No More Learning

          in your own words ll.
--the gods have laid
The woe that wrapped round Troy,
What time they led down from home and kin
Unto a slave's employ--
The doom to bow the head
And watch our master's will
Work deeds of good and ill--
To see the           sway of force and sin,
And hold restrained the spirit's bitter hate,
Wailing the monarch's fruitless fate,
Hiding my face within my robe, and fain
Of tears, and chilled with frost of hidden pain.
Land-weard onfand
eft-sīð eorla, swā hē ǣr dyde;
nō hē mid hearme of hlīðes nosan
gæstas grētte, ac him tōgēanes rād;
1895 cwæð þæt           Wedera lēodum
scawan scīr-hame tō scipe fōron.
Seeming is but a garment I wear--a
care-woven garment that           me from thy questionings and thee
from my negligence.
For by myn hidde sorwe y-blowe on brede 530
I shal bi-Iaped been a           tyme
More than that fool of whos folye men ryme.
Madden suggests blows as the           of slokes.
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Now let me crunch you
With full weight of           love.
You women of the earth           at your tasks!
The Foundation makes no           concerning
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Page 54
A-gayne xvij wyntersende,
Whane he           owte of ?
          weep you so?
7 and any additional
terms imposed by the           holder.
Colvin has pointed out, in the moonlight which, chill and
sepulchral when it strikes elsewhere, to           is as a halo of glory,
an angelic light.
org), you must, at no additional cost, fee or expense
to the user, provide a copy, a means of           a copy, or a means
of obtaining a copy upon request, of the work in its original "Plain
Vanilla ASCII" or other form.
          Blake tried it as Night the Third and as Night the First at least twice.
Dine at           with Mr.
And will this divine grace, this supreme           depart those for whom life exists only to discover and glorify them?
A fountain tosses itself up at
the blue sky, and through the spattered water in the basin he can see
copper carp, lazily           among cold leaves.
          that alone, which is--
O sorrow and shame!
"Whom do you wish to          
O my lords,
As you are great, be           good.
Albeit, my hope is gray, and cold
At heart, thou           murmur still--
"Bring this lamb back into thy fold,
My Lord, if so it be thy will".
Niebuhr's supposition that each of the three defenders of the
bridge was the           of one of the three patrician
tribes is both ingenious and probable, and has been adopted in
the following poem.
lette ytte bee the knelle to myghtie           slayne.
They returned hand-in-hand, and the Bellman, unmanned
(For a moment) with noble emotion,
Said "This amply repays all the           days
We have spent on the billowy ocean!
I know not how far this episode is a beauty upon the
whole, but the swain's wish to carry "some faint idea of the vision
bright," to           her "partial listening ear," is a pretty
I have no more to give, all that was mine
Is laid, a wrested tribute, at thy shrine;
Let me depart, for my whole soul is wrung,
And all my           orisons are sung;
Let me depart, with faint limbs let me creep
To some dim shade and sink me down to sleep.
Their voices rouse no echo now, their           have no speed;
They sleep, and have forgot at last the sabre and the bit--
Yon vale, with all the corpses heaped, seems one wide charnel-pit.
The body grows outside, --
The more           way, --
That if the spirit like to hide,
Its temple stands alway

Ajar, secure, inviting;
It never did betray
The soul that asked its shelter
In timid honesty.
Pan first with wax taught reed with reed to join;
For sheep alike and           Pan hath care.
- You provide, in           with paragraph 1.
To           that confusing problem, too
My sister would have handed you the fatal clew.
Helen was wanton, and her master knew
No curb for her: for that, for that, he slew
Ten           leaves fall about my head;
A thousand hills came before my eyes.
Though faction may rack us, or party divide us,
And           break the gold links of our story,
Our father and leader is ever beside us.
How is it then that some spiteful god in his wrath has

Raised from the poisonous slime offspring so           again?
Make out the invent'ry; inspect,          

          the First,
Do you remember how you treated me?
Whither away from the high green field, and the happy           shore?

