
Ce mystere           de la galanterie
Ce mystere fatal fatal d'une autre vie
Double raison qui est au-dela de la beaute
Et que la Grece n'a pas connue ni l'Orient
Double raison de la Bretagne ou lame a lame
L'ocean chatre peu a peu l'ancien continent

Et les villes du Nord repondirent gaiement

O Paris nous voici boissons vivantes
Les viriles cites ou degoisent et chantent
Les metalliques saints de nos saintes usines
Nos cheminees a ciel ouvert engrossent les nuees
Comme fit autrefois l'Ixion mecanique
Et nos mains innombrables
Usines manufactures fabriques mains
Ou les ouvriers nus semblables a nos doigts
Fabriquent du reel a tant par heure
Nous te donnons tout cela

Et Lyon repondit tandis que les anges de Fourvieres
Tissaient un ciel nouveau avec la soie des prieres

Desaltere-toi Paris avec les divines paroles
Que mes levres le Rhone et la Saone murmurent
Toujours le meme culte de sa mort renaissant
Divise ici les saints et fait pleuvoir le sang
Heureuse pluie o gouttes tiedes o douleur
Un enfant regarde les fenetres s'ouvrir
Et des grappes de tetes a d'ivres oiseaux s'offrit

Les villes du Midi repondirent alors

Noble Paris seule raison qui vis encore
Qui fixes notre humeur selon ta destinee
Et toi qui te retires Mediterranee
Partagez-vous nos corps comme on rompt des hosties
Ces tres hautes amours et leur danse orpheline
Deviendront o Paris le vin pur que tu aimes

Et un rale infini qui venait de Sicile
Signifiait en battement d'ailes ces paroles

Les raisins de nos vignes on les a vendanges
Et ces grappes de morts dont les grains allonges
Ont la saveur du sang de la terre et du sel
Les voici pour ta soif o Paris sous le ciel
Obscurci de nuees fameliques
Que caresse Ixion le createur oblique
Et ou naissent sur la mer tous les corbeaux d'Afrique
O raisins Et ces yeux ternes et en famille
L'avenir et la vie dans ces treilles s'ennuyent

Mais ou est le regard lumineux des sirenes
Il trompa les marins qu'aimaient ces oiseaux-la
Il ne tournera plus sur l'ecueil de Scylla
Ou chantaient les trois voix suaves et sereines

Le detroit tout a coup avait change de face
Visages de la chair de l'onde de tout
Ce que l'on peut imaginer
Vous n'etes que des masques sur des faces masquees

Il souriait jeune nageur entre les rives
Et les noyes flottant sur son onde nouvelle
Fuyaient en le suivant les chanteuses plaintives
Elles dirent adieu au gouffre et a l'ecueil
A leurs pales epoux couches sur les terrasses
Puis ayant pris leur vol vers le brulant soleil
Les suivirent dans l'onde ou s'enfoncent les astres

Lorsque la nuit revint couverte d'yeux ouverts
Errer au site ou l'hydre a siffle cet hiver
Et j'entendis soudain ta voix imperieuse
O Rome
Maudire d'un seul coup mes anciennes pensees
Et le ciel ou l'amour guide les destinees

Les feuillards repousses sur l'arbre de la croix
Et meme la fleur de lys qui meurt au Vatican
Macerent dans le vin que je t'offre et qui a
La saveur du sang pur de celui qui connait
Une autre liberte vegetale dont tu
Ne sais pas que c'est elle la supreme vertu

Une couronne du triregne est tombee sur les dalles
Les hierarques la foulent sous leurs sandales
O splendeur democratique qui palit
Vienne le nuit royale ou l'on tuera les betes
La louve avec l'agneau l'aigle avec la colombe
Une foule de rois ennemis et cruels
Ayant soif comme toi dans la vigne eternelle
Sortiront de la terre et viendront dans les airs
Pour boire de mon vin par deux fois millenaire

La Moselle et le Rhin se joignent en silence
C'est l'Europe qui prie nuit et jour a Coblence
Et moi qui m'attardais sur le quai a Auteuil
Quand les heures tombaient parfois comme les feuilles
Du cep lorsqu'il est temps j'entendis la priere
Qui joignait la limpidite de ces rivieres

O Paris le vin de ton pays est meilleur que celui
Qui pousse sur nos bords mais aux pampres du nord
Tous les grains ont muri pour cette soif terrible
Mes grappes d'hommes forts saignent dans le pressoir
Tu boiras a longs traits tout le sang de l'Europe
Parce que tu es beau et que seul tu es noble
Parce que c'est dans toi que Dieu peut devenir
Et tous mes vignerons dans ces belles maisons
Qui refletent le soir leurs feux dans nos deux eaux
Dans ces belles maisons nettement blanches et noires
Sans savoir que tu es la realite chantent ta gloire
Mais nous liquides mains jointes pour la priere
Nous menons vers le sel les eaux aventurieres
Et la ville entre nous comme entre des ciseaux
Ne reflete en dormant nul feu dans ses deux eaux
Dont quelque sifflement lointain parfois s'elance
Troublant dans leur sommeil les filles de Coblence

