for steadfast honey,
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Dickinson - Two - Complete |
"Is that
to make it ok?
Guess: |
kosher |
Question: |
Was it ok? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
It works to represent that school of thought
the hair-cloth chair to such perfection, Nor will the horrid threats of Bernard Shaw
Shake up the stagnant pool of its convictions ;
Nay, should the deathless voice of all the world
Speak once again for its sole stimulation, 'Twould not move it one jot from left to right.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Pound-Ezra-Umbra-The-Early-Poems-of-Ezra-Pound |
"Are we lording
over everyone?
Guess: |
enlightenment |
Question: |
What don't anyone else have? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
This fact is not without
to women—it
seems to me they feel that I understand them
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v17 |
"I'm just
the bubble.
Guess: |
caressing |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
E quoque producunt verba
Prima E corripiunt ante R duo lempora Ternte.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Latin - Elements of Latin Prosody and Metre Compiled with Selections |
I knew intellectually what Pierre was saying, but I'd been delving into an exhilarating state of bliss that was fueled by my enthusiasm for playfully bickering with guys like Pierre for
years in a row by that point.
Guess: |
Question: |
How does one change a spat into bliss? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
in the street
at the .
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Epic of Gilgamesh |
128; the last years of,
162; the case of Achilles and, 189; the pan-
Hellenism of, the
fact in Greek culture,
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v18 |
"Are you
Guess: |
serious |
Question: |
What wasn't understood? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
But to
mine oath!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Pushkin - Boris Gudonov |
Earl, "Whoa, is this whole thing
Guess: |
alive |
Question: |
Is only part political? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
Huge sea-wood fed with copper
Burned green and orange, framed by the
In which sad light a carved dolphin swam.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
T.S. Eliot - The Waste Land |
"It's a
and an efficiency, come on Heather.
Guess: |
miracle |
Question: |
What she prefer? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
It is highly probable that philosophers within the
domain of the Ural-Altaic languages (where the conception of the subject
is least developed) look otherwise "into the world," and will be
found on paths of thought different from those of the Indo-Germans and
Mussulmans, the spell of certain
functions is ultimately
also the spell of PHYSIOLOGICAL valuations and racial conditions.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Niezsche - Beyond Good and Evil |
And you, Suzy, had better be able to
the work you did during each hour you file with me.
Guess: |
Question: |
What work did Suzy do? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
In general, in the Middle-way tradition, it is said that the essence of all
objects is empty.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Spiritual-Song-of-Lodro-Thaye |
"Are you
with Tammy?
Guess: |
intimate |
Question: |
How's she in bed? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
The mouth of the rivers
into the sea
of Aral.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower School by Stevenson |
I asked George what he thought about that, and he avoided explaining what he had been like at that age by threatening to tip off the university administration about my antisocial behavior on campus, so I said, "I think you're living, breathing proof that people don't change," while pretending to be a college professor who was
pretending to be a cheerleader.
Guess: |
coquettishly |
Question: |
Do people change? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
349-351 'of
Apelles which was in this very temple has not yet been
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Herodas the Mimes - 1922 - Headlam-Knox |
software is wide open.
Guess: |
Philosophical |
Question: |
How will educational software teach? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Sarojini Naidu - Golden Threshold |
"I love you too, Suzy; Suzy the
Guess: |
Conqueror |
Question: |
What battle did Suzy win? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
As to the happiest
_day_, that must be very difficult for any wise man to name, because any
event that could occupy so distinguished a place in a man's retrospect of
his life, or be entitled to have shed a special felicity on any one day,
ought to be of such an enduring character as that (accidents apart) it
should have
to shed the same felicity, or one not
distinguishably less, on many years together.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
De Quincey - Confessions of an Opium Eater |
Marshall and I laughed at Pierre's performance while George tried not to react, so Pierre focused on
George with his imaginary sword, and then George said, in self-defense, "The only realistic scenario in which we'll get to test Suzy's conjecture is if we get stranded and run out of food," and then I punched Marshall in the shoulder hard enough to inspire him to play the victim and act like he was accommodating all of us by not counter punching anyone.
