FEi: E;ii:i*;i:il *:;a:*6;E:
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Source: |
Luhmann-Love-as-Passion |
Man errs and
from his birth.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Faust, a Tragedy by Goethe |
It has survived long enough for the
to expire and the book to enter the public domain.
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Source: |
Ovid - 1805 - Art of Live |
So, Sir, ye see 'twas nae daft vapour,
But I maturely thought it proper,
When a' my works I did review,
To dedicate them, Sir, to you:
(ye need na tak it ill)
I thought them something like yoursel'.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Robert Burns |
" The Hare then applied, as a
last hope, to the calf, who regretted that he was unable to help
her, as he did not like to take the responsibility upon himself,
as so many older persons than
had declined the task.
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Source: |
Aesop's Fables by Aesop |
At seventy, (an officer) did not wait till the court was over (before he retired); at eighty, he reported every month (to the ruler's messenger) that he was still alive; at ninety; he (had
food sent) regularly to him every day.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Confucius - Book of Rites |
Mind you be not
spend my money; do not be a miser.
Guess: |
reluctant |
Question: |
Watcha gonna buy? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Pushkin - Daughter of the Commandant |
third of March, and
the thir- the News of this Dcllruction re, ( rte 1 at.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Demosthenes - Orations - v2 |
On me thou lookest with no
As on a bee shut in a crystalline;
Since sorrow hath shut me safe in love's divine,
And to spread wing and fly in the outer air
Were most impossible failure, if I strove
To fail so.
Guess: |
especial |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Sonnets from the Portugese |
Moreover, all Aryati
points back to roots which are the equivalents of simple Sanskrit verbs, such as we find tabulated at the back of our Skeat.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Ezra-Pound-Instigations |
Poetry and prose; essays on mod
Guess: |
rhymed |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Elmbendor - Poetry and Poets |
was obHged to dilute his thesis.
Guess: |
Hegel |
Question: |
What dilution is required? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Sorel - Reflections on Violence |
entirely agree with all this ; it is precisely this character-
istic which so terrifies the
Socialists, the
financiers, and the ideologists, which gives such extra-
ordinary moral value to the notion of the general strike.
Guess: |
fucking |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Sorel - Reflections on Violence |
A halfpenny’s the usual drop [gift], and you
get even that
unless you give them a bit of backchat.
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Source: |
Orwell - Down and Out in Paris and London |
" However, with the twenty poems in place, Bly, for whom
was not enough, again urged Wright to check with colleagues "to see if we can pick up any inaccuracies in syntax.
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Source: |
Trakl - Bringing Blood to Trakl’s Ghost |
It was impossible that, instead of me, another
should have come into existence;--it is impossible that this
being, once here, should at any moment of its
other than what it is and will be.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Fichte - Nature of the Scholar |
important technique may be in
war, it never turns the scales unaided.
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Source: |
Treitschke - 1914 - His Doctrine of German Destiny |
It is a glossy
On which winged spirals clasp and bend each other:
And suddenly slide backwards towards the centre,
After a too-brief release.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Amy Lowell |
failed to carry the Cabinet with him; and,
when at last a proposal was definitely made that the English Government
should invite the Powers of Europe to intervene at the Vatican, it was
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Source: |
Strachey - Eminent Victorians |
dixo Dositea, a
nuestro proposito , si le
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Answer: |
Source: |
Lope de Vega - Works - Los Pastores de Belen |
And, in fact, the
sense of the symmetrical is an
which may be
depended on with an almost blindfold reliance.
Guess: |
shibboleth |
Question: |
How can asymmetry also be Beautiful? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Poe - v09 |
3giEEi tE;gEfEEE;:
gff ;seier ;a'?
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Luhmann-Love-as-Passion |
turned again its faces:
Guess: |
Crowd |
Question: |
Why do waves look |
Answer: |
Source: |
Stephen Crane - Black Riders |
You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project
License included
with this eBook or online at www.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
William Browne |
Click here to hear me recite the Arabic
at my saddle?
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Answer: |
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Translated Poetry |
May Prudence
her frae evil!
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Answer: |
Source: |
Robert Burns - Poems and Songs |
No sents, cor meu, quin plorar i quin
Guess: |
dolor |
Question: |
Who hurt you? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Sagarra |
Vinyes verdes vora el mar:
ara que el vent no remuga,
us feu més verdes, i encar
teniu la fulla poruga,
vinyes verdes vora el mar.