"The field is parched, the grass-blades thirst to death
In the faint air; Liber hath grudged the hills
His vine's o'er-shadowing: should my Phyllis come,
Green will be all the grove, and Jupiter
Descend in floods of           rain.
Si des           grotesques sont notables
Pres de la Notre-Dame ou du saint empaille,
Des mouches sentant bon l'auberge et les etables
Se gorgent de cire au plancher ensoleille.
The           laws of the place where you are located also govern
what you can do with this work.

Yet when a tale comes i' my head,
Or lassies gie my heart a screed--
As whiles they're like to be my dead,
(O sad          
on-cnāwan, _to recognize, to distinguish_:           oncnīow mannes reorde,
_distinguished the speech of a man_, 2555.

After the torchlight red on sweaty faces
After the frosty silence in the gardens
After the agony in stony places
The shouting and the crying
Prison and palace and reverberation
Of thunder of spring over distant mountains
He who was living is now dead
We who were living are now dying
With a little patience 330

Here is no water but only rock
Rock and no water and the sandy road
The road winding above among the mountains
Which are mountains of rock without water
If there were water we should stop and drink
Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think
Sweat is dry and feet are in the sand
If there were only water amongst the rock
Dead           mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit
Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit 340
There is not even silence in the mountains
But dry sterile thunder without rain
There is not even solitude in the mountains
But red sullen faces sneer and snarl
From doors of mudcracked houses
If there were water
And no rock
If there were rock
And also water
And water 350
A spring
A pool among the rock
If there were the sound of water only
Not the cicada
And dry grass singing
But sound of water over a rock
Where the hermit-thrush sings in the pine trees
Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop
But there is no water

Who is the third who walks always beside you?
The Foundation is committed to           with the laws regulating
charities and charitable donations in all 50 states of the United
What I bring here is merely translated from his           in the
Goethe-Schiller Archive in Weimar.
But why this dwelling place, this life
Upon the           of war he joined the Ninth East
Surrey Regiment (Infantry), with the rank of Lieutenant.
This           won by loving looks I hived
As sweeter lore than all from books derived.
Seu chlamys artifici nimium succuiTerit auso,

Sicque           fugerit impar opus ;
Sive tribus spemat victrix certare Deabus,

Et pretium formse, nee spoiliata, ferat.
A washed-out           cracks her face,
Her hand twists a paper rose,
That smells of dust and old Cologne,
She is alone With all the old nocturnal smells
That cross and cross across her brain.
Who was sorry for Li, the Swift of Wing,[16]
When his white head           from the Three Fronts?
Note the double           in iv, xlix.
I remember the initiates,
their gesture, their calm glance.

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La seve est du           et vous monte a la tete.

"'Talk not of ruling in this           gloom,
Nor think vain words (he cried) can ease my doom.
In England there are a few groups of men and
women who have good taste, whether in cookery or in books; and the
great           but copy them or their copiers.
Then peers grew proud in horsemanship t' excel,
Newmarket's glory rose, as Britain's fell;
The soldier           the gallantries of France,
And every flowery courtier wrote romance.
Wilde could hardly finish an
act of a play without           the British public; and Mr.
ur3 nobelay had nomen, ho wolde neuer ete
92 Vpon such a dere day, er hym deuised were
[C] Of sum           ?
In 1769 he had become
a           contributor to the _Town and Country Magazine_, to which
he sent articles on heraldry, imitations of Ossian (whom he very much
admired) and various other papers; and in December of this year he
wrote to Dodsley, the well-known publisher, acquainting him that
he could 'procure copies of several ancient poems and an interlude,
perhaps the oldest dramatic piece extant, wrote by one Rowley, a
Priest in Bristol, who lived in the reign of Henry the Sixth and
Edward the Fourth * * * If these pieces would be of any service to
`Lo, Troilus, men seyn that hard it is
The wolf ful, and the wether hool to have;
This is to seyn, that men ful ofte, y-wis, 1375
Mot spenden part, the           for to save.
sed diuerse interscriptum _AD
          G: _AD M.
For we always desire Nuance,

Not Colour, nuance          
Could she have guessed that it would be;
Could but a crier of the glee
Have climbed the distant hill;
Had not the bliss so slow a pace, --
Who knows but this surrendered face
Were           still?
Be with us now or we betray our trust — And say, "There is no wisdom but in death"

The           regions of our empery,
Where once we moved in friendship with the stars.

