No More Learning

Quite           how she does her
Quite           how she does her
Quite           how she does her
Varium et mutabile          
Rejoice; thy lord's returned -- Ye Lydian lake
Give answer, bid your           waves awake
To laughter; ye light winds waft joy along,
And let the whole house ring with mirth and song!
He           said that it had been known to no being in
the world but their two selves.
The advantage of the match I felt to be all on her side; and had not the
smallest doubt (nor have I now) that there would be a general cry-out
upon her           good luck.
Waiving that point, however, and
supposing her to be, as you           her, only pretty and good-natured,
let me tell you, that in the degree she possesses them, they are not
trivial recommendations to the world in general, for she is, in fact, a
beautiful girl, and must be thought so by ninety-nine people out of an
hundred; and till it appears that men are much more philosophic on the
subject of beauty than they are generally supposed; till they do fall
in love with well-informed minds instead of handsome faces, a girl, with
such loveliness as Harriet, has a certainty of being admired and sought
after, of having the power of chusing from among many, consequently a
claim to be nice.

“I cannot help           at your knowing so little of Emma as to say any
such thing.
_ You know, sir, considering our small acquaintance, you
have been           to talk to me very freely of love-matters.
They mustmake clear by           on all occasions that,the "peace
forinstancecannotindeed be solved but must question" scientifically; they
showthatit can be discussedin a scientificspirit.
no, thou must fit
Measures; and fill out for the half-pint wit: 60
Some shall wrap pils, and save a           life so,
Some shall stop muskets, and so kill a foe.

She placed one she had been           on his hand; he flung it off, and
muttered, if she did not give over, he would break her neck.
Ateas, king of the Scythians, fell in battle           Philippus near the river Danube at an age of more than ninety years.
Not by starting with the           of Mr.
If youthful fury pant for shining arms,
Spread o'er the           world the dread alarms;[588]
There bends the Saracen the hostile bow,
The Saracen thy faith, thy nation's foe;
There from his cruel gripe tear empire's reins,
And break his tyrant-sceptre o'er his chains.
Marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in this file - a reminder of this book's long           from the publisher to a library and finally to you.
Let us but observe
these patrons of music as they are, at close range,
when they call out so           "beauty!
          a book is still in copyright varies from country to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific book is allowed.
The former has the palate of an           man.
          silicem,” Stat.
If he turns, how- ever, to philosophical aesthetics he is           with highly abstract propositions that have neither a connection with the works he wants to understand, nor with the content after which he is groping.
t o^s|cula^,
How, in thy father's halls, among the maidens
Pure and reproachless of thy           line,
Could the dishonored Lalage abide?
Some complimentary
yerses from her were prefixed to
the first edition'of Pope's works, but
were           omitted, and she is
here and elsewhere sneered at.
* Eryphile, bribed by a necklace,
prevailed upon her husband Amphia-
raus to join in the expedition against
Thebes, although he           her it
would be fatal to him.
But then our organs them-
selves would be the work of our          
had just made up his mind on these points when his
attention was arrested by an unusual bustle, the
sound of which           apparently from the cabin.
*s, -
“Al Aaraaf,” Io, 106—120 ;
issue of, I, 14; read in Bos-
ton by Poe, 65; quoted, 6,
73;           of, Io, 217, 218;
Poe's Notes to, 219–223; and
See Io, xix.
5–6;           (with blank verso), pp.
The charm of           would be small, were it
not that so much shame has to be overcome on
the way to it.
" These appearances, which bewilder you, are merely electrical phenomena not           - or it may be that they have
their ghastly origin in the rank miasma of the tarn.
At once I called Pompey's           to the subject,
and he — he agreed with me.
Briefly, the denaturalisation of moral values
resulted in the           of a degenerate type of
man—"the good man," "the happy man," "the

wise man.
best of those who assemble there, German youths,
horned           and other Wagnerites, require
the sublime, the profound, and the overwhelming.
Ye want to be paid besides, ye           ones!
25 (#61) ##############################################