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Source: |
Sagarra |
I think you happy, my lord, in being
at least half the year almost as much your own master as I am
mine the whole year: and with all the disadvantageous incum-
tions for which were secretly in pro- 1723, and permanently in 1724,
gress in 1723; see
Correspon- which is perhaps the date of the letter.
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Source: |
Alexander Pope - v10 |
Saepe ferox cautum petiit Neptunus Ulyssemj
Eripuit patruo saepe
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Source: |
Latin - Bradley - Key to Exercises in Latin Prosody and Versification |
111is resistance is objective behavior apprehended from without: the patient shows defiance, refuses to speak, gives
accounts of his dreams, sometimes even removes himself completely from thc psychoanalytic treatment.
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false |
Question: |
Why does he resist? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Sartre - BeingAndNothingness - Chapter 2 - On Lying |
Whate'er might be his worthlessness or worth,
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Answer: |
Source: |
Bryon - Don Juan |
Rabjam's collected writings (Boudhanath: Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2005).
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Answer: |
Source: |
Longchen-Rabjam-The-Final-Instruction-on-the-Ultimate-Meaning |
might have been even more seductive, during those troubled times, if so many Americans had not been able to look out their windows and watch the men at Work on the WPA projects.
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Source: |
Propaganda - 1943 - New Collectivist Propaganda |
chung), who was
in a cave at Kha-rag hermitage in Tsang, a province of central Tibet.
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Source: |
Jig-Me-Lingpa-The-Dzogchen-Innermost-Essence-Preliminary-Practice |
Rather, nature should be
in all its catastrophic contingency and indeterminacy, and human agency assumed in the whole un- predictability of its consequences-- viewed from this perspective of the "other Hegel," the revolutionary act no longer involves as its agent the Luka?
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Source: |
Hegel - Zizek - With Hegel Beyond He |
Let me go
And set those robes in order which best pleased
Manasses' living eyes; and let me fill
My gown with jewels, such as kindle sight,
And have some stinging
in my hair.
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Source: |
Lascelles Abercrombie - Emblems of Love |
He took every opportunity to exercise
the power of dispensing with the laws, requiring Catholics to take the
to act of Parliament.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Dryden - Complete |
The book, then, taken as a whole, is the poem both of Personality and of
Democracy; and, it may be added, of
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Answer: |
Source: |
Whitman |
A happy Warmth he every where may boast;
Nor is he in too long
His Verses without Rule a method find,
And of themselves appear in order joyn'd:
All without trouble answers his intent;
Each Syllable is tending to th'Event.
Guess: |
lonely |
Question: |
What is the secret to the Genius? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Boileau - Art of Poetry |
" 01: mpts, bº,
tº ºld it'i.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Poe - v10 |
There is reliable
that he was of good
family, since his father was the friend and host of
Caesar; that he had wealth, for he owned a yacht
and two or three country estates, a villa at Sirmio
and another on the edge of the Sabine hills.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Catullus - Stewart - Selections |
There came a drooping maid with violets,
But the spirit
her arm.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Stephen Crane - Black Riders |
The blood was ebbing so fast, that the poor
youth was on the point of expiring; but Angelica
the plant
between stones, and gathered the juice into her delicate hands, and
restored his strength with infusing it into the wounds; so that, in a
little while, he was able to get on the horse belonging to the herdsman,
and be carried away to the man's cottage.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Stories from the Italian Poets |
A preliminary report of the
at Knidos, 1971.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Ancient-greek-cults-a-guide |
Ccsleste signum
Desiluisse in altus jugum Iliacus urbs.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Latin - Bradley - Exercises in Latin Prosody |
which to me hast been a port and shield
From life's rude daily tempests for long years,
Now the full
of my nightly tears
Which in the day I bear for shame conceal'd:
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Answer: |
Source: |
Petrarch - Poems |
Or may it,
perchance, be their mission to be nurses or
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Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v13 |
t h e same circumstances illustrate the truth of the po- sition, thajt it is one of the properties of banks to
the active capital of a country.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Alexander Hamilton - 1790 - Report on a National Bank |
The tripwire will not be crossed as long as it has not been placed in an in- tolerable location, and it will not be placed in an intolerable lo- cation as long as there is no uncertainty about each other's
sians could have
denied at the cost of general war.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Schelling - The Manipulation of Risk |
As in Das Jahr der Seele there is the
of a
companionship of 'ich' and 'du' and many of the poems are
addressed to the 'du'.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Stefan George - Studies |
But this is got by
Pearl to Hoggs;
That bawle for freedom in their senceless mood,
And still revolt when truth would set them free.