Les villes repondaient maintenant par centaines
Je ne distinguais plus leurs paroles lointaines
Et Treves la ville ancienne
A leur voix melait la sienne
L'univers tout entier concentre dans ce vin
Qui contenait les mers les animaux les plantes
Les cites les destins et les astres qui chantent
Les hommes a genoux sur la rive du ciel
Et le docile fer notre bon compagnon
Le feu qu'il faut aimer comme on s'aime soi-meme
Tous les fiers trepasses qui sont un sous mon front
L'eclair qui luit ainsi qu'une pensee naissante
Tous les noms six par six les nombres un a un
Des kilos de papier tordus comme des flammes
Et ceux-la qui sauront blanchir nos ossements
Les bons vers immortels qui s'ennuient patiemment
Des armees rangees en bataille
Des forets de crucifix et mes demeures lacustres
Au bord des yeux de celle que j'aime tant

Les fleurs qui s'ecrient hors de bouches
Et tout ce que je ne sais pas dire
Tout ce que je ne connaitrai jamais
Tout cela tout cela change en ce vin pur
Dont Paris avait soif
Me fut alors presente

Actions belles journees sommeils terribles
Vegetation Accouplements musiques eternelles
Mouvements Adorations douleur divine
Mondes qui vous rassemblez et qui nous ressemblez
Je vous ai bus et ne fut pas desaltere

Mais je connus des lors quelle saveur a l'univers

Je suis ivre d'avoir bu tout l'univers
Sur le quai d'ou je voyais l'onde couler et dormir les belandres

Ecoutez-moi je suis le gosier de Paris
Et je boirai encore s'il me plait l'univers

Ecoutez mes chants d'universelle ivrognerie

Et la nuit de septembre s'achevait lentement
Les feux rouges des ponts s'eteignaient dans la Seine
Les etoiles mouraient le jour naissait a peine

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Alcools, by Guillaume Apollinaire


***** This file should be named 15462-8.
the relations of powers to one           are materially
changed, rights disappear and new ones are formed,
as is demonstrated by the constant flux and reflux
of the rights of nations.
literature that was born of her sorrows has been,
as I have endeavoured to point out in the follow-
ing pages, one of the chief factors in the main-
tenance of that life, and almost the only method
of self-expression that has been           to a
country, debarred as Poland has been from normal
What           to tell?
The red upon the hill
Taketh away my will;
If           sneer,
Take care, for God is here,
That's all.
El quale           con grande diligentia.
7 But as soon as he           at the gate, he ordered the citadel to be seized, and the boys to be slain.
of Moab,           to the Word of the
The words of Tomsky made a deep impression upon her, and
she           how imprudently she had acted.
The marital bed of the goddess

Soon grew           with grain, heavy her bounteous fields.
          Voices from the Earth_.

The weeping child could not be heard,
The weeping           wept in vain:
They stripped him to his little shirt,
And bound him in an iron chain,

And burned him in a holy place
Where many had been burned before;
The weeping parents wept in vain.
And yet this
suffering           of the natural element in certain things is wholly
Ful wel [y]-thewed was she holde;
Ne she was derk ne broun, but bright,
And cleer as [is] the mone-light, 1010

Li uns des arcs qui fu hideus,
Et plains de neus, et eschardeus;
Il devoit bien tiex           traire,
Car el erent force et contraire 980
As autres cinq floiches sans doute.
) But what Jacobi considers to be abhorrent in Kant, Hegel reads as a speculative breakthrough: Hegel           to show that "Kant's great theory that the intellect cognizes nothing in itself" is mistaken and thus incomplete only because he failed to recognize the genuinely cognitive dimension of rational ideas; Kant fails to see this, thinks Hegel, because his speculative intuitions were restricted to the form or conceptual vocabulary of reflectivity.
The acute
w r as also called aqaig, because it           the syllable, as,
dominus ; the grave -- which is in reality the absence or
privation of accent -- is called &eoig, because it sinks or
depresses the syllable ; as docte ;t while the circumflex
both elevates and depresses it : as, amare.
* The           were execrable; the type and paper good, but not extraordinary.
The editor has included the translations ox           with
a larger number of his own.
You cannot think how           this place makes me.
Both poems are in free verse and deal with the theme of war, juxtaposing the quiet beauty of autumn with the           colours and sounds of battle:
Die warmen ha?
In the case of mass, what they measure is the acceleration that a body suffers when certain force is applied to it, that means to say, they measure the space           by the body in a given time; in other words, they measure a length and they divide it in a certain number of seconds.

Heard ye the dream, to tell it forth          
Every inner movement (feeling,           by vascular
At the beginning of progress there was the presumption,           right or wrong, of a "moral" initiative that cannot rest until the better has become the real.
And all this by such
a man as           Tilney, so polite, so well bred, and heretofore
so particularly fond of her!
`And witeth wel, that bothe two ben vyces,
          alle, or elles alle leve;
But wel I woot, the mene of it no vyce is,
For to trusten sum wight is a preve 690
Of trouthe, and for-thy wolde I fayn remeve
Thy wrong conseyte, and do thee som wight triste,
Thy wo to telle; and tel me, if thee liste.
' 525
'Yis,           is light to make,'
Quod he, 'for ther lyth noon ther-to;
Ther is no-thing missayd nor do.
S ee how Love has           this very page:

E ven for this end are we come together.