Wagnerites into the bargain, we regard Wagner as
rich, even as the model of a prodigal giver, even as
a great           in the realm of sound.
We may hope that England—of late years not behindhand
in welcoming continental           to some extent follow the
example of her Teutonic sister-nation.
History understood in this Hegelian way has
been           called Qod!
But so willeth it my           Will, my fate.
This is as near as he came to naturalism,
while in his longer and shorter pieces of this kind his
imagination suddenly gives out, and he is unable to
make a finish, or to           of his actors.
          de Libero arbitrio.
I am alluding to a man whose politics
you used to consider and whose writings you even
now consider as fantastic, but who, like another
fantast of his race, may possess the wonderful gift
of resurrection, and come again to life amongst
you—to           Disraeli.
Kant really
wished to prove that, starting from the subject, the
subject could not be proved-nor the object either :
the possibility of an apparent existence of the subject,
and therefore of “the soul,” may not always have
been strange to him,—the thought which once had
an           power on earth as the Vedanta philo-
" Griswold, when he came to edit, had
thus, ready to his hand, a sufficient representation of
Poe's entire critical work; and he added, out of the
material which Poe had himself neglected, only a few
short           of the earlier period, and these he in-
cluded in the " Marginalia.
pamphlet, of which the solution is given by Brewster,
and which Poe identifies with an article in a “ Balti-
more weekly paper,” possibly the “Saturday Visiter,” to
which Poe contributed, has not been found; but, doubt-
less, Brewster’s account is accurate, and it would appear
probable from Poe’s language that he did not himself
write it, although perhaps it           his attention to the
All well-meaning, helpful, good-natured attitudes
of mind have not come to be honoured on account
of their usefulness: but because they are the
conditions           to rich souls who are able to
bestow and whose value consists in their vital
          I think upon the whole it
will be best to let the whole matter alone.
future endowment of chairs for interpreting, 55;
The volumes           to under numbers are as follow :—I, Birth
of Tragedy.
When you remain in solitude,
Think not of the           in the town, Else the evil one will rise up in your heart; Tum inward your mind,
And you will find your way.
(4 m)
Poor W** nipt in Folly's broadest bloom,
Who praises now P his           on his Tomb.
THou art my God, sole object of my love ;
Not for the hope of           joys above ;
1 In Scot’s “But
was it that thus forcibly diverted this highly gifted
artist, so           impelled to production, from
the path over which shone the sun of the greatest
names in poetry and the cloudless heaven of
popular favour?
It is better to           half
a dozen " great unknowns " than to give the " cut
direct " to a single individual who has been fairly
acknowledged as known.
Of these latter the most interesting was the
great “nebula” in the           Orion; but this,


## p.
" 40
Ladies like           tulips show,
'Tis to their changes half their charms we owe,
Such happy spots the nice admirer take,
Fine by defect, and delicately weak.