Guess: |
tossing |
Question: |
What pearls did you toss? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Milton |
He lived in the
century, during the time of the ninth and tenth Karmapas.
Guess: |
twelfth |
Question: |
Did he meet the Ninth Karmapa? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Kalu Rinpoche |
Guess: |
flowers |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Baudelaire - Poems and Prose Poems |
n now understand tbe
of tbe sig!
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Answer: |
Source: |
McHugh-Roland-1976-The-Sigla-of-Finnegans-Wake |
blue sky and ocean blue,
Thine eagles with one sweep beyond the view--
The sun in golden beauty ever pure,
The distance where rich warmth doth aye endure--
so mellifluously bland,
Mixed with sweet idioms from Italia's strand,
As Baya's streams to Samos' waters glide
And with them mingle in one placid tide.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Hugo - Poems |
whither are thy wits gone
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Source: |
Theocritus - Idylls |
The Latins,
however, lacked the
to take their own
ideas quite seriously ; they succeeded in dividing
their conscience, so that they were able to obey
a Church which they ridiculed.
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Source: |
Treitschke - 1915 - Germany, France, Russia, and Islam |
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Source: |
Outlines and Refernces for European History |
Similarly on the battlefield: tactics that frighten soldiers so that they run, duck their heads, or lay down their arms and
represent coercion based on the power to hurt; to the top command, which is frustrated but not coerced, such tactics are part of the contest in military discipline and strength.
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Source: |
Schelling - The Diplomacy of Violence |
Self-love but serves the virtuous mind to wake,
As the small pebble stirs the
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Answer: |
Source: |
Pope - Essay on Man |
Still the cannon's voice in anger
Rolled and
o'er the plain,
Till there lay in swarms around it
Mangled heaps of Hessian slain.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Matthews - Poems of American Patriotism |
I determined, therefore, if that should be
required, to die in
it off.
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Answer: |
Source: |
De Quincey - Confessions of an Opium Eater |
_Silenus_, the nurse and
of Bacchus--a demigod of the
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Answer: |
Source: |
Keats |
my hat back a bit to get the kind of balmy feeling of the air against
my forehead.
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Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Orwell - Coming Up for Air |
The thick
carries with it
Rain and a ravel of cloud.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Imagists |
This has
with Amazon Kindle, where Amazon funnels Kindles through their cloud servers.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Dostoesvky - The Brothers Karamazov |
And numbers, chief of inventions,
I found out for them, and the assemblages of letters,
And memory, Muse-mother, doer of all things;
And first I joined in pairs wild animals
to the yoke; and that they might be
Alternate workers with the bodies of men
In the severest toils, I harnessed the rein-loving horses
To the car, the ornament of over-wealthy luxury.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Thoreau - Excursions and Poems |
the 16,000,000 inhabitants of the Balkan Penin-
sula -- that is the calculation of Jakschitsch --
7,500,000 are to-day already
or nearly
independent, and the Porte possesses now in
Europe only about 8,500,000 direct subjects.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Treitschke - 1915 - Germany, France, Russia, and Islam |
what he
did not believe, was believed in by
the idiots among whom he spread his doctrine.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v16 |
Full Spring it was—and by rich flowering vines,
Dark olive-groves and noble forest-pines,
I rode at will; the moist glad air was sweet,
The white road rang beneath my horse’s feet,
And musing on Ravenna’s
I watched the day till, marked with wounds of flame,
The turquoise sky to burnished gold was turned.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Wilde - Poems |
that is, the specific volume to be
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Answer: |
Source: |
Peter-Sloterdijk-Air-Quakes |
[v]screen of the
grew alive with tiny waves, passing clouds,
and a tail of smoke on the skyline.
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Answer: |
Source: |
The Literary World - Seventh Reader |
It was an old convention that lovers were so
by their passion
that they could not sleep.
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consumed |
Question: |
doesn’t fucking summon hypnos |
Answer: |
Source: |
Alexander Pope |
^]tant fort bel homme, quand la princesse bistre
qu'il voulait lui accorder ses faveurs elle montra son allegresse de la faon dont nous venons de paiier.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Ezra-Pound-Lustra |
How from a deep
breast this
fetcheth pure breath!