Guess: |
Question: |
What is Suzy's conjecture? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perry - Suzy's Memoirs |
Ther' 's a small school'us' there where four roads meet,
The door-steps
out by little feet,
An' side-posts carved with names whose owners grew 140
To gret men, some on 'em, an' deacons, tu;
'tain't used no longer, coz the town hez gut
A high-school, where they teach the Lord knows wut:
Three-story larnin' 's pop'lar now: I guess
We thriv' ez wal on jes' two stories less,
For it strikes me ther' 's sech a thing ez sinnin'
By overloadin' children's underpinnin':
Wal, here it wuz I larned my ABC,
An' it's a kind o' favorite spot with me.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
James Russell Lowell |
what they
as their cultural domain.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Adorno-Jargon-of-Authenticity |
As all rulers, men at the head of chains of command, either come from a class habituated to producing decision makers or are strivers from the swamps and bayous who learn the same ways and vocabulary either in big organizations or government, the case is strong for at least entertaining the notion that there is in the United States a partially open ruling class
around its own special values.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Lundberg - The-Rich-and-the-Super-Rich-by-Ferdinand-Lundberg |
3% of actyls have been
added in the revision, and I thus reach the
the percentage of the first Amores did not exceed 48.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Ovid - 1869 - Juvenile Works and Spondaic Period |
Soon after Sir John left England, he wrote to the
Prince, regretting his absence from him in strong terms;
adding, that his grief was
in some measure by
these considerations; first, that by his travels in other
countries, and the experience which he might gain by
it, he should some time or other be more qualified to
execute his Highness's commands, which were and
always should be sacred to him.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Childrens - Little Princes |
And this is Wellington's an- swer,
on the regions rare of me, Belchum: "Figtreeyou!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
A-Skeleton-Key-to-Finnegans-Wake |
one's attention outwardly to objective appearances and meditating on phenomena leads to the realization of spontaneous or co-emergent appearances.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Khenchen-Thrangu-Rinpoche-The-Spiritual-Song-of-Lodro-Thaye |
Bottle, whose
Do's ten thousand Secrets keep,
With attentive Ear I wait;
Ease my Mind, and speak my Fate.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Gargantua and Pantagruel by François Rabelais |
By means of happy
and discoveries,
we can train the individual differently and more
highly than has yet been done by mere chance and
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v08 |
He that applies himself to Study ought not to de-< s p i s e t h e E x e r c i s e s o f t h e B o d y -, a n d h e w h o m a k e s Bodily
his principal business, ought not to' neglectMeditationandStudy.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Plato - 1701 - Works - a |
What is important about China from the
of world history is not the present state of the reform or even its future prospects.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Fukuyama - End of History |
We encourage the use of public domain materials for these
and may be able to help.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Ovid - 1805 - Art of Live |
) is,
in reality, the contracted
participle of the verb Owe,
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Carey - Practice English Prosody Exercises |
I knew what all this meant, for the servants’ dinner-bell
was ringing at the very moment over our heads; and as I hate such
encroaching people (the Jacksons are very encroaching, I have always
said so: just the sort of people to get all they can), I said to the boy
directly (a great lubberly fellow of ten years old, you know, who ought
to be ashamed of himself),
take the boards to your father, Dick,
so get you home again as fast as you can.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Mansfield Park |
*% +A+ (("%*%" &*%*"# * *
46&*%"&+A/ &%:***"#"&%'& *%.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Dzongsar-Khyentse-Longchen-Nyingthig-Practice-Manual |
with Lithuania?
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Pushkin - Boris Gudonov |
Sez I, 'I'm up to all thet air, I guess I've ben to muster;
I know wy
air sot; you aint agoin' to eat us;
Caleb haint no monopoly to court the seenorcetas;
My folks to hum air full ez good ez his'n be, by golly!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
James Russell Lowell |
But as he had a reputation to maintain, he was ashamed
to admit before the
that he could not answer my challenge
or determine the question at issue; and he made an unintelligible
attempt to hide his perplexity.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Plato - Apology, Charity |
Miss Anne Charlotte Lynch has written little;
her compositions are even too few to be
volume form.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Poe - v08 |
Google Book Search helps
discover the world's books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Aquinas - Medieval Europe |
It is
few facts of importance are added in a century to the natural history
of any animal.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Thoreau - Excursions and Poems |
The idea
was recorded in the Manual and
to by Horace.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Ovid - 1934 - Metamorphoses in European Culture - v1 |
He i^
afterwards driven out of his Donji-