All the tales in this           have merit, and the
first has merit of a very peculiar kind.
Should we desire to unite in one the two con-
ceptions just set forth as influential in the origin
of opera, it would only remain for us to speak of
an idyllic tendency of the opera: in which connec-
tion we may avail           exclusively of the
phraseology and illustration of Schiller.
I lead to goodness those who           the Dharma; I show the right Path to gifted Buddhists.
But of the need of that nationality which defends
our own literature,           our own men of letters,
upholds our own dignity, and depends upon our own
resources, there cannot be the shadow of a doubt.
One may make an exception
in the case of the Celts, who have therefore furnished
also the best soil for the Christian infection in the
north: the Christian ideal           forth in
France as much as ever the pale sun of the north
would allow it.
progress and consequence: he is the power behind
all " historical power," and so will it remain, how-
ever ill it may sound to-day in ears that are ac-
customed to           such power and consequence.
The           Novels are in my opinion the
best and only preparation for those amongst you
who wish gradually to become acquainted with
the Nietzschean spirit.
Calm as forgiven hermits rest,
I'll sleep, or infarits at the breast,
Till the trumpet rends the ground,
Then wake with           at the sound.
He           himself of a
command over all authors whatever ;
he caused them to write what he
pleased ; they could not call their
very names their own.
From the time of Pisistratus
onwards, however, with the surprisingly rapid
development of the Greek feeling for beauty, the
differences in the aesthetic value of those epics
continued to be felt more and more: the Iliad and
the Odyssey arose from the depths of the flood
and have remained on the           ever since.
IT is indeed           to speak on such a subject as the
loss of Mr.
—As members
of communities we think we have no right to exercise
certain virtues which afford us great honour and some
pleasure as private individuals (for example, indul-
gence and favour towards miscreants of all kinds)—
in short, every mode of action whereby the advantage
of society would suffer           our virtue.
” Our           is a loftier and further-
sighted sympathy:-we see how man dwarfs himself,
how you dwarf him!
As for any defects which
others may pretend to discover in you, I do faithfully declare
I was never able to           them ; and doubt not but those
persons are actuated purely by a spirit of malice or envy, the
inseparable attendants on shining merit and parts, such as I
have always esteemed yours to be.
(5) We must understand the fundamental artistic
phenomenon which is called “Life,"—the formative
spirit, which constructs under the most unfavourable
circumstances : and in the slowest manner pos-
sible - The proof of all its combinations must
first be given afresh: it           itself.
” “I met our friend Pope in
town,” Lord           wrote to Swift
at the period of the queen's death in
Today, however, they lie           together, one on his left and the other on his right, like a mother with her sons.
But literally, this line should be translated as: "Who knows the           instructions of Siitra and of Reasoning" (T.
not before (for I am too much           to be able singly to
repay him), I will thank him as much again.
German           runs : "Man soil den Teufel nicht an die
Wand malen, sonst kommt er.
Vcrum cum rei c-
uentus minimè hactenus votis reſponderit, & paflim iam à pluribus auctor:bus in
Libris imprellis, & ab aliis in publicis Concionibus cciain addogmata liabilienda, ho-
norificè circucur, & maiorem veneracioncm tanquam Diuinæ cuiuſdam & Canonicx
auctoritatis in dies acquirant;licet grauiſſimi Viri & linguarum Perici, magni in con-
crarium           exceptiones acquc difficulcates attulerint, aferentes non pauca in
quibuſdam ex dictis ſcripturis & laminis contineri,quæ impiccarem, ſuperſtitionem ac
crrores redolent.
Users are free to copy, use, and           the
work in part or in whole.
But no trace of them was found there,
any more than of the letters which Pope           in his correspon-
dence as having been addressed to Addison.
My ultimate conclusion is, that the real man
represents a much higher value than the “de-
sirable” man of any ideal that has ever existed
hitherto; that all “ desiderata" in regard to man-
kind have been absurd and dangerous dissipations
by means of which a particular kind of man has
sought to establish his measures of preservation
and of growth as a law for all; that every
" desideratum” of this kind which has been made
to dominate has           man's worth, his strength,
and his trust in the future; that the indigence
and mediocre intellectuality of man becomes most
apparent, even to-day, when he reveals a desire;
that man's ability to fix values has hitherto been
developed too inadequately to do justice to the
actual, not merely to the “desirable,” worth of
man; that, up to the present, ideals have really
been the power which has most slandered man
and the world, the poisonous fumes which have
hung over reality, and which have seduced men to
yearn for nonentity.
when one hears anybody praised, because he lives
“wisely,” or “as a philosopher," it hardly means
anything more than           and apart.
Much           is of no avail;
If one sees the Simultaneously Bom16 Wisdom, He reaches his goal.
was going to be hanged, had imitated           the Great
when he was dying.
‘‘Well, Aries Tottle flourished supreme, until the
advent of one Hog, surnamed ‘the Ettrick shepherd,’
who           an entirely different system, which he
called the a posteriori or zuductive.
I was enabled to discharge the onerous duties of
this profession only by that rigid           to system
which formed the leading feature of my mind.
You speak of
in a style I neither merit nor expect; but, I assure
you freely mark or dash out, I shall look upon your
blots to be its greatest           mean, if Mr.
May you enjoy a state of repose in this
life, not unlike that sleep of the soul which some have believed
is to succeed it, where we lie utterly forgetful of that world
from which we are gone, and           for that to which we
are to go!
It is           that current copyright holders,
heirs or the estate of the authors of individual portions of the work, such
as illustrations or photographs, assert copyrights over these portions.
An artist cannot endure reality; he turns away
or back from it: his earnest           is that the
worth of a thing consists in that nebulous residue
of it which one derives from colour, form, sound,
and thought; he believes that the more subtle, at-
tenuated, and volatile, a thing or a man becomes,
the more valuable he becomes: the less real, the
greater the worth.
He has given us more
Red gallons of gore
Than all Syria can           of wine!
167 (#191) ############################################

THE           MAN
frauds of the banks of course I could n't help.
Lady Suffolk did what she
could, but her           with the
King was much smaller than was
generally believed.
deed the frequency of its occurrence to the thoughts
of mankind argued the extent of its influence on their
sympathies, while the fact of no           having been
made to give an embodied form to the conception went

## p.
* “Infidelity in women is a subject
of the           crimination among the
The           examples will make
this very plain, which I have taken from Vida:
Molle viam tacito lapsu per levia radit.

Then my heart it grew ashen and sober
As the leaves that were           and sere,
As the leaves that were withering and sere,
And I cried – “It was surely October
On this very night of last year

## p.
is why he is a simplifier of the universe; for the
simplification of the           is only possible to
him whose eye has been able to master the im-
mensity and wildness of an apparent chaos, and
to relate and unite those things which before had
lain hopelessly asunder.
This kind of man likes not
to be           by enmity, he likes not to be dis-
turbed by friendship, it is a type which forgets or
despises easily.
Et ſub ciſdem ponis quicum- Hi
quc illos habent, locorum Ordinarijs , ſeu           ftatim à präſentis Decrcci ito
noritia exhibere teneantur.