The swarms that hum about her collar-bones
As the lascivious streams caress the stones,
Conceal from every
jest that flies,
Her gloomy beauty; and her fathomless eyes
Are made of shade and void; with flowery sprays
Her skull is wreathed artistically, and sways,
Feeble and weak, on her frail vertebrae.
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Baudelaire - Poems and Prose Poems |
It seems
to clear away these crude charges against
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Stefan George - Studies |
I would not have
that such things could
happen on our farm.
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Orwell - Animal Farm |
But come he must, and will ; and when he comes, Do Inot all, so far as man may do,
To follow where the God shall point the way, Denounce me traitor to the State I saved
And to the people who
me King.
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Universal Anthology - v03 |
and refused all further
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William Smith - 1844 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities - c |
Finally, Good Sense is the Body of poetic genius, Fancy its Drapery,
Motion its Life, and Imagination the Soul that is everywhere, and in
each; and forms all into one graceful and
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Coleridge - Biographia Literaria |
Do not copy, display, perform, distribute or redistribute this
electronic work, or any part of this
work, without
prominently displaying the sentence set forth in paragraph 1.
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Bertrand - Saint Augustin |
The Whigs complained that there was no
in which
creatures of the fallen tyranny were not to be found.
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Macaulay |
+ Refrain from automated querying Do not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system: If you are conducting research on machine translation, optical character
or other areas where access to a large amount of text is helpful, please contact us.
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Aquinas - Medieval Europe |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-24 15:03 GMT / http://hdl.
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Childens - Folklore |
the blast of the trumpet.
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Stefan George - The Anti-Christ |
Ye who have wandered thro' each foreign land
Have marked the Seine and Tiber's silver course,
And raised the eye to Alpine summits grand,
Should ye not blush to seek for beauty's source
In other
than your own?
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Poland - 1881 - Poets and Poetry of Poland |
Though old Ulysses
from his slumbers
The glutted Cyclops, what care?
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Keats |
"Of course not, since we are
him," Simonov decided.
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Dostoevsky - Notes from Underground |
Howbeit Persey (as it hapt) so warely did it shunne,
As that it in his
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Ovid - Book 5 |
Miles Standish was one of the early
of Plymouth colony.
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The Literary World - Seventh Reader |
So the
come and go.
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Poland - 1915 - Poland, a Study in National Idealism - Monica Gardner |
Tomorrow evening there is to be a fancy-dress ball at the Stenborgs',
who live above us; and Torvald wants me to go as a Neapolitan
fisher-girl, and dance the
that I learnt at Capri.
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A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen |
That is
as the parliament or the king is.
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Rehearsal - v1 - 1750 |
Who would not have wept his woe over the dire tale of
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Bion |
The manufacturer in large towns could evade the law, the manufacturer in country districts could not find the people necessary for the relay system, still less for the
of hands from one factory to another,?
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Marx - Capital-Volume-I |
if the husbandman
his right to the land as
soon as he ceased to occupy it, would he become more covetous?
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Proudhon - What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government |
How comes it then that
here I find him with my
in his arms?
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Catullus - Lamb - A Comedy in Verse |
Thereby may the self-face of self- awareness, Kun-tu Zang-po, become apparent to them, so that they become the cause of ceaseless benefits for
beings endless as the ocean.
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Jig-Me-Lingpa-The-Dzogchen-Innermost-Essence-Preliminary-Practice |
Tooutdo the simple code bearing Caesar'sname, Alberti
two concentric rings, each inscribed with differently scrambled alphabets, so that a turn of the outer ring changed the correspondence between the two alphabets.
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Kittler-2001-Perspective-and-the-Book |
" Gutmann translates the term variously by "prescient" or "anticipating," both of which are ade- quate but slightly inaccurate, since they seem to indicate advance ac- cess to knowledge, which should not yet be available to the
in this case (and that is why "to foresee" is also a problem).