nions, 272, He affronts i'rofpero
Colonna, by giving him a mean Title,
upon which a Quarrel happens between
'em, 364
Amalteo condemned to live among the
Ignorant, 172
Ambition tn Philofophers of ill Ex-
ample, 110, III
Ambition, a Difcourfe of it made by
and Count Paolo
Brufantini, 4^8
Ammirato (Scipio) amifchievoui Po-
litician, thrown headlong from the
Tar pel an Rock, j~^, 174
Anger, a DifcOurfe of it made by A-
polJO, 4^2
Ants and Tortoifes of ill example to
Mankind, 181
Apoflolick See weigh'' d in a Ba'lance,^^S
and is after wards reproved tn Par-
nalTus^ji ihePoliticalCe/:^or^^Si,iS2
ApuleiusV golden Afs compUms to A-
pollo agiinjl his Majhr, 15
## p.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Boccalini - 1611 - Advices from Parnassus, in two centuries, with the Political touchstone |
This book is a review of the history of
with the
object of discovering, in the phrase of Nietzsche, "under
what conditions and where the plant man flourished best.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v09 |
It cannot be simply a restoration ot the so-called liberal education of pre-war times, too often merely the con- tinuance of
ideas, traditional methods.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Propaganda - 1943 - Post War Prospect of Liberal Education |
This is the land the sunset washes,
These are the banks of the Yellow Sea;
Where it rose, or whither it rushes,
These are the western
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Dickinson - Three - Complete |
to the end of my nose!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Lear - Nonsense |
Gotebald gave thanks to God for the great favour
him, and after it, he lived for many years.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v3 |
Then read from the
The poem of thy choice,
And lend to the rhyme of the poet
The beauty of thy voice.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Edgar Allen Poe |
est hominum beatiorum!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Catullus - Hubbard - Poems |
Through the silent-roaring ocean
Did the Turtle swiftly go;
fast upon his shell
Rode the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Lear - Nonsense |
Now green's the sod, and cauld's the clay,
That wraps my
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Golden Treasury |
Child Verse
A LITTLE Boy, of
^^^ But far from home to-day,
Comes down to find His ball, the Earth,
That Sin has cast away.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Childrens - Child Verse |
and pity for her said No.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Man and Superman- A Comedy and a Philosophy by Bernard Shaw |
of the pyre.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Pattern Poems |
side believes that
the size of transfers would prompt the war.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Schwarz - Committments |
viii): "As this
cause is
holy to me, I am ready to listen to
any suggestions as to improvements of style or sense
comingfrom qualified sources.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Nietzsche - v18 |
So then lay targeteer Iphicles along; and as for me, I wept to behold the
plight of my children, till sleep the delectable was gone from my eyes, and lo!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Megara and Dead Adonis |
to be a,
10 the Shanru of thi.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Hart-Clive-1962-Structure-and-Motif-in-Finnegans-Wake |
Finally, beside
hegemonic powers and traditions, people's heads -
too full - constitute a third instance which does not like to listen to the spirit of
Enlightenment innovation.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Sloterdijk-Cynicism-the-Twilight-of-False-Consciousness |
Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-27 05:04 GMT / http://hdl.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Demosthenes - Against Midias |
You two are fine, mee fed like pray you licence mee while
home tary, whiles you take vew
grose knave styll have my will,
fynde some odde
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Dodsley - Select Collection of Old Plays - v1 |
+ Refrain from automated querying Do not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system: If you are conducting research on machine translation, optical character recognition or other areas where access to a large amount of text is helpful, please
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
The_satires_of_Persius |
--He took her hand;--whether she had not
herself made the first motion, she could not say--she might, perhaps,
have rather offered it--but he took her hand, pressed it, and certainly
was on the point of carrying it to his lips--when, from some fancy or
other, he
let it go.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Austen - Emma |
This teaching assumes
that the
temperature, whether high or low, which
had prevailed from the poles to the equator gave place
to climatic differences consequent on the sun having
shrunk towards its present diameter.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Henry Adams - 1919 - Degradation of Democratic Dogma |
ThattheCatholic Church division is
can hardly be doubted; for,itissupportedbytheautho- rity of the Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v6 |
Thou dwell'st with all
to sight, and solemn festivals are thy delight.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Orphic Hymns |
Despite the estimation of
de Bausset, former Bishop of Alais, that Chateaubriand was ".
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Chateaubriand - Travels to Italy |
proach, upbraid, censure, repro- To
— refute, disprove,
bate; doom, sentence.