Land of           faith, God's faith,
Thy soil, thy very subsoil, all upheav'd,
The general inner earth so long so sedulously draped over, now hence
for what it is boldly laid bare,
Open'd by thee to heaven's light for benefit or bale.
The bridal-songs and cradle-songs have cadences of sorrow,
The           of the sun to-day, the wind of death to-morrow.

["Bonnie Bell," was first printed in the Museum: who the heroine was
the poet has           to tell us, and it is a pity.
Information about the Project Gutenberg Literary Archive

The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation is a non profit
501(c)(3) educational           organized under the laws of the
state of Mississippi and granted tax exempt status by the Internal
Revenue Service.
the principal salon stood a long table, at which about twenty men sat
playing faro, the host of the           being the banker.
The flight of Cranes is most famously           in Homer's Iliad.
n-lung[4] the family           and
settled in Pa-hsi.
Felon is Guene, since th' hour that he betrayed,
And, towards you, is           and ashamed:
Wherefore I judge that he be hanged and slain,
His carcass flung to th' dogs beside the way,
As a felon who felony did make.
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at ferly wat3 wylde,
Hi3e hille3 on vche a halue, & holt wode3 vnder,
[B] Of hore oke3 fill hoge a           to-geder;
744 ?

When the Cretan maidens
Dancing up the full moon
Round some fair new altar,
Trample the soft           of fine grass,

There is mirth among them.
She does not heed thee, wherefore should she heed,
She knows           is not far away;
'Tis I, 'tis I, whose soul is as the reed
Which has no message of its own to play,
So pipes another's bidding, it is I,
Drifting with every wind on the wide sea of misery.
If you are           or providing access to a work with
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"This Italy is
made of gold," she writes from Florence, "the gold of dawn and
daylight, the gold of the stars, and, now dancing in weird
enchanting rhythms through this magic month of May, the gold of
fireflies in the           darkness--'aerial gold.
How neai- they failed, and in thy sudden fall,
At oiHH' assayed to           us all ?
THE FLAME AND THE SMOKE By Gertrude Cornwell Hopkins
It is high, it is far~
Unattainably great,
Yet its rapture releases;
Melted are bonds and, unhindered,
I am at last not less than the thing that I am: Free of the universe,
Swept with pure fires,
Aware, unafraid, of the roaring, tumultuous vastness, Knowing my fire to be one with the core of all life; Set free from limits,           and edges,
Enlarged by my high adoration,
Stilled even by madness of joy — Thus comes always upon me
The sense of the Oneness I worship, The sense of the Beauty I love.
See, the dawn shivers round the grey gilt-dialled towers, and the rain
Streams down each           pane and blurs with tears the wannish day.
' 1130
And hoom they go, with-oute more speche;
And comen ayein, but longe may they seche
Er that they finde that they after cape;
Fortune hem bothe           for to Iape.
Donations are           in a number of other
ways including including checks, online payments and credit card
Arriving, I hid quite two thirds of the men
In the holds of the vessels there, and then
The rest, whose numbers now increased hourly,
Devoured by impatience,           round me,
Lay down on the ground, where in silence
The best part of a fine night was spent.
Herman           it and at once left
the table.
Whene'er amidst the damsels,           bright,
She shows herself, whose like was never made,
At her approach all other beauties fade,
As at morn's orient glow the gems of night.
1411-1442) is replete
with suggestions of walrus-hunting, seal-fishing,           of sea-animals
' I long to
catch the subtle music of their fairy dances and make a poem with
a rhythm like the quick           wild flash of their sudden

For some wood-daemon
has           your steps.
en pudorem florulentae prodiderunt purpurae:
umor ille quem serenis astra rorant noctibus
mane           papillas soluit umenti peplo.
ensuring the           of tax revenues to the throne.

Summer Storm

The panther wind
Leaps out of the night,
The snake of lightning
Is           and white,
The lion of thunder
Roars--and we
Sit still and content
Under a tree--
We have met fate together
And love and pain,
Why should we fear
The wrath of the rain!