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Schelling-Philosophical-Investigations-into-the-Essence-of-Human-Freedom |
txt[3/29/23, 1:19:16 AM]
Uniformity, 309, 314
Universal polemics, 373-75 Universities, 117, 120
Untimely Observations, ix Urfragen, 460
Urinating, 103-7, 104
van der Vring, Georg, 414, 416
van Eestern, C, 435
Vanity, 16
Verratene Revolution 1918/1919, Die, 429
Verschwbrer, 424-29 passim
the Christ Child, The, 279 Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de, xiv
Wahrhaftigkeit, 461
Walpurgis Night on Henkel's Field, 505 Walser, Martin, 320-21
War: and moral consciousness, 301; and muti-
lation, 443-46, 444; and pre-Fascist litera- ture, 121; and psychic mechanisms, 120, 121; senselessness of, 415-16; and sur- vival, 128-29, 323, 419, 420, 434, 443; ultimate, 130
War volunteers, 121
Watt, James, 11
Weaponry, 128, 130, 349-55, 353, 435 Weber, Max, 425
Weill, Kurt, 306
Weimar Republic, xxii-xxiii, 10, 124,
384-86, 387-90, 414-15, 422, 424-25; and Anyone, 199; and catastrophile com- plex, 122; and cynicism, xxiii, 7-8, 10; and disillusionment, 8, 410, 416; double decisions of, 521-28; elements of, 425, 435; as historical mirror, 89; and Hitler's rise, 521; as miscarried enlightenment, 10; and Nietzsche's philosophy, 10; social character of, 500-501
Wilde, Oscar, xxxii, 307
Wilhelminianism, 411-12, 425 Wintermdrchen, 33
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 398
World War I, 121, 121, 122, 128, 202, 386,
392, 410, 419, 434, 461 World War II, 123, 128, 202 Wulffen, Erich, 485-86 Wunde Heine, Die, xxxvi
Yesbody, xix, 73
You Will Not Find Him, 166
Zauberberg, Der, 529 Zeitgeist, 139
Zen masters, 130, 157 Zichy, Michael von, 344 Zille, Heinrich, 156, 219 Zola, Emile, xiv
Zur geistigen Situation der Zeit (Man in the modern age), 417
Peter Sloterdijk holds a doctorate in German literature from the University of Hamburg with a concentration in the autobiographical literature of the Weimar Republic.
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Sloterdijk -Critique of Cynical Reason |
4 Any four points A, B, C, D on a
line can be so ordered that B lies between A and C and between A and D, and so that C lies between A and D and between B and D.
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Gottlob-Frege-Posthumous-Writings |
Plantarum quae in Insula Jamaica sponte
proveniunt, etc.
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Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v14 |
Who states our
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Life-of-Galileo-by-Brecht |
His fairy-
poems closely resemble those queen Mab dreams
of an idle brain,
Begot of nothing but vain fantasy-
with which Mercutio attempts to cure the amorous fancies of
Romeo, and his Mad Maid's Song might very well have fallen
from the lips of Ophelia.
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Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v07 |
Even when she was in her mid-thirties, Mrs Q was still intent on
her mother's reputation.
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Bowlby - Separation |
It had
the landlord.
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Alvin Johnson - 1949 - Politics and Propaganda |
_citeono_ Oh2
GO et R m.
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Latin - Catullus |
It is
this kind of individual and his pursuit of material incentives that is posited as the basis for economic life as such in economic textbooks.
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Fukuyama - End of History |
On the one hand, he invokes the vision of the individual considered 'mad' by the surrounding culture, on the other, he supplies alternative agents as a guarantee that the uncanny experience to which the reader submits is genuine: language, or being itself are
again and again by Heidegger's prose style.
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But here comes my young
master and his cousin, as I am a true
man of
war, and no soldier.
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World's Greatest Books - Volume 17 - Poetry and Drama |
Then, glancing narrow at the wall,
And narrow at the floor,
For firm conviction of a mouse
Peruse how infinite I am
To -- no one that you know!
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Dickinson - Three - Complete |
Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth,
My sinful earth these rebel powers array,
Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth,
thy outward walls so costly gay?
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Shakespeare - Sonnets |
euer _after_ that, _which_ Sh.
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Chaucer - Romuant of the Rose |
And among them our
challenge the first place, nor is there any
sort of people that please themselves like them: for while they daily
roll Sisyphus his stone, and quote you a thousand cases, as it were, in a
breath no matter how little to the purpose, and heap glosses upon
glosses, and opinions on the neck of opinions, they bring it at last to
this pass, that that study of all other seems the most difficult.
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Erasmus - In Praise of Folly |
When a portion of genetic tape is read in a cell, the first thing that happens to the information is that it is translated from one code to another: from the DNA code to a related code that
the exact shape of a protein molecule.
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Richard-Dawkins-The-Devil-s-Chaplain |
The new
was also meant to speak for a new Moses.
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Sloterdijk - God's Zeal |
what hap-
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Jamgon-Kongtrul-Cloudless-Sky |
How the
did beg
To see the dear little blue egg;
There were one, two, three, four
Hid away in birdie's little store.