Guess: |
denounce |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Perkins - 1836 - Scholars Reference Book |
With both beauty of detail and
problematic interest, the short stories show an incoherence of treatment
and a lack of dramatic co-ordination easily
in a poet who is
essentially lyrical and who at that time had not mastered the means of
technique to give to his characters the clear chiselling of the epic
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Rilke - Poems |
48 is 183 % of what
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Tuyl - 1911 - Complete business arithmetic |
' he asked,
at the vicar, who was fidgeting about with the fire-irons and repeating his belief that Lucian must be very cold.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Fletcher - Lucian the Dreamer |
Both of them
in the founding convention of Evraziia and occupy important positions in the party hierarchy.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Dugin - Alexander Dugin and New European Radical Right |
For Engelbert, Mary was preeminently the rose, every stanza of his
beginning with the same salutation: "Ave, rosa.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Mary and the Art of Prayer_Ave Maria |
But then my wife and
O, wither would they go!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Robert Burns - Poems and Songs |
In the sixth, the jongleur is getting desperate:
Seigneurs, pour l'amour de Dieu, faites silence, écoutez-moi,
Pour qu'en partant de ce monde vous
dans un meilleur;
but after this exclamation he has his way, though the story proper is
still a good way off.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Lascelles Abercrombie - The Epic |
Here he
me with ev'rything, sees that I get what I call for;
Each day that passes he spreads freshly plucked roses for me.
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Goethe - Erotica Romana |
If the idea of artworks is eternal life, they can attain this only by annihilating everything living within their domain: This too inheres in their
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Theoder-Adorno-Aesthetic-Theory |
"Yet with these April sunsets, that
My buried life, and Paris in the Spring,
I feel immeasurably at peace, and find the world
To be wonderful and youthful, after all.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Eliot - Prufrock and Other Observations |
The last possession of defiled-neutral
that the saint who becomes an Arhat abandons.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Abhidharmakosabhasyam-Vol-1-Vasubandhu-Poussin-Pruden-1991 |
The restoration of the western posts was
an object of more than one hundred
pounds per
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Hamilton - 1834 - Life on Hamilton - v2 |
They find it
to think and even to learn because they are afraid they might think the wrong thoughts or learn the wrong things.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Adorno-T-Authoritarian-Personality-Harper-Bros-1950 |
+ Refrain from automated querying Do not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system: If you are conducting research on
translation, optical character recognition or other areas where access to a large amount of text is helpful, please contact us.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Childrens - Longfellow - Child's Hour |
But weighing and
these circumstances isjiot a matter for conscience,
but for your reason.
Guess: |
deciding |
Question: |
How does one weigh conscience and reason? |
Answer: |
Source: |
Sovoliev - End of History |
in vain the contrary defend:
Their arguments are feeble all and base,
And truth alone triumphant mounts on high!
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Petrarch |
--To be
to pleasure.
Guess: |
bound |
Question: |
How does one transcend pleasure's snares? |
Answer: |
Cleobulus did not elaborate further. |
Source: |
Diogenes Laertius |
) some case of the kind implicating, it is interdum believed, a quidam (if he did not exist it would be necessary quoniam to invent him) abhout that time stambuling haround Dumbaling in leaky sneakers with his tarrk record who has remained topantically anonymos but (let us hue him
Gamellaxarksky) was, it is stated, posted at Mallon's at the instance of watch warriors of the vigilance committee and years afterwards, cries one even greater, Ibid, a commender of the frightful, seemingly, unto such as were sulhan sated, tropped head (pfiat!
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Finnegans |
Sweyn was obliged to leave England,
and to follow his confederate ; but, he never
forgave Olaf, for
what he deemed to be a breach of faith, in their engagement.
Guess: |
finally |
Question: |
How did Olaf breach the faith? |
Answer: |
Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v7 |
rerumque uetant cognoscere finem
mortalis oculos.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Oxford Book of Latin Verse |
Edited by Fathers
de Smedt, Gulielmus Van Hooff and Josephus de Backer.
Guess: |
Question: |
What did they edit? |
Answer: |
Source: |
O'Hanlon - Lives of the Irish Saints - v7 |
New Edition, with Portrait
A Boy's Will
Carl Sandburg's
Chicago Poems
Lew Sarrett's
Many Many Moons
Louis Untermeyer's
These Times
---- and Other Poets
Poems of Heinrich Heine (Translated)
The New Era in American Poetry
Margaret Widdemer's
The Old Road to Paradise
Factories and Other Poems
* * * * *
American and
Selected and arranged by Burton Egbert Stevenson
Third Edition Revised and Enlarged
Over 4,000 pages of the best verse in English, ranging all the way
from the classics to some of the best newspaper verse of to-day.
Guess: |
Question: |
Answer: |
Source: |
Robert Frost - A Mountain Interval |
In summer I sleep, and lie
On your grassy banks, or write
In your green willows immersed,
Seeking to spread your glory
Through all the universe,
Demanding that Memory
Keeps you alive,
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Ronsard |
With twilight it again came on to blow,
But not with violence; the stars shone out,
The boat made way; yet now they were so low,
They knew not where nor what they were about;
they saw land, and some said 'No!
Guess: |
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Answer: |
Source: |
Bryon - Don Juan |