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Answer: |
Source: |
Thus Spake Zarathustra- A Book for All and None by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche |
As on Taurus aloft some oak agitatedly waving 105
Tosses his arms, or a pine cone-mantled, oozily rinded,
When as his huge gnarled trunk in
eddies a
Riving wresteth amain ; down falleth he, upward hoven,
Fallethon earth ; far, near, all crackles brittle around him,
So to the ground Theseus his fallen foeman abasing, 1 10
Slew, that his horned front toss'd vainly, a sport to the
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Source: |
Catullus - Ellis - Poems and Fragments |
There is
about him which you discovered, and which I did not: and I
was fully convinced of his being in love with Harriet.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Emma |
There is
about him which you discovered, and which I did not: and I
was fully convinced of his being in love with Harriet.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Emma |
There is
about him which you discovered, and which I did not: and I
was fully convinced of his being in love with Harriet.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Emma |
how she does her
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Source: |
Austen - Emma |
how she does her
Guess: |
curious |
Question: |
What does her hair look like |
Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Emma |
how she does her
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Source: |
Austen - Emma |
Varium et mutabile
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Source: |
Ovid - 1901 - Ovid and His Influence |
Rejoice; thy lord's returned -- Ye Lydian lake
Give answer, bid your
waves awake
To laughter; ye light winds waft joy along,
And let the whole house ring with mirth and song!
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Source: |
Catullus - Stewart - Selections |
said that it had been known to no being in
the world but their two selves.
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Source: |
Austen - Emma |
The advantage of the match I felt to be all on her side; and had not the
smallest doubt (nor have I now) that there would be a general cry-out
upon her
good luck.
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Source: |
Austen - Emma |
Waiving that point, however, and
supposing her to be, as you
her, only pretty and good-natured,
let me tell you, that in the degree she possesses them, they are not
trivial recommendations to the world in general, for she is, in fact, a
beautiful girl, and must be thought so by ninety-nine people out of an
hundred; and till it appears that men are much more philosophic on the
subject of beauty than they are generally supposed; till they do fall
in love with well-informed minds instead of handsome faces, a girl, with
such loveliness as Harriet, has a certainty of being admired and sought
after, of having the power of chusing from among many, consequently a
claim to be nice.
Guess: |
describe |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Emma |
“I cannot help
at your knowing so little of Emma as to say any
such thing.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Emma |
_ You know, sir, considering our small acquaintance, you
have been
to talk to me very freely of love-matters.
Guess: |
dkin |
Question: |
what did they talk about? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Thomas Otway |
They mustmake clear by
on all occasions that,the "peace
forinstancecannotindeed be solved but must question" scientifically; they
showthatit can be discussedin a scientificspirit.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Nolte - Thoughts on the State and Prospects of the Academic Ethic in the Universities of the Federal Republic of Germany |
no, thou must fit
Measures; and fill out for the half-pint wit: 60
Some shall wrap pils, and save a
life so,
Some shall stop muskets, and so kill a foe.
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Answer: |
Source: |
John Donne |
She placed one she had been
on his hand; he flung it off, and
muttered, if she did not give over, he would break her neck.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë |
Ateas, king of the Scythians, fell in battle
Philippus near the river Danube at an age of more than ninety years.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Roman Translations |
Not by starting with the
of Mr.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Sartre-Jean-Paul-What-is-literature¿-Introducing-Les-Temps-modernes-The-nationalization-of-literature-Black-orpheus |
If youthful fury pant for shining arms,
Spread o'er the
world the dread alarms;[588]
There bends the Saracen the hostile bow,
The Saracen thy faith, thy nation's foe;
There from his cruel gripe tear empire's reins,
And break his tyrant-sceptre o'er his chains.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Camoes - Lusiades |
Marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in this file - a reminder of this book's long
from the publisher to a library and finally to you.
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Answer: |
Source: |
The_satires_of_Persius |
Let us but observe
these patrons of music as they are, at close range,
when they call out so
Guess: |
delicately |
Question: |
How are musician lovers up close |
Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v01 |
a book is still in copyright varies from country to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific book is allowed.
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Answer: |
Source: |
Liddell Scott -1876 - An Intermediate Greek English Lexicon |
The former has the palate of an
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Answer: |
Source: |
Thoreau - Excursions and Poems |