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Childrens - Children's Rhymes and Verses |
The town and
proper are on Sheet 18.
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v3 |
Finally, see to how shocking a tiling he
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Augustine - Exposition on the Psalms - v1 |
In the natural sciences even probabilistic laws contain a strong
of necessity.
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Waltz - Theory of International Relations |
Each one carried upon his back an enormous
as heavy as a sack of
flour or coal, or as the equipment of a Roman foot-soldier.
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Baudelaire - Poems and Prose Poems |
That does not hinder Germanists from
him in the name of a linguistics that grew out of the same premises.
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KittlerNietzche-Incipit-Tragoedia |
Then Nero gave it back to the senate to compensate for
of the independence of Achaia.
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Tacitus |
Withers, Carl, and Sula Benet
1954 The
Riddle Book.
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Childens - Folklore |
With the fifth century began the building of gates, bridges, and aqueducts based mainly on the arch, which thence forth inseparably
with the Roman name.
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The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.2. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
He wrote to the
old master as follows: "Here in
my object
was simply to teach youth, on the whole ignorant but
naive; over there my task will be to uphold the positive
powers of the historical world against the petulance of
Radical criticism.
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Treitschke - 1914 - Life and Works |
So the girls still sing in Greece, for though the Temples have fallen,
and the
shepherds sleep beneath the broken columns of the god’s
house in Selinus, yet these ancient fires burn still to the old
divinities in the shrines of the hearths of the peasants.
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Letters to Dead Authors - Andrew Lang |
Pschorr used stereo- scopic double lenses everywhere and, eventually, indeed
three- dimensional constructs that were detached from the surface of the projec- tion screen.
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Kittler-Gramophone-Film-Typewriter |
Et on
ne put
que ceci: «Mais comment avez-vous pu savoir?
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Proust - A La Recherche du Temps Perdu - Le Côté de Guermantes - Deuxième partie - v1 |
However, we do not want to impute
evil motives to any party or any of those in charge.
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Peter-Sloterdijk-Critique-of-Cynical-Reason |
In the rainy gloom of July nights on the
chariot of
clouds he comes, comes, ever comes.
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Tagore - Gitanjali |
"Rapin attributes more to the _dictio_, that is, to the words and
discourse of a tragedy, than
has done, who places them in the
last rank of beauties; perhaps, only last in order, because they are the
last product of the design, of the disposition or connexion of its
parts; of the characters, of the manners of those characters, and of the
thoughts proceeding from those manners.
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Samuel Johnson - Lives of the Poets - 1 |
One of the merits of a
proof is that it instils a certain doubt as to the result proved; and
when what is obvious can be proved in some cases, but not in others,
it becomes
to suppose that in these other cases it is false.
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Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays by Bertrand Russell |
one brother and
two sisters, who in all
are still living.
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Weininger - 1946 - Mind and Death of a Genius |
hại tai
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Phong-hoá-tân-biên-phụ-Huấn-nữ-ca.ocr |
of five books, of which the first
nisphaerium of Jordanus.
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William Smith - 1844 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities - c |
2 Lollianus was, indeed, a very brave man, but in the face of rebellion his strength was
to give him authority over the Gauls.
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Historia Augusta |
No, there were no more goals, there was nothing left but the
deep, painful yearning to shake off this whole
dream, to spit
out this stale wine, to put an end to this miserable and shameful life.
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Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse |
Est-ce que
elle a le courage de louer ces
figurants toutes les semaines.
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Proust - A La Recherche du Temps Perdu - Du Côté de Chez Swann - v1 |
And the Lujbert-
sky factory,
3,600 men and geared for
small reapers and mowers, turned out 100,000 of
each last year.
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Soviet Union - 1931 - Fighting the Red Trade Menace |
But if I understand correctly his account of a certain debate between Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault on this very issue, Harpham recommends we restrict the range of viable notions, images, and arguments to those which carry the warm and
connotations of the western Enlightenment tradition.
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Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht - Reactions to Geoffrey Galt Harpham's Diagnosis of the Humanities Today |
However god blew a wind at them and
the tower.
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Eusebius - Chronicles |
_Esta obra es propiedad de su Autor, el que perseguirá ante la ley á
quien la
en todo ó en parte sin su consentimiento.
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Source: |
Jose Zorrilla |
—to be sure, that is not sympathy
as you understand it: it is not sympathy for social
"distress," for "society” with its sick and mis-
fortuned, for the
vicious and defective
who lie on the ground around us; still less is it
sympathy for the grumbling, vexed, revolutionary
slave-classes who strive after power--they call it
“ freedom.
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Nietzsche - v12 - Beyond Good and Evil |
But the
are on your side: and because you tyrannise over us, we shall,fight you.
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Nietzsche - Works - v14 - Will to Power - a |
" In The
Cultural Experience:
in a Complex Society, edited by J.
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Childens - Folklore |
'53 It is said, he was at the head of a third part of the
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O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v4 |
" I had some work to do which pressed, so I told him
that if he would go alone I would be glad, as then I should not have to
keep him waiting; so I called an
and gave him the necessary
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Dracula by Bram Stoker |
Marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in this file - a reminder of this book's long journey from the
to a library and finally to you.
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Liddell Scott -1876 - An Intermediate Greek English Lexicon |
And so, until
I con that thing, -- "forgiven," --
Till with long fright and longer trust
I drop my heart, unshriven!
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Dickinson - Two - Complete |
Again, in masques,
acted by
at court or in the houses of noblemen, music
played a large part, and Jonson, Daniel and other authors of
masques were careful to provide songs.
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Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v04 |
This sort of fish never has either roe or milt; but they are hard and fat all over, and are furnished with a small gut; and these fish are
as of super-excellent quality.
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Aristotle copy |
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Petrarch - Poems |
Era sei giorni egli venuto prima;
ch'un demonio il portò per via non trita:
e venne a lei
quanta avesse mai Paulo o Ilarione.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso |
Dance and make people blush, Dance the dance of the phallus
and tell
of Cybele !
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Ezra-Pound-Lustra |
Rest your old bones, ye
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Lewis Carroll |
he began to revile and
attack his enemy.
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Aesop's Fables by Aesop |
The piece is so full of puns as to
accurate translation.
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Pattern Poems |
On the first advance of the
Swedish cavalry a panic seized them, and they were driven without
difficulty from their cantonments in Wurtzburg; the defeat of a few
regiments occasioned a general rout, and the
remnant sought a
covert from the Swedish valour in the towns beyond the Rhine.
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Schiller - Thirty Years War |
Quel che la tigre de l'armento imbelle
ne' campi ircani o là vicino al Gange,
o 'l lupo de le capre e de l'agnelle
nel monte che Tifeo sotto si frange;
quivi il crudel pagan facea di quelle
non dirò squadre, non dirò falange,
ma vulgo e
voglio dire,
degno, prima che nasca, di morire.
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Ariosto - Orlando Furioso |
To be honest, this matter
me too much, and I can't bring
myself to give up the chance of taking some part in it.
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The Trial by Franz Kafka |
WIth no hawks left there on theIr perches, And no clothes there m the presses,
And left hIs trunk wIth Raquel and Vidas, That bIg box of sand, wIth the pawn-brokers, To get pay for hIs menIe,
Breakmg hIs way to ValencIa
Ignez da Castro murdered, and a wall
Here strIpped, here made to stand
Drear waste, the pIgment flakes from the stone, Or plaster flakes,
pamted the wall Sxlk tatters, "Nee Spe Nee Metu 'J
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Cantos-of-Ezra-Pound |
She had a true taste of wit and good sense, both in poetry and prose, and was a perfect good critic of style; neither was it easy to find a more proper or impartial judge, whose advice an author might better rely on, if he intended to send a thing into the world,
it was on a subject that came within the compass of her knowledge.
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Swift - On the Death of Esther Johnson, Stella |
Scorpio, the
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Childrens - The Creation |
Wise Death, in token of his happy whim,
Wraps old and young in one
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Baudelaire - Poems and Prose Poems |
Ce que je ne
pas, me dit M.
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Proust - A La Recherche du Temps Perdu - v6 |
There you have a star with another
around it.
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Life-of-Galileo-by-Brecht |
He was at first devoted
to natural science; State
of Illi-
nois 1875-82, and has written much in that
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v29 - BIographical Dictionary |
France is, besides, a
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Treitschke - 1915 - Germany, France, Russia, and Islam |
" [At the moment of
sensation, the anuiaya of desire (rdga) is in the process of arising, utpadyate; it has not yet arisen, utpanna.
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Abhidharmakosabhasyam-Vol-3-Vasubandhu-Poussin-Pruden-1991-PDF-Search-Engine |
tS empty IS
from the extreme of eternalism a?
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Dudjom Rinpoche - Fundamentals and History of the Nyingmapa |
In other words, there are curtains of considerable
on both sides.
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Soviet Union - 1952 - Soviet Civilization |